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Anyone up for an FE6 draft?


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1. This draft is for 5 players.
2. Roy, Marcus, Merlinus, Larum/Elffin, and Fae are free for all to use.
3. Three units will remain undrafted.
4. Drafting will be done in snaking order (i;e 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4...).
5. The game will be played on Normal Mode.

1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert.
2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.
3. Use of the Warp staff is banned.
4. All Gaiden chapters are required to be visited. Chapter 20x (either route) does not count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken.
5. NPCs may do as they please without penalty.
6. The game must be played out to the True Ending.

1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty per unit, per chapter.

1. Dieck is free to use until Chapter 5.
2. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items.

(names go here)

[spoiler=units remaining]


Edited by GlitchWarrior
dieck rules
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14 hours ago, Hello72207 said:

I'm in

I'm getting team rocket syndrome for this draft already...

Can I request that All units are free to use for the first four chapters? 'Cause whoever doesn't get Alan or Lance is going to be crawling along for the first while since you effectively have a Roy/Marcus solo for the first maps. I feel like that gives us enough space to get rolling along and would help make the earlygame smoother.

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Well, I've had a couple ideas for how to resolve holes like that, but nothing serious. Full freedom until Chapter 5 does sound fair, although it kinda defeats the purpose of a DRAFT for that stage of the game.

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2 minutes ago, GlitchWarrior said:

Well, I've had a couple ideas for how to resolve holes like that, but nothing serious. Full freedom until Chapter 5 does sound fair, although it kinda defeats the purpose of a DRAFT for that stage of the game.

It is a bit of a conundrum, I agree, but given how a two-unit solo of the first map isn't really that fun, I think that freedom until chapter 5 would be reasonable. Up to you/everyone else to decide, of course! I'll be happy either way.

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

It is a bit of a conundrum, I agree, but given how a two-unit solo of the first map isn't really that fun, I think that freedom until chapter 5 would be reasonable. Up to you/everyone else to decide, of course! I'll be happy either way.

how about dieck is free till chapter 5 and after that someone can draft him, seeing as chapter 2 without any of the mercs would be difficult to keep them out of combat.

10 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

I'm not gonna rig, but states are fair game. How else does whoever gets Gwendolyn and/or Sophia expect to use them?

And Treck, and Bors, and Barth, and Wade, and Gonzales, and Douglas, and you get the idea.

Edited by Hello72207
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3 hours ago, Hello72207 said:



3 hours ago, Hello72207 said:


Is this a challenge?! I'M USING BOTH! AND LOT TOO!

3 hours ago, Hello72207 said:

how about dieck is free till chapter 5 and after that someone can draft him, seeing as chapter 2 without any of the mercs would be difficult to keep them out of combat.

That works for me!

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I would like to announce that if you want to dump a cosmetic mod onto your rom, you can. But ONLY cosmetic. You can't go editing a unit's stats, but you can edit their colors, sprites and even their identity so long as you don't change their stats and join time. In other words, the units have to PLAY the same, and the same goes for enemy formations and weapons. But as long as the game PLAYS just like vanilla FE6, it can look however you want.

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14 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

Free Deke is fair for me. (Even though its officially Dieck, I say Deke. Sounds less... you know.)

alright wanna put that in the rules to prevent confusion?

6 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

I would like to announce that if you want to dump a cosmetic mod onto your rom, you can. But ONLY cosmetic. You can't go editing a unit's stats, but you can edit their colors, sprites and even their identity so long as you don't change their stats and join time. In other words, the units have to PLAY the same, and the same goes for enemy formations and weapons. But as long as the game PLAYS just like vanilla FE6, it can look however you want.

Alright, neat. So we can put like healthbars and stuff, but not change how the game plays. Makes sense.

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18 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

Free Deke is fair for me. (Even though its officially Dieck, I say Deke. Sounds less... you know.)

That's a bit of a Dieck move, bro.

10 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

I would like to announce that if you want to dump a cosmetic mod onto your rom, you can. But ONLY cosmetic. You can't go editing a unit's stats, but you can edit their colors, sprites and even their identity so long as you don't change their stats and join time. In other words, the units have to PLAY the same, and the same goes for enemy formations and weapons. But as long as the game PLAYS just like vanilla FE6, it can look however you want.

Nice. Sounds good!

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Well, there's two of us and I'd hate to start it now. Just giving this thing a bump so more might notice.
Also, that "cosmetic edits" allowance I made can even include text. Like if you want to, you can overhaul the story so that Hector lives and stuff. But you can't bring that into gameplay; giving players a level 20 general on Chapter 4 is a bit much.

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3 hours ago, GlitchWarrior said:

Also, that "cosmetic edits" allowance I made can even include text. Like if you want to, you can overhaul the story so that Hector lives and stuff. But you can't bring that into gameplay; giving players a level 20 general on Chapter 4 is a bit much.

exactly, thats why i did it in chapter 1. and gave him flying

and Karel's growths

and max move

and an S in everything

and 30 max in every stat

and he is a level 1 knight

and he is the main lord

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1 hour ago, GlitchWarrior said:

well it means we might actually have a bench
but what the frack, why not

or we could keep it to we each draft 9 units still

and just have a Lot of units unloved and unpicked

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25 minutes ago, Hello72207 said:

and just have a Lot of units unloved and unpicked

I want to use all of the bad units, though! I love every last one of them!

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