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First one looks like it's made up of cardboard, but it does look very nice considering it's full custom. ;D

The spacing beween Nikolas Hipwell's eyes is too small.

I don't see any problem with Grey Akazi aside from that the hair shading looks too chunky.

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Your custom sprites have problems with shading and proportion. (For instance, Vincent's foot is as long as (or almost as long as) his entire right arm, which is completely unrealistic. Similarly, Nikolas Hipwell's face is far too small in proportion to the rest of his body (a frequent problem that I've noted with your sprites) as compared to faces that come directly from the games.) On the shading aspect (especially visible with Vincent), you shade far too pillowy on your custom works. You should look at the shading of existing sprites and try to replicate that.

That said, the last two are interesting uses of the FE8 Prototype face sprites, though I can't say I really care for them that much. Of the four, Vincent is the most impressive, since it's a full body from line art.

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  • 3 weeks later...




And also, because I was bored last night;


Obviously I haven't done all the ones on the sheet, yet.

But yeah, If I actually make a decent bunch of these I might make a FE9/10gba...But who knows eh?

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I think you did Mia best out of those from Fe9/10, totally unprofessional opinion

It's nothing more than a resize of one of the FE9 portraits right now. He's only done Aimee, part of Geoffrey, Ranger!Ike, Lucia, Rajaion, Soren, and Sothe.


Of those portraits that you have done on that sheet, most of them have severe cases of pillow shading. They also have random deformities and such in places, too, ranging from misshapen heads (compared to the FE norm) to "wrong" facial compositions (by FE standards) to even random outline spots (Geoffrey and Lucia, primarily) on the images. They're ok, I guess, but they definitely could use some cleaning up.

As for the three full bodies, they each have slight problems with them (for instance, pillow shading on the first, strange and random shading at places on the second (and dithering on the sword, which I only point out because none of the rest of the sprite is dithered), and the attempt to show folds on the third using the darkest shade (which doesn't look very pretty)), but the third one is the best of the three, despite mainly being copied (I'd assume moreso traced) from Neimi's OA.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The first 2 have odd looking earings, 3rd has a dark spot on her neck, 5th and 6th have odd looking eyes, 24 had a straight headband, 25th one just looks ghetto(good thing), 27th looks like it has a messed up eyebrow, 30th has a small nose, 31st has a bloody nose?, 32nd's right eye looks odd, 34th's eyes are odd, 35-37 have a strange shaped head, and 44th look like he's about to die(not a bad thing though).

I really like 8, 15, 25, 26, 28, 29, and 39.

Overall great work(most of them are better than mine).

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