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8 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Also gonna play the PC version of Blood Omen and make @Sidereal Wraith happy 😎

You can’t go wrong with the PC port of BO. After “playing” Engage or it playing me, I’m still not sure about this, LoK quickly took FE’s place as my favorite video game series.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

You can’t go wrong with the PC port of BO. After “playing” Engage or it playing me, I’m still not sure about this, LoK quickly took FE’s place as my favorite video game series.

I started it last night once I figured out how to make a PS4 controller work on Windows, which didnt really take much figurin. Lol

First thing I noticed was the conspicuous absence of the godawful “loading” screen every time you wanna see your inventory. Damn Im glad for that

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I can't fucking believe it.


The one time I sell one of those useless "stat up" items that I never use in any game. It's, naturally, the one time I end up needing it.

I am exactly 2 points of damage away from being able to deal damage to the final boss with Barzelphen after stacking every other source of damage I can (Bennette, glamor, royal jelly, azure paddock str boos). The strength jolt would get him there, buuuuut I sold it a million years ago because I thought it'd be useless.

I'm the stupidest man on Earth and now I'm too angry to finish the game. Fuck my fucking life, does anyone know if there's a SRPG Studio save editor out there?

EDIT: Oh right, power of love and the tincture are both useless against the final boss because of its skill that nullifies chance-based skills (they both have a 100% chance to proc instead of being passives, precisely for this I imagine). And I'm just now realizing the reason people got Sujata to kill the final boss was that her dagger prevented counters. So what I was trying to do was hopeless anyway.

Awesome. Welp, guess it'll have to be the boring-ass protagonist final boss kill, once more. How I hate that Kaga learned this lesson from Tellius...

1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Also Zalius? Just lure him onto a cliff hex and sylvis him. Or kite him with Elbert and sylvis him. Either way, sylvis him.

Sylvis is not the answer, it's the question. And my answer is "yes."

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Well, at least I got to do this. Now to quickly speed through the ending and find the sequence where...

...They have no scene in the ending. Ezrel will mourn Aslanne if she dies, Bonacel will mourn Prody in VS1 if he dies, but if Mia falls, the boys don't get an ending at all, because the little sister romance is VERY important to Kaga.

Wow, what an utterly disappointing way to end this third run. I don't even feel like reading the epilogue now. Fuck it. I don't care, Karajan is crowned King of Meleda and goes down in history as its greatest ruler ever. Three hurrahs for him.

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1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

I started it last night once I figured out how to make a PS4 controller work on Windows, which didnt really take much figurin. Lol

First thing I noticed was the conspicuous absence of the godawful “loading” screen every time you wanna see your inventory. Damn Im glad for that

I hope you went in blind. The series is a lot better if you don’t know the plot beforehand.

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My favorite part of playing these games for the first time is starting thread long debates on here that I didn't even know were discussions to be had.

Also happy New year! It's *checks watch* about a year till the second American Civil War happens.

20 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

According to a certain Thracia 776 character...

More like Thracia 1776

20 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, er... I have something to tell you.

...although, hey, far be it from me to... Yeah you know what? No, fuck it, nothing further. Carry on.

20 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Daga Otoko Da

19 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I hate to point it out, but Midir is a guy, but a lot of people make that mistake with him.

Did I stutter?

19 hours ago, Armagon said:

You will notice that FE4 makes pointless arbitrary changes for no reason. Crits? That's a skill. Double attacks? Also a skill. Better have Pursuit. Trading? Gone, reduced to atoms. Go to the pawn shop with the Pawn Stars, this ain't your grandma's Fire Emblem.

What's even more fucked is that despite that, the rise of fascism in the 20th Century still happened in Europe. America had it's own issues but it wasn't pumping out actual dictators and bombing itself to oblivion.

But, this is also why Europe has made better progress on some fronts. They got humbled. America has yet to be actually set back on something.

The United States did have slavery as a homeland institution, in theory it was abolished during the Civil War (Tells you enough that we had to have a war just to ban slavery) but in practice continued on as an institution as late as the 1960s. Arguably it still exists today as prison slavery is still commonly practiced all around the country, including the south where it just so happens that many prisoners are black men being guarded by white police officers.

Slavery as a practice back in it's prime I honestly would not hesitate to say that the violence and dehumanization imposed on enslaved peoples was just as horrid as the violence committed in the holocaust. Even if the goal wasn't the exact same, Hitler nonetheless was very inspired by southern practices of slavery and segregation from the US as well as the terrorist activities committed by the KKK. Speaking of which, the KKK definitely weren't some smallish obscure cult that it is sometimes assumed to be today. There's a reason why nearly all Americans know who they are. It was massive how much the KKK and the southern police force overlapped.


With that in mind I feel like the south has been humbled like 50 times over yet still remains the most poor and conservative part of the country. Even a good portion of the black population down there tends to lean socially conservative on certain modern issues because many of those communities are still very poor and somewhat isolated for that reason.

So I wonder if it's less that Europe just got humbled and more that they got humbled and also billions of dollars from colonization to make up for it.

Course I say that, even much of eastern Europe gets the luxuries of free healthcare and education along with other guaranteed liberties despite many countries there never engaging in colonization and in fact are quite poor compared to western Europe.

17 hours ago, Armagon said:

Eh well you know, I was looking at things like city infrastructure (minus accessibility) and work laws and social safety nets. The latter two admittedly are in potential danger with how easy the far-right just keeps steamrolling. Not in Spain tho, they don't even have a government.

Although honestly, I don't know how much city infrastructure can be blamed on the US entirely. It's true we bulldozed parts of cities for CARS (look up any before and after photos) but NYC is the only city comparable to a European one in the entire North American continent.

Other than the obvious reasons of a hyper focus on individuality and the consequences of the white flight in the 40s and 50s, I imagine the US having to build many of it's cities from scratch a mere 100 years ago or less had a role in making our current car focused infrastructure. The more west you go, the more car centered it gets as these newer cities barely had time to grow before the automobile skyrocketed in popularity among rich folks. We didn't have thousands year old cities built in medieval times to go off of as all of them where either destroyed by the US or long since abandoned by the Natives.

With other Turtle Island cities it's somewhat similar, especially since many poorer countries in the global south tend to look towards the US as basis of inspiration for how to modernize, though in Guatemala I know there are many towns that existed since before Columbus that managed to keep a nice walkable urban infrastructure.

Brazilia in Brazil in particular is one of the most wild cities I've ever seen, though to be fair was designed by a French guy.


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3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Did I stutter?

Forcefem Midir?

Midir become Midia?

Follow your heart, Quetz.

3 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

More like Thracia 1776


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: Oh right, power of love and the tincture are both useless against the final boss because of its skill that nullifies chance-based skills (they both have a 100% chance to proc instead of being passives, precisely for this I imagine). And I'm just now realizing the reason people got Sujata to kill the final boss was that her dagger prevented counters. So what I was trying to do was hopeless anyway.

Awesome. Welp, guess it'll have to be the boring-ass protagonist final boss kill, once more. How I hate that Kaga learned this lesson from Tellius...

Couldn't you have Sujata chip down the boss until he is low enough for Barzelphen to deal the final blow?

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Forcefem Midir?

Midir become Midia?

Follow your heart, Quetz.

Are we really going Alternative Facts on this? Really?

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11 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Couldn't you have Sujata chip down the boss until he is low enough for Barzelphen to deal the final blow?

I'd still need those extra points of damage I can't get.

Meh. Next run, I guess.

4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Are we really going Alternative Facts on this? Really?

I'm not doing nothing. I'm just saying things.

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3 hours ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Hey it's not a drinking "problem", it's a drinking solution.

Wraith, I never said drinking "problem", I said "less" drinking. 

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

If Midir was a girl, she would have been dragged off into Gandolf's My Castle instead of getting an axe to the face.

That's just science.

Yeah that's how you really tell he's a man. Kaga didn't get him kidnapped.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah that's how you really tell he's a man. Kaga didn't get him kidnapped.


What, is Shannan a girl now?

And come to think of it... Eldigan gets thrown into a jail cell too and Sigurd has to rescue him...


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26 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Wraith, I never said drinking "problem", I said "less" drinking. 

Oh. Well must people tell me it’s a “problem”.

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1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Happy New Year! I pray your future is bright!

Thank ya. You too 😃

57 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I hope you went in blind. The series is a lot better if you don’t know the plot beforehand.

Sadly, no. Every series is better that way IMHO, but it’s been enough years I could enjoy revisiting  it 

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We got a sequel to that Doctor Who tribute video i used to rewatch all the time when i was a teen. It's so peak.

6 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Weren't you using the battle-save system at all? If that happens, you usually go back to a previous save or just bear it and move forward (i had the same thing with Deen in the chapter where you recruit Larentia instead though)

I was using save states but Berwick's kinda a pain to redo.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but it does make speed a rather centrilizing stat.

Which is fine. I can't think of a single RPG where speed isn't the most important stat, whether it affects turn orders or evasion or whatnot.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Minimizing the chance of disaster is the name of the game for Berwick, and units that in other games would just break the game by dodging everything always have that sword of Damocles with a red cross engraved into its hilt hanging over their heads. Meanwhile, the more heavily armored units are a lot less likely to take half their healthbars from one hit, even without Robust.

The problem is that if you get hit with Cripple there's really nothing you can do about it. Whether it applies is inconsistent and if you get hit by it, you have to babysit that unit for the rest of the map until you get them back to base.

I have said this before maybe but Break is Cripple but implemented way better: consistent application, fundamental to success but getting hit by Break yourself doesn't turn your unit into a liability for the rest of the map, as Break only lasts for a unit's individual turn and Armors are immune to it, giving them a better use like in Berwick. Like many things, Kaga did it first but it was refined by someone else.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


First screenshot of the year.

Seems like it's time for the final dungeon? Will take it arbitrarily slowly anyhow 😆, another 3 ingame days probably.

Damn even got the Xenogears spelling.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


She died cause she was holding the spear the wrong way. Idiot.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Also happy New year! It's *checks watch* about a year till the second American Civil War happens.

We can look forward to this instead.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Speaking of which, the KKK definitely weren't some smallish obscure cult that it is sometimes assumed to be today. There's a reason why nearly all Americans know who they are. It was massive how much the KKK and the southern police force overlapped.

It's worth noting though that the KKK was on the decline by the early 1900s. Only reason they came back in full force is because DW Griffith came out with Birth of a Nation, one of the first epic films. The film itself has an important history in the history of film but everyone will tell you how incredibly racist it was and directly contributed to the rise of the KKK. Like, the KKK actively used it as a recruitment tool.

On the other side, Superman Smashes the Klan was a radio drama in the 40s that was about Superman taking down the KKK and what made it more effective was that all the details came straight from reporter William Stetson Kennedy, who had infiltrated the KKK and exposed them through the radio drama, revealing them all to be nothing more than a bigots. One of the major reasons why the KKK took such a heavy blow and basically never recovered. Superman Smashes the Klan got retold through a short comic series, it's pretty neat.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

So I wonder if it's less that Europe just got humbled and more that they got humbled and also billions of dollars from colonization to make up for it.

And the Marshall Plan.

Edited by Armagon
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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The problem is that if you get hit with Cripple there's really nothing you can do about it. Whether it applies is inconsistent and if you get hit by it, you have to babysit that unit for the rest of the map until you get them back to base.

There's ways to cure it that you begin getting later, but I'll admit they're a bit inaccessible. At least until Izerna promotes and cripple woes become a thing of the past.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I have said this before maybe but Break is Cripple but implemented way better: consistent application, fundamental to success but getting hit by Break yourself doesn't turn your unit into a liability for the rest of the map, as Break only lasts for a unit's individual turn and Armors are immune to it, giving them a better use like in Berwick. Like many things, Kaga did it first but it was refined by someone else.

Honestly, I feel like the two mechanics are way too different to be comparable. In fact, I would sooner compare Engage break to Berwick's combat gimmick where the round ends when someone takes damage. Because it's... well, basically the same thing, it just applies to combat in general rather than just the weapon triangle and doesn't have a lasting effect after the round. Far fewer differences, see.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Far fewer differences, see.

One of those reasons is because in Engage you can actually hit the target.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

One of those reasons is because in Engage you can actually hit the target.

Yes, very original. I've never heard that one before. Now's the moment when I enumerate all the ways you can increase your accuracy in chapter 1 alone.

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