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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Well, Nyx couldn’t say she didn’t try. Still, she did have to admit that it stung just a little bit that somehow her attempts to draw the kid out of her shell only led to her going further in. And somehow taking a couple of the other prickly kids with her, at that!

It was times like this that made Nyx wonder if she was really right for this group; after all, she didn’t seem to mesh well with anyone except ‘Gean. Then again, the same was true of most of the others, who seemed wholly disinterested in everyone else entirely - at least Nyx was making the effort!

“Ah, hell. Ye’d think that some’o these kids’d learn that the best way to be on a battlefield is t’be fightin’ ‘longside yer mates.” Nyx grumbled to Aegean as she staggered and stumbled back to the table on shaky legs - huh, that didn’t happen much, especially with her being fairly tame with the drink today. Maybe she needed a nap after she was done here.

“An’ ye’d think it’d be real easy t’make friends when ye practically all live together, ay? N’yet half of these folk want nothin’ t’do wit any o’us! Makes no damn sense t’me… why ye even here then if ye want nothin’ t’do wit th’rest o’the troops?” Ah, now she’s rambling. Oh well, such is the way of things.

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Another day, another smoke. Almira had begun smoking a lot more as of late. Strange, she thought. The only thing that had really changed was that compound had only gotten louder and louder as time went on. She sighed, as she heard the squad going at it again. She had no clue how they all managed to act like this, and still perform at or above the level of more seasoned mercenary groups. It was either complete luck, or Commander Tasha knew how to pick the best of them. Fortunately, she'd never have to find out; her duties were keeping the place presentable, and dealt with the clients who rolled through the door. Clean and simple, and something she didn't need the others for. Not particularly keen on dealing with the lot of them, Gean, Miria, and Laniva seemed normal at the least, but the rest of them either made Almira slightly uncomfortable, or were Alvira. Only a letter off in name, and about an ocean's worth of difference between them. But, the footsteps her strong hearing picked up coming towards the door were more important than her thoughts. She didn't even wait for the knock.

"Come on in, the door's open, and we're around."

She hoped that it was a guy, a cute guy, they didn't have any of those around here. 

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The door swung open slowly, as what seemed to be an elf stepped inside. Tan skin, silver hair, neatly kept and parted around his face save for one errant strand. The rest was held up in a long ponytail, going down roughly to the middle of his back. Well dressed, but casual, he sported a simple, black, button up shirt and formal dress pants, black shoes tied to perfection and recently shined. His body was lean, but the clothes were tight against him, muscle clear to anyone that bothered to look for a moment. A slightly pointed jaw held onto a set of absolutely perfect teeth, their white smile meeting Almira, who might've looked up ever so slightly to catch the beauty mark under his left eye. Almost too beautiful to be real; perhaps for a moment she would've confused him for a woman. The deep voice that then escaped him would quell any confusion.

"Pardon me," he began, stepping over to her desk. "This is the main headquarters of the Iron Tiger mercenaries, yes? I've got some wonderful news for their commander. If you could point me in her direction, miss...? Ah, but, where are my manners? My name is Ingverd. Ingverd Klir." A small jingle sounded from his wrist as he went to raise it, offering a handshake. Several bangles of silver and gold rested around his arm, gently shaking under the motion. "A pleasure."

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Almira paused a moment as the young... elf walked in, and answered every request Almira had in the past minute or so. At first, he nearly struck her as another woman; he was so unbelievably pretty. But then he extended his hand, and spoke and any confusion disappeared, along with her boredom, "I, uh..." She put a hand to her lips to stop herself, before clearing her throat, "You're looking for Commander Ta-- Natalya? She's, uh, wow, in her office, probably at this point, if not still debriefing from their previous mission." She realized that she'd done everything in the incorrect order, and hadn't shaken his hand. She took and shook his head before pointing to the door, "You, uh, uh, just need to go through that door, Sir Ingverd. You won't be able to miss her office, and really, anyone back there would take you to her." Slowly letting go of his hand to let him head off, she could only wonder why exactly such a beautiful young man would be here specifically for the commander. Lucky...

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"Just Ingverd is fine," he chuckled, amused by her stuttering and stammering. "Many thanks... Make sure you tell me your name before I leave. I wouldn't want to miss it." He gave her a slight bow, making his way towards the door she'd pointed to. Hopefully she was in her office, and this would be simple... If not, someone would be sure to help him, as he'd been told.

Alvira wasn't about to listen to Nyx drone on and on, so she quickly made for the door leading back into the complex, opened it and-- "Ow..." Ran face first into the chest of... An elf? A woman...?

"Good day to you too."

A man. "M-Move..." Alvira tried to push her way past him, but his frame held the entire doorway, making her step back for a second. "Oi..."

"Feisty... Stay here a moment. I assume you're a part of the mercenaries, yes? Then you'll need to her this along, with... Ahah~" The yellow tiger herself, Natalya Liberia. "Hail, my good woman!" Ingverd spared no time pushing himself past Alvira, the dragon stepping out of the way with a refreshed glare on her face.

"Who exactly do you think you are--"

"My name," he cut her off with enough volume to overcome her building outrage, "is Ingverd Klir, here on behalf of the crown, with a message and invitation for the Iron Tiger mercenaries. Natalya, if you would be so kind as to hear me out... As well as hear out ladies Tiora Anne Candialia and Elisa Teresa Candialia, once they arrive. We've a job for you all~"

Alvira stopped her tantrum on the spot. The crown. BOTH Evokers, coming to visit THEM? "Wh... What, that, wh-what does... Huh?" The gravity of it was striking. They were a prolific mercenary group, mostly due to Natalya's choice of company and efforts, but to receive job attention from perhaps the most famous people in the nation!? She was dumbstruck. Surely there was some catch to this, some issue, something... There had to be something.

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"Thank you, commander. By your leave..." She took a small bow before she turned to leave the room. She walked out as quickly as she could and did her best not to make eye contact with Nyx, or really anyone for that matter. 'Maybe joining this squad was a bad idea...but it's my best option.' As rowdy as the group was the Iron Tigers were well known and trusted, surely enough to get enough attention from people who may know about Liza's whereabouts. 'I just need to stick around long enough...it can't be much longer now...'

As she got closer to leave she felt the need to loosen her cloak and let down her hood, spending all day in it was enough to make her feel a little stuffy. Both actions revealed the beauty that she was, with her long pink hair with a single side tail, red eyes that you could get lost in and very cute face. Her body was a good reason to keep it hidden behind a cape too, just filling out an outfit that wasn't far off from a school uniform with a white button blouse and skirt. However she was so lost in thought she failed to take in who was blocking her path. One of which was a certain part dragon girl she did her best to avoid, and will continue to do so. But the other...oh my. "!" She stopped for a moment and let out a small gasp as her eyes fell upon a very handsome elven man, a very loud and bold elven man at that. She couldn't help but blush at the sight of him, and with her hood down it was very easy to spot that out. 

'...I...have much to write about tonight...'

But then a pair of names came up that she did not expect in any way. "Those are...wait what?" The Evokers of all people? Here? Now? What was going on?

Edited by TheRoon
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Poor Renais, continuously being bothered by Nyxius to the point that she tried to get out and be to herself.

"Then, I'll also be in my room for a bit,"

Miria gave a small shrug in regard to Natalya's comment to take turns. She wasn't trying to bother Alvira, but it bothered her anyway. A sigh, but she'd deal with it, she supposed. Getting up, she was ready to return to her reading before venturing into town for a little bit. However, there seemed to be another peg in the way, a new individual introducing himself, saying he's representing the crown of Glacies. This was the closest she'd been to anyone regarding any royals, so this was interesting.

The thing that caught her attention was the man, who called himself Ingverd, starting talking about two other individuals. From what she noticed, a pause came from Renais.

She quietly asked herself, "Who...?" Before sitting back down, just opening her book from there, attention half in that, and half everything else.

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"The Evokers are coming here? Well then this must be important." While not being from Glacies herself, Syndra had spent enough time studying in its academies to learn of two of the strongest magic users in the entire nation. I wonder what kind of job they have in store for us...  She was taking more interest in the message then the messenger, unlike Renais. Even IF he is physically attractive I don't have time for things like that. Besides, HE was better looking than this guy anyway, even if that never would've mattered. Syndra wasn't quite sure why she was reminding herself of the marriage her family was trying to set up now of all times, perhaps it was just to remind herself of the reason she's here now, to prove she was worth more then just a pawn in her family's game of conquest. Right... one day I'll be powerful enough to make them pay for treating me like livestock. Maybe then I can finally put it behind the clan behind me and forge my own destiny. Whatever this job they're going to give us is just one more step towards that goal.

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And now it was Aegean's turn to comfort, having watched the older woman get rejected by her peers. "It's a good thing Tasha doesn't pay us to be friends then. Also good intentions are nice, but they'd be nicer when paired with sobriety." Gean knew she was sounding like a broken record, but she valued the zany woman's company enough to keep on.

Aegean was thinking of asking Tasha for a sparing match, when Alvira could be heard getting annoyed at what could only be their next client. 

Her jaw nearly hit the floor once their charming guest revealed not only his name, but his sender and companions. "No way... we're getting a job straight from up high?"

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On behalf of the crown, huh... That'd sure be a far cry from mopping up pirates, if the crown truly had work for them. Still, it seemed a bit of a surprise that the Iron Tigers would suddenly receive such... different work, without so much as a hint that it was coming down the line. The names the man spoke were unfamiliar to Laniva, but it was clear enough from the reactions of those around her - not to mention their flowery names - that these were people of quite some import, especially to be coming here.

It wasn't just work he'd mentioned, though; not only did he bear a message, but also an invitation, and that was something more interesting. This wouldn't be some simple job... but it was like to pay well, and if things went cleanly enough then there'd be little to worry about for... well, it would be a considerable amount of time. And perhaps she'd be able to find herself some better equipment on the crown's coin...

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Nyx groaned, knowing full well that ‘Gean was probably right. But dammit, booze was her thing! And she was more adult than anyone here save Nattie herself, and she wasn’t particularly keen on letting the kids tell her what she couldn’t do.

Although, maybe the news of some big fancy job might be enough to get her to cut back a fair bit for a while, she thought to herself as she immediately finished downing another pint glass - only her second today, mind you! Gotta be on her best behaviour for the crownsfolk, after all!

”Oi, question. Who th’hell are those folk tha’ pretty boy over there’s talkin’ bout? They some kinda big shots ‘round ‘ere or somethin’?”

Being from Hecatia had its’ drawbacks for doing well in the group after all, it seemed.

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Since Natalya too was heading back inside, the sudden appearance of a visitor halted her as well as it did the others. A rather handsome elven man, for sure, though he didn't look familiar to her. Probably not a local, and probably a new client for them.

Although she had just spoken of the Queen most likely having a plan, Natalya hadn't exactly expected them to be a part of it in any way. Still, it wasn't her place to question the fact they were, what with Ingverd claiming to be a Crown representative, and that the Evokers were going to show up soon with a job for them. She wasn't stunned by much, but this notion gave the tiger a moment of pause. ...Enough for Nyx to open her big mouth. "Only the strongest mages on the entire damn island, and possibly the whole world," she answered, quickly turning her attention back to Ingverd.

"Anyway. I'd just said that I was sure Iseria had a plan for what was going on, but I didn't expect this. So, what do we owe the pleasure to, or are the ladies Candialia going to explain more?" Pinning the report could wait; if the man was telling the truth, this was the most important thing to ever have happened to the Iron Tigers.

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Ingverd flashed a smile, and a quick glance towards Renais, swiftly turning his attention to Natalya. "The ladies Candialia will be explaining the bulk of this request, but it is not something to be taken lightly. I hope the lot of you don't mind travel... Perhaps all the way to Lufiria?" He smirked, Alvira's rage subsiding for a moment, the interest in her home country peeking too much.

"T-To Lufiria, what, what's going on?"

"Worry not, my dear little dragon, everything will be explained soon... I will say, should you succeed, there's thirty thousand gold in it. For each of you. Take the time to listen well to what's about to be explained, and decide if such a fortune is worth the risk to your life." The two evokers should've been right behind him... Was something holding them up?

"Th... Th-Thiiiiirrr... Thirty... Thousand..." That was enough gold for Alvira to retire from... From everything! Enough for her siblings, for her, for so many years... She looked to Natalya expectantly, already willing to take on this job not having heard a single bit of it.

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Thirty thousand? Holy shit. Well, maybe she wasn’t cutting back anytime soon, with all that money! But Nyx had no idea who these powerful mages supposedly were, and Nattie’s snapping didn’t clear it up much aside from them being strong as hell.

“Nattie, y’remember ‘m from Hecatia, right? I got no clue who anyone is over ‘ere.”

For once, she was actually attempting to make a sound point! What a concept. Although, the point may have been undermined by the fact that Nyx was still holding her pint glass - and, thankfully, she was still sober enough to recognize that, setting the glass on the table.

”’I mean, hell, I’d still take the job. I just got no clue who these mages are, since I ain’t from ‘round ‘ere.” Oops, she’s repeating herself! Oh well, maybe Nattie’d get the point faster that way.

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Almira wanted to peer through the door to see exactly what the incredibly pretty elf man was up to, she hadn't missed his request to offer her name when he passed again, but he was taking a little longer than he would have liked. She didn't miss what he had been saying though, since much of it had been in front of the door. The Evokers? Here? For what? And why the Iron Tigers? Well, that feeling on her skin told her that it wouldn't have been too much longer to finding out. The door swung open a tad, and a dark haired woman peered through the door, 
"My apologies for not really knocking first, but this is the headquarters of the Iron Tigers, right? We sent someone ahead, but I can't really ever be to sure about him."

Almira paused a moment as her eyes traced the woman's hair, looking for that which would prove her to be... and there it was the tips of the woman's hair were a bright green in stark contrast to the rest of her black hair. "...Oh my god. You're, actually..."

The woman smiled, and pushed through the door, revealing a second, rose haired woman alongside her. She wore a long, slited midnight blue dress with pink highlights with a mantle over top, covering her upper body, but not doing much to hide the generous bust underneath. In fact, the dress hugged her well, so clearly the point wasn't to hide much. The other woman wore something similar, but with a longer mantle over top. Hers was a tighter mesh style suit that seemed to allow for a great degree of movement in white and rose highlights. She was also more appeared more powerfully built than her softer partner, accentuated by the bridal gauntlets she wore, one of the few differences in attire that Almira could note. Both had crystalline staves in their hands, rare articles generally saved for particularly affluent mages. At this point, there really couldn't have been anyone else they could be.  

"So we are in the right place... Could you please point us towards Commander Natalya? There are things that we have to discuss." 

Almira pointed to the still open door, "Back there, Ladies Candialia. Your, uh, e-envoy is already back there talking with the commander."

"Alright then, shall we Elisa? We should probably hurry before Ingverd throws something nonsensical into everything... and then it will take us another fifteen minutes explaining properly. Thank you, dear." The pair strode past towards the door. There was absolutely no mistaking it, that was really the two Evokers of Glacies. 

"...What in the world is going on?" 

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As much as it was amusing to see the Tigers' receptionist gawk at them -- well, why wouldn't she, they're two of the most famous people in the country -- Elisa was content in just giving her a smile and a nod, following right behind her wife, just making sure that her steps didn't interfere with Tio's dress. "He might be our envoy, but he seems a bit... showboat-y. I'm sure it's just his style, though!"

With there not being much distance between the doors, the Evokers were soon right behind Ingverd, stepping beside him to see the people who would be accompanying them soon. "Sorry to make you take the lead like that, Ingverd. How much have you managed to explain already?" The strawberry-blonde Elisa pulled some of her loose hair back, though most of it was held neatly by a tied-around braid.

On the other side was Natalya, now with a clear view of the pair, and with a subsequent slight jaw drop. This really was happening, huh? "I had some doubts as to whether he was telling the truth, but... Well." A quick bow of courtesy would do for now. "Welcome, and please do continue the explanation."

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There they were, in the flesh. Alvira's jaw was dropping, taking steps back to avoid them as they entered the back courtyard. She was at a complete loss for words, though there was some twinge of anger in her mind. These two are part of the system that flunked me... She buried it and shut her mouth, letting any talks continue.

"Ah, Elisa! And Tiora... A delight to see you both well. I've informed Miss Natalya that we have work for them, and offered them the amount in question to be paid in full upon completion, but, I felt the finer details would best be explained from your mouths. I am but an envoy, after all~" He bowed slightly, taking a step to the side to let them forward, the slightest glance at Tio to see how annoyed she would get from using her full name.

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Up to this point Renais had been a very reserved and quiet girl. She kept to herself as often as she could, not really paying many folks a second thought. But with this brand new day came surprises she never imagined she would experience in her life. She suddenly took a few steps back and let out another gasp, as her eyes widened at the two women who just stepped through. "I...I don't...skies above I...!" She held up a shaky finger. "THE Evokers?! In the flesh!? Tiora Anne Candialia and her wife Elisa Teresa Candialia!? THIS IS REAL!?!"


But after a moment she exclaimed that, she suddenly realized this was the most amount of emotion she displayed in the building since her arrival. The reaction she had shown after that little act was one of sheer embarrassment and shame, as her eyes darted around in panic. "Err I uh...that is to say...my deepest apologies!" She took a bow to them both. "I just...your work has made an impact on me and inspired my studies in school, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would meet....ahh...my apologies!" Another bow. 'Oh my god, what have I done...I'm a complete clod! Please have mercy...'

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Aegean felt the world spinning. First the promise of enough gold to last her for years, then the appearance of the two most powerful mages in the country. Oh no, they're cool AND beautiful. Thankfully Renais' surprising outburst kept her from joining the healer in a similar manner of embarrassment. But one detail in this whole debacle had stuck out like a rusty nail to her. She just hoped she heard their potential destination wrong.

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Tio tapped her staff on the ground before giving Ingverd a side glance, "We've been over this, Ingverd. Tio. Not Tiora, Tio. Please." A tinge of annoyance was present in her voice. She cleared her throat before turning to Natalya. "But I guess that means I should do introductions myself. Everyone, I am Tio Candialia, and this is my partner in every sense of the word, Elisa. We are the Evokers of Glacies, and we've been given a task. A very important task, one that currently may determine the fate of Glacies as a country." And a whole heck of a lot else, if other reports are right... Tio waved her hand, and began floating her staff behind her, "I'm sure Ingverd has also given you the rough idea of things. But for more clarity, I'm sure you're aware that Lufirian ships haven't been seen for about a month at this point. Well, that's because--" Tio paused a moment as she heard her and Elisa's name shouted incredulously, Tio looked over, a little annoyed that her full name was used, and caught sight of the culprit. A pink haired cleric who seemed to be getting smaller by the moment. "Aha... Thank you for that." Normally, Tio would have been a bit more proud about such an enthusiastic response to their arrival, but unfortunately, duties came first. 

"As I was about to say... The Lufirian trade route has been entirely closed. The reasons they've cited are numerable, but they're not particularly important at the moment. What is, however, is that the original envoy that was sent to deal with this... never arrived at their destination. Without access to the Lufirian Trade Route, the only option left to us... is through Islexia. I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone why that is such a problem, so I won't. Lady Iseria choose an elite group of close confidants, and one of Glacies's better diplomats to travel through the Altair Province into Islexia, and then meet with the Lufirian escorts who would take them to Lufirian capital of Ametrine. Elisa and I were asked to head to Islexia and discover if our envoy is still alive, and if so, escort them to their location, but, in the event that they aren't, Elisa and I are to assume their duties and head to Ametrine ourselves. Lady Iseria is no longer taking any chances, so she's sending us, Ingverd over there, and had us pointed to you for their effectiveness in dealing with the Islexian pirates. So, all of that was a long winded way of asking for your assistance in this mission. The Crown of Glacies is willing to pay everyone who assists in an official capacity 30k gold, as this mission is worth far more to the well being of Glacies. That said, we recognize how dangerous this mission will be for many of you... We would be traveling through Hecatia and then Islexia; both countries not exactly known for their friendliness with Lufirians, or the Clouded. It is quite alright if you don't feel comfortable undertaking this mission, you were simply chosen as Iseria thought that your group was the best fit." Tio took in a deep breath, "...I didn't forget anything I don't think... The Trade route, the reason we're going into Islexia... Hmm, nope, I don't think I did. So then, how about it? The choice is yours."

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"... A there you have it. Thank you, lady Tiora." Ingverd wasn't listening to her request, clearly some history between the two for why they were at any odds.

Alvira was shook to her core. Lufiria was closed off. Why? What had happened? Could she even return? Were her siblings okay? All that gold, versus her own life... "N... T-Tasha... We... We're, doing this, right? We are, right?" She was looking and speaking expectantly. This was an insane fortune for the girl, and if they were traveling to Lufiria, eventually, there was a chance. Just a chance... I need to see them. I need to know they're alright. No matter the risk...

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Elisa was surprised by the sudden outburst, sure, but she simply held a wide smile after a small giggle. It wasn't that long ago that she had had the same reaction to Tio herself, and just listening to her speak like this was enough to keep her spirits up.

On the other hand, Natalya was completely dumbfounded. Renais hadn't been very talkative until now, and she just... Went off on how much she looked up to the Evokers. Not entirely out of the blue, maybe, but way far off from how the girl had carried herself so far. It would've been funny if not for that it came in the middle of a very important explanation. "We had some idea thanks to what we were told by our latest client, but a month is longer than the impression I got. Add a missing envoy on top and that's a whole mess and a half to deal with..."

Then, Alvira surprisingly asked for them to accept. She was Lufirian, Natalya knew that much, and wanted to return there eventually; plus, the payout from this job was the fortune she had been looking for. On closer thought, this was the perfect assignment for her by outcome. A slight furrow came upon her brow as the tiger thought about it. "I'm personally inclined to help Iseria, even if I don't see why the Evokers of all people would need an escort. Either of you could level an army if you had to. But assuming that everything goes as planned, that payout's more than enough for me to do whatever I'd want afterward, and I'm sure the rest of you wouldn't mind 30 000 gold either. So, if everyone's fine with having to probably fight a horde of Islexians just for showing up, say aye, and I'll sign us on."

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Miria was surprised by the reactions to the female duo that joined aingverd into their base. These were important people from what it sounded like. And it showed from their reward. Thirty-thousand gold is more than Miria's ever held. She was frugal most of the time, and she wasn't much for money, but it was so much...

The mission at hand however was what got her attention. Potentially rescuing an envoy, and escorting these two-- three(!)-- potentially four(!!!) mportant people to Lufiria. Miria stood up, confidently. "Miss Natalya, I second helping these ladies in their mission." 

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A cold sweat when down Aegean's neck. Trade had been down for a month? We'd be going to Islexia and even worse Lufiri- no this is no time for fear. Its been 10 years Aegean, and we don't even know if the envoy is dead or not. You need to do this, not just for the money. You need to find answers.

"I have my own worries, but the reward seems to be worth the risk. I'm in T- Natalya." She could feel her hand trembling. But she clenched it tight and looked her boss straight in the eye. No one needed to know yet. But she definitely needed to speak to her dad.

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"Great... going back home." Syndra spoke quitely and with one of her gloved hands covering her mouth in attempt to not have their guests hear her distaste of their proposal. The money didn't mean anything to her, it wouldn't solve her problems, and yet she also didn't have a good reason to NOT accept their proposal. Well, I guess it's just happening sooner rather then later. "If we have to go Captain Natalya I'll go get ready." Looks like I'll have to contact Ryfia for a different reason now...

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