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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The group had finally put the Underground behind them for the moment and entered Esclas. The arrivals of Jeremiah and Lucretia certainly made things easier. All Syndra had to know about Jeremiah's skill was shown with how he dispatched the rouge who tried to come after his niece, Aegean. Seeing the man in action brought up a conversation she had had with Renais, way back before this whole mess had begun.

Ice Breaker


Renais had a long list of things to do before the group reached Islexia, and a certain ice queen was next. Syndra was always a mysterious woman, even though the two got off on an awkward foot with Syndra insulting her idols, Renais always had some form of respect toward the woman. She walked along to the edge of the camp to find her, word of mouth guided her steps. “Syndra?” She called out and took a look around.

Syndra had decided she’d rather be off by herself while the group made their way into Islexia. She was still feeling mostly down on herself given what transpired shortly before they left Hecatia regarding the Escaflowne, and so she didn’t think she’d make a good companion to anyone right now. That line of thinking didn’t seem to stop Renais from trying however, as Syndra heard her calling out for her. What would she want with me? I know our relationship had gotten slightly better since fighting those knights, but I don’t think it was still that great. “I’m over here Renais.” Syndra responded to the Tigers’ healer.

When the woman responded, Renais quickly turned to her direction and approached. “Ah, there you are. Good. Hanging out so far from the others is a little dangerous, you know.” Renais knew all about that. “But at least I found you over someone unsavory…anyway, I had a question. I hope this isn’t insensitive but…what’s Islexia like exactly?”

Renais had a point. If Syndra’s true identity was known outside of the group, being this far away from everyone else put her at risk. She wasn’t acting like she normally would, she was being overly careless. “More than a little I’d say.” Syndra tried laughing a little at the realization, but it didn’t help much. As for Renais’ other question, Syndra had to think a little more. It seemed to come from a place of real curiosity, and more than likely wasn’t about the climate. That much could be answered when they arrived. “What is Islexia like indeed… it really depends. For people that look like you or I, it’s not that bad a place. If you’re a Clouded or a Monster it’s like hell to go about your days in peace.” Syndra paused to collect herself a bit. “All that’s common knowledge though, is there anything in particular you wanted to know about? Keep in mind the last time I’d heard any news about this place was a little after I joined the Iron Tigers.”

“Hmm, I knew it was quite racist. I suppose the scope of that is bigger than I thought.” As sheltered at Renais was, she was at least understanding. Syndra may have been born lucky all things considered. “I guess I just wanted to get an idea of what we’re in for, but you said you haven’t heard anything since you joined us. Still, some information is better than none, so I owe you my thanks.” She nodded her head a little.

“I don’t think much has changed since I left, but there are a few examples of high nobles treating non-humans with respect. The Gaffneys are a good example, even if part of that is out of necessity considering one of the family heads is a Clouded herself. It also might be biased of me to say so, but I think I have a great respect for Clouded as well. One of my personal bodyguards is a Clouded wolfgirl named Ryfia, and she has every reason to hate me and my family, but I’ve always treated her as an equal, and we’ve been friends for over a decade.” Syndra paused again. “The real issue with why racism is so rampant is mostly because anyone who wants to do something to change it can’t, and the people who have the power to change things refuse to. I might be a noblewoman, but since my views on the ‘impure’ as they call them are… ‘radical’ my voice tends to be drowned out by my father and brothers. And the Gaffneys can only really influence the area they control, the hatred’s such a part of what being Islexian is I doubt they’ll be able to do much outside of it. Since history blamed a non-human for killing our last monarch, the people aren’t going to trust non-humans attempting to run that nation. Sorry, I started ranting a little. Talking about home always gets me like this.”

While Syndra went on about some ins and outs of nobility she’s acquainted with in Islexia, Renais simply watched her in awe. “...it really does sound like you lead quite a high life. I have to say I’m impressed.” She always did respect Syndra, even after the Evoker incident. She always carried a confident and dignified air and the pinkette wishes she had. “I don’t mean to assume what made you leave your old life to become a mercenary, but it sounded like a family issue? Just a guess with your father and brothers being mentioned…”

“Good guess. The reason I left is because I wasn’t progressing fast enough in my studies, or at least not fast enough for their liking, so they decided to simply go and have me arranged to marry the son of another noble house for political and material gain. Although I do wonder how much of that’s based on me not meeting expectations and more a punishment for my differing views on the Clouded.” Both reasons sounded true to Syndra as she brought it up. “Essentially the reason I left is that it boils down to me believing I’m more than just a cow to be sold at market. Since you brought it up Renais, what led you to becoming a mercenary?”

Renais listened to her life and was impressed. She had her life lined up, but left on her own terms. “...very respectable if you ask me. I’m glad you stood up for yourself.” She smiled at her teammate. When she brought up her reasoning, Renais’ smile lightened up. “Ah well, I didn’t exactly join to be altruistic at first. It was a temporary position. Tasha needed a healer, and I fit the bill. I only really joined to find my missing sister Liza, and being with the Tigers meant I had the freedom to do that. Walking around by myself wasn’t exactly a smart call.”

“A similar reason to my own for joining the Tigers then. I needed a practical way to keep practicing my skills, and the Tigers aren’t really picky about the pasts of who they employ. Later on down the road I might’ve asked them for help in dealing with my own problems, but only when I thought they were capable of such a campaign. Now that time seems to have come faster than I would have hoped.” From what it sounded like, it seemed Renais was really concerned about her sister. It made Syndra a little envious, considering her own family situation was as messed up as it was. “What’s she like, your sister? It sounds like you care for her a lot.”

“She was a knight of Kansei, and she’s been my hero since I was a little girl. She’s dependable, strong willed, probably one of the strongest girls I know. I’ve been told by someone that she went to Islexia and that’s why I stayed…” She looked aside. “Normally I wouldn’t be worried about her, she always has a handle on things. But she left for Islexia with an injury apparently, and I have no idea what compelled her to do so. It bothers me.”

“A Kanseian knight going through Islexia? All by herself? AND injured?” Syndra was a little surprised as to what Renais had said. Her sister’s either brave or foolish, or perhaps a little of both. Still, the concern Renais had was more than apparent, and even though she wasn’t sure she could help, Syndra still wanted to. “Now, I’m not sure if they’d know anything that could be of help to you, but if you wanted to ask either of my retainers if they’ve heard anything about your sister you’re certainly welcome to. Just don’t expect too much, I asked them to keep track of what my family’s been doing while I’m gone, so unless her mission put her in contact with them, it’d be a long shot that they know anything that could help you find her.”

“Ah well, she’s not quite alone from what Jeremiah told me. There’s someone named Alto with her. I think Liza has her plans, but I appreciate the offer Syndra. Perhaps if we have the chance I’ll take you up on that. I can tell you what my sister looks like, but not quite this Al…to.” As she spoke that name again, Renais stared out for a moment as something had dawned on her. “How odd. I’ve recently had issues with music, and now this Alto name is starting to sound a little strange to me.” She thought to herself for a moment. “O-oh, sorry Syndra. Just thinking out loud.”

“Right… I remember, last time you heard music you passed out in that manor.” That was one thing, but Syndra noticed Renais hung up a bit when she brought up the name Alto. She knew enough about music from her studies in Glacies that Alto was also a musical term. It seemed like just a coincidence, but Renais was the one who brought up the connection in the first place. “I wonder if you’re hexed with something that triggers whenever music is involved. I mean people don’t just pass out when they hear a piano. Maybe you should ask the Evokers or Mikoto about it. I know something about elder magic but not enough to be helpful, if I’m right about it being a curse that is. It’s just a guess on my part.” With that being said, Syndra then circled back around to the other person Renais brought up in regards to her sister. “So, who’s Jeremiah?”

“It’s not a hex actually, it’s connected to some missing years I’ve had. It’s…a bit of a complicated story.” She shook her head. “As for Jeremiah…he visited me before we left Glacies, he wanted to talk to me about my sister’s whereabouts. The twist was he knew more than I did however. Beyond that, I don’t know the man personally.”

From how she explained it, it seemed as if Renais’ fainting spell from before was related to some manner of trauma, and not a curse. It seemed like the more likely explanation in hindsight, Renais wasn’t the sort of person to go out looking for trouble. The idea that this Jeremiah person knew more about Renais’ sister than Renais herself seemed… just a little concerning considering they weren’t otherwise acquainted with each other. Syndra had to ask. “Well, if you trust what he told you, that’s probably fine. Do you mind telling me what he looks like? It’d be useful to know in case we end up running into him while going through Islexia.”

“Ahh, well it has been a while. But he is a rather handsome man, a little on the tall side, he had black hair and a green coat. I’m a rather stubborn girl, I didn’t want to tell him anything…but thinking back on it now he seemed like he could get information out of me no matter how stubborn I was. If I was alone anyway and I gave him reason to.” She tilted her head down as she thought further on it. “Maybe we should be careful if we meet him again.”

“Hm… it sounds like he’s a skilled interrogator, if you felt compelled to tell him details like that.” Syndra thought about Renais’ description of Jeremiah a little bit. It wasn’t the first time she’d ‘heard’ it before. “Back in Eibar, when I met up with Alvira at a fortune teller, I saw a man that matched the description you just gave, cornering a pair of dragon whelps, Alvira’s siblings I guess. At first I thought he looked like one of my bodyguards, but I know he wouldn’t do something like that, not without having to answer to me anyway… now I wonder if it was this Jeremiah that we saw instead.” If that was true though, how did they know Alvira’s family? The only reason Syndra knew about them was because she saw it in the vision with her, it was something she should try asking her about later, if she was up for it.

“Is that so?” She tilted her head, a little concerned. “I wonder what he has to do with Alvira’s family.” This Jeremiah was certainly a curious man, Renais had hoped when they met it wouldn’t be as enemies. “...you’ve really given me a lot to think on Syn. Thanks for the talk. I feel like I should have a talk with Gean soon.” She nodded her head at her. “You’re a good woman, Syndra. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, ok?”

“Hm? Well, thank you for the kind words Renais.” Something about the way Renais said that felt as if she genuinely meant it, and not as if she was simply trying to make Syndra feel better about herself. “Give Aegean my regards will you? She’s a very well-meaning lady you know. As for me, I think I’m going to stay here for a little longer, I’ve some things to think about as well.”

Thinking back on it, Renais wasn't the only one that should have a conversation with Aegean, considering recent and past events, it only made sense to have a talk with the woman who, by her own girlfriend's admission might end up being her surrogate daughter-in-law one day. Business came first though, as upon arriving they were met again by the Lady Cassandra and her knight, who both welcomed them in and brought up Kieran's imprisonment. Heh, it's for his own good indeed that he's in a cell. Syndra wouldn't have done anything to him if he wasn't jailed, not yet at least, but it was comforting that they took his betrayal as seriously as they were. Now was the time to meet with the man in charge, and see what the plan was to erase Kazran.

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Jeremiah turned to look over at Versaris, the man had left his jacket in one of the wagons, opting to downplay as much as possible since he was quite literally walking into the den of someone who could easily be called Lufiria's enemy. However, the clouded walking about assuaged that concern slightly--they'd heard of the Gaffneys but their size and location made it impossible for Lufiria pursue anything beyond monitoring their wellbeing. Perhaps now was the time to offer some minor assistance. 

"This place has been attacked recently. A couple days ago from the look of things. That's both good, and bad for us--good because it means that everyone is too focused on themselves and what they needed to do, bad because it means that your target is confident enough to push his forces this far. For that reason, I don't think anyone will be tailing us." Jeremiah gave a glance to Alriana who wasn't following too far behind, before turning his eyes back forward. 

Eventually, they found themselves at the castle, and they were met by a tanned swordswoman, and a shark clouded. Mildly unusual, but considering where the previous capital of Islexia used to be, it wasn't impossible that some of their ancestors might have interacted with the aquatic clouded. Jeremiah kept himself quiet for now, he'd let the Evokers make the uproar before announcing himself. While the Evokers were sure to cause a stir, the head of Lufirian Intelligence would almost certainly be cause for alarm. Jeremiah looked over at Miredy, and little Jane--the girl had been almost impossible to separate from the lamia. He offered the girl a small smile. 

Jane's head was on a swivel as they entered the city. Though, for once it was more because of how different the place was then concern. Everything seemed more... clean, and vibrant. There were other clouded too, but it was mostly humans. However, her short time with the Tigers, and Miredy was calming. They weren't going to hurt her, and from the sounds of it, it seemed like most of them were resolved to protect her and to help her find her mother. She saw Jeremiah smile at her, and she shrank back into Miredy's warmth before giving him a nod. Some of these humans were different... Jeremiah had spent good time coming to check on her, and so had the tired lady--she always had a bit of a shimmer about her. She hadn't said a word to her yet, but Jane felt herself relaxing each time she came to check. 

Tio remained in the wagon until it was time to disembark. Her exhaustion was starting to fade away, so it was about time to get back into the swing of things. With Elisa at her side, she was scribbling away in her notebook. Jeremiah's sudden arrival at the height of their weakness was an uncomfortable meeting, but true to Aegean and Versaris's word, the man was reasonable, and agreed to defer any conversation until they had arrived at Eslcas. Something that Tio appreciated greatly; neither she and Elisa were really up to such a conversation at this point, but now, they were a little more prepared. He was their gateway into some topics that they were never going to be able to answer on their own, so they were going to have to take this chance by the horns. Though, that was only one conversation that was approaching. As the wagons stopped, and they arrived at the castle, there was another, equally as important conversation coming down the line. The simple fact was that Glacies and Islexia were not on the best of terms, and hadn't been since the Islexian Collapse. Tensions were probably at their worst as of recent, so if the other warlords got a hint of both Evokers being present in their country, there was no telling where that would go afterwards. Above all else, war was to be avoided. That meant that they needed to keep a reasonably low profile as they began to make their push to their destination. "So many questions... This is going to be a very difficult couple of hours..." 

Nita nodded as Cassandra explained the situation, a frown appearing on her face when Kieran was mentioned. It was what he requested, and really, nothing different was going to happen with him, but it still bothered her. They'd all been working together for so long, for him to just take action like that on his own... even if it was against one of the Belrose. While she'd really skipped over it that night, it was shocking that a Belrose, one from the most powerful warlord family was here and going to be assisting them against Kazran. She almost definitely had her reasons, but... she'd have been lying if she didn't see some merit in Kieran's actions. The Belrose were absolutely responsible for Kazran running amok, as they were for most warlords. If the Belrose so much as wished it, the rest of Islexia would crash down on Kazran and end his operation with in a matter of weeks, but while they didn't partake in the darker elements of Kazran's operation, they did benefit from it. However, actions were king for a Muran, and if she was here to fight with them, then she was not a Belrose, but a member of the Tigers. 

"Right, if you would follow after me..." Nita turned, and began leading the group inside the castle. 

The inner castle was well maintained, but almost unnervingly sparse. The muted gray walls with only decoration perhaps once every hallway seemed to only heighten the urgency with which they needed to act, their footsteps bouncing off the wall as the occasional guard saluted their passing. Yet, in that desperation, there was a confidence amongst those they past. The guards inside were not as unnerved as the ones from the gates, and there was genuine vibrance to their movements and actions. Perhaps they were sheltered from the reality that those outside felt, but it brought some needed light to the dingy castle. Finally, the group passed through a large archway into the most brightly furnished room in the castle so far. The carpet, and the banner in the back of the room were both of a vibrant green, with five points each in a different color, Red, Orange, Yellow, White, and Blue. A line connected the five points, starting past the red, and linking the other four, creating what appeared to be an incomplete five pointed star. There were a handful of pillars off to the side, and a window to the back of the room that allowed them to see out to the sea behind them. Natural light filled the room, revealing a large table with all sorts of maps all over it and several people sitting at it, and a pink haired man gazing out of the window. His dress matched that Cassandra's, a sword at his side. Nita walked further in, before clearing her throat, "Lord Owen... Our guests have arrived." 

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"Mmm... Thank you, Nita." Turning away from the window, Owen met his guest's gaze. In slow steps, he returned to the table, a careful stop beside his seat, and a hand raised in front of his chest, inviting his guests to join. "Allow me, firstly, to apologize for my man's mistake. That someone willing to sell our allies and hides his troubles was given a position of import in this reflects a terrible judgement of mine." With a soured frown, he looks to the table. Owen opened his mouth, as if to speak further on the matter, but no further comment was made, he quickly stopped whatever though it was on its tracks.

"I can only be glad you made it safely, and dealt a blow to the Underground, no less. It speaks to your capability, and reassures my choice." His gaze focused first on Natasha, and followed to the Evokers. "But as you can see, Kazran has not let up. We are on a timer as long as they persist, and our position is less than ideal so far as defending ourselves go. We need your help, that strength that could clash with the Underworld--"

Sighing, Owen retreated his hand, "I speak in haste. Forgive me." A pause as if to mentally chide the self, he continued. "I am Owen Gaffney, over the land of Eslcas I rule. I thank you for answering mine and Cassandra's pleas. First, I would have your thoughts and names: Both of the Iron Tigers, Evokers of Glacies, and those who follow with you." 

There was no doubt a reaction in those sitting at the table at the mention of the Evokers. Tensions were mixed, but there was, for a blessing, a lack of apparent animosity.

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So this was the group... Amera's tail fwished as she stood off to the side next to Seila and Ember, getting a bit anxious watching such a large group walk in. "Mmmhn... Mrrrhhhnn..." She started jogging in place, slowly hiding behind the much taller dog woman so she would hopefully not be too distracting. She couldn't help at least waving at them as Owen got to speaking, shrinking back again, but still running in place, far too much energy and excitement residing within. "Seilaaaaa... How much longer do we gotta wait? You think these talks will take long? Mrahhhnn... I wanna meet these people..."

Cass let Owen speak without interruption, taking her place at his side, arms folded. It was meet and greet time, it seemed... She didn't have much of a place here, not among these talks or really among the people Owen considered his council. They'd all likely hoped she'd have perished when she went off to see what was keeping Marigold. Bunch of ingrates trying to make something off our peril... Ugh. At least the Tigers are genuine.

"Alvira," the dragon spoke up, stepping forward with Tasha. "One of the people your man Kieran got captured through informing the Underground of our position and situation. I don't speak for my leader, Lord Gaffney, but I'll be frank, this is quite the bungled organization you're running if people like that can reach such high places of power."

"Oi--" Cass nearly barked at the dragon, but cut herself off, knowing full well that she had every right to be upset-- the shark just hated someone speaking ill of her brother...

"Hmph... That said, assuming the terms are correct, I'm sure we can reach an understanding. We've something of a personal vendetta with Kazran now, so this benefits us both, I think." She folded her arms to meet Cass, scowling right back at the shark, not faltering a step. Not anymore.

"Let's try and keep tensions to a minimum, Alvira," Versaris began, also taking a step up. "It's a pleasure, Lord Gaffney. Versaris Didarion, hopefully at your service... It is as you say. A bit of skill, a lot of luck, and we managed to escape from the clutches of the Underground without any wounds that could not be healed. Now, seeing the state of your city and castle, hopefully as can be just as skillful, and just as lucky, putting the sword to Kazran. These warlords have lasted for too long, if you ask me. As much as it won't affect me once we've moved on, I can't help but want to see the brighter future Islexia might have without one of its villains." A small stone in the face of the Belrose family, but one didn't move mountains without starting somewhere.

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"Aegean, but feel free to call me Gean." The mermaid took the other side of Tasha, hand on hip and looking around. She spotted a cat clouded waving towards the group, and returned with a wave a smile of her own. "Nice place you have here Lord Owen, and a lovely view. Bet it'd be lovely to visit this place without the hostilities, more reason to wrap this job up." Gean took her other hand and scratched the back of her neck, blue and purple scales shining in the light from the window. 

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Miria was enamored by Esclas. It was pretty, much like a lot of the big cities she had seen in these travels. She didn't expect herself to want to explore after the last couple days. Maybe that was on the table. They were important things now, though. The Tigers had an important contact to meet, for their actual mission, now that it was back on.

The cub stood behind the main people addressing Owen Gaffney. There was no need for her in that department. If things worked out as planned, then that's when she was most important. She did notice the cat lady wave at the group and retreat, but Miria gave her welcome smile and waved back. Hopefully, if this worked, they were more friends Miria could make.

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The pink-haired man stepped forward and spoke, introducing themselves as Owen Gaffney. Some of the others in the group began introducing themselves already, and Syndra was up next. There was a bit of trepidation, seeing as most of the room justifiably blamed her family for their problems. Ah well, it was on her to prove their fears unfounded in the end. "My name is Syndra Belrose, I'm a member of the Iron Tigers, and my role with them is to make sure they complete their mission safely. Getting to piss off my old man's just a bonus." Owen had to know her father would find out about this somehow, and so Syndra wondered what his plan for that outcome was, although it could wait until after introductions were finished.

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Well, shit. Nyx really hoped she wouldn’t have had to jump to her girlfriend’s defence, but so it went. “M’Nyxied, an’ Syn ‘ere’s m’girlfriend. Trust me, she ain’t the kinda lass tha’ ‘er dad is.” Well, probably, anyways. Maybe her dad had some of Syndra’s better qualities, but Nyx had no clue. 

Tanya, meanwhile, seemed a bit caught off-guard by everyone just jumping into introductions. She wondered if it’d even be worth it to introduce herself, but decided to just go for it anyways. “Tanya Maldolche, eldest daughter of the Maldolche family of Lufiria. Nyice- uh, shit, nice to meet you.”

While the introductions were in full swing, a rather large red-haired Clouded fellow stepped to the side of Owen. Scratching his neck with a hairy hand, he looked down at his lord while keeping an eye on the others. “Lord Owen, are you truly sure about this? I understand Lady Cassandra seems to be vouching for them, but even still…” The man sighed, perhaps overthinking things. Besides, it wasn’t entirely his place to question both of the siblings. “My apologies. I should know better than to doubt you and your sister.” He rolled his shoulders back, and simply stayed at Owen’s side, as a good guardian should.

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The Tigers' path through Islexia was already fraught with detours, but at least this one had been planned well in advance. Eslcas, the seat of the Gaffneys and their ticket to pass through the country, assuming that they could manage to deal with Kazran as agreed upon. But why couldn't they? As tattered as the encounter with the Underground had left them, they'd survived, and with no personnel losses at the end of the day… well, unless you counted Kise's unique situation. Tasha figured they shouldn't. At least they would likely get a break from surprise targeted kidnappings and magic bullshit for a while, in favor of plain old combat.

The streets were a much appreciated excursion from what she'd expected from Islexia as a whole, though not entirely surprising given Cassandra. Even then, they were obviously being driven into a hard place by the warlord the Tigers had been hired to topple, giving the tiger herself all the motivation she needed to see things through, looking over the townsfolk. Politics she'd rather keep herself out of, but saving a city friendly to Clouded from people who wouldn't stand that? That was practically becoming her middle name at this point.

Owen's introduction was all fine and well, and gave her the impression that he was more a person of action and results than formalities, despite his manner of speech. She let Alvira’s irateness go unmentioned, because honestly, she was fully entitled to it - not only did Kieran’s actions make things harder for everyone, she was one of the most directly affected. And with the big question mark of Syndra having introduced herself as well, Tasha felt it to be a good point to join the pleasantries. “I can assure you that in spite of our justified grievances and… interesting associates, we’re still committed to what we came here for. Natalya E. Liberia, commander of the Iron Tiger Mercenaries. Much as I agree with Versaris about wanting less idiots in the world, we’re not here out of political reasons, only to achieve a goal as it relates to our actual mission.” She looked behind her, a small nod to the Evokers to pull forward, before facing the lord Gaffney again. “I’m sure the good ladies behind me can tell you as much.”

Elisa, for her part, had spent most of the trip to Eslcas grumbling about Luthier and that whole debacle, delaying her full recovery a little further still. By the time they arrived, she was at least back on her feet and able to fend for herself, though still far from full strength. They were prepared to stay as low profile as possible during this excursion from their original travel plan, but it was to be expected that Owen would want to hear from them directly considering their importance as political figures. The strawberry blonde sighed gently at Tasha’s call to them, taking the initiative to speak up first out of the two of them, though she’d leave the detailed explanation to her wife. “Like the Commander said, there’s no political motive behind us being here, and we won’t personally participate in whatever happens beyond self-defense, should things come to that. Hi, Elisa Candialia. I’m still tired as hell, so I probably won’t be talking much.” Her tone made it obvious, at any rate, sounding like she was either completely disinterested in what she was saying, or in need of the longest nap of her life.

On the Gaffney side of things, a decently tall, very voluptuous woman stood alongside the other, smaller group of mercenaries observing the proceedings. Her curious eyes glanced over all of the Tigers from beneath her large, black witch hat, chuckling to herself as she saw their own cat’s excitement over the new arrivals. “Now now, miss Amera, I’m sure you can speak with them as much as you like once Owen’s immediate business with them is done,” she commented, brushing her incredibly long, dark purple hair behind her, then setting her hands on the hyperactive cat’s shoulders and leaning in. “Would you like a massage while we wait?~ They do look a dashing combination of adorable and strong, but good things come to good girls who wait…~”

There was one glaring omission from the group to anyone familiar with the Tigers as of recent, and that was Ferid. He'd pledged not to get involved with any of the Warlords' business, after all, and had stayed behind with the caravan to personally guard and direct where to put things if necessary. All he was there for was to guard the group against the Underground, which he'd done to the best of his ability once already... and would do again, if need be. They'd have to deal with Kazran without his help, however. They can do it. If they could stand against Luthier and hold their own for long enough to survive without casualties... and before that man ever got involved in the fight. All I need to do is keep to my mission.

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The men and women around the table, turned and whispered things to one another. It was clear from the differences in attire between those standing off to the side, and those at the table, that these were fairly well-to-do people. Minor nobles, and merchants that had sided with the Gaffney. There had been some hesitance around the table as the group arrived, so clouded as they were, but those concerns became louder as--of all people to be mentioned--the Evokers of Glacies were announced to be amongst the group. 

"This wasn't a part of the report, Lord Owen..." A dark skinned man stood from the table, "The Evokers are problem enough, but," The man pointed at Syndra, "A Belrose is in our midst, and not only a Belrose, the missing Belrose, the one that has a bounty out on--" 

"If I may before that continues," Tio spoke up, as she removed the hood of her cloak. She hoped that they would get through introductions, and further on before she had to explain their presence, but things were moving ahead faster than she was ready for. Fortunately, she was never ready for any sort of politics back in Glacies, so this wasn't going to be any different. "I admit that this is not how I would like to be present in Islexia, but the issue of the day makes it so. As Elisa announces herself, I am Tio Candialia, Evoker of Glacies. I will make things clear that we will not be participating in any Islexian engagement, there is... a situation that we have been asked to tend to, and that is our primary objective. To that end... our escorts, the Tigers, have accepted the call of aid from Lord Owen." Tio offered a hand, and a curtsy to the young regent, "Even if Glacies were keen on getting involved, Elisa and I are... exhausted to say the least from our travels, as well as other things that I am not at liberty to express. I simply give you my word that unless our talents are required in self defense, Elisa and I will not be participating, and so, I do not believe that our presence here--so long as it is kept under wraps--will cause any more trouble than is already currently present." Tio looked over at Syndra, still a tinge of frustration on the Evoker's face, before sighing, "I will also vouch for the skill of the Tigers, and the trustworthiness of Miss Belrose here. She is devoted to the same mission as any of the Tigers, and perhaps more so because of her station. The commander will further confirm as such." Tio exhaled, and leaned lightly against Elisa.

Jeremiah stood off behind the group, off out of sight for the moment--They could deal with things for now, and he simply just needed to watch. There was much to worry about with this situation. He'd have to go around the town to gather information about what was happening here, and through out Islexia as a whole. The atmosphere was harsher than even Islexia was known for. No doubt that it's related... Damn it, where is his cross section heading? Jeremiah remained back until there was something that he needed to say, though, watching the men and women at the table squirm over the number of monsters and clouded suddenly present in the chamber, brought a faint smile to the man's face. The very people that many Islexians despised and hated were the people who were coming to their aid--even tangentially. He then chuckled that it also meant that Lufiria would also have a quiet hand in assisting them, which with his own presence here. How the times change... I wonder if any of these people were about for the Collapse? 

The man clicked his tongue, and returned to his seat looking at Lord Owen, "Even if we have their word... should word so much as cross Nicolas's ears, he'll marshal his forces, and crush us without a second thought. Yet..." He looked out over the group, "If they've managed to shake of the dark hands of the underground, then this force is a lifeline that we may not see again..." 

The others around the table joined in the man's quiet musings. It was clear that while this force was aligned with their mission, it was a tangential one--their own mission was paramount. Nita simply remained by Cassandra, quietly gulping as the tension seemed to elevate within the room. 

Elsewhere, underground in the dark dungeons beneath the castle, loud off key whistling echoed through the halls. Kieran looked down at his chained hands, and whistled to himself, and the rats below. He was unsure if he should have the freedom to whistle like this, or even to breath under his own power. From the sounds of things, it seemed like the Tigers had arrived. They made it back. Whether it was all in one piece was unknown, but the fact that they made it back at all... 

"...Huh. Maybe they are the real deal." Kieran continued to whistle an off key tune. If he did it long enough, he'd figure out the right key, and maybe figure out how to shake the other shackles that rooted him to the spot he found himself in now. 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Leaning against the wall alongside the other Gaffney mercenaries, a mage stood draped in heavy robes dyed a deep forest green accented with gold, letting out a quiet huff at the hyperactive cat Clouded's excitement. She had been lazily paging through a book as they awaited their guests; but with their arrival the mood in the room was rather less than conducive to reading, and she dropped a bookmark between the pages, tilting her own hat up to see past the brim which had shaded her eyes just in time to see her duck behind Ember. "Hahhh... aren't these talks supposed to be serious? You're going to give our guests the wrong idea, Amera..." She debated internally whether to go for her ears for a moment, but decided against it after what she'd just said.

She tucked her book away in one of her robes' pockets, watching as Bella set her hands on Amera's shoulders, reining her in in a manner she'd come to find somewhat familiar as of late. That's also... mm, oh well. It's not like it's not how they are, after all. Maybe this mercenary group's weird too... 

She glanced past Amera and Ember, tilting her head (and hat) slightly. "Oh - look, they've started. Hush, listen..."

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Nyx instinctively moved in front of Syndra, hoping maybe these clowns on this Owen fella’s council would quit talking about her girlfriend like that if she was hidden. “Don’ worry, Synnie. M’nae gonna let these lads slander ye like tha’. Ye got more moral fiber in yer fuckin’ pinkie than yer pa does in ‘is whole body.”

Then again, after some thinking, Nyx added, “Not tha’ I got much’a it either, but yer prob’ly th’ brains o’ our lil’ couple, aye?” She teased, completely tuned out from the council‘s rumblings.

Tanya tried her best to follow along, but felt a bit lost. Politics were never her strong suit; Papa, Max, and even Yuyu had a better grip on that sort of thing. She was fine with that, for the most part, even after biting off more than she could chew by joining the Tigers.

Slipping to the side of probably the man in the room she’d feel safest next to, Tanya leaned towards Jeremiah to whisper something to him. “General Jeremiah… why do I get the feeling these people aren’t all that happy about our help? I mean, I know Islexia hates Clouded and all, but you’d think these people would swallow their pride and just… let us help them.”

The large red-haired man had to admit, the council’s points held merit. He’d had some suspicions, but to hear that the lost Belrose was among this group had the hair on his arms practically bristling. Before he could get a word in edgewise, though, one of the other women introduced herself as one of the Evokers, and things fell into place mentally. 

“Lord Owen,” the man began, leaning his body downwards slightly to whisper into his lord’s ear, “I suggest heeding the words of the lady Candalia. If the Evokers themselves vouch for these people, perhaps we can trust them, even with a certain…” He threw a look over towards Syndra, maintaining a neutral face even with every other part of him screaming to scowl at her. “… Weed in the midst of flowers.”

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"Were it only that simple, you'd be correct." Jeremiah turned to look over at the approaching Maldoche, of all of the people that he thought to speak with, she was lower on the list. A Maldoche out in the world wasn't too far fetched, and he vaguely remembered that Anton had mentioned that one of his children chose to wander the world. Still, information was information, but at the moment that wasn't the main focus. "For starters, we're not at war, so I'm not General Noire, it would just be Jeremiah, or Sir Noire, whichever you prefer. Second, is it not obvious?" Jeremiah tilted his head towards Owen, "The man in the lead knew what he was getting into for the most part--he's ready to accept the Tiger's aid, but his council are not aligned with him. The aid of clouded folk is already damaging enough--they won't be gaining much outside support because of this--but you add in the fact that the Evokers are alongside them and more problems arise. Glacies did not assist the alliance in the collapse, and Islexia has always been hostile towards them because of that. The problem is who controls Islexia--Nicolas Belrose--he is the son of the legendary Islexian General Elliot Belrose, the man who led the Islexians in their invasion of Lufiria... and was subsequently killed because of it. Not only does he have the usual hatred for Lufiria, he was there during the Collapse, fought in it, and watched his father die and the ambitions of Islexia with him. He would take any opportunity to strike at those he believes to be responsible--be it through their actions, or lack thereof." 

Jeremiah pushed himself off the wall, "If he found any reason to attack the Gaffney or any other warlord, that's it, there's no chance to win, and they know that. This unit is almost the perfect storm if the Belrose wanted to get involved. Of course, that's in the back of their minds--pride is a difficult emotion to rein in. It's not so simple to override it for your own safety." 

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As talks continued, Marigold snuck off and blended in with the shadows. She had something else to attend to, and her words wouldn't matter much in this venue. Owen could handle himself against the fools that tried to curry his favor.

"Mrowr!?" Amera yelped a bit as a certain someone's hands met her shoulders, flinching and ducking down out of their touch, then squirming herself behind Seila, hiding around the mage's shoulder and under her hat. "N-No thank you! Mmmrrrhh... I'll sit still if it means you let me be... Sorry." She flopped against Seila and sighed, trying to not put too much weight on the woman. "If only I knew better for these kinds of talks, but I don't really know Islexia at all..."

"What's the matter with you all!?" Cass growled loudly and slammed her hands onto the council's table, glowering her eyes and her sharp teeth out at everyone sitting there. "A golden opportunity arises for us to KILL the man that's been harming our people, attacking our walls, capturing some for Gods know what... And you're all sitting here scared of the fucking Belroses!? You think we're gonna be safe if we twiddle our thumbs!? Huh!?" She huffed and leaned back again, folding her arms. "These people fought against the worst that Islexia could've thrown at them and they came out without a single missing member. They will destroy Kazran, and the balance of power in Eastern Islexia will shift. Isn't that what we all want!? Stop hesitating, dammit!" She'd expected this, but she couldn't hold back her anger seeing it play out in front of her. Worthless, the lot of you...

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"..." The first to speak was not one of the leaders, but rather one affected by the kidnapping, a dragon. The lack of minced words, while hard to weather from the first, were received with perhaps awkward neutrality, as Owen remained silent, looking at Alvira's way as she made her feelings known. "I can only thank you for still being open to negotiations. Kazran is a mutual enemy, and we will see to it that he is dealt with." The tension, thankfully, was cut through by another's word --Versaris, which warranted the slightes ease in Owen's expression, as he nodded towards the man. "I want nothing more than that. And thank you, Aegean, for the compliments. Despite our situation, I have only pride for my land. It will endure, and be a far more welcoming place once it prospers. May the gods allow."

Of course, the pleasantry was short lived as Syndra announced herself. The tension had returned to the room in immediate. Despite her best foot forward, her announcement as a Belrose was as salt on an open wound to many of Owen's counselors --and they would not be the only ones to feel that way, as Kieran had showed the Tigers before. The repercussions of Belrose's actions and positions were deep in the mind of any Eslcan that knew the land's struggle. It was truly not something Owen could mistep on, the balance between his own people's faith and the Tigers' goodwill. "Hmm... I know you, Syndra. Not closely, but I've come to understand some of your story. I..."

That would be cut off by a rather roughspoken woman coming to Syndra's defense, and then a Lufirian, a woman by the surname Maldolche... not one that Owen was personally familiar with, but a Lufirian right after a Belrose... It was quite the company that the Tigers kept. One that would be sure an asset against Kazran, if only Owen's counsel could take the news well. After yet another comment, this time from his side, a clouded giving his own two cents on the Belrose, the Iron Tigers' captain finally introduced herself.

Owen was thankful for a moment of reprise among the revelations.

"Thank you, Natalya. I understand involving yourself politically is more than any of you would sign up for, but if I have what help you can offer against Kazran, I'll take it. We need a chance to turn the tides." Truthfully, it was a bit discouraging that the words were put that way --moreso as the Evoker that followed her shared a similar sentiment. If only Glacies had took a stance... He understood the political limitations of the Evokers, but still, if only Glacies could...

Tio's interjection to more of his own council's doubts was well timed enough to earn second thoughts. Though it cemented her position as an Evoker separate from Glacies' formal positions, the vouch was of help assuaging concern to some of the voices around Owen, even if the murmurs and second thoughts continued --until his sister spoke up once more, casting shame and tossing her frustrations on those at the table. Which, while coming from a place of truth...


Owen rapped a hand quickly at the table's edge, picking up his nerves. He let the conversation stray too far from him. "We're past the point of worrying about Nicholas and the pleasantries of other Islexian Warlords. They have cut our trade routes by land, and turned a blind eye to looting and banditry that settled in our vicinities. Nicholas might as well be cutting down my people personally, every single day. If any excuse will serve for him to condemn me, then to hell with what he thinks." One last hit on the table, and Owen stood upright, eyeing his council. "Leave, run, and eat the scrap that these scum will give you while treating you as dogs, or have Kazran's head on a stake and a chance at saving the trades you care for so much. And our standing among those devils. Those are the options." His voice was raised, his tone rougher, despite continuing eloquent. Owen held back a wince, knowing he'd said as inflammatory words as Cassandra did, but it was well beyond the time for stepping back.

"You could have told me that the Belrose still had reservations about her family, and I'd still take the help. Kazran sits as a mutual obstacle, one that must needs go for both of us. If you would give us your service, we will lay out a plan."

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It was nice to have someone as skilled as Jeremiah watch over the group, it was one of the reasons why Renais felt better than she did before the attack. With Kise by her side she could relax, for a moment anyway. Eslcas was a significant upgrade to Sipa alright, it almost felt like familiar ground to the pinkette. Renais just stood by Miria, unsure of what to do with herself while the group spoke with Owen. Syndra's presence meant that tensions would be high, and indeed they were. Though she at least had enough help to stand for her defense. Renais wished she could help, but she instead resigned herself to observing the scenery around the castle. Things were certainly a lot simpler back in Glacies, how far we've come...

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The most impressive thing about Esclas to Alriana wasn't the rare clouded walking around, or the fact that it's wall still stood despite having an entire country's hatred at their doorstep; it was the break from the unbearable heat of Islexia. Without a doubt, the heat was what she hated most about this country; she could kill members of the underground, or any Islexian that decided to cross the Tigers, but the weather was something beyond her reach. In a way, it was the one way she knew that the feelings were entirely hers. The Voice had never told her to commit violent acts against the weather.

As she walked through the town, tailing slightly behind Versaris and Jeremiah, she was impressed the latter allowed her to be out of his sight, and even walk behind him, given how their last conversation had ended. Perhaps he simply just didn't want to see her. Through her talk with Alvira, Alriana's feelings towards the man had cooled some, no longer the overwhelming hatred she'd felt when they returned to the compound; however, she wouldn't consider their relationship anything close to amicable. Especially with no further contact between the two of them since that night. The only good thing to come of that conversation was that it had made her realize that just because the Voice was silent, didn't mean it was any less present.

As they were led into the cast proper and brought before Owen she stayed back and hopefully mostly out of sight. While she barely had the patience for words, she had absolutely none for politics. She would not suffer having to speak unless there was something actually important for her to say. Expectedly, or perhaps it was unexpected, she hadn't put much of any thought into how the meeting with Owen would go, the man himself appeared to be everything his sister had said he was. It was his council that were proving to be disappointments. Both siblings reprimanded them, but it remained to be seen if that would change the tune these birds sang.


Ember silently watched as the mercenaries slowly filed into the War Room, a quiet chuckle escaping her as Amera's near boundless energy manifested itself in anxiousness enough for her to try to hide behind her. She wore her confidence proudly, both with her expression and her attire, toned muscles openly on display. She wasn't the only one, spotting a massive man, dragon? Dragon. Dressed similar to her, only covering the essentials to remain decent. If the tension in the room hadn't skyrocketed the moment the Belrose, and subsequently the Glacian Evokers as well, spoke up she'd have whistled at him, but alas, now wasn't the time for pleasure. "Mhmm..." She nodded in agreement with Seila. Their job right now was to be flies on the wall and to look tough like hired muscle ought to. 

The Lion, the Lizard, and the Not-Elf

As things began to die down at the fort, Versaris took a moment to find Jeremiah, hoping they could discuss things before heading back to the Evokers; discussions with them would take a long, long time. “Jeremiah,” he began, trying to be formal now that his initial surprise of the man’s arrival had fallen off, “if you don’t mind… I think now, would be best, for you, Aly and I to discuss matters. As well… If you don’t mind leaving the Astranagant with someone for the time, I think she’d appreciate it. Something in her was very afraid of your sword… I suppose, since she’s much more magically inclined, she can feel it– what it’s meant for. Is that alright…?”

Jeremiah had been making note of what they had talked about, what he’d learned, and what threads were leading to more threads. Things weren’t adding up in a number of places, and more questions were being raised about the Lufirian branch of intelligence. He looked up at the footsteps coming his way, the soft, measured footsteps meant it was either Versaris, or Aegean, and this time, it was Versaris. “Fitting, I was just about to come and find you myself.” Jeremiah stood up, the Astranagant still at his, “I’m not surprised that a creation would feel off around this sword. It is anathema to their every being, undoing the bonds of magic to dissipate it. A normal looking sword for the most part, but when magic is concerned, it’s quite possibly one of the most fearsome weapons in existence.” Jeremiah took the sheathe from his hip, “I can grant that at least. At this point in time, we are just talking.” 

Jeremiah looked around for a moment before spotting the person he needed to find. He didn’t expect that the Tigers would be brazen enough to mess with his sword, but chances invited the bold. Jeremiah approached the buxom cleric, seemingly tending to her staff, “Lucretia, can I trouble you to protect something for me for a time?” Jeremiah held out the ornate sheathe, “I need to speak with someone, and they’re asking me to leave this behind. I’d simply leave it here, but I’d feel more at ease with you hanging onto it for the moment.” Versaris and Aegean were his other options, but Versaris holding it defeated the purpose, and Aegean… well, Kise was a factor he had to be concerned about. 

“Whoa, hey… Uh, really?” She gently took the sword, holding it close to herself, looking at it in astonishment, then at Jeremiah with the same face… Quickly, she steeled herself, nodding. “I’ll protect it with my life! That’s a promise~” How swiftly she dissolved back into her personality, ending that steely expression with a smirk and a wink.

“You’ve certainly… Picked up a unique one.” Versaris watched in heavy surprise as… Is… Are we sure this isn’t Serena, undercover? I’m… It’s far too uncanny, huh…

“It’s apparently a talent of mine.” Jeremiah chuckled, taking note of his student’s surprise over the rather uncanny likeness to Serena. It was probably the most well known thing about Jeremiah; how close he was with Serena. He smiled at Lucretia, “Thank you, Lucy. I shouldn’t be too long, and hopefully, just hanging onto it will be enough to protect it. Oh, also,” Jeremiah’s smile turned into a grin, “Don’t pull a Serena, and lose it somewhere, if you catch my meaning.” 

Jeremiah turned to Versaris, “I believe that’s done for the moment. You can lead the way, Versaris.” 

“Lose it? Me? Perish the thought~ You two have fun with whatever you’re doin’!” Probably a bunch of secrets, knowing Jeremiah. She waggled some eyebrows towards Versaris, perhaps to confuse him, but her mind was truly its own enigma.

“... Right.” The less time he spent around women like Serena, the better. They were anathema to his coolheadedness– anyone that knew how to pick him apart with just a glance was too dangerous. “Of course. She’s right over this way.”


It wasn’t a minute until they were united with Alriana, Versaris smiling. “Aly, we’re back. And… Jeremiah.” He took steps towards Aly, putting himself at her side. “I realize that you know, something very upsetting about Alriana and what she is. Whatever that is, I’m going to preface everything we discuss… I’d like you to do your best to stow your biases, no matter how well ingrained or backed up they may be. Even if she was made to do something horrible, she hasn’t, and I’ll see to it that she never does.”

Jeremiah looked over at Versaris, and in his eyes burned the same flame that was there when they first spoke. “You’re mistaken, Versaris. It’s not something about Alriana, and what she is. It’s everything. If it were simply one thing, that’s simply life. I admit that I don’t know Alriana nearly as well as you do. So I can only speak from the experience that I have. That look in your eyes is the same look as mine: A willingness to protect Alriana, and the will to do what’s necessary to achieve that. Except mine is for my own family and Lufiria. I already nearly lost my family to the creations, and I worry of that happening again.” 

Jeremiah then sighed, “I’ll make no promises on that front, only that I’ll make an honest attempt. You’ll understand my reasoning soon enough.” 

Alriana was almost surprised when she didn't feel the unnerving threat of whatever Jeremiah’s sword was approaching her as she saw the man himself walking over with Versaris. She relaxed her body a little, muscles no longer tensed and ready to act; the closest thing to a show of trust that Jeremiah would get from her. To be entirely honest she was still a bit riled up from their earlier conversation; she had expected they would be talking back at the fort once she had time to settle down. But if Versaris was doing it now he had probably considered that now was the best time for it.

"Go on and talk, then." She let out a small huff, her tail flicking and rolling behind her. She rarely spoke like this, even for Versaris, so great was her disdain for the intricacies of language. Doing it for someone she didn't like made it feel worse. "I'll try to speak 'normally' as a show of goodwill. And if you do know information about Grelbiria, I would like to at least know who she was, what she did. I said it when we met, she's my mother as you are Versaris' father."

He didn’t like Jeremiah’s answer, but he likely had his reasons. Versaris wouldn’t agree with them– they were both stubborn in that regard, but he had his reasons. “There is that, yes. You said that you wouldn’t tell either of us anything regarding her, but, that’s half of what our goal is. Alriana needs to find her mother and sort out… Several things. It’s a moderately long list, honestly… So if you have any idea where she is, even a direction, we’d really appreciate it…”

Jeremiah scanned Alriana, she was about as happy as he was to see her. Yet, she was making an effort of goodwill, so it would be rude to do anything but return it. “I know plenty about Grelbiria, just not her location. She escaped from Lufiria, with you from the sounds of it, and from there… it had been difficult to track her down. Probably whoever she’s associated with.” Jeremiah looked at Versaris, “I need you to understand that what I am to tell you is confidential. I’m not going to bother saying that if you say anything to anyone else that I’ll kill you or something; I’m not clairvoyant, but I am trusting you with information that considering,” Jeremiah tilted his head towards Alriana, “Her, that I likely shouldn’t be giving you at all.” 

Jeremiah then turned his gaze on Alriana, lacking most of the disdain, “Grelbiria Hyl’sin was formally a researcher studying extinct, and endangered monsters. In truth, she, alongside others, were spearheading research into creating magically formed monsters in order to use them to, as far as we can tell, overthrow the current government of Lufiria. You, Alriana, are a consequence of that project, and I can tell from how you reacted to my sword. I haven’t met Grelbiria formally, but judging from her actions prior to what happened, I’m not sure she’s someone that I would have allowed to live.” 

“It won’t be repeated to anyone. Not even the Evokers. You have my word.” He hoped Aly would promise as well, but then remembered– “Wait, no. There is exactly one person we might tell, but we’d have to really drive in that this is a secret and not to be repeated to anyone… Iris. Alriana’s sister. She’s resting back at the compound with the Evokers, but… She deserves to know about all of this, in some capacity, but you’ll be coming back with us; I’ll allow you to impart on her what you think she should know once you’ve met her… If she doesn’t strike out at you.” A troubling thought, but something to get to when they returned.

The rest of the information… That was the alarming part. Created to overthrow the government. Given how many of them there were, or at least, how many were implied by Iris’ old name, that was a sizable amount, and there might’ve been more unnumbered, others that were just made to kill and not advanced tests in creating personalities. “Hahh… I had hoped it wasn’t something like that, but I was ready to hear it, at least.”

"We were in Glacies. That was where we went after leaving the facility. I don’t remember exactly how we got there but we never left once we were there. No one really questioned what I was there, just thought I was a weird Monster." She had no reason to hide the information from Jeremiah, even if he was saying that he would probably kill Grelbiria on sight. If he could help them track her down all they had to do was find her first. "If you do find her, I want her kept alive. I need to ask her questions about myself." The revelation about her purpose wasn't much of a shock, the pieces had already been in place for a while and the final one had finally been slotted in: who she was meant to kill.

However, these goals didn't line up with what she remembered of her mother figure. "That doesn't sound like what I remember of her. I don't know what she did in Glacies, but she never made me do anything like that. Didn't even teach me how to fight." All this revelation did was add more questions to the already large pile, as well as highlight the importance of finding her first.

She had almost forgotten that Iris was still leaning heavily making an attempt on Jeremiah’s life, or at least an attempt to petrify him. "You have to promise that you won't harm her. You already did enough." She restrained herself from growling at him, or making a threat. Neither would help her position and there was no way she could make good on the threat. "She survived your attack on the facility, but you killed someone important to her right in front of her. Her desire for revenge is justified." 

Jeremiah raised an eyebrow, “Another one?” Jeremiah paused, and then shook his head, “I don’t have any interest in harming you, or your sister at this moment. If she tries, she’ll find out that she doesn’t want to try again, but I won’t harm her. So long as her eyes remain focused on me, that won’t change. I’ll make you that promise.” Another creation survived… killed someone in front of her? Could it be that one? The one who caught me unawares… Yet, if they’re so closely related why wouldn’t Grelbiria have taken her too? 

“However,” Jeremiah’s eyes narrowed, “Tell me, what do you remember then? Do you recall anything before arriving in Glacies? You’ll have to forgive me, Alriana, but I don’t believe you as far as Grelbiria goes. There were survivors from the raid, and others who have worked alongside her. That’s hardly the picture I’ve been given of her, not to mention what she, and many others who worked alongside her stand very credibly accused of. She was a lead on that project, some say the lead, which makes her involvement in quite possibly the worst casualty event in Lufiria post Islexian Collapse all the more likely. I don’t plan on keeping her alive once she’s found, whether or not it is requested of me. Unless you have more to Grelbiria than I am aware?”

At least they had his word that Iris wouldn't be hurt, but the rest… "Jeremiah, you're being unreasonable. What is one woman, one researcher, going to do that will cause further harm once in your custody? The least you could do is hold her and let Aly speak with her. Unless you're truly afraid that, her disappearing act means she could actually get away from you, once found. If she's truly this monster of a person, then she'll face the justice she deserves, but…" He hesitated… However, it needed saying if they were to have his full trust.

"... Aly is hearing a voice. Pretty consistently, in her mind. So she says, but I've no reason to doubt her. And this voice urges her to be violent and fight. I don't know what it means, and she doesn't listen to it– Grelbiria even told her not to, but… We need her alive. We need to find out what's causing this, and get it to stop if we can."

“If you renege on your promise I will find a way to kill you. That’s not a threat, it’s another promise.” The little inflection that was normally present in her voice was completely absent, Alriana deadly serious and not willing to trust Jeremiah further than she could throw him, which, realistically, wasn’t very far in the first place. The moment passed and she returned to her usual tone and her irregular speech pattern.

“I remember being in the facility. She gave me books to read and watched me all the time, but that was all she did. None of the others were allowed near me, Creation or researcher. Then one day she said it was time to leave, made me put on this armor, and we left for Glacies. I never knew what happened or why we had to leave, she never told me. Glacies was essentially the same, except I was allowed to go outside as long as I came back for food and to sleep. She started doing something once we were in Glacies, saw it every time I saw her, but I don’t remember what.” 

She resisted the urge to take Versaris up on his offer to punch him as he let slip the information about the voice, even if it was the only card they had to play to extend Grelbiria’s life beyond capture. Jeremiah was the one person that she had not wanted to know that information with how biased he already was, even if he was supposedly acting without it currently. “I don’t hear it now. Not since I saw you. First time it’s ever been quiet. It’s weird.” She was starting to slip back into her normal speech patterns, her sentences getting shorter and shorter as her patience for language waned.

“You’ll find very quickly that my promises are not given lightly. There is exactly one way in which my promise would be recanted, and none of them are present for her to try anything.” Jeremiah shook his head, before turning to Versaris, “I think what is more unreasonable is turning over secrets that you’re not even supposed to have, Versaris. I’ll be clear. You are asking me to allow a creation who I shouldn’t be trusting with in the first place to speak with the person who created her. Tell me what exactly stops her from triggering this voice you mention? That woman has more lives on her head than I do.” 

Jeremiah breathed a heavy sigh, returning to Alriana, “She cordoned you off from the others, hmm, and then you were the only one that she took with her. As well as that armor you wear. She kept you near completely in the dark…” What on Amaranth would the point of that be? No, there’s something more to this. Something that neither Alriana, nor I know… Jeremiah then mused on the fact that the voice that Alriana was supposed to be hearing was suddenly missing because of his appearance, “...I wonder if it has something to do with me having the Astranagant. Or…” Jeremiah trailed off. 

"I…" In all honesty, Versaris hadn't considered that Grelbiria could or would be willing to do something terrible to Alriana. She'd taken the girl from danger, taken her to the safety of Glacies, let her live out her life in peace… Why would she suddenly turn on her? ... Then again, why did she suddenly leave? It was long before Jeremiah was in the area… Just dumped her off with Natalya. That's… No, wait, this doesn't make any sense. Why haven't I thought about this before? Why would she go through all those lengths and then just toss her aside? I'd assumed she thought there was danger being near Aly and written it off, but… But, wouldn't Aly be in just as much danger alone, being what she is, if someone like Jeremiah found her? I… It was starting to fall apart. Once again, too many questions, not enough answers.

"Even so," he said, trying to refocus, "she's all we have for leads. I can't think of anyone else that could help in this regard… Maybe Serena, but the loops we'd have to go through to get her and Aly in the same room, amicably enough to have her looked at… Getting her into Lufiria alone would be an impossibility, if everything you're saying is correct. As soon as anyone that recognized her did so, it'd be alarm bells all the way up the chain. Hahh…"

“Better stay that way, then.” She let out a huff, crossing her arms as her tail flicked back and forth. If what he was saying was true then there shouldn’t be anything to worry about regarding Iris, but that required Alriana to trust Jeremiah. “Why would Grelbiria do that? Told me not to listen to it, no matter what. Would make no sense for her to ‘activate’ it after I found her. If she did, if she even could, would probably just get killed by me. If she cares so much about living that she can’t be found even by you, then making me kill her isn’t something she would do. Not like I’m loyal to her. Just want answers for why she didn’t even say goodbye.” 

Unlike the two intelligence officers in her company, Alriana did not consider Grelbiria’s motives under the lens of suspicion; though, the creation was still perplexed by them. Jeremiah was saying all sorts of things and laying a massive implication at her feet, but the lizard was yet to be swayed. The woman had raised her, if admittedly a bit absently, and had done her almost no wrong. To suddenly regard her as hostile or an enemy wasn’t on her agenda, barring damning proof. So, she turned her attention to other questions that could actually be answered.

“Do you know about my armor? Haven’t seen anything like it elsewhere, even if it is annoying to put back together. And,” she turned to Versaris, “who is Serena? You never mentioned that name before.”

“Oh, er. Serena is Jeremiah’s wife… I don’t think she’d know anything about you specifically; about any of these Creations, really, but she’s the strongest healer of our time, I’d say. She’s powerful and quite good at identifying magical maladies, so if there’s something causing this voice, if it’s an actual problem with you… There’s a good chance she’d be able to, at least, figure out what’s wrong with it. Whether or not she’d be able to stop it… Well, that’s anyone’s guess.”

“I admit that I don’t have an answer for that, Alriana. But considering her actions prior to leaving with you; I have to assume everything is on the table. Not to mention… How can you be sure that you would kill her? The other creations were able to be controlled through means that we don’t understand; I don’t have any reason to believe that Grelbiria wouldn’t know how to do the same for you. Though, again, I don’t have any hard proof that she would take this action either, so I’ll leave it at that.”

Alriana changed the subject, both to her armor, and then Serena. Versaris answered the question aimed at him quickly, which earned a smile, and then a sigh, “...You’re mostly correct, Versaris. As he says, Serena is my wife, and the person I cherish most in the world. The Grand Cleric of Lufiria, yet, you’d be sadly mistaken if you were to say that she knows nothing about creations. She was there on the day of the attack on the lab, not in an active position mind, but also… she was very nearly assassinated by creations protecting Lucille, Anna, Catherine and Gean. In the attack authorized by Grelbiria. So I’m not sure she’d be fond of assisting in that sphere.” 

Jeremiah turned away, mildly bothered at mentioning that harrowing moment, “As to your armor… it’s yet another project that was hijacked for use with the creations. Magically enhanced, durable yet light, aids with stealth, and is rather hard to completely destroy, even if it breaks into pieces. Not many of them were finished before we took action, but it seems that a couple found their way out.” 

“Really, now… That… Yes, that, certainly would rule her out…” Versaris couldn’t hide his surprise, in his eyes or his voice, staring half wide eyed at Jeremiah, trying to parse that information. He’d felt himself too stubborn to believe any reasons Jeremiah could have for being so biased against Aly, but that belief faltered almost instantly. His own child, their best friends, likely only saved due to strokes of luck; he’d seen how fast Alriana was when she was at her best, it would’ve taken Lufirian Knights actively ready to stop them in a swarm. “I’m… Mm. I’m sorry.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say, sighing quietly, but heavily.

“Mrrrr… I don’t want to tell you. Not going to paint self in good light.” In lieu of any sort of deflection all Alriana had was the truth of the matter. She’d avoided mentioning to Versaris just what exactly she had felt when she’d lost control during their fight against Luthier, the brief moment where the line between friend and foe had blurred to unrecognizable. She wasn’t sure if it had happened the previous time she had lost control, but if that methodology was what guided her actions when she was in that state, perhaps it was a good thing that she had been swiftly rendered unconscious.

“I’m rather lucky that Serena is the woman that she is; Serena is a Celestial Knight for a reason, but protecting four children from the creations on her own was far too much. Luckily, Rosaria was also there, and Serena managed to hold out long enough for her to arrive. The only person more protective of her children than Serena is Rosaria, and it showed that day. You couldn’t have known about it, Versaris, so there is nothing to apologize for.” He turned back as Alriana chose not to answer his question, “That’s fine then. The fact remains that I have little intention of letting Grelbiria live any longer than she has to. Even if I was to grant your request, I’m not sure I could get the royal family to acquiesce to anything. She is an enemy of Lufiria, and I don’t think there is much to be said that could change the outcome of what I am to do should I find her. Though… The fact that you say that the voice you keep hearing is quieter now is intriguing.” He crossed his arms looking up to the ceiling, “The fact that it is quieter now does seem to lend some credence to the idea that perhaps it can be permanently silenced.” Perhaps Serena could find a way… Mmm… She’d have to be in a remarkable mood, but…

Versaris did his best to move on, even if the reveal was still troubling him. "Mmm… So far, whenever she's been healed or knocked out… She always wakes up and is… Well, fine. Winded, perhaps exhausted, but still her. I don't know if this voice is meant to be some… buried instinct or way of internally guiding her, but since we've left Glacies, there hasn't been true trouble. Hopefully with all the humanizing factors of myself and the Tigers around, it'll stay that way… Ferid made a comment when I'd spoken to him before. I don't know if you're aware of his identity, Jeremiah, but he's from section nine, traveling with us. He said he expected as much. Either they would be well adjusted, or they’d be feral beasts without much in the way of thought, after so much time away from where they were raised. Alriana is still herself, despite everything… So I'm hoping it stays that way." He paused, realizing he hadn’t connected his thoughts to Jeremiah’s. “Er, uh. Sorry, that is to say… Even if we can’t speak with Grelbiria… Everything I just said. I’m tired. My apologies… Maybe Serena will be an eventual fallback plan. Much, much later…”

“Mrrrrr…” All the creation could do was stew on the truth as Jeremiah and Versaris racked their brains for some sort of solution to the Voice on the, perhaps rightful, assumption that Grelbiria would be of no assistance. There was also now more than just a vague implication of her mother’s wrongdoings. Jeremiah had placed an attack, on what she could only assume was the royal family with mention of Lucille as a target, on Grelbiria’s shoulders. The way he spoke about it… He wasn’t lying, even if she didn’t want to trust him. The attack, at least, had happened, though she still remained unconvinced of Grelbiria’s guilt.

“You said there were other survivors of the attack on the facility. Would they know anything? And the voice is not ‘quieter’, it is silent. Has never been silent before.” NO! “Nghh… Was, silent. Does not like what you saying.” Whatever the Voice actually was, it seemed as though it could actually hear what they were discussing, an ear-splitting scream ringing out for only her to hear as conversation steered towards finding a way to permanently make her mind her own. The silence resumed after the outburst, but it was alarming all the same.

“What?” Versaris’ attention was completely on Aly now, getting on a knee in front of her, hands on her arms, inspecting her face for a moment. “What did it say? Are you feeling alright? Did anything else happen?” The immediate implication that this ‘voice’ could both hear and react to what they were saying was alarming at best, and led towards terrible implications at worst. 

Jeremiah’s eyes shot to Versaris, “...Section nine? What… Why would…?” Jeremiah’s eyes widened slightly. Section Nine was special forces, generally assisting in the more covert operations, which likely meant that the man was there at Axios. “...Was that man at Axios when everything occurred? Where is he now?” That was more important to him than the mention of Alriana and her sister’s mental states; Lucille’s actions were confusing, but given what he knew about her, what she knew to be possible… Her desperate attempt to protect the Escaflowne, in Jeremiah’s mind, could mean either of two things. 

Jeremiah crossed his arms, “Well, depending on what he told you. He’s correct. From the data that was found… most of the creations were at best mindless beasts that could be instilled with commands; who to kill, who not to kill. There were very few that were advanced enough to function on their own, though in a limited capacity. Those ones got numbers for designations. The likelihood that they trend towards Alriana’s disposition on their own is slim to none. My first guess on why she behaves that way in combat would be a survival instinct, but if that were to be the case… I’d think she’d have triggered it at the mere sight of me, or the feeling of my blade. The Astranagant would start to pull her very being apart, yet, other than apprehension, she didn’t react beyond that. So it’s likely something else…” Jeremiah sighed as Versaris apologized again, “We’ll have to see if Serena’s caring nature overcomes her disdain; it was creations who tried to kill her children.” Serena saw Lucille, Gean, and Anna as her own, and was as protective of them as she was Catherine, and now Tica. 

Jeremiah nodded, “Yes, there were survivors, and others that worked with Grelbiria in various ways… One such would be Gracia Safiric. I’m unsure if she would know much, and questioning the survivors hasn’t yielded much beyond what I’ve already imparted. Though, that’s never been a good reason to close off a lead.” Alriana went to explain that the voice had been silent not quiet, and then she flinched, “...Are you… saying that the voice reacted to what I said? It’s been listening this whole time? That’s…” That means that it’s not mindless. Then, what could… Jeremiah’s eyes widened, “...There’s no way. That’s… that’s the only way that makes sense, isn’t it?”

The attention was suddenly squarely back on her, the implications of the Voice inside her head being sentient giving both master and pupil cause for concern, more than the actual host of the Voice. While no stranger to what Versaris was likely assuming, Alriana did not think the Voice was anything akin to Mercuria; if it was, then surely it would’ve sprung into action during the Escaflowne event. “All it did was scream. Loudly. Now it’s silent again.”

She was more interested in what Jeremiah had begun to talk about before the conversation had shifted back into her side of the court. “Where can we find Gracia? If we can’t find Grelbiria then the other researchers would be the other option.” Jeremiah seemed to have some hunch as to what was going on, though she wasn’t sure what he was suspecting given that he knew much more about the Creation side of herself than Versaris did. “‘There’s no way’ what? What makes sense if the Voice is sentient?”

“That’s… Pretty bad, isn’t it?” It didn’t feel like Aly was understanding the significance, Versaris studying her eyes, squinting a bit. “If there really is someone else in there… If you can hear myself and Jeremiah, right now… We’re going to do everything we can to delete you. I won’t let some leftover of Aly’s creation ruin her future.” He sighed and picked himself up again, trying to calm down. He didn’t like the implications of this voice reacting, not at all. An ambient set of thoughts, sure, but active and sentient… Troubling.

“Gracia is a rather famous engineer… Which would probably place her in Ulara, unless business in Lufiria has relocated her since. Jeremiah would know more about that… It’s a little shocking to hear that someone so well known was involved in this business, but it takes all kinds…”

Jeremiah shook his head at Alriana’s almost blase response to the fact that there was almost definitely a second consciousness inside of her, responding to what was being said, understanding what was going on. Which could easily mean that the voice was reacting to him, and him alone; not even the fact of the Astranagant. The implications could easily go further than that. “...Serena would actually be able to explain this better than I would, because it relates to the specifics of magic, and particular intricacies that someone of her caliber and expertise would know better. But, think of it this way. Our bodies have but a single consciousness; I’m Jeremiah, and can be no one else but me, and Versaris is the same, but for himself. There is magic that can interfere with that, control others, make them behave in ways that they wouldn’t otherwise, but that magic isn’t permanent unless the exposure is so extreme that it alters the mind. In that case though, they wouldn’t be the same person.”

Jeremiah took a deep breath, walking into territory he’d only really had explained to him, “Our bodies, and minds with how they function are not capable of manifesting, or handling a second, sentient existence. If one consciousness were to invade another, barring some specific circumstances, one would overwrite the other. It’s the same with magic; it’s why tethering between mages is so dangerous. To be able to access and use the magic of another mage runs the risk of one, or both of the mages dying if the delicate process is interrupted in any way. The magical framework that runs through us all was not intended to directly use another’s magic, and runs the risk of tearing someone apart. It’s not the same as taking magic from another mage. If this voice were just a set of thoughts, it would be easy to explain away as commands etched into your very being. But you mentioned that Grelbiria told you to ignore it, and now, you mention that it was reacting to what we’ve just said. It’s… possible that this voice you’re talking about is a genuine second consciousness that either developed in you… or was placed in you. That is to say, in most circumstances… one of you shouldn’t be alive.” This… Is this related to those documents? Grelbiria was after… something. It went beyond just the creations. Is this… a part of it? What reason would compel her to do something like this…? 

And lo did the alarm bells ring. “Then, what can be done? Surely something! If the voice has been getting louder, doesn’t that mean it’s ‘waking up’, in a sense? I don’t know anything about magic; I barely have a handle over my own innate abilities, but, I… There has to be something.” He didn’t voice his fears. He was already, clearly distressed enough. Saying his fears out loud would give them power over him. He had to push them down– what mattered was finding out if anything could be done to save Alriana from herself.

The lizard sat and listened to Jeremiah’s explanation of the fundamental rules of magic that made the possibility of the Voice being sentient worthy of such a high level of concern. Had a mage explained it might’ve gone over her head, but with Jeremiah’s knowledge being second hand he was forced to explain it in a way that she could understand without further prompting. The thought that the Voice was a second ‘person’ inside her head had never really crossed Alriana’s mind, though that was likely because it had only started acting sentient recently.

“Never acted like this before. Wasn’t until coward mon- Luthier, the coward monster scum, attacked us last night. Saw Versaris hurt, lost control. First time voice ever spoke to me, encouraged me. Hasn’t spoken since, aside from scream, even though lost control against Luthier again.” There was something about this revelation that didn’t make sense to the Creation, though.

“Grelbiria never put Voice inside me. And didn’t have the Voice when I left the facility. And like I said, she didn’t do anything to me in Galcies aside from feed and house me. And that thing I don’t remember, but putting the Voice in me would be something big enough to remember, wouldn’t it?”

“It certainly would be something big enough to remember. However… That comes with an assumption. It assumes that you remember everything, or were intended to remember everything. You say yourself; the first time that the voice spoke to you was last night. With that in mind… the voice could have been planted in you whenever Grelbiria so chose. In light of that, she helped to create you; she definitely knows things about you that neither you, or I, or perhaps anyone would be able to elucidate. It’s not impossible for her to have done things without you being aware of them.” 

Jeremiah ran a hand through his raven hair, “Of course, most of this is conjecture, but not conjecture without a basis.” The thought that Alriana’s voice spoke directly to her after he had been seriously hurt was mildly calming at least; it meant that she had a definable trigger. What was to come next, however, Versaris wouldn’t like. “As for what can be done… We’re still working from conjecture. I’m unfortunately not the person to ask regarding this. You’d either have to ask Grelbiria herself, or perhaps a skilled enough cleric with intimate knowledge on the inner workings of magic. Keeping the voice as quiet as possible should be your goal otherwise; if it is similar to other circumstances, if the voice were to grow strong enough… it could simply begin to overwrite itself over you, and once that happens, you will not be able to return.” 

He didn't like it. Not one bit. His fists clenched, he bit his lip… but he didn't say anything. What was there to say? Was it just luck and circumstance that she was even still Alriana at this point? Was this inevitable? They still had so much fighting to do. Kazran and more and perhaps even more before they arrived in Lufiria… Not to mention what happened once the Evokers were safely at their destination. He didn't have answers– He never had answers. There was nothing he could do but try and keep Aly safe… There would be no world in which she would agree to completely stop fighting, and trying to force her would cause its own problems. So he just… They– the Tigers, just had to do whatever they could to keep her safe from harm while fighting. 

"... Thank you for all of what you know, Jeremiah." His voice was even, but he was forcing it, a very quiet rage akin to what he'd been hiding back in Eibar slipping through. This frustration over his impotence to stop something terrible from happening, but this time, there was no Rustal to take his anger out on. Just air. Air and patience and the threat of something so ethereal that he couldn't swing a sword at it or pull Alriana away from it. I hate this… I'll do anything. Anything… Whoever can help me. I just need to find someone that can…

“Let me clarify. That was the first time it spoke like it was more than just an urge at the back of my mind. Has been in head since started fighting with the Tigers. Whispering to do violent things to everything and everyone. Wanted to tug Versaris off boat with tail while he was standing on railing, for example. Last night was first time it had a reason for violence other than for the sake of it. Even then, was still telling to do violence.” Though she was being told that her very life was at risk, that she could be overwritten by the Voice in her head, her demeanor didn’t seem to change much, if at all. Whereas one would’ve expected shock, denial, or even despair all that was on her face was a nonplussed expression.

“Sounds like more and more reasons for you to try to let me talk to Grelbiria, if you find her before we do.” She spared Versaris a glance, his frustration obvious to the Creation; he’d just got done explaining how powerless he had felt towards the threats the Tigers had narrowly survived and now something, aside from Jeremiah, that no one present had the remotest capability to stop was threatening her very being. She’d talk to him later, Jeremiah was far less permanent. For now, her tail slithered up to his hand and wrapped around it in an attempt to comfort him.

“Voice has only been quiet around you, once it knows you gone will probably start whispering again. Will just keep ignoring it. Not supposed to listen to it, so I won’t. Not going to stop fighting, will just have to be more careful when fighting. As long as don’t run into more coward monster scum should be fine.” The way forward for her was as simple as ever, her path unaltered by this revelation. She just had to be good enough to walk it.

The look on Versaris’s face was more illuminating than an aura spell cast on the darkest day of the year. A look of frustration, almost hatred, for the little that he was capable of doing. It was a familiar look, Jeremiah had both seen it in the mirror, and on the faces of his closest friends. No matter how strong, or omnipresent they became, there was always something just out of reach, just out of their purview that threatened so much of what they held dear. He could only imagine it was a look that Rosaria carried on her face daily; assuming she knew what was happening here now. 

Jeremiah’s eyebrow rose as Alriana’s tail slipped up, and around Versaris’s clenched hand. It was the first real show of care that Jeremiah had seen from her towards Versaris. Her clarification on the voice was quickly noted, and that it was only now quiet because he was present. Yet, it was that display that remained in Jeremiah’s head for a moment longer, before he sighed, “As I said before, I can make no promises on the fate of Grelbiria should I find her before you. However… this situation warrants a break with protocol, and perhaps even the command of the crown. If, and only if, it is possible that I can make her talk with you, then I will acquiesce.” Jeremiah chuckled internally at how soft he was. There was zero guarantee that Alraina speaking with Grelbiria would be anything but dangerous, but… the look in Versaris’s eye, and Alriana’s action were both genuine. 

“...Now then, aside from Alriana and her reality, Luthier and his cadre were what left you in the state that I found you in, correct?”

He put her little comment about pushing him off the boat aside, gently squeezing her tail as he found it in his hand. It didn’t seem like he had much else to say or add, but that was fine. He was learning plenty just listening to the two of them talk, so he would continue to do that. He was throwing something of a tantrum, anyway, so it was better if he stayed quiet until he reined in his emotions. Thank you, Aly. For being strong for the both of us. The question of Luthier warranted an answer, at least. “Yes. He was… Powerful. Not invincible, but close enough. We struck him with wounds that would’ve killed even an above average fighter, but he managed to push through them…”

Jeremiah clicked his tongue, “That man is something of a cockroach. He’s been lucky to escape with his life from operatives–even myself–several times. His experience makes him… difficult to deal with. I’d have ordered most operatives not to fight him head on, so the fact that you all managed that much and more is impressive.” Jeremiah rested his hand back on the other, not Astranagant, blade at his hip. He measured his next words; Versaris was still visibly struggling. “Versaris, you know that it’s best to air concerns, both for the party that they concern, and for yourself so that you can measure if your reaction to what you’re feeling is valid.” Jeremiah stepped forward, and placed a hand on his shoulder, “...Ha, you’re suddenly my height. You should know better than most that it is impossible for someone to really help without knowing what and why you’re feeling something. So… say it plain.” 

Versaris flinched at the hand on his shoulder, but not out of discomfort– not physical discomfort. “Really putting me on the spot, aren’t you…” Jeremiah’s comment about their heights had softened him far more than he’d realized, glancing at Alriana, then looking back at Jeremiah. “... Hahhh… I’m not… Enough. It’s been bothering me for a while, now. Since this endeavor began, I’ve run into a few members of the Asteria. First Chris, who I sparred with, on the boat leaving Glacies… Then, Tanvir, when he came to rescue Lucille alongside two of his colleagues… and they both floored me.” His voice shuddered a bit at the end. 

“We’re all in our twenties, but the gap– the valley between our abilities couldn’t run any deeper… and it’s… It’s frustrating. It’s beyond frustrating… The Evokers were harmed, both between their dealing with Mercuria– we’ll fill you in on that once we return– and then in Luthier’s assault on our group last night. They couldn’t be here to protect the Tigers from people like Luthier and that Cyro fellow under him. And, they’re no slouches, they’re all strong mercenaries, but… These people are so far above them. Keeping them safe, falls to me, in such circumstances… And I could barely do that while keeping myself alive. I almost didn’t manage that. That’s why you saw Aly so upset before… I…” He sighed, shrinking a bit between the two of them.

“If I was just comparing myself to you, it’d be a question of experience… But, Chris and Tanvir both are barely older than myself. I can’t… I can’t keep lagging behind like this. I can’t resort to throwing myself to the wolves just to chance keeping people safe. If we’re being honest, Jeremiah, I feel rather worthless. Just another sword arm. Maybe a bit faster than the others here… But, standing next to and speaking with the Evokers, Tio and Elisa, like I was their equal… Just makes me feel like such a fool.” 

There. It was out. He took a deep breath and shook a bit, trying not to tear up again. “And maybe I am a fool for getting so hung up on this. Maybe… But that’s the point of having strength. Using it to keep those you care about safe. If I can’t even do that much…” He trailed off, stopping himself from going in circles.

The tension was obvious, and the emotion that came pouring out of Versaris felt like it had been there for a while–a fact he admitted. “...So Chris was in Glacies at some point. Which means he’s probably still somewhere in Hecatia. Versaris, I don’t think you can, or should compare yourself to either of those two. Chris is twenty-three, and Tanvir is twenty-seven, and both have been involved in Ulara since the day they were allowed. Even with our work, I’d be willing to believe that Chris, Tanvir, and the couriers of Ulara have fought for more of their lives than most people will in their entire lifespan. Their experience dwarfs that of most people, and that experience is varied in ways that even war veterans might not be able to claim. The two of them are both gifted in a similar way to you, and your incubus magic, but the two of them have levels of experience that are beyond most people. So, I can understand the frustration that it feels like you’re falling behind them, or that you should be at their level.” Jeremiah then frowned at Versaris, “But that doesn’t mean you can, or should hold yourself to that standard at the expense of yourself. You are only one man; protecting an entire mercenary outfit by yourself is almost impossible if you assume that your opponents are even remotely competent. I agree with you on strength; it exists to use it to protect those you care about... But part of that strength is understanding when to rely on the people around you.” 

Jeremiah pulled his hand away, “I consider myself an excellent swordsman, but I also dueled Chris. It wasn’t easy, but he bested me. Yet, the first thing he told me when we got a chance to speak was that before meeting Princess Lucille, he’d almost died fighting someone who even his swordsmanship couldn’t overcome. Him, and Tanvir. It was only a stroke of luck, a woman now his fiance saved him and Tanvir by fishing them out of the river. This world is full of things beyond each and everyone of us, without exception. You may not have been able to handle the men from today yourself, but you told me that you and the Tigers managed to hold off a man that far stronger operatives have died against. If you’re worthless, then what are the rest of them? What are the Tigers who couldn’t face up against them at all? They relied on you, worthless by your own standards, and they were victorious, you were victorious.” 

Jeremiah then relaxed slightly, “That ability to rely on you is what will make the Tigers capable of defeating that monster in the future. Because from the sounds of it, without you, the Tigers might have died today, or lost whatever they were trying to reclaim. If you want to become stronger, Versaris, then you’ll have to be able to do the same. You’ll need to be able to ask for help, rather than hoisting all of this upon yourself. A man who crushes himself struggling against everything alone will never reach the height he’s intending to reach, but someone who shares that burden will. But if my words won’t reach,” Jeremiah turned to Alriana, “Perhaps yours might? You’ve been with him on this mission, you’ve seen him fight. Does his assessment of himself make sense?” 

Alriana would have to accept the terms Jeremiah was giving her, it wasn’t as though she had any means to stop him. But at least it was progress, something other than Grelbiria being killed on sight if Jeremiah got to her first. As Versaris’ fist unclenched to squeeze her tail it quickly settled into his palm and coiled around one of his fingers, effectively making it impossible to close his hand again. She sat and watched silently as mentor and pupil talked between each other, her turn to listen.

Her eyes narrowed as Versaris went into even further detail than he had with her, explaining that the crux of his self-loathing was based on both his own shortcomings, but also a comparison between himself and Chris, the man she’d briefly encountered in Eibar with Versaris, and Tanvir, the man with the Wrong axe who had brought Versaris to his knees with a single spell. She was upset again, but she remained quiet as they continued to speak, searching for the words best to hit Versaris with.

Though the particulars of Chris and Tanvir’s experience flew over Alriana’s head, it was clear from how Jeremiah spoke about them that Versaris had no place attempting place himself near their pedestals and, having seen at least Tio’s display of power, the same applied to the Evokers. He shouldn’t be trying to stand next to them, but he should be striving to reach them rather than wallowing about his current abilities. Though the man was likely unaware of the fact, the end of Jeremiah’s lecture could have just as easily been directed towards her; she was not one to seek help with problems that she thought she could resolve herself, hence her disposition towards the Voice in her head. The realization didn’t strike the lizard like Luthier’s Aura had, especially not with him calling on her to speak, but the seed had been planted.

“No. And he’s stupid for thinking that way.” Her tail coiled tighter around his arm and hand, demanding his undivided attention. She wore a slight scowl on her face as she answered Jeremiah’s question but remained staring up at the Versaris the whole time. “Versaris isn’t as strong as the Evokers, but he’s still stronger than most, if not all, of the Tigers. In a fair fight, he probably beats most of us. Even me, and you told me I was made to kill people like you and him. Without him, there was no chance of pushing the coward monster scum back, let alone surviving an open confrontation.” 

She paused, waiting for his gaze to meet hers. “And I don’t care if Versaris isn’t like those other people, strength or otherwise. I want Versaris to keep being Versaris, because that’s who I care about.”

He expected a lot of words like this, but the real killers were Jeremiah admitting to losing to Chris, and Aly showing some genuine feelings and concern. He felt his shoulders sink, lowering his head some. “I… Mmm. I’ve been quite a fool, haven’t I…?” He didn’t let their words force him to wallow, taking them properly to heart. “... Alright. I’d already agreed with Alriana that I wouldn’t simply, throw myself to the wolves like that anymore… But, I’ll do my best to take it at the pace that is right for me, as well. I just… What was meant to be a simple escort mission has swiftly gotten out of hand. I think once you speak with the Evokers about what’s been going on, you’ll understand. Between Mercuria, Lucille, the Escaflowne, the Underground, Kazran… I’ve been feeling the pressure to improve more than I ever have. But… I’m not alone in that improvement. The Tigers are growing steadily. Some of them are quite the match even for me, now. Yourself included, Aly.”

He squeezed her tail and finally smiled. “Hahh… Alright. Thank you for all your words. I’ll hold onto them dearly. I promise, both of you.” Words were the best he could do at the moment. Actions would follow as they continued through Islexia.

Jeremiah relaxed slightly as it seemed that his and Alriana’s words were breaking through the clouds surrounding Versaris. The faintest smile came across his face when Alriana finished her sentence, sufficiently proving to him that Alriana’s words were serious, and perhaps she might not be as much of a concern as he thought. There was still much to be concerned about with her, but Versaris was more than capable of handling himself in that sphere. “Yes, I’ve… been hearing about your mission. I spoke with Celine before leaving Hecatia, and she detailed… certain things that happened. As well as mentioning Mercuria; you’re the third person to mention that name.” Something really was happening, and it couldn’t just be explained away as a mistake. If the Evokers corroborated the story, then there were only really two outcomes. Either Mercuria really was doing what they were suggesting, or something was both strong enough to do what was detailed, and knew of Mercuria. Neither option was good. 

Jeremiah returned his hand to Versaris’s shoulder, “I had considered doing so since I will be around for a little bit since I need to speak with the Evokers about your mission, and other things, but I think this situation has convinced me. I can see it plain; you’ve improved since I saw you last, Versaris, but now that the Tigers have done this and put themselves on the Underground’s radar, we can expect that they will try to strike back. To that end… I think I’ll lend some of my expertise. Once we get to where your unit is to rest, I’ll offer to help with some training, and I’ll have something for you specifically.” Jeremiah scowled slightly, “I wasn’t around to deal with the man directly for his actions, but I will be damned if I don’t assist in the ways I can.”

“I’d appreciate that. Really… Even if it’s just polishing what I can do. Anything would be helpful, Jeremiah.” He felt something of a calm, especially with his adrenaline from the night faded. Standing next to the man he could call his father, and the woman he hoped to call his wife, life seemed to have resolved itself, despite the trouble they’d been through and the trouble that was sure to come. “Given the uniqueness of several members of the Tigers, from the two dragons, to the kitsune… To Aly herself, her sister, and… Syndra.” He sighed, his calm not leaving him, but that frustration making itself known to his mind once more. “We’d been carting around a Belrose, without our knowledge… She’s run away from her family and she doesn’t stand for what they believe in, not in the slightest, but… It’s what led the Underground to us initially, to my understanding. This will definitely not be the last time we see them, nor the last time we see Luthier or Cyro… And next time, we’ll be ready. He won’t get away, no matter his tricks.”

“Yes.” Though his question had been rhetorical, her response was swift. Her tail relaxed its grip on his hand and arm, going back to a gentle coil, as Versaris pulled himself out of his self-loathing. It was partially due to Jeremiah’s help, but she was relieved that he was no longer trying to shoulder the entirety of the Tigers on his back. As the conversation turned more casual, as casual as fighting Lucille and the Mercuria incident could be called, the creation finally began to relax somewhat, her muscles no longer tensed and poised to react to a hostile action from Jeremiah. Her shoulders slumped some, fatigued, but with the calm of the conversation came her usual blabbermouth.

“Mercuria tried to control Alvira and Laniva through the Escaflowne, don’t know how, don’t understand magic. Just threw body at them and made them stop touching the sword. Also Tanvir attacked Versaris over Lucille, even though Aegean was the one that was holding her. Think Aegean got shot by someone with Tanvir too, wasn’t paying much attention after Versaris got hit, definitely heard noise and Aegean was definitely hurt after.” The events regarding Lucille’s ‘rescue’ from the Tigers were included entirely out of pettiness, hoping that in some way it got Tanvir’s group in trouble with Jeremiah for attacking them when diplomacy would’ve worked fine.

With Jeremiah’s mention of a gift for Versaris her curiosity was peaked, staring up at the man. “You should tell me what gift for Versaris is. Won’t tell. Also will take any information about dealing with Underground. Will kill coward monster scum next time see for sure.”

“...A Belrose? With you? Here?” Jeremiah blinked. That wasn’t in the request for meeting, though from the sounds of it, that was a recent development. Still, a Belrose working with a mostly clouded outfit sounded like something out of a beggar’s drunken tirade. “This outfit of yours is rather…  impressively filled with rather special people. The Hozt, Aegean, one of the Astuikami, two creations, a Belrose, and probably more that I haven’t learned about… It seems my being here was more important than I could have possibly imagined, and I’ll make excellent use of it, you can count on that.” 

Jeremiah turned to Alriana, and then the girl just started to… talk. First about Mercuria, and the Escaflowne, and then that Tanvir attacked Versaris over Lucille where Aegean was also hurt in the crossfire. Jeremiah’s hand slid to his forehead, Tanvir certainly didn’t know who Aegean was, and judging from what he was hearing about Lucille’s situation, Tanvir’s actions, while spurious, were easy to justify. That wasn’t going to stop Jeremiah from asking questions the next time he saw the man. “Yes, I heard that your group fought Lucille for the Escaflowne–the correct choice in your situation, but potentially not for Lufiria at the same time.” Jeremiah left it at that, perhaps telling Versaris would be a reasonable idea, but definitely not this one. 

Jeremiah then just stared at Alriana, “...You do just realize that you told me information that could have gotten you both killed without prompting? And you want me to tell you what my gift is for Versaris, when I haven’t told him?” Jeremiah simply shook his head, “That’s like telling me to put water in a bucket that has a visible hole at the bottom and telling me that it’s safe. I’ll keep that to myself for now. Information about the underground… perhaps.” 

“Ahh, haha… She’s just… Upset that I was hurt so much. She means well, I promise, and she’s only telling you because she trusts you, Jeremiah. Even if it doesn’t seem like it… She’s not loose with secrets. Her sister, however…” That was another story, he shook his head. “You’re free to tell her and she won’t let anyone know, if it’s meant to be something private and you don’t want me to know yet. Either way, we’ll have plenty of time to discuss things… Shall we begin heading back to the compound? I’d like to get some rest.”

“Wasn’t without prompting.” She didn’t go so far as to level a glare against Jeremiah, but there was plenty of defiance in her eyes. “Versaris mentioned Mercuria and fight with Lucille, was giving context. You obviously already know most of it, but don’t have context. Hmph.” She turned away from him with a huff, mostly to hide her disappointment that he seemed unbothered about Versaris and Aegean having been injured by Tanvir and his group.

Once she was strategically behind Versaris she continued. “And if you were going to kill me would have already done so, not after this big conversation; also would have to kill entirety of Tigers, obviously all know this information, you not stupid. Even if act like it. More place that pupil learn from master. You too alike. Start being different, don’t like you like like Versaris.” She sighed; how this man flipped from likeable to not so quickly was something she’d never experienced. "If say won't tell, then won't tell. Don't make promises that can't keep."

“Yes, I might have had to do that. Fortunately, it was me that Versaris brought here and not anyone else, or that might have been the outcome that happened here.” Jeremiah sighed, he was getting flashbacks to Alvira and her demands. Though, she did move directly behind Versaris before continuing. Jeremiah then sighed, “Believe whatever you will. I’ll tell you about the underground later, assuming that I’m not playing too stupid for you. My stance remains, you’ll learn about it at the same time Versaris does, I’m sure.” 

Jeremiah started heading back towards the compound, “If you need to rest, then let’s head back. I have no intention of keeping longer than necessary.” Jeremiah looked back over his shoulder at Versaris, half-smirk on his face and not saying anything else beyond that. Surely Versaris would get the idea.

Edited by Ursali
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The sea breeze had been furiously appreciated. Between everything Iris had been through in the last few days and the heat of Islexia's ever approaching summer, she was feeling quite irate. That faded swiftly with the incoming cool breeze, which didn't completely alleviate the warmth, but it helped, plenty. She still had everything else in her mind to worry about...

The Meaning of Revenge


The trip back to the Tigers’ lodging had gone smoothly; not a single one of them thought to pursue them. It was for the best–in both the Tigers, and their cases–as the Tigers were spent from the rush, the fight, and now the escape. The Underground had him to worry about if they came to strike again, and he’d made his stance clear with the fool who had attacked Aegean. Whatever their reasons, they had lost all moral standing by standing with the Underground. They had caused the suffering, and deaths of thousands of people, and stood to continue doing so. 

Eventually they arrived in Sipa, a small town west of their actual destination. It was here that the Evokers were supposed to be waiting, or rather, resting from their encounter with Mercuria, and the Underground. Jeremiah grimaced as he thought about her name, it couldn’t be the same one, but if it were a spirit… there were two directions that could go, and neither of them were good. Though, quickly, as he met with the Evokers, it was clear that neither of them were particular in a place to speak with him. So they agreed to defer any talk of their objectives until they made it to Eslcas, which meant that Jeremiah had nothing but time to figure out what he needed to do. It was a list that kept growing and branching off, like the roots of a great ancient tree, eternally anchored to the world. 

The rest of the Tigers should have been rising soon. If they were going to get to Eslcas in any meaningful amount of time, they’d have to push through the exhaustion. Hopefully their contact had prepared for this, and wasn’t think of charging off against Kazran immediately. Jeremiah sighed, “If only I were able to assist directly in this matter… but with the envoy unaccounted for, and Kazran being the warlord he is. Lufirian hands being involved at all could be catastrophic.” Still, indirect assistance could still be applied, it was just a question of how he wanted to do that…

Iris had felt something wrong. Something off. A magical sort of presence that was both familiar and unfamiliar, something that gave rise to a steady unease in her stomach. As soon as the Tigers came into view, she realized what it was. Jeremiah. He was here. He hadn't harmed Alriana, from the looks of things, but he was still here

You could petrify him again… Turn the man to stone and finish what you couldn't before~ That would keep you safe, Iris… The voice was back as her adrenaline surged, cooing sweet plans of attack into her mind. She'd climbed onto the compound's roof after having stayed out of sight to all of them returning. Now, she was just watching him from up there. Eyes focused entirely on him, a mix of fear and the urge to strike leaving her frozen. She couldn't tell if he even knew she was there… but it was dark. Maybe he hadn't noticed…?

Jeremiah continued to detail plans in his head. Tanvir had Lucille, so if nothing else, she was safe. There were very few people that could genuinely fight their way through Tanvir, and it sounded like he wasn’t alone. So chasing after her would be superfluous at this point. There was the underground, and their interference with intelligence; dealing with them was certainly on his list of things to do, but he was unsure if it was top of his list with everything currently happening. If anything, the major question to answer was that with the envoy, and intelligence’s part in that. 

Islexia, in its current state, had no manner of matching Glacies’s covert operations. For years they’d be able to walk through the country almost unbothered. This should have been no different, and they had intelligence’s assistance… or they should have had intelligence’s assistance. While unlikely, it could have been possible that intelligence never got a chance to oversee the envoy, if the underground was acting against them. The questions swirling were how, and why? How could the underground know where to target members of intelligence, and why were they? If it was to open the envoy up, how did they know the man’s route, and… were they involved with what almost definitely had happened? None of that made sense. The Underground’s M.O. didn’t match–this seemed to stoke chaos, and not much else. 

Jeremiah sighed, and looked up to the sky, “Bouncing these ideas off of Serena would make this so much easier… Stars above she’s going to be cross with me…” Jeremiah felt something watching him, but so far, nothing had come of it. So he was content to ignore it, and allow it to watch uninterrupted. 

He doesn't notice you. Just do it. Make him a statue! Then you can take your time doing anything you want to him…! She did her best, trying to ignore the voice, but it was so loud... and so correct. Since he wasn't reacting to her presence, it was now or never. "!!!" Iris' eyes flashed and her spell fired off at Jeremiah!

That ended very quickly. A familiar pulse of magic was loosed from the direction of the compound. The spell was much too fast for anyone to react to while their back was turned to it, connecting with the man’s form, and… nothing happened. Jeremiah turned to the rooftop, eyes falling directly on Iris, and the ring on his finger gently shimmering. “...I’m assuming that means that you’re the sister that I’ve been told about? It seems we really have met.” 

Alriana had been on the lookout for Iris as they made their way towards the compound once they had arrived in Sipa. She had expected to find Iris in the courtyard, or her room, awaiting their return, but her sister was nowhere to be found. She hadn’t even bounded up and tackled Ullr, or done anything else of what she’d come to expect as her usual behavior.

She had no way of knowing that she could sense Jeremiah’s sword from a distance and had immediately gone into flight or fight. She only saw her once it was too late to stop anything, on the rooftop with her eyes allight. If Jeremiah was turned to stone she’d potentially have to protect his helpless form from her sister, but instead the magic washed over him like nothing happened. Ignoring her confusion she hollered up at Iris. “Bad Iris! Ignoring what you just did, you weren’t supposed to let him see you! Get down here!” Her tail angrily swayed behind her, thumping against the ground as she gave her demand.

What? Why didn’t it work… Her thoughts were her own again as fear won out, the magic not working causing her to panic and slink away, only to be caught by Alriana… With a whimper and a whine, she slid down from the room, shrinking in front of her sister. “I… S-Sorry… I just got really, scared…” She glanced over at him again, sliding behind Alriana to put something between her and him. “He’s terrifying… H-How are you okay?”

The shift in visage between what Jeremiah had seen after she tried to petrify him, and now that Alriana had also appeared, and demanded her sister come down from her perch was… jarring if he were to be honest. Jeremiah just sighed, and placed a finger on the shimmering ring, “You really are the same one from back then. I’m glad that Serena is the protective woman that she is… So, did you know about this Alriana?” Jeremiah remained at a distance, “She’s okay because we spoke. An understanding for the time being. One that also promised your safety.” 

The creation sighed as Iris sheepishly slinked down from the roof and then behind her, her sister clearly using her to put anything in between herself and Jeremiah. Her tail settled down, now just idly wagging in a small wave-like pattern. “It okay.” The man of the hour explained for her, which she was fine with, for now. His sword still unnerved her, but there really wasn’t much she could do about it, so she had learned in the small amount of time to just deal with it. Having her mind to herself was enough to outweigh the feeling of the stupid sword. “Know what? That she attack you? Maybe. That why made you promise not harm. Didn’t think she would jump before could find, though.”

“... I’m sorry.” She peeked out again, watching him, something feral still in her gaze, but far from aggressive now, like a terrified dog. “You… You tried to kill me, before. And you killed Del… He was my family. So… So when I saw Alriana come back just fine, I was confused, but still scared, a-and I… I did something I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry. Please don’t be upset with her… Or me, I… I won’t do it again.”

Jeremiah sighed again, running a hand through his hair, “I’d thought you’d find her before she did, but, it seems like we both bet wrong.” He shook his head, and looked at the very small creation peering out from behind Alriana. “...Yes, I did, and if Del was the man who was fleeing with you, yes, I did that as well. No reason for me to deny what I did then; you saw it for yourself. However, you’ve proven me wrong in a sense. You’re one of the lucky ones; one of the ones that attained a sense of self, rather than the mindless beasts that your brothers and sisters were fated to become. More importantly… you behaved then as any living being might when someone or something who tried to snuff their life out appears before them again. Further still, you understand the repercussions of something like that.” Jeremiah removed the finger from the still shimmering ring, “For that, and your apology, I won’t hold that against you. I wouldn’t have to begin with, for the reasons I stated.” 

“If anything, he should apologize to you.” She blatantly looked up at Jeremiah as the words left her lips, hands on her hips. Subtlety was never one of her strengths when she didn’t want it to be. She didn’t really have much more to add in the moment, so she continued to expectantly stare up at Jeremiah.

“That is where our agreement would end, Alriana.” He stared back at her. “I would not apologize for the actions on that day… Considering what was at stake, what had already happened… what was planned.” He shook his head, “In theory, I would apologize for taking your family from you, but considering that he, and others acted on a plan that would have taken family from far more, my apology would ring hollow.” 

“...” Iris listened… And she felt some new ire rising in her. Nothing that would cause her to attack him again; every part of her knew that charging him would get her and Alriana both killed. Still… “... I don’t know what they were planning. What Del was planning. Or Alriana’s mother… But for you to kill someone for plans instead of, of capturing them and… And making them face their crimes. Fairly. I don’t know how the law is supposed to work, but that’s part of it, right? I’ve read a lot of books. Read a lot about the world… But if you just go around killing people because you’re afraid of what they might do, maybe you’re the mindless beast.” She slowly stepped out from behind Alriana, still hiding herself a bit, but a scowl on her face.

“I have always been… Me. Always been ‘Sixteen’. Always been Iris. I’ve been thinking about it ever since Versaris talked about you and what you do. Thinking about what happened. Maybe a lot of them were bad. Maybe Del was bad for helping them… But he was always nice to me. He taught me about family. About emotions and feelings, about love and caring. Maybe he did bad things that I wasn’t shown, but he also did plenty of good… So… So if you’re not going to apologize, then fine.” She shivered a bit and felt herself crying somewhat, sniffling. “But you still killed my family.”

“Rrrrrr…” While still afraid of Jeremiah on an instinctual level, she was not afraid to show her displeasure with his response. Her body language remained non-threatening, but she did openly growl at him. Even with the additional context that she had, knowing the full extent to where Jeremiah’s bias stemmed from, she still found his reasoning lacking. No less hollow than his supposed apology would have been. 

Unsurprisingly, she found herself entirely in agreement with her older sister. While she lacked the experience to express herself the way Iris could, her words resonated with the younger creation. Who was he to decide who lived and who died, when his actions were so clearly clouded by emotion? Had she encountered him alone, he, likely, would’ve killed her for the sin of daring to exist. Because of what her ‘brothers and sisters’ had been forced to do by those who created them.

As Iris began to cry her stance straightened up, protective instincts flaring up as she glared up at Jeremiah. “You lucky you have privilege of strength, that even body knows I can’t win against you. Or would hold you down and make apologize. You talk big, make threats, but at end of day you hypocrite. You so afraid of what we might do, what we could maybe do, but you sound like you act no different. Iris right. Out of three here, you the closest to the beasts you so afraid of.”

Jeremiah stood and quietly listened to the two creations call him the mindless beast, so afraid of what they were, what they could do. In a manner of speaking, they were right–fear welled deep inside of him, an underground cavern sealed away, hopefully never to be found. “...What would you have had me do then? You’re right, I am afraid. I have been ever since the day that I almost lost everything dear to me. But, you’re also right that you have no idea what the people you call family were prepared to do, no, were doing. They were not dealt with because of plans. No, your family had already executed a number of families. Women, children, elderly, none of that quite mattered as they ordered their creations to slaughter. That was a test. Thousands of Lufirians died then, towns ceasing to exist. What was this plan I am so afraid of? The complete domination of Lufiria. This is not conjecture, this is not me creating something that doesn’t exist. That is what you, and others were designed for.”

Jeremiah turned away from the pair, “Call me what you will. I understand how our actions sound. But I will stand by them. If you despise me, then that’s what someone in my stead has to bear. Had we not acted that day, I doubt this continent would look the same. We certainly wouldn’t be speaking like this. They were content to put everything, and everyone to the sword for their goals.”

“So we all deserved to die!?” Iris blurted out, sick of listening to this. “Alriana and I are living proof that you’re wrong! That not all of us are just mindless beasts made for whatever they were planning, and you can’t refute that! Were you just too afraid to even try and see who would respond!? Try and see who would listen to reason!? You’re no better than the Islexians! Than the Underground! The people that treat all the Clouded and Monsters like a blight, like a mistake, like something that needs to be removed. You’re a MONSTER! And I hope you drown in your guilt one day!” She huffed and started sobbing, turning and stomping off away from him. He was right. Del had been a bad person, even if he’d treated her well. She knew well enough that she couldn’t defend what was happening, but even if she couldn’t, that didn’t make what had happened right, either. I hate this. I hate all of this. I don’t want to have to think about this anymore. It just hurts…

Alriana’s temper was alight, only building further and further as Jeremiah continued on and on, laying the sins of their creators and their ‘less fortunate’ siblings at their feet. Then, as the dam was about break and she opened her mouth, Iris beat her to the punch. Once again, she was in agreement, but it did nothing to placate the animosity and hatred she felt for Jeremiah. As Iris finished and ran away sobbing, she gathered her thoughts, not caring if she echoed her sister.

“We’re not them! Not creators, or other creations! Did we do that!? No! Iris for sure didn’t! But you don’t care, will never care! All you see is ‘creation’! You the beast, you should be the one killed for existing!” She growled low, only further incensed by giving voice to her thoughts. “Would have you apologize to Iris! Even if don’t regret what did, can still apologize! You would show Lufirian that you feel bad, even if fake, for killing their family, but you won’t even do that for her!”

“And I don’t care about what you did! Don’t care about what they did either! Past can’t be changed, though you would do it again and again if given the chance. Probably have! Probably enjoyed it! But what can be changed is how you act now, but won’t! Never will, I bet!” She scurried around to his front, elevating herself with her tail to match his gaze so he could see the hatred in her eyes; the only thing preventing her from grabbing his collar like she had done to Versaris was her innate fear of his ability to kill her, and that she wanted to distance him as far as possible as she could from the person she held most dear.

“We lesser to you because of what we are! But we person like anyone else! Didn’t ask to be created, but still exist! If you too stubborn to accept that you could be wrong, that you are wrong, then you don’t deserve anything! Strength, family, whatever you hold dear should vanish overnight so you have nothing! Like how you left Iris before she found me! Then you can really be the beast you want to be!”

She was panting, sweating, shaking, completely exhausted. She was done shouting, her voice hoarse, and she lowered herself back to the ground. But she wasn’t done, her voice low and with an uncharacteristic chill. “Also, you lowest of scum. Lower than Rustal, lower than Luthier, lower than what you think of Grelbiria. You promised wouldn’t hurt Iris, but you did. Your word means nothing. Stay away from Versaris. I hate you, so the less like you he is, the better.” 

Both creations, no, women exploded at his words. Jeremiah stood quietly, but inside, each word steadily brought the flame higher and higher. They had asked for an apology for killing Del, words that Jeremiah honestly felt like he couldn’t give. What they took from so many people, what they would have taken with hardly a second thought. The Lufirians slaughtered then, and after were the ones killed for existing; the countless dead, the people who tried to interact with the creations, the ones impaled, torn apart, killed for their audacity in hoping for a better outcome, a better way forward. None of them appeared to matter. All fodder in the eyes of Sixteen, or Iris. By the time Jeremiah had enough, Iris had finished, and stormed away sobbing. 

His eyes didn’t need to move as Alriana stepped up in her place, voice and eyes full of hatred. More baseless accusations, except hurled with more force and anger, and… a familiar look. Jeremiah’s visage broke for only a second as he recognized the look on Alriana’s face. Hatred wasn’t the right word for this one, perhaps righteous anger, protective fury. Either would have worked because it felt like it was only days ago when he watched Catherine standing up for Tica, or Soleanna for Lucille. All of them had the same look, the same fervor–even if the girl in front of him spoke on things she clearly couldn’t understand. 

Alriana took that break in his visage to take her knife, and twist. Jab as hard as she could, twisting slowly. In that moment, it took more than Jeremiah would have liked not to end the woman’s life right then and there. But his blade stayed sheathed, in fact, his hand never wavered from his side. “...Perhaps we’ve simply spent the whole time speaking past one another,” Jeremiah’s voice was quieter than before, and where it had been even, there was a gravel to it now, “I admitted, directly, that I was wrong about you two. That you two stand different from the others. Was that not what I said?” Jeremiah slowly drifted for his sword, and then took the sheathe from his side, and threw it to the side. 

“...I fully expect to drown in my guilt one day. The guilt that I, we weren’t able to stop what happened. We did everything we could following that attack. We tried to speak with your creators, capture creations and try to understand them… All we were met with were the bodies of my mangled associates.” Jeremiah chuckled, and shook his head, the lid on his feelings starting to break, “When we attacked the labs that day, it was after months of attempts of diplomacy. More dead, more suffering. How much are the Lufirians expected to bleed before we aren’t monsters? I’ve spent my whole life wondering that question. We know as well as most what it is like to be reviled, and hated, so that’s why we did what we could. The attack, the purge was our last resort. I fought tooth and nail for that to be the case, even when my family would have been the first of their victims.”

Jeremiah sighed, unfurling the hand that had been gripped tightly on his jacket, almost gazing at it in surprise, “...Ha. I’ve known ever since I took on the role as Head of Intelligence, I knew that no matter what, there would be people who came to despise me, despise Lufiria. Yet, here I am, losing my calm in front of you, Alriana. You couldn’t know what we’d done up until that point, what was at stake, what was already taken, what we’d given. I can’t, and shouldn’t fault you for that. That’s weakness on my part, but don’t ever tell me what I have and haven’t done in my role.” Jeremiah paused for a long moment, “...Never forget that I, as a Lufirian, would have been the one killed for existing. Had we not gone forward it was only a matter of time. My family, my strength, everything else I held dear would have vanished overnight. That’s a reality that I’ve had to live with most of my life. Not a single person would have been there to apologize, nor would they have cared. Perhaps you’re right. …It was foolish of me to believe that an apology would have been meaningless. But if I can be frank, that is the only thing about me, and about Lufiria, that you have been right about tonight.”

Jeremiah let his gaze drop from Alriana, heading over to where he’d thrown his sword, “If time allows, perhaps I will find Iris, and say what perhaps I should have said to begin with. But you have no say over my interaction with Versaris.” 

Iris had run off and fought with her feelings. She didn’t want to hear it. She couldn’t hear it. That had been her everything. A few short years of happiness then almost a decade of hiding in the woods, running, living in fear… And now, a few short weeks of family once again. Family that had almost been ripped away from her once again by people that thought they knew better… But he does know better, doesn’t he? She could hear Alriana yelling. Barking at him. Maybe they shouldn’t have gotten so emotional… “She’s only yelling because she’s worried about you, idiot…” She sniffled once more and slunk back towards the conversation, keeping herself low, trying to hide behind one of the corners to listen.

It was halfway into what seemed like a long response from Jeremiah… And it confirmed her worries. The worst of her feelings, the ones that she’d pushed away just like the voice before. It didn’t matter how kind Del had been to her. Even if his actions were true and honest, so were the rest. He was a terrible, horrible, murderous person. He just fancied one of these creatures as something of a daughter… She stayed quiet as he finished, watching him move to get his sword. She stood up and walked out, still wiping at her eyes. 

“... I’m sorry for yelling,” she started, huffing quietly. “I… I didn’t know anything. I just knew that… That Del had been family. Everything felt real. Maybe it was all a lie… I don’t know. I just… I couldn’t…” She sniffled again, swallowing “I couldn’t accept what you were saying because it’d mean that everything I knew was wrong. That I was raised by true monsters. That I was a test; an outlier, some product so that Aly could be made better… Their first and only attempt at making one of these creations docile.” She wasn’t sobbing, but the tears were flowing again, something of a croaked, wry laugh escaping her. “Del was evil. And everything I thought was family was just make believe. And I mouthed off at you because I couldn’t accept that… But the revelation is my just desserts for assuming so much, isn’t it?”

Alriana kept her glare as Jeremiah took his time to mount a counter to her attack, breathing heavily as she struggled to not show him any weakness. Her logic, as un-human as it was, slowly kicked back in as the knee-jerk reaction and adrenaline from Jeremiah forcing Iris to tears faded. She wouldn’t apologize, even if she had been out of line or stepped way out of her bounds. He had reneged on his promise; by her own words she should have killed him, or should be planning ways to make that happen. He was lucky that he only had to weather her screaming at him.

She tensed, almost instinctively, as his hand went for his sword. Vindicated, but about to die. Only for Jeremiah to throw the blade out of reach; whatever his purpose was she couldn’t even guess. It was enough for her guard to falter, the resolute flames of fury in her eyes fading. Her gaze remained locked to his as he laid out the whole truth of the events leading up to the attack on the lab, glare slowly turning to a scowl and, eventually, her usual stoic expression as she watched his mask crack. Had he opened with this, had he been genuine from the start, perhaps things wouldn’t have escalated. With that thought came a realization, the definitive thing she despised about Jeremiah; he was no different than what ‘Ingverd’ was for Versaris, though he didn’t need a fake name to achieve the effect. A wall between who Jeremiah was, and what Jeremiah had to be.

A hard sigh escaped her, the first sound out of her after her chilling rebuke. He turned for his sword, Iris coming into view shortly after. As Iris closed the distance she spoke what she could of her mind. “You really are too similar to Versaris. If don’t want to be hated, then start being real ‘Jeremiah’ more. Saw it few times with Versaris and you also doing it now.” She paused and let out an annoyed huff. “But you right. Didn’t know what you did, what you lost, what you sacrificed. If you don’t be genuine, will assume the worst. All been told about you before now was that you would kill us on sight, that not even Tio and Elisa could protect us from you. Even when with Versaris you acted with bias, even if justified, further proving image of you. Can still be changed, but that up to how you act.”

“Also, you still misunderstand. Don’t really care about what you did to creations, or Del. Can’t be changed. Care about how you act, that you treated Iris badly. If can’t apologize for killing Del, then apologize for leaving her with nothing. If what you say is true, then that should be easy for you to feel bad about.” She stepped back, letting Iris be at the front now that she had said her peace. 

She almost shouted at Iris to not apologize, but doing so wouldn’t make her apology disappear. Instead she huffed, and focused on Iris’ despair in the face of Del’s true nature in the only way she could: bluntly. “Who cares if he was evil? Del protected you from Jeremiah, would he have done that for a ‘product’? Family looks out for each other. Remember him how you want to. No one, not even Del, can tell you that you’re wrong.” She placed herself between Iris and Jeremiah, hands on her sister’s shoulders and blocking him from Iris’ view. “And even if that’s all you were, you shouldn’t care about why you were created; even,” she tilted her head towards Jeremiah, even if Iris couldn’t see him, “he had to admit that we’re beyond our purpose, different from the others. If anyone could’ve been family to people like Del, it was us.”

Something of a somber smile hit her face, staring down even when Aly put herself so close. “I appreciate what you’re trying to say, Aly. I really do… But it doesn’t change facts. I’m sorry, sister… A bad person made me. The specifics, sure, they might be lost… but I’m, a toy made by bad people. Jeremiah is right, and I never should’ve yelled at him… I just didn’t want it to be right. I just… Wanted Del to be a good person. A good father…”

“Rrrrghh…! You not listening! No one ever listens!” Her frustration was evident on her face, struggling to keep her grip on Iris gentle. Her speech began to break down, it was either that or lose hold of her anger. “Facts are what you want them to be! Only you experienced it! Del can be best father and worst person, don’t have to be one or other! I also made by them! Am not ‘toy’ and don’t care who made me, should be same for you!”

She growled, somehow within the span of a single conversation she had become completely opposed to her sister’s way of thinking. “And Jeremiah should be yelled at. Even if they were bad, if Del was bad, he still did wrong to you! He still took everything from you and left you with nothing! Even if not intention or directly do, still did!” She wasn’t so far gone to not realize she was laying the efforts of a team, and likely orders from the Lufirian crown, solely at Jeremiah’s feet; however, she was not in the mood to bother making that distinction.

Jeremiah hesitated on collecting the Astranagant when he heard Iris’s voice rejoin the conversation. He turned to her, standing up without reclaiming the blade. He was right to wait as Iris finished, Alriana jumping in to further castigate his actions. Explaining himself to them had been the last thing on his list of things to do tonight, and with Alriana’s every word, it was slipping further and further down the list. The exact same thing that she had been so upset about to start was exactly what she was now detailing was justified in her direction. But, that didn’t need to be aired. 

“If only it were that simple. My disdain for the creations is genuine, that is a very real part of me now. You were aware of my disdain, and you threw that to the wayside. Why would I have any reason to expect anything else would work differently?” Jeremiah chuckled, “In truth, it seems like you had already prepared to call me a monster, regardless. You admit that my disdain was justified, and still find fault within that justification. It’s rather frustrating to have you continue saying what you do as you perform the exact same thing.” Jeremiah shook his head, “Lastly, I’ve seen that look in your eyes. You’re right, perhaps leading with the truth of my disdain for the creations, and what they’re responsible for would have been for the best. At the same time, you should perhaps be more genuine, yourself. If you’re angry with me because of what I’ve said to your sister, then focus on that. Leave the rest out of it. Were it not for that look–the one that I’ve seen on the face of the princess, or even my daughter–I might not have stayed my hand. Leave any implication of harm coming to my family off of your lips.” 

Jeremiah then turned to Iris, “And there’s one other thing that Alriana has been correct about. I admit that I know nothing of Del as a person. I only know what he supported, what he dealt in, but to you, he was your father, or someone close to you.” Jeremiah looked up at the sky, “In a manner of speaking, I am not any different from Del. I am a spy, and assassin, I have killed people that may have had families that they genuinely cared for. There are many reasons to want someone like me dead. Yet, Catherine and Tica still see me as their father, and Serena as her husband. Nothing anyone can say or do, would change that. Only they can, and I hope that I never have to do anything that would make them change that.” His eyes returned to the small creation, “Regardless of my reasons, justified, or unjustified, that is true to say that we took that from you. If it was to protect the people of Lufiria, I can’t say that I wouldn’t do it again, but I can say that I would still wish that there was another way. We, I couldn’t find that way, so we did all that was left to us. For that, I’m sorry. But, he was still in part who made you who you are, not the creation, but you, Iris. Whatever you do with the information you have now is your choice, but don’t throw out that part that you still cherish.”

“Aly, stop!” Iris finally snapped at her sister, eyebrows furrowed, growl on her face… but she slowly calmed down her moment of anger and sighed. “Just stop. Facts are not what I want them to be. Facts are facts. And unless Jeremiah is a bastard and just lying to us for fun, the fact is, my ‘father’ was a horrible person. It doesn’t matter to me if he treated me well. If Versaris went around killing children for kicks, would you be content to appreciate the kindness he shows you?” She huffed, shaking her head. 

“Why are you even so angry? Because he hurt me? I tried to turn him to stone! Of course he hasn’t been pleasant this whole time. Can you just, stop, for a few minutes, before this escalates to the point of no return? Take a deep breath. Stop. Stop shouting. Stop getting angry! Please! Please… I’ve seen what happens when you get too angry. I don’t want you to go that far– and maybe you know better! Maybe you’re not listening to the voice right now, but I don’t want to risk it! I’ve already heard mine once tonight… Okay? I’m already… Tonight is enough. Too much. I have things I need to say.” She shook off her sister’s hands and walked past her, staring up at Jeremiah, something cold and feral in her eyes, but swiftly disappearing. 

“I don’t need your pity at this point. You’ve made how you feel plenty clear… You hate us, for what we are, because of what our kind has done to you. Maybe one day we, the two of us, will be different in your heart, but right now… I can tell any remorse isn’t completely genuine, so save it. I was already afraid of it before I spoke with you tonight. It’s been on my mind for weeks. Ever since Versaris started talking about you so happily. So pleasantly. He loves you, and as far as I can tell, he isn’t a bad person. He wouldn’t care about someone horrible… Which means you’re telling me the truth, and Del, Grelbiria, all of them, even the rest of my ‘siblings’, were all horrible monsters that needed to be removed. Even if saying that feels worse than any knife in my gut…”

She huffed again, sniffling, quickly wiping away newly forming tears. “But I will not be, that. If that’s what I was made for, then I’ll prove them all wrong… I tried to turn you to stone tonight, because sometimes, I hear a voice in my head. It tells me creative and ‘fun’ ways to harm people. The more effective ways. The deadliest ways. It told me to kill you. I listened because I was scared… But I’m not going to listen anymore.” She took the flux tome fastened to her side, gave it a serious stare… And then tore into it with her claws, ripping it apart, throwing the ruined tome to the ground with as much of a slam as her thin arms could muster. “No more! No more… I don’t want to hear it ever again. I. Am Iris. Not ‘Sixteen’. Not a monster…” She took a deep breath, but still looked on the verge of collapse, visibly shaking, doing everything she could to keep it together, lest she return to her sobbing.

“Because even if we’re creations, you said we were different. We’re not like the others so that should be enough for you to set bias aside. Just because it justified, doesn’t mean it good justification.” She huffed, anger towards him reigniting. He himself admitted that they were different from the others, it should be easy to separate them for someone as smart as he was. “You still misunderstanding if you think have not been genuine with you, have been real Aly whole time. Don’t hide emotions behind masks. Don’t need to.” Her head whipped around as he let his unspoken threat hang in the air, claws balled into fists, ready to launch into another tirade–

“...!?” Alriana’s eyes snapped wide open as Iris shouted back at her, attention drawn back to her sister, not understanding where Iris’ anger had come from. All she was saying was the truth, why couldn’t Iris see it? Was the meaning being lost in her simplified speech? “I…” She opened her mouth to counter the theoretical that Iris had laid at her feet, but the words wouldn’t come. What would she do if Versaris was like that? She tried to search for the answer, but nothing came. Versaris wasn’t like that, wouldn’t do something like that. She couldn’t picture him in the way she needed to to answer Iris’ question. Unable to answer, she chose just to move past it.

“Because he promised he wouldn’t hurt you!” She growled, unwilling to budge on this point; not even a day had passed and he’d already broken his word. What she was feeling towards the Lufirian was entirely justified from her perspective, every ounce of hatred directed at him deserved. “That’s not going to happen tonight. Voice gone with him around, mind clear! All feelings mine for once.” Iris’ pleas nearly fell on deaf ears, Alriana nearly too stubborn to heed her sister’s words, but as Iris mentioned that her own voice hadn’t been cowed by Jeremiah it gave Alriana an unexpected pause. Iris was free to push past her as she finally fell silent for more than a few seconds.

 Was everything that she’d expressed really how she felt? She disliked Jeremiah for a multitude of reasons at this point, hated him for hurting Iris with his words. But there was more to it, wasn’t there? There had to be, the hatred she felt ran deeper than just Iris; her animosity too great with how their previous conversation had ended. The Voice was silent, so where were these feelings coming from? She searched for an answer, but, now that she was calmer, she couldn’t source the entirety of her feelings. Were they coming from the Voice? She didn’t know, her understanding of most emotions was uncertain at best and not at all at the worst. She’d have to ask Iris, she was the only other person with a voice.

“WHAT!?” It had nearly slipped by her with her focusing on herself, but Iris had just admitted to Jeremiah that her Voice was similar to her own. She hadn’t said anything of the sort back when they had fought Lucille, just that she also heard things. How long had it been like this? How long was it talking to her? Her attention locked onto Iris, enough to push her residual hatred for Jeremiah aside for the moment, concerned for her sister where she hadn’t had any for herself. Her eyes briefly flicked to Jeremiah, watching him, waiting for his response…

Jeremiah watched intently as Iris rebuked Alriana for her telling her to almost disregard the reality that was in front of her. It was the same sort of idea that he had said, but lacking any of the nuance that he had added. In order to do something like that, someone had to be able, and willing to accept both the good and the bad of a person. To accept one or the other was not only nearsighted, but dangerous if done enough. Iris was unwilling to wash away the sins of her ‘father’. Then, she turned on him, calling his words pity. Jeremiah shook his head, this was what he wanted to avoid. 

In truth, it was Alriana who had asked for him to apologize to her, and that should have been enough to ignore it–His apology lacked weight because as far as he was concerned he acted within the realm of what was just. He knew that, and knew that apologizing to Iris would mean nothing, as it appeared to now. In reality, Jeremiah knew that there was no way to really apologize, not in a way that she’d accept. His remorse couldn’t be completely genuine. It was almost identical to Alriana’s answer about her furious reaction to him; it seemed like Alriana meant for him not to harm her in any manner, at all. If that was the case, then it was a promise he could never keep, because it was a promise that was almost irrespective of what he did. 

That echoed a sense that he was getting from Alriana. At first, he had an idea that Alriana was simply being malicious, her blatant disregard for his past, and his own beliefs, while championing her own and her sisters when they were similar in some respects was inordinately frustrating, but then it kept happening. He had been entirely true to his word, only failing on a technicality that likely had little bearing with how he handled things, and yet Alriana’s fury was largely based on that impossible situation. Even the way she tried to explain, ‘Facts are what you want them to be,’ completely lacked any sort of nuance, nuance that Iris seemed to have a grasp on. Even that failed in light of her words to him, because not only were his words facts, they were reality, the real world that they were living in, and those were somehow not good enough. Her world simply lacked the colors to see what he had seen, and understand what he was understanding. 

Alriana’s shocked response to Iris’s admission of the voice, and her violent destruction of what had to have been a flux tome was mildly surprising. Did she really not have any idea about her sister’s own voice? Jeremiah saw Alriana turn to meet his eyes again, and Jeremiah shook his head, “Why are you looking at me? Your sister is right in front of you, and she needs her sister’s comfort. Take care of her.” Jeremiah reached down, and grabbed Astranagant, and began walking back to the compound. As he glided past the pair, he stopped for a moment, and looked over his shoulder, “Iris. Be sure to rely on the people around you. They’ll be the anchor that allows you to build who you believe yourself to be.” Jeremiah simply looked at Alriana, and continued on his way. There was nothing more that he could do, or say. Alriana was unreachable for him, and Iris was too distraught, the only thing that he could do, both for them and himself, was no longer be a part of that conversation. 

Jeremiah grasped the ring on his finger tightly, slowly growing tighter and tighter with every step away from the two. Iris was… at least understandable, but Alriana was nothing short of insufferable. “...Just the kind of night where I wish Serena was present…” 

At least he was right about that. She had Alriana. She had Ullr. She had Versaris. The rest of the Tigers… They all seemed to enjoy her presence, to some degree. “I will,” she offered him as he walked off, staring down at the flux tome and kicking it again. You will come to regret this, a voice sounded in her mind, before it faded away, leaving her mind quiet. It probably wasn’t gone completely, whatever it was, but as long as she didn’t feed her innate magic anymore, it wasn’t going to get any stronger. It had only grown stronger when she’d gotten better at that magic, after all… I need to know if this is all of my magic, or just dark magic. I need to test. I want to be helpful… And I need to be stronger to be helpful with everything the group is facing.

Jeremiah was gone, leaving her with Aly… Iris turned to her and slumped onto her knees, letting out a sad sounding sigh. “Yeah… I’ve been hearing it too. Sorry… But I didn’t know what else to do, or what else you could’ve done. You told me not to listen, so that’s all I’ve been trying to do… And I can’t use my magic anymore. Not that magic. Maybe other magic? … I don’t know…” She was tired. Emotionally, mentally. She needed to rest and not think so hard; she rarely ever thought this hard, and it had truly taxed her. That, and everything that had happened with Alriana. She’d gotten so angry at Jeremiah… It felt like more than being upset over what he’d said about their past, but the whole conversation had been too charged to truly tell. “What about you, Aly? Do you listen to your voice? Because I’m scared… I don’t want to be anyone else but Iris. I’m happy being Iris…”

“Don’t need you tell that. Just wanted see if you had more say.” For the first time in the entirety of their conversation after Jeremiah had initially upset Iris, there wasn’t a drop of venom, though still plenty of sass, directed towards Jeremiah in Alriana’s voice. She met his gaze as he walked past her, but likewise had no more words for the man. Leaving her alone with her sister.

“Should have told that you were hearing it talk to you, my Voice wasn’t doing that until coward monster scum attacked us here.” She knelt down, making eye contact with Iris. “Not good that Voice can talk to you like that, heard from…” She struggled to say his name without growling, still more incensed than she ought to have been, “Jeremiah that it not good. Very not good, would stop being Iris.” She paused. “But, it seem like you already know that. How? Only just learned while at coward monster scum’s base…”

Her gaze flicked between the shredded tome and her sister. She’d been so happy to receive it from Syndra; for her to destroy it so thoroughly meant that her fear was entirely genuine. “...Only listened once. That was when it ‘woke up’. When… Coward monster scum attacked us.” There were other words she could’ve used to describe the event that caused her to listen to the Voice, but she purposefully shied away from them. Few were the words that could hurt her, yet she had nearly tripped over them twice. Words were supposed to be stupid, an inconvenience but also a necessity; they weren’t supposed to have power over her.

“And if don’t want to be the Voice, want to stay Iris, then don’t listen anymore. We can not listen together. And you say you need magic to fight, but do you really? Claws bigger than mine. Can teach how to fight, in general sense; don’t actually know about fighting with fists.”

"I know because it got louder and more in control whenever I used that magic… But I need it to help. These big claws are worthless with how weak I am…" Iris sighed, spent, unable to reach sadness entirely, floating in an exhausted malaise. "But if it's just going to get louder and try to control me more then I don't care about this magic. I'll just… I'll figure it out. Somehow… but what about you? When does your voice speak to you, specifically, Aly? And how do you plan to stop listening to it? That day we fought the important lady on the pegasus, seeing you like that, I got really scared. How are you gonna stop that? I'm just… Tell me if there's anything I can do. Please. You're all I have left. You're the only family I have left. I can't lose you…"

“If you creation like me, then you should be able to approach my strength. Maybe not get as strong, but should be able to lift Veraris like I can. Just need more practice, more experience with claws.” She sighed, genuinely, but also mimicking her sister somewhat. “Like I said, sentient Voice only just woke up. Hasn’t talked since seeing… Jeremiah. But always talks about violence, either towards enemies or whoever I looking at. Things I should do to hurt them.” 

She huffed, crossing her arms even with how awkward it was with how she had knelt down to meet Iris’ gaze. “That’s not me listening to Voice, that… Not sure what that is. Happens when get hurt bad while fighting. Usually don’t remember what happens when it happens, did for first time last night. Body almost out of control, attacks almost indiscriminately, hard to tell enemy and ally apart.” Before Iris could interject with more concern or worry, she quickly added, ”Easy to stop that though, just won’t get hurt when fighting. Then you not have to worry about being hurt or losing me.”

She made it sound so easy. Just get stronger. Just don't get hurt. Against the people they had to fight, were those options truly so easy? Iris didn't know, and she couldn't put a protest to words. She didn't want to, either. She wanted to believe that Aly would be fine, simple as that. No wounds, no worries… "Okay." She finally squeaked out, leaning forward and hugging her sister tight. "Okay… I trust you… and I'm here too. So don't take anything on alone… You've got friends and family and even someone who loves you beyond that. Please rely on us too…" She squeezed a bit tighter, emotionally spent, the evening having taken too much of a toll on her. So tired… Need to rest. Not think about all this…

“...!” Alriana tensed, mainly out of surprise, as Iris suddenly leaned in to hug her. The tension quickly faded from her body and she returned the hug, though not nearly as tight. “Also trust you. Same also apply to you, better not do things alone. If need help will be here too. And if do need help will ask someone.” She mimicked Iris’ extra squeeze before relaxing her hug. Though not to the degree that Iris was, she was likewise spent and on top of that had been given much food for thought. There was also the matter of concluding her “conversation” with Versaris from back at the compound, but that would have to wait until much later.

The important part was that she'd sworn off dark magic. She could tell whatever this voice was, it was quite upset about that, but she didn't care. She was Iris. She was Iris, not Sixteen, not anything else, and no one, no thing, was going to change that. She hadn't spoken to Tio of her decision or plans yet, but she was going to, once they were settled in this Eslcas place. The talks, she listened to intently, but she wouldn't chime in. Politics and all these talks had begun to garner her interest, but she wasn't smart enough to say much on the sides of them. Rather, she was too emotionally driven, so it hurt her more than helped to get involved in them. Still, she wanted to learn, so she had her ears trained on everything, clinging onto Ullr's arm and almost hiding behind him while she did.

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The situation was all quite above Üllr's understanding, if he was being honest. He'd much rather be outside than in the room full of people staring him apprehensively, but he was still part of the Tigers --better to show he was commited, he figured. It was nice that there were Clouded on the outside, for starters... already making Eslcas one of the top three places he'd been to in his life.

...A very sad metric, in retrospect, but not one worth lingering on.

Noticing Iris clinging to his arm, Üllr turned to face Iris, moving to hold her claw with his own. "It's fine. They need us." He spoke in a quiet tone. Üllr wasn't some savant on the politics, but plenty of the writing was on the wall. "Not all of them look at us weird, and there's some clouded with them too."

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Syndra's introduction was immediately followed-up on by her girlfriend coming to her defense. The sentiment was appreciated, even if it wasn't going to accomplish anything. The council seemed to have an opinion about her formed, and them pissing themselves over the idea of her father potentially intervening because she was here helping them wasn't that surprising to her. Although considering who it was the Tigers were being asked to kill, the likelihood of Nicolas Belrose finding out about it anyway certainly existed to begin with. Still, even if Syndra thought the council Owen had assembled were a bunch of bureaucratic eunuchs, voicing that opinion would've just gotten her friends in trouble, and it seemed that Owen and Cassandra had voiced her sentiments for her anyway. Syndra knew that if she wanted to get over the stigma of her family name to these people, actions would be the method required, not words. 

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"Ah-- hey..." Seila huffed quietly as Amera slipped behind her, adjusting her hat slightly out of her face again as the active cat flopped and knocked against it. She whispered quietly towards her back, less exasperated this time. "It's okay, Amera... just try to relax a little. They don't pay us to talk anyways."

She glanced to the side, following Ember's gaze towards the mercenaries filling the room - there was quite a number of them - the muscular woman was giving them a look that rather distinctly was not a stoic guard's stare. Prideful, certainly, that was there; but there was a bit of something else in there too. Hahhh... well, as long as she doesn't go wagging her tail it's fine if she stares... probably. At least they seem to be focused on the talks, not gazing idly around the room at us...

"Come on now, Amera... let's look proper, now..." She gave the cat a bit of a nudge, encouraging her out from behind. "We can go talk to them afterwards. Look, there's so many Clouded... I'm sure we'll get along great." Won't need to worry about that this time at least...


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Though Owen himself and his sister were a reasonable bunch, clearly his council were more what you'd expect from Islexia. Out to cover their own asses and oh so afraid that they might lose what influence they have if they kicked the wrong rock. Tasha, however, kept herself distanced from their problems. They were here to do a job and complete their own goal amid all of this; she didn't really care what happened in Islexia because of it. Hopefully they could bolster the position of the seemingly only Warlord who gave a shit about the Clouded, but that was already straying into things they had no business being part of as nothing more than a group of hired muscle.

Thankfully, the Gaffneys brought things back on track, getting a nod from the tiger. "That's what we're here for, and that's only what we're here for. If there was any reason for me to doubt Syndra, or anyone else for that matter, all of that was blown away after our encounter with the Underground. Anyone that would've wanted to stab us in the back could've easily done so, and they didn't. So, how about we get to that plan and figure out what our part in it is?" She wanted to just get on with it and not linger any longer than they had to. Islexia wasn't a good place for them to stay, even if they had a chance to steer things in a better direction.

Elisa mentally clocked out as soon as she was done talking. They had even less to do with what was going to happen between the Gaffneys and the Tigers, even if their mission was what they were still doing, but the Evokers shouldn't even show their faces outside if they could help it, and right now, they could. They could simply stay at Eslcas and mind their own business while the others did what they had to... She lazily hugged Tio as she, too, finished saying what she had to, and pulled them a little further back from the limelight. "At least if we just stay here, I get to sleep more... Ugh. I'm gonna vaporize Luthier if I ever see him again." Complaining about Mercuria was unwise with people who didn't know about her around, and was less actionable than against the man she'd already spent much of the last couple days groaning about. Her wife was probably quite tired of it by now, in all honesty.

"Hehehe. Too bad, I quite enjoy your toned body~" The well-endowed lady gave a slow wink and nod to Amera, leaving her be for the moment as she'd requested. Cass and Owen were putting their feet down against their council, as they far too often had to when it came to doing anything honorable in this country, but especially in a matter as volatile as this. The Evokers would surely make for an interesting talk, if they had any specific knowledge on alchemy, but their stated desire to not get involved in matters as well as rather obvious tiredness had her reconsider that plan. Maybe another time, or if they recovered during their visit.

The by far largest member of their own group had stood unflinching in front this whole time, but seemingly having her eye on someone from the arrivals. She didn't see any harm in them speaking with each other, as long as they were quiet about it, and approached the towering hellhound with a sway. "Who's gotten your attention, Ember?~ I'm sure you're just as excited to get to know these people, even if you aren't as much outwardly so as Amera."

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Owen's outburst over the words of his council brought a raised eyebrow to Tio's face. She had expected some pushback, but his words were more similar to words she might have expected coming out of Cassandra's mouth. It seemed like the siblings were more alike than glance might have made apparent. Though, Tio was spent from having to insert herself into the conversation, and with Tasha taking the reins it was best that they actually did make themselves as scarce as was possible. They might have been allies, but this was Islexia, and people were sure to take issue with the two of them being present. With them both still dealing with the fatigue from Mercuria, and Luthier's escapades, they were easier targets than she would have liked. 

Elisa dragged them both towards the back, offering the flip side of the situation, "Yes, and that's what we're going to do... Depending on how long we're here, we might just be able to get back on our feet properly." Tio then scowled as Elisa mentioned Luthier's name--the name of the man who led the attack three days ago, "If you see him, you'll have to hope that I haven't. Ugh... I knew that the Underground was a problem, but to this degree... I still have to send off that letter to Iseria--they'll have to be mentioned at the festival. For now, let's oversee things here, and hopefully that will be that." She watched Iris, still thinking about what she'd spoken to her about, and faintly smiling at her clinging to Ullr's arm. Then her gaze drifted to the quietest elephant in the room, the raven haired man towards the back of the room speaking with Tanya. 

The council fell deadly silent at Owen's outburst, several of their eyes fell to the table below as he laid the truth right at their feet. If they chose not to act, and with the hand they were given, the incursions onto their land would continue until, likely, all of them were put to the sword. The only way left to them was forward, the dark skinned man who had spoken up was the first to find Owen's eyes after he thoroughly silenced them, "Our choices remain limited... My point was not to say that we cannot act, but that we must be careful with how we do. Kazran is an enemy that can be toppled, that much is true, but the Belrose family is effectively in control of all of Islexia; if they were to deem us an enemy, it would not matter if Kazran's head does end up on a spike. It will be fleeting as every warlord, and ruffian from across Islexia will be on our doorstep to put us to the sword. You would need the aid of a military, not just the mercenaries. Aid we cannot find; neither Hecatia nor Glacies would assist us, lest Nicolas declare war. Though, with as much said... Kazran is the enemy that remains in front of us, and if you believe that these mercenaries are the people we need to help us turn the tide, then so be it--your father would have done something similar, I believe, which means that I'll believe in your judgment. As for a plan...

The other council members began to whisper and talk amongst themselves, as the dark skinned man returned to his seat, tenting his hands in front of his face, considering the words he'd spoken. 

Jeremiah turned his focus back towards the commotion in the room. Sure enough, everyone sitting at that table was simply afraid for their own hide; it likely wasn't too much of a stretch to believe that if Kazran or the Belrose were offering a better deal that they would plunge a dagger into the Gaffneys' backs and not look back. Jeremiah simply shook his head at the company that Owen found himself it, but then, as if dared by Jeremiah's near dismissal, Owen re-centered himself in the conversation, silencing his council and reminding them what they were fighting for. As well as his admission that he didn't care about the Belrose's ire, nor for the usual Islexian ire--they would not take well to hearing that someone who worked alongside the 'damned' bested a warlord, even if it was Kazran. It was Jeremiah's turn to raise an eyebrow, "Oh? Has someone in Islexia grown a spine? Interesting... Committed to his goal, no matter what..." A faint smile came across Jeremiah's face. "Well, well... perhaps this was more fruitful than I could have expected..." 

Jeremiah stepped out from the shadows, "If I might interject?" 

The dark skinned man's golden eyes narrowed, "And you are?" 

Jeremiah bowed, "I am a strategist, turned merchant, we have similar professions, you and I, so I was hoping to say a few words that might, sway the conversation. Ah, yes, forgive me--I get swept up in the moment, you see--My name is Leon Basque, it's not a name you've heard often if at all, I am but a traveling merchant nowadays. Yet, from the situation before me... there is something that doesn't quite line up with your fears. It is quite common knowledge that the Belrose control most of Islexia via the union between Nicolas, and Bianca Westermark, effectively giving them control of the most fertile areas of Islexia as well as the largest force. So in light of that... if the Belroses were going to intervene, why haven't they?" Jeremiah put up his finger, and began pacing, before stopping, "I would think the answer is the same as why they wouldn't have acted against you before all of this. I don't believe the Belrose care much about what's occurring up here, at all. I think either outcome is fine with them, either Kazran eats you both alive, and takes control of the corridor, or Kazran dies, and you do. With control of the most used trade route between Hecatia and Islexia, would it not be easy to assume Kazran's place in the hierarchy? I don't think the Belrose are as prepared to use force on this issue as you believe they are. In light of this, I would also suggest acting cautiously, but quickly. The Tigers are still exhausted from their previous engagements, and you'll need time to gather the information you'll need for your strike. Kazran's forces struck nearby not too long ago, I don't believe he'll strike again soon. Perhaps you might agree with me, Lord Owen?" Jeremiah offered the man a smile. 

Perhaps a way to begin bridging the divide is right in front of me... Leaving this to the Tigers alone likely isn't in Lufiria's best interest. No, not even just Lufiria, the clouded and monsters present in Islexia as a whole. I suppose... that perhaps offering my assistance may be the play. Ha... helping an Islexian after twenty-six years ago sounds like a bad joke...

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Of course, the one council that dared to speak spoke true and meaning well, as always. Owen, for a moment, feared his words too incensed, but for what advice he was given, there was an admission that his logic was sound, which eased the lordling's pressure.

Taking a moment to calm down, he leaned against the table, raised by his arms, pondering the following words to assuage his moody council. "You speak true, defeating Kazran does not solve our issues with the other warlords, merely our most immediate struggle, but... I do believe we'll have more bargaining power having Kazran out of the picture." With a pause that seemed to belie if he dared the point further, he steeled his resolve. The leader of the Tigers spoke, and her demand was as sound as they came. "Noted, Natalya. If we--" Before he could speak further, a dark haired man that hanged about the others of the tigers was bold enough to claim his turn to speak, introducing himself as a strategist turned merchant... hanging with the Tigers for his own purposes, perhaps?

"Huh..." What he spoke, however, gave Owen an opportunity to capitalize on the claims he was to make. "You know plenty about Islexia, Sir Basques. I take it you used to work for a warlord?" While there was some convenience, perhaps warranting suspicion, on this man's background, Owen had more to gain by taking the opportunity presented. "What you say does align with a suspicion of mine. While the rest of Islexia may look down on our social stances, Nicholas has not mobilized to end this conflict. It would be trivial to surround us with Kazran, even if it demanded resources. He has every reason to do it, too, ensuring the good graces of Kazran, who would conclude his grip on the sea and trade routes. Of course, that would give Kazran more favor than other warlords would feel comfortable with. He is quite the character." Having gained the second wind, Owen stood upright, regaining confidence. "If we maintain the trade routes and do a better job than Kazran, then they will see the need for suffering us, if we focus on recovery right away. Our expanded land would be able to contend with other warlords' as well --save the Belrose, of course."

It was possible. He wasn't ready to bet on the certainty of his speculation before, but it all came together too nicely to be a coincidence, he was sure of it. "It's true, we have the time to gather information while the Tigers rest. There's always a gap between their attacks. We'll use this time to gather as much information as possible." He cleared his throat, it was quite an array of subjects to address in quick succession, and there was going to be a lot more. "Their raids come far from using their full forces, but the consistent attacks lose them men and resources constantly. We had reason to think Kazran had reason to operate something this demanding of his troops himself. We were right. We determined they travel along the coast, and there are only so many fortifications there that could support such an effort --far from being able to sustain his whole army. Our intelligence confirmed he remains in one such city for a long period of time.We'll use these days to ascertain the route, capture their next assailants, and march back the way they came. We will focus on the siege, but the matter of dealing with Kazran, even with diminished numbers, is daunting." 

Breathing a deep sigh, Owen let the silence reign the room for a moment. "Does that seem sound a plan for the Tigers? What about you, Sir Basques?"

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Tio listened intently to Jeremiah talk, even if she wanted to do anything but listen to things further, but when the man decided to insert himself, she found it odd. Lufiria should have absolutely no reason to even bother assisting Islexia towards anything involving stability, given that, without a second thought, Islexia would march on Lufiria if they so much as breathed wrong. Though, perhaps there was an underlying goal here? Jeremiah was head of intelligence--the information that he had access to, and the ease at which he began playing his part were proof of that--but he was also a single man, with a lot of sway and power. It was wrong to think that his goals completely aligned with that of Lufiria's, which then brought the possibility of seeing a place for monsters and clouded in Islexia brought to fruition. Perhaps there's more of a bleeding heart in there than he leads us to believe... perhaps speaking with Aegean about him will clear things up.

Jeremiah smiled as the young lord took his words in stride, not casting undue suspicion on him--at least not yet. The man was sharp, quickly picking up on Jeremiah's line of thinking, and confidence seemed to build within him. Of all the Warlords he'd seen, Owen was proving to be the most impressive; morally was a contest that he couldn't lose, between the Belrose, Westermark, Serdio, and other, smaller warlords, Owen was the only one who Jeremiah couldn't see being asked to deal with in the future. Yet, he wasn't foolish either--Nicolas was an excellent leader, son of the greatest general Islexia had ever seen, Kazran was captain known for his brutality and valor in combat, not his leadership, and the Westermark were merchants at best, and left much of their affairs to Nicolas--Owen seemed most alike with Nicolas, only lacking the older man's experience. In time, Owen could become a true force within Islexia, and if his morality remained true, perhaps there was the faintest glimmer of hope for Islexia. 

"I would not say that I've worked with many Warlords, only a handful, and often at a distance. Much of my knowledge is through those I know and what I glean myself--a strategist must know how best to handle situations across countries. I admit, I had planned to remain in the background and allow the Tigers to do as they will, but I have to say that I find your conviction admirable. With those Warlords I have interacted with, I have gotten the feeling that most are out for their own power, not the people beneath them. I don't get the same feeling from you, Lord Owen, in fact, you feel more aligned with your people than I would expect from one of your station." Jeremiah lowered his head somewhat, "I have contacts that I'm sure that I can leverage to assist in gathering of information for your assault, though, that's not information that I would like to hand out freely," Jeremiah looked around at the table, "Every merchant much maintain some secrets, yes? If we can speak later, I will figure out how I can further assist. Otherwise, I think your plan is rather sound, however... if I remember some of the specifics of Beacon... there may yet be a better plan. I would need some time to ascertain... but I do believe that Beacon castle is built atop a sea cave, perhaps that might be of some use with planning your attack?" Jeremiah then bowed fully to Owen, "I have said my piece on the matter, and I would hope that you take it into account, Lord Owen." 

The dark skinned man's eyes narrowed, "You... know far too much for a simple merchant. Yet... Not once has Kazran attempted to attack us from the sea..." The man brought a hand to mouth as he thought, eyes darting back and forth almost as if he were flipping through pages in his head. "If the existence of that sea cave is true... That may prove safer and more effective than marching back against Kazran."

Jeremiah stood, and looked at the man, "Remember, I am also a strategist. I will divulge what I can should Lord Owen deem it necessary, but for the moment, I must go and assist planning the Tigers' rest--their arrival in Islexia has been... difficult." 

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