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Taiwan is NOT part of China! We Support the REAL democracy in Asia! The term "China." Whether Taiwanese people like it or not, most people say "China" to mean not the cultural entity, but the People's Republic of China. People's Republic of China should respect the will of Taiwan and understand that military will not solve the problems.

Here is a list of political entities that have ruled Taiwan:

The Dutch Empire (1624-62): Ruled Southern Taiwan and drove out Spanish in the north.

The Spanish Empire (1626- 42): Ruled Northern Taiwan.

The Ming Dynasty (1662-83): Taiwan was an outpost for a great anti-Qing general, a Ming loyalist.

The Qing Dynasty (1683-1895): Taiwan was became a province of the Qing Dynasty in 1882.

The Republic of Formosa (1895): This was a short-lived republic formed in response to the abandonment of Taiwan by the Qing Dynasty.

Empire of Japan (1895-1945): The Japanese left a double legacy, both suppressing the Taiwanese and substantially modernizing the island.

Republic of China (1945-present): The Kuomintang acquired the right to administer Taiwan from Japan after its defeat in WWII. The island has been in the control of ROC since then.

The People's Republic of China has never ruled Taiwan.

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