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Make Your Move

Saint Nightroad

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Hi. I'm Chris Lionheart, one of the 5 leaders of the Make Your Move Contests over at Smashboards.com.

I mentioned this in the moveset thread, but I feel as though this may deserve a thread of its own.

Basically its a huge contests with many entrants. You are allowed to make as many movesets as you want, but do attempt to show good quality in your work.

You can make sets for video game characters, tv characters, characters from literature and history... you can even make characters from your own mind!!!! Nothing is off limits.

The contest is mostly just for fun (and trust me, it is fun), but 50 winners are voted on at the end of the contest. Those reward (other than the pride of winning) is the chance to see your character on a Fake Smash Bros. Dojo.

Other than posting movesets, the participants in this thread also engage in jokes, Subspace Emissary writing, and lots and lots of mindless spam. :lol:

The 5 leaders (with their Smashboards usernames) are:

SirKibble (not dog food)

Chief Mendez


King K. Rool

And me, the great Chris Lionheart ;)

The current contest has ended, but the next one will start on Thanksgiving day (11/27/08).

If your interested, heres the link to the current contest.


Be warned, though. The standard of quality is MUCH higher than that of the movesets thread here. To give you an example, here are links to some of mine (they aren't winning movesets but they are above average.)







And to give you an idea of the awesomeness that is Make Your Move, here is a picture made by Chief Mendez. It features the top four winners of Make Your Move 3.


Edited by Chris Lionheart
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