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Thoughts on the Wal-Mart employee who was trampled to death?


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People will go to any lengths to get what they want, the same can be said no matter your gender, race, country, or age, people can and will kill to get what they want, because of how they were raised, and because it's just human nature to lust after something, and do anything to get it.

And as for you, Destiny Hero, not all americans are stupid, suprisingly, however, though I myself am American, I like to compaire most Americans to whining babies, simply for all the racist remarks about Obama, and all the 'jokes' and cruel treatment towards Bush, and well, I could go on, but I wont...

there was a time when 'In God we trust' meant something, just saying...

I'm American, too. I live in a place where people aren't really idiots, but I realize that a lot of Americans really are just that stupid.

MA = Massachusetts...?

Now there's a heap of generalizations I can make about Mass-holes from his posts gee_wiz_emoticon-1.gif Good thing I'm only in Mass because of college.

The only thing I know of that people stereotype people from Massachewplacethingy is that they're gay. Stupid government T_T

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Feh, what a pathetic attitude from those people. And another case to add to the thinking from other countries' people, that the U.S. residents are nothing more but stupid and savage people, unfortunately. :shrugs:

(And please, don't misunderstand. I'm NOT thinking you U.S. people are stupid and savage.)

And, moreover than that, I feel for this poor man's family. :(

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As a US Citizen, I am used to people thinking we're stupid savages who care about nothing but the material things in life.

I personally don't watch the news because of this, crap like this. Last time I found a news article was back when the Wii first came to the states. Radio show was doing a competition "hold your Wee for a Wii." Innocent sounding enough.

Wikipedia here if you don't already know what happened. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDND

Basically though, there are a lot of people who don't care about the suffering of other people, and as a country, America is pointed at the most for this. Why? Because people let their children get away with anything. No, not everyone, but there are a lot who do.

Now, I know, I am generalizing, but it's pretty damn close to the truth of the matter, it starts when we're children and we keep those habits as adults.

I personally was raised with the fear of god and a strong sense of what's right and what's wrong. This monstrosity caused by black friday, this is wrong, the whole event is wrong, and the people who were offended by being made to leave Wal-Mart were the sickest of them all. I really think the event as a whole should be banned.


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lol.. I know "boo America" is what's popular right now, and that it's easier for Americans to find problems within America, but our problem is stupidity and not how brutal we are. Look at India, China, Serbia, Mexico, or many others and our violence is dwarfed.

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