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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Well there was the welcoming party, they were at arms, but not bearing down on our necks. "Hey, need to kill your boss, out of the way."

Gean to 6-25, hand axe Brawler 4

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"Good throw!" And just enough of an opening to place herself in harm's way. These lowlifes were going to be tossing monster killers about, Lati squinting as she slid the shortbow off her back and nocked an arrow. "First come first serve! I'm getting through you all to my dad either way, so make it snappy!"

Lati to 6,27, equip shortbow

They were here... Giovanna was here somewhere. "You," Sylm side eyed the elf that had joined them... Another stranger from somewhere, with a grudge on Kazran? It didn't matter, as long as she was willing to help. "We take the man on the left. You guard me. We push up from there." She didn't wait for a response, rushing ahead and blasting him with her magic!

Sylm to 2,25, eldritch Brawler #3

Talulah sighed. "If I must." She didn't want to play bodyguard to such belligerent people, but if they were all here for a reason... Perhaps there was someone worth fighting at the end of it all. Someone worth sharpening her blade on, like Miria had been...

You MUST use me. I will not be denied twice! Feed! I must feed!!!

Talulah winced. You'll have your time, blade... Unlike the last one, these bodies are not worth their warmth. I'll feed you. Patience.

There was nothing further from the sword, Talulah gripping the regular blade in her reach and dashing forward to crack its sheathe down onto the fist fighter!

Talulah to 2,26, steel sword Brawler #3 (hold if Sylm OHKOs him)

Cass licked her lips. "Alright. Alright alright alright! Look at all the fresh meat you've got lined up for us... Don't mind if I DIG IN!"

Cass to 2,10, sword reaver Brawler #1!

"Well... It's good to see someone amped up. Time to get to work... Hope you've said your prayers, Kazran."

Vira to 2,7, light Soldier #2

"Ohhh, boy... So many people here I know... And have done stuff with. Iyeugh... Bad taste... Heyyyyy, boss lady~" Krystal slid up behind Natalya, running a hand along her armor, her special magic pushing right through it. "You wanna show off? Set a good example for all your mercenaries~? I think it'd be... Super. Cool. Eheh~" With a wink, she finished pushing her magic into Tasha.

Krystal to 3,11, amp Tasha

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Cin cracked his knuckles as the Tigers moved into the upper floors. This was where the real show started. Syndra and Miria ran forward, starting their assault, followed quickly by Cass and Alvira. "Hmmph, can't let you all have all the fun. Time to see how my magic's been improving."

Cin to 5-8, elfire Soldier 1

Koba glanced around nervously and then sighed. No sense in backing down now. "I'll help Miria..."

Koba to 5-10, wind Brawler 2

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The brief reprieve between floors had swiftly come to an end, M following not too far behind her after their confrontation. So the forces upcoming were Kazran's elite, were they? Eclipsing the men downstairs by magnitudes, if M's report was accurate. It didn't matter... failure was not an option. Combat began quickly as soon as they had entered engagement range, with a few of the Tigers descending on the enemy in short order. It seemed that gaining a foothold was the first objective, and one that Roxanne had no intention on missing out on. Spotting a man with a dangerous pure axe flanked by several armoured guards hunkering down, she could both remove the stain of that accursed weapon while taking point as vanguard. As soon as the fistfighter blocking her path fell to Miria and Koba's concentrated assault, Roxanne darted out, pointing her funnels at the axe fighter and unleashing hell upon him.

Roxanne to 6,6, Light up Fighter 1!

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The enemy was caught unawares - it seems their rush of effort from just moments ago had paid off, and they would remain on the back foot even as the Tigers pressed deeper into the stronghold.

Seila to (6, 11), Lightning Flash Cav 4.

Laniva to (4, 7), Iron Greatsword Myrm 1.

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Tasha could look past the oddities and any eagerness she felt unwarranted from any of their allies. After all, these were the equally unrepentant forces of a man who had personally wronged the Gaffneys and a number of Clouded she didn't want to think about counting... and then, she felt a teasing touch on back, somehow, through her armor, the voice giving it away as Krystal. She figured the girl was giving her a direct demonstration of how her magic worked just to dispel any concerns she may still have had, and as it was, the tiger definitely felt it giving her whole system a boost. ...She could do without the actual teasing, though. "I'm not about showing off, unless it's for my girlfriend," she quickly noted and nodded toward Alvira, figuring the lady ill dressed for battle would get the hint.

Natalya moves to 2-7 and shoots Cav 3 with her rifle!

As she shot and cycled the bolt, Tasha felt almost like her hands were moving faster than she was thinking, simultaneously thanking herself having the practice to even do that with, and Krystal's magic for allowing her to do it, even if she had no idea how that worked.

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As the alarm was raised Aly slid behind one of the nearby pillars, watching as Versaris turned the armored man at the front of the pack into a smoldering pile of melted armor. She didn't have words to say, but her tail patted him on the back.

Aly 5, 26, Iron Dagger equipped.

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Giovanna's mood was in as much disarray as the plans to march onto Eslcas. From the sudden attack in the cover of moonlight to Kazran's call to standby, she'd been left with little recourse but put what little she could to aid his safety. "They've... breached, there's more. They were planning to attack us all along. Didn't they?" If there were this many people still encroaching the keep, then the pirates were not working alone. Eslcas were giving them support, which made sense --Kazran had made enemies of both, and the only territory that would work with Clouded was them.

Giovanna's heart was sinking further, thinking of the implications of Eslcas' presence. Kazran's 'great' plan to assassinate Owen had only backfired. Either the warlord survived or his death served only to incense Eslcas, and Sylmaria was surely... "Hm..."

Giovanna questioned the point of her station. She had no love for Kazran, and little for his bootlickers. Sylmaria was likely gone, and there was little, if any, reputation to salvage from her house among these silver tongues.

"Milady, is everything okay?" A voice broke the silence, a staffmaiden under her service, Sara, had noticed Giovanna's distress.

To be fair, it was the hardest thing to miss.

"Ah. Sorry... just too much to think about. All these events. Not enough time. I'm fine, I'll manage." Embarrassed, Giovanna fixed her posture and mellowed out her expression. "Lord Kazran put us as the second to last line of defense, so I'll have to use this vantage point well." A nice way to mean she was going to be mowed down before his well-equipped guard. The man was always paranoid and unsubtle.

Giovanna's vassals were the only remaining value in this battlefield. Nice enough people, and aware of her house's plight. "Focus on survival and a defensive line. We've got enough firepower on our side." If only Kazran would give her reign of the troops, but her authority was too undermined in these circumstances...

Getting the platform up was a little bit of a pain, but the self-propulsion was still good. "Alright, alright... If I can do this, it's all good. Hup!" Chris was getting a lot of field experience in unoptimal terrain, which was still data, as long as the platform held up. "Don't break down, whee~"

Chris to 6,8, fire at Cav 4.


Into the fire they were. Owen wasn't as eager to jump into the fray as his sister, as Kazran's men became more numerous. "This is a lot coming our way, take care." Still best to aid and follow the group. Whilst much more partial to duels, Owen was still looking to find his opening.

Owen to 5,25, wind edge equipped.


There wasn't a lot to do with many enemies alreeady picked off, but Ãœllr wasn't lacking for options. Still, best not to take more than he can chew, after the earlier accident.

Ãœllr to 4,25.

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"Mrow..." Amera hadn't gotten much out of Seila downstairs, but they were in combat, so the witch was likely just focused. Hopefully she'd be up for more after they were done...

Amera to 5,11

"Looks like all guns load. Booming, exploding, loud..." Her mandibles clacked as she snapped shut the chamber to her revolver, having unloaded and reloaded it meticulously before arriving on this floor. "Kazran dies. Kazran dies. He dies and I see my daughter..."

M to 4,10

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Nyx saddles up, and moseys on over to 3, 10!


The head wyvern watched as a force of humans, and monster alike washed over his allies like a tsunami after an earthquake. "Oh fuck. HEY! HEY WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! SOUND THE ALARM! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" The man raised his spear, and looked for the softest target to begin the counter attack with, seeing a very familiar face amongst the targets.

"No fucking way." That was Krystal over there. Empowering one of the other half breeds. He blinked, changed weapon to his javelin, "HEY KRYSTAL! YOU FUCKING BITCH! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" The man's wyvern took off in a frontal charge, perhaps it was out of fury for his companions, or out of some loyalty to Kazran, or perhaps the fact that he'd found solace in her... figure, and been touched by her magic more than once, and seeing it now used on the half breeds was infuriating, but nevertheless, she was going to die today. "YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!"

Wyvern 2 very angrily targets Krystal with his Javelin.

[88, 39] He reared back, and threw the javelin with all of his might, letting his eyes slip but for one moment--he never quite understood why Krystal always wore so little, until this moment, as his spear narrowly slid past her.

Krystal returns fire!

[47, 63] Whatever sparks there had been before, were now a fireball in the man's face, and now he was basically surrounded.

What-- Dwight!? What the Hell! I, y-yeah, I guess this is traitorous, but-- yeow!!" A javelin very narrowly missed her squishy bits, leaving her fuming!

"Ohhhhh, fuck it! If you care that much then toss your damn spear away and get off your lizard! You cared a lot in the bedroom! Rrrr!" A fireball flew his way, much less powerful than she would've liked, having just spent it all on Tasha... "If you, ever felt a Gods damned thing, for me, beyond how squishy I was, then surrender! Because I've had enough! We've all had enough! Kazran goes TODAY!"

Krystal gains 10 EXP!

The wvyern lead on the other side took one look at Versaris, and called out, "Boys watch out, that filth has a magical sword... avoid him for now, take out the rest!"

Cav 1, and Wvyern 1 both engage Talulah!

Wvyern 1 first at range!

[98, 2] I'm not giving my Wvyerns Javelins ever again, what the fuck you had weapon advantage and everything, please hit your goddamn attacks.

Cav 1 follows up!

[3, 7] Where the Ace Wyvern couldn't, the Cav strikes through Talulah's guard for 4 damage!

Talulah counters! Bracing Flourish activates!

[9, 93] Talulah quickly unsheathes her sword to deal 19 damage to Cav 1!

Talulah gains 2 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Fighter 2 axes Lati from afar!

[88, 35] Never mind, I forgot this is not a turn where we can hit things!

Soldier 4 yeets a Javelin at Ullr!

[77, 43] Still can't hit anything~

Soldier 3 targets Owen!

[70, 89] Owen takes the javelin for 14 damage!

Bow Armor 1 targets Roxanne at distance!

[5, 26] A strong arrow pierces Roxanne's crystalline armor for 13 damage!

Cav 2.

Sari counters!

[34, 77], [20, 37] He's dead, what else can I say--oh there's a crit. He's super dead.

Critical for 87!

Sari gains 18 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

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Having had just about enough of this...!

Krystal to 2,9, Arcfire Wyvern #2!

"Oi! You fuckers! Leave that sheep alone! She's mine!" Cass huffed and bellowed out her claim, rushing forward and blasting Roxanne with some healing magic. "You see yourself through this, Roxanne. We've got more than cuddling to get up to..."

Cass to 6,9 (nice), physic Roxanne

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As the Wyvern rider charged towards them Syndra braced herself for impact, but to her surprise, the spear wasn't aimed at her. It was thrown at the cow they'd picked up on the floor below. More surprising was that she'd managed to avoid it, and seemed ready to immolate the man for the attempt. Well if she wasn't going to I would've. Now that the Wyvern was being taken care of though, it opened up Syndra to continue advancing. 

Syndra moves to 6,7 and casts Breeze Lightning at Sword Armor 2

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The wyvern rider in front of the group pulled a move Tasha hadn't quite expected and dove straight after Krystal, but a quick glance told her that the situation was being handled - noisily, but handled - leaving her free to follow up on Syndra's lead and push their momentum forward. A formation of armored opponents held the top of the stairs, but with the blue-haired heiress making quick work of one, the rest would shortly follow. "Out of our way! Today is Kazran's last!"

Natalya moves to 7-6 and fires her rifle at Axe Armor 3!

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Gean to 5-29, Iron Axe Fighter 2

Their opening gambit had played out, and now it was time to make some space. Gean set her eyes on the fighter up ahead, there was a myrmidon behind him, but Gean had faith the others could eliminate him. They needed to thin the forces before more people arrived from the stairway to their right. "Aly, I'll take the fighter if you can take the guy behind him!"

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Sari put the levin sword away, quickly producing his iron sword and stepping up next to one of the axe wielding men, a half smile on his face. "Y'know, typically, I feel a little bad about killing people. We're all people that are fighting for someone else, right? Working to make some coin, even if some of us have worse ideals than others, hint hint. But, with you guys, with how many of you are just complete, bleeding racists, it's like sword practice; I get to swing this through some fleshy targets without feeling a damn thing. Not a moment of hesitation or regret. If I were a less hinged man, I'd miss Islexia when we leave, but... I'll just enjoy what I have and not look back. Anyway. You're about to die, so make whatever peace you need to with whoever you worship."

Sari to 6,28, shoot the shit, equip iron sword, watch Gean pulp this man


Edited by Nanami Touko
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The enemy had come to them. Ãœllr could throw hands as he wished now. He had to act early still, making sure his allies could worry about other priorities.

Easy enough with a one two punch hard as a brick.

Ãœllr to (4,27), punch soldier 3.

Though still not his element, the Tigers instilled enough safety for Owen to move onwards. "A couple more stairs and we should be there..." Come on, Kazran, where are you, let's cut this chase...

Owen to (3,27), lordly rapier cav 1.

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Roxanne couldn't help but blush a bit at Cassandra's rather brazen outburst, although the soothing light of her healing spell was appreciated as Roxanne pulled out the offending arrow and dropped it onto the floor. She would have dealt with the archer herself, but the Tigers swiftly descended upon the chokepoint like an avalanche, Laniva felling the bowman with a few effortless strokes of her blade. Looking past where the man who had shot her used to stand, Roxanne caught sight of more men hefting those foul pure weapons. How many times would she need to teach this lesson to these men?

"Thank you, Cass. I don't have any intentions of going down here, I promise... mmm, so let's finish this so you can have those cuddles..." Roxanne replied, turning a bit pink again as the words left her mouth, before storming forward into the enemy formation.

"You have a lot of nerve brandishing that putrid thing. You die for that." 

Roxanne to 9,6, Light up Fighter 4

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"Wyverns... an Islexia specialty. Too bad for them that I prepared for this." Lati slid her shortbow onto her back and swapped it for the sharp recurve, nocking an arrow and making a quick dash towards the mounted man. "This is a no fly zone!"

Lati to 4,28, killer into Wyvern 1

"Lances..." Talulah brandished her sheathed weapon, aiming to crash it into the soldier's arm. "I will never improve against them if I do not try!"

Talulah to 4,26, steel sword into Soldier #4

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"Hmm... they all kind of ran past me. Well, fine, ignore me, the one in the big siege weapon indoors~." It was enough time for chris to aim the launching ballista towards the stairs. "Hmm, it shouldn't scrape the wall at this angle. One for the run!" The matter of moving the damn thing up the stairs afterwards... could wait.

Chris holds, fires at Fighter 3.

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Cin to 7-5, steel gauntlet elfire fist Axe Armor 3

Koba to 6-6

Cin growled as they moved forward, pushing through the first wave of enemies to find a wall of armored enemies in front of them. "No. No this won't stop us. You're going to need to do more than this." His fists lit up with his fire as he summoned a spell. "I won't need more than this to deal with you, thanks to Tasha. Now get out of our way."

Edited by scorri
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Alriana sprang forth from her position behind the pillar at Aegean's call, her Silver Dagger came out of its sheath and slashed across the swordsman's neck in one fluid motion. The Creation turning her attention towards the armored man guarding the stairs, daring him to make a move. 

Aly 6, 30, Silver Dagger Myrm 2.

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The fist from that brawler almost felt like nothing at all. Miria, barely phased, watched as her opponent was blown away by Koba who came to assist her.

"Thank you Koba, I appreciate the help." She nodded with a smile, clear in her voice that despite the fight only barely starting, she felt winded. Despite that, she pushed forward. As she advanced, she took position over a knight Syndra easily felled, putting herself in between Seila and the oncoming forces. "I've got you, Seila." She nodded, and fiercely braced herself to hold the line. The blue glow of her armor's trimming and her eyes shined bright. Despite everything, she would remain a force to be reckoned with.

Miria to 8,7

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