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How doe Sothis possible takeover work?

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I know Byleth was born a stillborn and has the Crest stone of Flames in his heart but why hasn’t Sothis taken over I mean he has no personality until he bonds with the students so the process would be easier right? There be less fighting back than a person who has still has something to do than a puppet. I also noticed that are Minor and Major Crest of Cethlean Indech Macuil Cihol Seiros and of Flames. So is the Major a potent version of the Minor Crest? I’m asking because we see the Lance of Ruin with its Crestones takeover Micklan who didn’t have the requirements. So Shouldn’t Byleth have the Crest of Flames Naturally and have the Crestone in the Sword of the Creator so he wouldn’t Turned into a Crest Beast? It contradicts the lore itself sunce Rhea admits it happened to Micklan and even Byleth asked if they have to fear that and says ‘’No’’ immediately as if to deny that possibility happening. We also know that Sitri was the 12th.

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Sothis didn't take over because

1: plot

2: she was awakened, and after she woke up she seemed really confused as to what she was doing inside of Byleth

Also, I guess either the Crest of Flames is "extra special" or something", the Lance of Ruin could detect when it's being used by someone without or crest, or maybe the crest stone fell out and nobody noticed lmao

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I understand but it is implied that all hero relics does that and the crest stone is the one transforming Micklan from the lance. And Rhea said that would happen To anyone like Micklan. Since the crest stone detect if  its Sylvain or Micklan wielding it. Therefore the crest stone check if  you have the requiered crest To uses in your blood. The agarthans wanted the sword of the creator for nemesis and Thales/Arundel '' It would je stupid To keep both in the same place'' Byleth vas the Crestone not the Crest itself so Naturally Edelgard/Flame Emperor would be MORE ABLE To than Byleth.

Edited by NaotoUzumaki
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10 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

I know Byleth was born a stillborn and has the Crest stone of Flames in his heart but why hasn’t Sothis taken over I mean he has no personality until he bonds with the students so the process would be easier right? There be less fighting back than a person who has still has something to do than a puppet. I also noticed that are Minor and Major Crest of Cethlean Indech Macuil Cihol Seiros and of Flames. So is the Major a potent version of the Minor Crest? I’m asking because we see the Lance of Ruin with its Crestones takeover Micklan who didn’t have the requirements. So Shouldn’t Byleth have the Crest of Flames Naturally and have the Crestone in the Sword of the Creator so he wouldn’t Turned into a Crest Beast? It contradicts the lore itself sunce Rhea admits it happened to Micklan and even Byleth asked if they have to fear that and says ‘’No’’ immediately as if to deny that possibility happening. We also know that Sitri was the 12th.

There is no crest stone on Sword of Creator because Byleth has it in their heart, thus Byleth is automatically compatible to all relics without fear of turning into a monster.

As for take over, we simply don't know. From the way Rhea talks about it throughout the game, there was no precedent example on any of these, so even Rhea herself doesn't know how the fusion would work other than she believes Byleth is compatible due to them born from the "woman carrying Crest of Flame and man who carries her own blood."

The dev in the interview does mention that Sothis hasn't fully recover her power yet, thus she looks like a kid. But again, we don't know what would happen down in the road between Sothis and Byleth as she slowly recovers her power either.

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Ok Fair point but she LITARALLY admits that she sent Byleth To retreive the lance to Prevent this. So se have three possible options. 1: Rhea knows because logically in the Cindered Shadows she admits that Sitri was the 12th attemps as she Hid the Rite of Rebirth with the Chalise To Prevent another Umbral beast so she should know WHAT TO NOT DO Again To not make the same mistakes.  2: The Devs  made imbeguous to make Fodlan seem bigger from the Outside but a Story Relevent Rule that everyone follows to a tee EXCEPT Byleth that is backed up by the father of Crestology since Logically regardless she had 12 previous vessel and the church in lore has science in crest in itself with Hanneman. 3: both of the above otherwise its a Translation Error which is also Possible since this game has the most CUT content so a lot of time To translate it but not enough To refine it.   Even then Logically the Sword and Crest stone are made from Sothis's Corpse so the moment Byleth touched The sword he should have been taken over like a Ootsutsuki from boruto and Sothis become Herself Whole Again... I mean that sword and Crest a litteraly her body with the other half of Herself the Takeover would have Happenned Logically at the chapter  ''Assault on the Rite of Rebirth''

Edited by NaotoUzumaki
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It's entirely possible Sothis wouldn't want to "take over" Byleth, even if she knew that's what she was "supposed" to do, per Rhea's scheming. She might view the notion of overwriting Byleth's will and sense-of-self as immoral. Perhaps she would do so if Byleth expressed a willingness or desire to be "taken over", but that doesn't happen. Rather, Sothis asks that Byleth "cut their own path", suggesting a respect for their personal journey.

Anyway, Miklan is transformed into a Crest Beast because he wields the Lance of Ruin, despite not possessing a Crest. In theory, this could happen with any Hero's Relic and non-Crest Bearer; the fact that, say, Dorothea with Thyrsus never turns into a Crest Beast is just a case of gameplay-story segregation. Byleth isn't at such a risk, because they possess a Crest (the Major Crest of Flames), although the fact that the students aren't hesitant about picking up the Lance does beggar belief somewhat. Moreover, the Sword of the Creator is unique among Hero's Relics - it doesn't include a Crest Stone. Instead, the Crest Stone is within Byleth's own body. This means he is the only one able to "draw out" the weapon's power - others can wield it, but can't use it to attack at 2 range, nor use its exclusive combat art.

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Yes i agree with you're point She would see it as immoral. I was moslty curious since her soul is in the crest but in Verdant Wind its revealead that ALL HEROES RELIC are made from there corpse and the Lance of Ruin and I think  Amyr were like they were alive. I aslo agree that byleth major crest of flames but edelgard hair became white like lysithia because of having been injected another crest. The crest of flames so i went To the wiki To see if her crest was a minor crest of flames To concludes the SoC bit and so Far her Crest Are Major Crest of Seiros and Major Crest of Flames and didn't Nemesis wield the sword and attack in Seiros war and Even his imitation could in the Final Boss of Verdant Wind.

Edited by NaotoUzumaki
Bad writting
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Only thing we were told about was from Rhea's theory:


Rhea: In a sense. Our dear professor is…a vessel. One who carries the power of the progenitor god within. In time, the vessel will become one with the power contained within, and the progenitor god shall return to this world.

But turned out that Rhea was wrong, and it was implied such ritual was never attempted before.

And even using Rhea's words, what does "become one with the power contained within" even means? It could be interpret very differently depends on circumstance

1. Sothis overwrites Byleth's personality, which basically means de facto death of Byleth

2. Sothis and Byleth's memory, personality and conscious fused into one, they became one but neither Sothis or Byleth thereafter


The time has come for you and I to join as one. And when that comes to pass...then I shall disappear... When I say disappear, I do not mean that all I am will be no more. My soul will join with yours, and you and I will never be apart.

The way Sothis explained it to Byleth, and that she no longer speaks to them, makes theory 2 sounds closer to the truth IMO.

If their conscious fused into one, of course that Byleth no longer hearing Sothis. As for personality, in the following chapters player could choose options that suggesting they have a change in personality post fusion. The only problem here is memory, we didn't gain any new memory from Sothis' side for player to recall after fusion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Incidentally, despite Sothis fusing with Byleth and theoretically being no more as a separate consciousness, not only does she show up if you decide to S-rank her, but she talks to you at the beginning of post-time-skip, telling you to stop being a lazy dumbass lol.


In regards to your question, Timlugia's possibility 1 seems to be what Rhea was aiming for but 2 is what actually wound up happening.


There is also the issue that I doubt Rhea expected Sothis to wake up early and not have her memories, leaving her mistrusting of Rhea herself, among others. Rhea seems to be expecting Sothis to take over Byleth's body, manifest in her full glory and solve all of Fodlan's problems.

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