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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bah, pegasus knights. "Ooo, we got high speeeeed, we have flier utility, ooo look out everyone, she's gonna hurt you with her 4 strength, ooo scary." Real men and women become knights and patiently walk the distance.

Walking takes too long. Dammit I wanna kill em NOW NOW NOW!! 😎

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Oh fuck, I forgot.

Goddammit, FE6! Why must Henning be such a fucking dick?

A little dodgy, aint he? I thought of that plan myself once til I looked at the map 🧐

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, that was a very pleasant chapter. In any other game I would call it a complete bore, but considering FE6 is no slouch, least of all in hard mode, I am convinced this chapter's the way it is because they intended for you to use it to train Lilina. And, y'know, the rest. Frankly, I'll take it. It's a fun time training these idiots.


So I just spent 30-something turns watching this happen. The reward for my efforts?


Gwen grew powerful enough to survive a round against Henning. Incredible, incredible.

Wait til you get to the one on the Western Isles where you pick up Klein and whats-her-ass... Tate I think it it is 😁

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Now it makes sense why Yunobo is "Daruk's descendant" as opposed to something like "Daruk's Grandson".

So in Hyrule we have:

  • Bird people
  • Fish people with century-spanning lifespans
  • A race genetically dominated by the X chromosome (Gerudo traits in general just overpower everything else)
  • Tiny people (Minish Cap)
  • Kids who don't age (Ocarina)
  • Leaves
  • Moles (Skyward Sword)
  • Jellyfish (Skyward Sword)
  • Dragon-Goat people
  • Rock people that just show up one day
  • Humans 
Edited by Armagon
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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So in Hyrule we have:

  • Bird people
  • Fish people with century-spanning lifespans
  • A race genetically dominated by the X chromosome (Gerudo traits in general just overpower everything else)
  • Tiny people (Minish Cap)
  • Kids who don't age (Ocarina)
  • Leaves
  • Moles (Skyward Sword)
  • Jellyfish (Skyward Sword)
  • Dragon-Goat people
  • Rock people that just show up one day
  • Humans 

What about Kikwis?

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13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's never easy for anyone, to know what to say in such situations. I feel just the thought is nice, though.

The thought is nice, speaking of which

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My Condolences

Its appreciated.


13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...Sometime after writing my inquiry, I realized that it might've been rude of me to ask this of you. Not everyone is willing to talk the "why" behind their mechanisms for dealing with depression and other issues. I can imagine for some that talking/writing about how they treat their wounds would reopen them. Autistic lack of tact, and perhaps I'm too used to video games, where NPCs are usually willing to lay everything out about themselves if you select the correct dialogue choice. I apologize.

I didn't find it rude, and personally, I don't think an apology was needed, but I appreciate that you cared enough about my feeling on the matter to offer one anyway.


7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Look, you can hate on FE6 for a variety of reasons, but even you - yes, you, the biggest FE6 hater - have to admit that taking the memiest units in the game and giving them a triangle attack was the funniest idea.

I love the armor triangle attack, but I do usually end up dropping the armors somewhere in the Western Isles...


6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

I've been watching peeps play Sacred Stones ironmans as of late. I have been having to re-evaluate how easy it really is because the peeps in question make moves that are just plain stupid. Like allowing someone who gets doubled to face Valter. No prizes for guessing how that ended. And putting Neimi and Lute out in the open... in a fog of war map... when they were already damaged... and not bothering to heal.

Playing stupid for the camera (because its funny) can be kinda common too.

In my experience an FE8 ironman isn't that hard, but you might loss a unit or two on the first fog map, and there are maps like Phantom Ship, and Last Hope where you need to know what you are doing to make them easy. Also I have the worst possible luck with enemy status staff, so working on getting three staff units to Restore rank can mitigate that on the double Berserk staff map.


3 hours ago, Benice said:



On the other hand, the party has appealed to conspiracy theories invoking the figure of George Soros as a mastermind behind Catalan separatism 


George Soros is the Jewish person modern day Nazis think is secretly running the world with money. Any conspiracy with him involved often has a Nazi behind it, so the party is probably trying to appeal to whatever neonazi movement Spain has with that one.

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3 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:


If they did that more, they wouldn't make facepalm-worthy decisions. I mean, seriously, one dude blindly had Cormag charge an enemy... and right into bow range. And another had Vanessa engage a gargoyle without bothering to check if she could survive the other one and the one she attacked. His genius strategy? Rescue her with Tana. Which worked well enough... if you wanted to senselessly sacrifice a unit.

Uhm... Considering there are those that consider The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel difficult, I cant say im surprised. Xd

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I think the perpetrators in Cold Steel III's A Tale of 2 Shops quest got off a bit too easy for trying to burn down their competitor's store. Though they never tried to directly murder anyone, so it is arguably less strange than in Xenoblade 2's Mellica the Chorister quest.

I was expecting the sidequest fight with Wallace to be on par with the dreaded Lynn and Aeolia fight, but it was more doable that I imagined. Mainly because Shining art + Sirius MQ + Spirit Unification makes Rean do 11,000 damage when counterattacking. It still doesn't make the fight a cakewalk though, since getting into counterattack range can be tricky.

The pace of plot developments has been generally consistent in this chapter (full Sara and Claire backstories, hooray), but I have some musseings about the backstory of Rean's biggest fangirl in particular (Ch. 3):


Aside from the whole thing of "Musse" being an alias, it's implied that she's not actually related to House Egret. We do see her parents in a flashback, but either they're also not related to the Egrets or they're not her biological parents. My current assumption is that she's somehow part of House Cayenne, whether she's Duke Cayenne's illegitimate daughter or something else. This would imply that Duke Cayenne could get a girlfriend, so it seems unlikely.


40 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I can't believe it took 25 years to explain where Gorons come from (and why there are no female Gorons, by extension).

1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

Uhm... Considering there are those that consider The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel difficult, I cant say im surprised. Xd

Yes that's me, I am one of those people. Or at least, I feel like the difficulty has been fair so far.

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1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

Yes that's me, I am one of those people. Or at least, I feel like the difficulty has been fair so far.

You should in CS III, always be using Musse's order and Chrono Burst spam. 

That and anytime Fie is around, Concealing Wind. 100% free wins on both accounts.

You dont need anything else, truly.

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Another thing is stack quartz like faint. 

That way, for example, you have Faint 1, 2, and 3, they call give different rates of side as, but due to a bug, they always go off of the highest chance everytime it checks, so 3 chances for the highest percent of faint. This includes craft rates as well.

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1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

What about Kikwis?

Also bird people but they can't fly

6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I can't believe it took 25 years to explain where Gorons come from (and why there are no female Gorons, by extension).

There is a Goron in Gerudo Town in BotW. Although maybe it doesn't matter if it's Gorons.

We do learn that Gerudo Town gets most of it's jewels from Goron City so it'd just be bad business if every Goron was just banned from setting foot.


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I see that ToTT paces itself slowly. The main goal, if it can be considered such, is mending the relations between both towns. Well, doing that looks like it could go fast enough by just participating in the weekly cooking festivals, but the other aspect of it, clearing the collapsed tunnel that connected both areas, is the one that will take quite a while. Not only to gather the necessary stuff asked for it, but to the fact that it can only be done through requests, and those geared to the tunnel only show up on the first of every season. Yep, a long-term goal to look forward to as you do, well, the usual HM/SoS stuff.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I think this is actually my favorite version of Ganondorf.

  • OoT Ganondorf is iconic but the stuff he does to Hyrule isn't that well shown. Most fucked up thing is Hyrule Castle Town being in ruins but that's honestly about it.
  • WW Ganondorf shows a bit of self-reflection after spending eons in the Sacred Realm. A nice change for the character even if ultimately he still maintains his evil ways
  • FSA Ganondorf
  • TP Ganondorf is badass but also he does jack shit until the end
  • TotK Ganondorf really sells just how evil he is and his is undeniably the most powerful Ganondorf. Helps that Matt Mercer is delivering
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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those weapon triangle ideas, though. Kinda wish it'd happened, it would've made FE6 even zannier and axes less sad.

One could always hack it in.

It'd possibly be worse for axes in the finalized FE6, since it sounds like the normal WTA -which includes a precious +10 Hit- would not have existed.

The beta sword WTA bonus seems weak, since sword users usually are already fast. -Unless it'd let those who can naturally double do quads instead. Then it'd be quite strong against sluggish squishy Fighters. I'd implement that myself.

The beta lance WTA bonus is plain terrible. For one, it'd only activate on the enemy-phase. The second problem is even when it would activate, it would be very rare to see it matter. Since OHKOs don't come easy and near-death foes suiciding on a lance unit sounds rather uncommon. -I'd add in an additional player-phase bonus of "prevents the enemy from counterattacking", which doesn't seem overpowered factoring in the crazy sword & axe WTA. It'd also keep to the idea that I think explains the enemy-phase first strike- that a lance has a greater reach than a sword. Steel Lance accuracy issues would be even worse however with no +10 Hit, and my added bonus would be junk for armor knights.

Although on realism, I'm not sure that the spear's reach would matter that much in one-on-one infantry vs. infantry combat. If we were talking a phalanx-esque line of spears, then confronting it head-on would be very dangerous. -Provided the enemy couldn't flank the phalanx and strike from the sides or behind the shielded & pointy line. A lighter spear could possibly adapt if the enemy slipped around or snuck in too close. A bigger, longer, heavier polearm, like a pike, would be all the better at keeping things at a safe distance when in formation. However, they would also be more vulnerable if the enemy surrounded a pikeman or managed to slip past the pointy points. And a pike would be total junk in one vs. one combat. Greek Hoplites for their part carried a xiphos or kopis short sword alongside their famed aspis shields and primary weapon the dory/dory light/medium spear. The sword served a backup weapon that worked better in closest combat, and in case the doru broke.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

There is a Goron in Gerudo Town in BotW. Although maybe it doesn't matter if it's Gorons.

If Gorons are but earth dirt/rock that magically acquire enough animistic energies to come alive, then they don't have biological sexes.

Not to say Gorons can't have gender, since gender is a social construct. I would hypothesize the use of the phrase "brother" and other masculine self-descriptors in Goron society dates back to some early date in their interactions with Hylians or other high-intelligence sexed species. Those species would've developed a concept of gender, owing to their own sexual dimorphic biology.

  • Then, once the Gorons became familiar enough with those cultures, the curious, adventurous and eager among them would've began considering adopting aspects of non-Goron culture into their society. For whatever reasons, this long-past initial cultural-linguistic adoption saw the Gorons adopt but one gender for themselves- the masculine. And there appears not to have been any amending of this self-conception since.
  • Or, perhaps Hylians or others in their early exchanges with Gorons, needed/chose to refer to the Gorons by gendered language. The Hylians settled on the masculine, and the Gorons did not object it to when they became aware of how the Hylians referred to them. Then adopting the exonymic phrasing as endonymic in a rather carefree way.

This speculation is not solely the product of my own thinking. I consulted a few Orpheans.

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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If Gorons are but earth dirt/rock that magically acquire enough animistic energies to come alive, then they don't have biological sexes.

Not to say Gorons can't have gender, since gender is a social construct. I would hypothesize the use of the phrase "brother" and other masculine self-descriptors in Goron society dates back to some early date in their interactions with Hylians or other high-intelligence sexed species. Those species would've developed a concept of gender, owing to their own sexual dimorphic biology.

  • Then, once the Gorons became familiar enough with those cultures, the curious, adventurous and eager among them would've began considering adopting aspects of non-Goron culture into their society. For whatever reasons, this long-past initial cultural-linguistic adoption saw the Gorons adopt but one gender for themselves- the masculine. And there appears not to have been any amending of this self-conception since.
  • Or, perhaps Hylians or others in their early exchanges with Gorons, needed/chose to refer to the Gorons by gendered language. The Hylians settled on the masculine, and the Gorons did not object it to when they became aware of how the Hylians referred to them. Then adopting the exonymic phrasing as endonymic in a rather carefree way.

This speculation is not solely the product of my own thinking. I consulted a few Orpheans.

Yeah that's what i meant when i said it doesn't matter if it's Gorons. Because Gorons are biologically genderless. Regardless of what they identify as, it doesn't come into conflict with Gerudo Town's no-men allowed rule (unless that man is Link, he has permission).

This is why TotK sidequests are good. For the first time ever we truly learn about all the different races that inhabit Hyrule. The Gerudo benefit the most from this, as this game truly does dive in to what Gerudo culture is like. The Gerudo went from Amazonian bandits in the desert/sea to an actual culture. Hell even the Yiga get something that makes them feel truly tangible, when back in BotW they were just Team Rocket. I mean, they're still Team Rocket, but now they feel like an threat.

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Okay, doing a little Trails tonight and...

Oh lol, giant roadrunners? Man, they can hit hard... on themselves if under Confuse, pft.

Also, White Gehenna is so useful.

Okay, reached Air-Letten and... oh come on, now there's a girl here called Tia? LOL At least the latter makes more sense. Which reminds me. A guy at the Ruan bar was named... Primo. Tio, Tia, and Primo... gee, I hope I don't come across a little kid named Abuelo or something...

Uncle Dish still remains the funniest, though.


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Alright, beat the Ravens, and I guess the arsonist job is done for now. And finally, Kloe joins the party for real, yay.

Now it's off to the school...




This is where the game's crossdressing fetish comes to the forefront, isn't it.

Well, I'll deal with that... next time.

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8 hours ago, Benice said:

Speaking of, I did a bit of research on that far-right party to see how it stacks up to America, and...


Like I said, they're wannabe Trumpers. Guess their rise means we too want to be America.

6 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Walking takes too long. Dammit I wanna kill em NOW NOW NOW!! 😎

Fine. Simply rescue the knight to the action.

6 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

A little dodgy, aint he? I thought of that plan myself once til I looked at the map 🧐

They really just didn't want Barthe to have any glory. If the triangle attack had been a possibility it might've been an unironically decent strategy to deploy the knights to whittle him down. Alas...

6 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Wait til you get to the one on the Western Isles where you pick up Klein and whats-her-ass... Tate I think it it is 😁

I think she goes by Thea these days. She was always my favorite Binding Blade pegasus, just because she's slightly less generic than Shanna and has slightly more workable ststs. lol Juno

4 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I love the armor triangle attack, but I do usually end up dropping the armors somewhere in the Western Isles...

Weakness. I will not drop 'em til the game itself drops. Sure, two of them're gonna have to wait till chapter 16 to get movement, unless I pull off the impossible Early Perceval recruitment and the even more impossible survival of his knights in chapter 13, but I have faith. They will keep up and walk the distance.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

One could always hack it in.

It would be very difficult, especially with how neglected FE6 hacking is compared to 8 and even 7. But who knows, they've done some serious miracles with 8.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It'd possibly be worse for axes in the finalized FE6, since it sounds like the normal WTA -which includes a precious +10 Hit- would not have existed.

Oh God, I hadn't considered that.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The beta sword WTA bonus seems weak, since sword users usually are already fast. -Unless it'd let those who can naturally double do quads instead. Then it'd be quite strong against sluggish squishy Fighters. I'd implement that myself.

I feel there's a reason the brave sword is unobtainable. It always seemed like an odd Binding Blade oversight to me, but thinking about it more, perhaps they realized Rutger with a brave sword would just be too dumb. You know, if Rutger with a killing edge wasn't dumb enough.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The beta lance WTA bonus is plain terrible. For one, it'd only activate on the enemy-phase. The second problem is even when it would activate, it would be very rare to see it matter. Since OHKOs don't come easy and near-death foes suiciding on a lance unit sounds rather uncommon. -I'd add in an additional player-phase bonus of "prevents the enemy from counterattacking", which doesn't seem overpowered factoring in the crazy sword & axe WTA. It'd also keep to the idea that I think explains the enemy-phase first strike- that a lance has a greater reach than a sword. Steel Lance accuracy issues would be even worse however with no +10 Hit, and my added bonus would be junk for armor knights.

Yeah, you basically described why I don't care for Vantage in any game that isn't Berwick.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although on realism, I'm not sure that the spear's reach would matter that much in one-on-one infantry vs. infantry combat. If we were talking a phalanx-esque line of spears, then confronting it head-on would be very dangerous. -Provided the enemy couldn't flank the phalanx and strike from the sides or behind the shielded & pointy line. A lighter spear could possibly adapt if the enemy slipped around or snuck in too close. A bigger, longer, heavier polearm, like a pike, would be all the better at keeping things at a safe distance when in formation. However, they would also be more vulnerable if the enemy surrounded a pikeman or managed to slip past the pointy points. And a pike would be total junk in one vs. one combat. Greek Hoplites for their part carried a xiphos or kopis short sword alongside their famed aspis shields and primary weapon the dory/dory light/medium spear. The sword served a backup weapon that worked better in closest combat, and in case the doru broke.

These games don't even get the basic terminology right. How long have they insisted on calling spears "lances"?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:



Palla can take on a demon king, no problem

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Actually, thinking about it, I don't think I've ever used Klein before. Man's just easy to forget, compared to Wolt's meme mastery, Dorothy's status as anime's one and only unattractive girl, and Igrene's great character.

I suppose I owe him a shot. As much as I'd rather just use Igrene again lol

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Well. It's official. I am henceforth, and until new notice, unemployed.

It has been one hell of a journey. Learned a lot about bureaucracy, about humanity and about admin powers and lack thereof. Makes me sad to go, but there's nothing to be done, I'm afraid.

And now to see what happens next.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well. It's official. I am henceforth, and until new notice, unemployed.

It has been one hell of a journey. Learned a lot about bureaucracy, about humanity and about admin powers and lack thereof. Makes me sad to go, but there's nothing to be done, I'm afraid.

And now to see what happens next.

I pray for your life to take another path towards happiness! ❤️

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29 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I pray for your life to take another path towards happiness! ❤️

For the time being, it should take me on the path of the armor. Triangle attacking my way through Etruria, Sacae and Bern all!

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12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

George Soros is the Jewish person modern day Nazis think is secretly running the world with money.

But, like... Catalan independence has had a movement for a really damn long time, and really, if you look at history... Well, it kind of speaks for itself. Even if one were a conspiracy theorist, I really don't see how anyone could logically even come up with this conclusion...

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I said, they're wannabe Trumpers. Guess their rise means we too want to be America.

I still think it's the funniest (and also scariest) thing ever that DeSantis is running with the platform of making America into Florida when Florida is known for being terrible. Especially under DeSantis.

...I never thought I'd be cheering for feckin' Trump of all people to win the presidential nominations...

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52 minutes ago, Benice said:

...I never thought I'd be cheering for feckin' Trump of all people to win the presidential nominations...

One could say it might be better if DeSantis won, since Trump's ego won't let him accept that and chose to run third party, thus splitting the vote. Then again...

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Ah yes, i'm seeing a few people hating on Yona TotK for the sole reason that "a woman got in the way of my gay ship". It's not a lot of people but i like i knew it was gonna happen.

5 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

The real question Armagon is who is the real monster, Ganondorf or Link?



1 hour ago, Benice said:

Even if one were a conspiracy theorist, I really don't see how anyone could logically even come up with this conclusion...

That's every conspiracy theorist. They just make something up and then gaslight themselves into thinking it's real.

1 hour ago, Benice said:

I still think it's the funniest (and also scariest) thing ever that DeSantis is running with the platform of making America into Florida when Florida is known for being terrible. Especially under DeSantis.

DeSantis' talking points are almost full-on Nazi. Like they are thinly veiled. Like at least Trump just wanted the prestige with the added benefit of abusing the system. DeSantis probably read Mein Kampf unironically.

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