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What’s your favorite game out of aLl the games?

16 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Any bad video games you've played but still enjoy?

No, I don’t think I’ve really played any “bad games”.

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Since you mentioned liking sweet, clumsy female characters in this thread, who are some of your favourite sweet, clumsy female characters?

19 hours ago, Maof06 said:
Stealing your question: which of Roy's 6 pairings do you like from best to worst?

Roy x Lilina

Roy x Sophia

Roy x Cath (in all seriousness, I think Cath is Roy's age, and with Roy having to talk to her 3 times to recruit her, I'm surprised they can't support/marry)

Roy x Shanna

Roy x Cecillia

Roy x Sue

Roy x Lalum

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Since you said you dislike conventional weapons in fiction, what weapon type would you like to see added to fe? What class would wield them (new or old)?

On 10/29/2020 at 7:45 PM, Randoman said:

Since you mentioned liking sweet, clumsy female characters in this thread, who are some of your favourite sweet, clumsy female characters?

Well from fe I know:




All of whom are among the best girls in their game, Felicia being the number one best girl in her(s?)

I don’t watch much anime or play anime games really, it’s just a coincidence that fe, my favorite game series, is anime, and character types like that seem to be an anime thing.


Roy x Cath (in all seriousness, I think Cath is Roy's age, and with Roy having to talk to her 3 times to recruit her, I'm surprised they can't support/marry)

I wholeheartedly agree, actually.

Edited by Sooks
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What are your 3 most favourite tropes in fiction? It can be character tropes, plot tropes, or whatever.

13 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Since you said you dislike conventional weapons in fiction, what weapon type would you like to see added to fe? What class would wield them (new or old)?

A lot of weapon ideas I have would be way too unconventional for Fire Emblem. I mean, weapons like bear traps on chains or books that shoot out pages made of steel would essentially make the game not Fire Emblem anymore.

I guess the most reasonable unconventional weapon I can think of is "bladed shields", which would be wielded by armor knights (and their promoted forms), Dragon Riders (and their promoted forms), and Heroes, and they'd generally give slight defense boosts when equipped. I'm surprised that both fiction and real life medievil times never/seldomly make use of bladed shields, since they seem easy enough to make and implement.

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On 10/28/2020 at 2:07 PM, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite male FE character (KagaSaga excluded)?

Um... Raphael, I guess? He's a lot like my dad and avi, so I like that.

What is your favorite Skill in FE? (I.E, Accost, Adept, etc.)

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What good units in fe do you like to use?

On 10/29/2020 at 10:54 PM, Randoman said:

What are your 3 most favourite tropes in fiction? It can be character tropes, plot tropes, or whatever.

1. Civil wars!

2. Twist villains

3. That anime trope of the cute, cheerful, and clumsy girl despite me being mostly unfamiliar with the genre- I can’t think of many tropes I’m passionate about, unfortunately.

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On 10/29/2020 at 12:26 PM, Shrow said:

How do you dress at home and in public?

Very casually.


Favorite weapon type?

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1 hour ago, Sooks1016 said:

What good units in fe do you like to use?

Fun ones. I generally prefer bad units because frequently, good units simply enemy phase everything to death, which is no fun. (And I do like using the underdog.) Sometimes I use bad units for the extra challenge, though.

FE6 Marcus is a great unit and I love using him, for example. Other good units I like using are Macha and Brighton, (FE5, but I haven't gotten that far and I don't really know if they're considered good) Karel, Raigh, (admittedly not amazing but merely okaigh.) Haar, (FE10 sorta, only part 2) Arran, .(FE12) and Esteban. (And everyone in Berwick Saga, actually.)


Where do you get your username from?

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On 10/28/2020 at 11:00 PM, Randoman said:

Since hearing you gush about Dolce was a good, thorough read, what other fictional female characters do you like to that heavy of a degree?

Uh, well, let's see...

How about Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening? I don't have quite as much to say, but I think she's one of the best female characters in the series and one of my favorites in general.

Her design is great, her VA is also really great (Laura Bailey again, go figure), and her personality is relatable to me as a more reserved person. She has a really tragic backstory that isn't retconned or reversed by some convenient plot device, and I think that gives her character more nuance and meaning. I always appreciate strong female leads in any medium, and Lucina is no exception. She has a great resolve and perseverance to fight for what she believes in. That's very admirable.


Favorite hot beverage?

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  What are your top 5 wishes/hopes for a new Donkey Kong Country game? (Eg: you hope the kremlings and King K. Rool return, you hope that there'll be as many or more playable characters than Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, you hope David Wise composes the soundtrack for the game, etc.)

21 hours ago, Benice said:

What is your favorite Skill in FE? (I.E, Accost, Adept, etc.)

Most of the Fire Emblem games that I've played don't have skills.

Well, off the top of my head, Aptitude (FE13's version where it boosts all growths by +20%) would probably be my pick, since I heavily value good growth rates and I take advantage of save scumming to rig good level ups. Aptitude really helps cuts down on the amount of reloads/resets needed for good level ups.

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What is your favorite character design? It can be any character (providing the image is for all ages).

On 10/31/2020 at 1:37 AM, Maof06 said:

Favorite weapon type?


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7 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

What is your favorite character design? It can be any character (providing the image is for all ages).

I've got a lot of favourites, so it's really hard for me to pick just one (I'll exclude OCs since giving them as an answer feels like cheating). Off the top of my head, some of them include:

-Mario and Luigi (for their outfits/apperances managing to be both iconic and simple/regular looking, plus just looking at them brings me back to better times)

-Marth (for his design consisting mainly of my favourite colour, how cool/regal he looks, and having just the right amount of bishounen-ness in his appearance)

-Godspeed from The Flash (I really like how cool, sleek, and unique his design looks, especially with it combining white and gold in a way that looks evil and sinister, despite those two colours usually being associated with holiness and light)

-Max from Bomberman (for how cool his appearance looks, and how it's pretty unique even among other robot character designs)

...I guess I should throw in one or two female characters so I don't seem too sexist.

Fluttershy (you can't really get any more feminine than pink and yellow when it comes to dual colour combinations, plus she's really pretty/cute with her long flowing hair and her shy/timid facial expessions)

Rosalina (I really like the female "long hair and eye bang" look, and her long, light blue dress looks gorgeous)

I guess I'll ask you a similar question: who are your top 3-5 favourite character designs? (you can choose whether you want to go with top 3 or top 5)

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On 10/31/2020 at 5:22 AM, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite hot beverage?

Uhh...Apple cider?


Favorite dance, either to do or listen to/watch?

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30 minutes ago, Randoman said:

Who are your top 3 favourite Zelda characters that are specific to the CD-I Zelda series?

I like Morshu the second most, followed by the weird Fishing guy who gives you a sword, and, the greatest character in fiction...


What about you?

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On 10/31/2020 at 12:46 PM, Randoman said:

What are your top 5 wishes/hopes for a new Donkey Kong Country game? (Eg: you hope the kremlings and King K. Rool return, you hope that there'll be as many or more playable characters than Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, you hope David Wise composes the soundtrack for the game, etc.)


1. More characters to play as, so long as they're designed well and control well.

2. David Wise, definitely.

3. Bring back K. Rool and the Kremlings.

4. Maybe consider 3D again. I know 64 didn't do that well, but I could see it working much better now given the level of experience Retro has with 3D games.

5. Give another Kong the spotlight as the protagonist instead of DK, like with DKC2 and 3


Favorite running meme or joke?

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On 10/29/2020 at 12:43 PM, Sooks1016 said:

What’s your favorite game out of aLl the games?

DaRk SOuLs

This is a bit of a generic question but...
If you could pick a super power, what would it be?

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12 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Favorite running meme or joke?

I like Rickrolling people, so I'll g with that.

What is your favorite type of sandwich or burger?

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What’s your favorite fe class? Peak creativity, I know.

On 11/1/2020 at 4:38 PM, Randoman said:

 I guess I'll ask you a similar question: who are your top 3-5 favourite character designs? (you can choose whether you want to go with top 3 or top 5)

I said this somewhere before but I’m too lazy to find it, they were all post time skip designs from Three Houses because that’s the only medium with character design I’m super passionate about. I think it was

1. Dimitri

2. Edelgard

3. Ingrid

4. Annette

5. Leonie

At least it would be now.

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5 hours ago, Sooks1016 said:

What’s your favorite fe class? Peak creativity, I know.

Myrmidons! Particularly in Berwick's case, but I just love how unreliable and luck-based they are. Faye in particular is such a hilariously fun unit to use, but I also love Fir, Marisa, Joshua, (FINALLY A MALE MYRMIDON WHO ISN'T EDGY) and Larcei.


What is your least favorite unit in your favorite class?

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In Thracia 776, who are some of your favourite bad characters/low to bottom tier characters to scroll abuse? (Eg: boost up Marty's attack & speed with scrolls to make him an absolute monster, scroll abuse Kain who starts at level 1 and give him Est-like growths)

20 hours ago, Benice said:

What about you?

Gwonam, definitely. After that, I have a hard time picking just two of Mayor Kravendish, the Baker, the "Magic Cloak" lady, Ushrom (the Wand of Gamelon shopkeeper), Ipo the Reader, Hectan, Fari, the 3 evil witches... yeah... there's too many to choose from for me to make a top 3.

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On 11/3/2020 at 11:50 AM, Benice said:

What is your favorite type of sandwich or burger?

(B)acon, (L)ettuce & (T)omato sandwich going by B.L.T.
A god like sandwich leaving even scientists confused.


What's that one game you've been wanting to play but never getting around to? Share some details.

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What’s your favorite food?

On 11/3/2020 at 5:36 PM, Benice said:

What is your least favorite unit in your favorite class?

Well I’ve always liked wyvern riders and the (playable) ones I know are...








and Petra and Cyril if I’m feeling generous.

And I know nothing about Zeiss as a unit, so him I suppose.

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On 11/3/2020 at 4:44 PM, Randoman said:

In Thracia 776, who are some of your favourite bad characters/low to bottom tier characters to scroll abuse? (Eg: boost up Marty's attack & speed with scrolls to make him an absolute monster, scroll abuse Kain who starts at level 1 and give him Est-like growths)

I dunno, actually! I'm on my first playthrough, and I can customize menu colors!

But I intend to make Lara a thief fighter even though Lifis is infinitely better at it!

What's your favorite Red Robin's burger?

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What’s your favorite dessert?

1 minute ago, Benice said:

What's your favorite Red Robin's burger?

The one I posted about in the wish thread, actually! The Royal Red Robin. (Don’t open if you’re susceptible to food images).



I wasn’t kidding when I said burgers with eggs were the best burgers. I recommend them to all (except those will allergies).

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