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Awakening Character Stats for FE3H


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So one day I started this project. The idea was to take eight child characters from Awakening and transfer them to Three Houses. I can't do art like I've seen so many people do, but I can mess with stats. I'd love any feedback you guys could provide! And I hope you enjoy!

FE3H: White Sheep Project


Edited by AryaReady
Thanks for the help guys! I've removed the attachment and put in a link to my project in a google spreadsheet instead. This way you should be able to more safely access it.
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9 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Oh I've done something similar for the child units in Fates! ...well, when talking about boons, banes, hidden skills, classes, and backstories anyways. My computer won't let me read your file, but good luck with your project!


You should be able to access it now, sorry about that. Did you share your Fates project? I'd love to see it!

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7 hours ago, Jotari said:

I'd stick it up on google sheets if i were you. Asking people to download unknown files isn't always the best advice.

Thank you for the advice! I'll keep that in mind from now on. It should now be accessible as a google sheet, but please let me know if there are still any more problems.

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52 minutes ago, AryaReady said:

You should be able to access it now, sorry about that. Did you share your Fates project? I'd love to see it!

I didn't since it was mostly done before I joined this forum. It was mostly for a head-canon idea. I can share some of it below!

Great job with Lucina! Maybe adding another hidden skill in Bows may work though. This might be unconventional, but Lord, Cavalier, and Archer are the three classes that Lucina will always have no matter the mother, and her Legendary alt in Heroes is a Bow unit. (The same is true for Chrom.) And if you're looking for a G.D character for her to support with, either Claude because he's curious about her origins or Marianne because they both feel like they had to distance themselves for the sake of others. Heck, having Lucina support the other House Leaders would just be cool in general. (Now if Robin was Lucina's mother - not my Head-canon but it could work - and Lucina had two crests, then Edelgard and Lysithea would be interesting choices.)


For the Fates characters: 



Siegbert would actually be combined with Dimitri (which may or may not be my head-canon). Siegbert as a character is an honorable, duty-bound young man whose hero-worship of his father actually limits his own growth. He believes that everyone should do their best and stays up far too late studying. Dimitri already has most of those qualities. The hero-worship could be part of what tortures Dimitri after the Tragedy of Duscur - Dimitri loved his father so much that he is torturing himself by hearing the voice of his father. Meanwhile outsiders believe that the pre-timeskip Dimitri is still the same boy they knew from before the tragedy who simply stopped going by his nickname. 

Ophelia would fit in with Annette and Lysithea, but with a twist. Ophelia can see mystical things, but isn't completely sure how it works*. Her goal at the academy is to figure out how her powers work. To round out the pair, Ophelia would probably be in the Black Eagles house and known as the daughter of a very eccentric noble playwright. 

Shiro can be reworked into being the bastard son of a noble (or the Sreng kingdom**). Shiro was never expected to inherit his father's position, so he was never told about his father's position. But once the rightful heir died, Shiro was forced into the position and hasn't lived up to it yet. So Shiro's father sent him to the academy to learn how to be a more appropriate leader. I personally like this better than "I never told you that you'd be the prince because you weren't maturing how I matured, despite me having a completely different support system." (Ryoma is a terrible father.) The other theory I've had for him is that he's actually Catherine's younger brother. When Catherine ran off, it turns out she was given Thunderbrand as a blessing by her father. Shiro doesn't really have a problem with that, but Catherine was expected to be the head of the house, and now Shiro has to deal with living up to a future that will never be and simply having a different view on life than his and Catherine's father. 

Asugi I have as a thief who would be caught by Shamir and Catherine early on. Instead of turning him over the authorities and see his skills go to waste, they threaten him into joining the Knights of Seiros. Cyril would see Asugi as a potential rival and threat (and would later realizing that this is how others view/viewed him, and Cyril needs to trust Asugi before he becomes like everybody else) and Shiro would offer Asugi a job (Asugi would accept in the paired ending). 

Rhajat would be Hubert's younger sister, and would always join the opposite side he does (they'd have the same stat growths and spells; and she'd come with the relic Hubert would earn).

Caeldori would be Sylvain's younger sister and she'd hero-worship Ingrid. I toy with the idea that she is a prodigy but can't inherit because she has no crest; but I also like the idea that Sylvain wants her to inherit House Gautier but their parents would rather her become a noble's bride for political reasons.

Mitama I have as Raph's younger sister. Loves art? Is quirky? Has monstrous strength growths? Must run in the family. She'd join in the second half of the game. 

Ignatius would be the son of a newly minted knight who's bravery earned him a boon from their lord; the boon was that Ignatius attend the academy. Now everyone thinks Ignatius is a great warrior like his parent(s), but in reality Ignatius is afraid of most everything. Imagine the things he, Ashe, and Berny could get up to!

Soleil would ROCK the academy. Her story comes with a bit more head-canon though.* Soleil would be the eldest child of (Chrom!)Inigo/Laslow and (potentially) Azura. Unlike her sibling(s), she'd have no crest, making her growth in the Holy Kingdom stunted. As such, she became a mercenary on her own and worked her way into the academy. Despite her ability, Soleil would have some angst over the fact that the two things she truly wants (a crest and to be a good dancer) she can never have. She is a childhood friend of Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid, rounding out the Five Man Band. She's also Dorothea's ex-girlfriend... I've also toyed with the idea of her being Marianne's twin ala Felicia and Flora, but I don't think that'd work. 

Shigure, being the Soleil's younger brother, would join after the time-skip. He shares a decent amount of qualities with Ignatz, although their base personality is enough to keep them separate. He has a crest. 

Sophie would just be the daughter of a knight. Which, while pretty basic, should work fine so long as she has more than just clumsiness and Avel to carry her through. 

Nina is a harder character to use. Part of me thinks she'd be better off combined with Bernadetta into one composite character (they similar traits and skills in archery, storytelling, and rebelling against fathers). Another part of me thinks that Nina could be a high ranking nobleman's daughter who he thinks is going through a rebellious phase and thus sends her to the academy to "straighten her out" before her criminal activity gets her killed (i.e. Ferdinand or Lorenz's little sister...although her being Felix's little sister and him not caring about her would be pretty funny). A third part of me thinks it'd be funny to see Nina harass Bernadetta into writing a Yaoi story, only for the story to stink because Berny didn't really care about the story and feels she's being creatively stifled (as a not-so-subtle jab at entitled fans and authors). 


The rest of the characters (Dwyer, Hisame, Kiragi, and Forrest) I haven't really figured out how to work into the game yet, but I think the amount here is good enough. 

For houses: 

Black Eagles: Ophelia, Nina, Ignatius

Blue Lions: Soleil, Shiro

Golden Deer: Mitama

Church Staff/Other: Rhajat, Asugi, Shigure, 


*In the full head-canon, Saul from FE 6 is Soleil and Shigure's youngest brother. There's a whole backstory on what happened between the children and their parents, and I've even written supports for it. I've toyed with the idea of Soleil and Co being Felix's younger siblings, but I'd rather have a different Fates child play that part.



Edited by Use the Falchion
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A few quick comments:

  1. The way you're presenting stats is weird and I'm genuinely unsure what they're even saying. Are they supposed to be caps and growths? What are the parenthetical numbers? Where are the bases? I'm so confused by them.
  2. It would be nice to see what skill levels you are imagining the characters would learn arts, spells, etc.
  3. A lot of the characters appear to be overtuned or otherwise not following the rules and conventions for Three Houses characters. Innately learning abilities like Renewal or Aegis or having spell lists with more than five spells immediately says "this is not a Three Houses character".
  4. Having skills from Awakening that rely on pair up doesn't really make sense in the context of Three Houses, considering the mechanic doesn't exist. While adjutants are vaguely similar, I don't think the skills still make sense.
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4 hours ago, lenticular said:

A few quick comments:

  1. The way you're presenting stats is weird and I'm genuinely unsure what they're even saying. Are they supposed to be caps and growths? What are the parenthetical numbers? Where are the bases? I'm so confused by them.
  2. It would be nice to see what skill levels you are imagining the characters would learn arts, spells, etc.
  3. A lot of the characters appear to be overtuned or otherwise not following the rules and conventions for Three Houses characters. Innately learning abilities like Renewal or Aegis or having spell lists with more than five spells immediately says "this is not a Three Houses character".
  4. Having skills from Awakening that rely on pair up doesn't really make sense in the context of Three Houses, considering the mechanic doesn't exist. While adjutants are vaguely similar, I don't think the skills still make sense.

Thanks so much for the feedback! I went back and edited some. There should now be a key and the skill levels for combat arts, abilities, and spells should be there as well. Having me go through and assign skill levels actually helped a lot with fixing your concern with the ability and spell lists. I cut out a lot from those and traded around what they got access to. You'll probably notice that I did leave the budding talent skills/combat arts as awakening skills, but those aren't intended to fit into the game like the others. Part of my goal with those is to bring a little Awakening into Three Houses, to mix things up a little bit (also, I may or may not just want an excuse to give Cynthia lethality). However, I did change out which skills they get so that (hopefully) none of them are already in Three Houses. If you notice that any of them are, let me know and I'll change them. And yeah, pair up skills are being applied to adjutants but I tried to minimize the use of those as well. 

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4 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

I didn't since it was mostly done before I joined this forum. It was mostly for a head-canon idea. I can share some of it below!

Great job with Lucina! Maybe adding another hidden skill in Bows may work though. This might be unconventional, but Lord, Cavalier, and Archer are the three classes that Lucina will always have no matter the mother, and her Legendary alt in Heroes is a Bow unit. (The same is true for Chrom.) And if you're looking for a G.D character for her to support with, either Claude because he's curious about her origins or Marianne because they both feel like they had to distance themselves for the sake of others. Heck, having Lucina support the other House Leaders would just be cool in general. (Now if Robin was Lucina's mother - not my Head-canon but it could work - and Lucina had two crests, then Edelgard and Lysithea would be interesting choices.)


For the Fates characters: 

  Reveal hidden contents


Siegbert would actually be combined with Dimitri (which may or may not be my head-canon). Siegbert as a character is an honorable, duty-bound young man whose hero-worship of his father actually limits his own growth. He believes that everyone should do their best and stays up far too late studying. Dimitri already has most of those qualities. The hero-worship could be part of what tortures Dimitri after the Tragedy of Duscur - Dimitri loved his father so much that he is torturing himself by hearing the voice of his father. Meanwhile outsiders believe that the pre-timeskip Dimitri is still the same boy they knew from before the tragedy who simply stopped going by his nickname. 

Ophelia would fit in with Annette and Lysithea, but with a twist. Ophelia can see mystical things, but isn't completely sure how it works*. Her goal at the academy is to figure out how her powers work. To round out the pair, Ophelia would probably be in the Black Eagles house and known as the daughter of a very eccentric noble playwright. 

Shiro can be reworked into being the bastard son of a noble (or the Sreng kingdom**). Shiro was never expected to inherit his father's position, so he was never told about his father's position. But once the rightful heir died, Shiro was forced into the position and hasn't lived up to it yet. So Shiro's father sent him to the academy to learn how to be a more appropriate leader. I personally like this better than "I never told you that you'd be the prince because you weren't maturing how I matured, despite me having a completely different support system." (Ryoma is a terrible father.) The other theory I've had for him is that he's actually Catherine's younger brother. When Catherine ran off, it turns out she was given Thunderbrand as a blessing by her father. Shiro doesn't really have a problem with that, but Catherine was expected to be the head of the house, and now Shiro has to deal with living up to a future that will never be and simply having a different view on life than his and Catherine's father. 

Asugi I have as a thief who would be caught by Shamir and Catherine early on. Instead of turning him over the authorities and see his skills go to waste, they threaten him into joining the Knights of Seiros. Cyril would see Asugi as a potential rival and threat (and would later realizing that this is how others view/viewed him, and Cyril needs to trust Asugi before he becomes like everybody else) and Shiro would offer Asugi a job (Asugi would accept in the paired ending). 

Rhajat would be Hubert's younger sister, and would always join the opposite side he does (they'd have the same stat growths and spells; and she'd come with the relic Hubert would earn).

Caeldori would be Sylvain's younger sister and she'd hero-worship Ingrid. I toy with the idea that she is a prodigy but can't inherit because she has no crest; but I also like the idea that Sylvain wants her to inherit House Gautier but their parents would rather her become a noble's bride for political reasons.

Mitama I have as Raph's younger sister. Loves art? Is quirky? Has monstrous strength growths? Must run in the family. She'd join in the second half of the game. 

Ignatius would be the son of a newly minted knight who's bravery earned him a boon from their lord; the boon was that Ignatius attend the academy. Now everyone thinks Ignatius is a great warrior like his parent(s), but in reality Ignatius is afraid of most everything. Imagine the things he, Ashe, and Berny could get up to!

Soleil would ROCK the academy. Her story comes with a bit more head-canon though.* Soleil would be the eldest child of (Chrom!)Inigo/Laslow and (potentially) Azura. Unlike her sibling(s), she'd have no crest, making her growth in the Holy Kingdom stunted. As such, she became a mercenary on her own and worked her way into the academy. Despite her ability, Soleil would have some angst over the fact that the two things she truly wants (a crest and to be a good dancer) she can never have. She is a childhood friend of Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid, rounding out the Five Man Band. She's also Dorothea's ex-girlfriend... I've also toyed with the idea of her being Marianne's twin ala Felicia and Flora, but I don't think that'd work. 

Shigure, being the Soleil's younger brother, would join after the time-skip. He shares a decent amount of qualities with Ignatz, although their base personality is enough to keep them separate. He has a crest. 

Sophie would just be the daughter of a knight. Which, while pretty basic, should work fine so long as she has more than just clumsiness and Avel to carry her through. 

Nina is a harder character to use. Part of me thinks she'd be better off combined with Bernadetta into one composite character (they similar traits and skills in archery, storytelling, and rebelling against fathers). Another part of me thinks that Nina could be a high ranking nobleman's daughter who he thinks is going through a rebellious phase and thus sends her to the academy to "straighten her out" before her criminal activity gets her killed (i.e. Ferdinand or Lorenz's little sister...although her being Felix's little sister and him not caring about her would be pretty funny). A third part of me thinks it'd be funny to see Nina harass Bernadetta into writing a Yaoi story, only for the story to stink because Berny didn't really care about the story and feels she's being creatively stifled (as a not-so-subtle jab at entitled fans and authors). 


The rest of the characters (Dwyer, Hisame, Kiragi, and Forrest) I haven't really figured out how to work into the game yet, but I think the amount here is good enough. 

For houses: 

Black Eagles: Ophelia, Nina, Ignatius

Blue Lions: Soleil, Shiro

Golden Deer: Mitama

Church Staff/Other: Rhajat, Asugi, Shigure, 


*In the full head-canon, Saul from FE 6 is Soleil and Shigure's youngest brother. There's a whole backstory on what happened between the children and their parents, and I've even written supports for it. I've toyed with the idea of Soleil and Co being Felix's younger siblings, but I'd rather have a different Fates child play that part.



I love the stories! I don't know the characters very well, but I like how you chose to integrate them like they were born in Fodlan as opposed to being from Nohr or Hoshido. As for me, I just figured they could be a class from Ylisse, like how the Black Eagles are from the Adrestrian Empire and so on.

I'm hesitant to add another budding talent for Lucina because I want to try and make them fit in, but I can see where you're coming from with that. Swapping bow out for faith as her budding talent could be interesting, but since Cynthia already has a budding talent in bows and I wanted to play off of the Ylissian royal line being Naga blessed, I think I'll leave it how it is. Her supports are in a similar situation as her hidden talent. I want to keep her number of supports low like the other house leaders, but I could probably add supports with Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude for potential plot reasons. And I can see the appeal in Lucina having two crests naturally but am unsure as to whether that would be a good idea or not. The last thing I would want to happen would be for the Agarthans to find that out and decide they just didn't try hard enough to make someone with two crests with no negative side effects or something.

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