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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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"Hey! You stole my damn idea!" Cass huffed as 'Leon' spoke about the route she wanted to take, shaking her head. "I was just about to bring that up, dammit. Fuckin'... Ugh, anyway, between myself and miss Aegean of the Tigers over there," she pointed the mermaid out, "we've enough ocean faring folks for a night assault through that cave to be successful. We get in, we kill Kazran, we get out. Dunno why the bastard hasn't come for us by sea, but maybe he's afraid I'll jump out of the water and take his head in a single bite." She smiled confidently, jagged teeth on full display, but her eyes fell on their new 'merchant' friend. The details could be hashed out in a more private room between herself, Owen, Natalya... And Jeremiah. Guess you're gonna stick Lufiria's nose into this business after all... That'll be trouble if you're caught. Walk carefully, Mr. Noire. She'd tell Owen after, behind closed doors.

"A naval assault... It doesn't sound like a bad idea in any way, so long as we've adequate means to distract his main forces. If we get swarmed in his keep, that'll be the end of us. I suppose that's where your forces come into play, Lord Gaffney?" Cassandra's plan and Jeremiah's information were sudden, but moderately sound, Versaris nodding along. 'Leon' getting involved could be talked about later. Sari, too, was confused by the sudden foot forward from Jeremiah, but he likely saw some reason for his involvement in the grand scope of things. "If that's all... We're all exhausted. That night with the Underground was a lot on us all, something a few nights rest won't completely recover, especially on the road. Rooms, if you could? We'll split them up accordingly." He could use the rest, definitely.

"If that's all," Alvira had already turned to leave, needing to find somewhere to sort out her thoughts. Kazran was a speed bump. After all of this, I need to get to Lufiria... I need, to get into Lufiria. Somehow. Jeremiah seemed reticent to help, given what they both knew, but he was the only lead she had at the moment. "Hahh..." Alvira could receive room directions from Tasha later. For now, she needed away from all of this.

Iris poked herself out from behind Ullr a little, looking up at him. "So... We're all done here? Does that mean we get to do whatever we want until we're on the road to this Keep?" Iris had many plans. Spend time with Ullr, train with Ullr, find miss tits, ask her about light magic. She wouldn't touch another dark magic tome ever again, no matter what the voice said, no matter what it demanded, threatened or tried to coerce her with. She wouldn't be the monster Jeremiah was afraid of. "You wanna find somewhere to go, Ullr? I was hoping you'd help me with my hands... I'm not good at fist fighting."

"Mrowrrrrr..." Amera whined and stepped out from behind Seila, sighing a little at her associate's jabs. "Well... It looks like everything's done, so... Should we start making friendly? Mm... Okay, now that the time has come for it, I'm getting a bit apprehensive. Ember, Seila, come with me? We should speak with... Uh, the other cat! In the armor. Maybe. Or, uh, uh, the dragon walking away oh no is she upset uhhhh...?" Amera started rambling, almost running in place, tail wagging fiercely behind her. "Mrowwwww, what should I do...?" There were suddenly too many options.

"Sounds like all's well that ends well!" Kise spoke up quite loudly, clasping her hands together, her now five tails swaying rapidly behind her. Her hair had turned from a pure white to a very light pink, a new, much shorter kimono adorned on her, and any sign of damage that Luthier had inflicted on her had disappeared with healing from Renais, Tio, and her own natural tricks. "If any of you lovely Tigers-- and our new friends, hi!" She waved over at the small group that was Amera, Seila and Ember. "If any of you need me, I'll be setting up shop in the castle's center courtyard~ That's right! Your favorite fox's shop is back in business. Bring your gold-- and your life, and we'll work out a deal, konkon~" She struck a pose, making small foxes of her hands, before giggling and rushing out even faster than Alvira, blowing past the dragon.

"Well... That was something." Lucretia sighed, staring at 'Leon', really wondering what his game was. "None of my business now, I spose... Shucks. Really used me and dropped me off, hahhh... Nope, not gonna let it get me down. New group, new friends~ Now... Renais?" Lucretia made her way over to the pink healer, leaning over a little with a big smile. Luckily, her good were covered by her combat gear-- she'd thought to be presentable for such a meeting, but things did still shake some. "Since your fox has walked off, can I steal you? Maybe we can get in some combat training if they've got training grounds around here, eh? I can show you my moves and you can do your best to copy them. Howzzat sound?"

Marigold stepped out of the shadows in front of Kieran's cell, staring at him, arms at her side, just blankly watching him whistle... She let out a sigh to announce her presence, running a hand into her hair. "So, we made it. Like we said we would. You big idiot... And you're safe. So is your family. How's that make you feel? Like an idiot? Like the big idiot you are?" She sniffled a bit, forcing herself not to try, immediately wiping away anything that had been starting. "We did it, so... So, yeah. I dunno. I thought I wanted to gloat, but now that I'm here, I'm just sad. Sad that you went that far. At least we proved you wrong... Have you thought about what you did at all? About people like me? Did you learn a fucking thing, Kieran...?"

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Kieran's whistling came to an end, barely any surprise on his face as he finally heard Marigold's voice, "...I was almost ready to ask what took you so long? How does it make me feel? I don't know, really. Probably about the same as I've felt since the day that all this shit came down on top of me. Don't really know what's left to feel bad about. Marinaded in it for so long as you kind of just get numb to it when you fuck up, and people just come along and prove you wrong." Kieran's face twitched as she sniffled, "Come on. Stop that. I don't get you. One moment you're begging someone to come put an axe between your eyes so it'll all be over, and the next you're over here sniffling over me wanting the same thing. Feels like you should be cheering me on. I'm just another Islexian. Dime a dozen out here, probably more people who don't really care too much about monsters and clouded, and just want to eke out an existence in this wretched place. You could get your kicks with someone else." He waved her hand at her, "Yet, here you are. Why are you sad that I did what I did? Because you thought better of me, or what? I think all the damn time about people like you. Monsters, Clouded, Lufirians, just about the same shit at this point, that's what you're taught here, anyway. They're not human, you're not human, and you sit in that, hear it day in and day out. You can't not think about people like you. That's our whole damn existence. So imagine how it feels to know that's a figment of someone's twisted imagination. You're people, aren't you? Human, clouded, monster, what difference is that supposed to make, but yet that's the whole damn world that I've been given!"

Kieran took a deep breath, and then leaned back up against the wall, "No. I didn't learn anything. I knew the truth. We all do. Every single goddamn Islexian. I didn't learn anything I didn't already know... except for something about you. You ain't really here to die. Why the hell would you care about what I did, or what Owen and Cass are trying to do if you're not going to be there to see it? What's the point of that, huh? Well, I ain't gonna pretend that I know what it's like to not be able to die, but I do know what it's like to have everything taken from me. When you've lost all hope, don't know where to go, what to do, how to take a step forward to what you really want, you choose the option that makes you feel like you have control over your life. Because you sure as hell don't have control over your death anymore. I don't know what you are, and frankly, I don't know why you care so much about a dumbass like me, and I ain't going to tell you that life's worth living. But if you want me to be more honest, tell the truth about what I feel, then I'm going to make you do the same thing. Misery loves company, huh? Tell me I'm wrong, call me a liar, hell, kill me yourself if I'm talking out of my ass. I ain't going nowhere fast." 

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Marigold had expected a lot. Expected him to feel sad, feel regret, something. She hadn't expected his feelings to vomit out like a punch straight to her brain, not only calling out the truth they were all aware of, but calling out how she acted. Always talking about dying, wanting to find someone that could actually kill her, but doing her utmost to make the dreams of others come to fruition. What was the point in trying so hard to see Cass and Owen succeed if she wouldn't see it? "... You don't know what it's like. You don't know... You couldn't possibly know, what it's like, to be dropped out in the Sands. By people you didn't know, for the only thing you could do. Just tossed out like trash... Pass out from the drain, the miasma, you lay there thinking to yourself, that's it! That's your life. Worked for the wrong people in Lufiria, and when they went down, you turned to crime, and went down for the pettiest thievery." She sighed and her gaze sunk to the floor.

"Except I didn't stay down. I woke up. I woke up missing an arm and a leg. Limbs I could still see... That reattached when I shoved them back against the stubs that were left. How could you possibly understand what this is like? I'm not truly living anymore, Kieran. I'm like reality's messed up plaything. Some doll you can put back together after she breaks... I don't feel pain. I don't feel the cold, or the heat, or my bones anymore... I can't imagine the state they're in, because I can't even see inside my wounds! They close up immediately! I'm so fucked up at this point, maybe you're right! Maybe I'm not human anymore!" Now, she was crying. He'd touched on the worst part of her psyche, there was no helping it.

"So, yeah! You're a liar. If I could die tomorrow, I'd give it all up! Cass and Owen will succeed with, or without me... But I won't die tomorrow. I can't die. Not in any permanent way that I know of. Not in any way that won't chance leading to months of suffering. Could throw my head into the ocean and see what happens, I guess! But if I survived even that, then what? Live the rest of my bodyless life floating along the currents? ... If I'm stuck in this half existence, I might as well put it to good use. Might as well put it to people that deserve it. And I did think better of you, dammit!"

She smashed a fist into the cell's bars, huffing and sniffling. "You knew what their endgame was! You knew what would happen if they succeeded! You know what Owen and Cass BOTH want for this damn country! If you really hated us as much as whatever you were raised on said, why would you help them when you KNEW it meant helping us!? I thought better of you! I thought that deep down, you really did care! No matter how often I bothered you, now matter how much I pushed your buttons, you NEVER lashed out, you NEVER fought back, you always kept it at the same level, the same snark, the same disregard... So I thought you were trying. Because you sure as fuck weren't getting worse... So, sorry, I guess. For being a disappointment, and for thinking better of you. I guess I'm the idiot..."

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Finally. Finally after whatever amount of time that they'd been around each other, Kieran got something out of Marigold that was an emotion other than wishing for the end, and uncaring apathy... and well, her sadness over his decisions. It was like a hole cut into her, and everything came spilling out. Emotions that made her seem so much more human than the monster that she was painting herself as. Emotions felt so painfully similar to the ones that came pouring out of him when the Belrose stepped foot into the manse, daring to stand there as if she were on their side. Kieran just sat there, drinking it all in, he had to. He had to understand, that was his punishment for everything he'd done--to know for certain that everything he'd known was wrong. He knew it, had known it, but couldn't accept it because if he did, his life up until that realization was a life of lies, a life that meant nothing. Once Marigold's words finally trailed off, an apology, and then more derision, Kieran simply chuckled, "And I'm saying that you were right to do that. I spat on that trust, and for what? What did I really gain from all of that, huh? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But what did I gain by doing what I knew to be right?" Kieran finally looked Marigold in the eyes again, "I got... hope again. Yeah, I knew what what their endgame was. I know what the want for the country, and no, as much as I try to say it, I didn't hate you. I didn't hate any of you. I told myself I had to believe that. That's what I had to believe if I was going to make it through that night. Luthier staring me down, and I knowing, that if I so much as twitched, that man could have killed me, and the bartender, and then mom. I hate him. That is a person I hate, and he's human, like I am. If I can be honest... I didn't want to tell him anything. I didn't want to help him. I didn't want to betray Cass and Owen. But the only thing I thought I had left was at stake. It was that, or sacrifice everything I worked to protect. So, I had to tell myself that I hated you all, I had to be an Islexian, a real Islexian to do what I did, and when it was all said and done... death was the only thing I really wanted. If the commander had pulled the trigger, I'd have smiled at the end of it."

Kieran looked down at the stone floor, "I said that I didn't know what it was like, but you've also never told me. Everything you say is behind so many levels of irony, that what feels like a cry for help is just another sentence from you. That's why it... kind of hurts to see you so open for once. I know I owe every single person out there an apology, and frankly, I've been searching for the words to even begin that. But I feel like I owe you more than that. Cass is whatever; she'll hate me until the end of my days, and I deserve that. Owen... I expect that he'll just use me until the time comes to cut me loose--I don't deserve better than that, but at least he'll keep himself measure. The Tigers will probably just run me through. You, though? I betrayed that trust, and on top of that, here I am making you cry, for real this time. Somehow, you still find a reason to care about someone who tried to put your kind to the sword. No matter my reasons, that's grounds enough for you to walk through these bars and kill me, but you haven't, and I expect you won't. Maybe you're not human anymore... but you sure still do feel like one, and I think that's enough to continue to have some hope. You managed to change one person already, why not yourself? So... Sorry, Marigold. For betraying your trust; I think it's the only trust I really had, and I burned it. It means..." Kieran sighed, and then shook his head, wiping his own eyes, "Sorry. I haven't found the words to say that yet." 

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"... That's all I wanted to hear." There was no stopping her emotions at this point, but she was smiling, finally. Not to gloat. Something genuine. "That's all..." Marigold had snatched the keys off of the jailer when she'd come in, opening his cell and stepping inside. She didn't pick up her axe or move to swing at him. She walked over and collapsed into hugging him, leaning up against him. "That's all I ever wanted to hear, dammit. Why did you have to make this so hard...? All you ever had to say was that you cared. That you cared and that you were sorry... You fought it every, damn, time... But you finally said it. Thank you. Thank you..." She squeezed him tighter and let out something of a sob, shaking her head.

"Owen will forgive you. Cass will mock you for taking this long. The Tigers might not... but that doesn't matter. What matters now is the actions you take from this point onward, Kieran. What are you going to do once we let you out of this cell?" She leaned back and stared up at him, sniffling again. "What are you going to do, Kieran Pasvel...? ... And for the record. I forgive you." She smirked. That was where she'd gloat.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Continuing his array of firsts, finally Marigold found her smile, except this one was genuine, and while she'd never get him to say it, it was a beautiful smile. While Kieran was dealing with that thought, Marigold opened his cell, and wandered inside to hug him. He didn't have an answer for her question, not an answer he hadn't said before. It was... just the way he thought it had to be. Kieran found himself stunned for what felt like an eternity, before he returned the hug, almost remembering what he was supposed to do with a hug. How long had it really been since he truly hugged someone? The hugs in the midst of sex hardly counted, and he knew that there was little connection there... It had to have been years. 

Then the million gold question, came as Marigold stared up at him, 'What are you going to do once we let you out of this cell?' Kieran paused for a long moment, before sighing, "Dealing with Kazran comes first, but after that... Maybe I go and try to find some answers to my new questions. One thing is for sure, though, won't be turning my back on Cass or Owen again. I'll do what's asked of me, and then figure out where I stand, and how to find the answers to questions I'm interested in... Maybe Glacies." Maybe talking with the Evokers would help, but I can't imagine that either of them are going to want to talk with me... Not after what I did. 

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"Yeah? Heh... Guess we're going to Glacies after all this, then." She flopped back against him, sighing. "Someone's gotta keep you in check, and there's noooooooo way you'd be able to convince Bella to come with you after this stunt. Guess I'll have to take pity on you since I'll be low on work after Kazran's gone..." She chuckled, but squeezed him again, happy to get this much honesty out of the man. It was also the first time in quite a long time she'd gone this deep with feelings outside of anger and frustration... Thanks, Kieran. For this much... Maybe there's hope for the country yet.

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Before Tanya had much time to answer, Jeremiah had already leapt into action, using his words rather than his weapon to help push the council into siding fully with Lord Gaffney. Tanya was surprised at just how fast he worked, but it was more out of a sense of being impressed than anything.

”A strategist now, is it?” Tanya muttered quietly, hoping some of the nosier folk in the room wouldn’t hear. Discussing tactics wasn’t something she found herself all that good with, but she chose to stick around anyways. She could discuss a few things - and maybe get an update on what’s going on back home - after this.

”Well, maybe it would be nice. I’d certainly feel a lot more comfortable with him around a lot longer than this…”

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Stipulations had been set, and while the "council of saving their own asses" were still playing their part, enough of the main movers and shakers were on the same page that talks were ending. Gean raised an eyebrow at "Leon's" entrance into the conversation.  He had to have an angle, though an Islexia more favorable to monsters and clouded might be reason enough. That was a question for later. The plan for Kazran, that was for now, and it looked like Gean would be a star player. "I'm down for a swim to kill a warlord. Here's to a successful mission." Gean approached Lady Cassandra with a hand out. Yes they were here for purely the mission, but they could still be on friendly terms.

Jesse stayed quiet for the meeting here in Eslcas. Her inclusion wasn't really needed, so she mainly just stood over by the Evokers as talks proceeded. A naval assault wasn’t something absolutely best for her, given her horse, but there would surely be other places she could be useful. Scanning the room, the Gaffney’s really did have a whole different space than the typical picture painted of Islexia, a room of this many humans and clouded, one might think they were in Glacies. There were a few eyes that stood out, namely a group on the far corner with a somewhat intense gaze over the group. Couldn't hurt to make introductions.

Jesse walked over to the group, waving as she approached. "Guess we'll all be working together on this mission.  Name's Jesse, I take it you all are working for Lord Owen?"

Edited by Bluemask 96
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So 'Leon' had decided to insert himself into this mess in the end. His reasoning was sound enough, and if Cassandra was already considering the same idea, well it was better to leave the planning to the commander and the people who had more recent knowledge of the area. Syndra was interested in one other thing now that the meeting seemed to be winding down. "So what exactly were you planning to do with Kieran anyway? You said you had him locked up here right? I'd like to speak with him if that's okay. You can relax, I'm not going to kill him." I wouldn't be able to get away with it here even if I wanted to. They had every right to deny Syndra's request, but she was still hoping they might entertain it.

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Nighttime Musings


Gean stepped out of her tent and breathed a heavy sigh. This day was too damn long, and there was still a bunch on her plate. For now, she just wanted to do some light check up before crashing for the night. Most of everyone was ok, or cooling down, and Uncle J said they’d talk later. Gean knew she needed to find Renais and Kise before her night was over, so she wandered the complex under the moonlight. There was one more person also on Gean's list to check in on.

Miria had been deeply serious since the attack, and despite the mission being a full success, the cub was still out of it. As her self appointed big sister, Gean felt it was only right that she have a talk with her. Thinking about it, the two hadn’t had a proper conversation since Liste.  Fortunately for Gean, she only had to follow her nose to find Miria, who had made a little campfire out back to more than likely refuel from her armor use. 

The night was long, and really, it was good people were getting their rest and cooling down. It gave Miria the much needed alone time she needed. She set herself up with a small campfire, with a collage of food, seasonings and tools for cooking. 

Along with her plan to cook, there was a clear, stern eye she gave out into the distance. She didn't want the jump gotten on her again. As much as she wanted to relax, the ambush made her too scared to.

Miria started with a light drizzle of oil onto her pan before setting it on top of the flames. After, she unwrapped a small package she had made, holding a few slices of a salmon she had caught during their trip here. Fish was always easy to get and it made a decent post-meal meal. One day she'd need to get out and hunt for some real meat. It didn't matter at the moment, as she began seasoning her fish, waiting for the pan to heat.

"I figured you'd be somewhere grabbing a snack. You got enough to eat here?" Gean approached slowly, announcing her presence before getting too close. Despite already preparing whatever she had in her pan, Miria's gaze was almost fixed on the perimeter of the compound. She looked more like a tense watchdog than a golden cub tonight, though there was a reason for that. This was their fiercest fight so far, and Miria seemed still in fight mode. It was admirable for her, but Gean couldn't help but feel that she was fighting something. Glimpses of when the Tigers were leaving the complex revealed Miria almost forcing herself to smile.

"Oh," Miria turned over to see the mermaid clouded, and she gave a small smile. "Evening, Gean." She turned back and gave a light laugh as she looked at her food. "It should… be fine. I'm going one at a time just in case I don't need all four. Want one?"

The girl slid herself over, as she moved all the food, giving some space for Gean. She took one of the pieces of salmon, gently laying it on the pan, making a nice sizzle.

The smell of sizzling fish against a pan had been one of the two reasons Kise found herself wandering towards what Miria was cooking. Spotting Gean had been the other, the faintly pink haired fox’s form coming into view against the moonlight, all smiles from her talks with Renais. “Ohhh, my my… Cooking, so late? I figured you’d all be sleeping, but… Here. You. Are~ Say, you wouldn’t have enough for me, would you?” She idly slipped up next to Aegean and wrapped arms around her, nuzzling up onto her cheek. “I missed you~”

"I'm good cub. Frankly, I'm impressed at myself for still being up." Gean sat down and was about to make a joke about Miria pacing herself when it came to food, but they were joined by a lovely third figure. "Well I'm here now, so come get your fill of Gean." The mermaid accepted the embrace with a smile and wrapped a hand around Kise. "I was taking some time to check in on Miria, who I can tell is still fighting with something after our rather eventful day." Gean gave the cook a knowing look and used her other hand to ruffle Miria's hair, her purple and turquoise scales glistening in the firelight and moonlight.

“Well, maybe–” Miria was stopped by the entrance of one fox. The coloring of the woman’s hair was drastically different than before. If only I wasn’t… She turned away and shook her head, returning to the two. “Evening Mikoto~ Of course, I have plenty. I could even get more if we needed, there’s plenty left in the wagon. It’s the least I could–” She paused, turning back to the fire.

“Err, mmmm, sorry I… got in your way during the ambush.” She reached for another piece of salmon, tossing it into the pan. Then, grabbing a tong, flipped over the first piece of fish.

“Eheheheh~” Get her fill of Gean she did, squeezing the mermaid tightly, eyes slowly falling onto Miria. “It’s Kise now. Mikoto is gone~ All Luthier’s fault, but I know everything she did. Which is why I can say, don’t worry about it. Even if you hadn’t, at best, I was stalling him… he was a menace, to be sure. He just had to know light magic, didn’t he? Couldn’t have been anima. I’d have ruined his day if it had been anima~ Or if Mikoto wasn’t so afraid of getting her hands dirty, hah. Silly swords. Either way! The point is, I’m fine now, and everything else is fine too, so, you give me a nice, salted and cooked fish, and we’ll call it even~” Her tails fwished rapidly behind her, watching the salmon cook.

“Ulterior plans for food aside, she is right, cub. We’re all back, and we’re learning from this ordeal. So while I respect your newfound vigilance, you should be eating away at your food, not letting tonight eat away at yourself.” Gean was a little concerned about how nonchalantly Kise talked about Mikoto, but they were the same person, and she was back in Gean’s arms. She would do better herself. They all would do better, and when they next found the underground, Jeremiah wouldn’t be the only person in this family for them to fear. “What’s nagging at you cub?”

“Oh, okay… Kise.” Miria nodded, keeping a note of that. She wasn’t… exactly sure what any of that all meant, but, as far as it seemed, they appeared different beings? Miria went back to her food, the acceptance not really helping her feel better. There was a flip and a sizzle for the second piece, then Miria checking the other with a slight rub across the top of the fish. “Okay, that should do it.” She pulled out a tiny dish, and took the cooked piece of fish off.

The girl was ready to eat, but if the fish made them even, “Here you go, Kise.” She handed the dish over, “One fresh piece of salmon~ If you’re hungry after I can make more~” She tried to put on the happy tone, but… She went back to the other piece she was cooking. Then Gean asked her what she was dealing with.

Miria sighed, “I should be better. I know I can be, cause I feel it, every day. Whether, I try to stop being stupid, or I get a little tougher, or I’m better at some skill, but… I never want someone to get the jump on me again. It made me feel… useless. Okay? There. I was upset, and I still am.” She sighed again, holding her head in her hands.

“Mmmm, you know that’s not fair, Miria… These people were above a lot of you. Above even the Evokers. They got the jump on Tio and Elisa! Comparing yourself to them is not only foolhardy, it’s not fair to yourself. I’m sure you know that, so the hard part will be accepting it. They even got the jump on me~” Kise smiled and idly bit at her fish, watching the girl. She was smart enough to know better than what she was saying– hopefully. “People will get the jump on you again, Miria. The best you can do is have a response ready.”

Gean let out a sigh, Miria’s frustrations were not far off from her own, though the mermaid had come somewhat to terms with these feelings, or shoved them aside for other matters. Miria however didn’t have other problems to concern herself with, or people snuggling her to remind her that they succeeded and it’s ok to grow. “Good. You’re upset, you realized there’s something you can’t do. Use that, plan how to be better for the next time, but don’t fight that feeling. It’s ok to not be all sunshine and smiles, flowers need rain to grow after all.” Gean wasn’t sure what she was saying, but she felt like she needed to say something. Kise was right, Luthier and the underground were far above their league. Even Luci and her vassals were very much above their level, but that just meant the Tigers had a goal now. They just needed to work towards that goal.

Miria watched her fish as she listened. It needed to be perfect. With a grab with her tongs, she pulled the piece from the pan and put it onto a nearby rag so it didn’t sit in the dirt. She only had one dish. She knocked her head a couple of times, just to get her thoughts straight.

They were right… I just need to keep getting better. They were stronger than most of us… She sighed again, “Sorry. I guess I’m just… not used to this feeling.” She lifted the rag carefully, bringing the fish to her mouth and took a bite. It was perfect. “Mmm…” Her attention went back to the other girls. “It’s not that it’s ‘not okay’ to be all smiles, just… I like that. I don’t like, this.” She readjusted herself on the bench.

“But… thank you. I guess, I needed a little something. The most we can do is be better, right? That’s why we’re here.”

"Exactly~ You'll never get better if you die, so best to keep away from these sorts of fights and do your best to improve as much as you can. Truly, it's a miracle that none of you were slain coming to rescue Alvira and I… I suppose that's the Underground's fault for underestimating you all. Or, you were lucky that Jeremiah showed up when he did? One of the two. Or both! Mmmnh…" Kise leaned against Gean and went back to distracting herself with the fish, sinking her teeth into it with ravenous abandon. "Mmmnnn, this is so much better than souls…"

“You’re gonna make a mess like that." Gean sighed softly and wiped Kise cheek, removing some oil that found its place there during the kitsune's assault on the salmon. "Yeah we got lucky, too lucky maybe. We'll all need to push our limits moving forward, if we're gonna make it back to Glacies in one piece." Gean spoke those words out loud, but she wasn't quite confident that she'd be going back to Glacies regardless. With her uncle's arrival, and the most recent movements from Lufiria, a thought had crept in Gean's mind. The thought that her found family and blood family might not ever get along. There was already the relationship between Iris, Aly and Jeremiah, before she could even think about what her aunt or Rosaria. If Gean was gonna get anywhere close to what she wanted, she needed to be better. 

"We'll all get there, so it'll be fine. For now we can focus on this Kazran stuff. The less of Islexia we have to deal with the better."

Miria had chewed through the rest of her fish as the other two spoke. When she finished, she looked at her hands, balling them in and out a bit as she thought. “Hah…” She sighed once more, staring into the fire. It reminded her a bit of herself; the fire she had, both magically and spiritually. She wanted to be stronger, and still did.

“We will be stronger. We gotta be!” She looked intently into Gean’s eyes. “If we were lucky, then we simply have to work so we don’t have to be lucky later.” She nodded, turning back to the fire. “Mmm… All this thinking is making me hungry again.” And she put the pan back on the fire, waiting for it to heat.

“Sorry, again. Just got caught up in all the thoughts I probably shouldn’t have.”

“You’ve nothing to apologize for, Miria,” Kise said, letting Gean clean off her face, the dish cleaned down to the bone already. “Mmh, it was a harrowing experience. Just be happy you’re all still around to learn from it~ And if this Jeremiah fellow is sticking around, I’m sure he’s going to put you all through your paces. Gotta make sure that the people keeping his favorites safe are well armed, right? Hmhmhmhm…” She flopped against Gean and began to relax, ears twitching a bit. “I’ll help if I can… But I might laze around, too~”

"Well if you're hungry again then maybe the cub is back to normal, and it's ok to have those thoughts.  It means you're reflecting, which is the first step to learning. Mission complete. Gean chuckled at Miria’s stomach, before Kise flopped on her. "Hey now, you'll need to get stronger too. We gotta get your tail back at some point." Though Gean wasn’t sure of the finer details on that. Mikoto had explained some things about Voima, but what if Kise could just get another tail through transactions like before? Then again who knows what the Underground would do with that tail either, something they could go further in on later. Gean took her hand and began scratching behind Kise's active ears, she did owe her some. 

"Oh before I forget, thank you for the save near the end there. I kinda froze up for a bit there before and after." To be honest Gean was still processing the different parts of both her Uncle and Kise. They were both still the people she knew at the end of it all, so she'd just have to learn more and more about them as time went on. More things to learn from.

“Maybe I am,” She took the other two pieces of her salmon and placed them into the pan.”And yeah, if your Uncle’s around, I gotta ask him stuff too. I gotta see if he knows anything about… well, my ‘shroud’.” She looked down at her necklace. She still had very little understanding of what it was, and more and more questions continued to stack.

“You guys are good friends. Thanks for your help.” She leaned in lightly onto Gean’s other side as she watched the fire. “I’ll keep doing what I do best, will that be alright Gean? If something happens, I… take a minute, learn from it, and do better.”

“Hah~! I was waiting for you to finally say something about that. Goodness… And here I thought you weren’t going to give me any praise, mikon~” Kise whined just a tad until she was finally pet and thanked for her actions, leaning into Gean even further. “Mmm, I could get stronger, I suppose. Maybe I’ll take a stroll later tonight and do some training… Since I need to sleep less than you lot~” She had a plan in mind for how to get ‘stronger’, and it started with what was left of the Underground. A snack is deserved after all of that, anyway…

“Just stay alive, and you’ll always have a chance to learn, Miria. It’s the most important part of growing like this~”

It was true that an intelligence officer like Uncle Jeremiah might have answers one wouldn’t normally have. Gean had a couple of questions herself for the man when they would have their eventual talk, but that was talk for later. For now, she had become support on both sides thanks to Miria.  "That's all I can ask, cub. Make the most of this mission, the good and the bad." Gean's thank you was also received well, with just a little sass from Kise, before an agreement to her earlier proposition. Gean was curious as to why at night, but she couldn’t argue with the notion about sleep. "Ok… but don't stroll too long, I was looking forward to the three of us cuddling tonight. Consider it me and Love's reward for fighting so hard."

“Jeeze, you two need to keep the pillowtalk at the pillows.” Miria giggled a bit as she sat herself up, giving a flip to the two fish pieces. It was good to see even if Kise was a different person, it didn’t change for Gean or Renais from how it looked. It made Miria happy, if a tiny bit jealous, but she got her smile back, and that’s what mattered.

“Kise, I’ll probably still be up for a bit. If you want some more fish, and my fire’s still up you just gotta ask, okay?” She asked the fox, trying to make sure she was taken care of. “Food after training is always a good idea.”

Endless Night


"... Miria?" Ren walked over to the girl on watch, late into the night, long past the time that she should've been asleep. "You should get some rest. Some real rest... We're okay, now. And if you're still worried, I can keep watch."

Miria was by a campfire, amidst cooking a late night snack. A piece of well-seasoned catfish was just enough for the girl to keep herself up. Just enough energy. She a disturbance. The cub stood to react, but it was only Ren. They were trying to get Miria to go to bed. The girl started with a small shake of her head, sitting back down. "It's fine, Ren, I should've learned to do this long ago anyway. You never know when we can get attacked, and that's exactly what happened. Gotta be vigiliant for everyone else."

"No, I... mm." Ren sat next to her and sighed. "You're plenty aware now that I'm not exactly human. You were right next to me, when that... Happened. I don't really want to get into the details, but, I need far, far less sleep than you. I can go a few days with no sleep, before I really need it to maintain this form. So... Let me take watch. You're human, and that suit of your really taxes you, doesn't it? You need this rest more than most of us."

Miria thought about it as she stared at her cooking food. She flipped the catfish gently, an almost perfect color on top. She sighed too.

She had listened, and admittedly, the thought of taking the night to really rest did sound nice. But how much was her mind willing to listen?

"Ren... That night I felt so, useless. People everywhere were doing what they could to protect themselves and the rest of the Tigers... I got in the way and got Mikoto taken, and the most I could do after that was put myself in front of a magic blast so Sari didn't get killed." She said what she wanted to. Another sigh came out, much bigger than the last one.

"I know this isn't the best answer. But... it's all I can think of. I need to feel like I can contribute to our efforts, and, am not constantly feeling like a liability."

"Are you kidding me? You held that whole side of the compound tonight. For the whole fight... against waves of mounted and well trained killers. You don't think you're doing enough because of one night where a group of assassins got the jump on you?" Ren reached a hand over and began to pet Miria's back, trying to smile.

"You're strong. You're capable. I'm sure if you asked Natalya, she'd tell you, that you aren't letting anyone down... But if you start on this road, you will. They need Miria well rested and at the top of her game. I promise you that."

"I am?" Miria processed what Ren was trying to tell her. She was deep in thought, trying to convince herself everything the little healer was telling her was true. Miria did hold the line during the fight in the compound. If she hadn't been there, there's a chance the group could've been pincered and made their chances much lower...

"Aghh...!" Miria clapped the sides of her head with her hands. "M-Maybe you're right. Sorry, Ren, I'm just... ah! Hold on, you might want to cover your eyes." Miria quickly went into her armor, grabbing the pan holding her fish, and setting it to the side, and then recalling. "Sorry."

Back into focus, "I just... maybe... you know what, I don't know. I'm just, worried, I guess. And I don't like it."

"Whoa...!" Ren shut their eyes as Miria transformed quickly, turning back to herself in a matter of seconds. It was a blinding moment of golden light, leaving things dark again. "Mmm. It's okay. Those feelings are normal. Especially after something so harrowing... So tell you what. You eat, and once you've eaten, you try to sleep... I'll stay here with you and if you have a moment in the middle of the night, some anxiety wake up, you'll wake up to a friend. How's that? Maybe it'll help you rest." Hopefully that was enough to get Miria to try.

Miria sighed again. For being whatever Ren was, despite the whole goop incident, they were made of sterner stuff. They weren't backing down.

"I... hahh... Okay, Ren. I'll try." She nodded to the cleric. "I promise." She pulled out a small knife from her pouch, cutting off a piece of her fish, stabbing into it, and carefully eating it.

"I don't know how many people tell you, or if it's enough, but you're a good friend. Thank you." She gave a smile to Ren, finally.

"Good. Good... I know everyone else would be worried to see you so exhausted in the morning if you hadn't gotten any sleep. And I'm attentive! Promise. I'll keep a sharp eye out~" Ren smiled and made themselves comfortable, getting out a book to read for the moment. "And don't worry about light, either, so you can put out your fire when you're done."

"Yeah..." She'd probably still be tired, but it'd be better than if she was up all night.

"Hey Ren..." She was gonna ask first, but, "Sorry." the cub couldn't help herself, immediately reaching over and pulling the cleric into a hug. This was something oh so desperately needed at that moment to keep Miria from crying.

"Oh! Mm... Yeah, this is fine." Ren sighed... They didn't like lying to people, and after today, even if they hated talking about it... Miria seemed like someone they could trust. Just like Celine. "Miria. Look here, okay?" They held a hand up, the color of their skin slowly changing to that pink from before when they'd... fallen apart. "I'm... A slime. This form is, the form of an old friend, that I was asked to carry on. I hope that's not... Too scary? Or alarming or anything... I don't want to lie, I just... People seem pretty afraid of monsters in this... Around, here."

After they let go, Miria watched intently, "Mhm?" And then Ren's hand turned pink, like during the fight, they explaining themselves as a slime. Miria tilted her head for a moment, taking in that information.

"Well, I think that's cool, being a slime and all. People are unique, nothing wrong with that. And I think you having the form of your friend is sweet. There's nothing to be scared of about that, Ren." She pet Ren's shoulder, her smile growing a little bigger. "Doesn't make you my less my friend."

"... Mmm..." Ren sighed. "It's... If you say so... but the truth is, I... I ate..." Ren shivered a bit, shrinking. "I ate, that friend. It's... I'm not, going to go back to those memories. I can't go back to when it happened. It's too frightening... But they were, dying, and they asked me to... So that we'd always be together. Mmm..." Ren sighed, staring at the fire. "If you think we can still be friends after hearing that, then... Then, alright."

"Um, well..." Miria pondered a moment, a finger to her chin. She did stop petting the slime, though.

"I mean, they asked. Sure, it's... a little freaky, but I think you did far more good than bad. You were helping a friend. And you're both together now." Miria moved a little closer, pulling Ren into a hug again.

"We can totally still be friends. Thank you Ren, for sharing that with me. That has to be hard on you."

"... Thank you." Ren leaned a little bit onto Miria's shoulder, sniffling some. "I'm sorry, I derailed this. Made it about me... but, it's not. It's about you. And the sleep you should be getting, so do your best to get some, okay?" You can even lean on me, if you like. I'll be right here." Ren smiled as strongly as they could, hugging Miria back.

"Of course. And it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong." Her petting adjusted to Ren's hair, being gentle. "You're very soft." Miria said, trying to help the cleric stave off some tears.

"And of course. Whenever you're done, I'll finish eating and I'll try to sleep. Okay?"

"Heh, soft. I'm just... Ren. Mmm... Okay. You take your time. I'll be right here... And we'll both be okay, Miria."

Miria watched as people went along their ways, dispersing. She looked around, giving a sigh. Even if she was coerced into going to bed, she was still pretty tired from being up so late. She scratched her head, Well, there's the trio there. It wouldn't hurt to say hello and get acquainted with their new companions. The cub took a deep breath, "Come on, it's fine doofus." She went over to the trio, a little sheepishly. Going immediately into hyper mode may scare away one of them.

"Hello." She started with a warm smile and a small bow. "My name's Miria. It'll... be a pleasure working with y'all~"

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The Underground, Above Ground (Beacon Keep, Islexia)[Jun 12th, 1218 PAF]


The waves beat gently onto the shore, a truly gorgeous coastline ran behind an old and tattered castle. The cliffs looming imperiously over the shimmering waters, and on one of those cliffs rested Beacon Keep. Named for such due to the tall southern tower that in times long past served as a lighthouse for sailors in the Northern Boundary. Though, a single glance at the famous tower would inform that the tower hadn’t been lit in years. The city below looked much like that at Eslcas with similar stone roads, and buildings, if more developed. Yet, unlike the Gaffney controlled city, people hardly roamed the streets. There were more soldiers and guards roaming the streets, and the occasional inhabitant–always human–walked with fear in their gait, hurrying from one place to another, and hoped that they made it back to their dwellings without trouble. Life had slowly changed as things escalated between Kazran, the Warlord over these lands and many more, and the Gaffneys, small mewling children who happened to control the most prosperous trade route in Islexia thanks to the efforts of their father. 

What was once a beacon of hope for sailors, and villagers alike was now a reminder of the man they all sat beneath. Though, it was not to say that many disagreed with Kazran, and his goal to wipe out the Gaffneys; while few of the villagers cared for the politics–the control over the trade route affected their lives little–the Gaffneys were also known to consort with monsters and half-bloods. While Kazran may have been a cruel, and lascivious man, he would always be preferred to anyone who could align themselves with those responsible for the suffering of thousands of years ago, and then the Islexian Collapse. It was possible to consider the Gaffneys as traitors to the country–even if it couldn’t be proven, surely there had to be traitors within the leadership for the Lufirians to have turned the tide so swiftly. So their hatred for the potential traitors outweighed their disdain for the man lording over them. 

Inside the dimly lit castle, a tall, brown haired man with a long scar over his face, through his eye, and across his mouth all the way to the opposite cheek. Though, the eye remained bright as it glared at the man below him and his throne. At his side was a fair skinned blonde haired woman, dressed in a manner to highlight her feminine figure. There were others in the room, guards, entertainment, his many prizes, but his eyes, and what was sure to be his anger did not leave the man in front of him. “...Where is my shipment? You promised me it would be here by now.” 

The man stood tall, but it was clear that he was moments away from shattering, “...I was informed to tell you that… the compound was attacked five days ago. The shipment isn’t… coming. From what I was told… They fell afoul of an unusually strong mercenary group. The Reaper told me to–” 

“You lost what was owed to me?” The man stepped down from his perch approaching the man, his other scars, and bulk becoming more clear as he stepped closer, not quite towering over the messenger but he might as well have. “We had a deal. You give me what I want, and I give the Underground their pathway into Islexia, so that you could begin strengthening your attempt to get into Lufiria. I am one push away from meeting my end of the bargain, and you can’t even achieve your end? Where is that damn Reaper? Where is that damn coward? Hiding behind you, and his paltry light shows?” 

The messenger shrunk back, “The Reaper wished for me to give you a message pertaining to this failure! He didn’t come personally as there were pressing things to attend to, things that will further our joint goals. He wanted me to warn you… about the Gaffneys. They… They’ve enlisted the aid of the same mercenaries that attacked our compound… which means that they have what was stolen from us.” 

Kazran stopped, and glared at the man, “...The whelps did? You’re telling me that the damn monster lovers found people crazy enough to help them? Hah. Let me guess. You’re just going to have me clean up your damn fuck ups, and call it all square, huh?” Kazran grabbed the man by his neck, “You know, I’m damn good at cleaning up rats. Wanna find out how good? Because I think I’ve got one right in front of me. Warn me? About the Gaffneys, and these mercenaries? I don’t give a shit about what the Gaffneys do. In about a week’s time, I’m going to own the corridor, and there is jackshit that any child is going to do about it.” Kazran threw the man to the floor, “Be happy that I’m in talks with Nicolas, otherwise, I’d kill you and just take the corridor for myself. Fuck if I know why he wants you guys to have a bigger hand in Islexia, but as long as I get mine, what do I care?” 

Kazran raised his head and shouted, “Sylmaria! Enter. Now, I have things for you to do.” If the Gaffneys were going to try to marshall their own forces, they would just have to show them how outmatched they really were. 

Always at attention; this was her life. Betrayed by her parents, betrayed by her friends, her town, her country– and most damning of all, herself. The reminder of her betrayal flicked rapidly behind her as Kazran's voice rang out, demanding her presence. She turned, sword in hand, heading into his hall with her eyes cast to the floor. She didn't dare look at him, or anyone else present, no matter how much they scoffed, sneered or acted disgusted by her presence. No, she didn't dare because she was what Islexia was raised to despise. A monster, through and through. Horns she couldn't pull out, scales she couldn't completely shave off, a whiplike tail attached to her spine, nails that were just close enough to claws, frighteningly pale skin, nearly glowing red eyes… And all the magic she could muster to go with it.

"I am ever ready, my Lord." She didn't deserve to say his name, kneeling behind the Underground's envoy, not approaching further. "Tell me what needs to be done and I shall do it without hesitation." This was repentance. This was what she deserved. At the least, having been betrayed by her birth and her life, at the least, she could give back to the country that had spurned her faith in some small way.

Kazran looked at Sylmaria in all of her… being. One of the damned to be sure, but she was one of the few who understood her damnation. She was steeped in it, and the truth–that beings such as herself should be obliterated. More importantly, she was effective, much more than the normal ones, so her lineage was to be overlooked–she’d make herself suffer more than he ever could. 

He grinned and looked at the underground messenger, “See? This is someone who can get the job done, and knows what matters. Maybe you should take a page from her book?” He scoffed, and focused his eyes on Sylmaria, “Go find Giovanna, and bring her here. It sounds as if there are things to discuss, and I want to know how things are progressing for our upcoming attack. Tell Giovanna not to waste time, I know she can move that ass of hers quickly, so make it quick. Go.” Kazran waved her off, and turned back to the woman at the throne, “Now then, what do you think we should do with him?” 

"At once, Lord." She spared a glance to the woman at his side and at the Underground envoy, but held her tongue lest it be cut out. She picked herself up, bowed, and began to walk off, hand on her sword, tail swaying uncontrollably, as usual. She truly hated that part of her, but it had proven both too difficult and too painful to attempt to remove. Shockingly durable, as if made purely of scales, despite its wirelike nature, and when cuts were attempted, the pain that shot up her spine was immense. As gruesome as this tail was, it wasn't leaving her.

She made her way towards where Giovanna would normally rest when off duty, towards the southern tower, overlooking the sea. She didn't quite know what Gio saw in the endless blue, but it was one of her favorite places in the keep. Sure enough, she was there. "Giovanna. The Lord requests your presence. He wishes for an update on how our attack plans are proceeding… Don't lag behind. You know how he gets when he's upset, and this envoy from the Underground is causing him plenty of stress…" Gio was… the only friend that hadn't abandoned Sylmaria. The one person that, despite her damned form, still claimed friendship and threw away her own life to be there. Thus… Sylmaria spared her a moment's concern, before turning to leave and hoping she would follow.

For Giovanna, while they were stationed there at the Keep, the hallways near the deprecated lighthouse tower were the most preferable spots to spend her idle time for a reason: The chances of crossing paths with Kazran were minimal. This was both valuable in keeping her feelings in check from the coercive nature of her service, and to simply stop the man from making her opinion somehow drop further. It wasn’t as if the Keep had many amenities to hold her interest long, and the town was much too far away to be an option –she knew making the man waste time searching for her resulted in irate yelling and punishments. The sea, for a mercy, offered the fantasy of a much wider world than the confines of the Keep. If only she could grab her first and dearest friend and leave… Giovanna knew there’d be repercussions towards her family, but every new week, learning of Sylmaria’s latest attempt on her own body, always took a toll…

Giovanna contrasted the unkempt hallways quite notably, a slim albino woman in a contrasting, black uniform, with light plate in ebony protecting her upper body – a proper, well kept look that belied her rank as higher than it actually was. A bit of wishful thinking as well as a personal ambition to stand out, at the cost of a significant cut of her gains in upkeep. When Sylmaria reached out and spoke up, Giovanna was hardly aware of her presence, jumping on the spot. “Wh–Sy, Syl. …Right, about time, really.” Giovanna held her breath for a quick moment to catch her words, and shook her head, now turned to Sylmaria. She tried, to dubious effect, to hide how she zoned out. “I guess he finally wants to move on with that idea, huh… Hm, when this is over, I was thinking– h-hey, wait for me!” Seeing Sylmaria waste no time on her way back to Kazran’s room, Giovanna picked up her pace, at least to follow side by side. Sylmaria was never the most approachable, but her descent into negativity over the years certainly made breaching topics harder. Eyeing her friend, Giovanna could spot new cuts and scratches along her friend’s scales, as well as on the surrounding skin. She looked away. It had reached the point of discomfort to argue with Syl against it. “...Do you want me to get some food from the city, later?”

Giovanna was odd. Despite how everyone else treated her, she really did maintain that friendly outward feeling towards her. She even argued when Syl tried to scrape further evidence of her appearance away, but it didn't make any sense. The woman was meant to hate her like everyone else did. Her kindness only made her self loathing stronger– Someone like this wasn't meant to be here, wasting away, appreciating a monster. "It's fine. Don't trouble yourself with favors for me… if you want to get food for yourself, then go and do it." She picked up the pace, both not wanting to keep Kazran waiting another moment nor wanting to get stuck in another of Giovanna's conversations. They clawed at her spirit in a way no physical punishment ever could.

“Ah, well… It can’t hurt, you know. I’m already thinking about going there myself, so why not get something you like? Make something out of another boring day, and all that…” It was a tried angle to convince Syl with, but Giovanna never failed in trying regardless. Still, with Syl’s quickening pace, Giovanna focused on keeping up and talking less. It was clear Sylmaria wanted to escape the conversation, as she often did as of late. It was… best not to think of it too hard, she decided.

Thankfully, it was a trivial amount to join the main room, where Kazran laid wait alongside his guests. “I’m here!” In contrast to Sylmaria, Giovanna had a notable dislike for addressing Kazran with any manner of title or honorifics, skirting the need to refer to his person when she could. “I was briefed by Sylmaria.” For the smallest theatrics, she held a brief salute. “Are we planning to shift to a full assault soon, then? We uh, do have more resources now, since the cut on raiding groups.” Honestly, strategizing for something of this scale was far beyond what Giovanna was used to. Plenty of money and men were spent on harassing Eslcas and stunting its growth, sure, but an attack on a fortified location was always an uphill battle, from what books on war and strategy taught her. Internally, Giovanna would always be anxious for a siege, save with crushing forces.

"So determined…" Syl still didn't answer Gio's request, it was frustrating in a way she couldn't put to words. As they returned to Kazran's chambers, while Giovanna saluted, Sylmaria knelt down on one knee, hanging her head again. "My Lord." She didn't need to say anything further, nor explain that her job was done; it was all evident. If she wasn't spoken to again, in a moment, she would leave the main hall and return to her post outside it. She didn't deserve to be here for long.

The pair walked back into a red stain adorning the eastern wall, a mangle of limbs and what used to be a body rested somewhere in the same direction. “Worthless.” Giovanna and Sylmaria returned, “About damned time. Think you’d move faster shaped like that, but nothing makes damn sense around here…” Kazran ascended back up to his throne, and sat himself down, “It sounds like we are.” He tilted his head towards the stain, “Buddy boy over there mentioned that my shipment was stolen by a bunch of mercs, and said mercs may be getting involved with our friends over in Eslcas. I ain’t afraid of no mercs, but the fact that the Gaffney brats think that they can pull anything over on us annoys the shit out of me. How long would it take to marshall everyone so that we can crush them? I know we were already doing that, but I want them to know just how fucked they are.” 

She spared a glance towards the bloodstain that had previously been the envoy. As he deserved. However… some part of her brain always disliked it when Kazran referred to Gio in such a way. She was the only good here, the only part left pure and untouched by what he did and wanted. Even if she was odd, she didn't deserve his words in such a way. She didn't dare speak out, but her tail had other ideas, the whiplike appendage snapping against the carpet after his comment. She snatched it instantly, breath catching in her throat. Hopefully he wrote it off; he didn't quite care for her, typically, so perhaps…

“...Hm.” At this point, Giovanna was no stranger to Kazran’s penchant for sadism –not that it was something she ever got used to, rather a matter of being prepared enough to push it to the back of her mind. His crass comments coupled with that were a bit more, and she bit her inner cheek to hold back any comment. Expressing discomfort or more would only serve as further ammunition, thanks to the disparity in their positions. “Mercs, you say. And they stopped your shipments?” Giovanna never wanted to dig too deep into it, knowing the other warlords wouldn’t bat an eye, but she understood well that Kazran was negotiating with the Underground, and for such a secretive organization to be caught by a mercenary group? That now offered their services to Eslcas? That wasn’t good. That sounded more like a foreign power intervening via an expy, or maybe she was reading too many books…

“The last raiding group should be arriving tomorrow, well after dusk. It should take the night and morning to redress them.” If anybody took severe damage, then they’d have no choice but to leave them at the Keep, with how impatient Kazran was sounding. “Taking the rest of the week to outfit the rest of our armies resting here in the Keep and outposted near the city, as well as waiting for the other forces to join us… we can march a full force either by dusk, four days from now, or early morning, five days from now. I can give the order to stop preparing raids and get ready to move.” She was a bit apprehensive on which option Kazran would prefer. “Dusk might get the jump on them depending on when we arrive, but it will be harder to mobilize our army properly, and they’ll likely have poor rest by the time we arrive.” It was no secret which option she preferred.

Kazran grinned as both women reacted to his words, Sylmaria’s tail was always interesting–it only ever seemed to do that whenever he was referring to Giovanna, and Giovanna… well, she had to keep herself under wraps. She knew the difference in their station, and what he could do to what she was protecting. That grin eventually melted off of his face, “...Yeah, seems like whoever did this was good enough that the Reaper was warning us.” Kazran shrugged, “Bitch always was just that. So reliant on his light shows, but he’s survived this long so he has some idea. Then the neutral look turned into a scowl, “Four days at the earliest?” The man scoffed, “Unbelievable. The fuck do we pay any of these layabouts for? Rrgh…” Kazran pondered a moment, before raising his hand, “Four days then. You can send the idiots that complain to scout. Hmm… maybe keeping the messenger alive would have been helpful, but it didn’t sound like he knew anything about our new friends. New plan. Have some of our men go and scout now, anything about our new friends, and I wanna know about it. Take Sylmaria with you, if you gotta, just make it happen. As much as I don’t wanna do the underground’s dirty work, the fact remains that these do-gooders have what’s mine, and that’s a problem.” Kazran hopped off of his throne, and walked down to the two of them, pointing at them both, “You fix problems. You’re good at that. So figure it out, and we keep in each other’s good graces. If not, well, you know.” 

"At once, my Lord." Her tail hadn't gotten her in trouble– this time. She stood and still spared him no glance, bowing and then turning to leave, the offending whip still grasped rightly in her hand. Maybe the pain of getting rid of it would be worth it in the long run… But she couldn't right now. For the moment, she had work to do. Scout these people that got in the way of Kazran, and see to reporting everything they could about them. More fools for the slaughter. This man cannot be tamed. If they have to learn that the hard way, so be it.

“Ah…” Giovanna was distraught. Dusk it was, and Kazran wanted herself on the scouting team, no less. “R-right, well, four days.” That’d demoralize the troops, but what was new… they’d better truly be a crushing size compared to Eslcas’ resistance. And now she’d have to plan to go personally with a scout team, having to account for their fatigue and logistics as well. Hooray! It was exceedingly frustrating that she couldn’t snap back at Kazran about how stupid his plans were.

“I’ll, go see about that. I’ll have to leave someone here to round up the troops, easier to meet the main forces halfway when they’re marching towards Eslcas.” Holding back a sigh –gods forbid if Kazran found any issue with that–, she spared a glance to the woman sitting at the opposite end of the room, then turned her gaze back to Kazran himself. “Well… by your leave, then.” His parting threat more of the same, Giovanna didn’t even spare a nod as she turned back, wanting out so she could spend the next hours planning for (and panicking about) the scouting team.

Sylmaria and Giovanna both understood the stakes, and readily agreed. “Good. If it helps, you can leave the slugs here to me. The kids in Eslcas have had enough of a reprieve from me, so when you march, I’ll be coming too.” The man grinned, he was never a leader, he was a killer, and a good one at that. People followed him because of his ability to fight, not his ability to plan–Giovanna, and the others were here for that. All he wanted was to sit atop the bodies; he was someone who deserved to be here, and deserved all that he had. Few deserved more than he did. 

Giovanna turned to leave, and Kazran could only smile as she did. Watched longer than he probably should have, as there was a clearing of the throat from the woman next to him. “Yes. Sorry. What do you think of all of that?” 

The woman looked over at Kazran with a tired glance, “I think you give them too much autonomy. The monster especially. If she so much as got an idea in her head, she wouldn’t have much trouble carving a path back to you. And if your eyes are going to be plastered to Giovanna’s–” 

“Relax, Cereza. You’re the only one really in my heart. If you asked me to throw her out–like you did with your sister–you know I’d do it in a heartbeat. Don’t worry about Sylmaria. She’s more Islexian than most; she’d kill more of her own kind before even attempting to come back at us, and even if she did… I just cleave her in two, don’t I? What’s survived a swing from my axe? Not a damn thing, and it sure ain’t going to start with a demon like her.” Kazran, sat back down on his throne and then chuckled, “It don’t really matter anyway, by this time next week, we’ll be in control of the whole coastline, and the trade route. Gives us more ground to stand on against the Belrose… Nicolas might be the son of the old man, but he’s not the old man, and nor is he more deserving of Islexia. By the time we’re done, this whole country’s going to be mine, and then, maybe we’ll do what Nicolas should have already. Stop beating around the bush and crush the Lufirians; purge the monsters and clouded while we’re at it.” 

“Stop bringing her up. Every time I think I’m going to be able to forget that you fucked her, you remind me. She’s gone, dead and buried, and as far as I’m concerned, she’s not my sister. She’s a stain, less significant than that one.” She pointed at the stain on the wall, and then her face turned up, “Well, our goals are almost complete–at least the first step. Overcoming the Belrose family will be a much longer process. Though, you happen to have a mindless devotion to your goals… a rabid beast, one who won’t be controlled… Maybe we can do this together.” She giggled, and caressed the man’s face. 

“No doubt. We’ll just have to get things in order… Which means, I’m going to have to get in contact with the Reaper. Maybe he’ll grace us with some support since this thing is his damn fault…”


Curious... I've never said it was Beacon Keep, but this man was already aware. Owen listened to Basques' comment with deep interest. "Heh..." Seeing his own sister's protest at Basques' idea was a needed bit of levity, of which Owen restrained from enjoying overmuch. "Yes, we intend to bring the fight before their walls. There's enough berth between the city and the Keep for us to keep them ocuppied. For what it is worth, our numbers should be enough to hold them off --and we will be bringing some siege. It'd be foolish of them to ignore us." With that claim, Owen looked once more to his council. "That should be all for today. We will reconvene a couple days before the march to ascertain the usual, as well as any final matters of the plan. If there are any objections, speak now, or let the meeting be adjourned." Repeating the last sentence as more a ritual to these meeting, Owen gave one last, passing glance to his council.

Before anything further on the matter, he was accosted by one last request, from Syndra Belrose of all people. "Hm?" It was not lost on the lordling the irony of having a Belrose on his meeting, asking favors of him. Owen meant what he said about trusting her as part of the Tigers, but it was still... surreal to talk for her in any continuous capacity. "I intend to rehabilitate him in due time. Though, do not expect him to bear any kind of responsibility close to what he had anytime soon. He still needs to show his loyalty and develop strength of character to handle such sensitive matters again." He stood upright, almost studying Syndra with his gaze. "I will accompany you. Is that acceptable?" He had much in his mind about the Belrose, and here was an opportunity to talk beyond prying eyes.

And offer Kieran some words as well, perhaps.

"Haah... yeah, it's over." Üllr wasn't any more comfortable, finally thankful that talks seemed to end. "We can go, yeah. I think it worked, we just get ready to go and fight Kazran now." That's as much as he gathered, and hey, as long as he was right.

Üllr kept his arm around Iris until he asked her request. "Learning fist fighting? Yeah. I can help, I know some..." Realizing that it was something he could help with did increase Üllr's interest. "Learned from grandpa. Just need to find a good place in town."

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Fortunately, no objection from the council came, for the moment, it seemed as if they were all--at least tentatively--in agreement with what they aimed to do. Though, the dark-skinned merchant kept his eyes on Jeremiah; he was far too informed for him to just a merchant or even a strategist. The ocean cave under Beacon Castle wasn't the most well known feature of the famous castle as it was only visible from the sea itself--even Islexians who lived under its tower didn't quite know of the existence of the cavern. Moreover there was the rather intimate knowledge the man had of politics here; at best he was scarily well informed, at worst, the man could be related to Kazran and leading them into a trap. A watchful eye was going to be necessary for him... if not the entire group of the Tigers. Yet, he couldn't deny that the group certainly looked as effective as they were touted, especially if the Evokers of Glacies were also singing their praises. 

Though, their presence here was troubling, and not just because of what the Belrose might do if they caught wind of what was happening. The Evokers were the most powerful mages in the alliance, and every country without exception regarded them with some level of respect. He'd heard enough times that the presence of the Evokers was more than enough reason for Islexia to maintain their hostile, but not aggressive stance to Glacies, despite their greater military presence. They were known for traveling, and dealing with magically based incidents, and surveying ruins for magical artifacts amongst other things, but the fact that they were traveling with escort meant that something pressing required their involvement. Given how powerful the pair were said to be, that alone was cause for concern. I wonder... does it have anything to do with that commotion to the south east of here? The man sighed, no answer was going to come to him, and they certainly weren't going to inform him of their reasons for being present. "My Lord Owen, before you head off, perhaps it would be best to assign someone to guide our guests to their rooms? They do appear rather spent." 

Jeremiah walked back over to the group after he finished his work, perhaps a risky endeavor, but taking this chance was one he felt was worth it. His disdain for Islexia remained, and he expected it would for the rest of his life--but he needed to make sure that he didn't fall into the same line of thinking as Queen Hilda, or the same line of thinking that had him almost condemn all of the creations. He grimaced, that conversation had gone poorly, and looking back on it, while he felt his stance was reasonable, how he went about expressing that stance was indefensible. Like it or not, Alriana and Iris were not responsible for anything that happened all those years ago, or at least, not that he could prove. He didn't feel regret over those he had to kill that day, only for the fact that it got that far, and that should have been enough to apologize to Iris for the death of the man she considered her father. A mistake was something that you had to accept, but it was always something that could be addressed, and so it would. 

"Well, that's that for now... I'll go and speak with Owen, and his cadre later... and deal with what comes of that as it does." Jeremiah looked over at Alriana, dead silent she'd been since arriving. She definitely understood the nature of these conversations. A faint smile came across his face before resting back into the shadows for the moment. The talk with the Evokers still had yet to come, but he imagined that it would be a time before that happened.

Nita sighed as things seemed to end amiably, the tense nature of such conversations made her antsy--perhaps that's why she'd been pacing almost the whole time--but that finally seemed to come to an end. Kandalar was his usual self though, concise and to the point, her uncle usually had Owen's best interests in mind so it was interesting that he seemed drawn to Leon. He wasn't with the group before hand, only showing up when they returned from the Underground compound. For now, Nita stepped up as Kalandar called for someone to escort those who needed rest to their rooms, "I can do that." Nita did want to go and see Kieran alongside the Belrose--she had been the trigger for his shift. While things had calmed down now, it was more than likely that Kieran wouldn't take well to Syndra, but if Owen was with her, her presence would be superfluous. 

Tio sighed, finally it seemed like things were over, even if it had been a fairly short meeting. Getting to their room, and being able to formally relax, maybe even get a wash sounded amazing. Elisa had been getting better, but they were both at about the same level now thanks to burning the candle at both ends back during the attack. Anything on her agenda could wait for some rest. 

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Owen answered Syndra's inquiry about Kieran, and had agreed to her request, if he came along with her. Well it's not as if she was going to say no to that. Syndra expected someone to monitor her, although it being Owen himself was a slight surprise to her. "Your castle, your rules Lord Owen. If there's nothing else- actually give me a quick second." Syndra quickly went over to Nyxied. "I'm going with Owen real quick, but I'll be back soon enough. I have something I want to give you later." She gave her a kiss on the cheek and then returned to where Owen was. "Alright, let's be off then."

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Nyx hadn’t had much time to react to Syndra suddenly wanting to slip off with Owen. Much as she trusted the lad, it was still a bit dangerous to go down to the dungeons alone with someone who had every right to hate her. “Y’sure y’don’ want me wit’ ye? I mean…” Nyx trailed off with a sigh, instead just putting a hand on Syndra’s shoulder.

“Aye, aye. M’nae sure where m’gonna go, but ‘m’sure ye’ll find me after.” And then, Nyx slipped out of the room, weaving her way through the castle, making her way towards the city streets. Hm… Well, she wasn’t exactly tempted now, so maybe she could slip into some bars, get a feel for the gossip of the land. Might be good for their definitely now tactician to get some intel, right?

She could figure out the fine details later. This castle felt huge, and Nyx still needed to navigate.

Graham grunted as Owen and this… ‘Leon’ fellow wove their web. He wasn’t much for this sort of thing, which is why he stepped back and allowed his liege to work his magic. But now he was back in full bodyguard mode, and stood behind Owen as he decided to pay Kieran a visit… with the Belrose.

”I’ll be accompanying the two of you, then.” Graham said rather gruffly, tone brooking no room for debate. He hoped this Belrose would be co-operative… he could feel it get colder near her. Bah, ice magic. Graham never was good at handling that sort of thing. “You’ll forgive me for being prudent, Miss Belrose. Though you have Lord Owen’s trust for the time being, I am still loathe to leave him alone with a Belrose, especially in the dungeons.”

Tanya’s eyes bounced back and forth between Aly and Jeremiah as the latter looked over, and her tail swished almost out of curiosity. Huh, what was that all about? She might need to ask Jeremiah about that later… on top of the other things she needed to ask Jeremiah about still.

Hm. Or, rather than burden him more… maybe she should talk to Sari. Tanya figured it would be at least something of a good idea; maybe as a member of Intelligence, he’d maybe have an idea of what was going on with her Papa. It was a long shot, but… then again, maybe she just wanted to chat with the guy.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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Cassandra was quite happy to see Gean agree to her plans right away, taking her hand shake and pulling her closer, linking arms in a tight grip for a moment. "Nice to finally have another aquatic Clouded around here, Aegean. If you're happy about the plan, then I'll be happier to show you to the piers. You can see the ships we have available, help me choose the best one for a night time assault, and get a feel for the waters here. Plenty warm given the time of year, so a good swim wouldn't be a bad idea!" She finally let go of the woman's arm and chuckled a bit, nodding to her own plans. "Come on, then. We've gotta go through the dungeons to get to them, so maybe we can sneer at Kieran on the way through."

"Alright, 'Leon'," Sari started, stepping up to Jeremiah's side, "what was that all about?" He was being quiet about it and not showing all of his emotion on his face, but his quiet tone spoke volumes on how confused he was. "There's helping us, and there's getting directly involved in Islexian business. If you're found out-- and you probably already are, given Marigold knows who you are and reports to Cassandra and Owen-- and this information reaches the Belrose family, you get how fucked that makes things, right? A high ranking Lufirian noble," he hushed his voice even quieter as he spoke those words, "helping an Islexian Warlord in their own business is grounds for so much. What, is the game plan? And if you need to tell me elsewhere, by all means, but you must tell me. This is the spark to a great fire you're playing with..."

Alvira was almost out of the room when Nita offered herself up to show people to rooms. Alvira paused and turned back to wave at her, motioning for her to come closer. "I'll take you up on that offer, then, Nita... As much as I made a show of leaving quickly, I wouldn't want to take someone else's room on accident. If you can show me to one of the empty guest rooms so that I may pray, that would be greatly appreciated." Alvira knew it was fruitless... Or did she? With Mercuria's grasp weakened on her some, maybe these would eventually get through. Alvira had a much stronger sense of self, now. Would that matter? Maybe... Maybe not. No telling until I try... But I'm no longer some girl wandering, trying to make it work for my siblings. I'm nobility. I have responsibilities, to my country, my family name, and the Tigers. I must see it all through... I'll pray my soul out to you, Fomalhaut. Please answer my call.

"Really!? You will!?" Iris ran a full circle around Ullr before grabbing his paw and trying to drag him again! "Okay! That's great... I saw a bunch of empty space near the castle gates, maybe we can train out there!? I don't wanna go all the way into town and get in someone's way... Especially when I don't know how good I'll be at this, wehhhhh... S-So let's avoid that, okay? Is that fine?" She couldn't exactly move him, just holding onto his paw and leaning back. "Either way... I'll put my all into this. It's warm and I'm... I'm full of tough emotions and feelings, but I wanna improve. No more dark magic. Ever..."

"Excuse me..." Miredy slid up behind Syndra, child swaddled in her arms, glancing between both her and lord Owen. "If you both don't mind, might I come along with you? ... Call it a personal wish, but I want to see how the woman that calls herself Belrose carries herself in these sorts of situations... I only know about your family because of what I was put through, so... Actions, yes? They're stronger than words. I'd like to see how you handle talks with this Kieran fellow... Who, to my understanding, has also put some of the Tigers through harsh troubles~" Miredy smiled gently, no malice in her words, despite the subject matter, gently squeezing Jane closer. "Don't mind this little one. I'm just keeping her safe until we find her mother."


Edited by Nanami Touko
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It was starting to get a little crowded near Syndra. The bodyguard chiming in and wanting to follow Owen was expected, but the snake-like woman sliding up to her caught her off-guard. She also wanted to judge for herself what Syndra was going to do when she met with Kieran again. "You were in that dank with Alvira and Kise as well correct? Sorry for not getting your name back then, things had begun unfolding rather quickly by the time we had finished with the Underground. Of course you can come with me, it's not as if I have a good reason for refusing you." Syndra then turned back towards Owen's bodyguard. "Nor you either, although I'm a little disappointed you'd think I'm that stupid as to try and do something to your lord in his own castle." Syndra then stretched her arms over her head and asked: "Well unless anyone else wants to join in, shall we be going?"

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Graham grunted, though he had to stifle himself to avoid letting out a yelp when he saw the… snake woman, holding the child. He’d never seen anything - anyone, he corrected, since she was still a person - like her before, and it was… well, fascinating would be a word for it. Horrifying in implication would be another. The fascination won out, but he’d definitely need to ask her about it later.

“I do not think so little of you, Belrose, to think you enough of an idiot to attack Lord Owen in his own castle.” Graham told Syndra, flatly, though he was a tad annoyed that she had even considered the notion. It may have been a bit rude of him to say, though, so he bit his tongue. “However, as his sworn protector, I will leave no room for error, in the event that you are so foolish.” He leaned in a bit closer, glad for his larger frame so he could loom over Syndra easily. “Do not betray that trust.”

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The plan had more or less been set, Renais was happy the group had such strong leadership at the spearhead. They more or less had some time to kill before the advance on the keep was a go. She eyed Kise as she made her declaration to reopen her shop, it seemed like she was set to regather what she lost. "Good luck, Kise." She gave her girlfriend a brief smile before she pondered on what to do next. I have some people I need to see. Jerimiah, Tio, maybe Alvira...mm I hope they can find time for me. Maybe I should talk with Gean too, we've been through a lot. There was a lot to to, but before she could continue down her plans she heard a familiar voice. A certain fellow pinkette leaned toward her. Even covered up, she was still a sight for sore eyes. "Aaah, Lucy." She did her best to maintain eye contact. "Steal me for combat training? Don't tell me this is more confidence training too." She giggled a bit. "But no, I'd be happy to. I'll have to break away a little later though, I have some things on my mind that need to be tended to." Oh, that might have sounded a bit lewd...oh whatever. Another thing to work on.

Fresh Fox


At long last, the Tigers had returned to the compound. It was quite a daunting night, but Renais still had a lot on her mind. For now she chose to tackle the biggest problem right now: Kise. So she took her fox by her hand and led her out into the foyer; by this point most traces of the battle were cleaned. “...finally, some peace.” She took a sigh as she turned to Kise. “Once I get to my clothes I’ll return this kimono to you…actually, it may need a wash too. I’ll be sure to have it cleaned then.” She looked down at the outfit. “I just have a lot I want to ask you, and I’m sure you have a lot you want to tell me, Miko-mm…Kise.” That’ll take time to get used to…

“I’d be happy to have a bath as well… I’ve got a lot of blood I need to wipe off. Mostly mine. But, that’s for later~ If you’ve got questions…” Kise tugged her hands away from Renais, snapped her fingers, and the large wolf she’d had around at times jumped over the compound’s roof and rushed behind her, the fox idly leaning into him and using him as a seat. “There you are, Akai~ Good boy… I guess my magic’s starting to come back, properly. Curious device, that was… Probably best to have the Evokers look at it. Anyway! If you’ve got questions, ask away. I’d be happy to answer anything for you.” Kise reached a hand up and stroked under Akai’s chin, the wolf relaxing and slowly laying down, providing a proper bed of fur for Kise to rest against.

Renais had wondered where Akai went, but realized that he was born of her magic. “It seemed like it was a suppressor, I don’t recall reading anything like that back at the academy. But I’m glad you’re regaining your magic back.” She stepped up and brushed her hand against Akai’s fur. “I’m glad to see you again, Akai.” She gave a small smile, at least he seemed about the same. “So, you said Mikoto is gone and you’re the one hiding in her. Was she always meant to be your mask? Is this truly the real you?”

“Wow, I’m hurt… It almost sounds like you don’t believe me. Hahhh… Oh, Renais~” She chided the cleric almost mockingly, still smiling, giggling a bit. “Mikoto was someone I wore when I was too weak to do what needed to be done to gain everything that I have, today. But, now that I have it, I’ve no reason to wear her anymore~ I’d been planning on waiting until she was done getting all nine tails, but… Circumstances are circumstances, and I’m out early. Only three to go– I plan on lopping that thief’s hand off and taking my sixth tail back. But, all that aside… Really… You’re not, disappointed…Are you?” She pouted some, about to pull out the crocodile tears.

Despite her shift in personality, Renais could tell she was still the playful fox she made herself out to be. Maybe it wasn’t a total shift. “Ah well…” She looked aside for a moment as she took everything in. “Mikoto did tell me you existed, I just wasn’t sure what exactly she meant by that. I kind of have a hidden personality myself, so I thought it was similar to that. It seems like I was wrong.” She looked back. “I’m not sure I told you this, but when Mikoto reassured me I felt more confident in myself. I started to fall for her. Since you’re technically…different, I thought it was important to get to know the real you.” Her heart beat a little, but she did her best to ignore it for now.

“But we’re the same person…” Kise looked genuinely hurt, staring at Renais with a certain level of surprise. “... Aegean wasn’t disappointed…” She sighed, leaning further into Akai. “Okay… Then get to know me. Ask whatever you want. I have all of Mikoto’s memories. I am her. I went through everything she did, so it’s not like you have to redo secrets or tell me things like I wouldn’t know them… Ever since the first time ‘I’ snatched you up on Akai and ran off. I know everything, Renais… So what has you hesitant? Or confused? Tell me.”

“Ah…” Renais looked her in the eye, a little surprised herself. “It seems like I have it wrong again, you aren’t different people.” She stepped up. “I’m sorry, Kise. When we rescued you I was so relieved to have you back, but before we left for the compound you gave me a look that Mikoto never gave me after we spoke with Jeremiah. It was almost like you glared at me…” She put a hand over her arm. “It didn’t scare me, but it did have me concerned.”

"Oh, that's all? Well, of course I did! You told me to behave when I hadn't done anything wrong. If I'm not out of line, reprimands are just rude…" The fox huffed, folding her arms, still pouting. "I'm only supposed to be a bad girl when I've done something bad, so don't tell me I'm out of line otherwise…"

Kise had a very different view on the matter compared to Renais, the pinkette noted how in the right she believed herself to be. “Is that so?” She lowered her hand, and just gave a silent nod. “Then I apologize, Kise. Really, I’m sorry.” She decided to drop it. “I just don’t want to lose people I love, Kise. I’ve been dedicated to my duty to the Tigers, but all this time I’ve still been worried about Liza. Losing you to the underground had shaken me, to the point when Luthier told me you had died I…I nearly lost it.” She shook her head. “But I fought hard for you, I wanted to see you again. I’m so glad it wasn’t true.”

"That parasite could never have killed me~ He couldn't even get me to talk, gosh, he was so boring… But I'm glad that's all cleared up~ Now, you really hammered in about getting to know 'me', but you haven't asked me a single real question about 'Kise'. I 'am' Mikoto, in a sense; we have all the same memories and knowledge, but I'd say I'm a lot more playful than that old merchant~ So if you're worried or confused or just plain curious… Best to get it out now, so you don't step on my tails later. Right?"

Renais seemed… on edge. Is this just because of the Underground? Gosh, you'd think she's really that wary of me… She did know Mikoto was a beast, right? I always have been. We're not Clouded, we're Monsters… But I was probably too soft on her as Mikoto, mmm… Maybe someone like Kisara can fill her in on the memo that even if I look it, I'm not quite human~ Kise simply continued to smile, patting Akai next to her. "You can sit down, by the way… All that standing is going to tire you out after a night like this. I don't bite~"

While Renais was still a little worried, Kise’s words eventually eased her into the situation. Maybe…I’m overthinking this. She seems about the same, and it has been a long night… “...it’s been a long night admittedly.” She took a long sigh and stepped up to take the offered seat next to Akai. “Running around, healing everyone, keeping out of danger…talking to Luthier. What a slimeball…” She took another sigh and leaned against Kise’s shoulder. “I’m really sorry, Kise. I tend to overthink things a lot, ask Tio and Elisa. They know I’m in my head too much. I just want some peace and quiet for a little while.”

After a short moment to recollect herself (and get comfortable) she turned her head back to Kise. “So you say you remember everything, you saw everything, but you’re more playful than Mikoto. Does that mean you still accept me? Mikoto said she was fine with my…habit. But what about you?” She referred to her “birdwatching” of course.

Kise quickly got comfortable, squirming closer to Renais, an arm around her, fingers gently petting the cleric's hair. "That's better… It was quite the night for you, yes. But you did wonderfully~ Managed to save me without much trouble and as far as I could see, no one from the Tigers died! What an exemplar of a healer you are, Renais~" The fox swooned into a nuzzle, squeezing closer to Renais for a moment. "Keep at it and you'll rival Tio, one day…" The Evokers were a long off and lofty goal, but Renais had talent, and was now getting the experience she needed to melt with that talent.

"Mmmm? Ohh, yes… Your insatiable need to ogle other women. I suppose I don't mind… As long as you always keep myself and Aegean closest in your heart, there's  no problem. However…" She leaned ever so closer, a claw tugging gently at her clothes, revealing her cleavage ever so much. "Surely you can't get better than this~ And these aren't even off limits…"

The warmth of the fox helped Renais be at ease, the strife she felt hours ago had melted away in the softness. “Mm…you’re too kind, Kise. Thank you…” She let off a satisfied hum. “I will be an Evoker one day, one step at a time.” She snuggled back a little. Then came her answer, which was about the same as Mikoto’s…and when she showed off some of her bounty the pinkette was quick to stare. “Ah!” She blushed at the sight of them. “Mm, you do have two wonderful points-err I mean!” She looked the fox in the eye. “You really know me too well, Kise. I guess this is proof that I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

Renais was happy her fox companion remained mostly the same, though she still had one question on her mind. “That being said, before I lose myself entirely, I think I should address the most important thing on my mind. How do you feel about…Lufirians? You told me you don’t hate the people, do you still stand by that?”

"Maybe. Are you worried because you're Lufirian? Or are you worried that I'll run off to set the place ablaze? Why would I do that?" Kise pulled Renais into a proper hug, her softness pressing into the cleric, still all smiles. "I'm happy. I have two absolutely wonderful women in my life. Only a fool would leave your side for centuries old grudges… That said, I do still plan on getting all nine tails." They fwooshed behind her, making themselves known. "I'm already so close, and more power means I can better protect you, so I don't see any issues. Does that help? I'd much rather be living my best life next to you than throwing this all away for a grudge that won't change anything…"

When Kise pulled her into a deeper embrace, Renais was quick to hug her back. Partially on impulse, but when she said she was happy it was enough for Renais to put her all behind the hug. “Kise…thank you. That makes me happy.” She smiled, and her blush came back ten times stronger when she took in all of the fox’s softness. “I’m glad you haven’t changed much, and I want to get stronger too so I can help keep you safe as well.” She looked at her tails as they flexed out. “And truth be told I am curious to see what you’d look like with all of your tails, I wonder if they’ll get softer…” She did enjoy cuddling with her tails. 

“I’ve never been to Lufiria, I’ve always considered myself a normal girl…kind of. Though hearing I may have a family there makes me want to learn about myself. That being said, even if I never meet them, I’m glad I have my family here. Even more so when we see Liza.”

"Here's hoping this Liza isn't upset with myself or Gean, then~ But if they're anything like you, I'm sure they're plenty reasonable." Mmmm… I wonder if I'm just not making it obvious… That and my plans to go and eat later. Well, what she doesn't know won't hurt her, and they were all scum, anyway~ Better that their bodies go towards something good.

Kise squeezed Renais tight, nuzzling into her some, sighing with content at the situation. "If they got any softer, I'm sure you'll be the first to know~ As for you getting stronger, you already have. You just need to learn how to fling that magic around in combat instead of healing~"

“Liza’s really great, I think you’d like her and I hope she likes you too.” The pinkette cuddled a bit more with a hum. “Yeah, I feel more confident in myself. When we fought the underground I wasn’t scared, I think I’m over my nerves. I just need to study more and put it to practice. Maybe I’ll ask Jeremiah and his pink haired companion for help there.”

“You’re so brave, Renais… So brave~ I’m sure Jeremiah and that flouncy bouncy would be happy to help you if you asked them nicely. Still, you’ve done so much on your own, so don’t ever discredit yourself– I know you aren’t, but I’m catching that before it ever shows up~ Anyone would have to be brave to face off against these people without a proper weapon in their hands… So keep it up, Renais. I’ve full faith in you~”

The praise was nice, very nice. Renais couldn’t stop smiling. “...mm, thank you Kise.” She made herself comfortable. “I won’t disappoint you or anyone else. Though I am feeling tired…I think I’ll rest here for a minute before we head back to sleep.” A bed would be nice, and Gean with them in it would be nicer, but she enjoyed what she had in the moment.


Pink Meeting


The Tigers had made a camp during their trek to Esclas to rest, Renais had taken the moment to try to track down another pink haired healer. She had heard some whispers and caught small glances at her, she was quite curious about the woman. Someone who traveled alongside Jeremiah must be skilled, and she’s a healer too…there’s a lot I can learn from her I’m sure. Renais assumed she may have been his wife, but she wasn’t sure. Either way the pinkette looked around the camp for the other cleric.

“Hahhhhh~” Lucretia let out a long whine of a sigh, finally taking off her combat gear. The girls were free, and she was comfortable, adjusting her corset, fixing her harness, tugging on her shorts a little, and finally, finally relaxing. Traveling with Jeremiah hadn’t been very relaxing. He was a skilled guy, but it had been just the two of them. If a group had come across them, there was the chance she could’ve been jumped or used as leverage against the superior fighter. So, she always had to keep an eye out during camping and rest, leaving her unable to fully get some proper sleep in… But now! A whole group of mercenaries! She could trust that someone else would have an eye open and an ear out… Speaking of someone… 

“You lost, cherry blossom?” She smirked over at Renais, the girl seeming like a chicken with its head cut off, wandering around the camp without aim. “You’re Renais, right? Heard you talking with Jeremiah back at the fort… And you’re the main healer for this group of Tigers. I can tell you’re strong, plenty of magic in you, but… Who’re you looking for? You lose track of your pretty fox?” She smirked, leaning back a little and staring up at Renais, Lucretia sitting and not bothering to get up at the moment. The legs needed their rest; she wasn’t a spry teen anymore.

“Hm?” She heard another female voice and turned toward it, her target was in sight…oh my was she ever. “O-oh…” Renais had been taken back by the other pinkette’s attire, she felt overdressed in her usual white dress and boots. “Good day, ma’am. Yes that’s right, I believe your name was Lucretia?” She turned to the older woman and nodded her head. “It’s very nice to meet you, and yes I am the main healer…though the measure of my strength is a little subjective in my opinion. I’m certain you’re much stronger.” 

She made sure to keep eye contact, Lucretia was incredibly distracting. “No, Kise is elsewhere. I had plenty of time with her for the moment. Actually, I was looking for you. I believe you traveled with Jeremiah for some time, I’m sure you must be a skilled healer to be kept in his company.” She gave a small smile. “So I wondered if we could talk for a little while, I like learning from others after all.”

"Learn? From me?" Lucretia gawked at Renais a little, shaking her head with something of a smile as she recovered from her surprise. "Look, I might be stronger than you, physically, but I'm sure you can feel it. I don't actually have a lot of magic in me. Now…" She picked herself up, kicking her staff, the implement spinning up, finally getting caught by her, as she then slammed down the butt of it. "If you were looking for help on how to fight, by all means, enquire. I wasn't kept around because I knew how to fix a wound better than anyone, but because I know my way around a battlefield and wouldn't be dead weight. You didn't look out of place in the fort alongside your friends, so maybe you fit in too… Unless there's something else worrying you?" She couldn't quite get a read on Renais beyond the obvious, trying to watch her face for anything other than the struggle to maintain eye contact.

"I don't mind talking either way, so go ahead and talk~ As long as you can handle me, that is. Feel like your eyes are gonna escape your head any moment; they're on a mission of their own~"

Ugh, I hate my darting eyes… She made a bit of a sour face, but did her best to readjust back to a neutral one. “Ah, sorry sorry. I suppose you’re right. I don’t sense too much magic within you. I’m afraid I’m very easily distracted, so I couldn’t read your magic readily. It’s a weakness of mine.” She sighed. “I have sharp senses too, but they mean nothing when I can’t focus. Thank you for saying I fit in though, I must be doing something right.” 

The pinkette eyed the other cleric’s staff, rather surprised that she considered it a weapon. “I have to say I never imagined using a staff as a weapon would be effective, though I’m afraid I don’t have the muscle to really take advantage of your fighting style. Still, I was curious about your experience on the field. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of danger in your life.”

"You've got that right. I did travel all the way to Islexia by myself. Came here aaaaall the way from Mura on foot. Only ran into Jeremiah because I finally bit off more than I could chew, eheh… All's well that ends well~ As for my experience on the field, yeah, sure. I've seen my fair share of battles. Rowdy knights, bandits, drunkards that couldn't keep their hands to themselves… Throw in trained assassins now." She tossed her staff between her hands, fairly adept with it, finally spinning it and pushing the crystal atop it close to Renais' face.

"The staff itself is a reinforced, carved wood and metal, with whatever healing I need affixed to the top. The holding cage for the crystal," she pulled it back to her reach, putting a hand on the cage and popping it right off, "is easily removable so I don't get it damaged in any fighting. Would hate to jab at someone with this and smash a whole heal staff's worth of charges!" She chuckled a bit, but made no show of whether she'd personally experienced that or not. "If you've got specific questions about fighting as a healer, or just wanna shoot the breeze, then shoot~ I've seen enough to talk your ear off."

The story Lucretia told had impressed Renais. “From Mura all the way here? Amazing…you’re very well traveled.” She tilted her head back a little as the crystal of the staff was presented. She was about to ask to touch it but she pulled the staff back and popped off the crystal. “Oooh!” She looked a little starstruck from the demonstration. “I was taught how to disassemble and reassemble specific staves, but you seem so experienced you did it in no time flat.” Though on reflection that may have just been how her staves worked. “Truth be told, I like talking with you so far, miss Lucretia. You radiate confidence and reliability, I admire that.” She smiled. “I just hope I can do the same for others, the last thing I want is to be considered useless. I hate that.”

"Call me Lucy," she began, hand on her chin, slowly looking Renais over. "Well… Confidence starts from inside. You've got the body to be plenty confident, but you seem to lack the spirit, so let's try one small thing first. Follow after me! Posture is very important." Lucretia slouched to get out of it, then, "first thing, chest out!" She leaned back and straightened out her spine, "and head held high!" She raised her head up to stare straight forward, flashing Renais a cheesy smile and a peace sign. 

"Always put your best self forward, body and all. That's the first step to confidence! The next step is realizing how much you matter to those around you and how much you're actually contributing. And the first part, starts with realizing hooowwwww much you matter to yourself. It doesn't matter how much folks like you if you can't love yourself first! So once again, repeat after me. I love myself! I'm doing great! I can do anything I put my mind to~!" Definitely cheesy, and Lucretia began to giggle a bit after, but self confidence was entirely reliant on the self; it couldn't be won through the admiration of others.

“Ok, Lucy it is. You can call me Renais, or Rene, that's what Gean calls me.” She had a tiny blush across her cheeks when she complimented her body, and that tiny blush only got bigger as Lucretia did a special exercise. “E-eh?” She wanted to protest, but she just couldn’t bring herself to say no to Lucy, not after her demonstration anyway. 

“Ooh ok…correcting my posture then.” She was hesitant, but she followed her lead and leaned back to straighten herself out. Renais was no stranger to exercise, but she realized just how stiff she was. She made a mental note to do more physical activity later. She lifted her head up and did her best to keep her eyes locked to Lucy’s, when she saw the peace sign and cheesy smile she hesitated again. Oh my…but I can’t back down now. So she returned the gesture with a thumbs up and a half grin that almost seemed forced. “Aaah ha ha…ha…” I hope no one is watching us…

Lucy went forward with a speech about appreciating yourself, which got a response out of the pinkette. “How much I matter to myself? I guess that’s a good point…” When it came time for Renais to repeat after her she let out a small gasp. “R-really? Well…I guess I made it this far so…” She took a breath and called out. “I love myself…I’m doing great. I can do anything I put my mind to…argh.” She stopped for a moment, a little frustrated at how difficult that was. “Mm, damn. Let me do that again.” She took another breath and puffed her chest out, she wanted to do this with feeling. “I LOVE myself! I’m doing GREAT! I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to!” She took a moment to let that all sink in, she felt embarrassed but as Lucy giggled she also found herself laughing a little. “Ahaha mm…I hope I wasn’t too loud, oh dear.”

Lucretia gawked as Renais belted out the affirmations, unable to stop herself from laughing, "pffthahhaha! See! That's great, khhhahahaha!" It was far too cute to see her do that and then shrink back to her worries, but she gave her a thumbs up anyway. "That's the right attitude! Even if it feels silly, it's important. You have to love yourself! And you are doing great. Everyone came back safe, right? Can't imagine you weren't healing your buns off to help. You're plenty a necessity, so hold that head high and walk with pride~" 

It would take more than one pep talk, or course, but the ground work mattered plenty. As long as she can maintain some of these feelings, she'll be alright… "Now, if you wanna keep chattin', how about you sit down and I'll tell you all about how I had to pretend to be Jeremiah's wife to get us out of hot water with the Knights of Hecatia." She plopped down and patted the ground next to her, a mischievous grin on her face.

Renais had slowly let herself down from her high point, she still felt embarrassed but when she saw the other girl give her a thumbs up she couldn’t help but let out one more small giggle. “They did, yeah. I can’t ask for anything more.” Maybe I should stop being so critical of myself. People like Luthier can do their best to break me down, but at the end of the day I’m still here. I can make a difference… “Thank you, Lucy. I feel better.” She was about to excuse herself, but when Lucretia offered to tell a story about being Jeremiah’s fake wife she realized that wasn’t a story she could pass up. “That sounds like a story alright.” She took a seat next to her. “Maybe when we get some time we could go shopping together? I could use a new outfit or two.”

“Yeah? You wanna shop? Sure~ But I don’t think I can help you with it much, we’re a bit, y’know.” She pointed at her own chest, then Renais’, snickering. “Now, let’s see… Right, Jeremiah stuck his nose into business with that all too serious gaze he gives every problem, and one of the knights got just, SO nosy… So I run out of the inn I was getting rooms in all, ‘Jerryyyyyy~’, grab onto his arm– I swear, that man could weather a hurricane without blinking…” She began getting into it, assuming it was fine to share, given the group’s knowledge of the sword already, and besides. Jeremiah deserved a bit of embarrassing story telling for how pent up he’d made her…

Renais laughed a little. “Aaah, it’s a chore looking for a good fit sometimes.” The school uniform she used to wear did a lot to hide her figure, but she knew she was very mature. “I wonder if I should show myself off more, maybe Gean and Kise would appreciate that.” She thought out loud before she went forward with her story. “Oh dear, I can’t imagine the look on his face. He seems so serious, but I’ll bet someone as fine as you could turn his expression quick.” Another laugh escaped her. “I’ll try not to bring it up to him…at least too much. I still have to thank him for giving me a reason to stay with the group.”


Edited by TheRoon
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Jeremiah looked over as Versaris walked over, asking what any sensible person who knew of his station would be asking him. "It would certainly be best to not be speaking of things in earshot of Owen's council, but, I am more than aware of what I'm doing, Versaris. The fact that I'm standing in the court of a Warlord at all is already risk enough. Though, you are mistaken. I will not be getting directly involved; if the man can't achieve his goals with the Tigers' assistance, then he's not fit for Islexia, but in the event that he does succeed... That would be the best for stability. A place were clouded and monsters can be safe--as much as being in Islexia can be said to be safe for them--is worth an incredible amount. When I took my position, my oath was not solely to Lufiria, but to the good of the world. Kazran is not someone who can be trusted, should he win here, a purge would happen almost overnight. While Lufiria would be content to let Islexian fight Islexian, I am not Lufiria--this conflict has only one good outcome, and if I can weigh the scales, it is my duty to assist in the capacity I can. The game plan is something I'll have to speak to you elsewhere about; there will be time to do so, but there are other things that I should also act on. So I should set about doing those for now, you can come along if you'd like." His eyes scanned the room looking for the the rosy hair of his companion--he hadn't much time to speak with her since encountering the tigers, and he needed to be clear of where she would head from here. 

He found her towards the back of the room now that things were starting to move; Aegean and Cassandra seemed to have come to an accord of their own, as had Iris and her wolf companion, those could wait for the moment. Though as he approached, it turned out there were two heads of pink in accordance--a little ironic that the pair had reminded him of his wife, and daughter respectively, "There you are, Lucy. Apologies for not being as candid as I had been prior to our encounter with the Tigers, bu it was my job to make sure that they made it here." He smiled at the buxom cleric, "Have you been doing alright since?" He then looked over at Renais, "Apologies for butting in on your conversation, Miss Silvavolke." 

"Oh!" Nita looked up as it appeared that Alvira, the dragon woman who had spoken up right at the start, was interested in being taken to one of the rooms. Nita came closer with a smile, "Of course, of course... It looks like you won't be the only one either," Nita pointed as both Elisa and Tio slowly wandered over. "Lady Evokers," Nita bowed her head quickly. She looked around, seeing if anyone else was interested, but it appeared that it was just this group for the moment, or would react as they started to move. "Alright, we'll be heading out for now, if there are others, they'll follow..." Nita gestured for the group to follow, though, something Alvira had said was piquing the woman's interest, "So... you need one of the guest rooms to pray, Miss Alvira? If it's not so bold, might I ask what you're praying to? Back in Mura, there were some tribes, and elders who prayed to spirits, and other beings, thanking them for the life they had been given... is that something the same as you are to do?" 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Lady Cassandra's grip was stronger than Gean expected, but she held her ground as the Gaffney explained their plans for the day. "I'm fine with that plan, though from the sound of things we're not the only ones heading through the dungeon. I'll never say no to a good swim however, this summer heat has been my biggest enemy so far." Gean chuckled at that comment, no need to explain why. It seemed that most of the group was splitting off at this point, with only a few stragglers her and there. Curiously, Aly was by herself and not with Sari or Iris, who were both leaving in their own pairs. "Aly, do you want to come? You like the water too right?"

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Seila sighed, smiling a little as Amera whined for a moment, then promptly went back to her usual energetic self. "Mm? All that energy, and you're getting nervous now? Come now, Amera..." As the cat rattled off a couple options, tail left to its own devices, she half-shrugged at Ember; before she could respond with a choice, though, a couple of new faces approached, and she Amera's arm a soft tug to get her back on track.

"Look, Amera, lucky you. Now you won't have to choose." She turned to face the two introducing themselves, dipping her head in greeting, her hat following after a moment. "A pleasure to meet you, Jesse, Miria. I am Seila; and yes, we are in the lord's employ currently. I'll let the rest speak for themselves." 

Laniva, for her part, had stood by quietly during the talks; it was a practice that was becoming quite familiar to her, though not unpleasant. After all - from the start, she had been rather content to go along with things, follow Tasha's orders... be an ordinary mercenary, really. Things had become quite extraordinary in retrospect, though; and not just in matters of their mission. So many different places, and so many different people; and at the near forefront of her mind recently was Syta, who she'd been standing next to during the talks. She gave her hand a shy squeeze. "Not too bored by all the talking, are you, Syta? Come on, it looks like we have some free time... do you want to do something?" Laniva glanced around the room briefly, as people set about various whims.

"I think that cat Clouded over there was looking at me earlier..." Her voice took on the slightest teasing lilt. "...Want to go meet her?"

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"Syndra is a good person," Miredy spoke up, nodding, towards this taller fellow guarding Owen. "She was with the group that saved me from the Underground, and with how hectic all that fighting sounded, if she'd intended to make good on her Belrose name, betraying them would've been easy in the heat of it all... I'm not asking to go along to question her nature; that's evident enough, I just... Am curious, how she deals with betrayal, I suppose. I get the gist of what this Kieran fellow has done. And now, what will you do to him? Words, or actions? Both weigh heavy in this situation... I would see which you choose~" Miredy smiled as always, looking to Owen. "Shall we?"

Versaris pinched the bridge of his nose. Jeremiah was playing a most dangerous game, he knew it, and he was determined to keep playing it. Of course... But he didn't get to where he is by resting on his laurels and watching plays move past him. A hand there, a foot in the door here, a small action... Anything can change the tide of fate with the right players involving themselves. Very well. "Forget I worried, then. I just... It's a tense period, for all of us. We can speak further behind closed doors... Now, what did you... Lucretia? Renais? What about them?" Jeremiah was already walking over, Versaris following with little better to do in the moment. "This almost feels like the old days..."

"What, you need more confidence after all that? Don't tell me it wore off already, hah~" She was sure Renais was joking, leaning back up and casting a quick glance to Versaris and Jeremiah, already deep in something important, it seemed. Very curious... Oh well! Later information~ "If I'm keeping you, don't be afraid to tell me no, but if you're sure it can wait until later, I think there was some space near the gates for things like footwork... I just gotta teach you two very specific things, one especially that might save your life." She winked and headed off towards the room's exit, waving for Renais to follow. "And bring your staff--

Now information, it seemed. Jeremiah was greeting her, along with his understudy, Lucy giving him a wink that made Versaris flinch ever so slightly.

"Taken," he quickly pointed out, adjusting his collar a touch.

"Boo, master and student, both hitched~ This world's running out of eligible guys, I tell ya. And, don't get me wrong, women are plenty pretty, but... I've got a standard; I've gotta stick to it~ Mmmm, so. I can't imagine you two walked over to dangle the forbidden fruit in my face. I've been doin' just fine. What can I do for ya~?"

The Alvira from Glacies would've turned the cold shoulder to Nita, but now... "I... Am praying to one of those spirits, yes. I doubt His name is familiar with you, but... Fomalhaut. The brightest shining star in the night sky... There's no true organized religion surrounding him, but if you're a fire dragon, you've heard or read his name. He's... Our warmth. Our flame. What keeps burning inside all of us... What keeps us warm in the coldest winters and keeps us comforted, even in the dead heat of the summers. Mmm..." She didn't want to delve into the details; Mercuria, the sword, her speaking with Fomalhaut. She was smiling, though. "I pray every night, but I haven't had a moment to sit down and properly, set up a ritual circle. Something more sincere... So, if you have a quiet room away from everything that I can use to pray, to setup as a guest room, even if it's away from the rest of the Tigers, I would appreciate it greatly."

"And I'm Amera!" The cat clouded nearly burst forth from Seila's side, taking Jesse's hand and shaking it vigorously. "We're from, uh, Kansei! Well... We would've stayed in Kansei, but, things got pretty bad for Clouded up there, so we had to, pack up and leave. But! Lord Owen is a really nice guy! Said we could help him, even if it's just the three of us! Hehe~ It's so great to meet you all! A whole group of Humans and Clouded working together, wow... It's like a dream come true, all over again. Can't wait to work with ya to beat up this asshole Kazran~" She was super nonchalant about it, smiling wide, her tail wagging heavily.

Syta smirked as Laniva eyed up another cat with something close to whimsy on her voice. "We can. I don't mind. They look like quite the lively bunch, so..."

Drop me off with the Evokers, Syta. I need to speak with them.

Huh? This had been the first time that Kisara had asked Syta to give her up to someone... The Evokers, sure, but... What is it? Is it something I should be there for, Kisara?

I'll tell you later. I promise... But you need to rest and relax. It's serious, and since the Evokers will be resting anyway... Now is as good a time as any.

Alright... "You go say hi, Lani. I'll be right back!" Syta turned and ran right for Tio, waving at her. "Miss Tio!" She stopped with a quiet huff and took the amulet off her neck, holding it out to her. "Uhm. She, uh, she wants to talk. To the two of you... Said that I didn't need to be there, for now. She'd tell me later... I think she's just worried I've been too high strung recently, what with all the fighting and the travel, but... Yeah. Do you mind taking her for now?"

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Syndra chuckled as Owen's bodyguard got in her face. "Your devotion to your master is well noted, I imagine if my bodyguards were here with me they'd act in a similar enough manner. I'm sure Lord Owen's grateful to have someone so loyal in his employ." Then Syndra heard what the snake woman had said about her and she lit up. "Why thank you for the kind words miss." Syndra said with a bow towards her. "I hope to live up to whatever expectations you have of me." She echoed the snake's sentiments to Owen. "I'm aware he isn't going anywhere, but we should be off, we don't have all the time in the world before dealing with Kazran after all." The snake woman wanted to know how Syndra would deal with betrayers, and honestly, Syndra wanted to know the answer to that herself. 

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Jesse had to use both her hands to temper Amera's enthusiastic handshake. The cat certainly had a lot of energy. "It's nice to meet you too Amera and Seila." Amera's rundown of how the three of them got there gave Jesse some insight on Lord Owen, and some confirmation on Kansei, more than she had from stories back home. "Yeah, Humans and Clouded working together seems to be The Tigers M.O. at this point, right Miria?" Jesse was trying her best to put her conversation with Miria to good use. 

There were two who had yet to speak, one staring very intently, and a human lady who from Amera's intro, wasn't a part of their group, at least initially.  "May I ask of your names as well?"

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