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its something me and my friend came up with. we thought so because:

1. She faints for no explained reason in the game

2. She is SO not a virgin, cause she couldn't approach the unicorn.

3. She had a lover who gave her that crown she talked about. She might have contracted it from him.

That's actually fairly convincing. Oh well, I always go for Sheena anyway. Hot, a virgin, and cute(reffering to personality as well physically). She's not annoying like Collete, not 12 physically like Presea, and she has no possibility of having aids like Raine does.

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I'm afraid that I won't like the new ToS because the characters aren't permanent like they were in the first.

Instead, it sounds like its only monsters when they're not in your party.

I feel ya buddy. I'm really worried, but excited at the same time. Also, I know this is pretty random, but I figured out that you can technically play the whole game through and you never have to use Regal. He's the only one to. Maybe Zelos. But who wouldn't want to use him/

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I always get Sheena. One time i got Zelos, and another I got Kratos. But I will never allow collete. I don't loathe her enough to kill her off(even though you can't, I'd figure out some way to hack the game) but I would never let her be Llyod's match.

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I was close to, but I never really got around to it. I probably will complete it eventually. But I'm not gonna get the Chosen's jewel though. That requires picking Collette as a match. That would make me too queasy.

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In a huge stroke of luck, I found Symphonia Used at Gamestop. I couldn't resist picking it up... It's pretty cool so far, though I have to get used to the 4 year old animation. :P

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The animation isn't terrible. It's kinda done so that 10 years from now, it'll still be bearable. It's nothing amazing, but it's not like pixels and stuff. It's sorta like windwaker where the animation is so unique that it'll still be okay 4 years later.

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TALES TOPIC! EPIC WIN! So yeah symphonia and abyss are the best. I have played


Destiny PS2 remake


Eternia PSP remake

Rebirth PSP remake

Destiny 2-ps2

Destiny 2 PSP remake


Symphonia PS2 version


Phantasia PSP remake

Narikiri Dungeon 3 (GBA crossover of TOS,TOP,TOD,TOD 2,and TOE...ITS AWESOME! GET IT!)

Radiant mythology (PSP crossover, not as good as the gba crossover thought but it has senel from legendia and eugine from rebirth)

Legendia (for 2 hours then i stopped cuz i didnt like it,yes, there was a tales game that i didnt like! I cant believe it!)

Tempest(sucked ass IMO)-DS

Innocence....awesome DS tales game

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But who wouldn't want to use him/

*Raises hand*

I prefer Kratos over Zelos. =/ Zelos has more attacks and is faster, but Kratos is all around stronger. And he has Judgment, Zelos can't get it without cheat codes. =X

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I don't need to have an arrogant, flirtatious egomaniac in a video game. I just need to look in the mirror. <_<

I think it helps that the girl I wanna be with is obsessed with Kratos, too. xDDD

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Hey, I only said it helps. I prefer power over speed and number of attacks, so... yeah. =/ I mean, I'd rather kill someone in about 10 seconds with minimal attacks than spend twice that dishing out damage with weaker attacks.

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