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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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As Sylm explained her feelings, Miria nodded and listened, while staring at the ocean, herself. Miria understood not knowing who you are, but... She wasn't sure on being afraid to change. She watched as Sylm stared at herself, then looked back out. She's been through so much... The cub gave a small sigh, but continued to smile for her conflicted companion.

"If it helps," She started, "things don't just change in a day. You don't have to change yourself, at least, not right now. I used to think things could be that simple, but... they're not, really. I'd usually say like, I'm pretty simple, there's a lot of me I don't know, that I want to. But one day, I think I might." She caught herself, took a breath and continued, "Sorry, not trying to make this about me, I'm just trying to... try to relate to your feelings. I'm sure one day, you'll find that strength. It doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow, but if you work to it, I'm sure you'll be able to be okay with yourself one day."

She giggled, trying to stay welcoming, "I think if you would've made excuses about it yesterday, that's already some good progress." And she followed with a thumbs-up. "And... I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name. I think they said... Samara, but I'm not sure, haha..." 

Edited by GoldsbroTSG
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With how exhausting their long battle had been, there was little time for leisure until they made it back to the ship for travel to Eslcas. And that, too, was only relaxing for the people who handled seafaring well, fortunately including Natalya. Serving as a bow lookout due to her position wasn't an issue in the slightest, considering they likely weren't going to encounter anything out of the ordinary after Kazran's death... It struck the tiger that with this operation happening directly across the Altair Channel from Glacies, they'd really performed their duty well above requirement - those still back home might not have to deal with nearly as many pirates from now on.

Some other things had had to wait until they'd make landfall at their return destination, such as her idea to help out Alvira, and whatever Gean may or may not have had to talk about. The Evokers surely wanted a full operational report as well, unless they just trusted Tasha enough to handle things well without having to be as detailed as usual. Not that she was the type to forgo such even if that was the case. The mostly blank sea and her idle thoughts were eventually given a welcome disruption by Versaris, giving him a slight quirk of the brow. He didn't often approach for pleasantries, but this felt more like a congratulations than anything else... which opened him up to a little teasing. "You better not take this long to return a flirt every time, or did you just want to wait until we were on a boat again, eh?" The way she grinned and burst into a hearty laugh made it exceptionally clear she was joking, of course. "Hah hah hah ha! Just kidding, it's good to hear you've gained confidence in my abilities over the time we've been fighting together. But surely you know yourself that 38 isn't that old for a Clouded, right? I might've had more experience than the others when we left Glacies, but I'm no real veteran of battlefields, this is just as much a learning experience for me as it is for all of them. And since we're speaking frankly, I think we'd have been screwed a good number of times without you, too."

Mutual uplifting aside, another woman entered into their conversation to ask if she could join the Tigers, at least for now. They had a knack for picking up people on the way who didn't mind being part of a mercenary group, huh? "I mean, we're mercenaries, so as long as you can fight, I'll take it. Any special considerations I might have to take into account? Food allergies count." With a slightly smirking smile, Natalya gave her answer. Even if the request was sudden, she certainly took it in stride, not quite recognizing Talulah from amidst the people they'd fought alongside... which made sense, since she did say she joined the fight with Lati. Wait, didn't that mean she was the 'friend' Miria had dragged back to them for healing? Tasha had been so caught up in the battle, she hadn't realized back when they first met in the underground section what Lati's plans had been, nor had she committed Talulah's appearance to mind. Getting a little more serious thanks to connecting the dots, she figured she should ask what she'd meant to back then. "Also... mind telling me what the deal with Miria having to drag you to us over the shoulder was?"

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Having sat the entire battle out Ember found herself more that a little stir crazy on return voyage, spending much of her time above deck even if it was just to aimlessly pace about. She at least made it a point to get a workout in when she wouldn't be in the way of the crew, having just finished up as the sun began to set. She stopped to appreciate the view, before feeling the thud of certain furball colliding with her. "Oi, be careful..." She groaned, moreso in inconsequential annoyance than anything else, as the cat was already play jabbing at her. She was glad that Seila and Amera were alright, Amera was still as hyperactive as ever, but hearing the cat talk about the fight just left her feeling frustrated that she didn't get to deck a single one of the bastards. She'd seen the aftermath herself, of Kazran, of the magic blast, and of the men that the Tigers had cut down--

"O-Oi! Just drop it already, will you!?" Her train of thought was abruptly interrupted as Amera brought up how worried she'd been, a dark tint taking to the hellhound's ashy skin. Immediately her claws reached out for Amera's head, her ears specifically, with far from pure intentions but all they found was air, Amera dodging backwards. "You've teased me enough about that, don't you think? S-Someone's gotta look and act tough if people are gonna take us seriously." She huffed, crossing her arms now that her plan to shut the cat up had failed so quickly. "Seriously... Just cause I don't say it don't mean I don't care

Alriana had spent much of her time not spent with Versaris lounging in various places around the ship. It had started with their shared room, then she had progressively moved higher and higher on the ship - from the deck, to the mast, and to the crow's nest when it was available. She's made to climb up to it earlier, but the fox had taken it from her this time. Alriana had settled for one of the beams holding the sails, laying down on it with her tail only partially coiled around beam as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He perked up as she heard speaking, quickly realizing it was the fox talking to herself. Alriana barely had a relationship with her, but ever since the Underground had crossed the Tigers even Alriana could see that she seemed different.

Whereas a normal person likely would've been extremely concerned with overhearing the majority of what Kise was saying, Alriana could at least relate to some of it. Or at least, part of her could relate to some of it. Thoughts of Luthier brought about a deep hatred that she knew was entirely hers, making her lingering feelings towards Rustal feel like the smoldering remains of a bonfire. For no real reason, she decided to make conversation with the fox, crawling up the mast like a creature rather than use the ladder. "Talking about coward scum? Not the only one that wants to kill him."

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"Hmmmm~? Who's talking to me... Oh." Kise sat up after her dramatic flop, eyes landing on Alriana, a smile slowly creeping onto the fox's face. "You're the lizard with the whirlwind insides... Not more of a storm than mine, but still plenty disorganized. What an intriguing magical signature... So many parts fighting for superiority. Especially..." She crawled a little closer, smile growing. "Whoever it is that's buried inside you. Mikoto is obedient. She only comes out when I need her... But this... She's actively fighting for--" She paused, her smile fading, before it returned with a hefty cackle. "She's the original! Ahah! Ahahah~! That's hilarious!" Kise rose to her feet, staring down Alriana as she got closer and closer. "You beat her out and now you're holding control... Ahah. Kihahahahah~!! That's so rich! How curious! You're so much more interesting than I thought you were... Ahhhh, as for Luthier... You'll have to wait your turn." She was inches away from the lizard now, still smiling, but her gaze fell to a cold, piercing stare, eyes thin, almost looking past Aly. "He has something of mine that I want back. Once I've had my way with him, you can have the scraps, little lizard... That is... unless you have something to say about that?"

Kise cracked her knuckles and chuckled. "I'm bored. I wouldn't mind fighting one of you to entertain myself... Just don't blame me if I don't hold back, okay~?"

"Ohohooooo, miss Ember's getting all hot and bothered, mrowr~!" Amera dodged under her claw, knowing full well what that petting was going to be if she hadn't! "And why should I? It's really cute! You should just be more honest, you funny hot dog!" Amera gave her another to fake jabs to the abs before backing away fully and sticking her tongue out. "People take us plenty seriously, you don't have to act cool. Just be you! And who you are is someone that cares about us lots, even if you're desperate for a guy~" Her tail wagged and she put her fists up, expecting Ember to start swinging properly from all this goading. "Just a big ol' puppy dog that can't help herself~" One more poke surely wouldn't make things worse...

"I... Ahah, hah..." Versaris couldn't help turning red, Natalya slamming him with the joke of the decade. "Goodness, it's no wonder Alvira fell for you." He held back further reactions for the moment, also curious about their elf friend, laying eyes on her and then on the blade at her side. "Yes, I must say, we didn't expect to see Miria to exhausted when she'd been fine moments before..."

"... Food, allergies...?" Talulah was also taken aback, blinking in confusion a few times before focusing on what was important. "I overexerted myself. I... Mmm. If I tell you this, and you abuse this knowledge to harm me... I will cut you down. Be very aware of that fact." She held the Yscavelne out in front of her, swiftly turning a stern gaze to Versaris. "And do not touch. This blade is some sort of relic... It speaks to me and it provides me with power when I wield it, but. If I do not strike down my foes, it feeds on my life instead... I was not looking to kill Miria. The energy in my sword and in her armor... are similar. It demanded we face off, and so I did, but I forced it away at the killing blow."

"That'll be the second talking sword we've had the pleasure of meeting... First the Escaflowne, now--"

"Escaflowne?" Talulah seemed quite intrigued, cutting Versaris off immediately. She flipped the blade's sheathe and held it out for him to read.

"... Well I'll be damned. If they aren't related, old sword makers have one hell of a funny way of naming things. Natalya, I do believe we're looking at the progenitor of the Escaflowne. At least, one of them... Yscavelne, is it...?" As Versaris said its name, the sheathe rattled, Talulah quickly withdrawing it to her side and letting go of it. "Temperamental little thing, isn't it... Are you sure you should be wielding something so dangerous?"

"I need it. For my revenge... Have either of you heard of the Visharan school of swordplay?"

Sari's eyes narrowed. "No wonder your way of fighting looked familiar... And considering you aren't human, you must be one of the survivors. Hoo, boy... We've pulled in a live one, Natalya."

"Yes... He killed my fellow students, and everyone else that night. Anyone that wasn't human, all because of Karavel's decree. I will kill him, with my own hands, no matter what it takes, and wash away the name he gave me."

"Aiyaiyai... Always the grudges... Where did you even wash up from?" He looked at Natalya, trying to get a grip on things. "Karaval is on the other side of the continent."

"I was warped here."

"Huh!?" More questions!?

"It's Sylmaria... Just, Sylmaria. My parents threw me away, so I threw away their name." She didn't realize it, but her whiplike tail had started wagging, the longer Miria spoke. "Mmm... Perhaps. I don't... I don't know if I'll ever come to like myself. This body has only ever brought me pain, sometimes in ways I know others will never experience." There was the self inflicted pain of scales regrowing, but the pain of her magic exploding out of her at times, leaving her unable to cast. It was so volatile, even if it was effective. She wasn't sure if anyone else could understand the sensation-- at the very least, it didn't seem like anyone in the Tigers could.

"Maybe one day, at least, I can speak with the others without fear or disgust. I know that, I am... one... but it is not, so easy to accept. Not after all these years. Not after everything I have been taught. Even if it is... wrong. Hahh... And it must be wrong. If Islexia is so righteous, it would not have produced someone was detestable as Kazran. Mm..." She glanced towards Miria, feeling a faint redness come to her cheeks as she struggled to force out, "thank you," mumbled as it was.

"Gods? Is that what they're calling themselves these days? Goodness, such grandstanding... And... Everything is west puts you on the east end of the Empire. Goodness that's so far away... Wait, what!?"

Miz seemed quite taken aback by something Roxanne had said, Alvira cluing into what was going on swiftly. "Is she talking to you right now!?" The dragon snatched Roxanne's hand, clutching it tightly, thinking in her mind. Hello!? can you hear me!? What are you!?

"Ugh, don't eavesdrop... What do you mean a mage of that school? Can't you use it? Did I seriously miss that badly? Aaaauuughhhh... This damn seal has my senses ALL out of sorts. Ugh. Whatever! A promise is a promise! And if I knew where I was, I would tell you. I can't see a damn thing. I'm SEALED. S. E. A. L. E. D. It's up to you to find me, wherever I am in the west, and do something about it... And if you do, wrong magic or not, I WILL make you capable of using anima. I'm not all powerful for nothing-- AND NO QUIPS about claiming to be all powerful and being unable to break my own seal. My people put me in here. People as strong as me. Hard to fight against more than one of yourself, hmph."

"... Whoa..." Alvira had been almost about to make that quip, just listening to how clear and precise this voice was. Almost as clear as Mercuria's, but clearly not her, eyes watching Roxanne to see how she'd react. "This is crazy..."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Kise's ears peered over the crows nest, demanding Gean come up to her. "Fiiiiiiineeee~ I'll be there as soon as I can get Kieran back, or we dock!." That was another notch on Gean's to do list when they docked. She still needed to talk to Tasha, it was probably a good idea to talk to her uncle while he was around too. Soon. Soon we'll be on our way, and I'll be one step closer to Lufiria. I'm gonna see them again, and maybe I'll find out about Mother too...

Jesse wandered a bit aimlessly on the upper deck. The Tigers had been successful that night, and despite some being worse for wear, Miria looked particularly battered, everyone who had left the ship had returned, along with some new faces. Apparently there had been some unexpected reinforcements on their side, one of which had Jesse's attention. That lady with the sword, I'm sure I felt somethin' from her, like how I reacted to Miria's shourd. Maybe she knows somethings we don’t...

Now they were almost at Esclas, and by extension, also done with Islexia. Jesse wanted to find this swordswoman, but she was currently in talks with the commander of the Tigers and the elf swordsman. Miria was also busy in conversation with Sylmaria, which brought Jesse back to current situation. Guess I find somethin' to pass the time. "Kieran," Jesse called out to the priest, who was helping the crew get ready for docking, "anyway I can help?"

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Renais had spent time to herself staring out at the water quietly, deep in thought. The night sky was a nice sight, she felt refreshed after experiencing a long revolt. I think I did well for myself, Sari said so at least. Although... Before Renais knew it, the Tigers had made a lot of powerful allies. Everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses, but after everything Renais had seen last night it was a whole different level. Really feels like yesterday when Sari and the commander were the strongest people I've known, and Kise of course. She brought out her wind tome, it was still in good condition. Hardly used even. After a quick inspection she put the tome away. "Alvira said my healing is enough, but...I don't feel like it is." She looked frustrated. "I really need to get back on the-?" Before she could finish that thought her ears picked up Gean's and Kise's voices, they weren't too far off.

She had heard Gean wanted to see them, Kise was quicker to the punch as she said she wanted them to come to her. Renais turned her head up to where she heard her girlfriend, and it just so happened to be the crow's nest. She could see Aly was there too. The only way up was the ladder, and it was quite a climb. It intimidated her for a moment. So she took another moment to collect herself. "...what's a ladder to a cleric that's seen the underworld?" She wanted to talk to Kise, there was a lot she had to say. So she kicked her nerves to the curb, grabbed onto the rope, and climbed. "On my way, Kise!" She called out as she slowly made her way up. As soon as got higher than 8 or 9 feet her nerves had returned, it felt very awkward climbing to a crow's nest on ship at sea. That didn't stop her from closing the distance though, even if it will take her some time. "I can do this...I can do this..."

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'The Empire...? The Holy Lufirian Empire? But that's...' Roxanne thought back at the voice in her head, a bit startled when Alvira took her hand, but it quickly became apparent that doing so had allowed her to also communicate with Miz'Githon... or at least hear her as well. While Roxanne couldn't get anything from Alvira herself, that didn't mean that her brain-spirit couldn't, necessarily. She could confer with the dragon on that afterwards, the last time they had spoken Miz'Githon had seemed to struggle to maintain the connection, so she didn't want to take this time for granted.

'I'm a light mage. I haven't really tried to cast anima since early aptitude tests when I was a small child, so I suppose I can't say for sure that I'm unable to cast it... currently untrained. So you don't know exactly where you are... do you at least know what part of the continent you're sealed in? Anything that can narrow it down?' The sheep inquired further, Miz clearly able to identify that they were a good ways away, but if she was really from the time of the Empire, then any modern country or province wouldn't work as a landmark...

If nothing else, she was getting a good amount of information already. Either Miz was similar to Fomalhaut and Mercuria and didn't consider any of them to be on the level of gods, or was at least sealed far enough back in the history of Lufiria to have some sort of context they lacked at present. And whatever level she truly stood at before being sealed, it seems she didn't lack for peers. Her attempts to get her information straight interrupted by Alvira speaking to her, the dragon's comment a tad disconcerting.

"Is this not... how yours went?" Roxanne peeked at Alvira as she asked, instinctively squeezing the warm, clawed hand that had grasped hers a little more tightly. Alvira had seemed to know what she was talking about, if Roxanne's own head-spirit was a different beast to Alvira's own experience... well there wasn't much to be done about it, but having someone who had been through this before alongside had been a comforting thought.

Edited by Ether
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Their future prospects were a ray of hope after these complicated days. Seeing his sister leaning close made the realization all the more internalized. Peace. Something Owen was striving for so long, something that seemed so impossible after his father's death... It was powerful to bask in it, momentary as it would be.

Disturbing the silence came Syndra Belrose, not an enemy after her actions this previous night... but to put all history aside was still jarring. "Thank you. I do hope it's the start of something greater. Our nation sorely needs it." He turned to greet her, a few questions clouding his mind. "Hm... I suppose there's a lot more to your history with the Tigers than I can guess. I wouldn't wish to burden them with all of my battles --for a sense of honor as well--, but knowing you're in their midst, I'd like to see you when the time inevitably comes. Your father will have a lot to think now that the playing field is changing this much." A brief moment of pause let him look to the horizon, following Syndra's gaze, wondering what it is that she saw in the horizon. "I won't let him be the only one making moves, regardless."

"Mmm... yeah. Go see her. Take care if you need to." At least she was no longer wallowing in her own misery... Üllr wasn't enough of a conversationalist to make a miracle, though. "Careful with the sun up here. If you need something to eat, I can go grab it." If she'd accept some help with her well-being for now, he'd be down to help... otherwise, he did what he could.

"It... felt like clarity. Nothing else registered. My anger was pushed past, my pain too... I couldn't feel joy or anything else, I was out  of breath, and at the same time, it felt like everything." Giovanna almost hesitated, but the memory of killing Kazran came to her too easily. "That's how it felt, Marigold. I charred his face. He still tried to swing his axe down on me. It hit the ground."

Giovanna took a deep breath. She looked to Marigold, and then to whom she pointed, managing the faintest of smiles. "I should thank her more. I was so certain Kazran sent her to her death. That she was spared by Owen really goes to show the difference in their ideals. That was part of why I snapped, in the middle of combat. Haah..."

All hard pills to swallow, for sure. Giovanna had some paths left to walk, still. "Islexia's ideals left her a lot worse off than myself, but I'm glad she can be around others like her now. I... have some ideas where to go from here. My skillset isn't lacking in options, thankfully..." She managed a chuckle, despite the heavy air moments ago. "Though honestly, with all the mages here, I feel markedly less special."

Edited by Xinnidy
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Alriana watched the fox with interest as she addressed her, speaking with familiarity of her situation that she woman shouldn't have had, as far as she was concerned. Versaris wouldn't have spoken about it to anyone other than the Evokers, Jeremiah, and maybe Natalya. Yet she was speaking with more knowledge than even Jeremiah had of the Voice inside her. The conversation with Jeremiah and Versaris was fresh in her mind, the discovery of what appeared to be another being underneath herself inside her own body. The conclusion that could be drawn from Kise's words wasn't remotely pleasing. "What you mean original!? What do you know about me!?" Her tail slammed again the crow's nest, an unexpected spark of rage to her questions. It only proving that the Voice was still ever-present.

The dangerous menace to the woman's eyes as Luthier's name left her lips, a look that Alriana easily recognized as the look of a bestial hunter, chilled her unwelcome rage. But it was not enough to cow her into compliance. "If he has something of yours just take it back after Versaris and I'm done with him. Maybe even leave alive for you." There was no instinctual, overpowering fear of Kise as there had been with Jeremiah even if she'd watched the fox go toe to toe with Jeremiah; if anything, there was a confidence that if she could take this fox, then she'd be much closer to being on even footing with Luthier. 

"Aside from Versaris, one of the strongest Tigers. If don't hold back than I won't either." Renais' declaration ignored by the lizard, Kise's provocation stirring Alriana, and her guest's competitive nature.

"Oi, just cause you're quick on your feet..." Ember grumbled as the cat continued to jab at her abs from outside ear grabbing/petting range. "Sh-Shut up!" She half-heartedly growled at the smaller cat clouded, real annoyance starting to pile up, but not having a proper rebuttal to Amera's statement. "Oi." That was one push too far, Ember's tail wagging aggressively as her eye twitched with the last provocation, glowing with just a spark of her flame as she was riled up. "I get you're a near unlimited bundle of energy, but that's nothing a little folding won't solve."

Edited by Ursali
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"No! Not at all! This is so far from how my talks with Fomalhaut go... Mostly it's him being, confused, broken dialogue, things like that... This is so clear, it's exactly like Mercuria, but... This, Miz has yet to try and brainwash you or snatch your magic, so either she can't, or she doesn't have the intention to."

"Hahhhh... If you're in the Eastern corridor... Mmmm, map math... That puts me, west? Of the capital of the Holy Lufirian Empire. That's still standing, right? There was some conflict going on there..." Miz's thoughts felt a bit scrambled to Alvira, but if she'd been sealed as long as existing during the time of the Holy Empire...

"You're ancient, aren't you...?" Alvira swallowed hard... "This is really big, Roxanne... M-Miz, can you, hold a connection for a bit longer?"

"No. This takes a lot out of me, I'll have you know! Getting any of my mana past this damn seal is exhausting... Give me... A week, maybe two and I'll be able to contact her again. I simply had to take my shot now that she was out of that maelstrom of mana... What a fun little fight you must've had~

"... Okay. Fuck. This sucks... I-I was really hoping to get you to be able to speak with... With the Evokers, ahhh... Roxanne, I don't know how we get there, but... West of the Holy Empire's capital, is where Hecatia stands right now. She's... If everything she's saying is true, she's from almost a millennia ago."

"I've been in here that long!? Gahh! No wonder the memory is starting to get fuzzy... You take one nap and centuries pass. This is terrible. Free me, pupil!" The connection had already begun to cut out, Miz's last words crackling as she spoke them.

"I, uh, uh, y-you might have time for one more question!? Be quick! Anything!" Alvira panicked and squeezed Roxanne's hand back, unsure of what to do with this information or... anything. This was such a new experience despite it being her third time!

Cassandra quickly wiped her tears away as the elephant in the room came up to them quite directly, not daring to show weakness in front of a Belrose, even one whose presence demanded they call her ally. "Hah, his 'friend'? Your father has no friends, Syndra. Just pieces on his damn board... Whatever comes of us killing Kazran, it'll send a message to every other warlord in the area as well as Nicolas. Their beacons of strength CAN and WILL be felled by the Gaffneys... Even if Owen and I relied on the Tigers for success, today, he was the strongest in this region, bar none. Unless Nicolas falls on us tomorrow with everything he has, we'll manage. Without Kazran hammering at our gates, we can rebuild Eslcas into the walled fort it was always meant to be... Trade will re-open. The people will prosper. We will grow strong... With a new ally in a Serdio we can trust, the entire Eastern Edge of Islexia will grow strong." Cass smirked almost evilly. "Is Nicolas dares to step foot here, I'll see to it that my axe finds his neck... And if you're around when it does, you'd better be there helping. You've chosen this path. His family is your mess to clean up, Belrose. I'm glad you're already well aware of that~"

"Wish I coulda been there to see you snap and see his face... And, why do you have to go anywhere?" Marigold gestured towards the group. "You might feel less special, but that just means you're normal, here. And if you ask me, that means you're home... Best thing you can do to help Islexia is stick with these folks and help them with whatever it is they're going to do. Maybe convince that dragon of yours to come along... She needs a home, too. One that won't hurt her and toss her aside when it's done with her." Marigold was a bit shocked at how reserved and even, depressed, Kazran's ultimate killer was, leaving her at a loss for more words. You'd think she'd be cheering and clapping... I can't imagine the weight on her and Sylmaria right now.

"Just give it some thought and go talk to the Tiger in charge if you feel brave enough. I'm sure your magic's more than fine for these good folks..."

"Mrahahaha~ You can threaten me all you want, but they're empty if you can't catch me, ya know..." She finally stopped bouncing around, slowly stepping up to Ember, fistbumping her arm. "I'm just happy you care, okay? No need to get so bent outta shape... It is definitely cute that you get so upset about it, but that just tells me how much you care... so cheer up, yeah?" She hugged Ember's arm and rubbed up against her a bit. "The kitty cares about you caring~ Next time, you'd better join us, so you can show these folks that all three of us are worth it... I know how hard you can punch. My guts remember... I imagine you would've launched heads from shoulders out there."

Kise grinned from ear to ear. "What do I know~? Everything I can see... And I CAN see her inside you, bubbling under the surface. Fighting for every scrap of control she can get... She wants her body back, Alriana." As the lizard continued to push the envelope, Kise didn't back down, quietly cackling, plenty pleased with this outcome. "Let's see which one of us deserves to take a bite of him first, then~!"

With a sudden lunge, Kise tackled Alriana out of the crow's nest and onto the beam holding up the sails, the two of them almost rolling off of it, but breaking away from each other left them both scrambling back on top of the wooden plank, the fox hunched over with her claws at the ready, Alriana on all fours, both of their eyes glaring wounds into the other. Kise was the first to move, dashing towards her at a startling speed, her claw scratching at the creation in front of her... Normally, such a weak arm wouldn't leave a mark, but the magic empowering the amalgam that was Kise cleaved through alriana like a knife through butter, a gaping wound appearing on the lizard's shoulder. "Is that truly all~? No attempt to dodge, no fighting ba--"

A fist rocketed into her face, launching the fox back, almost off the sail's beam, as she clawed and scrambled for balance. "What in the world--!?"

"Normally I'd thank you, but you need to learn your damn place!!" Alriana was different. Something was wrong, and Kise had nearly no time to react as the lizard vaulted as her, pouncing onto her form and launching fists, claws open, barely missing her face. Blows strong enough to scare even the fox, at speeds well beyond what the creature should've been capable of. A desperate claw scratched at Aly in an attempt to move her, but she was staunch in her assault, another fist about to come down and flatten Kise against the sail beam--

"Enough!" Her other claw had scrambled for her tome, a leg coming between them and kicking the lizard off towards the deck, only to be caught with a nosferatu spell, holding her in the air instead of letting her plummet to the wooden boat below-- not that she figured it would stop her like this. "Hahhh, hah... Hahaha... Ahahah~! Kihihihihahahahahahah~!" As she guided the beast in her clutches towards the crow's nest anew, she couldn't help her laughter, limping towards it across the beam, feet carefully balancing as she walked. "You... You, are something special... Don't think I'll claim this, as victory. No, no I changed the rules mid fight. Were we to have continued... You would have undoubtedly won. Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating... What, are you? Just what are you, beast that sleeps within?"

Kise weakly crawled back into the little landing atop the mast, lazily holding her control over the struggling lizard. "Hahhhh... Goodness, what a shock... Renaaaaaais~ I hope you're coming up here with your staff in haaaaaand~"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Alriana hadn't been expecting Kise to start the fight up here, completely unprepared for the fox to tackle her over the edge of the crow's nest and onto the beam. They struggled before breaking it off as they felt gravity attempt to yank them from their perch, Alriana poised to leap at Kise as she found her footing. The fox was fast, she knew this from watching the fight, but she hadn't expected the woman's magic to extend to her claws, tearing into her like her dagger so easily tore through her foes. RRRaaahgh! She let out a roar, but, her lips didn't move, no sound escaped her save for a grunt in pain. What is-- It felt like her world slowed down, her body becoming sluggish to point it wouldn't respond. She shouldn't be dead so what was--

Shut up. A voice hers yet not cut into her thoughts as, externally, a smirk took to the creation's face. I know I encouraged it, but thinking you can beat Luthier? Pathetic. Here, watch how the real 'you' can move her body! Her eyes blinked as they focused on the vixen before her, red eyes shifted to purple, almost alight. She'd dreamed of this ever since she'd been awoken by Luthier's attack on the Tigers, a chance to wrest control of her own damn body. There had been chances before, but the failure was more resilient than she'd thought possible. Now, though, she was finally in control. "Normally I'd thank you, but you need to learn your damn place!!" A swift punch to the bitch's face sent her reeling, shaking her fist as she watched Kise balance herself, relishing being able to feel again. 

She was on her in a second, claw swiping at her face, not really caring if the woman survived her assault. Her damn fault for having the audacity to laugh at her and be stupid enough to let her out. She managed to move her head just in time, even trying to shove her back, but it wasn't enough. "Just hold still--!?" A sudden kick sent her falling off the beam, head swiveling around for anything to catch her as she moved her body into a position where she could turn some of the momentum into a roll targeted at the main mast so she could climb back up and knock the damn fox off herself. But, suddenly, the falling stopped, being lifted back up into the nest. This woman was no Luthier, but she was still dangerous if she was capable of this. A real fight wouldn't end in her favor.

That wasn't enough to stop her from violently struggling against the hold of the fox's gravity magic as soon as she wasn't at risk of falling, snarling at Kise with an untapped well of rage. "LET GO OF ME THEN YOU WRETCH!" Murder was written in her everything, a gaze that could've killed if the damn researchers hadn't abandoned the idea with Sixteen. Try as she might she couldn't struggle out of the magical force restraining her, left only to seethe and glare death from her spot on the ground as the bitch called for another to come heal her body. "RRRRRRghggh...!"

Edited by Ursali
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Miria nodded as she listened, making sure she memorized Sylmaria's name now. After that, however, she couldn't help herself, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Just." She held back a laugh, but hoped the dragon would get a small chuckle. The cub however, gave a sigh, "Sorry, that was bad. But, I never forget names, so it's safe in here Sylmaria." Miria gave a light tap of her head with two fingers and a smile.

Despite her joke, she was quick to returning to serious mode when talking about why Sylm only goes by her first name, and her feelings about herself. It was clear in Miria's face that despite a lack of experience, she was intently listening. She nodded along, thinking about how rough Sylm's life had to have been. When she brought up that at least, she could try to be better talking to others like her, that got Miria to smile again, standing up straight again. She also noticed what looked like Sylm was at least feeling a bit better, if that's what the wagging tail and light blush meant. But the cub wasn't going to pry about it.

"Well, I guess still, that's a start." She assured with a thumbs-up. "And that's a good way to put it, I think. I haven't spent a lot of time in Islexia, but... even as a human it felt, uncomfy... Here's hoping with Kazran out of the way, things can change." She smiled, looking out at the water. "And I think being here will be good for you. The Tigers are a great bunch. And, if it helps, I like you so, I think you'd be welcomed."

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Koba had been wandering the ship, finally coming back up onto the deck as he searched for the owner of the photograph he had found in the castle. He'd been able to pick up from context that he was looking for a woman named "M" who had been the captain of a group including Roxi, the mage who had saved him and Miria during the battle. The memory still scared him a little bit, when he thought about it too long, knowing just how close they had all come to dying. Whatever Roxi had done, it had saved them. He just had to hope that it hadn't left her permanently injured or burnt out. He'd have to check on her at some point, thank her again. For now though, he was focused on delivering his find. He finally found the woman he was looking for, talking to Ullr. He started to approach and then hesitated. She seemed... upset, with clear evidence that she had been crying still left on her face. Maybe... Maybe now wasn't the best moment to go talk to her. It seemed like whatever Ullr was saying to her was helping, so maybe he should just wait a bit longer. He inched over to the ship railing, leaning against it and trying not to seem like he was waiting for the two of them to be done. He could wait.

Cin yawned and stretched from his position sitting with his back against a pile of crates as he observed the rest of the Tigers moving around on the deck of the ship. Most of them seemed to be finding ways to entertain themselves, and he'd join them soon enough. He was still waking up slightly from his nap though, one that had been well deserved in his opinion. It had been a well fought fight, with the Tigers successfully earning a victory for Owen and Cass, something that he could be proud about, even if he hadn't gotten in quite as many fights as he would have liked. The longer they spent in Islexia, the closer he came to wanting to just burn the whole country to the ground. Seeing what they believed, how they treated those who were different, it filled him with a rage he couldn't always quite fight back. It had manifested at points during the fight, and while he'd managed to keep it under control, he worried that he would struggle to do that next time. It was something to keep in mind at least, as he moved forward. For now... He glanced around, not spotting his target immediately. He'd wanted to talk to Laniva, impressed with how well she had handled herself in battle, especially against the axe user who had seemed in charge of the group in the final room they'd entered. He also needed to get to know the various members of the Tigers better, he'd spent long enough with them at this point, and she seemed as good of a place to start as any. He stood up, stretching with a large groan before setting out to try and find the cat.

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"That sounds... closer to the first time she contacted me. Her voice is a lot more clear this time." Roxanne noted, grateful at least that Miz wasn't trying to wrest her magic from her over their connection. It hadn't even been something she had considered as a possibility before talking to Alvira. Still, there wasn't much time to dwell on that, with Alvira bringing up the obvious idea of getting the Evokers involved directly, it came to light that Miz'Githon couldn't hold the connection for long, and by her estimate it would be weeks before she could make another attempt. Almost impossible to coordinate them to be present on that sort of timetable...

"Assuming that 'some sort of conflict' was the rise of the Tribes under Galari and the defection of King Lucian... more than a millenia, 1200 years at least. If it's further back than that... the historical record is too murky for me to say exactly how long." Roxanne pondered, perhaps mention of the event would jog the sealed woman's memory. Unfortunately, the connection between her and Miz'Githon seemed to be fading, much as it had after they had exchanged a scant few words in combat. Alvira urging her to try to ask anything else that might prove useful, Roxanne felt her mind race. There was too much, far too much to ask her, and so little time.

"Aaah... if you, they, if you're not gods, then what are you? West of the Imperial capital is Hecatia today, but modern names won't track with anything you would know... some sort of landmark, something that would stand for a millenium... I know two particularly adept mages, is there any way for me to contact you, if you can't force mana through your seal?" Roxanne rattled off a few things, trying to cover what she could. If she asked too much at once Miz might cut out without answering anything...

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Kieran began moving for the ropes, and the anchor--not that he would be able to lift it--so that he could start getting the ship ready to land. Honestly, the sooner he got off the ship, the better. The steady certainty of the ground beneath him was preferable to the uncertain swaying of the Maelstrom. There was also a part of him that still felt... out of place amongst the Tigers. He didn't help with the mission aside from getting the Tigers there, and he still carried the weight of his betrayal on his shoulders. It was simply the battle, and then the recovery period that kept more of the Tigers from telling him what they thought of him. It was deserved of course, he had been the vector through which several of their members were nearly killed. Even if it worked out in the end, that was a stain that was not going to come out, no matter how long he washed that shirt of his. It would be a very long journey to turn that page, and so far, the only one interested in that journey was Marigold. Kieran shook his head, "Really is crazy that after everything all it takes is--"

Kieran then turned to the voice calling his name, she was the lance woman that had been out there during the Tiger's training, "...Jesse, right? Sorry if I don't get it right, a lot of names to learn all at once, and well, a lot of things to remember on top of that." Kieran shrugged, "Help? You can start with the rope over there if you really want, we'll need it for when we dock--cast it to the people where we're landing, and they'll take care of the rest. We gotta make sure that it isn't knotted or something though. Either way, I can handle it, but if you're sure, I'm not gonna stop you. I don't have the authority or standing to do anything beyond what's asked of me."

Dwight sat deathly quiet. His body still ached from everything, but, true to Krystal's word, he was alive. Under any other circumstance, he was supposed to be dead, not unlike those who were in that hallway. Seeing that devastation... that was what monsters like Krystal, and others were capable of with magic. Sure, Kazran was strong, and he could dent floors with his axe, shatter stone... but nothing that man could do would ever rival the sheer amount of force that had warped that hallway into an unrecognizable mess. It was... rather terrifying honestly, just about as terrifying as being on the boat, and not being dead.

Dwight almost jumped when Krystal came and leaned on his arm, so lost in his thoughts and fears, that he didn't even hear her approach, "...Haha... I have to admit. I don't know what to feel. I... can't say that I was in Kazran's camp. I watched the way he interacted with the women in our units. Mom at least instilled some idea of decency in me, but..."

The man leaned back against the wall, looking up towards the sky, "...It feels so stupid. Kazran, and the others would have killed me for defecting. Killed me for even looking in a monster's direction without intent to kill. Everything Islexia teaches you is how the monsters are prepared to end you for any reason at all... and somehow I survived that fight. But... that hallway. I didn't know who was over there, and I can't say that I'm going to lose sleep over them... just knowing that's the kind of power that magic, monsters, have... It's still terrifying. Terrifying to know that people can become that powerful... and yet, you all didn't kill all of us, when you had every right to. It doesn't make sense to me."

Dwight then looked up at Krystal, "And I don't know what you're on about. You're... different. It's not so simple to just... flip that switch."

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"It was indeed bad... but even bad jokes were a luxury before. I will take what I can get, Miria..." Hopefully the jokes would improve along with her life, now that she had the freedom to do whatever she wanted... And from what Miria was suggesting, that freedom led to staying with the Tigers. "You think they would accept me? I know that, you have... but you seem, rather... Easy going. I do not mean that as an insult... Just, it, feels like it would take a lot to truly upset you." Could she travel with these people? It would mean more fighting, but she'd been raised fighting... She was good at it, even if her magic was at times, unruly. "Mmm... If you think I will be a good match for this group, then I will speak with your leader once we have arrived and resolved things. It would be nice to be surrounded by people that care about me, even if I struggle to..."

"Oh. I suppose I never did say what I am... A dragon. A true dragon. Nothing like the knock off next to you-- apologies, child, but the Monsters calling themselves dragons aren't anything close to the real thing~" There was a confidence and perhaps smugness to that fact, Miz was clearly pleased with what she was. Alvira made no comment, but she did pout.

"You did mention Lucian. What a man... The person our tribe followed during the great war, but, only him. Not the Empire. Never the Empire. They put on a good face, but were performing horrible experiments in secret... If they've been wiped out since, fantastic~! It's too bad that Galari and the Six Tribes were no better, ugh. We turned on the Empire, but the Tribes were so full on their victory that they started killing every Monster they saw anyway. Disgusting. Hopefully they're all good, gone and dusted... Considering you're a Clouded speaking to me from a corner of the Empire, and you're not under duress, I'll assume the best~ Hmmm... Also, not Gods, Spirits, the Three Angels they called them. Galari held the Spirit of Earth... I'm not sure what the spirit was, really, but it was no God... Mmmm, what else before this ends... Oh!"

Miz's voice perked up from the terrible past she was slowly recollecting, "The Gate of Providence. That should be nearby~ You'll find me in a crystal. The damn thing was SUPPOSED to let me out centuries ago, but it's only been getting stronger the longer I've been in here... Horrible, truly. I've spent so much time trying to break it, and I've made cracks-- that's why we're even speaking, but I can't snap the rest alone... It is nice to speak to people again, at least. I've been terribly lonely... There's only so much hibernation one can do before it becomes taxing to even sleep... Not to mention the ordeal its been putting my memory through, oi... Oh! Yes. Memory. Gate. The Gate of Providence is in Astralis~ That's the town's name. Happy hunting... There was one more thing wasn't there? Something about, contacting me, yes, if you want to contact me--"

And then silence. Alvira waited a moment, but nothing came through again... The connection was lost. She let go of Roxanne's hand and took a deep breath. "Okay. That's. A lot... We need to tell the Evokers. Everything. Those names don't, line up with anywhere on the world map of today, let alone Hecatia's... Gate of Providence, Astralis... Those aren't... Ugh, geez."

"I'm not any different, Dwight." Krystal drew a finger along his armor, sighing. "I threw that gigantic fireball at you, didn't I? But just the other day you were at my chest, like a baby with a bottle... We're not scary. War is scary. War is what the big, nasty Islexians want. What Kazran wanted... And even if we could launch magic that warps a whole area like that, how many of us do you think can actually do that, huh? Don't you think Nicolas and his cronies would've been wiped out by now if we were so strong?" She snuggled a bit closer, nuzzling up to him some. "Islexia teaches you to be afraid of us because we're different, we have big, hurty, magic, because of the past, things we had no control over... But even with how strong we are, we're the ones oppressed. I was the one under him. Sylmaria was the tool in his command..."

She sighed, again. She really didn't like reminding herself of all this, but now that she wouldn't get stabbed for saying it, she wanted to at least express herself. "Kazran and Nicolas are the problems, Dwight. I'll repeat it until you get it... We didn't kill all of you because you don't deserve to die. You've all been taught we're bad, you're all fighting believing that... but this can't just be some, two-way genocide. Either all monsters or all humans, no... We get rid of the people that keep spouting this ideology. That the idea we can live together is ludicrous... We didn't kill you all because that's not, what we want. Honestly... Those nights, when the nicer men got together, we shared drinks and stories, leaned on each others shoulders... Those were some of my favorites. We weren't monsters and humans. We were just people... It didn't matter that I had horns, or that you didn't. It never should..."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Ngh..." The pinkette felt the winds against her as they shifted the ropes she held on; she even felt her skirt drift in the breeze. She wouldn't dare look down though, with how high up she was it would only set her nerves ablaze. Aaah, please...don't let go me. I'm not the best at physical things but-? She was pulled out of her thoughts as soon as she caught a battle between Aly and Kise. She was amazed they both could just have a match near the sails like this, they were both so intense about it too. Aly had the advantage when the kitsune was pinned against the beam, but Kise was quick to regain control by whipping out her tome. Aly was caught, and defeated. You really are strong, Kise. Fearless too... She heard some of what Kise said thanks to her sharp hearing, but she couldn't understand what she meant about a sleeping beast. Then she heard her delicate voice call out to Renais, while Aly was shouting and enraged by everything. "I'm coming!" The pinkette called as she continued her climb.

A hand grabbed onto the ledge of the crow's nest, and with one last grunt the adorable cleric pulled herself up and into the safe zone. "Hah..." She took a moment to catch her breath before she lifted her head to view the sight before her. The kitsune had held her fellow tiger in gravity magic, it didn't surprise Renais that Aly was so upset. So she pulled out her staff and held it to her chest. "I'll heal Aly, but please don't continue your match while I'm up here." Without another word she pointed her Heal staff at Alriana and slowly mended the injuries. "You should be fine now, Aly." Once she finished she pulled back her staff and looked to Kise. "Can I have some of your time, Kise? And could you please release Aly too?"

Edited by TheRoon
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Roxanne was making a point to commit everything Miz was saying to memory... it wasn't as though they could just ask her to clarify at any time. Unfortunately on that very note, just as the apparent True Dragon was about to make note of how Roxanne might possibly forge a connection to her from outside, the voice in her head faded, leaving her mind far emptier than it had been seconds prior. Alvira releasing her hand after a few moments, the supposedly faux dragon vocalizing thoughts on the matter quite close to Roxanne’s own.

"A lot. Yes, I'd even call that an understatement. I already had plenty to discuss with them, but this is..." Roxanne trailed off, leaning her back against a crate as she brought her hand to her chin, trying to sort things.

"Gate of Providence, Astralis... if they came up in my studies I can't recall them at present. From the sounds of things, she followed Lucian Shiva after he defected from the Holy Empire, but was sealed before things came to a full conclusion. Although unless we can find Lufirian scholars between here and Hecatia, I doubt that will help much in searching. Records barely survived within Lufiria itself, but out here..." Roxanne shook her head a bit, their only real options seeming to be lucking out on the Evokers having studied Lufirian texts brought to Glacies, or... Jeremiah. The head of intelligence was an enigmatic man, and even if he did know something, there was no guarantee he would divulge it... or that he wouldn't prevent her from pursuing it depending on just what there was to know. 

"Are you... holding up okay? It was a lot for anyone to take in, but a lot of what came up seemed... pretty close to you, personally." Roxanne asked, gazing over at Alvira as she did so. She hadn't intended to drag Alvira into this to be certain, so she could only hope the potential revelations about both her people and their God didn't effect the dragon too heavily.


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"Then I'll do better on the jokes." Miria assured, with a light laugh. As long as Sylm was okay with it, it was a win for the cub. Then, the dragon brought up concerns about her joining. Fair things, if she truly was a former hater of monsters and clouded, and how that would gel with a group full of them. She pat the dragon on the shoulder, and continued her assurance,

"If it helps, I'll go with you and vouch for you. I think, as long as you're trying to be better, there shouldn't be problem. And if something happens, I'll take responsibility for it." She smiled, almost completely unphased by the idea that Sylmaria could be an accidental problem. "And don't worry, I don't get too worried about people thinking I'm easygoing. I can be pretty annoying cause I like being positive. I've had some lows recently, and I think that... reinforced me. I like trying to be a little light in someone's day." She gave a salute, even if a little goofy, showing her assurance on the subject. "Y'know, as long as it's fine." Once lowing her hand, a small blush escaped her, and she fell into an embarrassed frown.

"But yeah," she looked out onto the boat, seeing several of all the members of the tigers and allies conversing. "If you ever feel yourself faltering, I hope you're okay with at least one person who'll bat in your corner." And her smile returned.

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Syndra let out a bit of a chuckle at Cassandra's comment about Kazran's relationship with her father. She couldn't quite tell if Cassandra was putting on a brave face just because Syndra walked up, but even if she was it wasn't as if Syndra disagreed with what she heard from either Gaffney sibling. "Hmmhmm, even if he wasn't that close its not going to stop Nicolas from framing Kazran to whatever suits his needs. Perhaps he'll end up being more useful to my father in death then he was in life, and I've unwittingly done my father a favor in helping kill Kazran. Oh well, nothing to be done about that now..."

Then Syndra thought back on Owen mentioning using the Tigers to solve their problems, and Syndra understood the meaning of what he was saying; it wouldn't look favorably on them constantly relying on a foreign, partly Clouded mercenary group to fight their battles for them, so Syndra tried spinning it.  "Well as for the Tigers, considering where we're heading, the day that we have to deal with the Belroses might not be that far off. I left this place once because I felt I wasn't strong enough to truly change this place, and I honestly still don't know if I am, even with their help." Then Syndra paused. For everything she said and everything she feared, Cassandra said something else that was relevant. For everything that was said about her father, similar things were said about the man that they'd just killed. She then turned back towards the Gaffneys. "Hope isn't merely a four-letter word, its something like what we just created the other day, something worth fighting for and protecting, no matter the fear or obstacle in the way. When that day I dread the most comes, I'll be ready to face it, not as someone trying to justify the actions of a spoiled brat who thought she was better then everyone else, but as a proper leader who can bring respect to the name she was cursed with at birth, and I look forward to walking at your side when it happens."

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"Huh, wha? How am I holding up? I'm fine. I appreciate you being worried about me Roxy, but I've known for quite some time about Fomalhaut not actually being some larger than the world deity... This whole deal with Mercuria and the Escaflowne-- stuff I'll try to explain when we land and are all settled, it's prepared me for these eventualities... but... Hmph. True dragon, huh. We'll see about that, Miz." Alvira seemed more bothered by the comments on her existence as a dragon, pouting some and picking herself up to stand fully, stretching a bit. "Never a dull moment, at least... I'm sure Tio and Elisa won't be happy about more people getting spoken to in their head, but at least this one seems... amicable. If she had the power to harm you, she didn't seem the kind to want to do so... Getting the impression that she's actually just been trapped in a rock for so long and wants out."

Kise stared at the healer, expecting to get berated for her actions, cries of 'why, how could you, why are you two even fighting', but... Nothing. She eyed Renais warily, ears twitching somewhat, tails swaying, unsure of what this ploy meant... She'd been so upset before with Jeremiah, and now, nothing? She narrowed her eyes as she set Alriana down on the crow's nest... The healing seemed to have done what it was meant to do, locking away the nasty lizard behind the more controlled personality that everyone seemed to like so much. "She's released... What, exactly, would you like to speak about? We can. Right now. Aly can listen, we're all allies, so surely she can hear it..."

Is she... fine, with me doing things like this, now? Did she just miss, how severely we were fighting? That wasn't sparring... It wasn't playing, either. Hmmmm... Hmmmm! Confusing! Kon! Mixed signals are bad for my brain... How am I meant to be a good girl for Renais when I don't know what's good!? First it's bad and now she's complacent, rrrrrrrr... Pick one, mrrgrgrgr... She huffed, pouting, arms crossed, the bruise from Aly's punch slowly, slowly fading away.

"You're really making it difficult to stay upset, Miria... Let a girl pout some, would you?" She couldn't help her smile as Miria continued to pour on the positivity, even going as far as to offer a vouch for her when speaking with Natalya. This, really is what a group is meant to feel like, isn't it? Not kowtowing to the strongest, loudest voice, but picking each other up and standing tall for each other. Hahh... I really hope you'll stay with me and these people, Giovanna. Islexia is our home... But we don't have to stay in it to help change it. It's not like we have anything left, anyway...

Sylmaria thought for a moment, about staying and fighting for the Gaffneys. Lati was out of the question; even if she wasn't her father, that place held too many terrible memories for Sylmaria to ever consider returning. If she did stay... It'd be so much more, waiting. She thought about it, and the more she thought, the more a feeling of restlessness began to rise up from within. No. I can't stay here... I must affect change. I must do everything I can with this second life. Islexia will change and I will be at the forefront of it...

"I think I would enjoy your help with your boss. Having you... bat in my corner... what, does that mean, exactly?" The terminology was woefully lost on her.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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As the pinkette that her other knew as Renais pulled herself up to the crow's nest her murderous gaze snapped to her, her teeth bared like the beast the fox bitch had called her. Had her call for healing just been a coincidence or did the woman truly know that much about her? Either way, she refused to let her first real outing be cut so short, even if it meant attacking one of the Tigers. She reached her claw out towards Renais to swipe, but with the fox's magic pinning her down her claw was barely able to get off the wood before flopping back down. "You... Next time, you're first." She chose to leave on a threat, purple eyes glaring into Renais' ruby orbs. Her control began to slip as her body was healed out of mortal peril, the adrenaline fading and with it her ability to overpower Alriana's will. I'll be waiting for next time, Aly. You'd better hope the damn fox is around when it happens.

Alriana blinked, red eyes staring up at Renais as she asked for Kise to release her from the magic holding her down. Did she even know how close she'd been to a possible death at her own hands? She didn't know how to handle everything that had happened, choosing to remain on the floor of the crow's nest. She'd been forced to take a second seat to her own body as the other self inside her finally succeeded in wresting control, even if only momentarily due to Kise's magic and Renais' healing. Kise had been talking like she understood her before the fight, she wondered if that was still the case. Slowly, she picked herself up to standing, a new glare at Kise now adorning her face. "Will tell what know about me. Least you can do for making that happen."

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Pushing away the half of her mind telling her to follow up on Versaris some more, Natalya listened intently to what Talulah had to say, though the woman's seemingly flippant seriousness was a little off-putting. And just like Sari was quick to point out, this 'Yscavelne' was not only very close in name to Escaflowne, it also happened to be the second talking sword they'd had the pleasure of coming into close contact with recently, albeit the description made this one sound like a much more malignant one. Great, first we have gods using one sword as some kind of conduit, and now we have another that tells you to kill people and kills you if you don't do as it says. When did steel get the right to boss its wielder around?

Tasha's somewhat confused thoughts were cut by even more confusion, as Versaris clearly knew what the elf woman was implying... but she was still blissfully out of the loop, even if not for long. "I have no idea what any of that means, but given what you said, someone got very angry about the Clouded around them and went on a chopping spree, you survived, and now want their head in revenge, right?" A brief glace to Sari confirmed that he was, unfortunately, at somewhat of a loss of words himself at the situation Talulah found herself in. "And, uh...  I'm far from being even close to knowledgeable about magic, but last I checked people aren't just warping across the entire continent..." Would definitely have made many things a lot easier, if that was the case -- hell, they wouldn't have to be on this mission to begin with, the Evokers could've just warped to Lufiria from Glacies.

Shaking her head a little, the tiger shrugged and continued. "Either way, as long as you can control that sword of yours to where I'm not going to find it sticking out of one of our own one day, I'm fine with you staying with us. Though I'd like to hear more about the circumstances that got you here..."

"If you talk to yourself like that all the time when you work, I shudder to think what the wrong onlooker in the right place could hear~" Bella had spent the trip mostly making sure that anyone who needed a pick-me-up was able to get one, but the number of healers with the unit had been sufficient to not need too much liquid help on top. Now, as they neared port, however, she'd gone wandering below deck, and had been drawn to the magical ballistician's ramblings, only really catching the tail end of it all. "Do I have to put a plaque on the wall that says 'no idle rambling', hmm?~" Her... presence, quickly filled the room as she sauntered over to the cat boy, a hand gently rising to his shoulder as he worked on getting his platform in order.

A small sigh left her lips, getting a bit more serious. "We're back home soon... but I probably won't be staying for long. I told Owen I'd be his liaison with the Tigers for as long as they remain in Islexia, so that he doesn't have to rely on second-hand accounts."

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"Aly can stay, I don't mind." Renais watched Kise as she agreed to speak, and took note of the pout and folded arms. There was also a bruise on her cheek, evidence that the fight really was that intense. She was about to shift to help her heal, but almost found herself clawed by Aly. "!" The nail just grazed her cheek as she fell back on her behind, though thankfully it seemed like she was held back by her girlfriend's magic. Renais had seen a lot from the lizard, but a full on death threat and a glare into her own gaze shook her to the core. "Aah!"

Another moment later and Alriana's purple eyes were back to a familiar color, she wasn't bloodthirsty now. "What in the...!" She winced slightly as she felt blood trickle down her cheek. It wasn't a deep wound by any means, but it certainly was one Renais wouldn't forget. She lifted the back of her hand to feel the cut. Renais had trouble understanding the lizard's words, but it seemed like she demanded Kise tell her everything she knew about her. It sounded like a threat too due to her tone and glare. The pinkette slowly readjusted herself to be slightly closer to Kise. "Stop it!" She had to stop herself from shaking, so she quickly took Kise's hand to help a little. "Whatever she needs to know please tell her! Just...no more fighting from either of you...no more please..."

Edited by TheRoon
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"Oh, um..." Miria's flush came back as Sylm said to let her pout. "I-I mean, if you wanted to, you could've said so..." She let out a nervous laugh, but did her best to recollect herself. It was nice, seeing the dragon smile. She seemed so sad when Miria first approached her. It made some kind of almost sisterly ping go off in her brain, and the cub felt so much relief that it looked like things were working. And now, Miria had a personal mission: helping this potential new friend acclimate into the Tigers. And she'd do her best to. 

It almost felt nostalgically warm. Like when Gean first talked to Miria the first time, keeping a welcome hand for her, despite how new she originally was. This was her chance to give back.

"Oh!" Miria exclaimed when asked what she said meant. "Um, it's a thing my Papa liked to say. A bat is like, a round stick, for swinging, I think. My dad kept one, and he liked to say that instead of like, having a sword in your corner. He used to say he didn't need a sword, he had claws." She answered with a laugh.

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