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Best Unit to Give Dragonfoe to?

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Pretty much what the title asks. I'm replaying through RD and want to assign the Dragonfoe skill to someone but I'm not sure who the best unit would be to get it. If effects could stack I'd give it to a mage for major shenanigans but I don't think they stack. Right now my options are between: Elincia, Tibarn, Nailah, Haar, and Jill. Of course I'm not sure who else I'm dragging into the tower yet, it will depend on levels and caps when I get there...

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I like giving it to Elincia because a 45-might brave weapon kills every dragon before they have a chance to counter, and she has Canto. There's also a case to give it to someone with a high-mt 1-2 weapon such as one of the stronger crossbows, or Wishblade, especially if the user has crazy high avo so as to have a decent enemy phase (e.g. Nolan with an earth/earth support).

You're right that weaknesses don't stack, so giving it to a thunder mage is pointless.

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The royals have no trouble dealing with dragons thanks to their skills, so don't bother with them. Even a trained Elincia is usually spamming staves instead of fighting, thanks to the amount of damage the dragons deal and their defense. I'd go with Haar or Jill, most likely Jill because of her lower strength than Haar.

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Alright, thanks y'all! Currently I've given it to Elincia (she's level 20 thanks to Paragon + Izuka chapter shenanigans) and she's wrecking house already so I'm looking forward to seeing her destroy some dragons. If Jill or Haar start falling off I'll hand it over to one of them before that particular chapter starts so they can see some more use but so far my endgame team has been breezing through. Exception being Ena.... I dislike how much I have to baby her...

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On 7/18/2020 at 11:09 PM, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

If Jill or Haar start falling off I'll hand it over to one of them before that particular chapter starts so they can see some more use but so far my endgame team has been breezing through.

Why give anyone dragonfoe before that chapter? You can just swap it in and out for a skill that's actually useful in chapters without dragons.

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2 hours ago, whase said:

Why give anyone dragonfoe before that chapter? You can just swap it in and out for a skill that's actually useful in chapters without dragons.

I like getting all my skills straight before going in. Also I gave it to her on that Izuka chapter so she could wreck those dragons.

Not that it matters. Even with Dragonfoe at level 20 with maxed strength Elincia did a big fat goose egg against Dheginsea xD Oh well. He died anyway. Yay siege tomes!

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51 minutes ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Your past it now so it's not too important, but: the Dragonfoe skill has no effect on Dheginsea, since his Mantle skill negates all your skills when fighting him.

Oh I know. That was more for emphasis than anything. She still had capped strength and a blessed Amiti and did nothing to him lol. Still better than Ena, who I benched. Why is she forced again?

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26 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Oh I know. That was more for emphasis than anything. She still had capped strength and a blessed Amiti and did nothing to him lol. Still better than Ena, who I benched. Why is she forced again?

Blood tide is so good if you're like me and brought terrible weapons and bad units to the tower-as well as in general. Combined with Gareth, a huge +10 to attack can be given to a unit. For example, with Blood tide and IIRC 38-ish strength and Urvan, Boyd deals 17x2 damage to Deghinsea, as well as a nice +10 to hit-It's also pretty nice when you're going after
the boss of Rebirth 4 and is a life saver on Ashera's auras, as well as Ashera herself.


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  • 3 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Assuming he can live long enough to to do so.

Eh, I found keeping him alive to be pretty easy on the final map-running Provoke on anyone else was always enough to keep Gareth safe. Nasir's White Pool could also help out a little, although chances are he's got better places to be. I do concede that he's mostly pointless in Rebirth-4 as the boss doesn't have enough defense to really justify needing Blood Tide from both Gareth and Nasir.

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