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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, playing through the next story segment of Another Eden... AW YEAH, reached the mecha action!

Was only brief, and cutscene only, haha. Now the Nullgear needs to be repaired. Well, gonna continue tomorrow...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I said I needed another J break. Turns out I lied.😅 Cleared scenario 35, I won't come up for air until after episode 39, which is only three away at this point.

The Brain army is still quite good, the horde dogpiles on everything without getting hit (and if that ever starts being a problem, I'm sitting on over 1 million unspent funds I could toss some of into Favorites-added upgrade slots). Everyone crossing into the 40s level-wise now has Antibody level 7 for the +1 range bonus, that's nice too. I haven't fielded the Sol Tekkaman No. 2 yet, despite having obtained it on this Tekka-Brain run, I'm waiting for No.1 since otherwise the No.2 is hurting for firepower. The Sol Tekkamen seem like some of the weakest units around. They come late enough to get a few free upgrades installed, and aren't statically worse than any other small and mobile units, but they've nothing special about them and come really late.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Totally understand Ryusei there. lol


You're right, it is odd he didn't IIRC have anything to say there. But then he was an early-purchase bonus, not exactly mandatory and able to participate in the entirety of the conversation.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

You're right, it is odd he didn't IIRC have anything to say there. But then he was an early-purchase bonus, not exactly mandatory and able to participate in the entirety of the conversation.

I think this is a problem in general with all the DLC units. They do get some lines during the main game stages, but then occasionally don't for DLC stages (at least, the "main" ones not tied to their own arcs). Well, it's too much to check, but it is noticeable when it looks like they should have something to say (like Ryusei in that DLC stage), but don't.

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12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Do you have anything to say, Ruben?

I have no interest in any cousins.

12 hours ago, Newtype06 said:
A pillar of western philosophy.

I was just referencing this lol


11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Latinos would just use bañar for both things. I don't think I've heard "duchar" in any context outside of Spain.

Oh, I didn't know that. Interesting.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not like stylistic impracticality in fictional war attire is a new thing. The Roman gladiators...


...did that long ago. The above being a modern recreation of the gladiator type known as a murmillo. Shirtless, with a helmet that's difficult to see out of.

Much practical, very safe. They are crazy, these romans!

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Huh, the tutorial bandit boss actually makes a cameo in the flashback of the final story, that shows Cherrystone being overrun during the previous fallow.
They really subtly snuck in some background info for that guy in there. I mean, there is no way most people would notice. Especially considering in that scene he is not even an archer, but a mage. Would be difficult to remember his portrait too. Considering it lacks any noteable features and all.
Guess when he gave a speech to the Faahri about how "scientific research" always leads to weapons of war and mentioned among other things that Cherrystone mages used to be healers and doctors, it wasn't just a cute nod to a throwaway line in the Wargroove 1 codex. Might even be why he quit magic altogether.
In the prologue he also carried an item called "Lucia's Bow", for some extra range and durability. The codex mentioned the Bow belonged to one Lucia Tanner who Hans "would have wed if she had survived the invasion". Coincidentally during that final episode flashback, we also see an archer named Lucia dying while stopping the undead from crossing a bridge until it can be destroyed.
The fact that the game has so many developed side characters is most certainly a huge difference compared to WG1. In the first game I don't recall there being a single example of a non-Commander even having a name.

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There, scenario 39 is done. Finally, I lay eyes on the Bellzelute Brigandi. The base unit looked rather generic to me, the Brigandi looks much better.😄 I like the added bulk, that it takes the form of an detachable frame like the Huckebein Mk-III is cool. The Orgone Regna Rifle N Mode attack has an unexpected bit of physicality to it, and the B Mode emits overheating steam, stylish. Still no Combo attack, but getting a fan-shaped MAP that doesn't target allies is a fair tradeoff, given only the Freedom Gundam has such a thing. As for the Orgone Buster Cannon...

  • I know Katia is the sub-pilot who naturally aligns with Bellzelute the most, but I don't love her version of the attack. (This is the one I've gotten ingame, getting the no-lover ending on one file means I don't care about getting it on another.) The giant arrow at the end is a nice nod to the base unit's O Rifle A Mode, but that's the only thing unique about it. Given Katia's version of Orgone Brachium Finish also resembles the final attack of its base unit, and similarly lacking for excess, I see it befitting that Katia's Real finishers are visually similar.
    • Her personal theme is lovely too. Not gritty like Festenia's, not sweet like Melua's, feels the most generic. But it works for the calm, rational girl of the trio.
    • Nobody references those Shot Launcher pistols the Bellzelute had, Katia should've -unless that's what Festenia's drones represent.
  • Festenia's finisher has drones that come out of nowhere, reminding me of how she used drones in O Brachium Finish. The giant orgone bayonet works for a tougher gal, as ridiculous as it is.
  • Melua remembers the base Bellzelute had missiles and I like her initial volley before the big orgone laser. And it still ends with a bang. The best version IMO.


6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Putin truly is an idiot.

All he just had to do is send warnings to civilians before shooting them and we would still be having cheap gas and better economy by now 🙂

I've had the news on most of the day. But it was all Israel-Gaza and House dysfunction, what did the tsar do now?


Does this sound Ys VIII-ish, or is it just me?

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

But it was all Israel-Gaza

yeah Putin should've pulled the same "We are warning civilians card". Truly 🙂

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Does this sound Ys VIII-ish, or is it just me?

I remember you sending me this track before 😄

Or was it Acacia?

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23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah Putin should've pulled the same "We are warning civilians card". Truly 🙂

Oh, now I think I see what you mean. Fresh pizza was getting in the way of me digesting what you seriously meant before.😅

Not enough (European or German?) international outrage in the West towards Israeli actions against the Palestinians?

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I remember you sending me this track before 😄


I forgot if I did or not. Sorry.😆

Will this be a fair apology? Or is too heavy for you?

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14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fresh pizza was getting in the way of me digesting what you seriously meant before.😅

all good

I hope the Pizza was good!

What kinda Pizza? Toppings?

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not enough (European or German?) international outrage in the West towards Israeli actions against the Palestinians?

I wish there was even some outrage and not just a blank check for genocide.

Oh well, not like my country can do anything except hide behind out History anyway.

14 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Will this be a fair apology?

all good, you didn't need to apologize XD

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wish there was even some outrage and not just a blank check for genocide.

Seems to be some outrage in the West? Almost certainly not enough though (why has France banned Palestinian-sympathetic protests?). And you get a few stupid cases of students being pro-Hamas on US campuses if the headlines have been any indication.

Well, the recent Nagorno-Karabakh outcome indicates that longstanding little exclaves (if you can call Gaza that, relative to the West Bank) can end poorly.

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I hope the Pizza was good!

What kinda Pizza? Toppings?

Just thin crust from a place like 15 minutes away (which also has giant calzones and subs). Peppers & onions for the toppings, that's popular in my household. I do like pepperoni, but somebody wanted a full peppers & onions, and we always make the second pizza we inevitably order a pure plain.

It was followed by cake afterwards 🍰. Just a little family occasion is all.

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22 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I wish there was even some outrage and not just a blank check for genocide.

Oh well, not like my country can do anything except hide behind out History anyway.

Which ones? Considering there was plenty of cheering around the world when Hamas was slaughtering and kidnapping all the civilians...

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(why has France banned Palestinian-sympathetic protests?)

From my understanding, it was a consequence of a string of antisemitic attacks. More recently, a teacher got stabbed to death by a radical.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just thin crust from a place like 15 minutes away (which also has giant calzones and subs). Peppers & onions for the toppings, that's popular in my household. I do like pepperoni, but somebody wanted a full peppers & onions, and we always make the second pizza we inevitably order a pure plain.

It was followed by cake afterwards 🍰. Just a little family occasion is all.

oh yummy

Hope you had fun 😄 

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

relative to the West Bank

The west Bank where Palestinians keep getting killed and their land stolen anyway - despite no Hamas shitheads there.

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Which ones? Considering there was plenty of cheering around the world when Hamas was slaughtering and kidnapping all the civilians...

2 wrongs don't make a right.

And almost every important country on the planet rightfully condemned Hamas.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

why has France banned Palestinian-sympathetic protests?


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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

2 wrongs don't make a right.

And almost every important country on the planet rightfully condemned Hamas.

Which is why Israel is showing (and perhaps even forced) restrain, relatively speaking.

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17 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

From my understanding, it was a consequence of a string of antisemitic attacks. More recently, a teacher got stabbed to death by a radical.

Thank you for the explanation.

And on the topic of stabbings, the islamophobia resulting from the Hamas attack saw an old white man stab a 6-year-old boy to death in the US.


13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

oh yummy

Hope you had fun 😄 

On the topic of cake, since you're German, care for a little vid on the history of the Austrian classic sachertorte that I saw drop today (skip to 8:35 for the history)?

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Which is why Israel is showing (and perhaps even forced) restrain



Is this restraint?


or this?


https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/179wcvi/intense_israeli_bombardments_hit_southern_gaza_as/ (news site link updated to current Hospital thing, which both sides blame each other for)

"Flee there so we can shoot you more effectively"


ah good old restraint.


This is a genocide in the making, not restraint

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

the islamophobia resulting from Hamas's attack saw an old white man stab a 6-year-old boy to death in the US.

a 6yo terrorist in the making*, if current climate is anything to believe 🙂

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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Let's not forget the Palestinians were there first. Then Israel happened and essentially forced them into a tiny prison and continued to heckle them every chance they got. When you've fucked a group of people so hard they have absolutely nothing left to lose, they're going to lash out against their oppressors sooner or later. It's not a good thing, not at all, but the solution isn't genocide - it was to let them have their country in the first place. None of this would have happened.

And the ones that pay the highest price are, as always, the regular folk. The victims at the festival, and the victims of Israel's genocide. Blood to grease the machine. Arms industry rubbing their claws again.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's not forget the Palestinians were there first.

This is kinda of a complex statement. Since what is defined as "Palestinian" has changed over the centuries. Including referring to the local Jews that were there since antiquity. Nowadays if you mean the Arab populations identifying as Palestinian... then no, they settled after the Jews.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then Israel happened and essentially forced them into a tiny prison and continued to heckle them every chance they got.

It might have gone different if the original mandate had been accepted, perhaps.

File:UN Partition Plan For Palestine 1947.png

But mainly among Palestinians (and Arabs as a whole) it was rejected.

Not helping matters was that the Arab countries then promptly expelled their own Jewish populations... into Israel. Jews had not been there in large numbers since Roman times, probably, but this helped them bolster their numbers back again.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

When you've fucked a group of people so hard they have absolutely nothing left to lose, they're going to lash out against their oppressors sooner or later. It's not a good thing, not at all, but the solution isn't genocide - it was to let them have their country in the first place. None of this would have happened.

This is certainly true, and it sadly goes both ways. At least for the modern issue, it does go back to the time the British controlled the area. Perhaps with the Balfour Declaration. The moment Israel was created an Arab coalition suddenly invaded.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And the ones that pay the highest price are, as always, the regular folk. The victims at the festival, and the victims of Israel's genocide. Blood to grease the machine. Arms industry rubbing their claws again.

You can say that again.

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8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Nowadays if you mean the Arab populations identifying as Palestinian... then no, they settled after the Jews.

But not after those who came from Europe.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But mainly among Palestinians (and Arabs as a whole) it was rejected.


11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

The moment Israel was created an Arab coalition suddenly invaded

I wonder why....

10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

it does go back to the time the British controlled the area. Perhaps with the Balfour Declaration.


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