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  Despite the vastness of the internet, have you ever had the problem of not being able to find the information you want on the internet? (Eg: for me, I really want to figure out how people get such fast times on Sample/Title Screen Courses in Super Mario Maker 2 so I can get similarly fast times, but I can never find any guides or videos on it) If yes, what information are you unable to find on the internet, that you really want to find?

4 hours ago, Shrow said:

What's that one game you've been wanting to play but never getting around to? Share some details.

I've been meaning to beat Super Bomberman R (I'm at the final world) and unlock all the 6 story mode boss characters, but with how much of my time Super Mario Maker 2 has been taking up, it's been hard to do so.

Essentially, I'm "trapped" on the Super Mario Maker 2 leaderboards, since I'm highly ranked on them, and not playing Super Mario Maker 2 when I have gaming time available will only gradually lower my ranking. Being at the top 100 on the leaderboards is really exhausting, and the competition is relentless (and sometimes flat out dishonourable in terms of sabotaging others by predatorily mass stealing world records from the same person). Though part of me does want to quit, I don't because the leaderboards are a really good way of getting a lot of mileage out of one game, and not having to buy multiple games to occupy myself. I mean, being occupied by one game for 2-3 years is much cheaper than having to buy multiple games to occupy myself for 2-3 years.

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On 11/5/2020 at 4:36 PM, Sooks said:

What’s your favorite food?

My favourite recipe to make is called the broccoli ham ring (might not be exactly what we make) It's very delicious.

Though sometimes when people ask favourite food it could mean a more basic food like cheese, apples, chicken, etc...
If that's the case Il just say Eggs.

What was your first gaming console and the first game you played on that system
Alternatively: What was the first video game you've ever played?

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On 11/5/2020 at 1:49 PM, Sooks said:

What’s your favorite dessert?

All of the above.

...Okay, fine, cheesecake is my favorite, followed by basically anyting deep-fried.


What is your favorite part of SoV?

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Who is your favorite sacred stones character? Or unit, whichever you prefer.

On 11/5/2020 at 9:19 PM, Randoman said:

Despite the vastness of the internet, have you ever had the problem of not being able to find the information you want on the internet? (Eg: for me, I really want to figure out how people get such fast times on Sample/Title Screen Courses in Super Mario Maker 2 so I can get similarly fast times, but I can never find any guides or videos on it) If yes, what information are you unable to find on the internet, that you really want to find?

Not really, the only time I can think of having that problem was trying to find the most efficient way to complete the support log in fe7, and long story short that’s how I ended up here. I still had to discover that information for myself, though. (Chapters 27-29 Eliwood’s tale are you best friends.)

1 hour ago, Benice said:

What is your favorite part of SoV?

the credits

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Who is the character in your avatar, and what makes you like them so much?

8 hours ago, Shrow said:

What was your first gaming console and the first game you played on that system

Alternatively: What was the first video game you've ever played?

Sky Destroyer on the Famicom.

29 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Not really, the only time I can think of having that problem was trying to find the most efficient way to complete the support log in fe7, and long story short that’s how I ended up here. I still had to discover that information for myself, though. (Chapters 27-29 Eliwood’s tale are you best friends.)

Personally, I used Game Shark codes to switch the characters to whoever's supports I wanted to unlock. There was a lot of waiting around in Eliwood Mode chapter 11 and 12.

...though I guess you wanted to do it the honest way, which is understandable. I did it at first for Hector's final chapters, then I went the cheating route with the last 10-15 supports.

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35 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Who is your favorite sacred stones character? Or unit, whichever you prefer.

Hm...Knoll is really interesting, Duessel is a god and Cormag is pretty neat.

Amelia might be my favorite, though. Quite a few good supports.


Who is your favorite unit in the franchise?

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If you could have any Berwick character get into smash, who would it be and why?

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Absolute favorite game soundtrack?

Haha... Undertale

Man that was such a good experience... if only I could go through it for the first time again. I couldn’t recommend it more if you’re looking for something new. Even just picking 9 songs was so hard, especially at the end when there were more I wanted to include.

1 hour ago, Randoman said:

Personally, I used Game Shark codes to switch the characters to whoever's supports I wanted to unlock. There was a lot of waiting around in Eliwood Mode chapter 11 and 12.

...though I guess you wanted to do it the honest way, which is understandable. I did it at first for Hector's final chapters, then I went the cheating route with the last 10-15 supports.

I usually like to stick to the honest way, that is true.

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21 hours ago, Benice said:

What is your favorite part of SoV?

Does that mean my favourite story part, game play mechanic, or?
I'm just gonna list everything I like:
- Clerics that can fight back
- Archers with more then 2 - 3 range
- Learning spells
- Simple and raw map design
- Lukas and Genny are some my favourite characters
- I love the fights against Berkut.

Least Favourite Fire Emblem?

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On 11/9/2020 at 5:52 PM, Sooks said:

If you could have any Berwick character get into smash, who would it be and why?

Faye because we need another FE sword rep.

Esteban, 'cause he's the best. He does sometimes use a sword, though... Ruby is pretty cool and doesn't just use swords. Enid with Pallas Leia would be hilarious... And Dean's pretty cool, I guess.

Or Adel, with all of his moves being a Counter.

But yeah, I'll go with Esteban, because he could go a very different direction than the other swordies.


What FE game do you want to be remade next?

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Do you like using Jagens? Why or why not?

17 hours ago, Shrow said:

Least Favourite Fire Emblem?

Tough, it’s either Fates: Birthright or Shadows of Valentia for the same reason:

17 hours ago, Shrow said:

Simple and raw map design

I think Echoes might have been worse on that front since I physically could not play the game all the way through at once, I had to take breaks in between each act to go play something else but Echoes has much better everything than Birthright, so even if they both lead to me forgetting 90% of the campaign... I guess Fates: Birthright? But I enjoyed Echoes’ gameplay less... tough.

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14 hours ago, Benice said:

What FE game do you want to be remade next?

Well GBA is too new and FE3 was already remade on the DS so that leaves only FE4 and FE5 respectively. It's hard to pick another option unless there's something I'm forgetting.

Do you play PC games? \ Are you interested in PC gaming?

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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Do you like using Jagens? Why or why not?

Depends on the Jagen.

Jagens like FE6 Marcus, FE4 Oifey or FE10 Sothe, definitely. They're both crutches for the team, and they both actually fall off and don't break the game from the beginning. Sothe is a bit too stronk for my tastes, but he's still cool.

Unkillable gods like Seth, FE10 Ike or Titania who you send into enemy range and watch the game play itself? Definitely not.

I don't mind Jagens having high growths, though, because the reason they're good to begin with is their starting point being better than everyone else's. It doesn't particularly matter that Titania falls off at, say, chapter 20 of 28 or Seth right before endgame, because at that point everyone else is already godlike. Being viable until endgame isn't much better than being viable only in the early-midgame.

...Very nice rant I have going here.

What is your favorite spell/ability in SoV?

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  Aside from Video Brinquedo movies, what other "so bad, it's good" type of things do you enjoy?

On 11/9/2020 at 6:12 PM, Benice said:

Who is your favorite unit in the franchise?

On 10/4/2020 at 3:53 PM, Randoman said:

It'd have to be Marth. Aside from finding him really cool looking ever since I first saw him in Melee during his character unlock battle (blue is my favourite colour, and I really like how so many different shades of blue are implemented in his character design), I really like how hesitant and humble he is compared to other Fire Emblem lords, and how his insecurity and him getting easily flustered makes him more flawed, human, and relatable compared to other FE leads, who are generally either way too gung-ho and resolute, or virtuous to the point of it not seeming realistic.


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On 11/9/2020 at 7:08 PM, Randoman said:

Who is the character in your avatar, and what makes you like them so much?

Taiga Aisaka, from the anime Toradora. If you looked up tsundere in the anime dictionary, her face would probably be there. But unlike a lot of tsunderes, that act that way for no real reason, Taiga has an understandable reason why she's so prickly and mistrustful of others. She was neglected by her parents and lived for quite a while on her own while keeping very few relationships, ending up a very lonely girl until she met Ryuji Takasu.

I mostly relate to her as far as being very closed off from other people and heavily insecure, even though I'm not an abrasive person (mostly). I'm also very easily embarrassed and tend to get quite, uh...upset when that happens, sometimes reacting in less-than-ideal ways. And I can really relate to feeling lonely a lot of the time.

I mean, she's also very cute, but that's a plus rather than the exclusive reason why I like her so much.


Favorite mage in FE?

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What would your family members/real life friends say your best and worst personality traits are?

5 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I mean, she's also very cute, but that's a plus rather than the exclusive reason why I like her so much.

Favorite mage in FE?

Sure, sure. =P

Merric and Lilina come to mind. Merric for being really good friends with Marth and Elice (he's a childhood friend of two of my favourite characters, so that makes him a favourite character of sorts as well) and for having a pretty cool, fancy design as far as male mages go. Lilina for being really kind, sweet, cute, and all-around likeable.

If you count shamans as mages, you can throw in Sophia in there as well. I'm a fan of gentle, soft-spoken females in general, and she looks gorgeous with her long robe and long flowing hair.

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22 hours ago, Benice said:

What is your favorite spell/ability in SoV?

I've got multiple:
Killer Bow's Hunter's Volley is just downright broken
Longbow's Encloser is fun to use.
Black Magic Nosferatu is part of what makes clerics fun to use
White Magic Invoke spells are amazing, fun but also broken though.

Those gotta be my favourites I remember using a lot. There were a lot of good contenders though.

Do you drive a car, if so what kind? If not what kind of transportation do you use?

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15 hours ago, Randoman said:

What would your family members/real life friends say your best and worst personality traits are?


Hm...well, since I have no friends, I'll go with my family on this one. I think, based on what my family members have told me, they appreciate my quiet, easygoing personality the most, but think that I can be a bit stubborn sometimes.

Do you prefer Alm or Celica as a protagonist?

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On 10/31/2020 at 2:54 AM, Benice said:

Where do you get your username from?

My username is made up of the initials of my full name plus the number 6. My first name has 6 letters and I was born on the 6th.


Favorite game series besides FE and why?

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Why do you like Sigurd so much?

23 hours ago, Shrow said:

Do you play PC games? \ Are you interested in PC gaming?

The only games I play on my laptop or want to play on my laptop that can only run pong are emulators of old games.

That’s the answer to both questions...

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21 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Why do you like Sigurd so much?

Sigurd is the deconstruction of the Lawful Good protagonist archetype that is present in most of the works out there. All his decisions, although made in good faith, backfire on him and costs him everything. He is as if the Prince Charming was placed in the world of Game of Thrones, not unlike Ned or Robb Stark. On a related note, these are basically the same reasons why I like Chrom so much, since they share a lot of features between them.


Have you finished FE Awakening?

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  Who/What are some of your favourite youtubers/youtube channels to follow?

5 hours ago, Shrow said:

Do you drive a car, if so what kind? If not what kind of transportation do you use?

I usually either drive my family's van (Honda) or the hybrid (Toyota Prius). I prefer the latter, with how much lighter, smaller, and easier on gas it is.

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On 11/11/2020 at 12:13 PM, Randoman said:

Aside from Video Brinquedo movies, what other "so bad, it's good" type of things do you enjoy?

Video games. Some of my most loved games are complete garbo and I love it. One particularly bad/good one is Brave: A warrior's tale. It's quite bad in every regard...But the voice acting, strangely enough, is absolutely superb.

What's your favorite sandwich?

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7 hours ago, Sooks said:

What’s your favorite game series (other than fe if that would be it)?

Pokémon and Final Fantasy.


Have you ever punched someone?

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