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Character Cup - Finisjt


Just for fun poll  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one

    • Alvis
    • Sigurd
  2. 2. Pick one

    • Marth
    • Alm
    • Celica
    • Sigurd
    • Celice
    • Leaf
    • Roy
    • Lyn
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
  3. 3. Pick one

    • Sigurd
    • Soren
    • Tibarn

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Not really, if you use your personal weapons sparingly.

I recall using it only for Halvan's Brave Axe in the final chapter.

Oh really.

Fin is not that good capturer without the Hero Lance(wich you're going to use for that objective a lot early game),and until you get the Puji in chapter 16A(or B, dunno what is what), if you get, that is, you will have used at least 2 times the Hammerne.

And there's the Thief Staff.

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Hurray, Fin is still standing :)

Oh really.

Fin is not that good capturer without the Hero Lance(wich you're going to use for that objective a lot early game),and until you get the Puji in chapter 16A(or B, dunno what is what), if you get, that is, you will have used at least 2 times the Hammerne.

And there's the Thief Staff.

I have used Hammerne maybe once in 5-10 playthroughs.

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I have used Hammerne maybe once in 5-10 playthroughs.

Ok, this shit is all about personal experience, we shouldn't talk about it :P

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It's not personal experience. You will rarely ever need to use Hammerne.

Personal experience in how much you use the personal weapons.

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I'm on Chap 9 and my Light Sword has about 10 uses left.

I raped it :[

Why, when Ishtar was an annoying bitch with Torhammer whenever we saw her?

Because she is awesome, goddess tier asthetically and should have been recruitable.

Like Arion.

But better.

Torhammer also has the best looking map view.

Edited by Drayano
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Your units are going to have very little trouble in killing things anyway - personal weapons aren't needed THAT much.

In Asvel's first 4,3 stages, you're going to need it.

The Puji you might use, as you get other later(and it pretty much 1HKO everything)

Fin needs the Brave Lance for capturing, and the Dragon Lance is quite essencial for Dean.

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Because she is awesome, goddess tier asthetically and should have been recruitable.

Truer words have never been said.

Oh look, Finn is winning! 0:

Edited by TheEnd
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Oh my god. Fin actually won, and with just one vote (12 vs 11 votes, that's the closest score yet). Alvis, the winner of the intermission poll, is out.

The new vote with another bluehead vs redhead, lord vs archer:

Current vote:



Game: 4

The main character of FE4's first part and Selis' dad.


Game: 9, 10

A master archer with the Greil Mercenaries. One of the veterans of the group, he strongly hates Laguz and Ike, whom he thinks is a bad commander. He is known to have trained Rolf in the arts of archery, along with deserting the Mercs only to come back with them in Daein when Ike beat him in duel, along with some convincing from Rolf. He is good friends with Gatrie and enjoys drinking.

Please don't kill me anyone, but I vote Shinon.

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Anyways, I go with Sigurd. I'd take the tragic hero of Part 1 of FE4 over some drunken sniper any day.

Edited by Edgard Varése
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