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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Cin nodded in satisfaction as his enemy fell, but his expression quickly turned serious as he turned to look behind them, loudly calling out "Damn. Look out behind, riders approaching! Don't get caught in a pinch." He pushed forward, unable to catch up to the front of the line just yet, but keeping an eye on the riders in case any of them broke south. 

Cin to 7-5

Right Koba. Time to prove your stuff. Plenty of enemies around, just dart in there, smack some of them around and then you'll be golden. Just gotta move. Just... gotta move. ... dammit. Despite what the voice in his head was telling him, Koba found himself rooted to the spot. There were too many, with dangerous weapons. He would crumple instantly if they targeted him. He had to help but... Can't... move...

Koba to 9-5

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The pressure was on the front line, and Renais' eyes immediately fell upon Gean practicing her swing on a pirate. She couldn't let her love down, so she rushed to her side and healed her. "You won't handle him alone, give him hell."

Renais moves toward 8, 27 and uses her Heal staff on Gean.

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"Everyone, get behind me!" Lati took a few steps and stanced up in her armor, ready for the incoming reinforcements. "Come on, cowards! Break your weapons on me! I'm not gonna feel a Gods damned thing!"

Lati to 8,29, shortbow

"Well, you heard her."

Talulah to 11,29, steel sword

Alvira ran up behind the rest of the group, gasping quietly. "Whoa, what a mess!" And the wyvern in the back didn't seem very friendly... Lots of them, recently. Guess they're just a big islexian thing? Ugh... Not hard to deal with through magic, but their mobility is a problem.

Alvira to 6,5

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As more and more of Kazran's men flocked in, the worse their situation looked. "Move fast, They're pinching us." It wasn't good, numbers wise. Owen knew things could go only so well with all the anti-clouded weaponry in these underling's hands. "Tch. Make way!" They could still press on, the foes were on horseback, but they wouldn't catch up this quick... yet.

Owen to (9,25), duel Pirate 2 wielding his rapier.

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"That's not enough, Gaffney!" Sylm ran up beside Owen, magic crackling and at the ready, blasting it after him at the pirate! ... Except, Owen had already killed the man, leaving her gawking and blushing some. "Or... Or, it is. Hmph."

Sylm to 9,26

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The blue hue wore off from Miria's armor. It seemed the ice turned off. Miria gave a couple pats to her chest, and red emanated from her. She had to keep going forward. "We've got this, we've got this."

Miria moves to 12,8, activates Afterburner and equips the Wind Sword.

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"Mhhm." She let out a quiet noise of affirmation as she followed Versaris down the hall, throwing her daggers into the swordsman and neutralizing him before he could so much as swing his sword at her.

Aly 9, 32 Steel Dagger Merc 1.

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Not being able to charge towards enemies on account of all the pure weapons was frustrating. For now, Üllr would make do with the cover the human provided, frustrating as it was to owe this debt.

Ullr to 8,28.

The hurdle of stairs defeated, Chris could finally focus on firing at... a semblance of a vantage point. "Alright, shoo~. Clear the way~." A straight shot that didn't demand ridiculous focus was a much welcome change,

Chris to 8,7, fire at Merc 6.

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Down in a single shot. That was probably how things were gonna have to be for the time being, until they got control of the keep. Nyx took a deep breath, this was unlike anything else they'd dealt with before, but so far, so good. The footsteps coming from the south told a different story though...

"Hey, buck up, they're comin' for al' round!"

Nyx moves to 5, 6

Cass explodes Merc 5 with her Swordreaver!

[87, 44] (28) Her first attack nearly takes the Merc off of his feet for 29 damage!

Merc counters!

[35, 11] Miss!

Cass finishes!

[29, 13] (80) With a flash of her teeth, Cass made sure to make an example out of those who ignored her.


Cass gains 14 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP!

Roxanne engages Myrm 4!

[25, 19], [96, 36] Roxanne's first attack was spot on, but Roxanne's second barely connected... but barely is still a kill, no?

Roxanne gains 22 EXP, and +3 Light EXP!

M gets hip checked, and moves to engage Cav 8!

[2, 96] (60), [71, 96] Cavalier 8 goes down without much fanfare!

M gains 38 EXP, and +3 Gun EXP!

Sari engages Mer--

[10, 28] Slaughtered. I meant slaughtered.


Sari gains 14 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP!

Syndra Zaps Cav 7!

[30, 22] (83), [63, 44] (95) Two lightning fast blasts of wind and lightning, and a look of both terror and realization on the man's face before it all went blank.

Syndra gains 34 EXP, and +3 Anima EXP!

Aegean bonks Pirate 2!

[89, 50] (90) or not, as the pirate slips by Aegean's attack! Miss!

Pirate 2 takes his chance!

[93, 29] A stalemate as both miss their target!

Seila calls down the storm on Merc 6! (Lightning Flash)

[60, 95] (83) Seila connects for 22 damage!

Seila gains 12 EXP, and +1 Anima

Lani engages Sword Armor 3!

[83, 9] , [39, 73] Two quick chain slashes, and Sword Armor 3 goes down!

Lani gains 26 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Owen attacks Pirate 2!

[93, 46] (75), [21, 22] (4)

Owen hits... and then activates Astra ...only to try too hard and kill him on the first strike. Oops.

Owen gains 18 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Aly engages Merc 1 with her Steel Dagger!

[8, 46] (53) We know what happened.


Aly gains 18 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP!

Chris takes aim at Merc 6!

[57, 17] He shoots, he scores, and Merc 6 goes down!

Chris gains 34 EXP, and +2 Bow [Siege] EXP!

Syndra reaches level 12!

94    71    52    20    82    76    28    48

+Mag, Skl!

Seila reaches level 12!

44    30    27    85    58    27    83    10

+HP, Mag, Res!

Lani reaches level 14!

84    99    60    95    61    92    88    16

+Def, Res!

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Fighter 5 opens up the turn by targeting Cass with his hand axe!

[41, 76] The hand axe nails her for 23 damage!

Wyvern 4 sensing blood rushes into her with his javelin!

"A Gaffney? Well, well... I guess that'll be it for you!"

Lani's Sentinel Activates!

"What? When did you--"

[33, 37] Lani takes 7 damage!

Lani counters!

[17, 33], [4, 54] Lani takes Cass's place, and then subsequently piledrives the Wyvern into the ground, before chainswording its rider.

Lani gains 22 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Fighter 7 tries his luck with Lani!

[36, 13] The silvery edge of the man's axe cleaved Lani for 15 damage!

Lani strikes back!

[70, 59], [78, 17] Two slashes, for a downed Fighter!

Lani gains 22 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP!

Cavalier 10 charges Lati!

[41, 1] The horse rider charges, brandishing his lancereaver and with the swiftest of motions, found and opening and struck. His blade had never moved so swiftly, and so true, so imagine his surprise when the blade bounced off as if his shield had impacted a stone wall, and not a living person in armor. His blade reverberated as he recoiled from his own strike, looking on in horror as the blade did... nothing to Lati.

Critical! but for 0 damage!

Lati counters!

[30, 31] The cavalier takes 23 damage for his trouble!

Wyvern 10 targets Ullr!

[74, 5] The spear strikes Ullr for 21 damage!

Ballistician 1 takes aim at Sari!

[35, 50] The shot whistles helplessly past Versaris!

Kazran tapped his hands on the table in front of him. The din of combat had only grown louder since handing his orders down; it wasn't like the fight before, that was swift. He'd only even bothered to entertain the bug because it amused him. But now... things seemed different. Another series of taps before Kazran roared, flipping the table in front of him, "Can anyone do their job around here?! We're under attack, and whoever dares set foot in my castle is still breathing?!" Kazran grabbed his axe, "Enough, I'll--"

"Wait." Cereza stopped Kazran with a raised hand.

"What am I waiting for? There are fools to slaughter, both in my employ and not."

"I'm telling you to wait firstly because of your arm, and secondly because I'm going to assume command. Leaving this to Giovanna was a mistake; she's best as meat feeding the vultures, and that's exactly what I plan to do with her. She hasn't even fully marshalled our forces from the outside, we have the manpower to win this fight, but yet again, the worthlessness of the Kastille Family shows itself. What I can say is this; if these forces have lasted this long, then they're not like the pirates before, they're not here just to throw their lives away. Which means it is best for us to whittle them down, and then crush them with our forces here. We can form our line with our best here, let the cattle do their work, and then crush them with your axe as our leader."

Kazran stared at Cereza, and then grinned, "Perhaps I didn't need Giovanna as a tactician all these years... because it appears I've had one. Do what you need to do, but I'm not waiting forever. I am a warlord, a survivor of the collapse... anyone standing opposite of me is but a twig that I'll crush underneath my boot. I will not be seen hiding from a foe after my head; I will present it to them, as I sever theirs."

"All I needed to hear, dear. I'll return." Cereza smirked, and sauntered away, not above taking a chance to remind Kazran what he had, and what he didn't need. She was the only woman that he needed to have eyes on, the only one worthy enough to share in his dream because she was going to win it for him. Cereza marched into the grand hall, "Giovanna. You've been relived of your command. You, and those under you have been placed under my direct orders, which means, I have but one order for you." Cereza pointed towards the sounds of combat, "You are to make whatever is occurring outside the walls stop, if not, you are to die trying. You've failed us, me, far too many times, and I think it is about time for you to succeed, or join the corpse of your scaled friend. I don't care how you do it frankly... Summon all of our forces, Kazran and I will build our regulars in the throne room while you all do what little you can. I expect this will be the last time you and I speak since you can't seem to even get this much right." Cereza brushed by Giovanna, not paying the woman so much as a second thought as she began barking orders to the men in the grand hall.


Giovanna and her Unit will now move, and enemy reinforcements have arrived!


Map 7 Turn 5.png

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"Huh...? You can't..." It was ludricous, a move that would take Giovanna a moment to process, even knowing the woman's spite for her own person. "Cereza..." And she was moving, ready to take reign of the unit. She was serious.

Stupid, and serious.

"I can't... half our men are asleep or ungeared, what are you planning to do...." Her muffled, frustrated whine followed a tightened, pointless gip to her tome. "Haaaaaaaahhh..." You could just take your man and leave and order me to hold the keep or die trying, if that's your goal... Couldn't help humiliating me one last time instead of letting me die with what little honor I have left.

The noise of battle was easy to zone out at times like these, when recent circumstances had made her negative thoughts so loud...

"Milady, we shouldn't give so much pause. Cereza will be suspicious of you." A voice broke Giovanna's silence, making the maiden look the deliverer, Salem, with a defeated look, lasting seconds before the self-realization sunk.

"Sorry," she blinked, "You're right, we should go, looking these men in the eye will help. They should be getting pincered, at this point. Maybe I'll find a chink if we hurry." Hopeful thinking, spun from her duty --to her unit and disgraced family, if little else. If the assailants were that strong or numerous that they got this far, the best option was to leave and regroup with those outside...

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Sylmaria was feeling that taste in her throat again. Iron, from moving too hard, too fast. Her lungs were on fire; she'd fought harder alongside these freaks and demons more than she ever had for Kazran's sake... "Just goes to show how much I despise you, Kazran... And of course, it's always, more, FUCKING WYVERNS!"

Sylmaria to 7,28, Shatter on 6,29!


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"Don't start getting high and mighty on me now or I might mistake you for an enemy," Tasha quipped back at Syndra, only half intended as a joke. While their earlier disagreements in Cerezia about how the latter had gone about her hiding of who she was had passed a good while ago, the tiger wasn't about to let the now acknowledged status get to her head, much as she appeared to dislike it to begin with. Nyx's warning brought her attention back to behind them, to see not just one but two additional reinforcement groups, putting them in a bad spot to try to clear them out. "We've got more incoming! No point turning back now, keep pushing forward and deal with them as they come!" With that, she waved the others nearby to follow, endeavoring to thin out the opposing side's front to make sure they had maneuvering room.

Natalya moves to 10-6 and fires her Double Revolver at Fighter 5!

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"Roxi!" Miria hurried along next to her sheep friend. She took a quick gander around, "You don't want to overextend. We can't help you if you keep blitzing ahead of everyone." The cub gave her a couple of soft pats.

"I'm gonna give you a small push okay? They need your help down where those wyverns are." Miria smiled. "I'll catch up."

Miria to 13,11, shove Roxanne

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As her group pushed through the center, Syndra spied off in the distance something that felt out of place. "A siege engine, here? That seems a bit out of place for someone as tactically inept as Kazran. I wonder..." Syndra then noticed Miria giving Roxanne a little shove and then called out. "Miria, I might need you to help cover me fairly soon, there's something about that ballista over there I need to confirm." Before she could get to any of that though, there was still one priest in the way. Considering he's a magic user in  Kazran's domain this might just be something of a mercy...


Syndra moves to 15-9 and casts Flux at Priest 1

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Versaris managed to dodge a bolt that seemed to arch out of one of the nearby rooms, cursing under his breath. "Suppose I can't complain about warmachines when we have our own... Aly, let's clean this room out. We can't have that firing on anyone else that gets close."

Versaris to 10,35, equip levin sword, open door

"There are likely more than these... I cannot aid you with the wyvern, but I shall position myself to handle the rest."

Talulah to 6,29

"Right behind you Tasha!" Alvira didn't hesitate to whip out her tome and follow after their leader, raining down magic on the axe wielder in their way!

Alvira to 11,5, Light Fighter #8

"Mrow? We're trying to get her closer?" Amera noticed was Miria was up to, running up next to Roxanne and giving her a shoulder tackle of a push. "Go get 'em, laser girl!"

Amera to 12,9, shove Roxanne

Cass coughed up blood, her own, for once, but shook her head to stave off the sudden blurriness that followed. "Not that easy to take down... Laser girl, come on." Cassandra walked up to Roxanne and slipped a hand around her waist, smiling at her as she pulled her close-- not the prettiest visage with all the red. "Go make these flies regret coming in here, yeah?" She let her go with a push, shouldering her axe and taking a deep breath. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me! Who's next!?"

Cass to 13,9, shove Roxanne

"Brutes." Krystal rolled her eyes and wandered up behind the armored woman with the giant sword, not even bothering to flirt. "Here. Gonna hedge my bets that all you women are tuna eaters and plenty involved, already. Just go kill something or whatever with your big funny sword."

Krystal to 11,7, heal Laniva

M fiddled with her revolver some as the dark mage ran up and blasted the priest with one of her spells. "No, no, that's not enough, not for these magic types. Like this--" BANG!

M to 14, 10, commit a war crime

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"Haah..." One step removed from advancing towards the armored knights, Owen paused to notice the rest of the team was engaging with the pincer attempt. It was a slow down, but since they managed to stop the mounted charge, it was a reasonable change to their offense. Best to deal with that... I of all people should not charge ahead here.

Owen to (9,28), equip wind edge.

"Ah, thank you." The healing came as a surprise, just enough to help Üllr out of the sting from that spear. "Ugh, I should be more careful..." It was easier to mumble and refocus. That wyvern was handled already, now to deal with rest.

Üllr to (6,31), punch cav 9.

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"Alright... Get that wyvern. I've got my eyes set on someone else..." A sneak thief has rolled in behind the current forced, Lati knowing that he was likely fast enough to cause significant problems to those around her. "He won't get through my armor, but everyone else..." She rushed up alongside the wolf man who had just toppled the horseman, yanking his chakrams off his back and holding them out for him. "You, hold these instead. And you!" Then, the greatbow, almost as tall as her, slid off of her back and got one of its ends rammed into the floor, the spike on the end of the arc holding it firm in place. "You die!"

Lati to 6,32, trade equip Ullr's Chakram, steel greatbow into Thief #1


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"I'll be okay, Miria. Really, I do my best work when I'm on the front." Roxanne replied, the small push a little forceful, but if they needed help down below, it was what it was. What she hadn't been expecting was a followup from another of the mercenaries, one she wasn't especially familiar with. Clearly the reverse was also true, given the cat had addressed her as 'laser girl'. When yet another followup came from Cass, it would have almost been comical, were it not for the heavy wound inflicted on the shark. And again with laser girl, though at least from Cass it was more likely than not in jest given the cat had just addressed her as such.

"Cass, you're hurt, I-" It was clear what Cassandra's intention was, pushing her towards the action yet again. The Wyvern rider was the only on Kazran's forces left in the vicinity, so as long as she took him out clean, then he couldn't pick anyone off. Roxanne grimaced before turning towards her target.

"You had better stay upright until I get back to heal you, you understand me?" She noted, seizing the momentum of the forced advance to get in range of the wyvern, and take him down.

Roxanne to 17,6, Light up Wyvern 5

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"Mhhm. Agreed. Also be careful, if turn around and see you on the floor you not like what happen next." She didn't need to be told twice, the bolt that had nearly struck Versaris the only motivation she needed to charge into the enemy with the full intent to kill them.

Aly to 9,37 Shank Mage 2 with steel dagger.

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Gean cursed under her breath at being bailed out from that encounter with the pirate. She thought she wasn't underestimating her opponent, they were strong. She turned from that to the pincer group behind them, these wyverns looked nasty, and Gean did not like the monster weapon she could see on the cavalier's back. Her brain was parsing out the best way to remove these threats, when the dragon mage that showed up on their training day screamed Bloody Mary and drop a huge blast of thunder magic. "Well that's one way to solve things." Now it was up to the rest to clean up. There was one wyvern left, and while he no less a threat, Gean thought now was a good time to try out her new axe.

"I was saving this for your boss, but you need to go."

Gean to 7-28 and tries out her new Bolt Axe on Wyvern 10.

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