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Personally for me he just never seemed to work out better than the other horsebacks in the game whether I promoted him to pal or gk... but then that's probs just the rng messing me about. It did put me off him a lot though, I only really use him for supports now.

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Paladins in this game always tended to suck for me, including Franz.

...Paladins are consider to be one of the best class ever lived in the FE series. Your not doing yourself any favors by saying that.

And as for Franz, hes pretty solid occasionally though he mostly gets RNG-screwed a lot.

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I have terrible luck with Paladins unless their names are Alan, Sain, or Kieran, or unless they're in FE 4 where most of them are holy.

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...Paladins are consider to be one of the best class ever lived in the FE series. Your not doing yourself any favors by saying that.

And as for Franz, hes pretty solid occasionally though he mostly gets RNG-screwed a lot.

Paladins in this game always sucked for me, end of story.

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So...if you don't like Paladin's then how come you brought this topic up to begin with?

Paladins are the best by far. No good players will ever disagree with that.

When did I say I didn't like paladins? I said, and I quote, "in this game." That means Sacred Stones only. And paladins aren't the best by far. Just like no class can be considered the worst, no class can be considered the best either.

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Well you made it sound like you don't like Paladins. So you don't like FE8's Paladin?

no class can be considered the best either

I concede that amongst the candidates for the Paladin class. Paladin's are good mostly in earlier games such as they happen to make a thriller rescuers as well as having 8 movements. They also have well balance stat caps and a higher Con potential which makes them better in using any weapons in the game. Not to mention, Paladin/Jeigan archetypes helped serve your purpose in terms of being a meatshield for your whole teams. Paladin's does contribute a LOT. That is why they should take more consideration than you could ever expect. Yes, Paladins tend to get RNG-screw a lot of times but with the exception of their purpose they're overall one of the best class of all.

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Paladin's are good but in the case of FE7 and FE8 you don't need another one unless you get really careless and the ones that are givien to you die.

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Franz was always my best pally!

but i liked Seth better. he was pretty cool as a character, especially with the support conversations with Eirika

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Summary of reasons why Seth is good:

1. He's got higher total growth rates than every other potential paladin in the game, by at least 25%.

2. He's got respectable starting stats for a level 1 Paladin. They're higher than FE7 Marcus', which was already significantly higher than most Jeigans (see FE6 Marcus <_<).

3. Seth isn't as vulnerable to being RNG-screwed as all the other cavaliers. This is considered a big plus for experienced gamers.

4. He starts off with both A-level weapon ranks that consist of Swords and Lance.

5. Because he starts as a Paladin, you just saved yourself a Knight's Crest and hundreds of exp if you use him instead of another cavalier.

6. Excellent support options. Eirika, Cormag, and Natasha to name a few. Anima is also a good support element which is better than Kyle's Ice affinity as well as Amelia's Thunder affinity, IMHO.

7. Would you believe that on average, Seth as a level 20 Paladin will have a higher stat total than FE7's Sain at 20 Paladin? Because it's true.

It's true that most Jeigans aren't great. But Seth was a really weird exception. Why? Because his level up stat growths rates were phenominal. Believe it or not, they were actually higher than every other potential paladin's.

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both are great, Franz and Seth, but statwise, my Franz usually does better (but not by much)

but i still prefer Seth. he's one of my favorite pally's of all time (right after Kieran)

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