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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Well, that didn't work. At least not how Syndra had hoped. It looked like Nyx was still upset at Syndra. Maybe she had just come on too strong too soon after what had happened that night before. Great one Syndra. Way to read the room on that one. It didn't appear like the bridge was burned at least, it just needed time and repairs. As their group made it towards the little stand the fox woman made for them, its caretaker offering an assortment of weapons and trinkets. The prices were... exorbitant, some might say, but then the fox said she'd cut the prices in exchange for... giving up a year of their life? A feat she had already demonstrated by using Alvira. It didn't look like it hurt, but Syndra wasn't certain it was worth it, especially for things she couldn't use. Nyx was fascinated by the magic at least, and to be fair, so was Syndra. "From what I understand of elder magic, Nosferatu should just be able to heal wounds, how could you use it, or something similar to it to increase your lifespan?"

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Miria followed along with everyone else. She was still pretty exhausted from the night before. There really wasn't enough food, and the poor girl was feeling some kinda way. And here they were off travelling to a mansion for what she assumed was for a showing of gratitude for protecting their town. That kept her spirits high, knowing she did some good, and she did her best to fight back everything she was feeling at the moment. Boy, if I sure am starving though...

At the front of the manor was a... strange, fox lady, selling things. With a caveat. As Miria looked and gazed at all the wares, she kept her attention on what they were talking about. Some things involving the group either agreed or disagreed to.

A price cut for just a year of your life. 

Miria put some thought into it as she gazed at the items. But she noticed... a few things. Some items for boosting your strength. Something like one of these can... help me not get struck down again. Think, think... I mean, I plan to live a full, happy life. Who needs one year.

Miria went to approach the keeper, but waited to take her turn to speak.

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A fox stopped the mercenaries from their trek to the manor to sell goods, very impressive goods on that note. She came up behind Gean as she considered selling the shield to take a look at the goods and took the time to window shop herself. Her eyes trailed across the wares, and she was impressed. 'Haste and Fortify staves are incredibly rare, I wonder how exactly she got a hold of them...' Her eyes trailed up to Mikoto as she pondered, and couldn't help but notice...how very healthy she was. The pinkette had her eyes almost firmly square on her chest. 'Oh my...I wonder if she seduced these out of some poor staff wielder. But...no, did she really steal these? Well, maybe that's easier than I think it is, considering she's well armed herself. It really is quite a nice set of-!' 

But thankfully, before anyone could notice her staring too long, she was snapped back to reality when the fox used a life draining spell on Alvira who had accepted the deal. "!" Ever the concerned healer, she stepped toward Alvira. "Alvira, are you alright? That didn't look good..." As if that wasn't enough, hearing the words 'delicious' from the foxy merchant was enough to make Renais not opt in for a trade. Besides, she was broke. "...I'm afraid my purse is quite light today, so I will have to decline madam..." 'She is pretty, but a little too dangerous for my liking...' Which was a shame, Renais kind of wanted to feel those fluffy tails.

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After taking her time to finish her breakfast, recovering a little from her earlier morning training, Laniva had (grudgingly) put the lighter parts of her armor on; it was simply too uncomfortably hot to put on her full set of armor, not when they weren't looking for a fight. The walk towards the manor was long enough that there was a fox selling here wares, with quite a few tables set up along the way. She'd caught Mikoto's explanation about her 'discount', observing from near the back of the interested group, enough to catch her glare at Cin.

Hmm... one year. If what she's saying is true, then a year doesn't matter if I get stabbed tomorrow... and if what she's selling means it's less likely I get stabbed tomorrow, then maybe it's worth it...

She checked her things, taking a tally of her gold. Let's see... well, if it costs... and the discount is... wait, I don't have enough gold even with the discount... hmm... She crossed her arms, thinking things over quietly.

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Mikoto offered Gean a short bow with a rather genuine smile, pleased that her attire was being praised. It seemed that Nyx didn't quite understand how this functioned, though. Another woman chimed in, leaving her with a new misconception~ "Ahh, how I wish this literature was more popular... What I have done to your dragon friend has nothing to do with the Nosferatu spell. I was speaking on the knight, I... Dispatched, hmhm. Dark magic is based on the concept of gravity... So in my fury, of both having my warning ignored and being struck at by such a bore, I, well, I might've gone a little overboard with the gravity aspect~" She shrugged, giggling a little.

"For what I have done to Alvira... I must consume the result, yes. It becomes a part of me quite quickly." Two other girls in their party were eyeing her, one that seemed to be waiting for a turn, another that spoke up. She'd been doing a lot of eyeing. Perhaps she thought she was being clever about it? My my... I suppose I don't mind someone so cute eyeing me up. Much, much better than the norm.

Alvira took another breath, shaking her head some, stretching her arms out. "I, uh, I feel fine. I think I'm fine... Whatever happened only lasted a minute, like she said... If there was anything wrong with me, I'd tell you. Promise. Just felt tired and... Now I don't! Worth it, I think." She smiled at Renais and shrugged. "Don't worry, at least not right now. I'll keep you updated."

"There will be no side effects, I assure you. I'd have been put out of business if I was harming my clients... And another thing, if any of you are still considering a purchase~ This discount, is lifetime... I can only do this to you once, per the rules of the magic. So it would be unfair of me to change my wares upon our second meeting and demand you pay full price if you had no way of providing another discount."

"Whoa, really!? Sweet!" Alvira was super not regretting it now; the idea of having a huge chunk of money off these insanely rare artifacts even in the future was crazy good...

"Mhmm~ I've taken a bit of an interest to your group, so I'll be sure to come around again... Perhaps when your purse is a little less light, Miss Renais." Mikoto smirked in her direction and then turned away, a tail brushing ever so softly against the girl.

There were still two that seemed to be making a decision, so she placed herself next to her stand and waited, still all smiles. She'd already made one sale today; nothing else could bother her mood~

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Gean had noticed Renais staring and Mikoto for a bit longer than what would be considered normal. She kept the observation to herself while the healer rushed over to the tired Vira, but once the dragon had confirmed her condition, and Mikoto made it clear that she noticed Renais gaze, Gean quietly approached the healer and wrapped her up in her arms. "The rest of us who aren't buying anything should probably head to the manse. Wouldn't want to keep the Evokers waiting, or stick it out on this heat. Hope the rest find something worthwhile!" And with that Gean tried to take Rene and herself away. 

Lowering her voice, she whispers into Renais ear. "Enjoy your bit of window 'shopping'? Find anything you like?"

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It seemed like Alvira wasn't lying, and despite Mikoto not being straight she didn't seem to be either. So Renais simply nodded. "Very well. But if anything changes, let meEEEEE!!!" And the tail brushed by Renais unexpectedly as the fox said she took an interest and turned, which caused the cleric to jump a bit. 'H-holy crap sof-' "AH!" And Gean wrapping herself onto Renais didn't help matters either, she was already a little frazzled. The final straw was the very subtle whisper in her ear as her expression turned absolutely wide.

"I uh, mm, I mean she....you..." The close contact was making everything fuzzy for Renais. 'Her arms are so big, and she's warm. Oooh I could stay here forever, it's just...wait, no. No no NO! Argh, please stop being weird...' She bit her lip hard and looked aside embarrassed. She did her best to compose herself. "...please, let's just go to the manor. I need to do some things there as soon as I can."

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Miria gave a small snicker at Gean and Renais over their interaction. She made her way over to the stand with the fox lady offering discounts and all sorts of wares. She placed her hands on the tables as she took a look at all the cool stuff. Soon, she put her focus onto the lady herself. Mikoto, Miria remembers.

Honestly the idea that giving up a year for a lifetime of discounts was an even better idea.

"Excuse me miss, I'll trade a year for something. I think, that's how I should say it, right?"

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Mikoto chuckled. "Jealousy is unbecoming." Spurring that one would lead to a moment of amusement, as she turned to the girl that had finally spoke up. She grinned a toothy grin at her, nodding. "Of course~ What would you like, Miss Miria?" Without hesitating, another contract appeared from a burst of blue flame, the paper, ink, and quill, all floating towards Miria. "Just sign here and we'll get it settled..."

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"Well, uh..." She took a look around, as she focused on a particular item. "That one over there. That's one of those weird, magicky, vitality pumping robes isn't it?" She asked as she took the quill, preparing to write, before hesitating a moment. The girl shook her head, she already made her mind up.

"Anyway, I plan to live a long, and successful life, what's one year?" She smiled, keeping her positive shine as she confidently signed the contract the lady summoned up. She never  knew when she'd see this Mikoto again, but considering her attitude, and being super magical, there's no doubt they would. Magic is weird like that. Placing the quill back, "Okay, now you do the energy-tiring thing, right?" She asked with a tilt of the head.

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A year means quite a lot more to a human like you... But who am I to change your mind~? MIkoto fetched the robe without a moment's hesitation, handing it over to Miria as she finished writing her name on the contract. "Yes. Make sure you place the gold on the table. Three thousand three hundred and thirty three gold~ As for the... Heheh. What a way to put it." Mikoto placed her hand against Miria's chest, pulling away slightly as the same, milky, grey, water like waves of energy started to pull out of her... Another tear drop flung itself into Mikoto's hand as she finished, quickly grabbing Miria by the shoulder with her other hand. "Steady now... Feel free to lean on me if you feel you're about to fall over. The exhaustion can be quite troubling~" Mikoto finished her moment of care and then swallowed the tear drop once again, letting out a sigh of satisfaction...

"Two in one sale... how wonderful~"

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Miria nodded to Mikoto's words, until suddenly her hand was against her chest. She tried to brace herself, but couldn't help but notice the weird stuff that was being pulled from her. It put an amount of fear briefly into the normally excitable girl, but it was soon overcome with almost as intense an exhaustion as yesterday. She started to tumble but thanks to Mikoto's help she caught herself before she could tumble over again. No soreness in her arms or legs, or anything of the sort. Just... Tired.

"Hah, haaa... Okay, yeah. The walk back's gonna be f-fun," She gave a tired laugh as she straightened herself out. "Thank you Miss Mikoto. I will go ahead and..." She pulled out her packet of coins, and started dropping out her gold on the stand until it was at the amount asked. Three-thousand three-hundred and thirty-three. Well, breaking down what she had wasn't going to work, so fifty will have to do. A worthy investment, surely the fox lady would like the extra seventeen. Miria gave a big smile, "Thank you~"

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"The sensation will wear off after a moment, so worry not about your trek back. Do enjoy yourself with that increased vitality~" Mikoto moved away from the girl and began to count up her coins from Alvira and Miria, feeling the power of Voima surge through her, another wave of magic shimmering through her tails. So close... I'm so close... Just a little more. I've been struggling for so long to reach the next precipice, this is such a wonderful group, a powerful group of mercenaries with magic and money...! So close...!

She turned to the group, bowing once more, deeply again. "Shall that be all then, Iron Tiger mercenaries? I won't hold your group up to your destination with the Lord Sarasin-- where else could you be taking this road to, of course --if that will be all. If not... Please do step forward. And remember, Alvira, Miria... That discount is lifetime~ I do hope to see you both again."


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Alriana had watched and listened as the group was beset by the fox merchant from yesterday, Versaris at her side. Some part of her was smug that she had been perfectly fine without the woman's assistance; however, without Tasha and Nyx it probably would not have worked out so favorably. As Miria and Alvira took the fox's deal, traded their 'Voima' as the woman put it, the lizard pondered doing the same. What was the point in having the entirety of her life if she was too weak to reach the end of it? Though it had just been a spar at an arena, her loss against the wretch that had been Rustal lingered in her mind.

As Miria stepped back from Mikoto, Alriana stepped up to face her. Though there was no smirk on her face, nor anything but her usual stoic tone, the lizard was entirely self-satisfied as she opened her mouth. "Told you didn't need help, or luck." Looking through the woman's wares the only thing she could afford, and coincidentally the only things that interested her, were the magical items that both Miria and Alvira had already purchased some of. Though not entirely well versed on the subject, she knew enough to know that the woman was lacking in the ones that boosted agility. She didn't bother to hide her slight disappointment at the discovery, grumbling out a growl. That only left the ones of physical might and vitality that interested her, and she was confident in her own strength as it was. "Interested in robe like Miria got. Need discount to afford."

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Mikoto's smile very, very faintly twitched again, watching Alriana go through her wares. Of all the people here, this one was definitely the most curious. A being comprised entirely of magic... How interesting. How very interesting... "Then if you're willing to sign, please, do so. I would be happy to offer you a discount in exchange for one year, Alriana."

"Alright, hold on." Versaris had been watching this whole exchange, rather suspicious of the promises and magic at hand, not that impressed by the whole show. It felt a bit hokey, like some kind of performance, at least in part. Something had left Marina and Alvira, to be sure, but what that was could be anyone's guess at this point. "If you're set on this, Alriana, let me offer up my life, instead. I know how long I'll live, but you're a mystery... Your life might end up being quite short, and I don't want you to have to give that up for something so small."

Mikoto ALMOST hissed, eyes narrowing at Sari. "Hmph... One year from anyone is all I ask for such a discount, so if you wish to offer it up for her instead, by all means... Simply come to a decision."

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"Mrrr..." Now Versaris was butting in, offering his life in place of her own. It didn't sit right with her, that he would go so far as to offer to pay in something as limited as his life for her sake. She understood his point, she herself had no idea how long she'd live naturally, but the power he had essentially placed in her hand wasn't something she wanted to take. "No." She answered with a huff. "If you want to cover costs, then pay the difference in gold instead of life. Not my place to take something like that."

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"I..." Sari sighed. He was tempted to cover the entire cost of the gold, but it was clearly so expensive to pressure people into this 'discount' of hers. "Rrrhh... Fine. If you're so sure..." He shot the fox a look, narrow gaze meeting her own. "If you harm her in any way, it'll be your head. Do you understand me, fox?"

Mikoto smiled sickeningly sweet. "Of course~" She then pushed the paper and pen towards Alriana, chuckling quietly. "Simply sign here, and..." While waiting for the lizard to sign, Mikoto grabbed the robe, a certain pep in her step. It's time... It's time it's time it's time IT'S TIME IT'S TIME!! With the name written, Mikoto's hand press against Alriana's chest for a moment, sucking out the same life she had twice before... Except her face was ecstatic this time.

"Thank you for your purchase, please set your gold on the table~" Mikoto swallowed her life force and... Remained still for a moment, finally bristling and shivering a little. "W-Wonderful..."

Versaris eyed her warily. He'd put his hands on Aly's shoulders, expecting her to suffer the same exhaustion... Wait, did she always have five tails? He hadn't been paying much attention to the fox, but he could've sworn she only had four. "Are you alright, Aly?" There was no time to ponder that with his concern placed elsewhere.

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Üllr still felt like a bit of a stowaway, despite the talk with their contractors before... he would have to start getting acquainted eventually, putting names to faces on every person of the group for now. Looking into the fancy stall among the others, Üllr couldn't help being intrigued by all those items at display. He wasn't magically attuned enough to tell things apart, but they all looked... fancy? And expectedly outside his means to acquire, like most everything he'd dealt with.

"Hmm..." He tried to decide his own moral qualm with the selling of a year while absentmindedly drilling a figurative hole into Mikoto with his stare. Was it right? Most people he knew didn't die of old age... did sickness count as old age? Would it have affected his grandfather? His life would have been so different without his old man's help... Then again, Üllr was most likely to die in combat by his own understanding. It was either living in the wild or fighting people for this group. Maybe hoping for a long life didn't make sense.

"Hm." Üllr felt conflicted. It wasn't something to make a snap decision for... at the same time, trading for a discount he couldn't use didn't make sense. "No money, sorry." Shame, but that's how dealing with merchants ended up for him anyways. Getting used to actually possessing currency would have to come first.

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The saleswoman had seemed a bit more... animated after the last purchase one of the group had made. To Syndra however, it wasn't the oddest thing the fox had done. Syndra just decided to ask outright. "If you could come down for just a second there's something I wanted to ask you. Just a really small detail that I noticed, but I don't recall any of us ever introducing ourselves to you madam. So with that being said, how is it you seem to know our names and what company we're serving?" This lady seems more like a spy than a merchant with what she seems to know about our group.

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"Oh~! Well, a merchant always looks into groups before trying to sell to them, no? I just went around, asking about the Iron Tigers, their members, names and the like... I'm quite the special merchant, after all. Can't just set up and start selling to anyone. Had to make sure you were all... Worth it. I'm not exactly a fan of giving my merchandise to group that are going to turn around and swing it at people like me, so, seeing how you handily dealt with those Knights, my, my, I just had to know everything I could~" Mikoto smiled, her now five tails swishing slightly behind her. Of course I've been doing more than that, idiot. You're such an easy group to follow and find out about. Killing a prominent mercenary group in a port city, travelling with the Evokers of Glacies, slaying Knights openly in Liste... What a trail, what a trail~

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Almost as soon as things seemed to conclude with Mikoto, the door of the manor swung open, and the man from before, Favio, stepped out and saw the group, as well as the five tailed being. Favio tilted his head a moment, before focusing on the group approaching starting with the enormous dragon. "Ah, welcome, welcome. Apologies about the trek; Lord Sarasin did always appreciate his lovely view, and the location does provide quite a wondrous view of Liste, and the paths below. But it seems like you all made it just find; much better than Lady Tio did last evening." Favio peered around Cinead, gazing once more at the unknown quantity. "Is the tailed one with you as well? They didn't appear to be with you before, and, oh, the tall feline over there must be Commander Natalya." 

Favio nodded, and then gestured inside. "Lord Sarasin is not quite prepared with everything, but if you would come inside, there is some food that was prepared for your group as a thanks. Lord Sarasin will be along shortly, so feel free to peruse the premises within reason. The Evokers also appear to have stirred but I'm unsure if that means much. To my understanding, they also had something to say about the evening before. So it might be pertinent to check on them at some point." 

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Cinaed smiled at Favio, giving him a small nod in greeting before looking back at the mentioned fox with a frown. Part of our group, ha. Wait. Hmm. Five tails? Must have missed one... No matter. "No, she's a merchant, apparently. She was just trying to sell us some goods for our future battles, since we're likely to find some. As for everything else, yes that is the commander and thank you for welcoming us in and the generosity of offering food. I'm sure we'll meet up with the Evokers sooner rather than later, so thank you for that information as well." He smiled, before glancing back at the rest of the group with a sigh. Hopefully not too many of them had fallen for the fox's deal. He couldn't shake a nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right.

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When Favio came out to greet the group, the first thing Renais did was take a good look at how pretty the manor was. Certainly a nice sight compared to what they had to deal with the other day. Maybe life as a mercenary isn't so bad. She stood up straight and took a polite bow to the man. "Thank you very much, Mr Favio. My name is Renais Silvavolke, cleric to the Tigers. You say the Evokers have just gotten up, may I speak with them? I have something important I have to discuss with them."

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"A... merchant?" Favio tilted his head. "Strange, Lord Sarasin would know when a merchant would be passing through here. I've never seen her before either..." That might be something to look into later. Surely she meant no harm, but it was a bit out of the ordinary for a merchant to both be in Liste unaccounted for, and for them to have setup shop up here... Favio simply ushered the man in, "Make yourselves as comfortable as you can. Ask me, or any of the hired hands for assistance, if you need."

Favio nodded as the young rose haired woman walked up, and asked for the Evokers. The older man gave Renais a sharp bow, before returning to his correct height. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Silvavolke. Ah, yes, they're awake. Lady Elisa, I'm sure, has been awake for quite some time. It's just a matter of waking her wife." Favio pointed down the hallway. "The room at the end with the flower print on it will be the room that you are searching for." 

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Miria took her time on the counter until she felt good enough to be back on her feet. She had an extra place to be. Get some gratitude, finally start their way to their next destination, and Miria would pass out, probably on Renais again and have sleep for lunch. Would be the best way for her to end her day before setting up camp.

She began to fold the robe she had gotten before taking a pause at Mikoto's tails. She wasn't the smartest individual, but Miria swore she only had four tails before. But, she left it be. Miria did expect to get an answer she liked, and honestly, Miria probably wouldn't get it it. She took it as, something probably magic related.

By the time she got herself to the front, she was barely feet behind Renais and Gean when she saw a man in front of her point in a direction in the manor. Miria just decided she'd stand, and wait on the other two, small smile ready to go. Maybe she'd follow them, maybe not.

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