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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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Alvira rushes out of her cell to blindside Soldier 6! 

[32, 51], [15, 17] 

Alvira throws her ice, almost uncaring of her mounting exhaustion, and connects two blocks to the man's face, the first disorienting him, and the 2nd knocking him off his feet, and unconscious! 40 damage! Soldier 6 felled! 

Alvira gains 30 EXP! 

Cin approaches Gunner 2 and just looms over them. 

[16, 25], [91, 57] 

Two blazing punches rendered the gunner unconscious, clothing singed where Cin's fists had connected! 26 damage! Gunner 2 felled! 

Cin gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling 

"Seems like I was right then." Jeremiah paid little mind to the man shouting at them instead scanning the area, and raising an eyebrow as what looked to be a red haired dragon started throwing ice at one of the guards. A very familiar looking dragon, but that would have to wait for a moment. Lucretia started moving towards the dragon taking note of her injuries. 

"Hey, hold it you bit--" Before the man could charge to swing his sword, Jeremiah was suddenly in front of him. "Wh-what? When did you...?"

"That's far enough I'm afraid. You could have used your last words on something more meaningful." 

Jeremiah engages Merc 8! 

[13] Jeremiah activates Astra! 

[2, 27] With a single glimmer of Jeremiah's sword, the man found his sword arm removed, and then his sight, as he slid to the floor wordlessly. Critical! 60 damage! 

Jeremiah turned to the woman beating her cell door, eyes widening, "A lamia?? Are you alright?" 

Marigold commits Warcrimes! (Authors' Note: Warcrime assumes that we are at war, and we are not)

[19, 51] 

With another chop, the underground's healer was no longer a healer. 35 damage! Priest 1 Felled!

Marigold gains 38 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

Ullr engages Mage 2! 

[57, 1

Ullr was not having the mage's bullshit right now, the wolf cocked one fist back, and swung for the stars, just to see how close he could get the mage to the ceiling. He got pretty far I gotta say. Critical! 51 damage! Mage 1 felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +2 brawling EXP! 

Miria marches over to Fighter 2, steel sword in hand! 

[12, 42] Her slash connects for 19 damage! 

Fighter 2 tries to fight back! 

[57, 34] He swings, only to have Miria catch the man's axe with her sword, and knock him aside! Miss! 

Miria finishes up! 

[36, 6] Miria goes in to finish up, and makes sure to vent, cutting right through the fighter's axe, and then him, leaving him for dead. Critical! 60 damage! Fighter 2 Felled! 

Miria gains 30 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

Syndra turns her anger on Merc 4! 

[19, 10

Syndra called forth a harsh blizzard, one perhaps more powerful than she had expected to, and it washed over the man who attacked Nyx. When the spell finished, the man was incased in ice from head to toe, and a moment later, the ice broke. Critical! 60 damage! Merc 4 felled! 

Syndra gains 38 EXP, and +2 Anima EXP! 

Syndra reaches level 7! 

55	48	25	27	7	87	60	18

+HP, Mag, Skl, Spd, Res! 

Gean swings on Archer 5! 

[98, 8

Gean did not like that the archer targeted her mother, and took her axe through the bow, and then the man's spine as she swung as hard as she could. The man crumpled instantly, and rag dolled to the side along with his bisected bow. Critical! 75 damage! Archer 5 felled! 

Aegean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

"Oh? You have some bark to you now? You crumpled so easily to me before, why would this be any different? And yes, false protégé, because anyone trained by that man would actually be capable of keeping up with me. He is a demon. He walked through one of my spells, when you relied on the power of the Evokers to bring you here. Do you actually expect me to believe that you, someone who fought against the Princess of Lufiria, is actually affiliated with him? You all need to craft better lies." Luthier waved his hand, and released a flash of his magic, "And no, I don't believe I'm getting a repeat of last time, boy. A repeat would imply that you live again, and as I said before, the Ladies Candialia are not here to save you again. But come, come, maybe there's something I haven't seen from you yet." 

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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"You think I'm lying, huh." Versaris smiled wryly, shaking his head. "Yeah. Yeah, I get why you'd think that. Not exactly living up to his name... That's why it's all the more important that I do whatever I can to stop you right here. Right now. And maybe I'm not good enough..." He levelled his sword and got low in his stance, ready to pounce. "But you definitely haven't seen everything yet, Luthier." He just needed a moment. A single moment. One chance... Luthier hadn't seen everything yet, but once he had, the same trick wouldn't work twice. It's do or die. He's right... Tio and Elisa aren't here-- but more than that, they can't keep bailing us out.

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“Fucker-!” Nyx hissed at the hit she’d taken - she’d been getting smacked around way too much lately. Nyx looked ready to snap, and then… poof. The fucker who’d attacked her got turned into an once sculpture, courtesy of her lover.

”Damn, Synnie, ye really ‘ad it out fer th’guy, eh?” Nyx teased, sliding to Syndra’s other side. “Oi, Nattie, ‘ow ye holdin’ up o’er there?” Nyx called out, before giving Syndra a little peck on the cheek. “Thanks, love. Dunno what I’d do wit’out ye.”

Nyx to (24,12)

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In truth, Laniva hadn't had much going through her mind a moment ago; her body had simply moved, found the door in her way, knocked it down. It came off the hinges rather unexpectedly... no, that wasn't quite right, that had been the goal - rather, the violence with which it tumbled into the room was more to her surprise, and as one of the men inside pointed and yelled, she grit her teeth. There had been a feeling of... frustration of late; at being caught unaware, unarmored, finding herself facing down mages and pure weapons... but in a single moment she sized up the room, finding it... appropriate. This was it, the kind of fight they - she - had lain in wait for this night, and she charged forth into the room.

Laniva to 10, 28, Iron Greatsword Monk 1.

There was a recollection; dimmed for a time, but now coming crashing back in waves - of a wellspring of words so boldly exchanged in now-distant days of squiredom, and she drew now freely upon them, paying not a single whit of attention to the monk's yelps, drawing back from her slash into a low guard.

"Look at you all! Not a single pure weapon to your names, you must be a real brave lot. So who'll it be? Which one of you wants to test their mettle next?!"

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Even Renais didn't need her sharp hearing to pick up on that voice, he was very close by. "..." Renais gripped her staff, and took hold of her emotions as best as she could. She couldn't face him, and while she truly wanted to it was not the win condition. The win condition was to find Mikoto and Alvira, and then help them and the other Tigers out as safely as possible. So with that she turned to Tasha and approached her with her Mend. "Commander...Tasha." She looked her in the eye. "I know we haven't talked much, but as Gean's girlfriend I have to watch out for her family. You're not allowed to fall while you're under my watch now, remember that." With that declaration, she lifted her Mend staff to patch up the tiger.

Renais moves 22, 11 and uses Mend to heal Tasha's wounds.

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"Oh, gosh, L-Lani!" Syta wasn't sure she had the guts-- or the capability, to rush in after Laniva. She held onto her fire tome, but got a hand near her staff, just in case things went south.

Syta moves to 7,27, stay equipped with Fire

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As soon as the doors at the far end of the room opened and Alriana saw the man from last night she nearly flew into rage, not unlike the one from last night. The only thing holding her back was Versaris' immediate orders to follow his lead if she wanted a chance to kill Luthier, and the small bit of sense behind her rage that told her this man could kill her without a second thought. He was beyond her, beyond Versaris, deep down she knew it; her instincts told her to run and in an unusual occurrence even the voice that bayed for violence was silent. She still lowered herself to the ground, onto all fours, body taut and prepared to strike, ready for Versaris' signal, barely able to hold herself back from rushing Luthier. All that met his taunt was a low growl as she flashed her teeth at him. 

Aly holds.

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"Grrh!" The searing burn of the magic arrow distracted Tasha only briefly, with Gean following up to give the archer a much stronger reply, and Renais coming in to patch her up. But there was the issue of who was coming to fight them, and the even greater issue of what the pink healer mentioned. "I can't promise you that. While that bastard's still here and breathing down our collective necks, we have a snowball's chance in hell to get out of here with any of us alive or free. So we either make him fear death or die trying. Don't like my chances of living against a light mage, but I'll try to stall him and shoot from further than he can cast."

That was likely little consolation to Renais, but they had to make a stand here. It was either that or living with the guilt of having given up on Alvira to save herself. They couldn't keep counting on someone coming to save them... They had to be strong enough to save themselves when it came down to it.

Natalya moves to 25-14 and equips her .303.

The enemies were, unsurprisingly, focusing on Üllr, thinking him the easier target to take down. Part of Ferid wanted to break off to help the others in what seemed like an inevitable fight with Luthier, but it was just as important to keep one escape route open in case worst came to worst, as well as keeping the rear of their allies clear. Thus, his ire was directed to the surviving sword wielder.

Ferid moves to 19-5 and attacks Merc 1.

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Renais simply took in her response, she could feel the fury in her voice. She truly meant to trade her life for Alvira if it meant saving her and defeating Luthier. It was a feeling Renais knew all too well, she wanted the exact same thing. "Do what you will. Even if you can't give me that promise I will give you mine. Give him hell." She left the conversation there, and meant to follow up on what needed to be done.

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Lani charges in against Monk 1! 

[11, 82] 

The light mage thought he would have had a chance in the large open space, thinking to move back, and let the sword go wide, except it was only as it was in motion that he realized that the sword was quite long, and the feline wielding it was also quite sizeable. His dodge, in other words, was woefully inadequate, and he was put down in a single strike. 26 damage! Monk 1 felled! 

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP

Renais heals Tasha with her Mend Staff! 

Renais heals Tasha for 22 HP! 

Renais gains 21 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP! 

Ferid engages Merc 1! 

[53, 74] 

Ferid's spear was far too fast, and too strong for the underground rank and file, and simply added another notch to its bounty. 39 damage! Merc 1 felled! 

Ferid gains 5 EXP, and +4 Lance EXP! 


Luthier chuckled as out of the corner of his eye, the famed tiger herself seemed to appear, "Ah, it appears that everyone wants a front seat to your demise, boy. I must congratulate you on your arrival, but now I will be your gateway to the abyss. Advance, all of you, I'll crush the threatening ones. But first... Miss Belrose, I'm afraid you'll be going nowhere. Please remain where you are!"

Luthier advances to 27, 18 and Casts Freeze on Syndra with 94% chance of connecting! 


Murky, frigid magic swirled around Syndra, and she could feel her energy being taken from her. Her body would not move any further than it already had... 

Syndra is now Frozen for 1 turn! 

"Now then... We can resume however you would like, boy." Luthier's voice dropped, "Come try me." 

At Luthier's command, most of his units began to move! 

Fighter 1 chucks a hand axe at Cinead! 

[46, 33]

The axe plunges into the blaze, connecting with Cinead for 13 damage! 

Archer 1 charges at Tanya over the sword wielding Feline brandishing his Shortbow!

[52, 3]

The archer charged in close, and drew his arrow back cleaner than perhaps he ever had, scanning for just that one shot. One wrong movement from the other armored feline, and the man loosed the arrow, and... right between the plates, the arrow struck home, knocking Tanya to the ground in a single shot. Critical! 24 damage, and Tanya has been downed!

The man turned to look at Lani with a sneer, "Now just imagine what that would have been with a pure weapon. You'll learn how things go around here, half-breed!" 

Archer 3 got bold after watching his partner perform so well, and charged Lani! 

[25, 35]

The man notched an arrow, and fired, but it had far less of an effect on Lani, who returned the favor with a crushing blow! 4 damage!

[44. 80] 

Lani's sword crushes the man, and bow in a single strike, leaving nothing on her next victim to focus on! 25 damage! Archer 3 felled! 

Lani gains 30 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

Lani reaches level 9! 

12	19	46	42	75	95	26	69

+HP, Str, Def!

Gunner 1 engages Lani as well! 

[25, 82] 

The man's revolver hit Lani in the side, but like the arrow before it, Lani continued to engage! 7 damage! 

Lani counters!

[50, 81], [76, 56] 

Lani unleashed two brutal slashes, the first taking the man's firing arm, and the 2nd taking the man's life! 44 damage total! Gunner 1 felled! 

Lani gains 34 EXP, and +3 Sword EXP! 

The soldier watched as two men went down, and barely even scratched the aggressor, making her boast seem more and more pointed. He had no chance against her, not like this at least; he needed support. The man turned, and began heading back to the cell chambers! Soldier 4 will call Enemy Reinforcements early! 

Elsewhere, two horse riding men arrive behind the Western group. One man yawned, "I hate late transfers... why the heck do I have to be the one on detail..."

"Shut! Up!" A loud, and clearly frustrated feminine voice shouted. "You've been complaining for the past hour! Shut up before someone hears you, and gets us both in trouble!" 

The man looked over at his companion, "Fucking hell Sharla... I think more people would hear you than me." 

"You're driving me insane! No wonder that I--" She looked ahead, and noticed that there was no one in the clearing. "What the hell?" She looked further on, and noticed... bodies. "Oh fuck... Nistel, Nistel look. The guards they're--" 

"Yeah, yeah I see... Turn around and go alert the guys, I think someone's got some bright ideas tonight..." 

Finally, up the stairs from the basement levels came a vastly more prepared man, two high quality weapons strapped across his back. Apparently they'd come under attack, just his luck, that he'd be here when someone got antsy. Whatever. He was passed an order earlier to prepare himself to get ready to transport one of their captives, a Kitsune, or something like that; he didn't know and didn't care, it was money. 

Enemy Reinforcements have arrived! 




Uprooting the UndergroundT4.png

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A trio of burly fighters were coming their way with weapons that made Üllr's skin crawl. Pure weapons, again. This underground was filled with nothing short of deadly weapons for people like him, making the reality of their operation sink further into his mind. Üllr could tell his wounds were mounting, enough to feel pain in old scars, he couldn't take the trio at once... but maybe he could draw them in a better position. Going in was just madness at this point... besides, the rest of the group Üllr joined in this entrance had a bigger yet issue to handle. Üllr could hear that threat... that man's aura, he grit his teeth.

"...Strike first." Muttering under his breath, he shifted position and went after one lanceman that positioned themselves in between the group, deciding it'd be best to stay closer to them by now.

Üllr to (19,11), strike soldier 1 with his knuckles.


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Versaris to 27,17, attack Luthier with his Iron Sword

Versaris tensed up as Luthier raised his staff, but the spell that emerged wasn't meant for him. He didn't dare to look away, the man's words were enough. The others would have to tend to Syndra, there was no more time to hesitate-- With a sudden dash, Versaris closed on the man, eyes locking onto Luthier's face as he'd already begun casting a spell! It's now or never... this worked on someone much stronger than you, so we'll see how you enjoy it! His eyes flashed red for a moment in time, gaze connecting with Luthier as he attempted to skirt the incoming magic...!

The elf simply charged at him, Luthier was unconcerned, almost gleeful that he had; a foolish endeavor as he had already begun preparing a spell. As the man closed in, Luthier's eyes never left Versaris's, which proved to be his downfall. His spell connected, but Luthier saw something implausible... and then felt something even more implausible as a sword rended his form. Luthier didn't cry out in pain, he simply turned to see Versaris, injured, panting, but... alive. His spell had connected. He knew it did; the proof was evident but... something was wrong. He'd gone through it. "...What... did you do? Nothing has... changed... but you're still, you couldn't have... You're no elf... You can't be... no, something different... What did you do?!" Anger, frustration... perhaps even fear for a moment or two.

It had worked; it was enough! Luthier's spell has taken his left arm and nearly sent him reeling, but ignoring the pain was something he'd learned well how to do... And emerging on the other side of that blast of light with a strike deep into the mage's side, Versaris pulled back, sword still stuck in there, stumbling back and collapsing. "S-Satisfied, Luthier...? I told you... you hadn't seen everything. Hahhh... ALRIANA!" He shouted her name with the last of his energy. It was now, or never.

"...I am. Now die." Luthier's voice lost all mirth, and affect of joy. All that was left was pure malice, as Luthier threw another spell at Versaris, one that he knew wasn't going to miss, and drew his eyes towards the white lizard, the one who had pierced his hide before. She'd not get the chance again.

"Tch...!" He didn't have time to scramble, arms coming up to try and hold back the majority of his spell. It seared his skin, an all too familiar sensation, but either Luthier hadn't noticed or the wound had done more work than Sari had though-- his moment of magic was still working and the spell finished before it could become lethal. He collapsed, panting hard, completely spent. Guess... Guess, that's my limit. Aly. It's, all up to you. I did, everything I could...

"Lani, k-keep careful-- kyah!" Syta hadn't been struck, but the woman in front of her had, collapsing from a well placed arrow. "Lani! Come get this guy! Ren!" Syta glanced behind her at the healer wandering idly towards the cells, heal staff spinning out and hitting Tanya for all her magic is good for. "No one dies today! Come on, get up!"

Syta remains in place, heal Tanya

"Whoa, Syta? What happened-- Oh!" Ren noticed immediately, heading back over, but not before clocking the horses riding towards them in the distance. Oh dear...

Ren to 6,26

"Hey there, Red!"

Alvira spun around, the exhaustion from the wound and all her magic usage finally hitting her, almost falling over from the sudden movement. "S-Stay away you FUCKERS!" She already had another spell at the ready, even as tired as she was.

Lucretia held her hands up, shaking her head. "Whoa there! Hold up, hold up... I'm not with these scumbags, miss Red. I'm a healer, I'm with Jeremiah over there. We're here to help."

Alvira wouldn't have believed anything else. She glanced past the woman, eyes falling on him. Black hair, green coat, sword at his side. Her spell fizzled instantly and she dropped her guard, something of a smile falling onto her face. "What the hell? Hah... Haha! You're actually here! What the hell!?" She knew he was coming to meet them, Versaris had said as much, but that he was actually here, helping people... "Why are you so late, dammit...?" She couldn't help the mixed emotions flowing into her. Fear, anxiety, relief, sadness, happiness, comfort, pain, exhaustion. Her mind was spinning-- and then it wasn't.

Lucretia to 6,13, Mend Alvira

"H-Huh...?" Her wounds closed, her tiredness faded to a considerable degree. She looked over at the woman, confused.

"I told ya," she said, nodding with something of a bounce. "I'm here to help~"

"R... Right. Thank you..." Alvira looked back over at Jeremiah before approaching him, swallowing hard.

Alvira to 5,8, Talk

"Jeremiah... Noire. I take it. I'm, my name is Alvira, and I have a lot of questions for you--

"HrrrahhHH!" And with one final SLAM, the door to her cell came off its hinges, her tail flopping into the entryway of the cell, eyes peering out from the darkness-- "Oh. My my. General Noire...? What are you doing all the way here? You're very far from home..."

Miredy finally smoshes her door down

Alvira flinched, hard. "I, hwaaa... Wh-What, the...?" Even she was taken aback by the creature in the cell. Half woman, half... Dragon? Snake? Some kind of lizard. She didn't have any legs! Alvira had seen a lot, but this was... "What are you...?" Her question was asked, not in disgust, but in pure wonder, so surprised that something like her could exist.

Marigold yawned, stretching. These targets weren't much to write home about, so there wasn't much catharsis here... Still, they were targets, so they would die. "Heyyy buddy. Gonna ask you to take a LOAD OFF!" She hoisted the poleaxe off of her back and swung for the legs!

Marigold to 4,22, crunch Fighter 1 with her Iron Poleaxe

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Alriana to 19, 28, Iron Dagger Luthier.

As Versaris charged Luthier, Alriana slinked into the cover of the pillars waiting, watching as the most important person to her risked his life to give her a chance at a shared revenge against a man they both hated. A chance to put a real monster in the dirt. Her body shook with rage and fear, but for once the rage, the sheer hatred she felt towards Luthier, was her own; the fear was the out of place emotion. As Versaris closed in Luthier's spell appeared to miss the mark, something she didn't think was possible from the way the monster handled itself. However, Versaris was still standing, his sword in Luthier's side, when the light faded. She was already moving as he collapsed letting out a near feral roar as Luthier aimed a second spell at Versaris!


"You surprised me once. Not again." Alriana's lunge was met with a 2nd prepared spell; Luthier's casting ability appeared to be far higher than he had revealed prior. His eyes glaring into Alriana's own, "Let me unmake you."

"RrrAGHHH!" His threat was only met with another roar as the searing pain of magic crashed into her threatening a repeat of the night before, just this one blast was almost enough to render her unconscious. But whether his magic had missed its mark a second time, or she had managed to do some lasting damage to him during the raid, it wasn't enough to stop her rage filled attack. He moved to sidestep her attack as she closed the distance, another spell already at the ready, but she followed his movement, stopping with a stomp and driving her knife into the same shoulder that Elisa had speared the night before, all the way through to the other side. Her instincts, her body itself, screamed at her to pull back, to back off, but the sight of Versaris on the floor, skin and clothes seared yet again, was all the reason she needed to twist the knife.

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Versaris rushes Luthier! 

Luthier activates Vantage! 

[32, 45] Luthier's attack connects, as was expected however... Versaris revealed his innate magic, revealing himself to not be an elf and giving him one opening on his vastly superior foe. 29 damage! For this battle only, Versaris gains 1 stack of Miracle+, and cannot die in this fight unless criticaled. 

Versaris launches his only attack!

[66, 10] Versaris connects, lodging his sword in the man's side for 23 damage! 

Luthier finishes the combat! 

[31, 71] Luthier launches another spell, but Versaris's magic is barely able to keep him lucid. Barely. 

Versaris gains 25 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP! 

On Versaris's call, Alriana rushes Luthier! For this battle only, and only with Luthier, Alriana directly activates Inner Beast! 

Luthier activates Vantage! 

[94, 78] The blast of light magic was horrifyingly strong, and Aly's momentum was the only real thing continuing to propel her towards her target! 33 damage! Aly will now be in Beast after combat. Armor Purge activates! 

Alriana musters every last bit of energy in her body to strike at Luthier! 

[66, 41] Alriana's blade struck true. Piercing right through the man's shoulder--the same shoulder that Elisa had pierced with the stolen spear. Luthier let out a shriek of pain, before kicking Alriana away. "Gah... A-again?! You strike me again?!" The man fell to a knee grasping his shoulder. "No... No, we're not quite done here this time you, insufferable ingrate! " Luthier torn the knife from his shoulder, and made his way back to his feet. "If you thought... for even a moment... that was enough... Hehe... You have no idea what I've endured, and will continue to endure..." Luthier turned his eyes on Alriana, almost glowing in his rage, "I said I would unmake you... I will do more than that. I had hoped that you both might live to see how worthless you really are; a shame that you turned out to be more than I expected. Now you burn.

First HP bar broken! Luthier regains his lost stats from the assault the night before! +5 Mag, Skl, and Res! 

Alriana gains 88 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! 

Alriana reaches level 10! 

68	58	79	27	21	83	77	65

+HP, Skl, Spd!

Ullr strikes at Soldier 1! 

[73, 27], and [87, 67] 

Ullr's fists were heavy, but it didn't stop them from striking true on the rushing soldier, stopping them cold! 30 damage! Soldier 1 Felled! 

Ullr gains 30 EXP, and +3 Brawling 

Ullr reaches level 9! 

14	39	100	80	14	65	42	59

+HP, Str, Spd, Res! 

Syta heals the downed Tanya! 

Syta heals Tanya for 13 HP, but not enough to bring her back into the fight! 

Syta gains 11 EXP, and +2 weapon EXP! 

Lucretia moves to assist Alvira with her wounds using the Mend Staff! 

Lucretia fully heals Alvira, 24 HP! 

Lucretia gains 22 EXP, and +3 staff EXP!

Marigold swings on Fighter 1! 

[25, 97]

Marigold's axe is bigger than Fighter 1's, and she proved it by simply, bonking him really hard. 35 Damage! Fighter 1 felled!

Marigold gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

As soon as the man was dispatched, Jeremiah let his eyes fall on the red haired dragon in the distance. Even from here, it was clear to him who exactly was in front of him. It was honestly the last place he expected one of the Hozt to be, but given what they had done; it was oddly fitting. Still instead of running, the dragon seemed relieved to see him. "...Took so long? You're talking as if you've been waiting for my arrival, or have you, Miss Hozt? It seems like introductions won't be--" Jeremiah looked over to the side, and took a single step forward, as the door he was in front of came crashing down. "Necessary." His green eyes peered at Alvira, "What is one of the Hozt doing here in this place?"

Jeremiah then turned towards the newly freed arrival, "And you... General Noire is not a name I've heard used for me, but I can't say that it's inaccurate. I am away from home because my duties dictate as such; they've brought me here, and it seems like that's exactly where I'm needed right now." Jeremiah's eyes turned elsewhere, "...Troubling. You're not here by yourself, are you, Ms. Hozt?" 

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Keep moving. He'll come soon, archers have to go. The fireworks had begun, and not in a fun way. Gean could feel the sickening light magic in the air, they needed to act and act quickly. There was screaming that sounded a lot like Aly, but also more goons were flocking in. Another archer with another bow that spelt bad news. "You life is over."

Gean to 23-15, hand axe to Archer 4!

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As Cin turned the corner, he saw Alvira, along with several others that he didn't recognize. "Alvira! Are you OK? Are these people allies?" They didn't seem to be attacking her, instead seeming to talk to her, but he didn't trust it. Not here. Not now.

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Syndra couldn't move. She was trying her best, forcing herself to move her legs, but nothing was working. She could do nothing but stand there and watch as Versaris and Aly went straight after Luthier... and... wait, they were winning? This was honestly a nice surprise considering what she had seen him do to Versaris only little over a day ago. It meant she had a chance to avoid the man and stall while the others rescued the people they were there for, if and when the magic rooting her to the spot faded away... "Nyxied... don't worry about me for right now, go cover Aegean and Renais... I'll catch up with you!"


Syndra waits where she is due to Freeze

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As Cin moved towards the door, he called out a familiar name. "Alvi?! She's okay?!" She brought herself to help, but Cin brought up potential allies(?) with her. If they were... then Alvira and Cin were fine, right? She had to trust her gut.

"Cin, I'm regrouping with everyone else! If things go awry, yell and I'll be back!"

Miria to 2,25

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"I'm a lamia," the woman calmly answered, smiling at Jeremiah. "It's a good thing you've come, then. The rank and file here aren't much to write home about, but the upper crust of these layabouts are pretty tough... Someone named Luthier, if I remember correctly?" She paused to lay a finger on her chin, thinking.

"You remember correctly... Miss, lamia..." Alvira turned her attention back to Jeremiah, then tensed up. "Why do you know my last name?" Her mind shot to the vision from before, this man standing over her siblings. She tried to shake it away, but couldn't get it completely, just as a familiar voice called out after her. "Cin! Yeah... I think so... But if you're here, that means everyone is, right!?" Hopefully this wasn't him on a suicide mission. It could wait-- everything else could wait, she needed to speak with Jeremiah.

"Now that Cinaed is here, no, I'm not here alone. I was taken, last night, by these fucks, and that prick Luthier had his way with my tail to get his kicks... I've got a few reasons to be alarmed over you knowing my last name when we've never met, but they aren't for the reasons I'm going to assume you're thinking. I, knew you were coming, because Versaris informed us that you were. So, you've made good timing... As for the rest... I don't know what you mean by 'one of the Hozt'. As far as I'm aware, it's just myself and my siblings left... My parents are dead. It sounds more and more like we'll have plenty to speak about when this battle is over, but I need to know, right now, what do you know about me? Everything from before I turned ten is a blur in my mind, and whenever I try to think about it, my head hurts, like the memories are buried on purpose. I can't, for the life of me, pull them out... So if you know, please, force them out. Between that bitch Mercuria and now these underground fucks, the last thing I need is continuing to be confused about my own life." Alvira dropped Mercuria's name on purpose, hoping he'd react to that as well. Tanvir had, even if it was faint. Surely Jeremiah knows something...

Versaris could barely stand, forcing himself up on his sword. "Glad we, could get your true colors out of you, you bastard." He smiled, but he knew there was no way he could keep fighting. It had taken everything he had just to piss Luthier off. You need to stay conscious. Stay conscious. If he attacks Alriana, you need to save her. You have to. It's the only thing that matters right now! Stay awake! Focus on her! FOCUS! "Come on. Come on, Luthier. Are you scared of me, already? False protégé, right? Couldn't possibly, survive your magic, couldn't, catch you... Come on! You going to give up on me so quickly!? Finish me if you're so confident! You can, can't you!? Or did I put that fear into you already!?" Just focus on me, you slime. She doesn't matter, she's not your priority! Focus on me!

Edited by Nanami Touko
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There was an arrow stuck somewhere - didn't hurt too bad, probably not more than the tip of the arrowhead made it through; a dent in her breastplate, too, where the bullet had made a harsh impact, but not gotten through. She could already feel tomorrow's bruise forming. She took a sharp, heavy breath, about the chase the fourth man deeper into the building before hearing Syta's call, hearing the man's taunt, her eyes narrowing.

Laniva to 9, 28, Iron Greatsword Archer 1!

She spun on her heel, pivoting wordlessly, swinging her blade on its chain in a great arc as if a pendulum; its edge catching the archer in the chest, its weight slamming him back against the pillar; and with a sharp tug she drew the chain and hilt back into her grip, effortlessly slipping back into her low guard.

"Tch, I was wrong... You bastards aren't brave. You've just hidden behind your pure weapons so long you've forgotten what a true knight looks like!"

A sharp exhale.

She turned to Syta and Ren as they moved to tend Tanya's wounds. "Is she all right? We'll need everyone for this." It looked bad from where she was standing, but... "It's only just started... Once she's up, we need to move quickly. One went running for help."

Edited by mcd900
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Syta had focused on Tanya, for sure; she hadn't made a mistake in her healing, but her eyes looked up to catch Laniva absolutely laying waste to the man that had hurt Tanya. Between how swiftly, deftly, and wholely she'd handled him, and the words she said after, Syta was in awe. "Whoa..." She felt a breath catch in her throat, felt her heart skip a beat, felt herself blush-- W, Wait, what the heck? Huh? What's all this about? Huh!? For Lani!? I, h-huh!? She looked back at Tanya and hid the sudden panic on her face, trying to focus on healing. Sh-She's just, really cool, right? Right...?

"Sh-She'll be fine! I, yeah. Ren and I, uh. Yeah. Don't worry!" Crap! The first time you catch feelings and it's in the middle of a fight this important... Idiot. Stupid. Dummy. Focus...

Edited by Nanami Touko
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It was finally time. Even with her vision slightly obstructed by her allies, she could see Luthier thanks to her sharp eyesight. She also saw Sari take a severe blow after he actually dealt damage to him, and Aly follow up with a powerful attack of her own. The man stared her down with a glare that could melt ice. "...ngh." Renais could feel her knees shake, despite her best attempts to stop them. Even if Luthier hadn't noticed her yet, she could feel how strong his magical aura was. Despite using the same magic type as Tio, the two couldn't be more different from each other. His aura was so...grusome, it actually shook her to the core. No...no not now. I made it this far, I said I would defeat him...so why am I scared now?! She grit her teeth and pulled her head down to see her own chest in Mikoto's kimono...which quickly reminded her what she fought for.

"...ah." On top of that, she heard Sari's taunts toward Luthier, and remembered Tasha's words that she would make him fear death. Everyone had put their lives on the line, all for a slim chance to bring down the devil himself. ...I'm terrified, but I can't let that stop me. I can't. Not when everyone else is giving everything they have here. She took a moment to breathe and stop her shaky body. I can make a difference, I can ruin his plans too. As Renais calmed herself, she kept a close eye on the situation and waited for an opportunity to move. She felt this next minute could be the difference between life and death for everyone, so she kept her eyes sharp and on the fight ahead.

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Nyx hissed as Luthier froze Syndra in her tracks. The grip she had on her bow turned her knuckles white - or, as white as they could get with her complexion. Syndra chimed in to snap Nyx out of her inherent desire to cause problems on purpose, though, urging her to care for Gean and Renais. Nyx swore again. “Fuck, right, forgot about th’kids! Y’better be right behind me soon as ye can, love, got it?!”

As Nyx moved ahead, she could also smell treasure in this dingy fort - unsurprising, given where they were. But there was also another personal matter to deal with… that big lunk roaring elsewhere in the fort. She came to a stop a bit later, sliding right next to the little pup they’d picked up a while back. “Oi, Ullr! Y’doin’ good o’er ‘ere?”

Nyx to (19,12)

Everything happened so quick, Tanya had barely any time to react. She’d seen the arrow flying towards her, and tried to shift away… but, well, all this time on the sidelines left her rusty, and she moved in a way that let the arrow slip between her armour and crumple her.

”Mrowwwwwwww!!!” She howled out, right before she slammed against the floor, her head bouncing off the ground. That was enough to send her into unconsciousness, feeling like she really should have stayed at home after all.

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Jeremiah turned his eyes back to Alvira, "So... he's here then... That's probably the influx of magic then. And, judging by your looks, you're already lying to me. We've met before. Once, but it was a meeting." Strange... Does she not remember, or is she trying to hide things from me? "As for what I know... I'm unsure if you'd like me to tell you that. Given who I am, and what your family has participated in." Then she spoke the name. If she was with the same group that Versaris was with, the one that Celine had mentioned, then her knowing the name wasn't impossible. Somehow. Jeremiah simply glanced at her, not a flinch, not a change in tone, not even a chance in countenance, "Since you can't be assed to speak truthfully with me. I suppose I'll have to start. Your name is Alvira Sam'tara vel Hozt, one of the children of the most powerful families in Lufiria. Formerly, given that they were heavily responsible for an assassination attempt on both Princesses of Lufiria, nearly succeeding with one of them."

There it was. There was the truth her memories wouldn't show her, and as soon as he spoke it, they began to break through. A claw raised up to her head to clutch it, one eye shutting as her brain spiked in migraine, pain shooting through her... but, between Mercuria and Luthier, Alvira was beginning to get used to pain, as much as she hated it.

Flashes of that night jumped into her mind's eye. Her father, the other dragons, the fire, the blood, the chasing, the running. "Nnghnh... Hh... They... W-Weren't, responsible..." Alvira bit through the pain as things began to form full memories, the pain increasing, the trauma hiding it, burying it deep, but it was coming to the surface and nothing could stop it!

"Ahhh! Ghhn, stop... Hu-Hurting...!" Alvira flinched, grabbing at her head with both claws, slowing falling to her knees, eyes shut, groans escaping her.

"I-Is she alright...?" The lamia looked quite concerned all of a sudden, but her words didn't make it to the dragon's ears, the scene playing itself in full.

"Alrenne. You're early... We've yet to start the fire or the assault--

"Rito, stop this! I'm not sure I can change your mind, but my better judgment has found me-- this is not the way! This will change nothing; not in the way we want. Not for us, not for the rest of our race... Please, even if you can't see reason, to take the life of a child, even their child--"

A knife in the dark, jabbed deep into his stomach. The twist of a blade, a sudden struggle, heavy footsteps and blood. She was spotted, grabbed, hurriedly carried away. The words of comfort and calm from her father that night were so pained. So forced. So worried.

And then running. Running. Months and months of running. Being separated... And then the storm--

"HAhhH!" Alvira stood straight up, her legs unsteady, but her eyes finally open. "There! Everything! I finally remember, everything! Fuck... F-Fuck... hhhh..." She watched Jeremiah warily. He already didn't believe her...

On his words, Alvira collapsed, groaning from the pain of her memories resurfacing, being pulled out of her all at once. "She's fine. No need to be concern for her well being at the moment." Her words prior did could Jeremiah to flinch slightly. Weren't responsible? If only it were as easy for me to see it that way... "Then you remember everything. You can start telling me everything you know because your family was heavily involved in the events that nearly took Princess Lucille's life. Further, your family fled from the prosecution, and I was tasked to find you, eventually. You understand what that means, don't you?"

"Ghhn... Yes... Yes, I understand what, that means... Hahh..." Alvira had to catch her breath, but the revelation that had been dug up meant so much. Perhaps too much. There would be so much more to talk about once they were away from here. "My father... Alrenne. He, tried to stop the man that started the fire. Rito. I was there... I followed him. I watched him. I watched, Rito stab him... And then we fled, not from you, but from them. Deserters to both country and kin... Fuck..." The heavy responsibility was crushing, but she could do nothing but face it.

"Whatever you think you need to do... It can wait. If my fate is to face a court in Lufiria, then so be it, but I'll make it there on my time, not yours. I'm still needed here... And I can't rush into Lufiria until I have a plan for Mercuria. Is anyone else from my family still alive? Do I have any relatives left there? It's... it's, a long shot, but, at least... At least, if I do, I could speak with them about the black spear. I have to know!"

Jeremiah shook his head, "So Alrenne tried to stop everything at the flashpoint... but neglected to inform me, Rosaria, or Virion when we all stood shoulder to shoulder mere hours before. You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe that your father had a sudden change of heart." Though, this would confirm a previous thought of mine. If they'd abandoned the mission right at the death, then their information could be perhaps used to implicate the real culprits. Then Jeremiah sighed, and Alvira would find a blade at her chest, "No. Actually. You have no authority to decide when or where you will arrive. You must have missed the part where I said that you are considered a traitor to Lufiria. If I were to so much as will it, I would take you back to Lufiria, and you would not have any recourse in the matter. So please do not think that you have more options than you do, Miss Hozt." Jeremiah lowered his blade, "As for your other question... Aside from your siblings, there is your Aunt, General Obehi vel Hozt, one of the few who remained, and you can shelve any idea about this black spear. I assume you mean the Sol Incantio; a pitch black spear held by the Lufirian Royal Family. I'm sure you realize the issue."

"Yes." She didn't falter in the face of his blade; blades had begun to lose their meaning beyond pain. "And whether or not you believe me, I must place my hand upon that spear. I mean to awaken another spirit, Fomalhaut, who Mercuria is keeping locked away, and that is my route to doing so. This is above country, this is above the war that threatens Islexia and Lufiria. This is above what my family did or did not do. I will awaken Fomalhaut, and see Mercuria's goals and aims ground into the dust. She has caused me and my found family enough harm, even going so far as to use the Escaflowne as a conduit to attempt to control my mind. I will make sure she regrets her actions." Alvira sighed, placing a hand on her forehead, looking down at nothing. Too many new routes, too many new facts.

"I suppose my first course of action will be to get into contact with my Aunt, then. You will help me in this endeavor-- and before you voice complaint or attempt to throw your weight around, General Noire, you will be able to confirm all of what I am saying with both Versaris and the Evokers. They were all present when the moment with the Escaflowne occurred, and the Evokers have been present and in contact with Mercuria during her assaults on my mind, as well. So, feel free to see my words as the rantings and ravings of a traitor to your country-- I do not care. They will be proven true and you will see me to my aunt, so this can be dealt with. Understood?"

Jeremiah blinked at the woman, head slowly tilted. Perhaps her remembering her memories simply caused to her to snap. Though, Fomalhaut was a name he knew well; the patron saint of the Fire Dragons in Lufiria. Obehi herself took the name for her title, "Fomalhaut's Ascendent." Jeremiah then stifled a series of chuckles, before beginning to laugh. "...So I guess that confirms that you're with the Tigers. The ones that reclaimed the Escaflowne for Lady Celine... from Princess Lucille." A single glint appeared in his eyes before he softened again, "A word of advice. No matter your goal, make sure that you're in a place to enact what you desire. For instance... Where are Versaris and the Evokers now? Why exactly would I assist you in getting into contact with your Aunt? Everything you're telling me is contingent on things you can neither prove yourself, nor make possible without my assistance--assistance that I'm not quite keen on giving."

Jeremiah then shrugged, "Were it not for the foresight of Lady Celine, your very foolish demands would have gone far worse. I'll reserve judgment until I've spoken with the Evokers... assuming that they're even here. Lastly, speaking with your aunt matters not; you will not be allowed to touch the Sol Incantio. You would have to get the ascent of the Royal Family for that. So one of Lady Hilda, Lord Lance, Princesses Lucille and Soleanna, or Generals Virion or Rosaria. I struggle to see how you would make that happen."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. The first step is speaking with my Aunt and finding out my options from there. I cannot see the future, I can only act on what I know... If Cinaed is here, then the Tigers are here. If the Tigers are here, then Versaris is with them. He's likely somewhere else in the fort right now, and besides." She cocked an eyebrow, slapped her hands onto her hips, leaned forward some and seriously stared at him. "What the fuck am I going to do to hurt you or get away from you, Jeremiah? You have me, your traitor to the crown. If you were going to cut me down, you would have. If you wish for me to see justice, then you'll leave me alive, either in your grasp or in your sight. You'll have plenty of time to confirm everything with the Evokers and your protégé, so quiet your threats. They mean nothing. Now, to my understanding," she glanced behind her at the pink haired woman who seemed quite confused by all of this.

"You were here for something else, yes? Let us be about it. We can talk more and you can judge me to your heart's content after these fucks have all been killed, yes?" She paused. "And yes. We did fight Lucille. She refused to speak with us, so we knocked her out and took the sword... Then Tanvir and some of his friends arrived, and took her. So you'll have to find them if you wish to find her."

"You really do have a way of asking for assistance." Jeremiah let out a sigh. There were many things he expected tonight, none of them were this. Though, the last thing that she said brought Jeremiah pause. "She wouldn't speak with you..." And forced a fight? Even with how shy she is... Fighting to protect the blade is unlike her... She has to know something, something that was so important that she had to keep the blade. ...It has to be related to why she took the blade in the first place... Forced into it? More than likely, which means... Perhaps things are already underway. Perhaps it was inevitable... How unfortunate. At least she's with Tanvir, which means she should be safe.

"Lucretia. As asinine as our draconic friend has been in the past couple moments, she's right. There are still people within this compound to free, and equally as many to cut down. Remain close to her, she'll need your assistance." Jeremiah's eyes then drifted back towards the entrance to the holding area eyes on the dragon staring back at him. Well, seems as if all of my threads are converging at once.

"R-Right! Got it, Jeremiah." Lucretia had been tense the entire time, almost running over the moment he raised his sword, only stopping herself because she could see him holding himself back. "Geez, Red... You're really stirring up the bee's nest here... They don't sting unless you rile them, y'know...?"

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Somehow, both Versaris and Alriana had not only managed to survive in their attempts to harm Luthier, they'd nailed him twice, enough to momentarily ground him. What followed was an intense back and forth between them, and an assurance that their fluke wouldn't be repeated... but he was forgetting one thing. While he was focused on the two immediate threats, Tasha took position on Versaris's left flank and let her rifle do the talking. Even wounded, that man wasn't going to be an easy target to hit, but she had to try. Supporting fire was all she could do, but he was just a man, and as the two had just proven to him, men bleed!

Natalya moves to 25-17 and fires on Luthier!

[(19) 62, 98]

Despite her worry about whether she'd be effective at all, whether it was her fury or need to succeed, her bullet didn't just find its mark, it found itself piercing the man's so far untouched shoulder from behind, striking bone and tumbling in his flesh! "You can run your mouth after you're no longer getting shot, fucker!"

With Üllr peeling off, it fell to Ferid to deal with the approaching threat. Spotting their weaponry from afar, it was a more tactically sound decision to let them come to him rather than the other way around, putting his lance on his back and spot-checking his revolver. Come on. Let's see how good your throwing arms are.

Ferid stays put and equips his .45 Double Revolver.

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