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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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It seemed that a momentary rest was in order, and folks were recuperating. Jesse looked to Celine. "Shall we find you a seat Commander? I'm sure it'll be more comfortable than just hanging on me." Truth be told, that whole ordeal made Jesse want to grab another plate of food, but now wasn't the time for that. Attending to her still exhausted leader was still top priority. Miria was still interest in "talking" to Escaflowne, and that did spark curiosity in Jesse. Maybe the sword and their shrouds held some shared history?

Gean watched as Vira embraced Tasha, who still was silent. This whole ordeal was hitting their leader hard, and Gean wanted to help her. For now, all she could do was give a few more back rubs of support before letting the two have their space. Tio had approved of their moment of rest, and so Gean made her way over to Mikoto. Approaching from behind, Gean made sure to snake her arms between her girlfriend's tails as she embraced her in a hug. "Thank you for your help. You sure you're ok?"

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Laniva let out a long sigh, leaning into Syta as she sat down. Her breathing was starting to slow back to a normal pace, relaxing as Syta set about petting her. "Mmh... t-thanks, Syta..." She was too tired to put up any resistance to Syta's compliments, not that it would have consisted of much more than a flustered light denial in the first place; but she settled instead for leaning against her, eyes starting to blink back open properly, looking around in a fading daze.

"Wait, you... h-huh?" She perked her head up a bit at her last words, almost dumbfounded for a moment, before slowly nodding. "Oh... I think that would be good! I don't think Kisara would want to be away from... all of this. She seemed so interested, a-and... it would be, nice to have you along... um, and, since you're worried..."

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"Thank you." Miria's demeanor lightened, giving a light bow, as she approached Diya and the blade. "Thank you, Miss Diya." She looked at the sword. On the surface, it looked... fine. Hopefully that meant the being inside was okay. Miria placed a hand on the blade and took a deep breath. Es? Are you still there? Are you okay? There was clear concern on the cub's face.

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Syndra had been briefly pulled out of her depressive haze by Nyxied wrapping her arms around her. It wasn't unwelcome, but she wasn't sure how helpful it was going to be. "I think you've a good idea that I'm not fine right now. Just... just what was that? What was any of that? That level of magic wasn't natural... it was horrifying, and worst of all it didn't seem like there was anything I could've done to help." Syndra hadn't believed in the reliance of gods and similar beings, but there wasn't another explanation for what she felt come from the Escaflowne. To her knowledge no one in the room could've done something like that on their own, and it took the efforts of their strongest mages just to get the opportunity to stop it from whatever it was doing to Alvira and Laniva. "It's that helpless feeling I have a problem with right now. I have the time to learn about what that was and find a way to combat it if it threatens us again, but will it matter? Will I actually be able to be relied upon when the moment comes? Or will I just be sitting away, paralyzed into inaction again?" Tormented by her own thoughts as she was, there was the other component to this that concerned her. If the Escaflowne is capable of this, why did that Lufirian princess want it so badly? It couldn't really have been worth the risk of getting caught or killed in Islexia, could it? 

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Being casually comforted was one thing, but as soon as it was Alvira doing it, Tasha knew it'd be impossible to keep holding things in. The dragon cut straight to what she was feeling, of course, why wouldn't she? She was the only person who actually knew her insecurities that well. The tiger let her girlfriend finish what she wanted to say, let her pull them into a hug... and with a quiet, wavering voice, finally answered her. "I-I... I was scared. I don't know why. But, as soon as I felt that, thing, from the sword, I just... I couldn't move." She sniffled into her arms, trying to hide her eyes from everyone around her, a hand weakly balling into a fist and impotently hitting the table. "Damn it... I'm supposed to be our leader, and I can't even help my fucking girlfriend, cowering like a toddler because of a sword! Maybe I should call myself a paper tiger instead, if that's all it takes to make me freeze up..."

By now she had trouble keeping quiet, pulling up to bury herself against Alvira's shoulder instead, returning the embrace perhaps stronger than she intended to, a tight, firm grasp she didn't want to let go. "But you're, safe... And better for it. I'm sorry, Vira, I'm so sorry... I don't want anything bad to ever happen to you, and now you have to deal with me being like this too..." She could feel it as well, that same warmth that had escaped Alvira before. That really meant she was as back to normal as she could be... maybe those sweaters they'd gotten before would end up not being that useful after all.

A Temporary Peace


Alvira had waited for Tasha to finish their planning, getting a little bored and idle with her thoughts and no one to talk to with everyone else also getting ready. With a hefty grunt, she picked herself up, hugging herself against her sweater and moving towards Tasha’s room. The door was unlocked, likely because she didn’t expect anyone else to stop by… The dragon peeked inside, their tiger leader pouring over papers and checking their inventory. Guess it’s a lot with all the new additions and rerouting of travels.

Alvira sloooowly walked inside, giving Tasha a, “hey,” gently walking over to her and draping arms around her shoulders, hugging up against her back. She wasn’t as well endowed as the woman she was hugging, but there was enough for the hug to be plenty comfy. “Workin’ hard, Tasha? You want any help? Feels kinda bad to leave all this work to you… Normally you’d have Almira to help you, but out here…” Alvira trailed off, leaning in further and giving Tasha a kiss on the cheek.

Tasha’s ears gave a little twitch at Alvira’s entry, her eyes keeping on her work for the moment. On top of what was already planned to change on their route, they’d gotten the additional reports from Elisa and others that something was amiss in the city, some of it related to the person they’d spoken to about the dragon’s siblings the previous evening… but she couldn’t keep a smile away from that kiss, just about done with sorting everything as she was. “Heh, well, I’m not even doing half of what the Evokers are, since all I need to be on top of is our combat inventory and risks. They have to do all of the route planning and general inventory too,” she noted, bringing all the papers together and straightening them out for storage. “And if I do all of it myself, I can keep better track of everything, yeah? We’re still not so big a group that I couldn’t handle that much.”

“Hey, I never said you couldn’t handle it… Just, y’know. Feels like we got a lotta folks sitting around waiting. I guess you’re right, though. If you handle it yourself, you’ll know if something’s off instead of having to go on someone else’s numbers…” Alvira let go of her and held her arms close again, shivering slightly. “What were you thinking I should get for clothes, anyway…? Warm, sure, but I can probably get something nice and warm. I’m sure you have an eye for what would fit me, anyway…” Alvira was going to poke and tease at Tasha so long as they had this time together. This was meant to be good for her mentality, considering everything that had happened. Flirting with Tasha was good for her brain.

The tiger swiveled around on her chair once she was released, giving Alvira a good look over from that slightly lower vantage point. “One thing I’m sure of is that sweaters are great. And the more you can get one that emphasizes your figure, the better, right?” She pulled herself straight to emphasize with her own shirt, the ribbed look not quite straight with how much bust was hiding behind there. “Maybe one that has an open back? Would help out with your wings, and show off a little… Don’t know how much of an issue that’d be with keeping warm, though.”

“Mmm… I think an open back should be fine.” Alvira was talking at Tasha, but her eyes were locked onto… Well. “And it’s not like I’m… Mmm. It’s like… If someone lived in snow their entire life, and was suddenly dropped into a temperate climate. Just, the opposite of that– Sorry, I’m–” Alvira quickly turned around, a blush forming on her face. “Ahh, I’m not gonna die or anything, and a little exposed skin isn’t gonna be too uncomfortable, just… I feel cold, like something is missing. So… Sweaters. Lots of sweaters. Let’s go get some sweaters? And maybe some more for you, too…”

Tasha giggled at the sudden bashfulness as she got up, giving Alvira the same hug-from-behind treatment, arms lazily draping over her shoulders. “You’ve seen me without a shirt plenty of times already, why the red cheeks?~” She could afford a bit of teasing her girlfriend, it wouldn’t be any fun if they were perfectly straight-laced the whole time! “Unless it’s because you’re undressing me with your eyes… keep your mind focused, eh?” One hand gently came up to sweep across Alvira’s chin, but she’d quickly after allow the dragon reprieve, since they were still supposed to be going places and all, stepping back. “But, hey, I get the analogy, considering I’ve lived in the coldest place around here all my life. Takes me a bit to get used to summers down here, but I’m fine enough by now. I just hope it doesn’t take too long for your body to adjust…”

“I’m hoping I don’t have to get used to it…” Alvira bit back a sigh, the teasing making her feel many different ways, but if Tasha was going to relent so they could focus, she could push those horny feelings back for later. “If I have to get used to it, I’ll get used to nice, comfy, warm clothing. So! Let’s get going with the little time we have left.” Alvira smiled as she turned around, grabbing Tasha’s hand and failing to tug her along… For the moment. Hopefully the tiger would let her lead.

“That’s the ideal, yeah, but we’ll get things going as best we can for you.” The tiger didn’t take more than that first attempted tug to go along with her girlfriend, not in the slightest bothered by allowing her to lead for once. Just a quick pause on the way to get the door to their room closed, and they could go forth with confidence. “Did you see any clothing stores while you were about town yesterday? I only left the inn for that meeting with Cyro, and I didn’t pay much attention to things other than that back then.”

The mention of that Cyro did leave Alvira a bit disgruntled, but only for a moment. Just be okay, you two. “Mhmm~ I made sure to ask around the Tigers while you were busy doing your job… Iris– She’s Iris now, by the way, not Sixteen… I guess someone gave her a name? Anyway, Iris and Siorel both suggested the same store; apparently bought stuff there earlier, so maybe we can get a Tigers discount if we go too?” Alvira led her out of the inn, a momentary spring in her step. It wasn’t exactly a nice day, but she had great company, and clothes were always a pick up to her mood, especially now that she could afford them without any issue. 

“Oh, yeah, I overheard that at breakfast. Not sure if the shopkeepers around here are too keen on giving group discounts when we’re not even shopping on the same day, but hey, you don’t know until you ask, right?” The little Tasha had seen of Cerezia’s streets yesterday made the atmosphere a little eerie with so few people around now by comparison, but if all the shops were open as usual, there was little to do about it other than keep close to Alvira and make her feel more comfortable too. “Were you thinking of specific colors? Pink does look good on you, but maybe something a bit more subdued this time, like black with red accents, maybe?”

“Well… Black absorbs heat better. Maybe something in black, or navy blue. I think that’d be nice… I can’t wear too many colors because I’m already covered in so many, but… Yeah, I think that’d be nice. A thick, black sweater… Mmm, already feel warmer thinking about it~” Alvira was smiling again, leading Tasha along until they came upon the store. It was a quaint little place, but if it had been good enough for the group’s lizards, it was more than good enough for Alvira.

She peeked her head inside, slowly, looking around the place. “Hellooooo…? Are you open today?” The town had been shockingly quiet, so maybe something was keeping folks inside…

“Huh, yea, we’re open.” A tall, well built woman with a long scar on her face turned to face the door with a look of surprise on her face. “Strange that you’re all the first people I’ve had walk in today; right around now was when we were getting all sorts of people. Guess today’s a little slow, or something. Quiet too.” She shook her head, “Well, sorry about the rambling, what can I help you with?”

"Yeah… The town has been pretty quiet." It was definitely strange, but right now was positivity time. In better news than the quiet town, it was nice of the shopkeep to not remark or stare at their features, but Iris wouldn't have recommended the place so happily if this lady had been rude to her. "I'm a dragon, as you can probably tell… Due to some personal circumstances, I'm looking for warmer clothes. Preferably sweaters, but they have to accommodate the wings… And I'd be a lot happier if they came in blue or black. Is that doable…?"

Tasha looked back toward the street while Alvira probed to see if the shop was attended, having agreed to the dragon’s musings on color. She was strikingly colored to begin with, her blazing hair and eyes accented with amethyst scales where they could be seen, and while the earlier ensemble was really, really cute, it wasn’t all that fitting for general use, especially with her suddenly changed needs for clothing. But, since the shopkeeper was indeed present, the tiger soon followed, even if she herself wasn’t in need of clothes at the moment. Her girlfriend could always convince her otherwise… “Happen to have anything in my size, for that matter? I might as well look around while she does, but I’m a big girl, so it’s usually not that easy to find something that fits me well, haha.” Her stature and curves both made it so, though she’d had time to get used to it.

“No kidding… we’d usually have people all over. Guess something happened.” She nodded as she took in Alvira’s request, tilting her head a tad on asking for warmer clothes. “Huh, that’s an odd request, what with summer round’ the corner. Hmm…” The woman paused, stroking her chin before raising a finger. “You’re in luck; I hadn’t quite put our sweaters away for the season. Black’s a pretty common color, but blue… don’t know if we have any of those left in stock.” 

She studied Alvira’s wings quickly before nodding, “And while I don’t know if any of the sweaters in your size would accommodate the wings, that’s an alteration I could do in like ten minutes. You, on the other hand…” 

The woman turned to Natalya, who was, simply put, big. She wasn’t used to having to look up at other women at her height, but Natalya was just taller than she was. Her curves were evident, but the feline woman was powerfully built. “Are going to have a little more trouble finding some things that will fit comfortably. We definitely have things that will work for you–I wouldn’t be a very good clothing store if I couldn’t accommodate people of all sorts, especially those built like myself–but it will be a little more limited. I’ll help out as much as I can if you find something that suits your fancy. Now then… where are those sweaters… Right, they’re in the back corner, over there.” 

"Eheheh… Y-Yeah, Nat is… She's something else." Alvira almost stared where she shouldn't in public company, managing to hold back despite the current discussion being exactly that, even if not directly stated. "Alterations are fine by me. I don't mind waiting… It'd probably look a lot better than anything I'd do on my own after, so by all means. Maybe like, three of them? All in black… And I'll try to figure out a few more outfits. Gonna need a lot of belts…" Belts could be fastened to changed around tops to get them around her wings without sacrificing the original intent of the clothes, so she could at least still look good in them. "And maybe some shorts…"

“No getting distracted now, eh?” Tasha answered her girlfriend’s fluster with a small poke at her side and the smallest smirk, knowing what she was probably thinking about given the topic. “Hey, it’s no problem, we’re here mostly to get her some new stuff to wear. My wardrobe’s doing fine as it is, so I’m thinking more on the souvenir side of things,” the tiger explained to the shopkeep, letting Alvira go ahead and browse what she was being shown to, turning her own attention to idle looks through the racks and shelves. “Actually, once you’re done over there, is there any clothing you’d say is specific to the region? Something that’d fit me, anyway.”

“Hmm…” The shopkeeper tilted her head as she moved to gather the sweaters, “Well, I think the thing that would come closest to that, are these cloaks that we’ve got. Lot of people wear them in the summer because they’re light and breathable, but cover you so you don’t gotta deal with the sun. Pretty popular in Islexia, as well what with all of the heat, and sand.” She pulled three black sweaters out, “Oh! Well, call me Artorius, because it seems like I was lying. Looks like I’ve got,” She pulled the dark blue sweater out, “One of the dark blue as well~” 

As she headed back to the pair, she pointed to the center of the wall, adorned with some of the cloaks she was talking about. “Got plenty of those cloaks in all sorts of colors, and designs–they’re real fun to mess with so I often have an abundance.”

"I-I'm doing my best…" Alvira stole one more glance at her ridiculously impressive girlfriend before focusing on clothes, and the sweaters were in. "Oh! Perfect. I'll take the lot… I can make adjustments for my wings on my own. Cloaks, though…" She took a non-perverted look at Nat and then the cloaks, nodding. "I think I'd like one, and you could probably use a few, Nat. Not sure much else is gonna fitcha, but with your tail and your body heat, you could use some sun cover, yeah?"

Natalya kept looking through what she was at the moment, though her ears perked up when she got an answer to her question. “Cloaks, huh… It’s true I don’t have much to cover me in that way, and I’m sure a white one would be great to wear over my mostly black armor. Not just for the heat, but to keep a lower profile too, considering where we’re going.” Though keeping herself fully ‘hidden’ wasn’t likely to make much of a difference given the proportion of Clouded in their group, it’d at least work in the other sense, and with them being worn how they were, her size probably wasn’t an issue. She looked over to the shopkeep and followed her direction, twirling around while keeping her tail close to not knock anything over on accident. “What do you think, Vira, just straight white, or a bit more color than that? Pastel yellow’d match with my hair.”

“Mmmm…” Alvira gave a hard moment of thought to the colors and how it fell on Tasha, finally nodding. “I think the white works a bit better, if you’re just concerned about colors… Too much yellow might make you a bit… Too bright? You’re already so colorful, I don’t think you need to match your hair down to the clothes… It stands out enough on its own. Go with the white.”

Tasha nodded along with Alvira’s assessment of the choices, a hand on her chin thinking about it. Her usual armor was accented gold, and her being blonde in both hair and the fur on her ears and tail gave that much more yellow to her look. And there was a lot of that hair, wild and fluffy as it was all the way down her back. “Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from. Another accent color instead of loading up on the one my armor already has would probably help the look more,” she confirmed, looking back to the cloaks and rifling through the rack for a primarily white one in sufficient size for herself.

“Not exactly the one with eyes on ya, but I agree with your friend. The white’ll look real nice with your hair.” She let Tasha search for her own, but quickly reached and pulled a dark blue cloak off of the rack almost absentmindedly. “I’m taking a guess here, what with the sweaters and all, and guess you’d probably want one of the darker shades.” She held up the cloak to Alvira, the dark blue cloth was adorned with flecks of purple. “Just felt like this one might agree with you. Got a bunch to go through if it don’t.” She handed the cloak to Alvira, before taking the sweaters over to the counter, “I’ll start on these while you two look. Won’t take me long; gotta do this for some of the birds that come through.” 

“Heheh~ I’m glad you agree. I’m sure it’ll look good once you’re all wrapped up in it… Oh!” A cloak was handed to her as well, Alvira happily taking it and holding it against herself, happy with the color. “Yeah, this’ll do… And that’s all from me, I think. Just needed some more sweaters, for warmth, and this cloak will help a lot with where we’re going. Thank you! This is… This is a really nice pick me up.” Alvira sighed, but smiled, hoping today would last longer, but knowing that the cloak’s use was for what was looming on their horizon…

Not long after Alvira had a cloak handed to her as well, Tasha found a white cloak with some subtle patterning in golden yellow thread along the edges and on the lower half. It looked expensive, at least to the tiger’s sensibilities of what might constitute ‘expensive’, but considering she wasn’t usually one to spend much on her clothing or aesthetic choices in general, she could forgive one splurge. If it even was one, for that matter. She took a moment to check if it looked as nice as the other two were expecting, limited as her ability to see how it was intended to look on her back was, turning around and holding it up between her hair and back as a mock-up of actually wearing it. “How’s this look, Vira? And how much gold would this set me back? I’ll pay for what she’s getting too. Oughta treat you a little now and again, yeah?” All she really cared about was that no matter what, she should try and help Alvira relax through the difficulties she was facing.

“You’re very welcome. You know… You can see it in your eyes, kind of.” The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment thinking how to explain it. “It just looks like you really needed something like this… which is why… I want you to guess how much the cloaks are.” She looked over at Tasha, “You can hazard a guess as well. And, as far as I’m concerned, that cloak is a real winner for you. Either one of you guess right, and you might get something good out of it.” 

“Eh? P-Pay for it all? Nat, you really don’t have to…” Alvira squirmed a little bit, but slowly sighed, nodding in silence. Tasha was going to be stubborn about this, especially given everything that had been circling the dragon. “Mmm?” The shopkeep brought her away from those thoughts, making Alvira think for a moment. “I, uh… I don’t really know costs… Thirty gold? Maybe…?”

“Huh? Is this your idea of a fun game to play, or what?” Tasha didn’t pay too much mind to her girlfriend’s initial rejection of the offer, she was just being humble, and this tiger didn’t want anything to get in between Alvira and her brief respite. The shopkeeper’s question felt a little strange, though… not that there was anything wrong with it, but Natalya was just as clueless about what clothing actually cost as the dragon seemed to be. “I don’t shop for clothes often, and I dunno if prices are different around here, so…” She folded the cloak up in hand, with reasonable assurance it was a good choice, turning back to face the other two. “...Twenty gold?” Her guess came with a small shrug, unsure whether the previous guess was high- or low-balling it, or right on the money.

“You could say that… you guessed right by the way. Twenty gold is about what they would go for.” The price was more like 24 gold, but she only ever said guess right, and not exactly right. They’d never know anyway. “Well, you’ve won a prize, then. Mmm, let’s see… Four sweaters, and the cloaks… take off about fifty percent… I think that will all come out to about… thirty gold. That alright with you?” 

“A half-off discount just for guessing a price? Heck, I’d say that’s being too generous, but it doesn’t feel like a pig in a bag either, so who am I to argue against that, yeah?” While her inner skeptic told the tiger to reconsider after being given such an offer, it couldn’t have been easy being a tailor that catered to Clouded this close to Islexia. Maybe she just wanted to give the couple a break like she’d kind of implied just before. “Long as you don’t have anything to say against that, Vira, it’s a deal,” she confirmed, digging for her coin pouch.

"I… Mmm. Alright…" Alvira snuck her hands behind her back and blushed slightly, not entirely happy to let Tasha pay for everything herself, but also more happy with the gesture than anything. "Thank you for the help with all this, really. It means a lot, and… W-Well, yeah. Haven't been able to relax and shop like this for quite some time…"

“Hah. The blush, and smile are good enough thanks.” The woman quickly bagged the clothes, “Like I said, I can see it on your face; you’re monsters and clouded in Hecatia, so you’ve got more than enough to deal with already. I’d like to alleviate that in the ways that I can. Lord knows that I can’t waltz into Kanalet Castle and throw out the,” She paused, looked around for a moment, “The bastard-in-chief, mister invisible himself.” 

“In any case, that’s all yours now. If you think this is too generous, just wait until next time, yeah?”

"You did what you could, no apologizing for that," Elisa quickly said to Mikoto, before her wife moved in to make things comfortable for her, pulling her arms in below her chest and trying her best to relax against Tio's plush legs. "Gods or no gods, we still have a mission to carry out... but it'll be just a bit difficult if we can't do much ourselves. At least if things are as good as they look now, we don't have to worry about Mercuria again for a long while." Although, as reported to them by Natalya, there was the fact that the Lufirian soldier who'd rescued Lucille had seemingly recognized Mercuria by name, which complicated things for them... They couldn't possibly leave it out of their discussions once they'd reached Lufiria itself, and this incident would have to be included in full in those discussions. If they knew what was going on with an honest-to-goodness deity, who knew what else they were hiding? Furthermore... "Hey," she said quietly, poking at the older Evoker's chest. "Do you think we should let Celine know? About what the Commander told you."

Ferid didn't expect his effort to be met with much more than simple acknowledgement, but the sheep came back to him with an about-face in attitude as soon as she realized he'd done his due diligence. "I'm more surprised you were so quick to move, with how your speech draws on. I can imagine some groups of people would be ready to kill for the knowledge that the Escaflowne can do that." He let the remainder of what that implied hang there, not pushing for more conversation. If there was something Celine required of him, he'd act on that, but perhaps he should soon ask whether he should be leaving according to his original route plan.

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When it was made clear they weren't wounded, Renais was relieved. But she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated at being unable to help them of their exhaustion. "Ah...well I-" But before she could reassure them more, she received hugs from her two partners. It seemed like the Evokers would be out for a while, and even though Mikoto said she was willing to defend the Tigers she was also quite tired. "...mm." So she returned the hug, and did her best to make both of them comfortable. Though despite everyone being alright physically, Renais' frustrations only grew. So much is happening so fast, I can't be as weak as I am for much longer...I need power, I need it... Those thoughts stayed inside her head for once, while she did her best to put on a smile for Mikoto and Gean. "I'm glad everyone is ok..."

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Mikoto had slowly begun letting go of Renais, only to be hugged by Gean, and then hugged by Renais again, stuck in the squeeze between the two women. She quickly grew flustered, arms flailing lightly, finally giving up and letting them flop, her ears drooping slightly. "I'm just fine, Gean. I promise... I chimed my powers in right at the end, and if anything, only served as something of a battery for what Elisa and Kisara were attempting... I didn't face the brunt of what hit Tio and Elisa. A part of me wishes I had... We'd be a lot better off with them at full strength, compared to me." She bit back a sigh and shook her head. Tio was right. This was worth it. "It goes to show that we can push back against these 'Gods', these Spirits... They do not get to play with us like chess pieces on some skewed board. I am my own piece to play~" Mikoto smirked, happy with her words, despite the position that she was sandwiched in...

Syta managed to chuckle, sighing. "I'm sure she wouldn't... But I wanna go along so I can keep you safe. You're strong and tall and wearing this armor, so you're clearing protecting them, right? Fighting on the front lines with your big sword... But who's protecting you, Laniva?" Syta looked serious for once, her smile slowly facing, hand idly petting through the cat's hair. "I mean it... Even this. You were right up there with Alvira in the middle of this God and Spirit stuff, and... Just... It worries me. You're the second friend I've ever made, Lani. So... As happy as I am, that Celine took me in and gave me somewhere to work while still being so free to roam, I can't take Kisara away from this, and I can't leave you alone. Given that you latched onto me so quickly, you probably don't have any super close relationships in your little mercenary group, huh~?" Syta's seriousness swiftly disappeared with another giggle and a hefty prod, suddenly petting one of Lani's ears, giving it a little pinch. "I'm gonna keep you safe~!"

"Tasha, honey..." Alvira felt a sigh leave her, but it wasn't one of disappointment, tiredness, exhaustion... She was simply exasperated. Maybe a little upset that Nat was blaming herself like this. "Tasha... Shh. Hey... When this all started coming up, even Tio and Elisa had trouble believing me. Worshipping Gods and Goddesses, religion, it's not that prominent or popular in Amaranth these days, y'know? Honestly, it's just because I'm a dragon; it's what our people believe in... Because my life's been so hard, too. I needed that support... That place to pray and escape to. That I ever got some kind of a response was beyond my wildest dreams. I never thought that, I'd go to pray at night, pray to that brightest star in the sky... And receive, a sign. Receive words. Be spoken to, by a true, higher power... And because I was noticed and spoken to, get wrapped up in all of this."

She squeezed Tasha tightly, her tail coming around to rub up against the Tiger's leg. "If I wasn't so stubborn, I'd be scared, too. That sensation... No, cut from a sword, piercing of an arrow, burn from a spell, shock of light or weight of dark, magic... Will ever hurt as much as that. I'm happy, honestly, that you didn't get yourself involved. You already do so much for us. For me. Keeping us safe. Keeping us together. You've got the weight of all of us on your back, and you getting hurt, in a way that would top any other pain you've ever felt... I don't want that. I want you to be happy, and healthy, and well, and just... Everything positive. But I understand, Tasha. I do. I'd feel the same, but I will, never, blame you. I'll never blame you for being afraid. I'll never blame you for holding back. I promise you that everything you've done for me, do for me, and will do for me, will forever outweigh one little moment of hesitation. I love you." Alvira quickly kissed her cheek, resting close against her there. "I love you, so much... So please. Don't blame yourself... If you can help it."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Miria laid her hand on the blade, and... nothing. The blade shimmered, but there was no voice in Miria's head, no presence, nothing. Just silence. 

Celine's eye narrowed as the blade shimmered, and she didn't feel the presence. That's a little worrying... Celine nodded at Jesse, "Yes, I think that would be for the best. Sitting would be preferable here. We'll have a little time to gather our thoughts, and bearings for some of us." Tio, and Elisa's seeming exhaustion provided even more impetus for her request. The Envy Empress being alive, and here in Hecatia meant almost certainly that, if they hadn't already, they would definitely run afoul of the underground. Even if that happened in Islexia, she couldn't just let it happen. Not to mention that whatever happened with the Escaflowne could happen with other weapons, other things... this was well beyond anything she'd ever witnessed, and it worried her. 

Tio felt Elisa poking at her chest, and whispering. Tio remembered not to lean forward as Elisa was in prime position, and instead leaned to the side. "About Mercuria, and the fact that the Lufirian Knight seemed to know her name?" Commander Tasha confirmed that he reacted to Alvira asking about the goddess, which raised all sorts of questions about what they knew and what was going on. "I think... it's probably for the best that we inform her. This situation is... too volatile to keep what could be relevant information."

The Tigers, and the Amaryllis took a breather from the hectic moment with the Escaflowne. At the moment, it did really feel as if they had silenced Mercuria. Alvira had regained some level of her flame, though hardly strong enough to use. After twenty minutes of reprieve, Celine pressed herself back to her feet. While the matters of gods were over and done with, the matters of men and women still required attention. 

"Okay, I think that should do for enough settling... I know that your group still has objectives to complete, and it wouldn't do to keep you from them. So first... You." Celine turned to look at Miria, "You had something you wanted to ask; I believe I know, but I should make sure." 

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Miria's eyes widened, at the feeling. Like... it was gone. There was... there was no way the spirit had died, right? She let go of the sword and just... stared. "I-I... I didn't hear anything. It was like... the being gone." The cub was at a loss for words. There was so much that she didn't understand, or wanted to know, and wanted to do.

"I'm sorry, uh..." Miria had to think, "I just, didn't expect that was what I was gonna get." It helped save our lives, right? "I just wanted to give it thanks, and... I guess I can't. Right now. And..." She shook her head, taking a deep breath. "I think, Miss Celine, you're right. Maybe some rest, and time to gather thoughts is, a good idea." The less-than-enthusiastic tone was clear in her voice. There was so much that needed to be discussed, and so much Miria needed to describe. After this, she was gonna be worn.

And that time came all too soon. While she could've rested herself, she had to get her thoughts in order. She wasn't sure how much she retained, but she'd do her best, especially when... Miria already knew the answer. The girl stood up, and walked over with a deep breath.

"Okay, so... some context first, since I think that would help, e-explain, I guess." She took another breath, trying to relax herself. "So, Galari used Escaflowne during the war with the Holy Lufirian Empire. It said something about like... Me and Lani, being chosen by Gaia, a Spirit of Earth."

She scratched her head, "It also said... Galari promised she'd bring it to a place called the Boundary, and I, maybe haphazardly, offered to help it." She started to sweat, but she steeled herself.

"I understand if you say no, but... is there any way for us to hold onto Escaflowne? It helped us, and... I'm willing to do almost whatever it takes for it." Her voice was firm, but she knew the reality of it. She maintained her composure

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Alvira was right, of course. She'd said much the same when the tiger had first opened up to her properly that night in Liste, but all of this just felt... more visceral, for lack of a better descriptor. A reminder that she couldn't do everything she wanted to, or perceived needing to, in order to be the capable leader and partner she so dearly wanted to be, but that maybe she didn't have to either. She could only do her best, and as far as her girlfriend was concerned, that was enough. "I... mmm." Tasha relaxed her grip just a little, but though she couldn't change in a day, she could try to do more, while also not getting too down on herself over things she couldn't really help with. There were other people who could help... You couldn't do everything as just one person.

Her appreciation would be wasted in words, however, and did the only thing she felt sensible in the moment, pulling just enough space between them to plant a tender, slow kiss onto Alvira's lips.

Though her cheeks were tear-stained and eyes reddened, Tasha could now manage a smile, the bright, happy grin the Tigers knew her for, her ears and tail finally perking up too. "I love you too, Alvira. And I'll try my best, just like I've always done... but I have to accept I can't do everything. As long as you're, we're, alright, I don't care. I'll do what I can to make sure we all stay alright, and ask for help when that's not enough." That was the limit of anyone's capability, after all. "We're taking it slow for a moment anyway, so... Let's just, stay like this for a while." She pulled herself back in closer to her girlfriend, now resting her chin on Alvira's shoulder, tail coming around to rub the dragon's bigger one. "You're nice and warm again..."

Over the minutes of rest, Natalya had calmed down more or less all the way, separating herself from Alvira once Celine had stood up. There was work to be done, and surely as the Tigers' commander, the Knights would have things to ask of her.

For his part, Ferid had left the inn to patrol the village while the others recovered. He was still capable of doing his duty, and if there was anyone he hadn't spotted during his quick check lurking about, it could spell disaster for the convalescing party of knights and mercenaries. Fortunately, they were still perfectly in the clear, and he'd returned just in time for the Commander declaring it was time to continue business.

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Celine nodded, the request was had been written in the girl's eyes, and even on Lani's to a certain extent. Celine sighed, before, of course, shaking her head. "I must admit that there is a part of me that is telling me to allow you to take the blade. Something... tells me that it would be in better hands here. That said, allowing you to take the Escaflowne would be the same as if the princess escaped with it, no? As important as the blade is to Hecatia, there is but one reason we pushed ourselves to the bone for it: the clouded and monsters that live in Hecatia. Without the blade, my father can, and will oppress the monster population until he's reacquired it. I can't allow that, even with the Evokers backing. So, at least the time being, I must return the blade to Kanalet. What I will say though is... I do plan on investigating into what happened with the blade, and this Mercuria, I'll request my Aunt's aid; she's a avid studier of history, and has more of an understanding of what has happened in the past than most people I know of. And to that end, I also plan on seeing if the Saint will grant me audience to explain why I would request the blade be released temporarily. But that is a separate project... I can't allow you to keep the blade at this time. Especially since, you'll almost certainly be targeted by those who would love to acquire such a valuable weapon..."

Celine turned to like at Nyx, "The Underground has been remarkably talented at closing loose ends, no matter how small. Having the Envy Empress, one of the most prolific members of the underground in a distant time past, alive and alongside you, means that there is a good chance that you will run afoul of them. Is that not correct?" Celine shook her head, "The underground is quite... different from what any of you have had to face. Completion of their task, theft, murder, trafficking... is all that matters to them. So they will take any manner of steps to achieve their goal. I've been trying to deal with them the entirety of my time as Commander of the Altair Knights, which is why I can't just leave this situation alone."

Celine looked over at Tio, Elisa and Commander Natalya, "The situation with the princess, and the underground, as well as your active mission... I'd like to offer some assistance. I can't personally come along; too many fires to put out in Hecatia, as well as Islexia being rather... strict with how the Altair Knights can move within their borders... But Syta, Jesse, and Ren, aren't knights of Altair." She winked, "Not officially anyway. I'd like them to go along with you, and support in whatever ways they can. Would that be agreeable?"

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Miria listened intently, nodding as Celine gave her response, and the cub had no retort. Everything the woman said made sense, they're heading into a dangerous place, where it could make them an even bigger target. And she needs it for her people. "Of course, Miss Celine. Thank you for entertaining my request, and... apologies if I stepped too far out of line."

She gave a few more details, revealing Nyx as some 'Envy Empress', a big figure formerly in the underground. Miria recalls the name from earlier, but... now she got most of the story. The girl looked over to Nyx, not sure what to think. Well, she was here, fighting perfectly fine with Clouded. She had changed... right?

Then, the next part. Celine wanted to offer assistance, thus... "Jesse? She's coming with us?" Miria looked over, with a big smile. She turned back to Celine. "I'm... not the boss of the Tigers, but... I would agree to that. But, yeah..." Miria looked over to Tasha and Alvira, who were over at a table, just the two. She offered a smile.

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Nyx let out a long-suffering sigh as the usage of her old title. Honestly, she doesn’t even know how she got it… maybe from shooting a guy in the dick for swiping something before she could that one time. But that only happened once, she swears! Besides, that’s in her past, now, though the white-knuckle grip she had on the table was probably not a good sign.

“Hey, they tried ages ago, n’ I’m still here. ‘Sides, if they’re worth their shit still, they’d be up the ass’o whoever ‘ad th’sword anyways, plus we got… uh, other reasons they’d be up our ass, even wit’out me.” Nyx figured it’d be wise to not mention the whole Belrose thing, especially because she knows Syn’s taken enough shit for it.

”’Really, m’nae worried fer me so much. If they’re still into snatchin’ up Clouded like they were when I left… shit, s’why I left, cuz they tried t’drag me inta tha’ shit n’I told ‘em t’fuck off… then we gotta whole ass merc troop full o’Clouded. Shit, they take one look at everyone else, n’imma be the least o’their concerns.”

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"I don't think so. You're alive certainly, but... I don't think the Underground believed that you were, from how they spoke of you. But you're here, and with a group of clouded... A perfect target for them. They can formally close up a loose end, and should it be feasible, capture some of the Tigers. Not to mention... that I'm almost certain that so long as the Escaflowne is in my hands... the Underground wouldn't dare pursue it. I can't prove that for certain, but I have a good feeling. But if it were left with such an appetizing target... I can't imagine what they'd do with it." 

Celine sighed, "Because of... what I've done to myself in pursuit of the Escaflowne, I, Diya and Sophia will wait here for support to arrive, and then travel back to Kanalet to present the blade. With luck, I'll be presenting it to Saint Veras, and not my tool of a father."

Tio frowned as Celine laid out her plans, "Celine... I'm sure I'm not the only person thinking this but... I'm aware you're quite strong, but you're barely able to stand on your own, and to top it off, one of the two that you'll have aligned with you was also pushing themselves in pursuit of the blade. I don't like you having to rely on the same Knights who had been causing issues to support you here... I'm not turning down your assistance, but I am concerned that you're stretching yourself far too thin. Not to mention that... there's still the threat of the princess and her group. If they came back for the blade, they'd almost surely take it from you... and... there's a chance that they might know what happened here with Mercuria." Tio gestured towards Natalya, "The Commander saw the knight from before react to a question asked by Alvira. It's not concrete, but that's certainly more than anything we've had and they were directly after the blade."

Celine's eyes widened, "What? One of the Lufirians reacted to the name?" Celine paused, that added another dimension to this whole situation. But was it enough of a dimension to be concerned about it? The Lufirians no longer had the element of surprise and from the sounds of it the princess was in worse shape than she was. Even if they acquired the blade, the princess would slow them down, and Hecatia would be hot on the trail and likely enlist Islexia's help. "...It seems like Mercuria may factor into this more than one could have expected... but I can't imagine that they'd try for the blade with the straits that you all left them in. Not to mention that I'll be supported by a full cohort of Altair Knights; they wouldn't be able to escape without their identities being known. Further, by the time the other knights arrive, I'll be better rested and I won't be allowing a single one of them near the Escaflowne. I believe that it is more likely that you'll run into issues than I will, but I suppose that we can leave it up to Commander Tasha, or if Syta, Ren, or Jesse have any objections? You'll need their assistance... I'm sure of that." 

Tio sighed, and looked at the Commander, "I suppose that's your cue, Commander." 

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Tasha remained quiet while Celine talked things over with the others. The Underground at least to her knowledge wasn't a concern in Glacies, considering how the Altair Channel put a large amount of distance to the mainland and how the well-organized mercenaries were more or less always on the right side of the law, but from their encounter in Eibar, it was very clear that wasn't the case over in Hecatia, much less in Islexia. Any assistance they could get on top of what they were already capable of would be greatly appreciated, so the suggestion of simply being handed a couple extra pairs of hands for their trip through Islexia wasn't one she could possibly turn down. "That's what I saw, anyway. We'll gladly take any extra hands we can get, considering how dangerous the journey's going to be, so if they don't have anything against it, they're free to join us for as long as they need to."

That was when the one non-Amaryllis Knight in the picture decided to chime in, stepping forward to add his own suggestion. "If you'll allow it, Commander Celine, I'll join them as well. I won't participate in any combat they might find themselves in against any of the Warlords' forces, but the Underground is our problem to deal with. Not that I expect them to lose against simple bandits, but I'll make myself useful in that case as well." Ferid nodded briefly to Diya, who could back him up on his following justification. "As for reporting back to the garrison, I'm sure many people lower down the ladder would rather have me away from their feet for as long as possible." He didn't know many Glacians, either, so maybe getting to actually speak with some of the Tigers could make for a productive use of his time, even if his skills weren't required.

Elisa didn't have much to add to the discussion, just trying to recover as best she could. There was still that strange incident that had happened with the two men in Cerezia not long ago, but she didn't have enough information to piece much together about it, nor had she managed to attune herself to either of their mana signatures, with how the clearly stronger man had been quite wary of her. If there was anyone they were related to in the group, it was likely they either wouldn't remember them, or Elisa wouldn't know who to ask in the first place, besides the obvious.

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Celine nodded, "I'll have to take them back with me to explain a couple things about the nature of what we're doing here, but if it's fine with you commander, than I'm glad to offe--" Celine paused as Ferid spoke up, also offering his assistance into the mission. Celine hesitated a moment; Ferid was operating with Sylph, and, as far as she knew, a full fledged knight of Altair. If he was caught influencing anything in Islexia, there could be problems, and those problems would go all the way up to her father--the last thing she wanted at this point. 

"...I'll allow it, Sir Ferid, but, you are going to have to figure a way to keep your allegiance hidden as best you can. Given where I'm supposed to be right now, the fact that an Altair Knight, a clouded one no less, was found in Islexia after I'd been out this way to recover the Escaflowne... it will come right back to me. I'd like to not be on a tighter leash than the man already has me on. He doesn't trust me, and for good reason. But we can discuss that more in a moment..." Celine signaled Diya, and Sophia. "We should return to the house, so that we can discuss things pertinent to the knights, and allow the Tigers to begin their preparations to move on--our internal issues have already stalled them for long enough, and I'd not like to keep them any longer. Jesse, sorry to impose more, but could you help me along?" 

Tio nodded as the arrangements came to fruition, "It will take a bit for everyone to gather all of their things, finish eating and be on our way, so I expect that we'll still be here... Elisa and I will be lagging a little, I suspect. However, Celine... you do  have something planned if your father, or this..." Tio waved her hand trying to jog her memory, "Tristan fellow try anything?" 

Celine smiled, "Tio, I've served as Commander of Knights since I was twenty-three, and I'm certain that my father trusted me as much then as he does now, and I'm still here. I have more than a couple things in place, and like I said, I've been in contact with my aunt. Tristan is a different beast, but given the carnage I saw on our way here yesterday, I don't think Tristan has the forces necessary to contest the knights at this point. Please have some faith; I didn't set this up because I'm overconfident, I set it up because I know what pieces I have in play and who really needs my help." Celine separated herself from Jesse, and trudged over to the Evoker, and whispered, "You need to hurry up and find your envoy, anyway." Celine pulled away before Tio could say anything else, and pulled herself back over to Jesse. "Well, I expect that we'll all be seeing each other again, and hopefully, it will be in better circumstances than all of this." 

Tio blinked as Celine revealed that she'd known why they were here, and heading into Islexia. Tio mouthed the words, "How?" but Celine was already on her way back to Jesse, and on her way out with the knights in tow. Did... did she know the whole time? How... Did... Did he tell Celine on his way through? Tio found herself both shocked, and impressed with Celine's ability to be on top of things, especially with how many things she had to deal with. I'm very glad that she's on our side, and not aligned with her father in the slightest... This province would be very different if she was...

Finally, with her departure of Celine with the legendary Escaflowne signaled an end to what was a tumultuous time, both for Hecatia, and the Tigers. With the blade placed in the commander's hands, and more than implicit support from her in the Tiger's quest, the growing unit began the next leg of their journey. What they had been tasked to do from the moment they were requested: Enter Islexia to find the missing envoy, determine their status, and to deliver them and the Evokers to the border of the Sands to continue their perilous mission. Time had been lost with their actions in Hecatia, but they could move through the Serdio mountains knowing that the monsters and clouded in Hecatia were now protected. 

They made excellent time through the Serdio mountains, the weather held fairly steady, making for a straightforward, if difficult trek through the natural barrier between Hecatia and Islexia. Marigold's connections with the Warlords Cass and Owen Gaffney made entering the country simple enough, and the Tigers were first introduced to Islexia by way of the dense, humid forests by the northern tip of the country, by the coast. Their first destination was to be Eslcas, the last bastion of lands held by the besieged Gaffneys in her conflict against Kazran Serdio, one of the more powerful Islexian warlords who sought their lands to secure more another trade route, and taking full control of one of the few rivers in Islexia. 

In order to secure their safe passage through Islexia, the Tigers would first have to deal with Kazran on behalf of the Gaffneys. Yet, it was not simply just the Islexian heat, or the Islexians themselves that awaited them. As the Escaflowne warned, it once awoken to a world of strife and suffering; the Axios Record, the fall of the Holy Lufirian Empire. Eyes watched the Tigers as they stepped onto hostile territory, but there were eyes looking elsewhere at far larger implications. Their journey really was only just beginning... 

The Sparks of the Alliance


The Sparks of the Alliance

May 30th, 1218 PAF 

The day and a half that Serena had spent under Aoi, and Claire’s care was both wonderful, and felt like it had taken forever at the same time. On the one hand, Serena desperately needed the break, but on the other, it was so embarrassing for her to not be able to handle much without assistance. The herbs–as much as she hated them–were helping, but she’d really done a number on herself. She was at least starting to come around, and wasn’t feeling as tired or woozy, but certainly not enough for Aoi or Claire to consider her fit to do much more than rest. This is… driving me a little up the wall… It’s my own fault, but… ugh… 

It was well into the morning now, sun approaching its highest point in the sky, and Serena was doing her best to scribble some notes down in a notebook. Various formulae and their importance for particularly simple healing magic, which had been repurposed into spells such as Slow and Haste. She could only imagine that Celarissa was likely a tad upset that she’d been unable to learn or practice with her so suddenly. Aoi and Claire were off making a later breakfast; they had waited for Serena to become lucid, and to check on her before beginning. “Haah… there is going to be so much to do when I get back…” 

“Serenaaaaaa?” Aoi poked her head in, smiling as she saw her friend awake. The goat made her way over to the bed, wasting no time getting into Serena’s personal space and pressing their foreheads together. “Your fever’s coming down, even if you’re not fully better yet… But you’re way better than when you got here. That’s really good. Maybe another day and you’ll be able to get back to your precious work… Much as I wish you could have a whole week off.” Aoi sighed, hands on her hips, tilting her head some. “Right! What were you wanting for breakfast? You can have whatever you want. As long as it’s standard breakfast stuff we have it. Eggs, sausage, bacon, pancakes, waffles, orange juice, what have you…”

“Aoi–” The vampire wasted no time checking her temperature again. Serena pouted ever so slightly, before sighing, “You know that I can’t take a week off, especially not now during peak season. I don’t think I’d mind it… but with everything… going on, I can’t exactly bring myself to be relaxing.” Virion and Rosaria were no doubt swamped with things to do, and of course, Jeremiah was still out on mission. Aoi was here taking care of her, but would be back at Azure Waters teaching her students, and preparing them for what could be coming. She couldn’t bring herself to be the odd one out. 

“Please avoid the orange juice.” Serena shivered ever so slightly, “Uhh… I think I could stomach some eggs and pancakes. Not a lot.” She stifled a series of coughs. These weren’t bothering her as much as they were when she arrived. “That’s a good sign at least…”

“You got it. I’ll go tell Claire and she’ll get started on stuff… She insisted on cooking since she was staying here doing nothing; she’s such a sweetie… If you wanna push yourself just a bit to see how well you’re really doing, try to come downstairs at your own pace, okay? I’ll put some tea on– without the leaves. Something nice for mornings that you can enjoy without worrying about citrus~” Aoi smiled a little mischievously, still amused that Serena could be defeated by fruit taste. 

“If you can’t make it downstairs, don’t push yourself, just call down from the top and we’ll bring stuff up to you… Okay?” Serena was really good at a lot of things. Pushing herself was chief among them, so Aoi had to really make sure that she wouldn’t force something that would make her worse. “All that said… I’ll see you again when the food’s done, one way or another.” Aoi hopped in place a little, turning to leave. She hated spending time off just as much as Serena did, but having her favorite person, and her best friend around, was making it a lot more enjoyable, despite Serena’s illness.

“Oh? Claire’s taking the reins, huh? Hehe… a good way for her to show you her cooking, she’s better at this than I thought~” Her strength may not have been what it normally was, but she didn’t need to be anywhere near a 100% to poke back at Aoi. “I’ll try to make my way downstairs… I don’t feel as weak as the day I got here, or yesterday, so I should be able to manage. I will call if I can’t though; I don’t need to put myself out of commission for longer than I already have. So, I’ll, see you in a bit one way or the other.” She offered a genuine smile at Aoi, “Thanks for this. I know I complain a lot, but this is really helping.” 

Aoi paused in the doorway, offering Serena the same smile back. She didn’t exactly seem phased by the teasing… She slowly lifted a finger to her mouth in a shushing motion, before giggling a bit. “Don’t tell anyone… And we both agreed that I would wait until she’s done with school, but… We sorta… Got all that out, last night. Lots of talking… So go ahead and make your jokes. They aren’t jokes anymore, so it’s no skin off my back~” She stuck her tongue out and shut the door before Serena could get in a final jab, knowing she hated that the most in their back and forths. Motivation to get her out of her bed to get in some more jabs, surely.

Aoi sped down the stairs, full of energy, for once. Claire was still in the kitchen, getting through different pans, pots, making sure everything was set out to start. Aoi leaned against the door frame and smirked, folding her arms. “You could just ask me where everything is, Claire.”

Serena blinked as Aoi hardly responded to her jab, and admitted that they were no longer jokes. “Ah…” Aoi was already gone before she could get any further words out. Serena leaned back with a short giggle. “Well, that’s good progress then… good job Aoi, Claire. Well… I guess that means I’m going to have to figure out other things to poke about~” 

Claire jumped a bit before squeezing the pan that she had nearly dropped. “How do you keep doing that?!” Admittedly she hadn’t been paying the most attention, but Aoi had done this consistently since she’d gotten here, and back at school often, as well. She sighed, “Well, I think I found everything I would need… how’s the doctor feeling? Did she want anything?”

“I’m light on my feet… And you were veeeery preoccupied. Nice to make your heart race, though~” Aoi was always pleased to see Claire jump, never doing it intentionally, just carrying herself as she normally did. “If you’ve found everything, then Serena will take two eggs and two pancakes. She’s gonna try and make her way down to see if she’s rested enough to move, but if she can’t make it, I told her to call down… Hopefully she does.” Aoi took a seat at the kitchen’s dining table, leaning onto it some, watching Claire. “You need any help…?”

“Mmm…” Aoi really was good at teasing when she wanted to be. Perhaps that was a consequence of being friends with Lady Serena. “Two eggs, and two pancakes, hmm? Then yeah, if you could help making the batter for the pancakes, I can get everything going a little faster. I do think I want you free to go help the doctor if she needs it. By now, I think we both know that she’ll try right until the moment she can’t, and someone will have to be there to help.” It was kind of inspiring how much Serena was willing to do, but there was definitely an element there that had to be reined in a little. Brilliant, but reckless at times was the opinion that Claire had been forming of the Grand Cleric. 

“I’ll drop the whisk if she calls for help, don’t worry. You can get started on tea, okay? Told her I’d put something on– not citrus, just something nice. Eggs’ll cook fast so get the tea going first…” Aoi idly reached for flour, milk, some sugar, a dash of salt, an egg, putting things together for a batter without much thought. “Hmhmhm, hmhmhmhm… Hmm, hmhmhm… So Claire, you’re going back to school today, yeah? Just want to make sure you’re not planning on staying as long as Serena is sick… Unless you are, in which case, I’ll have the maids fetch your coursework.” She wasn’t going to get away from her lessons even if she was staying out with them for the moment.

Claire set about getting the tea started–Aoi was right that the eggs would cook quickly–it was kind of humanizing to know that Lady Serena, perhaps the best cleric in recent Lufirian history, and one of the Celestial Knights balked at the taste of citrus. It provided a bit of an anchor to such a figure, same as her complaining about being sick. “Oh, uh,” Aoi’s question pulled her from her thoughts, just as she’d placed the tea on the stove, “I hadn’t planned on staying the whole time… I’m caught up on all of my coursework for the week, except my magic studies of course, so I was going to go back this afternoon for that. I didn’t expect that Lady Serena’s illness would be hanging about this long… you forget sometimes that even decorated individuals like her are just as susceptible as anyone else.” 

“Well, you forget, because MOST of the time, they take care of themselves. Serena is just stupid sometimes, but we all have our faults.” Aoi was a little harsher on her criticism, because Serena was definitely smart enough to know better. “That’s not completely true, Claire. You’re not caught up on my class, because I had to hand over teaching to Yuna… So if you’re going to go back, I’ll still send a maid with you, to grab some things from my office to hand out to students. Sounds like a plan…” The batter was already done and stirred, Aoi lighting the magical fire in her stove and setting a pan, waiting for it to start heating up.

“Oh, right, uh, haha…” Claire hadn’t thought about Aoi’s class considering that Aoi was standing in front of her and they had been speaking for a good majority of the time she had been present, about many things. “Then, yeah, I think that sounds like a good plan.” Claire’s tail whished back and forth behind her as she scratched her head. Aoi calling Serena stupid made it hard to stifle a giggle; it really was something else to see this side of Aoi. “More, and more, I can see just how you both ended up as best friends.” Claire perked up as she heard movement coming from the hall upstairs. “It sounds like she’s moving, slowly, but moving.” 

“Oh, shoot, hold on.” Aoi turned down the fire and made her way to the kitchen door, staring at the stairs. “You alright, Serena?” Aoi had a little comment for Claire’s best friend line, but it could wait. If Serena fell, it would ruin the whole point of her coming here to relax. “Just shout if you need to brace yourself on me… You’re moving pretty slow; the stairs might be a lot.”

Moving around was easier than it was yesterday. That was to say that it was still so much more of a trial than it would have been normally. It was just frustrating. “I’m… fine for the moment. Considering how much effort I had to put in just to get some semblance of decency on, I think it would just be best if I asked you to help me. Still a little uneasy on my feet.”

“Iiiiiiii will be right back, Claire. Get those pancakes going, okay? Little homework– I turned down the flame, get it back up to cooking temp again with your focus, that’ll be a little lesson in magic tuning at a low level for you.” Aoi moved to leave, but stopped again, smiling over at her. “As for your best friends comment… It was all Serena. Ask her if you get the chance.” Aoi was out of the kitchen and up the stairs in a flash, power walking over to the cleric, at least happy to see her dressed and on her feet of her own accord.

“Alright, let’s get you downstairs. Green tea, eggs and some pancakes, all in the making, just for you~ Bet you haven’t been waited on in a long time, huh? Does it feel nice?” Aoi got Serena’s arm over her shoulder and started helping her walk along, not wanting to carry her again after embarrassing her so much the previous day.

“Huh, wh–” Claire looked up as Aoi disappeared from the kitchen. “...Yeah, okay, got it.” She just hadn’t been prepared to get homework. Hmm… wait, I guess this is a home, and I am sort of working… She sighed, and focused on getting the flame back up to cooking temperature. She wasn’t a fire specialist by any means, but the stoves worked on magical input rather than a spell itself as the necessary spell was built into the object and activated by the input, allowing anyone to operate it. “Okay, control the flow of your magic, and focus the direction, and scale…”

Aoi glided her way up to Serena, and put an arm over her shoulder to help her down the stairs. She turned away ever so slightly to hide the faintest blush forming. “It’s… not just for me, you and Claire have to eat too. And… Yes, it has been a little while. Since my birthday back in April.” Jeremiah may have been away but Tica and Catherine made sure that Serena was going to celebrate. “It… does feel nice. I’ve groaned about how embarrassing it is enough in the past two days. It is nice to be taken care of for a little while. …Don’t get used to it though.”

Aoi really grinned. “Awwww, are you blushing~? It’s too late to fall for me, Serena. My heart’s been taken~” It was really nice to see Serena like this, but most of all, it was heartwarming. That she would let herself be so open was a sign of how true Claire’s little comment was. “Well, let’s make the most of all this service, then. Come on!” Down the stairs they went, making sure to go at Serena’s speed, not forcing her to move faster than that. “Claaaaaiiiiiiiire~? We’re here… Serena’s gonna be alright enough, so she’ll be eating with us.”

“You…” Serena just resigned herself with a sigh, as she gently bumped Aoi with her hip. She offered a smile, and then a stuck out tongue as they walked into the kitchen. “Good morning, Claire. I had expected that you would have gone back to–” Serena blinked as she looked at the stove. The flame on one of the burners was a little… high for whatever she would have been cooking. “Uh… Claire, that flame is a liiittle high.”

Serena and Aoi walked back in at perhaps the worst time. Focusing on her magic was a little more difficult for her than she would have liked. Using her light magic was simple enough, but just using her innate magic, not necessarily granting it a shape, was a lot harder. As Aoi called out to her, she jumped, and that concentration was broken ever so slightly, and the flame grew. “Oh, uh… yeah! Yeah it is, uhhh… Help?”

“Oh dear!” Aoi hustled Serena to a chair and dashed to the stove, hands out, magic focusing. It was a good thing that Claire was so evidently bad at this, it made taking over much simpler, getting the flame down without much issue. “Hahhh… Okay. Okay~ We’re all good… A for effort, B for your magic’s power, but, uh… F for, execution. You’re definitely going back today for that studies class… Can’t have you missing that.” Aoi let out a deeper breath, giving Claire an apologetic smile, then shooting the same look at Serena.

“Mistress Bloomfield.” Suddenly, a house maid was in the doorway, bowing to the group of women. “You have a guest. She claims to be a student of Lady Noire’s, and wishes to have audience with her. The name given was Celarissa Dessielle–”

“I cannot fathom why you didn’t just bring me with you. Lady Serena is not so weak as to need your protection, even against someone like me, now out of my–” Celarissa came in, poking her head over the maid, who turned back to her with knives for eyes, almost stabbing the elf with her glare. “Oh. Hello~ My apologies for interrupting breakfast… Lady Serena, your presence has been requested… And a good morning to you as well, professor Bloomfield. And miss…?” Rissa didn’t recognize the dragon in the room, ears twitching slightly.

The maid sighed, heavily. “My apologies, Mistress…”

“Er, no no, it’s fine… I, uh… Take it you know this elf, Serena…?” Aoi was a bit frozen, confused by the sudden arrival of the elf, hoping her friend would explain things.

“Rissa? What are you… Presence? Presence for what, and by whom?” Serena cleared her throat, ending in a cough. “This is Celarissa, she’s an understudy of mine. I’m teaching her the intricacies of temporal magic, and figuring out ways to assist her in beginning to master it. But something is rather off for you to have been sent here to request my presence… I’m sure anyone who would summon me knows that I’m not feeling well.” This can’t be good.

“Uh. Claire, Claire D’arnor, it’s uh, nice to meet you?” Apparently the brazen woman was affiliated with Serena, and sure enough, her magical power seemed to warrant that relation. She appeared to be a full elf as well, which was rather uncommon. It seemed that other things would have to wait because Serena seemed confused about why she would be summoned. 

“Yes, well… I was ordered directly by the Queen to come and acquire you. She’s in an audience with Lady Rosaria and others at the moment, and your presence was expected… Sick or not. My apologies… The carriage is waiting outside. I can carry you; it’s no trouble.”

It seemed this woman wasn’t someone to distrust, but either way, Aoi wasn’t going to remain a fly on the wall over this. “If they’re asking for Serena, I’m coming along. I’ve been taking care of her and she’s not at all healthy yet, so my apologies, but I’ll be watching over her. Claire, you too. You might not be able to sit in on this meeting, but you can come back with us, okay?”

“Er… Right. Of course?” Celarissa wasn’t sure if she should speak back against the goat… She was here taking care of Serena, so clearly she was a friend, and she was a professor of the academy, but… She’s still a vampire, under all that… Dangerous. Rissa looked to Serena, waiting for the grand cleric to make her feelings known.

Serena’s eyes widened, of all people to request her it would be Queen Hilda herself, and to top it off, Rosaria was there as well and hadn’t been released to get her personally. And equally as important, it was required that Serena be there regardless of her condition. “...Oh hell.” Serena took a deep breath, and straightened herself out, “We’re coming immediately. Aoi, Claire, sorry to put a damper on this breakfast, but I don’t think we have the time. Rissa, please go and get the carriage prepared. Claire, if you would, could you run upstairs and grab my things from the bedroom? I will be the opposite of quick, and Aoi, could you please help me out there?”

Serena stumbled slightly, leaning closer into Aoi’s ear, “I have a feeling it’s about what we talked about. Since you’re coming, don’t let on that you know anything, and keep as calm as you can. This never happens, it's the only thing I can think of.” She straightened back up, “Sorry, still a little woozy every now and again.” 

“Okay, got it!” Claire dashed out, and up the stairs. There was a pit forming in her stomach. Something was up, and Serena knew it. It couldn’t be, right? What’s going on in Ametrine? What’s happened? She couldn’t just think on it, she had things to do, and perhaps, she would be afforded the answers. 

“Er, I can… Mm. Right.” Celarissa wanted to help more, but now was no time for such petty jealousies and arguments. She turned with a swish of her cape and headed back out to the carriage, making sure it was open, the driver was informed, and there was space for their extras.

Aoi smiled, rather coolly. “After the talks I’ve had with you and Claire, I’ll handle myself just fine, Serena. I’m focused on you, okay? And if you need someone to lean on, I’ll be there.” She took Serena’s hand and gave it a squeeze, before hoisting the cleric up in one fell swoop, once more carrying her. “Okay~ Wow, twice in two days, how lucky am I?” She couldn’t help cracking a joke to try and lighten the mood, slowly heading out towards the wagon.

“Genevieve! Turn off the stove and fridge the ingredients, would you? My apologies for the sudden work, but the Queen can’t be ignored…”

Genevieve was more than happy to process that request, beyond pleased that the intruder of an elf had left. “It would be my pleasure, Mistress. Safe travels.” She curtsied and headed into the kitchen.

“Heh… I’m so happy to have housemaids like this. Real glad my parents set this whole deal up so long ago… Anyway! Off we go, Serena.” She wasn’t quick about it, but their carriage awaited.

Ametrine City, Lufiria

Two and a half hours later.

The halls of Ametrine castle were quiet. So quiet that it was almost unnerving. Footsteps echoed throughout the hallway. One could tell where all of the movement was going. He had been informed that it had been almost 27 years since an emergency meeting of this caliber had been called. The events leading up to the Islexian Collapse. He could only imagine what it was like back then, but he also knew it had to pale in comparison to the worry welling inside of him. There was only one thing that could possibly have Hilda call an emergency meeting with all the top Lufirian officials. 

Virion’s hand tensed and untensed with every step. Stuck just praying that his thoughts were just that of a concerned father, and not reality. Virion looked over at the young man beside him who, somehow, was more tense than he was. “Darian. Relax some. You’re going to do yourself no favors if you appear as stiff as you’re moving now. It’s an important meeting, certainly, but the only way you’re going to survive here is to move with the flow of the situation… whatever that might be.” The important thing about the secrecy of this meeting was that Rosaria wasn’t the one who had alerted him. That was troubling. Hilda knows how Rosaria gets… damn it. I can’t see any other avenue… 

This was it. This was what his training had led up to, or at least this was one of the biggest days ahead of him. He still had a long road ahead. Still, another red haired man walked along beside Virion, lost in his thoughts. Darian wasn’t the type to keep his mind silent sadly, he very easily pondered on situations and questions that may or may not get answered. “...hm?” He raised his head up at the prodding of his superior, and he gave off a small chuckle. “I am relaxed, I’m just going through the motions. But you know I have a good poker face.” Except when it came to fooling Virion at least, he was good at playing the game, so to speak. “That being said, I do understand the gravity of the meeting, and I’ll admit it’s a little intimidating, But I promise to be on my best behavior, Virion.”

“If you’re sure. Fortunately, the focus won’t be on you. The topic of the emergency meeting is top secret, to the point that I wasn’t even informed when I was summoned. Whatever has happened is pressing to a worrying degree.” As they came around the final corner before the central hall another pair were outside, appearing hesitant to open the door before them, and instead speaking with one another. The man’s long teal hair, and clothing was a dead giveaway as to who it could have been, “Prince Lance… so you were also summoned as well…” The other was an ice blue haired woman, Virion was sure that he’d seen her a handful of times in and about parliament, but her name escaped him. “My apologies, miss, but while I can recognize you, I can’t quite put a name to the face.”

Something about the door repelled the young man standing in front of it. Today was supposed to have been a lunch date with the lovely young woman beside him, but quickly, they were summoned to an emergency meeting. The last time this had truly happened was in the days before the collapse, the closest following that was the Blaze of the Tenth. So something had happened that was on par with either of those events, and most frightening of all, was the man had no idea what it could have been. 

He had known full well of the Islexians and their uproar, but the situation there couldn’t have possibly escalated to a point where an emergency meeting with all of the upper echelon of Lufiria was necessary. The only possibility that made sense was something that he hadn’t been made aware of. He cursed under his breath, as he looked over at his companion. He’d have loved to continue their date, but with the importance of this meeting increasingly apparent, he had to bid her farewell. Or that was what was supposed to happen, but Sen was willful, and daughter of two high-ranking parliament members–both members of the revived Unity coalition–and it was almost impossible to say no to her. “I can only ask once more, Sen… Are you sure that you want to remain? I can’t imagine what will be said beyond these doors will remain peaceful, knowing the council and my mother.” Lance turned as he heard his name called, and saw a red haired man he knew well, and one that he was not as familiar with. “Lord Virion… so I guess that proves this meeting’s importance.” 

"It is as I said, Lance. If there is something this important, I wish to know about it. My concern is for Lufiria, you know that. I will do anything I can to help protect this country, and for that I need to know what is going on." She paused, and then a dangerous smile danced on her lips. "Now, if you were, as my Prince, to order me to stay out here, I would of course have no other choice but to obey. Is that what you are doing, my prince?" She knew the formality would irritate him but she was gambling that it wouldn't irritate him enough to push him into telling her to remain out of spite. Really, he needs to realize that I'm going to be by his side for things like this until he tells me otherwise. The country, yes, I will protect that. It's not the only thing I'm wanting to protect though. You'll figure that out soon enough, my prince~

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and a voice Sen was almost certain she knew. Thankfully, Lance was quick to confirm the identity of the man, and she quickly curtsied, her face a calm mask disguising the thoughts running behind her eyes. To bring in not just Lance, but Lord Virion... This must be dangerous. I need to know more. He better not tell me to stay out here... "Lord Shiva, an honor, sir. That you remember me at all is more than I could have ever imagined. I am Senani'a al Seisyll, daughter to Lord Gideon and Lady Chelali'a Seisyll. I was with Prince Lance when he was summoned and have requested that he allow me to accompany him, so that I might aid our country in whatever way I can." She straightened out of the curtsy and smiled in the direction his voice had come from. Convincing Lance she should be there was one thing. This was the first test to see if she could convince everyone else.

Darian approached the duo alongside Virion, though he let his superior take the lead. While Lance didn’t know him, Darian certainly knew who the prince was. He offered the man proper respect and bowed his head. “Darian Rhapsodia, sir. I know both of our duties keep us busy so we haven’t met, but it’s truly an honor to meet you.” He then lifted his head and turned to a certain shorter female with a blindfold on. It has been a while, but Darian’s memory was good enough to remember her. “Miss Seisyll, it’s been quite some time. I remember meeting you at a ball I attended once in my sister’s place. It’s very good to see you again.” He did wonder about the blindfold, but decided to keep it to himself.

“Ah, Seisyll… You do resemble your mother. My apologies for not remembering your name, Senani’a.” The daughter of two of the biggest members of Lance’s coalition; a group of parliament members carrying on the legacy and function of the defunct Aquamarine Vanguard. The original coalition had been obliterated in the days following the Blaze of the Tenth for their involvement in the assassination, but Lance and others sought to keep the original goal of the coalition intact; holding Lady Hilda and the growing expansionist movement in check. Hilda herself was not aligned at all with the expansionists, but she was known for her swift brutality towards her enemies and over the years she had amassed a great deal of power. He was a part of that power.

Darian appeared to know Sen, so he could allow him to speak with her and perhaps keep himself at ease. “I’m going to assume that you have no idea what this could be about, right? It’s unlike your mother to react like this. Darian and I were in the middle of planning exercises when we were urgently summoned. Summons are common, urgent summons in the middle of the day? Something has happened.”

Lance shook his head, “If you don’t know then I certainly wouldn’t. You know Mother doesn’t keep me in the loop like that. You and sister are at her side constantly as Celestial Knights so if you are unaware, it’s safe to say that almost everyone else is.” Lance sighed, that confirmed that whatever had happened was above knowledge that he had been given. Though, the whole time that Virion spoke, the man’s hand was tensing and untensing. “Virion, are you nervous about something?” Does he… know more than he’s saying? He’s concerned about something, and it’s really bothering him.

Virion flinched, and forced his hand to stop tensing. “...I’m nervous about what could be so important that none of us were informed about it beforehand. Really nothing out of the ordinary, Lance. Thanks for the concern though.” Virion stepped towards the door, “I imagine that they’re waiting for us, so let’s not continue to dawdle, yes?”

Virion pushed open the door with a grimace on his face. Of course her little brother would have noticed that… Calm down, Virion. Nothing is confirmed yet. Just keep yourself relaxed. Until you hear those words, don’t give anything away.

The door opened to a large theater-esque room with rows of seats in a downward cascade. Rarely was this room filled; the duties of parliament often did not require the presence of all members, but today, the din of conversation was audible the moment the magically sealed doors opened. The seats were largely filled with men, women, clouded, and monsters of all shapes. Many were nobility, but equally as many were clothed as regular people. Towards the back of the room were the two women that Virion was looking for. The taller of the two had graying, but still mostly teal hair, and stood several inches taller than the more vibrantly colored woman speaking with her. She was adorned with the Lufirian Regalia; a simple red and gold dress with constellations across the mantle, and a sun and moon above a blue flower in the center–the symbol of the Shiva family. One glance would have been enough for Virion to know that things were serious, especially given how Rosaria appeared to be acting. She was far too tense. 

“Darian. With me.” Virion strode through the center of the room towards the pair.

“About damn time you got here, Virion. They were waiting for you to arrive.” A draconic woman stepped towards him with a scowl on her face. “You’re late.” She then turned and offered a bow to Lance, and Sen. “Prince Lance, good to see that you’ve arrived safely. You’re a surprise, Miss Seisyll, but perhaps not given your parentage. I will say that depending on what is said in this room, you may not be allowed to remain.”

Virion’s eyes narrowed, “...I am as early as I can possibly be, Obehi. An urgent summons while I’m out of the capital makes things quite difficult. What’s going on?”

“The queen received a letter, and the moment she saw it, she called an emergency meeting. She wanted to wait for your presence. I wonder why that would be?” Obehi raised an eyebrow, and then shook her head, “Lady Hilda, the Phoenix, and Prince Lance have arrived. We’re still missing several key figures–Lady Serena among them–but I believe that makes us ready to begin, no?”

"It is good to meet you again, Sir Rhapsodia." Sen had flinched when Darian spoke up, not badly enough that most would catch it, but his presence had clearly startled her. Focus, come on now. I can't miss someone's footsteps like that. I have to be better, stronger. She nodded in response to Lord Virion's acknowledgment of her mother, but stayed quiet beyond that for now. The two Shivas were talking and she had no intention of interrupting, instead listening as neither of them knew the reason for this meeting. Odd though... This mask can only block so much of his mana, and with how erratic it is... He's even more worried than Lance.

As she was puzzling this over, the doors were opened and she couldn't help but flinch again as she sensed the presence of a large crowd, several of whom had a presence strong enough to make their way past her mask. The headache that had started earlier began to come back and as General Obehi made her presence known and warned her that she was tolerated, but only for now, she almost took Lance up on his offer to stay outside. A moment's hesitation was all she allowed herself, however, and she gracefully curtsied. "I appreciate the warning, General. I am aware that I am here only by the generosity of Queen Shiva, and if I am told to leave, I will understand. I only hope that I am allowed to stay and help the country with whatever crisis triggered this meeting." She then inched her way closer to Lance, and quietly whispered, "Prince Lance," she knew he would hate the formality, but given what she was about to ask, she had to keep everything else fully in line, "I know this is hardly the time or place, but, might I once again depend on your arm? Even with this covering for my eyes, I fear there are far too many powerful people here and if I removed it to try and navigate by myself... Lord Shiva alone would give me a headache. I promise, I will behave myself," her voice dipped even quieter and she added, truly for his ears only, "at least until the meeting is over that is~"

Darian noted how startled Sen got, he felt a little bad. “Mm, well here’s hoping the meeting isn’t that dire…” It was the optimist in him speaking, but he really did wish it was nothing serious. That way he can focus on what he really wanted. As soon as he stepped into the room and got a good look at everyone, the optimism faded. “Well…so much for that.” He mumbled to himself. The room almost resembled a stage he helped set up once, but the players on this stage were in another world entirely. The musician kept close to Virion and did his best to not stand out, he wasn’t sure if everyone got the memo that he wasn’t just a musician anymore. As soon as the dragonic woman approached he gave a slight bow and kept quiet until addressed, or when he felt the time was right.

“General Obehi. It’s good to see you as well.” The sparks were already flying between her and Virion. The pair had never liked each other, but it was always more notably on Obehi’s end. Obehi did have the will of much of Lufiria on her side; regardless of Virion’s power and skill, the man was still human, and a human who would have participated in the collapse had things not gone the way they did. Many still believed that his placement above Obehi was both a punishment for Obehi being of the disgraced Hozt family, and favor granted to him by being Rosaria’s husband. 

His eyes narrowed as Obehi explained the situation to Sen, “You need not worry about her, Obehi. Sen’s loyalty has always, and will always remain with Lufiria. I’ll vouch for her if necessary.” Sen came closer, and that switch flipped immediately, her teasing tones replaced with that of a serious noblewoman…if for a moment, as she teased him about behaving only until the meeting concluded. “You are something else, sometimes, Sen. My arm is always yours when you need it, and I expect… that you, and I, are going to need it.” He looked over and offered a small smile, “And then perhaps I can see what you have in mind for afterwards.” 

“Be that as it may, Rosaria, you–” The older woman looked up as her name was called, and her eyes were immediately drawn to the red haired man approaching. “You’re late, Virion. My apologies for the poor advance notice, but we haven’t the time to waste…” She scowled as Serena was nowhere to be seen. “General, call this meeting to attention. The Grand Cleric will just have to be caught up to speed later.” Hilda’s eyes fell onto the man alongside Virion, and then to Lance’s companion. “Virion, why is a Raphsodia with you? I don’t recall summoning any of them here for this.” 

Virion sighed, this was always going to happen, this was just a little sooner than he’d expected. “Lady Hilda, you are correct in saying that he is a Raphsodia, but Darian is my adjutant. My strategist for the foreseeable future. Though, enough about that, what’s going on here? Why were you–” Virion paused as he was bumped by Rosaria. He turned to look, and almost froze upon seeing Rosaria’s face. She kept her eyes down, but she was clearly very flustered, and worried. “...You’re about to find out.” She stepped to the side, and cleared her throat. Virion’s eyes shot to Hilda, and the letter that was now visible as Rosaria moved away. 

“This emergency meeting is called to attention, starting this very moment.” Rosaria’s voice echoed throughout the room. “The missing members of parliament will have to be caught up later, this meeting has waited long enough.” Rosaria had to keep herself measured. She was commander of the military, and couldn’t reveal her mounting worry. Not yet anyway. “As of… several hours ago, Lady Hilda received a message of… rather grave import from a messenger of ours.” Whispers began to waft throughout the room. “Before I leave Lady Hilda to explain, I first will clear up a few things. What is said in this room cannot leave. It should not be spoken to friends, family, or anyone outside of this hall. For the moment. Secondly, it is not directly related to whatever is happening in Islexia, and their erratic movement, that much we can be certain of, though… with what we’ve learned, it could be a supporting cause of the matter. To that end… I will also inform everyone standing here… that regarding the prophecy that we had learned of three years ago…” 

“That’s more than enough, General. I will continue from here.” Hilda stepped forward, ushering Rosaria back. “Three years ago, my assassination took place, and was thwarted. It was that day that I, along with many of my adjutants, as well as the group we now know as the Asteria, encountered a being known to us now as Mercuria. She handed us a prophecy. A prophecy that all within parliament have long since been made aware of. A prophecy that spells the end of Lufiria, and potentially much more. Given our situation… Parliament confirmed a plan to investigate the veracity of these claims. It wasn’t possible to ask for assistance, nor to speak openly about this prophecy; the alliance has no reason to trust us, and Glacies has been proven to be a hotbed for spies, amongst other things.” 

Hilda waved her hands, “This is what most of you are aware of… Now we shift to the letter, and where it comes from. More than two months ago, I had a premonition. In it, I saw a letter. I couldn’t quite ascertain what it was about… except for one visible word. Betrayal. This mission of ours was not chosen lightly… were Lufirian operatives to be found in Hecatia, Glacies, or Islexia, we can be sure that they would use it as justification for potential offensives. With this in mind, I had our generals, the Royal Advisor, and others select operatives, and soldiers for the mission. Yet…” She held up the letter, “Today I tell you that I hold that same letter from my premonition. The same letter that speaks of betrayal. And despite taking every precaution… it seems that Lufiria may be in grave danger.” 

Hilda took a breath, “Unbeknownst to all of you. The Royal Advisor, General Rosaria, and I authorized the Asteria to perform their own investigation; both into the primary issue, and to ensure that our mission was progressing as intended… Princess Lucille was spearheading this mission… and this letter comes from the messenger that was traveling with her. As of this moment, our mission in Hecatia was infiltrated, and while the princess was performing her investigation, the agitators struck, and blew the unit’s cover. As of this moment… we have no idea of the safety, nor whereabouts of the princess.” 

“Lance, you know me~ I have to have my fun, even when the situation is serious.” She reached out, clasping his arm with hers, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m worried, Lance. To have everyone here like this, there’s something big, I think Lufiria is in a lot of danger. I’m at your side no matter what though. You’ll have to try hard to get rid of me here.” She gently rested her head on his shoulder for a brief second, before looking back up at him with a grin. “As for afterwards, well, we’ll see how things are going at that point~” They moved in, finding a seat as Lady Rosaria and then Queen Hilda spoke up, explaining the situation. The more they explained, the more the truth came to light, the tighter Sen’s grip on Lance’s arm became. She couldn’t see any of the reactions around her, obviously, but she could almost feel the tension in the room. They had agents on foreign soil, and not only that, but Princess Lucille was out there and had been betrayed. She was left alone in Hecatia, without anyone knowing where she was. “Oh Lance... If something happens to her, it will be war. Even if something doesn’t... Things are going to be very dangerous. I, I’ll need to get ready for what’s coming.” Any of the teasing that had been in her voice earlier were completely gone. Instead, there was fear and concern as they faced down the likelihood of another war coming to their country’s lands.

When Hilda addressed the issue of Darian being in the room he remained calm, he expected it to happen. Virion had come to his aid, and he attempted to reinforce that. “I realize my history doesn’t lend itself to my sudden career change, but I assure you, lady Hilda, I take my new station with the proper respect it deserves. I swore not to let lord Virion down, he gave me this grand opportunity after all.” He took a slight bow, then remained silent as the meeting went forward from Rosaria’s call. While he looked quite calm on the outside the oath to secrecy weighed on him a little. That cool exterior slowly shifted to one of concern when the letter and prophecy were brought up, and the danger Lufiria would soon find itself in. When Lucille was brought up, he turned his narrowed eyes to the side. “Ngh…it had to be Lucille of all people…” He whispered to himself. While he wasn’t completely worried, it was still enough to make him want to do something. He didn’t like betrayal, no one did, but in Darian’s case the element of surprise hit a bit too close to home.

Virion just closed his eyes. The entire trip back to Ametrine had him wondering if this was possible, if Lucille might be the reason for this meeting. He turned to look at Rosaria; she appeared to be handing the news better than the rest of the room–several members rising from their seats, gasps, and looks of incredulity abound–but her right hand was drawn behind her. 

“What do you mean that the princess was in Hecatia?! We were told that she was visiting the wilderness to assess the situation there!” 

A younger avian woman stood up, “Betrayed?! Betrayed by who, and for what purpose?!”

The worried voices began to rise in fervor, fingers pointed at Lady Hilda, and in every which way. Hilda just stood there, weathering the storm. 

“Where is the Royal Advisor at a time like this?! What are we to do if they’ve discovered our plans?! The alliance will…”

“If they come for us, then I say let them! We’ve bested them before, and if they’ve harmed the princess then–”

“Enough!” Virion turned with a wave of his hand, and set the air within the room ablaze. The flames quickly silenced the room, drawing all eyes to him. “Enough. We gain nothing through this. We were all brought here so that we could figure out our next move, not to lose our heads and panic.” With a wave of his hand, and the flames died down, though the temperature of the room remained elevated. “My apologies for my outburst, Lady Hilda. But, given what you’ve said, there can be no time to waste. You didn’t call us here just to tell us the contents of that letter… What do you believe to be our next move then?” 

“Leave it to you to not waste any time, Virion. However… I must ask why the rest of the generals were not informed of this development. I quite understand parliament’s outburst; a betrayal of our mission to our enemies is bad enough, but now our princess is involved? Does this letter say anything of the Asteria? How are we to know that one of them isn’t our traitor?” A scowl appeared on Obehi’s face, “...Despite all of this, I do agree with Lord Virion on this; we don’t have time to waste if the Princess is in danger. I propose that a small team of our best is sent to retrieve her.”

“That… may not do.” Hilda appeared unbothered by the uproar of parliament, focused entirely on what came next. “The letter mentioned that the princess was last seen attempting to capture the Escaflowne. Should she have survived… she’ll have the blade, and Hecatia will spare nothing to bring it back, and if not capture her, kill the princess. If we are to send forces to recover her, I will not be sparing. Especially now that our plans are likely out in the open.”

Lance shook his head listening to everything. Lucille, of all people, had headed to Hecatia to personally oversee the reconnaissance mission in secret. The mission which Lance had been against, along with his coalition. The evidence for something truly being wrong was scant at best, and Mercuria hadn’t appeared again ever since the appearance three years ago. To place their tenuous position with the outside world at risk over a nigh-impossible to believe prophecy was the height of foolishness. How fitting that it all seemed to be coming back to haunt them. Sen’s grip on his arm proved that this was all happening. This was all real. 

“Mother, do you hear yourself?” Lance slowly rose to his feet, “You carried out this mission in hopes that you could avoid the consequences, and now that things have gone wrong you plan to send a full force to rescue Lucille? I as much as anyone want to see the princess, my niece, safe, but action like that is sure to cause more turmoil then we are prepared for. Perhaps… we could turn to Glacies for assistance, they are our ally and–”

“Lance.” Hilda’s violet eyes turned to him. “What would you have me do? Say? Was it not your investigation that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Glacies has been exchanging secrets with Hecatia? That proved that there were spies in Glacies that the crown is aware of, and has done nothing to curtail? Glacies is an ally insofar as they are not willing to engage us directly. Furthermore, do you honestly believe that they, or anyone within the alliance would take us seriously? Never forget that we have tried to establish connections with the outside world, and every single one of them has dashed them. Even you don’t believe what’s before us, and you’ve seen it; Both Mercuria, and Aurora. Would you have me do nothing then and wait until her head is brought to us?”

“Sorry about this, Serena.” As much as it was embarrassing for the Grand Cleric, Aoi was carrying her through the halls of castle Ametrine, keeping her pace steady despite the daylight coming in through several windows. Even getting off the carriage had made her wince; her maids had rushed her parasol and a mask out just as they were leaving, but it was still draining on her. As she and their little entourage approached the meeting room, they were met with guards, who quickly recognized the pink woman in Aoi’s arms, but were, rightfully, on guard for the rest of them. Aoi’s eyes were visible, but her face mask covered her nose and mouth, and anyone unfamiliar with her personally would likely have been put off by how covered she was. 

“Right… You’re on your own for now, Serena. Are you gonna be able to walk well enough? I know it’s not a long distance, but still…” The goat was panting quietly, trying her best to hide how much the day was getting to her, but was unable to quiet her body completely.

Celarissa, absent as she usually was, could tell as much that Aoi was pushing herself. “Well? Announce the arrival of Lady Serena Noire and her associates and be out of our way, would you? I was told this was urgent.” She huffed and glared daggers at the guards, arms folded, ears twitching slightly.

“We were… informed that no one beside the people on the list were allowed inside, and… well.” The guard looked at Aoi, and then at the rest of the group. “The only person who would be allowed inside would be–”

“Please tell me who exactly gave you that order, if you don’t mind, sir.” Serena said, her voice unusually ladylike all of the sudden. 

“Uh… Queen Hilda herself, Lady Noire. Is something the matter with that?” 

“No, no, that’s fine. So what you’re actually going to do is let us pass through, right this moment, before Aoi sets me down, and we actually have an issue. They are all coming with me, and I am too sick to care about Lady Hilda’s request. If she has an issue with the way you handled your duties, you can forward her complaints to me. Rissa, if you would open the door, please.” 

“Hmph.” Rissa knew how to carry herself in the presence of the queen, but these guards? They could get the full noble treatment as far as she was concerned. She wasted no time in opening the door, a hesitant, but determined Aoi walking past the guards with Serena in her arms.

Most eyes turned to the door as it opened, spotting Serena first, then the person carrying her. There were murmurs and whispers; she did her best to ignore them all, spotting the most trustworthy person to bring Serena to– Virion. She didn’t pause, carrying the grand cleric over and setting her down as gently as possible, making sure she was standing fine and wasn’t going to collapse. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay, Serena?” Aoi was trying not to, but she couldn’t help glancing over at the queen… Her eyes were on them, but she didn’t seem more upset than the situation demanded. 

Rissa, quite unlike Aoi, didn’t give anyone a second glance, placing herself at Serena’s side with the confidence and grace of someone far, far above her station. She was here on Serena’s word alone, but that word carried plenty, and she was going to abide by it.

“I’ll be… fine, Aoi. Thank you.” She turned to Hilda, and Virion, “And my apologies for being late, as I’m sure you’re aware, I’m quite ill. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

Lance opened his mouth to retort, but the door swung open as four more individuals joined them, Serena most important of the four, but along with her was Aoi, the vampiric teacher from Azure Waters, and two more that he couldn’t quite place. The room wasn’t taking well to Aoi’s presence; olden vampires were responsible for many blights upon the Lufirian people, and despite the woman’s seeming harmlessness, that fear imprinted onto her family and people like her. “...You haven’t, Lady Noire. You’ve arrived just in time to learn of our next move regarding the failure of our operation, and now Princess Lucille is in grave danger.”

Lance sighed, and then locked eyes with his mother, “I’m not saying to do nothing, but what I am saying is that you cannot lose your head. Sending a dedicated force on the off-chance that Lucille had been captured, or… worse, only places more fuel on the fire. Lady Obehi’s suggestion is more spot on, though, perhaps it would be better to send someone of a General’s caliber to lead the group. Just… We’ve worked this hard to avert war, and to keep the more expansionist elements of this government in check; don’t throw that all away.” 

Sen had released Lance’s arm when he stood up, as the arguments started. She knew that Lance’s arguments were sound, and also knew how hard it must have been for him to say that, essentially arguing against going full force to rescue his niece. She reached out, finding his arm and then sliding down to hold his hand. As she listened, concern growing, the conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lady Noire. She and Lance briefly talked, before Lance turned his attention back to his mother. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, encouraging him as he argued for how best to handle this situation. The only concern she had was that he might be one of the people sent for Lucille’s rescue. If it comes to that, I will simply need to find a way to join him. I can’t let him face this alone.

When Virion called for the room to settle down, Darian nearly flinched at his arm swing. He knew he wouldn’t actually set anyone here on fire, but it was still quite hot in the room. A few individuals chimed in with forming a squad to locate Lucille, and Darian wanted to volunteer himself, but he also struggled with his current responsibility. What can I do…? Just as he was about to whisper to Virion, four more individuals had appeared in the room. His attention turned to the door. “Hm…”

“Serena. I know why you’re late, but why have you brought these three with you?” She should have known that if anyone was going to cause a disturbance, it was going to be Serena. She sighed, “Nevermind. The three of you are not to interrupt proceedings.” Hilda gave a single glance to Aoi, before pulling her attention back to Lance. Brazen of you to bring her here, Serena… Though, I suppose you know that Rosaria is here as well. 

“A compromise, then. A force led by one of the Generals, sent to investigate, and if necessary, rescue the princess. A small unit should suffice if one of the five takes the helm, and that leaves the other four, and the rest of us to prepare.” Hilda pointed her hand towards a group, and moved it in a lifting motion. Two more people stood, a white haired feline woman, and a white-winged avian, all dressed in the same white as Obehi, Rosaria, and Virion. “You all have heard the situation. And to Parliament,” She turned to face the room. “I ask for your support in this action. The situation is dire, but we have overcome much. I believe this to be the best path forward.”

Serena felt faint for a moment. It seemed like her bad feeling was spot on, again. “...Shit.” That meant that Anna, Catherine and Tica were heading right into a bad situation. The three of them were strong, and would likely be fine, but Serena’s anxiety jumped an order of magnitude.  “Don’t worry about them, Hilda. I’ve brought them with me both because I needed their assistance and support, and because they are trustworthy enough to know what’s happening here. Don’t cause problems with them, and they won’t cause problems either.” Serena huffed, and then looked at Aoi; she was doing her best, but the nerves were evident, and Rosaria was even worse off.

Serena took a deep breath, and straightened herself out. She’d rested enough, it was time to do her thing. “So to my understanding. Princess Lucille is in danger, and we’re agreeing to send a small unit after her, yes? If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion, I would say that a mission of this import should take either Sir Virion, or Lady Obehi. General Rosaria, as much as I know she wants to go, will be needed here as things are disseminated to the public. Luticia, and Rivane carry the weight of Lufiria, but I do believe they would be better served in their duties here. Not to mention that both Obehi, and Virion have a relatively stronger link with the Asteria, and while their current whereabouts are hard to ascertain… it would be to our advantage to have every card in play.”

Obehi raised an eyebrow. Serena and Lady Hilda were often on fairly poor terms, and she was often indifferent to her due to her disagreements with Virion. It was odd for Serena to vouch for her, but she couldn’t dwell on it. Obehi knelt before Hilda, “My Queen, it would be my honor to lead the mission to rescue the princess. I can have a unit ready to leave with in the day, and I would–”

“Absolutely not.” Virion stepped alongside Obehi, “I thank you for your concern, Obehi, but I am the only person leading this mission. This mission is of the utmost importance, and… as I’m sure you can understand, is quite personal. Lucille is not just the princess. Lucille is my daughter, and it was under our watch that these events took place. I can’t sit here knowing that she’s in danger on account of our mistakes. I will be spearheading this mission.”

“Virion. For once in your life, be reasonable.” Obehi stood, and turned to face her fellow general. “I may not have children of my own, but I understand the feeling. However, that is the reason why I think that I should be the one to undertake this mission. It’s the same reason why I’m sure Lady Hilda has also barred General Rosaria from being the one to go, despite the fact that she is by far the best option of us all. You two are protective of that girl, and if she is alive, and in grave danger, there is no telling what lengths either of you would go to protect her.” 

She then scowled a tad, “And we can’t forget about your heritage, either. This is all taking place in Hecatia, is it not? As much as the mission is to rescue the princess… it is also to attempt to maintain any semblance of balance on this tenuous peace. Your war with Hecatia never ended. Please. Stand down, just this once.” 

“Be quiet, both of you.” Hilda ordered. “Either of you would be the correct choice in this moment, but Lady Obehi’s concerns over your conduct regarding this mission are apt, Virion. She is correct in saying that as much as the mission is to rescue the princess, the amount of force used in the event of conflict is important as well. It is for that reason that I can’t allow Rosaria to undertake the mission… but I also can’t find it in me to turn a father away from helping their child.” 

Hilda pondered a moment, and then turned to Rosaria, “Is it possible for whoever is not selected to oversee the mission from Aquamarine? We don’t know where the princess is, nor if she is alright, but knowing her, she would likely break further east, right? Then we can have the actual search party out looking for the princess, and another smaller force at Aquamarine in case she slips by everyone, and can oversee the mission somewhat from there.” 

Rosaria jumped slightly as she was finally addressed. She had been paying attention, but… the situation was much more than she’d bargained for. Serena and Aoi were both present now, at least, so perhaps afterwards she could talk with them. She desperately needed it. “Ah, uh, yes. Aquamarine would be a good base of operations to start from, and even if we were to devote two generals to it, Aquamarine, and the island as a whole is close enough to Lufiria that the remaining general would still be able to react to things on the mainland.”

She cleared her throat, “I’m assuming that if you’re asking… you’re going to authorize both Virion and Obehi, yes? Two units for the mission?”

“Yes… I think that is the way forward. Obehi. I would like to place you in charge of the overall mission, but I would offer command of the search party to Virion. However… Virion.” She started down at the man, “You will take only five from your personal unit, and the other positions will be filled by delegates, selected by General Obehi. These delegates will be present as liaisons between her, and your unit, and will be tasked with keeping you reined in. Obehi, you will operate from Aquamarine with your own unit, and if you believe things to be problematic, you are to move in and take over the mission. Virion will defer to your commands. Lance. I would also ask you to provide a delegate for this mission since you vouched for Lady Obehi’s idea.”

Obehi nodded, a small frown appearing on her face before she saluted, “Of course, Lady Hilda. I will begin to select my unit, and will be ready to leave within several days. As for my delegate… I do believe Lady Serena brought with her the perfect person for the task. Her skills are perfectly suited for the task, and it will be a good time for her to show why I have selected her. My first delegation will be Claire D’Arnor.”

Claire had done her best to become invisible within the hall. She’d only ever been in this room once, and that was the day that she was knighted by Lady Hilda, the day that Obehi had selected her. Dealing with the Grand Cleric was difficult enough, but now it was the Queen, the Generals, myriad noblemen and women, it was so much to deal with. The Princess was in danger, and a search party was being formed; things were beginning to move at a dizzying pace until… it came right back to her. 

“... … …What?” Claire stood up from her chair slowly. “...Me? G-General, you mean, me? You want me to…” If it had been perhaps even a month ago, Claire would have been overjoyed at being selected to undertake her first mission. However, this mission was so far above anything she’d ever expected that she would have been chosen for, and to travel with Lord Virion… “I… I… Are you sure? I, of course, I will, but…” 

Aoi hadn't missed Hilda's glance, they'd even locked eyes for a moment. She knew she wasn't meant to leave the campus of Azure Waters, let alone be here in the chamber of parliament. She had no place or reason to disagree with Hilda's demand for them all to keep quiet, trying her best to ignore the remaining eyes on her as she focused on Serena's well being and how Claire was doing. The dragon seemed to have shrunk away from everything, but that made enough sense. Even if she had been hand-picked by Obehi, she was still a student; this place was foreign to her.

Things seemed to be proceeding fine until Obehi was given reign to choose a delegate for the mission. She'd expected it if it was brought up, sure, but… To hear it was a different matter. Her eyes shot to Claire as the dragon stood up, feeling her heart beating faster in her chest. This is what they were meant to avoid! Claire wasn't supposed to be fighting until the war hit their doorstep, being sent out like this… 

Aoi was panicking. Her brain was telling her too many things at once. She glanced at Serena, but things were moving so fast, they had no time to talk– "I–!" She was suddenly standing on shaky legs, eyes focused on Hilda, the one she knew would be most upset by her outburst.

"I volunteer! To… T-To, aid the search party, for the princess!" She didn't move her gaze, even if it terrified her. She could already hear murmurs rising up behind her… But they were small and insignificant in the face of the woman at the middle of everything.

Sen sat quietly, listening to the debate going on around her, holding on to Lance's hand to help keep herself grounded. Everything was happening so much faster than she had anticipated, with two groups being planned to be sent to look for the princess, and then, her heart seizing up in her chest, Lance being called on to send a delegate. If he picked himself... Her grip on his hand tightened, as she debated saying something to him now, risking drawing attention, or waiting until it was potentially too late. She was given a chance, in the form of someone she briefed to be Professor Aoi of all people, not someone she would have picked to be in this meeting, speaking up and volunteering to go on the mission after a Claire D'Arnor was picked by General Obehi. She quickly tugged on Lance's hand, pulling him down far enough so that she could whisper in his ear while the crowd's attention was elsewhere, "If you think you are going on this mission without me, I would suggest you think again. Whether you stay here in Lufiria, or go to rescue your niece, I am going to be by your side. I promise you that~"

“Claire D’Arnor… yes, I remember your name. Step forward, chil–” No sooner had Claire spoken up, did the vampire also speak up offering herself as a delegate for the mission. Hilda turned and glared at her. “I suppose it is clear that you weren’t listening when I said not to interfere with proceedings, and volunteering yourself when it was stated that I and General Obehi would be selecting the delegates.” Hilda shook her head, “Rivane, remove her from this plac–” Hilda found herself cutoff again, by the rose haired woman now standing in front of Aoi. 

“And I guess you weren’t listening when I said not to cause problems with them.” Serena stifled a cough, and stared right back up at Hilda. “If you and Lady Obehi are assigning delegates, then, as a Celestial Knight and Grand Cleric of Lufiria, I would also like to assist in that effort. Had I not gotten myself sick, I would be asking to go myself, but I’m not foolish enough to risk that right now. As such, if you’ll allow, I’d like to second Miss Bloomfield’s request. She knows Sir Virion, and the princess, and is highly skilled in her field as per requirements of being a teacher at Azure Waters. Not to mention that she is absolutely trustworthy; I would trust Aoi with my life, and I have essentially for the past couple days. If my word isn’t enough, then you still have leverage over her head if you’re truly distrusting of her, Hilda.” 

Serena then looked over at Rivane, “So you can sit back down in your chair.” 

“...I’ll also agree with Serena.” Rosaria strode over beside her rose haired friend, but not before offering Aoi a smile. “Miss Bloomfield also knows Miss D’Arnor, and has instructed her for much of her time as Azure Waters. The both of them working together is nothing new, and Aoi is both someone that I know that we can trust, as well as someone outside of our narrow sphere. Her perspective on the mission will be invaluable. So I’ll also vouch for Aoi.” 

It felt horribly wrong to be speaking back against the Queen, so seeing Serena and Rosaria do it with what seemed like no effort, was quite the shock. It gave her a bit of courage, enough to pull her mask down to talk. "... Claire is one of my students and I am close friends with Rosaria. If she cannot be present on this mission to rescue her own daughter for fear of collateral," which was putting it mildly, given Rosaria's strength, "then I would like to go in her place. I'm confident I can be a powerful asset for Sir Virion and the rest of those placed under his command, and hold my weight against any altercations without causing too much damage… Y-Your, highness."

Hilda looked at all three women before resting her gaze on Serena, who was definitely the most indignant of the three by exponential margins. “...Were it not for the fact that you’re ill, Serena, I’d have you escorted out of here.”

“You could try, certainly.” Serena replied with a roll of her eyes. 

Hilda opened her mouth and then just shook her head. “To the stars with it. Fine then. If the both of you are adamant on this fact,” Hilda turned to Aoi, “And you believe in your value to the mission, I’ll allow Virion and the others to see whether you’re telling the truth. Understand that you are acting in the capacity of the Crown of Lufiria. Do not make me regret this, Vampire.”

She shook her head again, and then focused on Virion. “As for you, Virion. I will also have you select a delegate. I, Lance, and the council will be selecting two others to travel with you, and the other selections, bringing your group to eleven. Make your selection known before the court.”

Virion breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, he thought that Obehi would have been selected for the search team. He couldn’t sit back now knowing that Lucille was out there. “...Thank you Hilda, and thank you as well, Obehi. As for my selection…” Virion turned and pointed directly at Darian, “There wasn’t anyone else I could choose for the position, now that Serena isn’t particularly an option. You were chosen to be my strategist, Darian Rhapsodia, and now you will be a delegate on this mission. How do you reply?” 

The meeting had come to a point where a team was going to be assigned, a small team of course led by Virion. Despite being his tactician, he still felt some concern that he may not have been experienced enough to be chosen. He clenched his fist at his side, and tried to will himself to speak out on his own behalf, until a certain vampire did so first. He turned to Aoi with some surprise, and despite the backlash she got she also gained just enough defense for her cause. Despite her bad reputation she still wanted to help, in front of all these strong figures…she’s quite an individual. It was exactly what Darian wanted to do, but since he was in such an awkward position himself he felt he couldn’t. That said, he finally got his chance when Virion brought the spotlight to him. “!” He was so deep in thought it caught him off guard, and for a moment he showed some surprise. “...aha.” But as someone who enjoyed improv he quickly pulled himself together and took a small step forward to his superior. “It truly is the honor of a lifetime, one I am all too eager to accept, milord.” He took a small bow to him and then turned to the rest of the room. “Lucille will be brought back, I will do everything in my power to make it so. That is a promise I give to everyone in this room.” A slight bow of the head and he had said his piece..

"Of course… Your highness." Aoi sank back into her seat as someone next to Virion was appointed, someone named Darian. He seemed to be quite the showman, even if he hadn't been immediately ready. She was a bit jealous of his confidence; all of hers had just been sapped away from staring at the scariest woman in Lufiria for too long. She took a deep breath and stared down at the floor, realizing exactly what she'd done… But I can't leave her alone in something like this. Something so important… Something so dangerous for her first mission. Not after everything we talked about… Why is this happening? Ugh… Serena, Rosaria, thank you, but I don't know if I made the right choice…

Virion smiled at Darian’s confidence, “That’s exactly why you were selected, Darian. I am also perfectly alright with all of the other choices for delegates thus far. Miss D’Arnor and Bloomfield will be wonderful additions, and on my name as a general of Lufiria, I will bring every single one of them back, as well as Princess Lucille, my daughter.”

“Hmph.” Obehi sighed. “I’ll begin preparations. As my group will remain at Aquamarine, I will take my time to craft both a plan, and my team. Virion, I imagine you’re not going to wait long, so you’ll just be heading to Aquamarine as soon as possible, right? In that case, you might alert the other bases of what’s going on. Moving into Hecatia, or stars forbid, Islexia, is going to take some time and planning. Moreover, Queen Hilda… what are you going to do with this information as far as it pertains to the people?”

“You need not worry about that. That is where Rosaria, Lance, and I will come in. Over time we will release this information to the people so as to not cause a panic. They should know of the possibility, but they need to be able to continue their lives. Rosaria and Lance will help me to quell the fears of the populace… while Rivane and Luticia will focus on alerting the various garrisons, and slowly preparing our forces… While war is a possibility, it is not an inevitability, and so… we will take as many precautions as is possible without further riling the Islexians. Lance, you will help with this, yes?”

Sen’s grip on his arm really showed him the gravity of all that was happening before him. They’d fortunately decided on a course of action–not ideal, but this situation was not ideal to start with. He left things to Hilda, Rosaria and Obehi, he was skilled in matters of the people, but military tactics was not something Lance prided himself in. He hoped one day that it would be something that they would be able to escape from. Two teams, each led by one of Virion and Obehi, and Virion’s group would be composed of his own personal unit, and 5 delegates sworn to keep Virion in check should things escalate. 

As delegates were chosen, Sen pulled him down to speak into his ear. ‘If you think you are going on this mission without me, I would suggest you think again. Whether you stay here in Lufiria, or go to rescue your niece, I am going to be by your side. I promise you that~’ Lance paused for a moment, and then reached around her and squeezed. “And I promise you… That I’ve known you too long to expect that you’d let me face anything like this alone.” 

He released her, and then stood as attention turned to him. As he expected, he and his sister were going to focus on keeping Lufiria calm in this tumultuous moment. Rosaria was almost definitely enough to do it herself, but with Lance’s support, it would appear so much more legitimate and unified. “Of course, mother. It would be my pride, and joy to assist Lufiria in this time of need, and am only disappointed that I am called upon to do the bare minimum. I will not rest as long as my niece toils for Lufiria’s sake.” 

Please be alright, Lucille. Something about this whole endeavor is odd… and I think you might be the only person to answer why. It all comes back to Mercuria… Why? Why are we trusting her? 

Sen selfishly buried her face into Lance's shoulder for a moment as he wrapped an arm around her, giving herself a moment of weakness, a break in the noble face she wore at times like these. The relief she felt when he promised he knew she wouldn't let him go off on his own was immense, a burden she hadn't even realized she held falling off her shoulders. The moment was gone as quickly as it came, Lance standing back up as Sen quickly composed herself, knowing the attention would be focused on the man next to her. A serious look on her face, she tilted her head up towards Lance, giving the illusion that she was looking at him, all while her mind raced. 

So Professor Aoi has the backing of Lady Rosaria and Lady Serena, this Claire the backing of General Obehi, while Darian is Lord Virion's new right hand man. I suppose the next generation of Lufirian leaders are being raised up here, along with the Asteria. I will need to make sure that I continue to be included in more things like this. Lufiria is my home, one I will do anything to see continue on the right path. She must survive. There's still much that I don't know though... Perhaps Lance can shed some light, now that I've heard everything I have today, as well as introduce me to more of the current generation of leaders. I would love to get to talk to the Lady Serena for one... I'll have to make sure and ask him nicely~

Serena huffed at Hilda as she backed down. Serena quickly fanned herself, “I think this just about settles all of this, yes? I’ll also continue to do my part as best I ca–”

“Not so fast, Mrs. Noire.” Hilda glared at her, “There is another thing pertaining specifically to you. Your absence from the hospital has been a trying time to my understanding… given your standing, you taking such poor care of yourself is rather unacceptable… So, I am going to have you take your knight, finally.”

Serena blinked, and then shook her head, “I’m… sorry? Hilda, I’ve already told you that I have no need of a knight. Jeremiah would be my selection, and Rivane is a knight of our household. Not to mention that I am a Celestial Knight myself, and have assistants already.” Serena pointed at Celarissa, “Rissa is my direct assistant, and student, and I can count the other doctors, and nurses that I work alongside. I have no nee–” 

“Yes, and it appears to me that none of them were capable of providing enough support to keep you from doing this to yourself, again. Allow me to make this clear, Serena.” She stepped closer, towering over the shorter cleric, “You are going to select a knight, finally, to be able to assist you. With the woman who was watching over you being selected to participate in this mission, I will not be leaving you without support. This Celarissa may be of help, but in the situation that we appear to be heading into, I cannot have one of our aces working herself into a hospital bed again.”

“I… actually agree with the Queen here. You do need some extra support, Serena, at least for the moment. I’m unfortunately tied up much of the time, Aoi and Claire will be supporting Virion now, and while you have Celarissa,” Rosaria turned to offer the elf a smile of gratitude, “With the work that you undertake, having another hand to help you out is only going to be a benefit. Please consider it at least…”

Serena looked back and forth between Hilda and Rosaria; the number of times that both were in agreement with one another could probably be counted on one hand. Serena then coughed as if the universe needed to further illustrate why both were suggesting this. “...Mrrh… fine, I’ll consider it… I think I have a candidate in mind at least… Ugh…” 

Serena turned to look back at Aoi, who seemed to be getting hit with the gravity of what she’d done. She sighed, and then strode over, and pulled Aoi into her chest. “I can at least still do this. Take a deep breath, Aoi. With both you and Virion… there’s nothing that could trouble you outside these borders…” Serena used the time to survey the room some, with her eyes falling on Lance, and his rather attractive companion. Hmm? Who are you? And that’s certainly a grip that you have on Lance’s arm there… interesting. Aria hasn’t said anything about something like this… 

Serena then sighed as her thoughts drifted further. Catherine, Tica, Anna… You three have to hurry. Lucille’s in danger, and I don’t know if Virion’s unit will make it before things get too bad… You have to hurry, but also… please, please be safe. Jeremiah… if you’re out there, you better find them, and protect them all. I know you, you’ve noticed that something is wrong. Please help them. And… if you’re still alive out there… watch over your niece, Duncan… .

Celarissa gave a little wave to Rosaria, and was quite tempted to say something, but the pressure the queen was giving off was immense. Much as she didn’t appreciate Serena being forced to have an attendant over a single cold, even she hadn’t been informed that the cleric was sick. Maybe it’s for the best… At least she’s being given the freedom to choose. She sighed, idly, glancing over at Aoi. And that one’s gotten in too deep. My, my… Never a dull moment with Serena’s friends, at least.

Aoi wasn’t there until Serena hugged her, looking up at her and nodding gently. “I… I’ll try to be more confident, going forward… I just… I couldn’t, let them ship off Claire, alone, for something like this, her first time…” It had been a pretty selfish decision on Aoi’s part, but she was recovering from some of the shock, mostly thanks to Serena. “It’ll be fine… I know how to fight. I’m just… Scared of…” Her voice was a whisper, but her eyes fell on Hilda. The hardest part of this was speaking out at the queen…

“Then this matter is settled. Virion, you will take your delegates, and begin preparing. Given the situation, you’ll begin your mission from Aquamarine, and use our message routes from there to enter Islexia. Once Obehi has devised the plan, you will perform your duties to the letter. Take that time to prepare as best you can. Claire D’Arnor, Aoi Bloomfield, and Darian Raphsodia… you three will see me, and General Rosaria later. Claire, you’ve already been knighted, but you are not acting strictly in your knightly capacity; you three have been chosen by the crown to perform a duty, and will be vested with such power.” 

Hilda looked over at Aoi as Aoi’s eyes fell on her. “Hmph… I believe I will leave that matter to Rosaria. As queen, I must be present, however. As for the rest of you… Rivane, Luticia, step forward, please.” 

“Of course, milady.”

“I am prepared to do what is asked of me.” Luticia looked over at Virion, and sighed, “I, of course, would have liked the chance to prove my mettle with this mission, but I understand the gravity and need to send our best.” 

“You’ll have time, yet, Luticia. For now, you two are to depart and warn the various garrisons of what might come. You can leave Azure Waters for Rosaria to handle. Have them begin preparing, but tell them that it is a precaution. War is not our goal, and anything that could press the Islexians into acting more erratic at this point in time is ill-advised, but we cannot sit back and do nothing. If you all can handle that, then the rest of us will manage the rest of what we can. The Council and Parliament… we will have more to discuss in the future.”

Rivane flared his wings, “I will begin my tour at once, Lady Hilda. I’ll be off within the day, Luticia, I’ll allow you to handle the northern garrisons, I’ll head to the south west.” Rivane then turned to Serena, “My apologies for not being present in your moment of need, Lady Noire. I’ll make it up to you in some fashion.”

Luticia snickered, “Ever the ladies man, huh, Rivane? Well, I suppose that handling the north will allow me to visit home. I’m fine with that. Just don’t spend too much time sucking up to the commanders, hmm? And you three…” Luticia turned to look at Aoi, Claire and Darian all in succession, “I don’t know what it is about all three of you that’s got the backing of such important people… but I’m interested in seeing what you’ve all got. You’re watching Sir Virion’s back; don’t screw up, you hear?”

With a sly smile, and a flick of her tail, Luticia made her way to the door. 

Rivane sighed, “Even now she hasn’t changed… pay her little mind. She’s just like that. Though, I can’t say that I don’t feel the same. The three of you are tasked with assisting on a mission of the utmost importance: Rescuing Princess Lucille. She is a very close friend of Lady Noire’s daughter, Catherine, and so I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her often. Even if that were not the case, I would be praying for your success all the same. Please bring our princess home safely.”

Rivane saluted to the Queen and Rosaria, before also making his exit. 

It seemed like things were going to get very busy soon, Darian had expected work eventually, but not quite like this. Well, I suppose it is what it is. He turned to Hilda and took another elegant bow. “As you wish, milady.” Perhaps if the fates are kind, I’ll find the people who…mm no. I should focus on the mission. That can wait for now. After a moment he lifted back up and turned to Virion. “Let’s not delay then, the sun won’t slow its steps across the sky for us.” Small smile.

Claire had spent much of the moment stunned. Obehi selecting her to accompany Lord Virion on a rescue mission for the princess of Lufiria was heavy enough… but it all paled in comparison to what followed. It had only crossed her head for a moment as her name was called, what would Aoi do? What was her teacher, her close friend going to do with this information? 

The answer came in Aoi’s shaky voice… offering herself up for the mission. Claire found that there was no more air in her lungs. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak up. Her eyes were just transfixed on the green haired vampire. Hilda ordered to have the woman removed, but both Serena and Rosaria vouched for the vampire. What… What are you two doing? Aoi… she, she… 

Aoi, flanked by her two friends, found the courage to explain herself. Detailing her connections, strength and willingness to act as a stand-in for Rosaria. And to Claire’s surprise, and a sudden pang of concern, Hilda relented. It was then that Claire realized that this was really happening. They were really hanging by a thread, and the princess really was in danger. “...Aoi.” And that Aoi’s words were absolutely, entirely true. All three of the women had mentioned Aoi’s connection with her as a benefit of sending her along… and all three knew Aoi’s feelings.

She… For a moment, Claire’s anxiety, and concern subsided looking at Aoi, and the others. For a moment, she felt as if it might have been alright. 

“Rosaria, gather all of them, and come to the throne room. I’ll explain things further there. Except you, Serena.” Hilda glared at her, “You’re ill, and thus should go and rest. Leave this to Virion and Rosaria, and head home. As for the rest of you. Begin drawing up plans, and ideas for our way forward. Lufiria will continue from here. This meeting, for the time being, is dismissed.” The woman waved her hand, and turned for a door behind the group. 

“Now hold on a–” Hilda was already beyond the door before Serena could argue. “...Ugh. Dealing with her with a low grade fever is so much more difficult than anything fucking else. Rosaria, I–”

“No. She’s actually making a good point. Celarissa is going to take you home. You don’t have to worry about Aoi, or Claire… I’ve got them.” Rosaria’s tone was a tad icier than normal, but she was doing what she could. “Everyone, Virion, if you would come with me. So we can get this over with…” With a swing of her hips, Rosaria began following after Hilda, gesturing for the chosen to follow her.


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June 5th, 1218 PAF

About 2PM

The tigers arrived near Sipa, a small town across the border in Islexia. With Marigold's leadership, she guided the group to the small town without incident using more secretive roads instead of the main road that would have taken them towards the coast. The trade off of course was that the more arid mainland was warmer, and dryer; the tigers were getting their first hand exposure to the climate of Islexia. The edges of Islexia enjoyed a number of rivers, and occasional rainfall--The Gaffneys' dispute was over control of one such river, a fairly advantageous trade route, and a fairly fertile slide of land--but as one moved to the center of the country, the water gave way to dusty roads, and a difficult landscape for anyone to try to make their way in. As such, central Islexia was a lawless place; thieves and bandits ran rampant making the central trade route one of the most dangerous routes for anyone to travel. As such the two trade routes to northeast, and southwest are coveted routes, and the Warlords constantly fight for control over these routes. 

The story was coming evident as the caravan arrived outside of Sipa. There were guards posted, and there was an element of alarm, and worry in the small town. Whispers of a large scale attack coming for Eslcas in the coming weeks. The trip here had been quiet, but now that the group had begun moving towards their next destination, things slowly began moving again. 

"Alright, Marigold... So you're absolutely sure that the people of Sipa aren't going to be too concerned about a group of armed clouded just suddenly appearing in town?" Tio fanned herself. She was back in her usual dress, mantle included, with a hood over her head--as an Evoker of Glacies, she and Elisa could be recognized, and they'd thought it best to try to downplay themselves as much as possible--so what would have annoying heat was slowly approaching unbearable. Both women stood behind one of the wagons, trying to keep out of the sun. The other tigers were either keeping watch or hiding inside the wagons trying desperately to keep cool. "If that's the case, picking up just a couple things here to hold the group over until we arrive in Eslcas is a good idea... I don't think I properly prepared the supplies for the heat..." The water had gone rather quickly, and while not dangerously low, it was a little concerning should something keep them from reaching Eslcas on time. 

Tio sighed, "You have a contact that you're supposed to meet, and inform of the situation, and they'll take care of the rest regarding a place to stay, and whatnot, yes? I'd like to go and meet them myself, but... its best that Elisa and I stay as invisible in this situation as is possible. Not to mention that even with the rest... still feeling a little unsteady after all of that..." 

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Marigold yawned out of boredom, seeming completely unphased by the heat, the travel, the anything. She was in a now fixed up bodysuit, her body and hair looking immaculate as always, despite how she kept herself. "Mmm... Well. No. I'm not completely sure... They live under Owen's rule, and he's a good man, and a good leader, so they live comfortably, but... No matter how kind he is, the feelings towards Clouded remain. His sister is... Intimidating, even if she's always on her best behaviour in public. Can't hide the fangs and the big, fat, grey tail. A shark is a shark as far as the people are concerned... So some of the Tigers' company is gonna get them weird looks. No one's going to be stupid enough to start something, not when life's been so peaceful, since all combat has been focused on Eslcas, but..."

She shrugged, sighing again. "They like me, at least. None of them know what I really am. Just think I have weird taste in clothes... So I'll smooth things over, buuuuuuut... If you want to make things a bit easier, lemme borrow... One, maybe two, of the humans in the Tigers? Yeah? The people of Sipa knowing it's not all Clouded will make things a bit calmer." She gently patted Tio's shoulder, nodding. "However. I'll do everything I can to take care of our stay. Can't have the Tigers sleeping in the woods for another night. We're already tired enough, right? Especially you two, so... Llllleave it to me~"

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Miria waited patiently as they made their way across the frontier. Soon, they were finally in Islexia. While it was getting hotter, Miria appeared more in her element. She wasn't much a fan of the cold of Glacies, and as the days went by, she felt more and more comfy. She got up and stretched a bit.

Marigold and Tio were discussing the plan, Miria has heard stories of Islexia before even the past couple weeks. She knew being here could lead to problems for a lot of the tigers. When Mari brought up volunteers to go with her, the cub raised her hand.

"I volunteer." She gave a smile. "Leave it to me~"

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The climate of Sipa was rather rough, to the point where Renais more or less had a waterskin at her side to take occasional sips. "Mm...we've finally arrived." Islexia. This was where she heard Liza had gone to, it had been quite a journey to this point. Renais had been through a lot, and she had changed quite a bit. She hoped it was for the better, despite the new burdens she had on her shoulders. With a short breath she decided to take her mind off of the pressure and scan the area, she quickly noted that Tio and Elisa were both keeping a low profile through their hoods, which amused Renais as it reminded her of the first time they met. She couldn't keep herself away from her own hood. Speaking of Tio, she still had the white dress on that the Evoker gifted her. Mostly because her school uniform would make her stand out badly here of all places. I must be vigilant...

Marigold called for human volunteers to help accompany her to her next location. Renais had been determined to prove herself useful to the Tigers any way she could, and she was quite human (despite her newfound lineage), so the pinkette stepped up to Miria's side and looked Marigold in the eye. "I volunteer as well. My senses are sharper than most for what it's worth. I'll keep an eye out for anything dangerous." The zombie got her attention, she looked determined to help.

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Marigold looked past the Evokers at Miria and Renais and then shrugged a smile up at the commanding women. "Volunteers solved. Come on, girls! Stay close to me and no one will bite. Just make sure you don't get yourselves lost, but Sipa is small enough; I'll keep my eyes on you both while you keep your eyes out for danger~" With a beckon for them to follow after her, Marigold adjusted the axe at her waist and moved on towards the village. "Be back soon!"

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Home sweet home. The home in this scenario being a wasteland that was intolerant to two-thirds of the population of the world that Syndra couldn't even walk around in. Nonetheless, Syndra found herself back in Islexia for the first time in years. Getting in was easy, staying relatively unnoticed was the tricky part, especially with their group. Luckily for them, Marigold seemed to already have a plan in place for that, but she needed some human volunteers. Syndra was relieved when Miria and Renais spoke up to go with her. As much as Syndra wanted to help, she was the last person that should be out in the open right now. There wasn't a guarantee as to how she would be received by Marigold's contacts either. Speaking of contacts, I hope Saiga's fairing alright. I get it would take time for him to arrive in Xel'Beth and meet them, but there's still the concern I've unwittingly gotten him killed trying to help us...

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While Renais wasn't entirely human, she was close enough to fit the bill. At the very least she still considered herself one, even if she knew otherwise now. The pinkette turned to Mikoto and Gean. "Don't worry, I'm sure I won't be gone long." She smiled at them both. "Hold the fort down for me, alright? See you both soon." She stepped toward the two and gave Gean a kiss on the cheek along with an arm to nuzzle into her generous aura. "Be safe." After a moment for Gean to take that in, it was Mikoto's turn to take a cheek smooch and a nuzzle. "Later." With one last smile the cleric stepped back and followed behind Marigold, after one last wave to the elusive Evokers.

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Miria was happy to see Renais stepping up. With her bff at her side, Miria was basically unstoppable. She gave a soft little nudge, before Mari gave the okay, and started heading out. "Alright, let's do it~ We'll be back," the cub called back to the rest of the group, before following along, bouncing out of the wagon.

In reality, Miria was very aware of how important it was for her to be helping Mari, and also just representing the Tigers in general. She took a deep breath, and matched Renais as they walked, "You okay, Renais?" She had to be sure, this was a big move her friend made.

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Gean had been slumbering in the back of the wagon since the morning began. With the temperature rising and the air becoming dryer and dryer, it was a big challenge to be up during the day. The mermaid instead moved to a more nocturnal cycle, being active during the evenings unless it was mandatory. Sure the nights where cold, but it was the lesser of two evils, and saving her strength for when they need it would be for the best.

The feeling of Renais kiss brought Gean out of her sleep, and she gave the healer a groggy wave as she set out with Miria and the woman named Marigold. Turning to her other love Gean spoke with sleep still on her voice "We've arrived now Mikoto?"

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