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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (contains spoilers)


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Damn, I totally missed that delay. This really angers me. The new stage however, I don't particularly like. Seems like it has to much of a luck factor then skill factor.

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If it isn't glitchy and unfinished like Melee, and they fix some current glitches with Brawl that WOULD make it improved.

what? glitchy? how so?

wave dashing is cool! glitchy sure, but cool...desyncing could have been programmed around, but it's not bad glitchy...

the Black Hole is awesome, you can't throw it down...

AI Kirby's \/B on Temple (or any slanted surface next to an edge) and plummet to their doom...glitchy? sure!

look, I can't think of a negative glitch, they are all useful when you master them or fun to laugh at, don't give me crap about Melee being glitchy...

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what? glitchy? how so?

wave dashing is cool! glitchy sure, but cool...desyncing could have been programmed around, but it's not bad glitchy...

the Black Hole is awesome, you can't throw it down...

AI Kirby's \/B on Temple (or any slanted surface next to an edge) and plummet to their doom...glitchy? sure!

look, I can't think of a negative glitch, they are all useful when you master them or fun to laugh at, don't give me crap about Melee being glitchy...

I also said unfinished, there's a way to get Ganondorf to hold his sword with AR. You know why that is? Because he was gonna use his sword originally but they were running out of time so they made him a clone of Captain Falcon.

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yeah...true, forgot about that...still clones have different moves, they are just mostly the same...

heck, Bowser and Peach are clones...their Aerial moves are VERY similar, down throws are similar, upsmash and downsmash are identical...

where as Ganon's and Falcon's moves have very different affects (Ganon's go vertical, Falcon's horizontal)...ugh I don't like people who complain about clones...clones aren't the same down to the molecular level, so why complain?

200 posts!

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I think it was a joke, as no one in their right mind would like Pichu as a character. I certainly didn't. Why let your enemies attack when you end up killing yourself!?

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Our theory was that for every 10,000 people who preorder it, he delays it for half the time he did previously.

first, 2 months, now 1 month, next, half a month.

Also, Sakurai hates americans.

Pichu is useful simply because he's fast and snottily annoying. Like, really, really annoying.

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Sheik confirmed! Huzzah! And look at any character's character page (except Donkey Kong or Fox's for some reason...) and at the bottom of the main update thingy you shall see something new... all 5 of the character's moves! Just names though, no pics...

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dude, once they get like 40%, then you could use Pichu's downsmash and they go flying! anything 64% is death if you know what you are doing...Pikachu's doesn't get as good of recoil...

besides, Pichu flops around cutely!

I really prefer the way Pichu plays as opposed to Pikachu...

the only moves you should use that damage you are your smash attack, thunder (if they are in the air), quick attack (to survive), and skull bash (in 4P matches, when foes are distracted, good charge, deadly knockback)...your down smash doesn't hurt you, and back throw doesn't either...his aerials are ok, but they hurt you...

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w00+ double post!

Sheik confirmed! Huzzah! And look at any character's character page (except Donkey Kong or Fox's for some reason...) and at the bottom of the main update thingy you shall see something new... all 5 of the character's moves! Just names though, no pics...

nice, I would not have noticed that...of couse I swear Smash Bros. did not update at 11 (PST) as it was supposed to...oh well, yay for Sheik!

and the most important discovery is that Ike has counter...clearly, you cannot mess with the powers of t3# counter!

but is/will it be a specific # of % like Marth's, or a multiplier like Roy's?

or, better yet, will it do random ammounts of damage ranging from 1% to 50% or 99% or 150%?

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Ahhh, Brawl.

In Melee, I loved Roy, Mewtwo, Zelda, Ness, and Kirby.

So naturally, I'm ecstatic to hear about Ike, Pokemon Trainer, Lucas, and Meta Knight.

At first I was most excited about Pkmn Trainer and Meta Knight (Lucas = Ness Clone.), but after playing Radiant Dawn and Path of Raidiance, I'm really eager to play Ike. AND Meta Knight.

Sonic is cool, too. But mostly Ike, Pokemon Trainer, and Meta Knight. :D

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yeah, Pichu's standard A attack is very fun + spammable...not as spammable as Ness' downhold A, but still fun...

if you are Ness and you get someone up against a wall, down A For Great Justice, they won't be able to escape for many, many percentages...

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my characters were young link and falco.

i also occasionally use jiggly puff (AKA suicide puff) and rack up KO's.

i'll explain: jiggly puff's rollout attack is very powerful when charged. i just spam it, and not care if i end up falling off the stage because... its not like jigglypuff will actually win.

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