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Your least favorite battle history comments

Not Changed by VASM :(

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I don't pay particular attention to battle history quotes. I don't need a character to tell me how well I did or badly I failed. =/


I haven't payed enough attention to those to know who says what. I don't play Fire Emblem to rank.

And this.

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"Oh, that's one way to fight..."

Eliwood, I think.

Well fuck you. I'll fight however I want, you sonuvabitch.


I thought that one didn't fail as much as some others XD

Pretty much anything said by any character. If I wanted your advice I'd ask for it.



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Vaida. She seems full of herself plus S/A rank i'm not sure is a good thing...

"You did great! I think I'll claim you as my own!"

Oookay...shew isn't the only character make the offer but the way she says it...

You know she just want to dominate your ass.

I don't read any of them, so I don't even remember a single one. I think I got one from Karel though, but I don't remember what he said.

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None of them stand out as being terrible.


Reading some of the insulting ones was lol. You have people apologizing and saying "we'll do better next time", and then you get to Raven and Canas: "Useless...", "You seem to lack even basic skills."

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Canas's B/C is pretty insulting, I believe. Well, compared to others anyway. Everyone else is like "Well done" etc. while Canas says "I see. No better than average, are you?". Which is true enough.

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