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Faith in the Spirits Arc 1: To Align the Stars

Mercenary on the Winds

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The fight against Luthier was intense, and as Renais composed herself she rushed in as close as she could and thrust out her Rescue staff toward Sari. 

Renais moves 24, 13 and uses the Rescue staff on Sari and...

"Luthier!" The pinkette called out to the man. "You know who I am, and you must be responsible for...whatever it was that impacted my life, but I don't care about that right now." She gave him a glare. "You're on the backfoot, we all know it. Now tell me where my Mikoto is now!" Renais still felt some small shakes, but she did her best to hide them and keep her composure. Everyone put in their resolve and strength to make it this far, she couldn't let them down after all of that.

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Luthier didn't spare Versaris a single glance as he approached Alriana. "If you really are his protege, then you would know to shut your mouth. You survived by luck and the whim of fate alone, boy. This thing survived of her own merit. Something you cannot boast. I will kill you in a moment. First, I must--" Luthier raised his hand and finally saw what exactly the mother tiger was holding in her arms, pointing at him. "...Fuc--" Luthier found himself thrown backwards as his other shoulder exploded with searing, burning pain. He slammed hard on the ground, the air involutarily ejected from his lungs. Grounded while the lizard and the false protege still stood. Luthier had but a single moment, he once again raised a hand and released a blinding flash of light. He couldn't let the tiger fire once more, or the lizard to advance. He needed to buy himself a moment, they were getting rather lucky but luck was a facet of combat that he had to account for.

"I'll return in a moment. By the time, I return, make sure that these fools are dead. Or I will add you all to the body count." Luthier staggered away to begin treating himself, when... a voice rang out. Luthier turned to watch the elf warped away by the Rhapsodia's magic. She demanded to know where the Kitsune was, her Mikoto. Luthier simply returned her glare, "Tell me something, Rhapsodia. You watched your best fighters nearly die in order to wound me. You watched the kitsune--far beyond your friends here--fall to me. Do you believe this to be a victory? That you get to live a moment longer? Show me who else can face my magic." He smiled, "Mikoto couldn't. She's dead by the way. Gone, and replaced by a monster. She'll be leaving you shortly." Luthier pulled an oddly familiar looking tail out of thin air, "I'm sure you recognize this? Thank you for granting me time with her. Thank you for being so weak that even with the sacrifices required for you to stand against me, that you can't fathom where you stand."  Luthier turned and staggered away, his wounds... slowly healing themselves, they'd only earned themselves a moment and they would regret being here for any longer than that. Cyro was due to arrive as well, this fight was hardly over, and the Tigers were hardly winning.

Luthier will retreat for now! He has not left the map!

Elsewhere, a lone man dashed through the lower levels of the compound. He needed to find either the subcommander or Luthier himself. He'd been lucky that the pair was more interested in getting to the compound then exploring. The pink and blue haired woman paled in comparison to the sheer horrifying carnage that the green jacketed man had wrought. He needed to inform them; by now he was in the compound.

Edited by Mercenary on the Winds
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The glare he sent back was frightening, but she stood her ground and maintained her stance. It was true, there weren't many fighters left that could match him around her. It was a problem, and one Renais couldn't find time to think on after he delivered some news to her. "...what? You're lying. Stop trying t-" But as soon as he pulled out a familiar looking tail, it practically silenced the pinkette. "!!!" Her eyes instantly shrank the moment she spotted it, and he continued by attacking her weakness, the very thing about her she hated. "N-no...Mikoto is gone...it can't...be..." The girl fell to her knees, and began to shut down. She...was only captured because of me. Because I couldn't...stand with her. Because I'm... Despite her best efforts to steel herself, she was not ready for this. She dropped her staff and hugged her arms tightly as she looked toward the floor with her shaky eyes. "It...it's all my fault...this all happened because I'm..." She couldn't bring herself to say it, but it that was a phrase that would haunt her forever. Weakness. I keep losing people because I'm...

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Syndra heard Luthier's boasting towards Renais, and while he referred to her as a 'Rhapsoodia', whatever that was, it didn't matter right now. For all his boasting, he was still the one running away, tail between his legs, and knowing that left Syndra in a state where she was chuckling to herself. The comment about Mikoto was definitely meant to elicit some manner of reaction from Renais, but Syndra felt confident that somehow she wouldn't let them get to her, and it was something she planned to remind her about. "Renais, don't take stock in the words of a madman like him, he knows the tides are shifting against him, and he'll do or say anything to try and give him an advantage again. His only real power is fear, and if you let him scare you then that's the only way he wins. Think about it, by his own admission, Mikoto's still alive in here. Her, Aegean, your sister, all of them know you're a brave and powerful soul Renais, and I know they all believe in you, just like I do. Bastards like Luthier need to act that way to feel like they're still in control; don't give him the satisfaction." As rousing of a speech she thought it was, the fact Syndra herself thought even making Luthier fall back was impossible until just a few minutes ago still lingered.

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"I'll shut up when you make me, but since you failed again, I think I'll bark all I like--" Space suddenly shifted, and in the blink of an eye, Versaris was moved away from Luthier as he retreated, now at Renais' side, eyes shooting back over to Aly. Shit, shit! She couldn't have know, but, no! Aly, ahhhh... Even if he does run, her wounds, in that state...!

He didn't know if there was anything he could've done as he was, beyond stand there and say words, but now he couldn't even do that much... Though, it seemed someone else needed those words, as Luthier shut their healer down with some nasty taunts and his proof of torture. "Renais, listen to me." Syndra had said plenty and he'd happily add to it. "He can call this whatever he wants, but he's running from us. From US. Even if Mikoto is strong, we've proved ourselves and he's just trying to shock you to buy himself more time. We need you, Renais. SHE needs you. Get up. Get up and show us why you came here wearing her outfit. You knew you'd see him, you knew he'd harm her, you knew he'd say something to rattle you, so don't let him! Don't let a coward like him beat you at his weakest, Renais!"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Aegean moves to Archer 4 with her Hand Axe, and a single mission on her mind.

[87, 15

Aegean's archer rampage continued, and with a single toss of her axe, she threw the man backwards, his body meeting the ground with a crunch. Critical! 84 Damage! 

Aegean gains 34 EXP, and +2 Axe EXP! 

Aegean reaches Level 8! 

21	57	22	13	5	91	67	67

+HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Speed! 

Lani goes GGG on Archer 1 with the Iron Greatsword! 

[57, 2

Archer 1 will not become light, but instead will become fodder for the moss that will grow on this castle when all is said and done. Critical! 72 Damage! 

Lani gains 26 EXP, and +2 Sword EXP! 

With his sudden encounter with the Hozt child complete, the Underground was next to follow. There was another cell that had yet to open, and it had gotten quiet following the clash. Jeremiah swiftly moved to the cell to see who was inside, and upon scanning the room, Jeremiah saw someone trying to hide against the wall. An uncomfortably small body, "...There's no way." Jeremiah uttered the words before he could catch himself; he was dealing with the Underground, there was no depth that they wouldn't reach if given the opportunity. Jeremiah quickly broke the door down, and quietly stepped inside. "...Hey. It's alright now. I'm not going to hurt you; I'm not with the Underground. Could you... tell me your name? I'm Jeremiah, and I'm from Lufiria." 

The child seemed to move tighter to the wall, only barely reacted when Jeremiah revealed his allegiance. The child turned slightly to look at Jeremiah, sniffling, "...J-Jane." 

Jeremiah looked the child over, it didn't look like she'd been hurt, just frightened. Being clouded it was also possible that she was frightened by humans, and those passed as humans. Seems like it's a good thing that the Lamia and Alvira are both down here then... Might need their assistance if I'm right about that. A small relief, but then that begged the question of why was she here? She was a rarer clouded from the looks of it too; her many eyes giving it away. "...Did they bring you here alone?" 

She sniffled again, and nodded, "...They... took me from... mama... I, I wanna... find mama..." 

Jeremiah closed his eyes, and exhaled a breath, "...We'll find your mother, okay? First, we're going to get you out of here. I need you to stay close to me for the moment. There's a pink haired lady outside who will take care of any injuries you might have, and a red haired dragon and lamia who will help protect you, Jane. You're safe now."

"D-dragon?" Jane turned to fully face Jeremiah for a moment, before quickly shrinking back.

Jeremiah blinked, and then sighed, that made his decision simple. "Lucretia, Alvira, there's a child in here. A clouded child. She's talking to me, but it's clear that she's not comfortable with me. She may be a little more open with clouded, and monsters, so I may have to leave this to you, and... Miss Lamia, as I have neglected to get your name." Jeremiah smiled at Jane, "You can trust the two of them, and me to make sure that you get out of here okay." 

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"Miredy~" she chimed in, leaning into the cell's door for a moment. "Hello there, Jane... We're here to help you, okay? If you'd like to come with me, I'll keep you safe. You can even ride on my tail~" Despite just having been released from a cell, Miredy seemed completely calm, going along with whatever was needed. "If you'd like to go with miss dragon, I'm sure she'd be fine with that too."

"No," Alvira said, huffing quietly. "I'm... I'm good with kids, but I can still fight. And I intend to, so I don't want to get her in danger." She sighed, eyes narrowing ever so slightly. Even kids, huh... They all deserve nothing less than death.

"Ohhh... Okay, okay. Then, Jane, come along with me. Please? We'll help you find your mama." Miredy held her blue hand out for the girl, smiling perhaps too calmly. She did glance at Jeremiah for a moment to say, "I can use magic, but they took my tome when I was captured, so unless you find me a new one, I'll stay behind you all. I'll keep little miss Jane from any harm; I'm pretty sturdy~"

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Gean had just finished sending another archer to whatever lied beyond when she could hear her Mom's shouting and gunshot. She whipped in the direction of the noise with surprise. Whether it was luck, fate or his own hubris they were doing it. The Tiger's were holding their own against Luthier. If she could just thin the num-

Time seemed to slow down as Renais yelled her demands at the cretin, asked the biggest question on both their minds. His returning glare spiked the fear Gean had already felt towards the man, but the biggest blow was what he pulled from nowhere. A single tail, that said more than any sneer or threat. "Yeah let's see how weak I am WHEN I TAKE THAT TAIL BACK FROM YOUR CORPSE ASSHOLE!" Gean knew it. She stood a raindrop's chance in hell against him, but her fear of him was being swallowed and drowned by a new fear. The fear that someone else would be the one to take his life.

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The pinkette found herself spiraling down her darkest thoughts, it seemed like there was no end to it. But out of nowhere, she heard two voices, Syndra and Sari. They both did their best to reach Renais, and fortunately it got her to react. She lifted her head slightly. "...you...need me." Syndra let her see through the ruse, and Sari reassured her they are winning. On top of that, Gean's scream got through to her too, even in the face of death she was determined to do her part too.

So with a deep breath the shorter girl slowly stood up and composed herself. "... thank you both." She gently spoke, and then resumed her glare. "My name is Renais Silvavolke, and I will reach my dream with my loved ones by my side. All of them." That included Mikoto, she knew she had to be alive. Monster or not. "So you can go to hell, asshole!"

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Jane tilted her head at the newcomers for a moment before quickly bolting over to Miredy, taking a tight hold of whatever she could, with a sniffle. She looked over at Alvira, and nodded before burrowing closer to Miredy. Jeremiah stepped past the both of them, "I'll be sure to acquire something for you shortly, Miredy." He kept his affable tone, but there was a dull look in Jeremiah's eyes. Only Lucretia of those here would have known what that meant. "We need to get moving. There are catacombs beneath this place; where the Underground actually hides--true to their name--there are many more people here, and with this assault, we'll be seeing more of them soon." Jeremiah flicked out the green magical blade, and drew the white one still situated at his side. "I intend to make sure that everyone here is freed. Underground and captive alike. The only difference being is that the Underground will be set free from this life of theirs." 


Luthier staggered back into the other room glaring at the nearest healer, "You. Heal me. Now." The man hurried over wordlessly, not even finding the will to ask what happened. He hadn't planned on revealing the tail to them like that, but it appeared to have shaken the faulty foundation that the Rhapsodia stood upon. Also his own. He grimaced as the healing magic started to work. The Tigers stood no chance against him if he took them seriously. He knew that, they knew that, and still he made the same mistake twice. Again, he remained alive, and so he wouldn't be making the same mistake again. Finally, down the stairs came Cyro, "There you are. You and I have ingrates to crush. Prepare yourself for when I am healed. We will go back in there, and obliterate them. All of them." Luthier's voice was even, cold, focused. The joy at seeing the Rhapsodia broken down, or hearing what must have been the mermaid from before wore off far too quickly. All that was left was quiet, focused, rage. 

"Yes, of... Of course. Luthier...?" Cyro was coming down the stairs, the sounds of shouting echoing through the fort, and then the sight of Luthier, wounded, grievously, and without any of his natural whimsy. "What... Ahem, mm. What happened?" He had to ask, even if he was lashed out at. If they could hurt Luthier this badly, he stood no chance.

"Luck is a skill that the Tigers have in abundance, and I was foolish. Any man can be broken down by a thousand cuts from even the smallest blade. A mistake I will not be making again. They are capable, but nothing that cannot be dealt with--they traded perhaps their two most competent fighters for a mere chance at slowing me down. Then the commander caught me unawares... brilliantly, but unawares." Luthier rolled his shoulders as his wounds vanished under the healing light. "I assume that this is not the only place that the Tigers have struck? There are fewer of them here than I remember seeing at the compound."

Luck, you say? ... Well, yes, I suppose I do believe that. They were dispatched by you quite easily in our assault and we didn't flee until the Evokers freed themselves. Right. Luck. Ugh, luck... Cyro shook his head quickly and stopped thinking about things, nodding. "There was some commotion, and I freed Krauser as per your orders. He'll see to it, or die trying. I came to find you after that, to clarify my orders... What would you have me do, Luthier? If all you ask of me is to join you in crushing these interlopers, I will happily introduce them to my thunder magic."

"Yes, that is the primary goal for the moment. If the Tigers have come to rescue their friends, then failure to reclaim them is a victory in my eyes. We'll kill whoever dares press, but I want to see off the caravans. We will retreat from this place and relocate to one of the other bases." Luthier let his magic flare again. "You need not worry by the way. By the time we are done with them, there will be nothing left for me to experiment with. You won't have to hear that with you abhor."

Cyro flinched, but tried to play it off with a smile. "Have I made myself so obvious?" A small chuckle left him, but he pressed past the awkward moment with a flare of his own magic, a far cry from Luthier's, but more than enough to put any of these mongrels down. "Very well. Let us clean up."

Cleric 3 heals Luthier back to full HP! 

Sword Armor 2 approaches Aegean with his Monster Blade brandished! 

[20, 76] 

The man swung the blade, and it rended through Aegean's body, and the corrosive magic began to wreak havoc on her. She staggered, fueled by the rage that Luthier had instilled in her, but it was not enough to keep the woman standing... on it's own, as her necklace flashed with magical energy, and the foul magic coursing through her was replaced by warm, familiar magic. 22 damage! Aegean hangs on at 1 HP!

Aegean musters everything she has in left to counter! 

[80, 92], [12, 23]

Aegean swung with all her might to bat away the awful sword, and then when Aegean found her open, she swung for the stars, taking the man's armor, and chin as high as she could possibly manage. She stumbled hard after the strike, but in the end, it was her standing, and the swordsman, crumpled. Critical! Total of 92 damage! Sword Armor 2 felled!

Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP! 

As soon as Jeremiah took a step, the necklace around his neck flashed. Jeremiah flinched, and turned to the east, his face hardening as he did. That couldn't have been... Aegean. Hold on, just a moment longer... Jeremiah's grip on his blades tightened. Not a single one of them would be leaving today. 

Lance Armor 3 acknowledges Luthier's order, and rushes Aly! 

[86, 46] 

The man's spear dug into the pillar which Aly used for cover, and found himself struggling to pull it out. Miss! 

Aly viciously counters! 

[99, 93] [66], and [13, 45] [96] 

Aly's first strike was to knock the man off balance, the 2nd, a savage strike to the throat that ended any hope of survival. Critical! 52 damage total! Lance Armor 3 felled! 

Aly gains 22 EXP, and +3 Hidden EXP! 

Sword Armor 3 tries to down the beast from range! 

[70, 93] 

The blade of wind easily misses, leaving Aly in prime position for an attack! Miss! 

Aly counters!

[46, 38] [92] 

Aly didn't need the 2nd blade, tossing the first one so well, that it landed in his forehead, sending him backwards. Critical! 39 damage total! Sword Armor 3 felled! 

Aly gains 22 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! 

78	2	46	99	63	41	17	7

+Str, Spd, Def, Res 

Fighter 3 tries his luck at distance with Ferid! 

[100, 65] The man throws his axe, but forgot to hang onto the weapon, sending it careening up into the air harmlessly. Miss! 

Ferid sighs, and fires twice. 

[4, 54], [65, 43] Two shots, one dead man. 60 damage! Fighter 3 felled! 

Ferid gains 5 EXP, and +6 Gun EXP 

Fighter 4 believes that he is cooler than Fighter 3! 

[25, 40]

Fighter 4 gets his axe on target actually, connecting with the elusive wolf for 8 damage! 

Ferid sighs, and fires again. 

[52, 56], [44, 86] Four shots, two dead men! 64 damage! Fighter 4 felled! 

Ferid gains 5 EXP, and +6 Gun EXP. 

Krauser finally acquired his weapons, and no sooner had he gotten them situated, he roared. His time had come. He was free. Free to live or die. Free to crush. Free to kill. Free to be killed. He ran out of the room, and scanned for the nearest enemy, eyes falling on the one who had scorched his face, the one who began his failure. "You. Die. Kill. I will kill."

Thief one opened a chest... and inside was an Angelic Robe! (Items that are stolen from chests will be reclaimed on the death of the thief, no matter how many items they have pilfered) 


Enemy Reinforcements have arrived, and more are on their way! 

Aly immediately charges in to attack Shaman 1! 

[11, 51] [41]

Aly barrels her way into the Shaman, and hacks away at the man, long after the first strike did him in. Critical! 63 damage!

Aly gains 18 EXP, and +2 Hidden EXP! 

Aly reaches B rank hidden!

Edit: I forgot to tally EXP for Renais rescuing Versaris. 

Renais gains 40 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP

Renais reaches level 9!

35	9	38	89	44	48	54	43

+HP, Str, Mag, Speed, Res!


Uprooting the UndergroundT5.png

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Things were getting real spicy. She could hear them both - Luthier, taunting her not-daughter-in-law, and Krauser, roaring like a mad asshole with a hate boner a mile long. Thank god he wasn’t coming this way; Nyx and Ullr alone wouldn’t be able to handle that big ol’ sausage-face.

With that in mind, Nyx decided to poke at someone she could definitely handle - a healer who they’d roped into their service. “Poor lad. Yer prob’ly not the same kinda asshole as Luthy n’ lads, n’yet yer gonna die all the same.”

Nyx moves to (19,14) and pops Priest 2 with her Iron Bow

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It looked like Syndra's words, along with Versaris', had their desired effect, Renais wasn't shaken by Luthier's taunt. While Alriana seemed to be mindlessly pursuing after Luthier, it wasn't something Syndra could do anything about, especially from where she was. The whole point of being stuck here in the first place. Still, Syndra was free now, and she did promise to catch right up to Nyxied once she was...

Syndra moves to 19-12

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"Hahh... R-Renais," Sari began, legs wobbling, but determination and training were doing everything they could to keep him standing, "I need you, to come with me and, h-heal Alriana. Okay?" He looked over at her, doing his best to smile. "I know, the state I'm in, but I can't leave her like that. You c-can fix me and Gean up after... Yeah?" Without waiting, he charged forward once more. And if you won't, I'll just have to keep doing everything I can, until my body refuses to move anymore.

Sari moves to 26,17

"Fantastic shot, Natalya. Keep it up..."

Laniva was beautiful. A truly powerful and resplendent knight, masquerading as a mercenary. "Hwahh..." She felt her heart rate speed up again, shaking her head and trying to focus. "A-Alright, Tanya, Ren has you!"

Syta to 9,27, equip Flux, heal Laniva

"Lani! Uhm! Great work! You're really cool and pretty and doing great!" She felt herself instantly slip and turn bright red, staring away at the floor immediately... The bellowing from further in had been completely lost on her, her cat based trance blocking out almost everything else.

Ren to 7,27, heal Tanya back to full

"Come on, get up now. We've still got plenty of fight left to fight."

Marigold spotted the armor coming up the stairs and dashed for him immediately, getting a bit lost in the carnage of it all... She took one big swing and cut deep into him! "Always hated, you armored fucks... Always, takes another, swing!"

Marigold to 1,21, Iron Axe crunch that armor

"Looks like it's time to go, then... Come on! Keep that child safe!" 

Alvira to 5,13

"Cinaed! Is everyone here!?" She could finally lay proper eyes on her draconic friend, a feeling of comfort beginning to fill her. "I heard fighting, so I broke myself out... Looks like it was right on time."

"She said Cinaed, right~?"

Lucretia to 6,18

"Guess you're a sight for sore eyes-- for me, too. I'm a friend, so I'll back you up! Came here along with Jeremiah, and he's got business with a lot of your members, if I'm remembering things right. Maybe I do too, CinCin~ You're certainly... Impressive." Lucretia winked as she finished speaking, eyes looking him over happily.

Miredy gently curled the child up into her arms and slithered along after Alvira and Lucretia. "Jane, what's your mother's name? And what are your favorite things? You're safe here, promise. So let's be friends, yes?"

Miredy moves to 4,12 with the spider child in tow

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Renais settled herself after that scream, she was still fairly emotional so she did her best to not say anything else. Now more than ever she had to find Mikoto, no matter what Luthier did to her. She turned to Sari as he forced a smile and told Renais to prioritize Aly over his own wounds. "...fine, but you're not to push yourself until after I tend to you too." He's been through too much, but the group still needed him. Still, Renais agreed that they had to keep Aly under control first, the last thing they needed was for her to continue her rampage into a grave. So she healed her from afar.

Renais moves toward 27, 15 to heal Aly with Mend thanks to Staff Technician.

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“RAAAGH” Gean’s scream was guttural as the armor’s blade tore through her shoulder, it's bite tearing through her soul. She could feel her consciousness tearing away, before there wasn't? The magic she could feel eating away at her was washed over by a warmth and there was a different magic there, a magic she knew well. Regaining her stance she looked the Armor head on. "Y-you, should've tried harder scum." Batting away his sword, there was another swing sending the armor flying.

There was a brief moment of using her axe as support while Gean tried to cling onto consciousness. Luckily the warmth hadn't faded- her necklace was still glowing. She had been in a situation like this before. Someone she knew was nearby, and she had a guess as to who it was. The battered mermaid scrambled next to Tasha. She was fighting just to stand but it was enough to talk, and probably swat this last armored pest. "Not to break tension or anything-" It hurt to breath still. "But I think I might have another face from the past here. Which is good for us. Probably. Fuck those weapons hurt!"

Gean to 24-17 and snipe Lance Armor 1 with a hand axe.

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Nyx shoots at Priest 2, maliciously this time. 

[85, 90], and [3, 93] 

Nyx feathered Priest 2 not giving him the chance to care for any of his allies. 36 Damage. Priest 2 felled! 

Nyx gains 34 EXP, and +3 Bow EXP! 

Syta, Ren, and Renais all heal their respective targets! (Syta to Lani, Ren to Tanya, and Renais to Aly) 

Syta heals Lani to full HP! (12 HP) 

Ren heals Tanya to full HP! (11 HP) Tanya is back to standing! 

Renais heals Aly using Staff Technician Mend, and heals Aly for 18 HP! 

Syta gains 11 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP 

Ren gains 11 EXP, and +2 Staff EXP 

Ren reaches level 8!

26	41	61	57	38	62	1	9

+HP, Spd, Def, Res 

Renais gains 19 EXP, and +3 Staff EXP

Marigold attacks the Bow Armor! 

[37, 36], [90, 45] 

Marigold's relentless assault brings the Bow armor low! 38 damage! Bow Armor 1 felled! 

Marigold gains 38 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP! 

Marigold reaches level 8!

37	66	42	7	50	22	57	78

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luck!

Aegean steadies herself, and attacks Lance Armor 1!

[59, 68], [75, 27

With renewed purpose, Aegean threw her axes at the armor, letting the first open her target up, and throwing the 2nd one as hard as she could to finish the job. It worked better than she could have hoped for and the man crashed to the floor. Critical! 92 damage in total! Lance Armor 1 Felled! 

Aegean gains 30 EXP, and +3 Axe EXP! 

Jeremiah glanced at the arriving defenders, "Just keep moving forward. I'll hold the rear, find Alvira's friends, and remain with them." Jeremiah chuckled as the 2nd dragon--Tamrir's son--was quickly addressed by Lucretia. As long as he was working with Alvira at this point in time, there was no need to worry about him, but once this all finished...

Jeremiah to 6, 12, Tempest Blade Equipped. 

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"Not everyone, the Evokers needed time to recover after... everything." Cin's fire flared as he remembered the attack, but he growled, forcing it back down before he continued. "Everyone else is here though. The commander is leading the group charging the front. I'm here with others to cover this exit. I'm, glad you're alive. We're getting you out of here and wiping every one of these scum out." He was getting ready to head in there, to see Alvira, when all of a sudden a pink and blue haired woman appeared in front of him, talking about Jeremiah, and reminding him all too much of his first time meeting Siorel. "Uhm. Yes, I'm Cinaed. I doubt you have any business with me. I'll go let the others know that you're an ally." He turned, quickly heading back towards the rest of the group, calling out as he did, "Alvira is here, along with some other prisoners and two allies. At least... for now. Jeremiah and a pink haired lady. He's guarding our rear, so we're good to keep pushing forward. Lets do this."


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"Grr..." It was time to take care of his wounds, they were mounting. Seeing his group focusing on engaging that monster in the distance on top of that made Üllr frustrated at his limits. He knew what that man did to Versaris and the others. Could he even land a hit. Damn it...

There was no time to try to get stronger, though, he had to find a way to help now, and he could think about it after his wounds were taken care of. Luthier was out of his league, but surely...


Üllr to (17,14), apply a vulnerary on himself.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Laniva took a deep breath as she felt the healing magic course through her, taking a heavy sigh as everything suddenly felt much better... looking over, only to see Syta struggling to make eye contact, all red... Ah, uhm... h-huh? Pretty...?

"U-Um, thanks, Syta..." She blushed slightly, faint thoughts taking hold in the background of her mind, though she was rather still feeling the fighting she'd just done rather intensely; and the next enemy wasn't far.

She gave Syta's shoulder a quick squeeze, turning her a little towards herself. "L-Listen. There'll be time for thinking about petting later... it's, not a very safe time for that, okay?" That... would have to do for now.

Laniva holds.

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Syta flinched, heavily, as Lani touched her shoulder, but her words confused her and shook her out of her moment. "Wh-- h-huh? Petting? I'm not-- Ahhh, f-forget it, uh... You're, you're right. I should focus. People still coming, gotta, gotta fight." She took a deep breath and flipped through her flux tome, swallowing hard. Focus, focus, focus! These people are monsters! They're trying to kill you! You can be starstruck after the battle!

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Tanya groaned, having to scramble to her feet mid-battle. Her tail, poking out from her armour, was all puffed up still, as she looked around her. “Gah… dammit. I really am out of practice.”

Tanya looked over and saw a healer she didn’t entirely recognize standing next to her. “Thanks. No time for introductions, though, right?” She gripped her lance, and held firm. Hopefully nothing would happen to make her regret that.

Tanya holds.

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"From seller to seller, far and wide...
You'd best be careful, always hide~
For when you think you're doing well...
The devil appears, at your side~
He'll sell you tales, lofty and grand...
Hold out a claw, ask to take your hand...
Don't take his offer, I'm sure you can tell...
He'll steal your soul, drag you down, to hell~"

Kise amused herself, since no one had come to speak with her ever since Luthier had stormed off. There had been some impressive flashes of magic, and Luthier's signature growing and shrinking, which could imply many things... She hoped it meant the worst for him. "Hahhhn, so bored... All these little songs can only keep my attention for so long. Luthiiiiieeeerrrrrr... Come baaaaaack... Aegeaaaannn, Renaaaaiiiiss... Save me, already~" She listlessly stared at the door, tugging at her restraints again. "They're getting looser, but I'm just too spent to rip them off. So bored... Heyyyy! Is there anyone across the hall!? Talk to me! I require stimulation or I'll go mad."

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"Ugh! Damn it!" Tasha just about managed to cover her eyes before getting them seared by the intense flash, but by the time she'd opened them up again, Luthier had pulled back out of her range... and he was still taunting them. Even having cut off one of Mikoto's tails, it looked like. Others were already getting Renais back up, and the man was retreating further, but she couldn't let that go without something to say herself. "Listen to the wounded man gloat how much better than everyone he is. You're a fucking joke, Luthier, getting hurt so badly by people you wouldn't spare a second thought torturing for being beneath you! We came here knowing we would probably die. But you know what? I'm not leaving without my gods damned girlfriend. Not like a cellar toad like you gives a horse's ass about principles!"

With a huff, the tiger focused back on replying to the two next to her. "That better be Jeremiah, or we're screwed. We only have so many chances of keeping him busy while I try to get more shots to land." She pulled the bolt on her rifle back and caught the unused round, topping up the magazine with a new one... and caught an eyeful of Cyro in the back as she began to move to support the charging Aly. Grrh... I'm coming for you, you bastard. Your boss is the bigger shitheel, but this is personal.

Natalya moves to 27-20.

One of the two axemen had actually managed to strike Ferid, not that he was particularly bothered by it. They'd lost their lives in return, and small wounds like that could easily be taken care of by himself, if not one of the healers... and with everyone else moving forward, he wasn't going to waste much more time dealing with the last approaching foe.

Ferid moves to 17-5, equips his Axereaver, and attacks Fighter 5.

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Ferid introduces Fighter 5 to his Axereaver! 

[25, 39]

The unusual weapon worked as intended, opening the fighter up, and then dispatching him with ease! 39 damage! Fighter 5 felled! 

Ferid gains 5 EXP, and +4 Lance EXP! 


The door to the cells opened, and the large man walked in as Kise's complaints of stimulation echoed out in the hall. The man walked in front of the cell, "You. Shut up, and get up." He quickly undid the lock to the cell, and started to move to undo her restraints. "Got to get you ready for transport. Make this easy will you?" He turned across the hall, "That goes for all of you too. More people will be back for you, but you'll be moving. I'm sure that you can hear the fighting outside." 

The two people across the way, one clouded--an older man--, and one human simply looked at one another. In truth, having to hear Luthier's work, and the sheer... nonchalance with which Kise acted had spooked the pair into silence. The feline simply nodded out of fear, while the human didn't respond and continued to stare at the wall. "Suit yourself. If you get killed before you get to where you're supposed to go, it's not my fault." The figure turned, a tired, bruised, feminine face looked at the man, "Then I'd finally be free."

Kise will be accosted, and will move on Enemy Phase with the Hero! If he escapes, Kise will leave the party! 

Luthier looked as Alriana simply charged after him, carving her way through an unsuspecting dark mage. With his wounds healed, and more of the tigers barking at him, he thought to make an example of her. His magic flared, and grew, the spell in his hand glowing much brighter than the Auras he had before. "Commander! Sub-Commander!" Luthier paused a moment, as he turned over his shoulder to see one of their men running towards them. "Speak quickly, I have trash to obliterate."

"S-sir. I know that you're aware that we're being attacked from both sides, but... Someone also led an attack through the catacombs. He and a pink haired woman."

"Then deal with them! I have no time to be fixing the mistakes of failures such as yourself!"

"Sir. The man was wearing a green jacket, and had a blindingly white sword. He cut through most Janus's corp without breaking a sweat. We can't handle someone of that--Sir?"

Luthier's eyes had nearly bulged out of his head, "... ... ...You said that he wore a green jacket, and had a white sword...? He... No... No that can't be... It wouldn't be... Did he have dark hair? Tell me. Tell me right now." 

"...Yes, sir. He had dark hair along with all that I mentioned. He's a swordsman unlike any I've seen before..."

"...Haha... Hahaha... Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Why? Why? Why is he here? Why is the Moonless Arbitrator here?! Why is he here of all times?!" Luthier's spell had dropped, his hands shivering for real as he thought of the demon approaching him. The white blade that carved through so many of his subordinates, and then his spell without any difficulty at all. The bored, yet furious look in the man's eyes as he seemed to appear and vanish from sight in an instant. "...Cyro. T-There is a change of plans. I, I must go and collect our research, and the important items, but you and I are leaving. We are abandoning this place. If he is here, then all is lost." The man put his head into his hands, "Haha... Fuck. Fuck!" He turned back to the messenger, "Where is he? Tell me where he is. Now." 

"He's... probably in the basement with the cells by now... He'll be a bit longer."

"Excellent. Tell me the others to salvage what they can and to flee to the caravans. You do not understand. That man symbolizes the end for us all. Take whatever these mercenaries do, and multiply it by thousands. No, no, no, no... Cyro, assume command for the moment. I must... go and prepare for our escape." Luthier hadn't even bothered to hide his terror at the news, his voice almost as loud as it could be, his skin almost turning pale--a far cry from his tanned grin--and visibly flustered. He didn't even spare the Tigers chasing a second look, before bolting to the stairs. 

"Wh-What?" Cyro had never seen Luthier like this, glancing back at the Tigers, then towards his boss, already leaving! "I, wh-what!? Luthier!" It was like he'd seen the worst ghost of his lifetime. Cyro had no idea who this man was, but if he was strong enough to scare off Luthier, then they stood no chance. "... Hold the Tigers back," he said to the soldier that had just arrived, turning towards the cells. "I shall make sure that the prisoners on this side are removed. That fox is too much of a prize to lose, even if we lose the rest."

"Yes, sir!"

Luthier is retreating! Cyro assumes command for the time being, and gains +1 Authority star! 

Gunner 3 takes aim at Tasha, realizing that she's holding the same weapon that he is! 

[97, 99] In his haste to get rounds down field, he fired almost incredibly far off target that it more impressive than actually hitting. Miss! 

Tasha returns fire! 


Eye of the Tiger Activates! 



Eye of the Tiger Activates


Since nailing Luthier with the first shot of her rifle, Natalya almost seemed to be moving faster, reacting to movements with pinpoint efficiency. She didn't bother moving when the man fired at her, already knowing that he was going to miss her, and simply lined up her shot. Her first shot was a shot that took the man's hand from his rifle, sending it, and several fingers clattering to the floor, and the 2nd, catching the man falling backwards, was between the eyes. 50 damage in total! Gunner 3 felled! 

Natalya gains 22 EXP, and +3 Gun EXP (And my goddamn heart, holy shit)

Bow Armor 3 engages the Lizard that his gunner partner didn't seem to pick up on! 

[34, 57]

The man took aim, and drew back as far as he could, and let loose a killer arrow into Alriana's side. The heal had brought her back to lucidity, enough to see the object of her rage and hatred fleeing with his tail between his legs, only to have a crunching arrow thrown into her side, and after Luthier's blast, and her beast filled rampage, she finally slid into unconscious. 20 damage! Alriana is downed! 

Alriana rolls a 7! -2 to Res for this map, and the next! 

Shaman 2 decides to try his luck with Syta! 

[33, 57] The Earthen Magics compress around Syta dealing 17 damage! 

Syta counters! 

[56, 31] Not to be outdone, Syta returns one gravity based spell with another, dealing 12 damage! 

Syta gains 14 EXP, and +1 Dark EXP! 

Cav 1 charges Miria with his Steel Lance! 

[27, 97] The sharpened steel pierces Miria's golden armor and deals 13 damage! 

Miria counters! 

[84, 10], and [79, 8] Miria's first attack is parried wide, but she corrects, and hits her second for 10 damage!

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP!

Cav 2 also joins the fray! 

[84, 91] But their blade of wind is just off the mark! Miss! 

Miria counters that as well!

[53, 66] Miria makes no mistake, and nails Cav 2 for 9 damage! 

Miria gains 12 EXP, and +1 Sword EXP! 

Miria reaches B rank Swords!

Miria also reaches level 9! 

27	19	24	12	42	48	72	16

+HP, Str, Skl, Spd!

Mage 4 engages Jeremiah! 

Delayed Casuality Activates! 

[65, 14] [70] 

Before the Mage can open the book and attack, the Mage found themselves rended by a tempest of wind, it was over so quickly that the man couldn't be sure of what happened, other than that he was not long for this world. Critical! 156 damage! 

Thief 2 opens a Chest that contains... a Barrier Staff! 

Krauser was about to charge in when he heard Luthier's voice from somewhere. He turned to see his commander... fleeing? From what? What would have the man darting away? 

Krauser stays put in confusion. 

Other enemies adjust their positions... 

A large number of reinforcements will arrive on the following turn. Be ready. 

Mastery Update: Rout All Enemies within 5 Turns of Luthier's retreat! Cyro is exempt from this count!


Uprooting the UndergroundT6.png

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