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Book V In the Club Remix


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I wonder if they will release the full mix at some point. Tap Battles is pretty much dead at this point. I don't remember when was the last time they ran it. Also I saw people talking about dancer Reginn, and I don't think I'm ready for Canto'ing Cavalier Dancer in this game.

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This was official. That model quality was official.

My oh my. Can't wait for the memers to keep going with this.

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Since this is becoming a legit. I'm starting to wonder Fire Emblem Heroes players might want Fafnir and Reginn for future Dancing Banners since Fanrir and Reignn does seemed to have good dance moves in the remix video?

Edited by King Marth 64
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Reginn is actually pretty cute. I really like her pony tail.

2 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:

This is the second greatest shitpost of all time.

Fixed that for you. Fates is the greatest shit post of all time.

Jus kidding. I like Fates. I just do not like what Tree House did to the localization.

Edited by XRay
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First thought when I watched it: "Let's summon the beat" haha summoner is Lucio.

New thought: Oh man if the next Dancer seasonal banner doesn't have a super out of place DJ techno theme and also have Reginn on it, I will be severely disappointed.

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my castle is now blaring shitty techno every second of every day and i can say definitively that i have never been happier with fire emblem heroes


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