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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The incoming magic from outside the door told Mikoto several things... Whoever this was, they were strong. Luckily, in terms of magical ability, she was stronger, slightly, but what she was feeling ruined any chance of a magical battle. Light magic and staves!? What are you, a man of the church!? Disgusting! Vile! He was clearly aiming it at Miria, and she wasn't going to falter here! "You cowardly wretch!!" Mikoto burst through the door as the spell began to cast, a sword slipping out of one of her flames, floating alongside her as she swung for the man that had attempted to silence her. Her swing went wide as he stepped aside, claws swinging for him, the sword swinging in tandem around her, flying around them both in this dance of dodging and slashing... A spell came her way again, but it wasn't the Aura she'd been expecting-- That damn silence again!

"Kghh!" She suddenly disappeared, her form changing to cherry blossoms and fluttering away, appearing behind him with another swing of her claws-- another miss! "Stay still you insect! Your opponent is me! None of them! You think you can drag yourselves in here and assault us as you please!? In our sleep!? I'll give you an eternal rest instead!" Confident as her bluffs were, she could tell just how strong this man was, unsure if she could defeat him even if her sword had connected. Dammit, Tio, Elisa, where are you!? "All of you, RUN! You can't fight him!"

Iris had snuck up to the situation, attempting to lock her eyes onto the man, but with Mikoto fighting him so close, there was no way she could get a lock on him, firing off her magic and scoring a hit against a part of the ceiling instead, a patch of wood turning to stone. "Ghhhn... U-Ullr, I think... I think she's right, we should run...! M-Maybe we can help elsewhere!?"

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The Kitsune burst forth on time, swinging at him with a blade. The man stepped aside, and Luthier let loose another charge of the staff. This one was definitely going to take effect... except the Kitsune vanished from his sight. Luthier cocked an eyebrow, before stepping aside once more as the Kitsune appeared once more behind him, taking up stances opposite one another. He giggled, "My, my... It appears Cyro was telling the truth! You are quite special compared to other Kitsune that I've had the pleasure of dealing with! Ah, that look in your eye, the steel in your voice... how lovely. You even seem to have some clue as to what you're doing. You'll be pleased to learn that I agree!" Luthier's voice lowered, "I'm not interested in the rest of the minnows. You and the Evokers are all that concern me. You have to be the one who sent the wolf to protect the dear Rhapsodia." Luthier leveled the staff at Mikoto, "Although... I do believe that you've made one fatal misstep my dear Kitsune. You've protected your friends... at the expense of my real target. You should have let the girl in gold disappear. Thank you, my dear, by the way." 

Luthier stepped inside the room, and aimed his staff at strongest magical signature remaining in the room. The girl with pink hair. The Rhapsodia. Yet, there was still the third to be concerned about, and off to his side, was the young clouded axe high, and now mid swing. 

Syndra's attempt at trying to slow the man were marginally effective, and try as Nyx might, the man was just a tad too quick. He grasped the archer, hoisting her off the ground with a single hand. "Hehehaha... It feels so... good. To have you so close... again." He squeezed tighter, "But I have a job to do." The man took Nyx, and threw her against the wall as hard as he could, before turning his animalistic eyes on Syndra. "You. You will come with me. Or I will crush her. Choice, Belrose." 

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"If you didn't have rocks for brains you'd remember I said I was already going to do that!" Syndra was beyond pissed off, partly because her own attempts to help didn't amount to anything. It's just one meathead, and I can't even save her from getting tossed like a sack of wheat... "Grrrrrr... let's just get going." No matter how angry Syndra got it wasn't going to make this situation any better. This Krauser would pay for this later. Pain in her eyes and heart, Syndra walked off towards the door, leaving her things in the room.

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Things were getting really dicey. The Tigers were under attack, and from the tone in Mikoto's voice whoever this was was bad news altogether. The moment the fox rushed into the hallway Gean was prepared to strike whoever entered if they looked even the tiniest bit of unfamiliar. When indeed a man with billowing white hair entered calling Renais by her other surname, the mermaid threw all her strength into her swing, hoping to main or at least be a strong enough distraction. "I don't know who you are, but you're not having her!" I gotta buy some time, there's too many people here and we're too scattered.

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Miria wasn't sure what the man had planned, but she was ready to protect her loved ones, even if it was in vain. Luckily for her (unluckily for the rest of them) Mikoto intervened in order to protect her. And it was then he revealed his target was... Renais. And her attempt to stop the man put her in danger. "I..." He simply ignored the two of Miria and Mikoto to get his real target.

Idiot! She yelled at herself, but... then there was a shout from Gean inside. She knew that Mikoto yelled to run, but…

No. It wasn’t the time for that. She already put herself in enough danger already. Miria trusted the Kitsune. And it wasn’t time to go off trying to die. “O-Okay.” The girl gathered herself, and turned to Tanya. “Tanya, we gotta make sure everyone else is okay. Okay?” Miria darted off to the next place she could get to, that looked like help was needed.

God, it’s so dark… Gotta keep my eyes peeled. Miria thought to use her power to light her sword, but… everything here was wooded. She just had to trust the old instincts.


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Nyx’s eyes widened as Krauser hoisted her up and slammed her against the wall, slumping down to the floor with a soft thud. Yeah, something must be busted up, because she can definitely feel something bleeding back there. More importantly, though… “Oi! Syn! Just take off, lemme deal wit’ dis big ol’ bag o’ shit. You focus on gettin’ outta here - get to th’ others.”

Nyx wondered if she should start biting, but… maybe this was something she had to deal with. Some kind of karmic punishment for her past. Maybe this was some kind of fate, given Krauser looked almost like he was about to bust one over having her at his mercy like this. Gross.

Edited by MRDRHAWK
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"Mhm." The lizard let out a quiet noise of understanding, nodding her head on the chance it was lost in the growing din of battle. She moved quietly and quickly, arriving at the door without making a sound; at least, not one that would've been heard by the intruders on the other side. She bent forward, hands placed in front of her and her legs bent and taught behind her, like a coil winding up with tension. Her tail coiled itself up, resting against the ground and ready to serve as her initial bit of speed. She took a deep breath, dagger clenched tight in her fist. She was still panicking, still afraid even with Versaris right behind her. It made her frustrated, angry, emotions that the voice only encouraged. She was an expert at tuning it out, but it made a worrying amount of sense to listen. If she embraced it would it help her protect the Tigers? A crash in one of the rooms behind her roused her from her thoughts, there was no time to hesitate.

With nary a sound, save from the thud against the door as she forced it nearly off its hinges, she sprang forth with enough speed that the cloaked man in her way on the other side didn't even have time to react before she crashed into him, sending the both of them into the air. He was dead by the time they hit the ground, her dagger stabbed into his heart with every ounce of malice Alriana could muster. She rose as quickly as she could, hoping Versaris had handled the two other guards she'd seen in the split second before the impact.

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Cin slowly stirred, as the sound of crashing glass and shouting echoed in his head. At first he thought he was dreaming, but as he sat up, he distinctly heard shouting, coming from the room next door. He stood up, doing his best to not disturb Siorel, and quickly and as quietly as possible moved to his door. Opening it up a crack, he opened it in time to see a strange man move into the neighboring room. Mmmm, who was... Wait, that's... Gean! Renais! He flung the door open, intent on charging, only to find himself confronted by some heavily cloaked figures. He growled, fire springing up around his fists. As he took a step forward, the flames began to crawl up over his arms. Unlike the last time though, he didn't try and reject it this time. Yes. More. I need the power. I have to protect my friends. The flames swept over his body, forming the leering face of a dragon over his head as he moved to confront the men. "I don't know who you are, but if you're hurting my friends, you are going to pay."

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Everything had happened so fast. Before Renais knew it, Mikoto had rushed through the door to attack a man familiar to Renais. "!" Her eyes widened at the sight before her, more so when Miria joined in the fight. Even from the very brief interaction she had with him and his companion Cyro, Renais knew he was dangerous, but she never imagined they would reappear so soon. The man stepped inside and spoke her other name, it sent a chill down her spine. She simply froze in her bed as she stared at the threatening man, her eyes went blank as her mind shifted to dangerous memories. "...a-ahh..." She felt like a mouse cornered by a tiger, it was too much to handle. Thankfully, she was brought out her terrified trance when Gean brought down the axe. "!" Almost on a fight or flight instinct, Renais rolled out of her bed and grabbed her staves. She had hoped Gean's attack had taken Luthier's attention away, long enough for her to make a run toward the door and roll past the man to get to the hallway.

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Laniva groaned in her sleep. Even in the night, it was hot, and Syta being there didn't help matters much.

She grimaced. Coy, he was fighting far too coyly, far more than he ought; noble pretty boy though he was, there was no reason for him to be this lacking in confidence, even if he knew there was no hope of winning this match. She blinked...

...he was there, driving his shoulder into her torso, reckless, inside her reach; she staggered slightly, her breath hot inside the helm. Her crossguard came down onto his helm, rattling him, but he was grappling her now; too feebly to force her down, clinging to her. She grabbed him by the neck, where his armor narrowed; it was just a tournament, she wouldn't wound him too terribly...

...thrown to the ground, her blade to his throat, but he was smiling, smiling; and the air was cold against her face now, so much so that it almost stung, and she found herself utterly incapable of looking away...

She coughed herself awake, teeth grit, rolling out and meeting the floor with her feet.


Laniva crouched near the window, peering out; there were shadowed figures, moving hurriedly, the dark forms hard to see, but confident in their steps, the flashing glint of blades... she ducked back away, finding her blade under the bed, sheathed, swinging the strap along her back as she grabbed Syta's arm, rousing her, still asleep, whispering.

"Syta. Syta, wake up. It's an attack."

Armorless; exposed... it had been months since she'd fought a battle so thoroughly against her own terms, her worries from the morning becoming all too real, but there was no time now. To meet the enemy outside would be even more disadvantageous, but she smelled smoke already; would they have no qualms burning them out if they stood their ground...?

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Siorel was far from undisturbed. As soon as things had happened, she's hid herself under her sheets, shaking and quivering. The MO was too similar. It was too much to be a coincidence. She couldn't face them, couldn't go back... She tried to tear herself away from her fear, crawl towards the edge of the bed, help Cin, but she felt herself about to vomit, freezing in place, the fear too much...

Syta's sleep was dreamless, but not at the same time. She wasn't experiencing something, just staring out into a void of black, nothing meeting her back. She didn't know why, and it didn't last, just a long empty space, suddenly filled with the sound of Laniva. "Mmhh, whaaaahh...?" She'd drooled onto her pillow slightly, hair splayed over it, top falling off, eyes barely cracking open. Syta was not one to be woken up in the middle of the night... But the words spoken to her got her moving quickly. "An attack? What?" She didn't start yelling, nodding and slowly crawling out of bed, keeping herself low, hand searching for and fighting her axe.

"Alright... What's the plan, then? Do you want me to lead without your armor?" She made her way to the door, draping her hair behind her as best as she could, gently taking the handle of the door and slowly opening it...

Alriana shot through the door, stabbing her knife into someone's heart, taking him out of the equation. Versaris didn't idle, moving as she did, flipping a knife out of a pouch on his belt. It founds it purchase in the neck of one of the other guards, sword flying out of its sheathe and cutting across the other one, before he turned his wrist and brought it back down on his shoulder, sending him to the ground... He breathed a sigh of relief. "Great work, Aly... Back in, then." He nodded to her and crouched down to enter, another group of soldiers down the hall. That was Syndra and Nyx's room... He took a quiet, deep breath, glancing back at Alriana as she caught up to him. "Another group of three... But, considering the commotion," he whispered as he did his best to explain his thoughts on their approach, "they're keeping guard while someone handles the two of them inside the room."

He bit his lip slightly. "These three will be on their guard... The ones outside likely weren't expecting any of us to come out after them, so... I'm going to lead, Aly. Follow up after me, as best as you can, against anyone that's still standing. Okay? I don't know where the Evokers are, but... They've been exhausted. They might not be here to help us. We've gotta take care of ourselves." He nodded again, hoping she'd agree and follow, before launching himself up and rushing down the hall towards the new group of assailants...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"GRAAAHHH!" Tasha screamed out in pain, the conductive effect of armor not being present helping her absolutely none when it came to her terrible magic resistance! Getting blindsided like that was poor form enough already, but now, she was barely holding onto her consciousness through the pain, the shock tensing her muscles all over, suddenly thankful that she had been lucid enough for trigger discipline or those shots would've gone somewhere completely random. Yet, even while she still struggled to get her eyes adjusted from the blast, she only had one goal in mind. She knew she couldn't fail, not this time, not after Mercuria's bullshit, this was just a normal man! Before Alvira could connect with her ice, the tiger had brought her arm back into aim, taking the shot on reflex... hitting their assailant squarely in the left side of the chest with both bullets from her revolver. "You're not... taking her from me!"

Elisa kept trying to funnel the smoke out of their room, but not having the ability to pressure vacuum it out with a wind spell made everything that much more difficult. She knew as well as Tio that they couldn't do much of anything before they were clear of the risk in their current state. "Damn it! Why," she had to pause to cough a few times, "why are we attracting... some stupid big shot out of nowhere!? I don't care how tired I am... once this clears up, I'll give you everything I can to take them out!" And if things came to that, she could probably borrow a lance from someone and fight that way...

Whatever feud was going on in the adjacent room to Ferid's provided him with the distraction he needed, opening his door quietly to see two people standing in front of that room's door, and the crack of more doors being slammed down gave him an opportunity to create more chaos by taking his chances and dumping two quick trigger pulls into the interior guards. Both of his shots were on the mark, as expected, and his targets quickly fell to the floor, the muzzle flashes subsiding from his eyes just in time to see Versaris rush past his door toward the guards he'd shot. "Courtyard. I take exterior," the wolf commanded, grabbing his silver lance and dashing out of the room in the opposite direction, past Sari and Aly through the door they'd 'opened'. He had much better chances fighting outdoors with his style and primary weapon, and a concerted attack like this would surely have more guards than were immediately visible... but his vision was almost as good as if it were daytime, intending to move fast and stealthy to take as many out as he could.

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"GhahhN!" Cyro cried out in severe pain as the bullets pierced his chest, blood splashing out of the wound and his mouth, coughing as he collapsed back into the hall. "Ghhhah, g-get, the damn tiger! Don't, hurt the dragon, go, go!" What a blunder! But what a shot! Gods be damned, ughhnn! She nearly killed me... Collapsed on the floor, Cyro managed to pull himself up against the wall, fishing the elixir out of his cloak. He poured some onto his wound and then drank the rest, gasping hard as the searing quick healing from the solution did its work... "Ghh, they'll... H-Have to dig those out of me, later, fuck! Ghhnn, dammit...! This was, s-supposed to be easy..."

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Professionals, they may have been, but as far as the group had gleaned; the Tigers were to be an easy mark. And with the Reaper, and his assistant helping there was nothing to fear. Of course, that was an idea that should have remained a thought, as the door burst open, and the group to the southeast were attacked in the blink of an eye, by a white blur, and then an elf. The man Aly had tackled could only managed a grunt of surprise before the sharpened steel extinguished his life. 

One of the men in the hallway outside of the room that Krauser was ravaging turned to see the commotion, "Damn! They're fighting bac--" But before he could start issuing orders, another man slipped out of his hiding place, and two well placed bullets dealt with him and his companion. The other man on the other side of the door moved used it for cover, "Krauser, hurry up! They're fighting back!" He peered from his cover, to see the man dart away, issuing orders to the people he assumed were outside now. "Alert the Courtyard unit, and call in backup!" 

Krauser had turned his back on Nyx, completely uninterested in her babble. Every part of him burned; he wanted so badly to tear her limb from limb for everything she'd done to him, but the mission was the most important thing. The Belrose's fury amused him, "Don't tell me that then. Tell her." Krauser followed after her, and then gunshots. "Tsk." Krauser charged after Syndra, picking her up in one go, and running across the hallway making for the door. "Kill them all if you have to. I have the target." 

Wasn't... their commander the only one with guns? Who could have...?

Up north, the woman flanking Cyro reacted instantly to the gun shots, and realized that there were more gunshots coming from the other building. It was too late to think about that. She threw an object inside the room, and it burst, releasing a cloud of smoke. "Follow!" She drew her knife, and ran inside; Cyro's magic was strong, and the scream inside was indication that she'd taken the hit. Hopefully it was enough for her to not meet the same fate. Once inside, it was clear that the target had already begun making her move, being off the bed and in the middle of casting. She swung for Alvira, trying to cancel the spell.

One of the men covering the Evoker's room let a spell glow in his hand, before turning to face... he wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. A pyre of flame moving towards him, a dragon's head adoring its features as it moved towards him with malicious, lethal intent. The surprise vanished from the masked face, and the man looked over his shoulder, "One of the mercenaries; keep the Evokers pinned down, I'll deal with this one." The man drew a wicked looking blade, a blade that looked the same as the one that Rustal used so long ago. The man held his ground, making sure to place himself between Cin and the white cloud haze that permeated in front of the Evoker's room. "Guess this wasn't going to be a quiet mission after all." 

Tio didn't answer Elisa, and focused on fanning the smoke out as best the could. The gunshots from elsewhere told her everything she needed to know. It was at moments like this that she hated that she didn't have the ability to use a weapon as Elisa did; her magic had always been enough, and even in this situation, it would have been, it should have been. But Mercuria's touch always seemed to be just enough of a nuisance to make everything worse, and too dangerous. She did know one thing. The moment this smoke was thin enough to begin using her magic, the first person she didn't recognize would become an afterthought in the world's consciousness. Tio coughed again, but then, heard a familiar voice, Cin's voice. Both a good thing, and perhaps the worst possible. 

"Cinead? Cinead!" Tio began shouting as loud as she could, "Cinaed, be careful! That smoke, fog that you're seeing! If you use your magic on it, it will explode!" The only bad thing about trying to get the smoke out of the way was that it was now mostly in the room with them. The window breaking outside had diffused some of it at least. 

Luthier canceled his spell and stepped back, allowing Aegean's axe to slide past him, and then he grabbed the merfolk's arm, and tossed her across Renais's path. "Are you daft, girl?" No sooner had he done so, Luthier's grabbed Renais's staff, and then her as she tried to dart past. "I would have expected even an attempt to swing at me with your staff, but you really thought that you were just going to glide past me?" Luthier looked at her with a sickening grin that slowly lessened. For a moment, he didn't feel the level of enjoyment as he thought he might. A prize from the past was right in front of him, and escaping would be simple... yet it didn't feel as fulfilling as he thought it might. Then... he smiled. "Come." Luthier dragged the cleric out of the room, and into the hallway. 

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"Tasha! Get out of here you bastards!" Alvira's target swiftly left the room to deal with a nearly fatal bullet wound-- was that the guy from before!? That Cyro guy!? Suddenly, smoke, Alvira coughing in her rage, as a knife hit her arm! "Gahhn, dammit! You fuckers!" She threw her spell from where the knife had come from, but slowly collapsed, breathing heavy, coughing again. She couldn't see, half of her was numb from that magic, and now she had a knife in her arm... "T-Tasha...! Wh-What's, what's going on!?"

"Ghh, I said don't hurt her! Idiots...!" He'd already done enough; if they got her back too damage, Luthier would throw a fit. "Subdue her already! I need... I need another minute...!" Things were starting to kick off too heavily, gunshots ringing out elsewhere, a man on flame approaching the room with the Evokers down the hall-- "We need to work, quickly, come, ON!" He slammed his chest where the elixir was still working, it needed to finish!

"Did you forget about me you slug!?" Mikoto charged Luthier, sword swinging, but he dodged out of the way again-- and thankfully he had, as her blade nearly cut into Renais, a few strands of her hair falling as the fox froze in place. She stared the man down, slowly standing up straight, hands still tense... But her sword slowly floated to her side, picking it slowly out of the air. If he was going to use Renais as a hostage...  "... You won't kill her yourself. Not right away. You did all this with serious intent, and to walk away without your main prize-- since you're clearly the leader of this group... Would ruin your perfect night. But... The longer we take, the closer the Evokers get to showing up. Showing up and ruining everything for you... So you might just kill her to get away. Since you wouldn't risk your life over any prize, am I right, you worm? You fucking rat... So silence me... Then give me the girl, and you can take me instead. I won't let you use her life as leverage." Mikoto grit her teeth, but she was going to chase this man to the ends of the earth so long as she had the will and he held Renais. "Hand her over, now!"

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Cinaed grinned, a fierce angry smile, as the enemy menaced him with a pure weapon, one of a kind he had seen before. "If you think that scares me, I'll show you. I've fought those before and I'll do it again." He began to dash forward, but Tio's voice cut through the fury, pulling him back for the briefest of seconds. He growled, but listened, his flames for the moment still under his control. They vanished, leaving just the dragon clouded alone, staring down the pure weapon. I still need to do this. For everyone, I have to save them. The reason for the Evokers not being in the middle of all of this was clear to him now at least. They were pinned, unable to use magic. If he could take these three down... He had to try. He rushed in, fists up, swinging for the man with the pure weapon. "I'll take you all on myself!!"

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Luthier smiled as the Kitsune froze upon seeing his new hostage. His assumption was right, and even more so as the Kitsune seemed want a trade. "No... I hadn't forgotten about you, Kitsune. In fact, since our brief encounter, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you!" He chuckled, bring Renais a little closer to himself, "You are correct, though. I have no intention of killing this wonderful little lady just yet. There are a great many things I wish to study regarding her magic! One of the famous Rhapsodia! You know all of this, of course. But you are... quite mistaken. See, if I wanted to, I would leave this place well before the Evokers will be able to do much of anything, and you, can't touch me so long as I have rosy little talisman in front of me. Your faith in them is warranted, but misplaced this time. Still... I find myself, enamored and impressed, by you. What are you? The way you fight. The way your magic works. All of it is so... unusual." The man giggled, as he pointed his staff at Mikoto, "I desire answers, and you can give them to me. The Rhapsodia... I admit was a project of passion. My men lost her so many years ago when they attacked her vessel, and to find her again, I hoped to have the same energy ignited with in me. But alas, the spark did not come. Or so I thought... You, Kitsune. You'll do."

Luthier pointed his staff at Mikoto, and the staff flashed as it had twice before, but there was no mistake of effectiveness this time. He crossed the bound between the pair with Renais in tow, until he could thrust the girl into Mikoto's arms, and a strange looking item around Mikoto's neck. "You'll be coming with me." 

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"You think I'll let you, you rancid vermin, I'll cut you to pieces before you even manage to step a foot off this complex, do you seriously think yourself so above the Evokers!?" Mikoto kept barking, but her voice was suddenly cut, the fox finally realizing in time to catch Renais-- but the throw took her off guard entirely, embracing Renais tightly, as a collar tightly snapped around her neck.

It all shattered at once. Whatever this collar was, it was meant to dampen magic-- but Mikoto, she was nearly all magic. Her grip on Renais faltered as they both slumped to the floor, Mikoto's tails swaying and swishing behind her, their numbers changing rapidly, from six, to four, to two, back to six, to seven, to five, none of them ever truly disappearing, all tricks to the eyes, one would assume... She clutched her head and screamed, silence erupting from her throat, the sudden faltering of her being too much to bear, unable to gather her strength... "What have you done to me!? Get it off! Get it off!!"

"Damn," Sari whispered, both impressed by Ferid's sudden handling of things, and a bit disappointed he was too slow. "Right. Courtyard... Aly." The door to Nyx and Syndra's room was still open, leaving them split on goals... "I'll hold the courtyard, you raise hell in there with the two of them... Whoever's attacking them, I'm sure the three of you together can handle it. I'll be back as soon as I can!" Without pausing, he ran past their room and kicked down the door to the courtyard, immediately swinging on the first cloaked figure he came upon! Just as soon as he'd turned into the courtyard, Krauser bounced out of the room...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Fuck… fuck! Nyx had to do something, but she could barely move! She wasn’t about to let this crusty fucker take her dame from her! Groggily, she tried to reach for the bow and arrow beside the bed, hoping to whatever gods didn’t hate the Tigers that she could actually aim this properly.

”Y’ain’t gettin’ shit fer nothin’, ya big bitch! I popped ye once, an’ imma pop ye again!” Nyx could barely nock the arrow, and fired at Krauser, hoping to at least slow him down, if not stop him outright. She couldn’t let him take Syn… she just couldn’t.

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"I... maybe we sho-" It all escalated so fast, too fast. That man managed a hostage, Mikoto was threathened, and pushed back? Üllr looked at Iris, who had failed to stop him with her eyes. "Bad, we can't fight that magic... where are the mage women?" If Mikoto was struggling at this level, then they'd need to bring the Evokers or the Captain to the fray. At least, that was the first thought that came to Üllr. "That magic is too strong." Sticking to crawling at a safe distance, Üllr kept his ears up and his nose sharp. "Smoke too... not good." Readying to sprint, Üllr sprinted east, following familiar scents and the smell of blood. Though the veil of night, he was still able to make out Alriana from a decent distance, and as he closed in, Üllr spotted Versaris going a different direction. "W-what is going on..." He continued east, trying to catch up to Alriana, and spotting an unfamiliar man leaving one of the rooms, very much not alone. "Gh!"



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"!" Renais felt herself be grabbed by Luthier, she had hoped Gean would buy her an opening but the man was faster than she realized. "NO!" She cried out as she struggled in his grasp, her nerves started to take her again. N-no...not again...not AGAIN! Fear had taken her again, memories of fire and death filled her mind. In an instant however, she was taken out of that mentality with a swift sword swing, just a hair's breath away from her neck as well. Mikoto withdrew her blade and instead offered herself as a hostage in Renais' place. The cleric's eyes widened in shock, Mikoto was going to sacrifice herself for her. Renais had trusted Mikoto, everything she said and did for her had been genuine, but she didn't know the fox would go this far for her. "Mikoto...please don't!" In an instant, Renais was forced into the fox's arms. Mikoto's embrace had a familiar strength behind it, but once the new collar had taken effect she fell to the floor with her girlfriend. "Mikoto!" She hovered over her and stared at the collar and realized he tails had all vanished. She knew it was some sort of suppressor, but she had no idea if she could remove it. Even with her staves. "....."

Memories of that night still haunted her, she was lost in her mind for a moment as the worst case scenario happened in reality. ...Mikoto...Kise... She took a small huff. ...if I do nothing...it will happen again. I can't let that happen. I can't...lose anything else! She gave Mikoto a long look in the eye, her expression hardened, just as her resolve did. So in that moment, she dismissed the nightmare and returned to reality. She got up on her knees, turned to the most dangerous man in the room, and extended her arms out. She did her best to keep her stance firmly between him and Mikoto, and despite some tiny shakes, she looked him dead in the eye with anger and frustration. "...it really does sound like you're here for me, or at least you were...and you're seriously going to change your mind because a beautiful fox caught your eye?" She took another huff. "You said it yourself, I'm your passion project. So what are you waiting for?" She extended her arms as far as they could go. "I'm right here! The Rhapsodia you sought out so desperately! Come and get me, you son of a bitch!" Even in her fear, she remembered what Elisa told her. She was more afraid of what would happen if she didn't take action.

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"Mrahh, Ullr!" Iris did her best to run after him, skirting the situation with the nasty mage and darting out into the courtyard, eyes locking first onto Versaris fighting, before darling towards the larger man approaching, panicked huffs escaping as she tried to decide what to deal with... "I'm... I... I'm, gonna help Sari!" She bound forward again on all fours, leaping onto the back of one of the courtyard shadows. "Grahh!"

"Renais, stop! Please... I, I cant...!" Mikoto had one hand outstretched towards Renais, the other clasping her head as her very essence throbbed and dared to fade away. Her tails had finally stabilized, all six, but they were starting to lose their color... so was her hair, the vibrant pink fading to a dull white. She desperately grasped onto Renais' leg, knowing her voice wouldn't reach, trying all the same... "Renais, I love you... Please... I've done so many terrible things... Please, let me do this much... Just this...!" She was desperate, she needed the words to reach, she couldn't watch Renais throw herself away to these people!

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The collar had even more of an effect on the Kitsune then even Luthier expected, a look of surprise on his face before it contorted with glee. "Oho... More magic than I'd even realized! Incredible... I can only wonder what you're feeling then. Having your magic severed from the outside world that feeds it, fuels it, keeps it stable. It's a neat little trick certainly... Ah, I only wish you'd been amendable to letting me place it on you without silencing you first. Your growling from earlier seems to imply that your screams are just as guttural and curdling." Luthier moved to part Renais, and Mikoto when the rose haired girl stood up, and turned to him. For a moment, there was a look in her eyes. A look of complete, and absolute defiance. Her body trembled, but there was steel where there hadn't been before.

She stuck her arms out, implying that she wasn't just going to let Mikoto go. The fear gave way. All that was left in the girl's voice was venom. Anger and frustration took a hold of her trembling frame, and turned that fear into action. It wasn't the same as the Kitsune's--she had a chance against him. As much as he loathed it, the two of them were evenly matched. Yet, the girl in front of him was an afterthought, should have been an afterthought, and she certainly knew that. Still, she stood, still she stretched her hands out wide, and still she glared at him in complete, and incomprehensible defiance. 

"...Hehe... Hahaha... Hahahahah!" The man burst out laughing. "In the end, it appears my judgments on the day have been wrong time after time, today. I must say that you thoroughly disappointed me earlier, Rhapsodia. I expected more from you, a genuine attempt to flee from me. I feared that you were a flower who would wilt without the girl who threatened to cleave me in twain, or the Kitsune wrapping your feet now. However, it appears... that I may have been wrong. You are not a weak flower, you are but one who has yet to bloom." He paused for a moment, before stepping in front of Renais, looming but not quite towering over her. "Let me make you an offer then. You, and the girl from before. Come find me. Come show me that you gain the power to be worth what I am taking from you. Make no mistake. You cannot stop me as you are. None of you can. Not without her, or the Evokers. Show me that your resolve to fight is not a fleeting burst of energy within you, but something you can turn into action. Something I can pull out of you, and then break you. As you are now, there would be no enjoyment of plucking every last one of your petals. But there might be in the future." Luthier laid his hand on Renais's shoulder, "Hopefully you remember the name Luthier when you wake. Goodbye now, girl." A flash of light released from his hand, launching Renais back and away from Mikoto. He reached down, and hoisted the Kitsune, turning towards the middle exit.

"Now then, would you care to join me to check on the others, Kitsune? I thought you might." 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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Versaris had swiftly dealt with the remaining guards beyond the door with enough ease that it was a little bit annoying; she grumbled and dusted herself off, spotless for now but only time would tell if she made it through the night unscathed. They hadn't been as stealthy as they hoped; as Versaris' explanation came to an end they were discovered, the man beginning to shout orders only to be silenced by the thunderous roar of gunfire. Two fell dead, the third issued orders to a man called Krauser while the wolf knight issued his own to Versaris.

Versaris was quick to follow them, bounding into the courtyard as she kept up her stealthy approach. Only for, presumably, the man in question to come bursting from the room with Syndra tossed over his shoulder and making for the door Versaris had just kicked down. There wasn't time left for stealth, Alriana shooting off into a full sprint after the man. She wasn't fast enough to stop him from entering the courtyard like she wanted, but with her speed she still caught him as he turned south to make his escape. "RRAGGH!" She let out a loud growl as she lunged into his side, trying to take down the behemoth of a man. She collided with him at full speed; however, for the first time, her target didn't topple under the sheer force of the impact. She reeled back like she'd hit a somewhat elastic brick wall, her target meanwhile slid back a few feet but remained on his feet. She had his attention at least.

"Drop or die." She flashed her teeth at him, both sets of her razor sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. The lizard narrowed her eyes, glaring at the enemy before her, the malice in her expression almost palpable. Protect the Tigers, kill the enemy. Protect the Tigers, kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill the enemy, kill, kill, kill...

Edited by Ursali
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"NOOO!!" Gean felt sick too her stomach as Renais flew back towards the wall. The mermaids meager attempt to stop their sinister assailant fell short, and while he was no longer after Renais, it came at the cost of Mikoto being captured. To make things worse, he was right. They had no chance of stopping him, even thier biggest hitters wouldn't be able to do much in this moment. Gean rose from where she had been tossed to, filled with rage, but also filled with fear, and most importantly, filled with frustration. Once again she was powerless, and that stung more than anything at this moment. 

Gean took one last look at Mikoto. "We'll be back, I promise you this." With that Gean darted for Renais and grabbed her. For now they needed to regroup and get a healer. They'd be better as a group.

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