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Here's what I gathered from this article: https://topics.nintendo.co.jp/article/961fc100-f51d-4a6f-8267-3480119a4224?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=20221122&utm_campaign=topic



Sigurd's Engage Skill "Gallop" increase Alfred's movement from 6 to a whooping 13! Although in the first trailer, Gallop has a "type bonus" with Alfred, so maybe Calvary's type characters get more movement bonus



Celica's Engage Skill "Singing in part (tentative name)" let you attack twice with half might for each attacks. As seen here, Citrinne has a Thoron equipped, and looks like it has at least 3 range max. She's also in Sage class.



The new character here, Pandro, which is in the High Priest Class, can use staff, tome and body art. "High Priest" is likely the promotion of Monk. He's also using an Elthunder +1, whch confirms weapon forging is back. Lastly, the long-awaited Emblem Leif is on the far left of the picture.



Byleth's Engage Skill, "Guidance" increase stat for surrounding allies for one turn. Here Guidance increase 10 luck for allies in 2 spaces. The new character, Seadas, is a dancer and can use body art (PUNCHING DANCER!). Also, Byleth's weapon (the one with blue background) seems to be Rafail Gem.

Byleth's Engage Technique, "Strategy: Dance of the Goddess", refreshes all adjacent allies, and increase their stat.




Corrin's Engage Skill, "Dragon Vein", gives additional effect to terrain.

In the first picture, she gives "Water" effect, which gives -30 avoid. The new character, Bonne, is a Great Knight, yet uses Sword. Also, Quicksand gives -3 movement

In the second picture, she gives "Healing" effect. Hortensia's weapon is a +1 forced Elfire. However, the symbol besides it is different from Pandro's forged weapon. And there are yellow and purple particles on the map, presumably the same as the Online feature in 3 houses



Corrin's Engage Technique, "Dragon Fang Cannon", attacks 3 tiles and give "Water" effect to them.



Lyn's Engage Skill, "Afterimage", creates 4 afterimages that acts as decoys, and can also support in "Chain Attack". Louis has a Silver Greatlance + 1 (with no symbol besides it) and is in General class. General only has 4 movement though, while looks like other infantry promoted classes have 5



Lyn's Engage Technique, "Astra Barrage" (thanks whoever comes up with this cool translated name), can attacks from really far away with a bow 5 times. The enemy here is called "Artificial One" and use Flame Breath

Engage wears off after 3 turns, but attacking fills up the gauge again

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48 minutes ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

I saw Alcryst has Failnaught when Engaged with Byleth and Amyr on Alear so Claude, Edelgard and Dimtri deconfirm as DLC?

I think Byleth just gives Hero's Relic as his weapons. I think I saw Sword of the Creator, Rafail Gem and Vajra-Mushti too

Edited by kienquocsi
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Jesus this is a lot of information what the hell.

Here I though Engage was gonna be a back to basics FE but there is so much here. Thank fuck there are only 12 Emblems cause even with a cool down, they seem op af. Will be very interesting to attempt Emblem-less playthroughs

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41 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

I think Byleth just gives Hero's Relic as his weapons. I think I saw Sword of the Creator, Rafail Gem and Vajra-Mushti too

Makes sense he reps his game so it’s nice most relics that aren’t the main ones get represented here.

lol yeah Engaging seems fun and absolutely broken can’t wait!

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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Dang, I tried to do too much at once (also sorry about the weird things in that other post, it's too long the site blocks any editing) and now I'm slacking !:D

51 minutes ago, Armchair General said:

 Also.found this, an minute ago


Good thing I had some free time today...
Okay so... Blue tome from the other video seems to be Elwind, weird... And Ivy is definitely quite strong... also, she has 3 range with Elfire, which is shown in her inventory as 1-2 range. Maybe her skill, maybe her class.
Edit: Correction from kienquocsi, Elthunder is 1-3 range, hence the displayed range.

Beyond that she has a Physic staff, hence the green range.
Also I notice a Hortensia video as well. Though by the time I'm done writing... tell you what, I'll edit.

Same class as Ivy, which I can't quite translate. She's a magic/staff flier just like her, except on a pegasus instead. Same movement of 5. Same 3 range with a 1-2 range tome. Not too much to say.
Edit: Correction from kienquocsi, Elthunder is 1-3 range and they both have it.

Edited by Cysx
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1 minute ago, Cysx said:

Dang, I tried to do too much at once (also sorry about the weird things in that other post, it's too long the site blocks any editing) and now I'm slacking !:D

Good thing I had some free time today...
Okay so... Blue tome from the other video seems to be Elwind, weird... And Ivy is definitely quite strong... also, she has 3 range with Elfire, which is shown in her inventory as 1-2 range. Maybe her skill, maybe her class.


Elfire still only has 2 range, as seen later. The 3 range is from her Elthunder, which can be seen from Hortensia's video

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2 minutes ago, kienquocsi said:

Elfire still only has 2 range, as seen later. The 3 range is from her Elthunder, which can be seen from Hortensia's video

Right you are, thanks!

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Seems like we have a second icon for offensive staves which is interesting. 

Also, I dunno if someone already mentioned it but it seems like weapon ranks are locked since Alear consistently has B rank swords which again will really add to gameplay I feel since we wont have to weapon xp grind.

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I actually did the analysis some hours ago

3 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

They really go all out huh

- The Solm siblings' class is "Vigilant"

- The Elusian princesses' class is "Tamer"

- Timerra has a Silver Lance, an Iron Great Lance (?), a Killer Lance and a Spear in her inventory

- Fogato has a Silver Bow and a Killer Bow in his inventory. Desert maps are back, but sand does not slow down movement. Quicksand does though.

- Ivy has an Elfire, a Physics, an Elthunder, an Elwind (which is effective against flyer), and a Mend in her inventory

- Hortensia has an Elthunder, an Elwind, a Mend, a Physic, and a new (?) staff called "Collapse". Of note, Elthunder has 1-3 range and cannot double. Also, she has both red and green staff symbol

- Looks like fort gives unbreakable effect (as seen in Ivy's clip)

- Zephia is in Ivy's clip, and she can use Overdrive. The prompt on the right tells that the expected Overdrive damage will be 19

- In case you missed it, big monsters that take 4 tiles are back. 


That's all I found in battle clips for now. I may update this post as I find out more.


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Gotta say….I can’t believe all that predicted to come December came THIS early?! Now I wonder what they have in store then Somniel hub overview  trailer? Unless we’re getting that quick as well that’s all there is left besides characters bios hopefully no more story stuff which I doubt will happen we’re literally almost there!

Edited by Chloé Waifu Supremacy
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Okay, watched all the footage. Gotta say, I'm starting to warm up to (some of) the character designs.  There are at least 7-8 characters that I feel good about. The desert siblings are especially cool.

So far, the music is really good. But that's not surprising, IntSys' composers are doing a terrific job since Fates.

Anyway, they showed a lot a new maps, I screenshotted some I found interesting:







































Nice to have a ship map again.

Anyway, I a good mix of maps with different bioms. I found map 2, 7 & 9 especially interesting.

2 has all these tents with enemy units guarding the front across the map. It would be nice if the objective was like in Radiant Dawn 3-3, where you had to set a few enemy camps on fire.

7 & 9 are interesting, because you can't see what's going on in the rooms until you open the doors. It's not FoW per se, but still a nice challenge.

I assume 9 is an escape mission, because of the green tiles at the right corner of the map.

Map 7 on the other hand has green tiles at the starting point. I assume the mission here is to let green units escape from there (you can see at least one green unit in the middle of the map).

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Wrong thread ...

Don't know if that's been reported yet, but the official site has an additional country beneath all the others :

Gradoron. The country where the Fell dragon lives, in a nutshell.

Sorry if I missed someone bringing this up already.

Edit : The symbol is the one in the Four Hounds' background also.

Edited by Cysx
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I was wondering if the dark area by Lythos would ever be acknowledged. The fact it and Lythos are in such close proximity, kinda gives a bit of credence that maybe Alear could have some connection to the demon dragon tribe and the fell dragon.

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6 minutes ago, Cysx said:

Wrong thread ...

Don't know if that's been reported yet, but the official site has an additional country beneath all the others :

Gradoron. The country where the Fell dragon lives, in a nutshell.

Sorry if I missed someone bringing this up already.

Edit : The symbol is the one in the Four Hounds' background also.

Cool, thank you!

4 minutes ago, Azz said:

I was wondering if the dark area by Lythos would ever be acknowledged. The fact it and Lythos are in such close proximity, kinda gives a bit of credence that maybe Alear could have some connection to the demon dragon tribe and the fell dragon.

And very interesting, thank you for raising the point too!

I just jumped back in to wonder aloud if monsters/ bosses would recharge the Engage bar faster, since we only saw a regular enemy fill one bar of seven. And maybe the bar could get smaller through Bond Levels or other parameters too?

Also, I wonder if these Emblems are being shown in the order we get them:

Marth, Sigurd, Celica being first; and either Lyn, Byleth and Corrin OR Ike, Roy and Lucina next, with Micaiah (seen in the debut trailer) and Leif (seen here) thrown in somewhere in the second set.

...I know Micaiah and Leif only got really brief glimpses (and I'm surprised Micaiah hasn't gotten any special focus to be honest), but I'm also a little upset that we still haven't seen Eirika. Though it was a miracle she was chosen over Ephraim in the first place, so as a fan I'll take the win where I can 😛

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Thanks for the screenshots @Ziegenpeter

Is it me or do the inside maps look a LOT better than the outside ones ? It's like they shrank everything on the outside maps (tiny towers, tiny trees, tiny rocks) but left the characters the same size so they look terribly out of place. I suppose they're trying to make the outside maps look bigger, but I'm not sure it's doing a great job.


How I'd love to have varied map objectives à la PoR and RD. I really enjoy defence scenarios...

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Mentioned it in the other topic about the new trailer but thought I'd mention it here too. 

I was having a look at the trailer and the Marth tweets again and I believe I found out what those floating things we see on engaged units are, they are based off of your unit type.

Alear has a special pair of wings (presumably based on divine dragon wings), backup units, like Vander is for some reason in the twt screenshit have a sword, lance and axe on their back, cavalry seem to have what looks like jet propellers, mystic units seem to just have glowing circles, armoured units have shields. I didn't really see what one stealth units have since the footage of Alcryst engaged with Byleth is unclear and I didn't actually notice anything with qijong units when Framme was engaged with Marth.

Just thought it was worth mentioning since I did see on twt, the official account did mention a unit's type does affect if you get a style bonus while engaged (like how cavalry work better with Sigurd) 

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9 hours ago, KoriCongo said:

And Framme seems to struggle to Break the Axe Armor, so more confirmation that it is tied to Weapon Ranks.

I don't know, we've seen armor knights not being broken several times by now. I think the common theory is that it's just one of their traits this time around.

9 hours ago, ciphertul said:

So I can with confidence say I truly doubt reclassing to be here. If the emblem have that effect then more then likely will stay unique to them. I can’t wait to watch this after work.

Engaging is one thing, but it would be pretty weird if Vander had to change class just to equip Marth's ring, since he's already an axe fighter before he engages here.

8 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

- Looks like fort gives unbreakable effect (as seen in Ivy's clip)

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to, can you be more precise?

8 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Zephia is in Ivy's clip, and she can use Overdrive. The prompt on the right tells that the expected Overdrive damage will be 19

You're right... looking at the minimap she's probably that bigger enemy to the northeast; she's 9 spaces away at the farthest, so with 6 move plus Overdrive moving you four spaces ahead, I guess that works... The implications are very interesting, though.

8 hours ago, Chloé Waifu Supremacy said:

Can we appreciate the music used in the new video I’m getting Conqest/Road taken vibes from it I’m willing to bet it’s gonna be one of THOSE themes!!!

My focus was on the gameplay, but you're totally right, the new themes are awesome. Glad I was wrong to worry.

6 hours ago, kienquocsi said:

Vander is an Axe Fighter in that footage. The next scene confirms it.

About the blond cavalier, I think that's just Alfred

Yeah, I may have worded it wrong, but that was an affirmation.

I don't know about it being Alfred, I guess they could be wearing a different outfit...? Though looking at that cavalier in other footage, their horse doesn't look like that. Unless they're promoted or something, you're right, it isn't them.

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Vander being an axe fighter could be a debug thing maybe? I mean, in the past for a SoV trailer we did see Silque as a Sage using Excalibur so it could easily have been a debug thing. The only other reason could be that reclassing is very much a thing but idk. It's very weird.

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