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Yuli's Sprites.


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Before I start rudely posting things and asking for comments and critique, I'll ramble on about myself.

I'm not a newbie at spriting, but I'm not that good either. I mostly work with very simple things because I'm horrible at designs. I hope I can learn some things from you all. ;D

Let's start with this one;


This was a personal face sprite and I stoled the eyes off Farina. Everything else is sketch and color in. :3

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Thank you. Feel free to post what you think should be improved or fixed. I really want to get better. ;D

I'm not really into criticizing someone else's work, never been my thing. ^^

However, be sure to let me know when you post new stuff, I'd like to see it.

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Oh. Well, who doesn't like a compliment? Thanks! :3


I took Cameron's helmet, Darin's shoulder armor, and Erik's armor and paste them all together. The face was custom though.

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Oh. Well, who doesn't like a compliment? Thanks! :3


I took Cameron's helmet, Darin's shoulder armor, and Erik's armor and paste them all together. The face was custom though.

Nice work. I like it very much, specially the customized facemask. ^^

Here is a link to my museum, not that you will like them. ^^ God, I havent mugged for so long...


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Although you have some minors problems, you're very good and creative mixing various face sprites. ;D

Lol, thanks. Though this is your works section and I hate to see me get fame here, when its your place. XD

I appreciate the comment, though. ;)

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It won't be fair like that. Anybody should be able to get fame for their own work. ;)


Full custom except the hair which I took from Saul and edited it. Shading is a bit plain though, but I don't know how to fix it.


This one is also full custom except for the eyes which are from Karla. I'm also having trouble with shading on this one.

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You're not Magvel, are you? Your "works" certainly look like his...

That aside, all of your mugs are pillow-shaded. This means that the shading job was rather shoddy, and is shaded around the edges, making it looked like a pillow. Observe the shading on FE mugs for a better idea on what I mean.

All your female characters' breasts are also awkwardly shaded. They look like they're flat in the middle, and kind of... "wedge" out. If you want to learn how draw those properly, look at characters like Marisa for example on how to draw them properly.

The first one posted had some really fat arms. They also have no muscle tone, making them look incredibly round and unnatural.

The second last one's shoulders are much too thin for a guy.

The last one posted has a face shape that is much to round, and the nose looks too squarish. The mouth is also badly shaded.

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No I'm not Magvel, but I do know him. I worked with him on sprite project sometimes. All these works are mines. I can give you every detail on who's color I took and which part I took from to make it if you want.

I will try to fix my mistakes and edit it in when I'm done.



I changed the shape of the arms and body. Before I fully shade it in, I've decided to see if the shape is correct.


I've only increased one of the arms width. Does it look okay or do I need to change both of them?


I've only changed the right side of the body.

I rather take things one at a time before completely doing the whole thing. It's easier for me and you don't have to write such a big chunk. :3

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Oh. Well, who doesn't like a compliment? Thanks! :3


I took Cameron's helmet, Darin's shoulder armor, and Erik's armor and paste them all together. The face was custom though.

The shoulders are too high and are coming out the side of his neck, also the left(his left)the chest plate doesn't have a definitive line between it and the sleeve, perhaps the darkest armour shade or perhaps the outline colour could resolve the issue.

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So quiet on my topic. :x


Everything is custom except eyes which are from Karla.

Fluffy hair


I shaded it in. Does it look right now?

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As an extra note, your sprites (much like Magvel's, too, XD) have too much showing. Usually, on a female character, you can only see the very top of their breasts.

As for the first one on your post, her hair doesn't flow naturally, and looks very stiff. Try giving it some form by either making it flow more or giving it waviness, etc.

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I don't want myself to be limited on how much I could show so why not show extend the bottom? D:

I'll edit the sprites in when I finish.

Edit: I've been staring at my sprites for five minutes when I realize I don't know what to do.

For the first one, there's already 3 shades of color on the vest and shirt so I assumed you meant add the 3rd shade elsewhere, but I don't know where to add it without making it look weirder.

For the second, how do you "add flow" to the hair?

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I don't want myself to be limited on how much I could show so why not show extend the bottom? D:

I'll edit the sprites in when I finish.

Edit: I've been staring at my sprites for five minutes when I realize I don't know what to do.

For the first one, there's already 3 shades of color on the vest and shirt so I assumed you meant add the 3rd shade elsewhere, but I don't know where to add it without making it look weirder.

For the second, how do you "add flow" to the hair?

While I can understand your reasoning for wanting to extend the sprites (since I'm like that, except with dealing with color limitations), I have to say that I disagree with you. Now, I know that I can't force you to change the way you sprite, but I'll point out the issues anyway:

1) Extending the sprites down usually only works well for half-bodies and full-bodies. Your sprites are like a cross of a normal portrait and a half-body, so they look weird to begin with.

2) Extending the sprites only makes the flaws with the portraits even more apparent in your works. For one, there are huge problems with proportions in at least 90% of your custom sprites. Head size, body size, lack of shoulder width, etc. Secondly, it further highlights shading problems that all of your custom sprites have on them. Nothing is shaded in the correct Fire Emblem style, which conflicts with the fact that it seems as though you're trying to sprite in that style (in general terms of design and creation).

Spriting in a generally full-custom setting is great and all, but it doesn't exactly work that well if it isn't executed with the style's semantics upheld. Shading wrong and proportion anomalies just make the works less appealing. A sprite might have been done from scratch and look much worse than a splice with custom parts edited on, regardless of the amount of effort that was put in. Sure, everything equates to practice, which is never a bad thing, given the old adage that practice makes perfect. But, as it stands, I much prefer your splice of Cameron, Darin, and Erik with the custom face to all of the other works you've posted, since it most lines up with the existing Fire Emblem style. Your sprite that uses Lyn's ponytail with the custom body likely would trump the armored splice if the custom body conformed to the existing "rules" that sprites should generally follow if they're spriting in the FE style.

As for the two latest sprites, I think you're on the right track as to where to go with them, but there are still issues that are inherent across the board with all of your works. As an example, I think the hair design on the maroon-haired female is actually quite good. As someone partially alluded to, the hair's shading is the problem with it. They described it as needing to be wavy, when, in actuality, it needs to be altered to match the hair shading style that Fire Emblem uses, since that's the style that's being aimed for. You need to go and reference existing portraits and study the shading and design styles that they use. From them, you should be able to start to pick up the correct proportions and shading styles that Fire Emblem uses.

(And, as for the whole colors in the vest/shirt thing, I think that the poster is meaning for you to add a shade to both of them, since they're both shaded incorrectly. I'm personally not sure if adding another shade to both will fix the problem, since it's more a problem in fundamental shading techniques, but one can always try.)

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One thing that I would suggest for your sprites in general is to use more of the black outline. I think your clothes/armor can look better if you outlined them for a start. For the clothes, you should study the way folds and wrinkles in fabric are formed, as that would be very useful.

Also, since this hasn't been mentioned, the black part around the eyes and the eyebrows could use smoother transitioning to the skin tone. I reccomend studying the official sprites to get an idea of how it's done.

Hope this helps.

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Oh thank you for the comments. I guess I should try to limit myself until I have enough of a practice. XD

I'll try to work on more simpler things before tackling the tough things. :3

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