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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Miria knew the lance would hit her, and took it as best she could. She struggled with those all too much. She struck back and the wyvern rider who attacked, but then pirates came and followed on the attack. She got her foot caught on the ground, at least she tried to reason, and she blocked the first axe with her arm. It hurt but, she could survive. She channeled with all her determination, and blew away the pirate with a flaming tornado. She was much better suited for the fire side of her armor's weird power.

There wasn't enough time to think on it, when another pirate chucked an axe back at her. The corridor was too tight, so she huddled to a wall to move, only to be grazed across the face by the blade of the axe. The pain was immeasurable, but she had to persevere, not just for the Tigers, but for herself too. She struck back, and when a third took his fallen comrade's spot, in came a third axe. Miria did the only thing she could think of to keep it from hitting her in that tight spot. The cub swung her blade, and with almost precision timing, reflected the axe, and then following with another magic swipe from the wind sword. This was almost like her third element. She'd had laughed if not for the warm, painful feeling on her face.

The girl wiped some of the blood from her face. Despite her body in pain and feeling the fatigue settle in, Miria stood her ground, ready to continue holding until a callout from Nyx to withdraw.

"...G-Got it! Go-gotta pull back..." Miria held herself up, her flames still burning. Even in her condition, she wasn't going to just let people have a win over her. She'd fight for it. As she made her cautious, but quick retreat, she pulled out her vulnerary, dumping some of it over her head. There wasn't time for her to properly apply. She let out a light sigh from the relief.

Miria moves to 16, 22, equips the Iron Sword and applies the ol' faithful (vulnerary)!

Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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"NNnnghhH!!! Owww! How rude! Ughhhhhh..." Chris was bracing for impact with runes, but he hadn't considered his opponent swinging a pure weapon around. He was still standing, but left reeling even after the blow was softened. "Horrible! How dare you! Ugh..." Still well enough to fire a spell in response, Chris felt it was right to dispose of this dangerous henchman himself.

Chris stays put, elflux fighter 3.

"Hmmm, that's enough of those reinforcements for now... but all that noise means it's not over, best to press on." And hopefully Cass is being cautious enough...

Owen to (26,25).


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There was an opening beginning to form in the enemies' ranks, and there was pressing little reason to waste this ground. Forward--

Laniva to (25, 24) Iron Greatsword Myrm 9.

Seila's healing hadn't been enough for the Clouded to find his feet - her allies had the situation handled, so she could spend her focus here.

Seila holds and casts Heal on Ullr.

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If he hadn't heard the sound of the knife flying through the air, that knife would've ended his parade on these clowns. Luckily, his ears were as keen as they were pointy, his sword blocking an otherwise lethal hit. "That was your first and only mistake."

Sari to 4, 28, send Thief #1

"Good showing, cat boy." Cass walked up past him and slapped him on the back, healing him in the process. "Keep it up, yeah? That funny machine of yours is doing good work."

Cass to 19,26, Heal Christopher

Alvira felt a certain... pressure, coming from Versaris, swallowing hard. "Remind me to never piss him off..."

Alvira to 7,26

"Hhwhhhh... Hah!? H-Hey! Don't, cast fire magic around me! Dammit... Rrghnn, at least I have my gun... Precious, perfect, intricate..."

M to 15,25

"Tch." Too many wyverns. Even the golden armored one had gotten herself rocked by their assault combined with several of the axe wielders. "A tactical retreat, then..."

Sylm to 16,24

"Mroowrrhgnn!" Amera flinched at the sudden pain and slugged the guy back, clocking a fist into his kidneys before he managd to ride past her and out of the range of her fists. Looked like he wasn't getting away with it though, as a knife flew through the air and finished the job. "Phew... Thanks, weird lizard lady! Gonna, hide behind you for a second..."

Amera to 8,27

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Nyx started to make her move back towards the center of the room while everyone started to get setup for the attack, but one thing was obvious, Lil Cub needed some healing. Nyx's eyes scanned the area for Renais, or even the pointy hatted woman--she had a staff earlier too--but neither one of them appeared to be around. She clicked her tongue, and then turned, to see... a pink woman? Pink hair, rosy skin, and if the shaking was any indication, not in the greatest of moods either, tail swishing dangerously quickly. She had been with them before this moment, so either she was a stowaway, or she'd just fallen in, but the most important part was that there was a staff at her back. 

Nyx quickly hurried up, before realizing that the woman was also just, not wearing much, "Oi, were ya wit' th' pirates from befor'? Ya alright? Sorry t' bother, but we could really use th' healing," Nyx tilted her head back towards Miria, "Big ol' wave o' dragons a problem for any ol' knight..." Nyx looked the woman over again, and then sighed, shrugging her jacket off of her, "Mayb' I'm thinking too much, but it feels like ye' could use this. Ain't gonna protect ya' from weapons, but... anything helps, yeah?"

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"HAH!? Do I look like I belong with those damn, worthless sea dogs-- Ah!?" She was suddenly clothed by the woman with... a rather heavy accent, only barely making out the rest of her request between her ire and her outrage... "F... F-Fine! I guess! I can do that much... You, people owe me. I don't work for free, you, y'know!?" She was still a bit jumpy, between all the ragged emotions and adrenaline, but she could still heal. "Hey, shiny! You better be happy that I chose you folks~!"

Krystal to 15,26, Physic Miria!

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Gean winced slightly as the horseman’s spear found its purchase in her shoulder, but she had felt worse, and there was no escaping her second swing that ended the fool’s life. The current wave of foes had been routed, so it was the best time to heal up and move forward. “Hey Roxi? You got any healing?”

Gean to 5-23

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The enemy reinforcements barely had time to enter the fray before they had been cut down like wheat to the harvest, quickly buckling underneath the immediate assault. So long as they didn't allow the vermin to regain a foothold in their own keep, they could stem the tide and keep it at a trickle. Still, even a trickle of water could make an impact, one of the men landing an unlikely blow on the mermaid Aegean before going down. There were no other enemies in sight, so the wound was easily dealt with... better for it to happen now than in a more heated engagement.

"Yes, of course Gean. Hold still." Roxi replied, keeping back with the axewoman and closing her wound.

Roxi to 5,24, heal Aegean

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"Uggh..." Groaning, Üllr managed to come to conscience again, slowly getting to his feet through pained grunts. "Thank you. Sorry about that." He spoke briefly, avoiding gaze with the healer, self conscious over his blunder. "I'll be more careful." He definitely felt more sore after that one. He didn't want to exercise more caution, but it was probably needed.

Üllr to (24, 23), equip chakrams.

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Tasha's gaze pivoted between the pathway she and Chris were guarding and the hallway from where they'd come, just about seeing Miria from between the others bravely holding her own against an attack force trying to pincer them. Threatening as the fighter with the pure weapon was, the boy could hold on against a single enemy from the look of things, the south side needing to regroup to hold off the wave as Nyx astutely pointed out. "Pull back and form up! Let's show these bastards it'll take more than that to break the Tigers!"

Natalya moves to 16-23.

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Posted (edited)

Aly engages Cav 1!

[66, 1] (48) (Has Aly done anything but crit this map, I don't think so)


Aly gains 22 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Miria uses a Vuln to heal for 10 HP!

Chris returns the favor against Fighter 3!

[3, 71] Chris's magic swelled, and crushed Fighter 3, sending the axe spiraling away harmlessly!

Chris gains 34 EXP, and +2 Dark EXP!

Laniva engages Myrm 9 with her Greatsword!

[38, 32]

Laniva once again decides that a sword duel is beneath her, and simply squashes Myrm 9!

Lani gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Sari sends Thief 1 to meet god.

[81, 98] With but a single flourish, Thief 1 was dispatched immediately!

Sari gains 22 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Seila heals Ullr for 17 HP, and gets him back to standing!

Seila gains 14 EXP, and +2 staff EXP!

Cass heals Christopher for 13 HP!

-1 HP

Cass gains 11 EXP!

Renais uses Staff Technician to heal Amera at a distance for 13!

Renais gains 11 EXP!

Krystal heals Miria with her Physic staff, healing Miria to full!

Krystal gains 23 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP!

Roxanne heals Aegean back to full HP!

Roxanne gains 13 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP!

Christopher reaches level 11!

4    48    36    67    11    38    51    100

+HP, Mag, Skl, Speed!

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[I will flavor the Enemy Phase after work]


Miria will take attacks from Wyvern 5 and 6, as well as Pirate 3!

Wyvern 5 first strikes!

[90, 25] But to no avail! Miss!

Miria counters!

[37, 19] Miria counters well, nearly finishing off the Wyvern with 12 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Wyvern 6 next!

[17, 76] The man learned from his compatriot, and was able to get his hit, but his spear did not work as intended! 12 damage!

Miria counters!

[29, 81], [77, 63] Miria strikes back with two slashes dealing 24 damage!

Miria gains 10 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Then Pirate 3 lobs an axe!

[75, 74] Miria has had enough of those. Miss!

Sari then is attacked by Pirate 5!

Except Pirate 5 could not even see the man that he thought to fight.

Sari does not counter, because this is not a fight.

[62, 34] Pirate 5 simply ceased to exist, a threat had once been there, perhaps, but no one could ever be sure. It was all too quick, all too sudden, all too expected.


Sari gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Wyvern 7 engages Lati!

"Who the hell are you two?! Are you with these damned Mercs?!"

[38, 7] Wvyern 7 gets in close with his silver lance, and thrusts with all of his might, but it seems to just bounce off for 5!

Lati counters!

[66, 76] Wyvern 7 had not correctly gauged Lati's weapon, and left himself open for her counter, dealing 22 damage!

Lati gains 1 EXP, and +1 Bow EXP!

Wyvern 8 charges Talulah!

"Damned cowards were tailing us huh?! Well, see how well that serves you!"

[60, 41] His spear struck true dealing 13 damage!

Talulah counters!

Bracing Flourish activates!

[20, 13] Foolish as the man had been to sacrifice his ranged advantage in favor of a close quarters engagement, Talulah unsheathed her blade, and cleaved through the dragon's wing, and then the man's arm in a single swing.


Talulah gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Thief 2 opens the chest... and steals the Killer Sickle!


Turn 9.png

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"Archers..." Alvira was never a fan of archers; a fan of things that fired back on her magic. There weren't many others around, though, and they couldn't just cower in case more reinforcements showed up... "Urgh, whatever. An arrow isn't the most painful thing, anyway!"

Alvira to 10,28, Light Bow Armor 2!

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They were getting closer to the enemy, but Roxanne was still just a bit too far out to really do anything about them. Alvira had managed to take out one of the armoured bowmen, but there was still the other, and more men coming up behind... way more of them than the Tigers currently on hand. If she could level the field some... Moving forward, Roxanne focused on Alriana. She didn't have much interaction with the odd lizard, but this should still work. After a few moments of concentration, the tether was established, Roxanne's conduits snapping into place above the creation.

"Alriana, I have your back! Direct your intent, and my conduits will follow you!" Roxanne announced, hoping she wasn't startled by the sudden tethering. They didn't really have time for explanations of advanced theory... lifting her staff at the same time, Roxanne poured her magic into Syndra. The mage had taken a hit at some point that had been left alone for long enough...

Roxanne to 8,26, Equip Shine, Deploy Funnels to Alriana, Physic Syndra

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Sari snapped his wrist and flung the blood off of his sword, sheathing it for the moment. "That's that, then... Take care while you advance, I'm going this way. I'll see you around the corner, hopefully." He moved past the water and turned face first into a cavalcade of archers... That was swiftly being broken down by the rest of the group. "Well. You've always been bad with archers, Sari... here's your chance for some practice."

Sari to 6,31, levin sword equip

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Alriana watched as the small host of archers rounded the corner, preparing herself to leap at the first one to let their guard down. Alvira was the first to act, stepping up and turning one of the men into a seared pile of armor. She took that as her que to move, barely catching what the pirate aligned woman had said. Direct her intent? That was simple enough, the she never made any attempt to conceal her killing intent.

Aly to 9,30, Steel Dagger Bow Knight 1.

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"Hhhsshhhhrhhhh, flying vermin..." M had been unloading and reloading her revolver with excessive accuracy, fingers not missing a bullet as they fell, out and slid back in. "Nothing like reloading a revolver in the heat of battle... the feel of a silvered bullet into a well oiled chamber... Hhh..." M shook her head and slid around the corner, smile wide, gun raised. "Quit flapping your wings... You'll blow the dust up into my gun."

M to 13,24, .38 Special into Wyvern #2

"What the fuck, wyverns now? You boys are late to the party! It's almost over!" Cass sighed. She'd been about to chase after one of the priests, but with a much more immediate threat, he could wait...

Cass doubles back to 17,24, Light on Wyvern #5

With the archers where they were and the danger of them, Amera grumbled in place and fidgeted some, knowing that she couldn't advance, but not wanting to retreat...

Amera Idles

"If you're gonna kill someone, you've gotta put more into it than that. I thought Islexians were meant to be some real tough bastards. Working under Kazran soften you up? Don't get to see combat that often? Guess it doesn't matter." Lati casually ran past the man and then let loose another arrow into him. "You won't be seeing combat again."

Lati to 13,7 shortbow Wyvern #7

Talulah watched as this woman casually took the heavy thrust of the man's spear against her armor, then removed it, fired back, ran off like it had been nothing and fired again. "Speak for yourself," she scoffed, clutching at her side some, "these are not foes to be trifled with, Lati... You, say you are in awe of me, but in effect, you just stopped a raging bull. You are a terrifying woman."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Talulah to 16,8

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A light had surrounded Miria, and she felt almost back to full strength. "Hahh... better." She switched blades, and maintained her defense. Of course, the group of enemies pressed their attack but she was ready this time, with Tasha backing her. "Got it. We're gonna make this push so we can be on our way."

Something suddenly started tingling in Miria. It felt like... something from her armor. She didn't like that, but she couldn't focus on it. The wyvern's approached again, with Miria dodging a lance and swinging back, then being hit by the second. She could take it, and she swung back at that wyvern as well. When the pirates went for their round two, she was much more prepared, dodging two axe throws with finesse.

Despite her wound, she readied her stance, with Cass falling in to engage one of the wyverns, and paving the way for Miria to attack. "Alright, now it's payback time!" And she ran in for the strike!

Miria to 17,20! Engages Pirate 3 with the Iron Sword!

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Sylmaria was breathing heavily. This was the most combat she'd ever been through. Her throat and lungs were burning... And she finally felt alive. Like she was doing something right for once. Every time Kazran had ordered her to do something for him, it felt sickening. Like a part of her was doing something that she couldn't ever take back... Had it felt right to kill Clouded under his command? Yes, but it hadn't felt good. Her psyche had always been at odds with itself taking lives... But now?

"I'm going to enjoy this until I collapse."

Sylmaria to 16,22, Blast Wyvern #6

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After their group had cleared out the reinforcements that arrived, they had begun funneling through the corridor to the right. Syndra noticed there was a chest off behind them, but she didn't notice anyone mention they'd picked up a key from any of the guards, and since she didn't know how to pick a lock herself, it'd have to wait for later. If I meet up with Nyxied later I'll tell her about it. There were a group of armors doubling as archers north of where Syndra had exited the hallway, but Alvira and Alriana seemed to have them under control. Good for her, because she wouldn't be able to handle a shot from either of them in her state, which was then helped out by the healing light she felt envelop her. She turned around quickly to thank who it was. "Oh, thank you Roxanne. I'd meant to ask you or Renais earlier about this, but we were all busy dealing with the scum of the earth."

Syndra moves to 9-26 and waits

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