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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah yes, those were the days, of even the games themselves telling you to not overuse them.

Not to overuse. Which is good advice when the Jeigan is well balanced (all three times that happened). The playerbase took that to mean "reset the map 10 times if you must, NEVER EVER let the Jeigan see combat."

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It's actually funny because Requiem was made back when that mindset was still thriving somewhat, and yet on the second map it hands you the funniest prepromotes ever on a map designed to have them eat up half the enemy population.

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32x was quick and easy. Onto endgame.


These are all the survivors going into endgame, except Matthew, who will survive because I’m not deploying him. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Guy and Bartre are promoted, they both suck.


Jesus Christ, my Lyn is cracked. She’s probably the MVP of this play through after Heath and Oswin (RIP), the non-swordslayer axe users last chapter had 0 hit against her. And she doubled Kishuna. But capped strength Lyn without RNG abuse or stat boosters is insane, I just started getting really lucky with strength levels halfway into the game or so. This is gonna turn me into one of those Lyn simps who are convinced she’s the best unit in all of Fire Emblem.

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Congrats on getting Karla, although I remember her stats being kind of underwhelming for how late she arrives.

Oh yeah, she’s mediocre. But she’s able to do something unlike a few of my living characters.

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Oh wow, you even unlocked chapter 32x, I was certainly too slow for that on my ironman.

Fear of reinforcements and not wanting to play a long, drawn out map will do that to you. But it would’ve been harder to do if I cared about sacrificing units along the way.

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You are on the home stretch, you can do this Sooks!

Thank you! I have Athos now so it should be easy. And my busted Lyn.

58 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Also minimum 5 range, which she would be relying on...


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Okay, short of actually heading for the Bionis' Interior, I've done all I can... not requiring killing monsters. Let's see what I can do...

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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's actually funny because Requiem was made back when that mindset was still thriving somewhat, and yet on the second map it hands you the funniest prepromotes ever on a map designed to have them eat up half the enemy population.

Now that I’m enjoying a cold beer out of a glass instead of a can which I haven’t done in some time, you have me thinking.

Was that game actually designed to test people who fell into what is apparently the classic FE prepromote trap? 🤔

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5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

32x was quick and easy. Onto endgame.


These are all the survivors going into endgame, except Matthew, who will survive because I’m not deploying him. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Guy and Bartre are promoted, they both suck.


Jesus Christ, my Lyn is cracked. She’s probably the MVP of this play through after Heath and Oswin (RIP), the non-swordslayer axe users last chapter had 0 hit against her. And she doubled Kishuna. But capped strength Lyn without RNG abuse or stat boosters is insane, I just started getting really lucky with strength levels halfway into the game or so. This is gonna turn me into one of those Lyn simps who are convinced she’s the best unit in all of Fire Emblem.

Oh yeah, she’s mediocre. But she’s able to do something unlike a few of my living characters.

Fear of reinforcements and not wanting to play a long, drawn out map will do that to you. But it would’ve been harder to do if I cared about sacrificing units along the way.

Thank you! I have Athos now so it should be easy. And my busted Lyn.


You got Oswin killed?? 🧐

You should be ashamed of yourself Lol

Pretty kickin stats on Lyn there.  Did you give her that Afa’s drops?

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:


I've seen a few Lyns like that. She likes coming out right for people, it would seem. Not me, but I got Matthis for that purpose.

7 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Now that I’m enjoying a cold beer out of a glass instead of a can which I haven’t done in some time, you have me thinking.

Was that game actually designed to test people who fell into what is apparently the classic FE prepromote trap? 🤔

I don't think that much thought went into the gameplay. Requiem was the product of someone who had a story in mind first and foremost. The gameplay came second and it shows.

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Just now, Sooks said:



These are all the survivors going into endgame, except Matthew, who will survive because I’m not deploying him. Don’t be fooled by the fact that Guy and Bartre are promoted, they both suck.

Lol, did you also make it to endgame with exactly 13 units alive so Matthew can stay on the bench?

6 minutes ago, Sooks said:



Jesus Christ, my Lyn is cracked. She’s probably the MVP of this play through after Heath and Oswin (RIP), the non-swordslayer axe users last chapter had 0 hit against her. And she doubled Kishuna. But capped strength Lyn without RNG abuse or stat boosters is insane, I just started getting really lucky with strength levels halfway into the game or so. This is gonna turn me into one of those Lyn simps who are convinced she’s the best unit in all of Fire Emblem.

Damn. Lyn being the surprise carry on this run is rather funny though, feels like one of those weird ironman quirks that makes them so memorable.


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22 hours ago, Sooks said:

That sure is a lot of money, it would be really irresponsible to drop 60 bucks on Reverie.


Yes, be irresponsible with your money and get Pikmin.

17 hours ago, Newtype06 said:
CDN media
On 11/16/2022 at 9:55 PM, Lightchao42 said:

If I had a mira for every Trails character who had green hair, wore glasses, was no-nonsense, and used guns, I'd have two mira. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

The jury's out on how Dudley feels about Jusis, however.

4 hours ago, CyberZord said:

Hol' up, Sora was 14 in the first game? I thought he was like, 11 years old in Kingdom Hearts 1. Well either way, I'm gonna miss KH1 Sora's voice a bit, there's an odd charm to it, like Tails' voice in the Sonic Adventure games. 

Haley Joel Osment was also 14 when Kingdom Hearts 1 released, so Sora was aged up as he got older. Tails used to be voiced by young boys as well, but now he gets female voice actors because they must've gotten tired of recasting him after every game.

Sonic Adventure's voice acting was actually pretty decent, when you consider that even the voice director was barely given any context.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Although I did like three and nine… maybe I will play Reverie…

I can't believe it, Reverie marks the return of D O O R S but it took Not-Rex and Sleepy Girl to sell you on it.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This is gonna turn me into one of those Lyn simps who are convinced she’s the best unit in all of Fire Emblem.

Sooks no, don't be someone who says "actually Lyn doesn't have enough alts in Heroes".

Lyn was pretty useful in my playthrough, but I never actually finished it so I'm probably misinformed.

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Ruben truly is an inspiration


>be me
>boss is a general
>has cancer
>hammers freshly bought from Bord.com
>surround beta boss with the boiz
>Proc le critical
>Bord obtained cancer
We do a bit of chopping



I am brand new to this, so we stealing Shadow Dragon portraits, the most beautiful ones in the franchise. I hope one day, I'll summon the talent to make Lindon arm wrestle Vander.


1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Galaxy Brain: Use pure Jeigans as growth units.

You called?

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:


What IS wants you to think Lyn was always like.

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've seen a few Lyns like that. She likes coming out right for people, it would seem. Not me, but I got Matthis for that purpose.

I almost despise how good Matthis is. Like, it feels more like a win for you than me when he carries my runs. I can't even look at the cheeky pinkhead without seeing t posing Garons. 

That said, my first memorable "coming out right for people" unit is Meg. She poppin off hard every run. Nolan fans weep.

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I wonder what game i should pick for the next linked ironman hmmmm

@Newtype06 @Acacia Sgt you guys still interested with Pokemon and SRW respectively?

@Sooks i remember you being interested in the next run, you in?

(Also anyone else for that matter)

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

you guys still interested with Pokemon and SRW respectively?

Oh, it was a suggestion, not that I was saying I'd join. I doubt I can spare the time even if I was interested.

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3 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:


Hey that's pretty neat, I like it.

3 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I'll summon the talent to make Lindon arm wrestle Vander.

If you keep at it, you'll dew it, I know it.

3 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

You called?

Not really, but I did think about you.

3 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

I almost despise how good Matthis is. Like, it feels more like a win for you than me when he carries my runs. I can't even look at the cheeky pinkhead without seeing t posing Garons.

Heheh heh...

3 minutes ago, Shaky Jones said:

That said, my first memorable "coming out right for people" unit is Meg. She poppin off hard every run. Nolan fans weep.

Meg was pretty nice in my RD run. Really only held back by poor speed cap.

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Endgame was pretty easy, like always, except for Lloyd being terrifying (but I had swordslayer Hector for that). Now that I had Athos, two pretty good lords, and an insanely cracked Lyn, I started playing pretty recklessly because I didn’t really care who died. Harken died to a crit that I don’t remember the odds of, then I got Karla killed putting her in range of a Druid without bothering to check the damage, because again, recklessness. Athos got a Luna crit against Ursula, which felt like a nice payback for Heath, who probably watched over the rest of the run. When the door to Nergal opened, Renault got berserked so I made a mad dash to Nergal before Renault did anything crazy. In the process I got a Druid down to exactly enough health that Dart (who is base level btw) could kill him a with a hand axe hit that had a 58% chance of happening, which I naturally went for because it would be funny (I probably don’t need to say that this late game Druid could easily OHKO base level Dart). He, uh, didn’t hit that attack… also berserked Renault killed Guy.

Then I killed Nergal without incident. I threw everything I had at the Fire Dragon because I thought I might maybe be able to kill it in one turn and didn’t feel like checking the math, but I couldn’t. The Fire Dragon could’ve given me a game over but instead it prioritized killing Athos for some reason, so Athos died and I meant to give the kill to Hector, but Lyn got a crit softening the boss up and got the kill instead. Insane.

Anyway, that’s fe7 ironman* and my first ironman* complete. The survivors were Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Nils, Renault, Matthew, and… fucking Bartre?? (So the non game over units are Nils, Renault, Matthew, and fucking Bartre. So four units.) I’m not good at this game…

The tactician ending I got said something about my tactics being incomprehensible to historians. Clearly this means I was so utterly brilliant that no one could see my strategies coming.

…The vaguely cheery credits music doesn’t really fit when all the character endings just talk about how everyone is dead.

*terms and conditions may apply

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


She's better than my PoR Ike lmoaaaaaaaaaaaa

yeah but it’s PoR so it doesn’t matter

use Sothe

Anyway yeah, she has more strength than Hector. And Eliwood.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You got Oswin killed?? 🧐

Stupid luna, I didn’t bother to check enemy weapons before sending him in. He can tank every other normal enemy spell…

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

You should be ashamed of yourself Lol

On the bright side, he’s one of those characters who doesn’t die when he is killed. So that’s neat.

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Pretty kickin stats on Lyn there.  Did you give her that Afa’s drops?

Nope, those went to my fantastic Heath (rest in peace)

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Lol, did you also make it to endgame with exactly 13 units alive so Matthew can stay on the bench?

No, I don’t care that much about Matthew. The only unit still alive who I would show any sort of favoritism to is Karla, because she’s cool, has a pretty design, feels kinda mysterious because she has those qualities but is barely utilized by the game at all, and Fir is awesome (cute and cool). But Karla could actually contribute a little, so I brought her and with the one unit I could bench I was like “eeeeeh Matthew”. But it was between him and Dart for completely useless units I didn’t need. I could’ve not deployed them both, but I thought the extra sacrifice just in case might be handy…

1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Damn. Lyn being the surprise carry on this run is rather funny though, feels like one of those weird ironman quirks that makes them so memorable.

Yeah, but my Heath was a hard carry too. He’ll live on in my memory…

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:


No, my weakness!

Wait Rixia, Karla, Fir? I’m noticing a pattern…

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Yes, be irresponsible with your money and get Pikmin.

How does bankrupting serve your ends, then I won’t be able to afford Xenoblades 2 and 3.

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

The jury's out on how Dudley feels about Jusis, however.

He goes “EW NOBLESSSS!!!!!1!1!1!11!” and is just a general prick and overly hostile to him every time they’re in the same room together, just in case you couldn’t understand that there’s class divisions and tension between noble and commoner. This changes in their 2nd field study, where Rean Harem Schwarzer uses his Harem Schwarzer energy to make them reconcile by having a late night chat with Jusis about how he and Rean are so similar and really just good guys once you get to know ‘em, which Dudley happens to be awake for and eavesdropping on. They settle their differences by fighting a JRPG boss together and, since this is Cold Steel, they never speak to anyone other than Rean ever again. The End.

oh shit wrong one

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

I can't believe it, Reverie marks the return of D O O R S but it took Not-Rex and Sleepy Girl to sell you on it.

Daydreams are just off brand Doors anyway, where’s Kevin?

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Sooks no, don't be someone who says "actually Lyn doesn't have enough alts in Heroes".

Lyn can never have too many Heroes alts, what else am I supposed to do with all this money? PNGs are essential for life.

Incidentally, I think it’s time I talk to you about NFTs—

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Lyn was pretty useful in my playthrough, but I never actually finished it so I'm probably misinformed.

Unless you’re LTCing, it’s really just the RNG of whether she gets 2 strength or 20.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wonder what game i should pick for the next linked ironman hmmmm

Trails into Reverie

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Sooks i remember you being interested in the next run, you in?

Read the above, I got all the fe7 units I could killed except for 4. You don’t want others’ runs in my hands.

If we’re doing non FE, what would I even play? Banner Saga? Berwick Saga?

1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

@Sooks Are you downsizing those pics? 🤔

Nope, just snipping them from vba and uploading them to Imgur.

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Just now, Sooks said:

But he likes Engage.

Sooks my boy there are many pitfalls in life when it comes to damning one’s soul. Sometimes one can like something that they think brings them happiness in the sort term, only to cause irreparable harm in the long run.

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25 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Read the above, I got all the fe7 units I could killed except for 4. You don’t want others’ runs in my hands.

that's what makes it fun!

15 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m very sorry

>SkyClad Observer

Apology accepted

26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

If we’re doing non FE, what would I even play?

anything aslong as you can appropiately link it with our run and see what you can link and the punishments

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