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Asian man's problem

Magical CC

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By comparsion, I would say the Japanese did worse.

The bombs from America instantly vaporize Japanese citizens, but some still felt the pain from radiation poisoning. Many suffered, but many also had quick deaths.

The Japanese tortured the Chinese. Instead of just killing them, they had to have their "fun" with them first, making games out of their killings.

My parents and grandparents might exaggerate some details, but I don't find the information in books and history shows to be misleading. There were pictures and old videos showing what the Japanese did.

I suggest you read "The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II". You might learn something.

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And you are one stubborn boy.

I'm saying the Chinese suffered more. In the end, both are dead, but the Chinese had to die in a more painful way because the Japanese prefer to torture them before killing them.

I never said all the Japanese were bad people. I have no idea where you got that idea from. I'm stating that the Japanese soldiers' actions were cruel.

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You are saying one side is worse and such. You are saying every soldier did that and that other soldiers such as U.S. ones never did that when there's a high chance it happened.

You want to pin the blame on them and make it sound like they are horrible people. Say what you want to justify yourself, but the fact is you've only said that they are bad and that they've done it all. I don't care what you say, but you are sounding and acting like that, period.

And I'm saying this again, it doesn't matter who died more painful or whatever bullshit that you think it was like. No one knows what a more painful death is, no one, you know why? because you die when you figure it out and can't document it, that is all there is to it, period. The end fact is, both are dead, No matter who (In your Biased opinion) suffered more, they are dead, and the same dead.

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Well, I can say not all Japanese soldiers commit those war crimes. And I don't know why you even dragged the American soldiers into this debate.

Yes, I do want to prove their actions are horrible because it is horrible. Cutting up innocent people is horrible.

It's common sense who felt more pain, don't you know? Imagine yourself lying in the street with your arm cut off, bleeding to death. Wouldn't it hurt? Of course it will. It doesn't need to be "documented" because any person with common sense will know that having a limb sliced off will hurt.

A person who is instantly gone might or might not have felt pain, but their suffering was quick. They were gone. They have nothing left of themselves. How can a person feel pain if there's no trace of their body left?

However, the ones who survived the bomb had to suffer with radiation poisoning. They also had to suffer long, lasting pain even though they might not deserve it.

My point is that the Japanese's actions against China were more cruel than what the Americans did to Japan.

Again, I never said the entire population of Japanese people are horrible. I'm saying what the Japanese soldiers did the Chinese are horrible.

I have friends who are Japanese and even they agree the Japanese soldiers' action were wrong. I don't blame them for what their older generations did because they have no fault in that.

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Of course not, dear Phoenix. You just like the girls. XD

I've been seeing you post lots of things about them. Good thing I'm not Japanese or you'll never leave me alone. >_>

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Well, I can say not all Japanese soldiers commit those war crimes. And I don't know why you even dragged the American soldiers into this debate.

Yes, I do want to prove their actions are horrible because it is horrible. Cutting up innocent people is horrible.

It's common sense who felt more pain, don't you know? Imagine yourself lying in the street with your arm cut off, bleeding to death. Wouldn't it hurt? Of course it will. It doesn't need to be "documented" because any person with common sense will know that having a limb sliced off will hurt.

A person who is instantly gone might or might not have felt pain, but their suffering was quick. They were gone. They have nothing left of themselves. How can a person feel pain if there's no trace of their body left?

However, the ones who survived the bomb had to suffer with radiation poisoning. They also had to suffer long, lasting pain even though they might not deserve it.

My point is that the Japanese's actions against China were more cruel than what the Americans did to Japan.

Again, I never said the entire population of Japanese people are horrible. I'm saying what the Japanese soldiers did the Chinese are horrible.

I have friends who are Japanese and even they agree the Japanese soldiers' action were wrong. I don't blame them for what their older generations did because they have no fault in that.

Everything Done is horrible, but you are only blaming Them. Why aren't you saying what the Americans did was horrible? Did you agree with it? Did you agree with the Nazis?

And no, you are wrong. You don't know if having your entire destroyed, burned, ect ect. The pain COULD be worse than your ARM being lost which people can LIVE from. and you have to think of the after effects. Unless you are some exception, I don't think children would enjoy watching their mothers and fathers die when they are young?

Look I'm done arguing this. Fact is you are trying to pin the blame on one type of person and thus are being racist, Regardless of who did what, you are making ONE type of person look bad. You aren't making anyone but THEM sound bad and saying THEY did the worse. Period end of story. I'm not posting again, so make your witty retort already.

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If it satisfies you, I will say what the American did was horrible. So did the Nazis, even though they are not part of this debate. I am saying what the Japanese did are more horrible than what the Americans did. That doesn't mean the America's wasn't horrible either.

Having my entire "what" destroyed, burned, etc? That makes no sense.

How can I enjoy watching anybody dying in front of me? I never said I did and I doubt I ever will.

Did I ever say I hate Japanese people? No. All I said was that I hate what the Japanese soldiers did to the Chinese. There's a difference. Only you failed to see such a difference. Do not blame me for things that you failed to see, even though I clearly stated I have no hate for Japanese people.

You are an ignorant person, not being to understand the difference between hating the people and hating the actions. You can't come up with an arguement so all you do is repeat the same thing over and over, saying that I'm "hating the Japanese".

You are wrong. So very wrong. I suggest you actually read instead of repeating yourself over and over for things I have already explained to you.

On a lighter note, I really enjoyed debating with you. I really like debates and I always find it fun to argue. Thank you for the entertainment. ;D

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Of course not, dear Phoenix. You just like the girls. XD

I've been seeing you post lots of things about them. Good thing I'm not Japanese or you'll never leave me alone. >_>

Yeah that's true. I can't help it! What should I do? :(

Also while I do not like Nazis I will still be mimiking them from time to time. Germans are fine though.

Also while I do not like over patriotic and somewhat ignorant stereotypical Americans I will still be mimiking them from time to time.

Also while I do like Japanese people, girls especially, I will not be mimiking them at all. Just posting nice things about them.

Also while I do not like thoughtless murder and starting wars I will still be pretending that I do from time to time.

Also while I know this is getting old I will still post a couple more.

Also while I know people are serious about stuff like sexism and racism, I will be pretending that they don't from time to time.

Also while I do like doing this over and over again, I will still stop now since I'm out of ideas.

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