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3 hours ago, BrightBow said:

I did try several times. I always ended up being turned off by the fact that the characters just can't shut up during combat.

It's like if Clippy had voice acting.

Just play with the volume off, and listen to something else in the background.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

That just means they can knock out the whole game with one banner.

That is probably the problem right there...


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Maybe that's also why we've yet to get a second TMS banner. Outside the fact they used up almost all the female characters in the first.

Seriously, who else they can put in there? Maiko and Utaloid!Tiki? With Barry and Touma and then Yashiro as GHB...? Hmm...

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Merry 2024


On 12/31/2023 at 6:08 PM, Armagon said:

Congratulations on beating peak.

"I'm trying to build a hoverbike on Ganon's back." -Vinny Vinesauce

Thank you. Since the developers are satisfied with this version of Hyrule, I wonder what the next 3D Zelda will be like...

On 12/31/2023 at 7:04 PM, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

TotK finale still lives rent free in my head

When the pre-final battle atmosphere hits juuuuuuust right.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

This was a thought i had after looking at list of all the new characters who ended up in Heroes in 2023 and how Thracia got nothing. I found it pretty funny myself but you know, Thracia at least has content. IntSys still remembers Thracia. You know what they don't remember? The original FE Warriors.

I thought this was going to be about Thracia not getting anything last year and I was going to say "well it's been almost seven years, IS knows what's profitable at this point" but it turns out I don't have to say that. They should add Linoan though.

Anyway, it's probably because the Warriors original characters aren't very popular or unique. TMS only got content as cross promotion with the Switch port and has been ignored since then.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't played either FEW I've only stared respectfully at the undergarment models,

Hey, there's a decent chance that you stared respectfully at some of the images I uploaded online.

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3 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I thought this was going to be about Thracia not getting anything last year and I was going to say "well it's been almost seven years, IS knows what's profitable at this point" but it turns out I don't have to say that. They should add Linoan though.

I feel whenever the next Thraccia banner happens, Linoan might be in it.

A Tahra-related banner would be cool.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Seriously, who else they can put in there? Maiko and Utaloid!Tiki? With Barry and Touma and then Yashiro as GHB...? Hmm...


As things stand, anyone you can vote for in the CYL is fair game. Which includes TMS NPCs. But Touma and Yashiro are indeed the missing ones.



is missing like 3/4ths of the cast.


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Thraccia certainly has plenty of potential for themed banners.

A Magi Squad banner, a Dandelions banner, a Tahra banner, etc. Of course, chances are only so-so for that to happen.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

too good to be true

But yes, we need some real crossover chaos warriors game

Going further with the forces of evil, thinking about it now how one could unite them all with each other...

  • Nergal is Elibe, wants to open the Dragon's Gate (his goal would be changed in a crossover, he's already in another world). Sounds like Zephiel's friend?
    • I think not. Nergal is a erratic man, the husk of a good person who just so happened to be corrupted beyond recovery by dark magic. He can't even remember his goal was to revive his dead dragon wife! Or what his children looked like!
      • Nergal belongs with Ashnard's Marauding Horde.
        • Nergal has a band of assassins and morphs, not a country. Ashnard notably abandoned Daein. They would fit together.
        • All Nergal wants is quintessence for power. He tried to start a Lycian civil war, tried to get Bern to start a war. He wants to benefit from chaos.
  • Medeus, now that's Zephiel's real companion. A dragon who hates humanity, a human who hates humanity. Easy Dolhr-Bern alliance.
  • Ashera seems perfect for Zephiel. But would she begin the story awake? Would Sephiran decide to help Zeph, and how if so?
    • What of the corrupt Senators? No idea.
  • Naesala (forget the Blood Pact), and Travant seem like they would be brothers.
  • Garon... (No Anankos, still a t-posing slime monster, but his allegiance to a higher power is changed in this new crossover'ed world) maybe he can be a state-sponsor of the Ashnard-Nergal Horde, sending supplies and perhaps Hans once in a while. He seems mad enough to do that. -Unless Ashy attacks Nohr, maybe, not sure whatsoever, that would drive Garon into a rage that he'd order Ashy destroyed.
  • Edelgard can ally with Walhart, no idea if that's a good idea. Struckthrough because there are those who would argue she isn't a villain but the heroest hero to ever heroically do heroism. Maybe they're right, I don't know, I know more about Hildegard of Bingen than her.
  • Rhea, again, no clue. Same for The Things That Go Bump In The Night (maybe the Loptous Cult?).
  • Lyon, how about we dupe those Begnion Senators into working with the Demon King? Or we can give Lyon Jedah as a friend.
  • Manfroy and his pawns in Jugdral? I think I've already thought of enough, creative juices are running low.😅

-I'm not thinking about practical matters of fitting everyone together in a single game in the first place.😛


2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I feel whenever the next Thraccia banner happens, Linoan might be in it.

A Tahra-related banner would be cool.

Deen of Thracia, his sis Eda, Linoan (please give her Nos! Not a staff!), Glade, Homer. Maybe Saphy since she is the one who first tells Leif of Tahra's plight?

Heavy on lances, and magic. But a trio of Deen-Linoan-Saphy and two unrelated others others thrown on? I'd like that.

28 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe that's also why we've yet to get a second TMS banner. Outside the fact they used up almost all the female characters in the first.

Seriously, who else they can put in there? Maiko and Utaloid!Tiki? With Barry and Touma and then Yashiro as GHB...? Hmm...

A third reason- does TMS have legal issues? If so, perhaps the TMS in FEH agreement has expired?


10 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Hey, there's a decent chance that you stared respectfully at some of the images I uploaded online.

I did.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


is missing like 3/4ths of the cast

The curse of being the most obscure. And having bulk-character-writing on par with Archanea, yet none of the first-ism.

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Horror is the most creatively bankrupt genre.

Also "Mickey Mouse" is still trademarked, the only thing that's public domain now is the original design, not the name.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Edelgard can ally with Walhart, no idea if that's a good idea. Struckthrough because there are those who would argue she isn't a villain but the heroest hero to ever heroically do heroism. Maybe they're right, I don't know, I know more about Hildegard of Bingen than her.

The most ambitious crossover. They'd probably get along unironically. Even if Edelgard is less "might rules" than Walmart is.

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38 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Going further with the forces of evil, thinking about it now how one could unite them all with each other...

Man, why stop there? Let's just put them all in mechas and SRW this up!

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7 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

It is just FE 1/3/13, isnt it?

For the most part, yes.

Other games got very VERY paltry representation. Cath and Ilyana lookalikes show up as NPC's with little to no importance whatsoever (well, Cath is a shop owner at least). I'd also say Aimee, but she's pretty much just L'Arabel anyway.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

It loops back to what i was saying earlier. It's just insane to me that IntSys does have a good track record of celebrating the series, actually nearly the entire series, and yet there's just this void spot that is the original FE Warriors. I haven't even played the game and i kinda feel slighted lmao just thinking about it. It's so uncharacteristic of them to do a game this dirty. Even when it's Thracia 776, the worst-selling main series game, you still get a decent Heroes roster and some nice representation in Engage even though Emblem Leif is the worst Emblem. Even when it's TMS, a game that has four total fans, including myself, we got a Switch port and most of the cast is in FEH with some sweet art. But FE Warriors? Does the game even exist? Why does IntSys just refuse to acknowledge this game when it most definitely outsold TMS and being real probably Thracia too. I'm not saying to only acknowledge if it sold good but there has to be.....some reason why this game is forgotten.

It's quite simple, really. Warriors 1 has like, four OCs, and the only one of them that is a girl that can be sexualized out the wazoo for money is female... Rowan, was their name? But I guess they have deemed her not big tiddy enough. And who else is there? Splenda Reese, forgettable Orson expy, generic-ass evil king? There's no money to be made there.

With Thracia they need to pretend to care because it's a main series title and it would hurt the "celebratory crossover" façade to ignore entried like that (though they still ignore it pretty hard). TMS had enough generic cute anime girls to make money off of. This? This can be easily swept under the rug.

The real injustice is the BSFE Archanes Chronicles erasure. They still count it as a mainline title, don't forget!

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

He might just be the worst. He always gives like a whole speech when selected. "Let us test out their weakness" or whatever.

It honestly feels like they kinda forgot they even HAD voice acting. That they wouldn't need overdramatic lines for the most basic things because they had actual human beings at their behalf who could imbue even simple lines with personality.

Ahahaha! Well, that's fair enough, I suppose. I mean, I'm pretty sure you can turn off the voices, but fair.

8 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Thraccia certainly has plenty of potential for themed banners.

A Magi Squad banner, a Dandelions banner, a Tahra banner, etc. Of course, chances are only so-so for that to happen.

Yes, but a Thracia banner would make less money.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Being a bit less cynical, with the game's lack of popularity, staying power and mainline title obligations, I feel the only one who has a small chance is female Rowan, only in the form of a horny alt. The game is never getting a banner, it wouldn't make any money and thus would be a waste of time.

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That would largely depend on what skills came with said characters, since many players likely focus in on specific skills if they are good enough. So, popularity isnt always a motivator when going for units.

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4 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

That would largely depend on what skills came with said characters, since many players likely focus in on specific skills if they are good enough. So, popularity isnt always a motivator when going for units.

That applies to everyone. Any time they add new heroes, they're going to have to come up with skills, regardless of who the characters are. It makes a lot more sense to add popular characters and give them good skills than trying to make unpopular characters more enticing through skills - skills that are inevitably going to be outdated next banner due to powercreep.

The ultimate goal is to add characters that people will want so bad that, if the gamble fails, they'll pay money for more orbs to keep gambling until they got them. No doubt some people would spend money for a Warriors banner if the characters had good skills, but it'd be a far, FAR lower amount of people than if the characters were popular. Most people would choose to save up their orbs for another banner - and that means less money for IntSys and Nintendo.

At that point, the only reason to have a Warriors banner is if the devs did it out of the goodness of their hearts to throw a bone to the few fans of that game and to live up to the whole "celebratory crossover" shtick. And, well, I think we all know how much goodness I believe there is in the hearts of gacha developers. After all, there's a reason characters like Camilla, Lyn, Lucina, etc. get a million alts while Thracia has yet to see 75% of its cast added to the game.

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44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That applies to everyone. Any time they add new heroes, they're going to have to come up with skills, regardless of who the characters are. It makes a lot more sense to add popular characters and give them good skills than trying to make unpopular characters more enticing through skills - skills that are inevitably going to be outdated next banner due to powercreep.

The ultimate goal is to add characters that people will want so bad that, if the gamble fails, they'll pay money for more orbs to keep gambling until they got them. No doubt some people would spend money for a Warriors banner if the characters had good skills, but it'd be a far, FAR lower amount of people than if the characters were popular. Most people would choose to save up their orbs for another banner - and that means less money for IntSys and Nintendo.

At that point, the only reason to have a Warriors banner is if the devs did it out of the goodness of their hearts to throw a bone to the few fans of that game and to live up to the whole "celebratory crossover" shtick. And, well, I think we all know how much goodness I believe there is in the hearts of gacha developers. After all, there's a reason characters like Camilla, Lyn, Lucina, etc. get a million alts while Thracia has yet to see 75% of its cast added to the game.

As someone who plays the game, i've seen more than enough players with the newest skills setup on units enough times to know they fish for them right as they come out.

You may be right, I have no idea, i'm not those players. I can only speak for how I do things and that is: If I see Lucina, I go for it. If not, I save. Do I like other characters from FE? Sure. But I have to set boundaries/priorities.

Well... to be fair, there are alot of players who really don't know what 776 even is, and not everyone emulates/watches playthroughs of games just to see the cast. Not the players fault the devs refuse to release the games in EN. XD

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The real injustice is the BSFE Archanes Chronicles erasure. They still count it as a mainline title, don't forget!

I mean, the OCs from that are in the game already. Of course, they're tagged as "from Shadow Dragon/New Mystery" but they're still there.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

After all, there's a reason characters like Camilla, Lyn, Lucina, etc. get a million alts while Thracia has yet to see 75% of its cast added to the game.

Nah, it's more fucked up when you consider that they added Ullr into the game before a majority of the Thracia cast. Ullr, a character who wasn't even a character before Heroes, because she was literally a background character before. Like, I'm genuinely amazed, there was absolutely no preexisting art of Ullr like there was for Altina. Hell, you couldn't even say definitively that Ullr was a woman before Heroes. It's the equivalent of taking a random Star Wars background character and giving them a whole-ass backstory (this is exceedingly common).

32 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Also, i think i found @Armagon!


Hey that's me. Me and my day 1 account.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Hey that's me. Me and my day 1 account.

I am not judging you by any means, if it came off that way I apologise. I just found it kinda neat that you came up shortly after mentioning playing Heroes!

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12 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

I am not judging you by any means, if it came off that way I apologise. I just found it kinda neat that you came up shortly after mentioning playing Heroes!

Nah I didn't mean anything by it. It was more of the "there I am Gary" bit from SpongeBob.

I imagine my account would show up again after I started doing things in it.

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah I didn't mean anything by it. It was more of the "there I am Gary" bit from SpongeBob.

I imagine my account would show up again after I started doing things in it.

As long as that's clear, that's good enough for me. 

That's very true.

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