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11 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

One day about 25 years or so ago in a previous line of work, the boss man pointed to marks on a concrete floor, and then to a nearby jackhammer, and said “get busy”

Word to the wise. Wear ear plugs when you do that. Lol 

The ear ringies sucked enough but the vibration itchies was even more miserable


7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Just wait until you have children of own. Or distant cousins

I mean, I do have cousins. That may probably prove problematic down the line.

But me have children lol if I manage to lose my virginity within my lifetime it'll be enough of a miracle

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


I like how you just knew which one it was from my extremely vague description.

2 hours ago, gnip said:

One of the tragedies of the recent(-ish) years is that Tim Curry can't escape capitalism even in space anymore :(:

We all thought Jeff Bezos only went to space on a whim, but he had a secret goal: He was pursuing Tim Curry.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I like how they translate part of the text on a note underneath the pannel so they don't have to redraw a cord

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Alright time to put off the scary Ryouma chapter with some more Great Ace Attorney reactions, and I cut off midtrial last time, so lets just jump right in

Edit: Pat and Roly make far too cute a couple, I almost want to share a sequence of the two spinning towards eachother, but that would take too much time and effort.

Edit 2: I get the feeling Roly may have moved the body to save his anniversary plans, and its hard not to sympathize with the sentiment.

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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No, I'm Sorry Mr. Beate. The truth had to come out.

Edit: Its all coming together, with Lord Van Zeiks backing us up in dragging that Juror to the witness stand itself.

Edit 2: SHe just listed Juror as her occupation...lol. I guess it is less embarassing than admitting that your job is cosplaying as a Maid for your husband.

Edit 3: ANd Mr. Garrideb joins her. This is turning into the marital case with a couple of married couples as the witnesses, which reminds me

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, the Zeorymer manga is... yeah, be thankful the OVA was more family-friendly (as if that's saying a lot) that SRW could make use of it.

HPZ in SRWJ does leave of something of a uniquely dark impression as is.

It isn’t Dr. Kihara by himself (although they really nailed "diabolical fatass smugness" with his portrait), or how J's rendition of Awaken, Zeorymer has an ominous feeling to it. The smoking gun for me was the dialogue of “here is a picture of you of when you were a test-tube fetus”, it has a certain raw, no sugarcoating, no brushing-it-over dark laboratory experimentation science vibe. And then the way they phrased Masato being told his “parents” aren’t his parents, specifically that they were paid to raise him, that was just as plain and brutal. Subtle details I speak of, but they do matter. It'd be possible to have "I was experimented on/an experiment" and have an overall light story (see the J Original sub-pilots), but Hades Project Zeorymer sounds like it went all-in on the darkness with this.

And yes, I know SEED has those nukes and other WMDs, and that Gundam is supposed to be "serious blahblahblah war is hell" but still doesn't have as dark an overall mouthfeel as Zeorymer in J. Content and the framing of the content are two different things.


18 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Atlus has been working on this in silence for years. To the point people started thinking it was vaporware. For something that has spent that long in the oven and supposedly was going to be something venturing beyond Atlus's norms, this end result does look very typical of the company.

Not a priority whatsoever for me. But I guess I'll check the reviews when it comes out to see how it is.

And personally, that one-man American Persona ARPG Persona knockoff has caught my attention more than any of these newly revealed Atlus projects. I'm afraid this cheesy budget indie game going to bomb, badly.😆 And yet, the mere inclusion of one s/s option is pulling me towards it -even if I'm concerned with no evidence behind me that the lone dev will somehow godawfully botch the writing of it in particular. A double negative whammy if both instinctual fears come true. And Sept 28th for a release date... weeks too late for a bday gift, and almost October, which leaves it perhaps better for an Xmas present, the release date is in a limbo I don't like. Assuming it turns out to be actually worth getting, which I question despite the hype of other Internet weebs.


10 hours ago, Benice said:


*Checks images of the next LAD game*

Oh. Well, the franchise does have its reputation for insanity, nothing out of the norm if the norm is harmless madness as opposed to the harmful normalized madness that fills modern society and goes effectively unaddressed. Though there has to be more than to it than just that for people to keep returning to it, right, right?😛

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14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


@Eltosian Kadath TIL the surname Garrideb may not have been a totally mindless Sherlock reference as I initially believed. Turns out gari means "flesh and bones" and debu means "fat" in Japanese. So the two halves of the surname fit the two Garridebs, but it was just lost in translation.

That is a really cool little detail their (like Naruhodo being a little punny in Japanese as well)

Edit: SHE JUST POURED TEA INTO HIS PiPE...and it must have been piping hot....Sorry

Edit 2: Finding a knife tip, in the tip of the pipe defies belief

Edit 3: I respect the Garrideb propensity for common crafts requiring a knife, like some whittling and basic leather-work


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I know I talked about this already, but its just so ridiculous (and as a tea addict especially amusing to me)

Edit: Also, 20 knives for the price of 19 sounds like a rather underwhelming deal.

Edit 2: The Wizardry of Finger Prints!

Edit 3: Sadly said Wizardry hasn't been fully accepted by British courts...yet...

Edit 4: Usually a nickname like Deadeye is a good thing...

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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Despite all their marital strife, there is something so touching in Mr. Garrideb struggling to hold up the fainting wife he so expertly caught

Edit: he even took over her position as Juror

Edit 2: Did Soseki just offer to give us his cat...the "evil spirit"

Edit 3: AAAHH, is that really what Sholmes looks like without his goofy getup?

Edit 4: And so the case ends with us all living at 221 B Baker St. Alas too perfect a stopping place to ignore I fear.

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

HPZ in SRWJ does leave of something of a uniquely dark impression as is.

It isn’t Dr. Kihara by himself (although they really nailed "diabolical fatass smugness" with his portrait), or how J's rendition of Awaken, Zeorymer has an ominous feeling to it. The smoking gun for me was the dialogue of “here is a picture of you of when you were a test-tube fetus”, it has a certain raw, no sugarcoating, no brushing-it-over dark laboratory experimentation science vibe. And then the way they phrased Masato being told his “parents” aren’t his parents, specifically that they were paid to raise him, that was just as plain and brutal. Subtle details I speak of, but they do matter. It'd be possible to have "I was experimented on/an experiment" and have an overall light story (see the J Original sub-pilots), but Hades Project Zeorymer sounds like it went all-in on the darkness with this.

And yes, I know SEED has those nukes and other WMDs, and that Gundam is supposed to be "serious blahblahblah war is hell" but still doesn't have as dark an overall mouthfeel as Zeorymer in J. Content and the framing of the content are two different things.

Heh, the MX version is even more ominous sounding.

I forgot how much of it is in SRW, but there's certainly some stuff it doesn't portray.

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So, I have ran into an unexpected, yet hilarious problem.


Sommie eats whoever recruits him.

Incredible. I've figured out the cause (it's the item get command that messes with things for some reason) but I'm almost tempted to leave it like that. Feed a sacrifice to the Somm in order to recruit him into your army.

2 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

No, I'm Sorry Mr. Beate. The truth had to come out

Interesting to think that he's the bigger criminal here. Everything else was an accident. He committed a serious crime and almost got an innocent person sent to the gallows for the sake of his anniversary celebration.

...And yet he's so much more likeable than the lesser criminal lol

52 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Despite all their marital strife, there is something so touching in Mr. Garrideb struggling to hold up the fainting wife he so expertly caught

And failing lol

26 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Playing Berwick makes me realise how much i prefer their weapon ranking system to FE. It's a much more flexible system overall.

You mean where units being able to use weapons depends on their level rather than a separate rank stat? I feel there are merits to both, but I do enjoy how you can use higher rank weapons, you're just worse at it and there's a chance of the weapon failing outright. It's a fun little mechanic.

...Also you had better recruit Derrick this time.

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Ah, sadly, being eaten doesn't kill the unit, it just makes them disappear for the duration of the map.

...The problem is that FE6's AI options are limited, and if I give Sommie the Somm Power from the start, he's going to murder someone and that doesn't feel right for Sommie. What to do, what to do...

8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I approve of you picking the true Sommie, hat Sommie

Most people prefer the shades and the brows, but personally, I think the tiny top hat is the most adorable option. And really, what else do you need when it comes to Sommie?

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EU4 fort movement rules suck.



France sends a 30k stack of troops to siege down my ally England's fort in Calais. After sieging down the French fort in Chartre (where the French one-stack is about to get wiped), my own troops can move to Calais to relieve the siege, although the French troops escape before they can get there. The problem: The only reason my troops could reach Calais at all was an exception: Normally the French fort in Picardy would block me from getting through, but because Calais is my ally's own fort, I'm always allowed to move there from an adjacent province.

However, this doesn't work bidirectional because Caux (hostile) and Valois (neutral) are not allied territory. So, because my troops now moved to Picardy from Calais or Artois, one of the two is their new "return province", which effectively traps them until I siege down Picardy. Meanwhile, the main French stack first retakes Chartres (with an artillery barage plus assault, I'm pretty sure, since the fort's garrison hasn't replenished in the meanwhile) and then moves on to...



...to make use of another universal EU4 fort rule: Adjacent Forts Lead To Fuckery.

In this case, I had my second siege stack (10k infantry, 10k artillery) siege down Lorraine (where the Gascon 9k-stack is right now) and then move on to siege down France's ally Straßburg's only province. The fuckery: Sieging down Lorraine somehow locks my troops in, even though Straßburg is the only hostile fort left in play (Mulhouse is also a French ally, but they don't have a fort building on their province). They can only move between Straßburg and Lorraine and nowhere else, even though I have access through both Barrois and Freigrafschaft.

So, while 40'000 of my own troops are trapped in northern France, 30'000 Frenchies, reinforced by their remaining 8'000 troops that were just roaming about before, come by and beat my 20'000 (half of which is artillery, which isn't particularly strong in combat at this early date) stack, which then can only retreat to Lorraine, providing France with an easy stackwipe on roughly 1/3 of my army. How very nice.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You mean where units being able to use weapons depends on their level rather than a separate rank stat? I feel there are merits to both, but I do enjoy how you can use higher rank weapons, you're just worse at it and there's a chance of the weapon failing outright. It's a fun little mechanic.

...Also you had better recruit Derrick this time

Yes, that. It feels more personal and unique overall to me.

I have to if i want Enid to promote, so yeah I will recruit him... Against my better judgment of course. Xd

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9 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I have to if i want Enid to promote, so yeah I will recruit him... Against my better judgment of course. Xd

Hmph... Enid? Recruiting Derrick is its own reward.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Sonic fans, i am so, so sorry.

I mean, by now you'd think Sonic fans are used to getting shat on

Anyway, I've never heard the name. What's so bad about them?

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Scenario 17 prevents Touya from being deployed. That wasn't the case with Calvina, that I remember. It is interesting, it had absolutely nothing to do with the J storyline, but Touya tagged along through the FMP-'kaiser hostage situation anyhow.

But, it does leave me befuddled about whether leaving Melua in the sub slot means S17 counted towards unlocking the J Mech's ultimate attack/ending. I know I have a little wiggle room, maybe 4 battles, between unlocking the final attack and getting one of the subs' endings, but I'd rather not skirt too close to the edge. I might choose to bench her at 18 battles (I'm keeping a tally) and then swap over to Katia for the midgame. If I don't get the strongest move right away, then no biggie, a couple extra battles' delay won't be a huge deal, especially since I'll have my team loaded with upgrades by then.


2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, I've never heard the name. What's so bad about them?

One of their most recent projects was Balan Wonderworld. One of Square Enix's biggest bombs in the past few years.

Checking their record, they also made Hey! Pikmin and Yoshi's New Island, neither was more than mediocre as a platformer so it seems.

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