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Three Houses Quiz


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To save people the trouble of downloading the linked image, it's a "what house are you" personality test back from around the time of release, not a 3H trivia quiz.  (Which is too bad, I'd be down for a trivia quiz, although now that 3 Hopes is out, it'd probably have new obscure material to incorporate.)

(Also, not to be a killjoy, but I think those tests made more sense pre-release to build hype.  Now that the game has been out for years, you can figure out your "house" just by playing the game, rather than a personality test.  Notably, Adrestrian Empire / Black Eagles is a particularly difficult house to quiz on because of the route split and the fact that Adrestrian society is rather split - your Dorotheas & your Ferdinands are both Adrestrians but not really on the same page, at least at the start of the game, even if they'll both end up on Byleth's side in the end.)

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5 hours ago, SnowFire said:

To save people the trouble of downloading the linked image, it's a "what house are you" personality test back from around the time of release, not a 3H trivia quiz.  (Which is too bad, I'd be down for a trivia quiz, although now that 3 Hopes is out, it'd probably have new obscure material to incorporate.)

I am halfway tempted to make an actual Three Houses trivia quiz now. That sounds like fun. (Though it wouldn't have any Three Hopes stuff in it if I do, since I've not played that.)

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