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Cool or badass words


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Zweihander: it's a two-handed sword nearly the length of the wielder, and it was mainly used by bodyguards, but also for breaking pike formations by charging in and using the sword to push away the pikes:


Regenyei Zweihander! Length of the blade: 130 cm Width of ricasso at the  crossbar: 33 mm Width of the blade at the start: 40 mm Width of the blade  at 5 cm … | Miecz


Cervelliere Helmet XVI century – Wargear


…Oh; cool or badass words, not cool or badass swords. Never mind. Though I would say that the term Zweihander still sounds cool. 

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It means breeze. It comes from Greek, the god of the west wind. I like the gentle, soft voice of the word, but it still sounds cool at the same time.

I like how the word is trying to hide the naughtiness through a facade of formality via word length.

Sounds mysterious, alien, and powerful.

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"persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success."
Basically; When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
To never give up no matter what. It's my favourite word.

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