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Teehee Madness 2 - Full 3DS Linked Ironman!

Codename Shrimp

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Niles has 10 Str for a total of 19 Atk I'm sure generic Outlaws.

That looks like my own Niles. I'm sure generic outlaws in Birthright are more threatening than that. God, Fates killers are ass (he'd be more threatening with the Silver Yumi he has on him).

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


She's... Tatiana for you. Yeah that''d be problematic, but what use is Fortify if you don't have more than two units to heal?.

Fun fact, on my hard Blitzkrieg run in which I moronically didn't keep track of turns and had close to 200 to spare by the end my Tatiana didn't actually get enough experience to use fortify on the final map.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I get why they're in a ninja den, it's underhanded "trickery", but not having these on an open field of battle is slightly strange, considering caltrops were meant to stop cavalry.

To be fair this is a game that allows indoor horses.


12 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I personally go for the +Mov guy earlier on.

He really was just a capture of opportunity.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Kaze cap'd stength after last time. Time to promote.

Kaze's strength cap is really 15 unpromoted? No wonder I always drop the goober.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Laslow with the exact crit kill

Beautiful work Laslow


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I think this might be the best Niles lvlup i've ever gotten, and y'all know how much i played Fates

That is kinda sad.


15 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



Never fucking punished. I almost caused our ironman to end xD

Phew...that was close.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Good to see this one wasn't too hairy for you. The tight confines I suppose keep it from being the most challenging of CQ battles.

I probably over-prepared, as I always feel that this map is over once you secure a beachhead outside the first contained chamber.


On 2/9/2023 at 9:28 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Felicia survived a Fighter with 2 HP b/c I was being stupid on Turn 7.😬 (Maybe typing this while playing isn’t the best idea.)

Ironmanning wile distracted is a scary prospect at times.


On 2/9/2023 at 9:28 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Ice Tribe for Birthright is… weird. Sure, just hide all the enemies except the boss! Makes prepping for this not so easy if you can’t see what you’re fighting in advance. Same team as before, but I ditched Setsuna and brought back Takumi with his one-chapter absence over. No tonics were applied, no items purchased.

It has a very Revelations feel to that one doesn't it.


On 2/9/2023 at 9:28 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

…And then I realize on Turn 4 that you have to use the DV or fliers b/c ice crystals block the northern path.😐

Oh, that is an awkward realization to have so late into the map.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I messed around with KageroxJakob on Rev once. I decided to the same via SaizoxFelicia here. It works well for both of the servants, taking advantage of their unique early skill acquisition, whilst the Ninja line avoids the reclassing E rank weapon problem Awakening and Fates. Felicia has been great with Replicate and Shurikenfaire; nobody can have enough raw offense to replicate the effects of the first skill, 2x actions per turn can't be imitated, you either have it or you don't.

I kinda regret not doing something similar with Kaze-Felicia now, as it was probably a good way of using late Felicia. Then again I rarely mess around much with reclassing.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


It was mindless, some of my army was literally invincible, those who weren't like Saizo, Ryoma and Takumi and even Reina can survive an enemy phase no problem. Only Felicia, Sakura, and Orochi needed to be positioned properly to stay safe. I also kept away from Leo's attack range, killing him terminates this fight.

I hate this snooze-fest of a map for this very reason.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I choose to “play” this “map”

The " " make this one of the best description of this "map"


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


The presence of destructible terrain that the AI loves to destroy means things don’t go exactly as you’d expect.

I know exactly what you mean, seeing as I had a bit of extra time today unexpectedly, which let me get through Invasion 2, which I mostly did to get my boy Odin to promotion before I started chapter 18, which has all promoted enemies on it.

Speaking of which Invasion 2


First for some preps, first I go for the


Double defense meal, as it would be embarrassing to lose a unit on an optional map like this


Other than missing Odin in the list, it was a solid meal for this map. Instead of rerolling the meal I just give Odin a defense tonic to cover that, and then add a magic and speed tonic simply due to the fact that he is the lowest level unit on the map.


Leaving trusty Rusty behind was a difficult decision to make, but Invasions are just so low on deployment slots.


The starting deployment is critical, and one of the big things I want for my opening gambit is ensuring


That Odin is involved (and thus gets experience for) every kill on his side of the map.


And it nets him a near perfect levelup. Shame he missed the defense gain in there, but its hard to complain


Needless to say the other side is wiped out fairly easily.


At least the enemy split up while they advance on us, and the boss hiding an entrap staff in the back is staying still, although that is a far number heading Odin's way. I let them get a little closer before I act.


The right side is real easy as there are no staff to mess me up, so I prepare Silas for some enemy phasing (but they decide to dig up that grave stone instead).


I play things safer on the staff side of things...


The enemy's strange obsession with attacking building has made this far easier, with the freeze user attacked the building at range (as the one those tow are adjacent to is one of the invincible ones). Honestly I am baffled by the paired Merchent here, as he couldn't even reach a valid space to attack the building from, but his nonsense move made this much easier.


Niles gets a meh levelup wipes these guys out, but in the end


Taking out all the dangerous one was real easy.


And without all the enemies to distract me, and with the help of the Dark Dragon statue chipping him, killing the merchants is easy enough that Odin can pull it off without help


For a passable levelup on him for his last unpromoted level.


Beruka can even take down the silly staffer that stayed behind to break a building.


I will note that some Great Knight reinforcements joined in the boss area, so I don't end up moving the folks on the right, so that the nearest of them is equidistant from the boss to best split the enemy forces through baiting.


Which does kinda work, as two of the Great Knights are heading in Odin directions. I should have been expecting the reinforcements from the flanks, but I wasn't, although


A Silas pairup gives Elise the move she needs to kill one, and


Niles can kill the other just fine.


Odin also promotes. It is a same that Dark Knights can't use Nosferatu, as otherwise I would pick that for Odin.


Unfortuately I can't reach the Wyvern reinforcements on this side, but I will both try to lure them in with Soleil, and make sure Beruka can reach the throne before them just in case. I also try to lure in the Great Knights with TeeHee


But they decide to try and cross the mountains...to attack statues on a future turn? I don't understand their actions really. I guess that lets me grab a free promoted kill with Odin after pairing with TeeHee to reach one.


Unfortunately the Wyverns on the left aren't cooperating with me, and in retrospect I shouldn't have pulled back as much with the forces on the right, as


I decide to go on the offensive with them before these destroyable building confusing the AI too much to anticipate. This was made more difficult by how far away I was, but after wiping this guy out I can have my infantry pair with the rest of the cavs to first kill


The boss with Mozu for a bad levelup, and


I can transfer Niles over to Charlotte for better accuracy to get


The kill on one of the maids hiding mounted effective weapons in the back. If I had missed here things might have been a bit spicy for Silas, but that would have required the enemy to do things with weapon management, and entrap staff use that I don't think they could manage.


Finally I have Beruka claim the throne, as those Wyverns can't really break her, and if they Lunge her off the throne, she can just lunge her way back onto it.


Odin wipes out the other Great Knight, and all that is left are the two Wyverns, and two maids, and while one of the maids has a cavalry effective weapon, the only way it could reach my only nearby cav (Silas) would be with the help of the other maid's entrap staff,


But the entrap wielder instead decides to do 0 damage to Silas. To be fair he is the only one with 1 range.


Charlotte gets a very Charlotte level while wiping out one maid, and Silas gets a great little one killing the other.


Beruka meanwhile shows the Wyverns why lunging onto the throne isn't going to work against me


And can even kill it while she is at it for a great little levelup.


And Beruka will end up killing the other in her little game of Lunge around the throne before anyone else manages to reach.

And that was a successful little trip, nobody dead, and Odin promoted.

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We're all at the checkpoints right? Well I think that means we can move forward.....

No wait, 18CQ still. Probably should be fine.

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Let's use this Fates average stats calculator. And go conservative with level 15/0 averages with default classes all the way (children in C18 come at 20/0 without an Offspring Seal, so this would appear to be low.):

  • Corrin (+Lck -Spd for a neutral Def growth)- 12 Def + Dragonstone = 16, + Tonic = 18. 3 Damage taken per hit.
  • Hinoka- 11 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 18. 3 Damage taken per hit. (You can have two Guard Naginatas by this point, Hinoka brings one, you can buy the other.)
  • Silas- 14 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 21.
  • Oboro- 15 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 22.
  • Subaki- 13 Def + Guard Naginata + Tonic = 20.
  • Ryoma- His base Def is 16 - 1 b/c katana use (unless you hand him the Steel Sword Silas defected with) + 2 from Tonic = 17, 4 damage taken when he has 36 HP. Pair him with a lower-level unit for another +2 Def from Bushido. He ought to dodge a few hits too.
  • Scarlet- 22 base Def. Only the Nohrboys bother her.
  • Rinkah- 17 Def + Tonic = 19. (She is more likely to be used as a Defensive Stance backpack. Oni Savage is +2 Def, she provides another point with C-rank Support.)
  • Hinata- 14 Def - 1 (katana) + Tonic = 16.

In all fairness, this isn't the biggest example, but it's telling that I never feel like someone like Subaki would be that reliable for that lol using tonics which wouldn't be helping matters, not to mention the sense that I'd screw it up somehow if I didn't play this easier chapter with the aim of getting close to the real targets. I'd probably consider Saizo too for this knowing me, but me being bad at Fates is well established by now

17 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lunatic would likely bump up the Faceless Atk and Spd a little, yet it was never enough for me to not remark on the sheer ease of this map.

You can also make a box along the edge of this map and benefit from Gentilhomme/Demoiselle/Quiet Strength (Sakura) for another -2/4 damage taken, the Faceless can't hadoken or rocket punch to attack your barricaded squishes at range 2. A box also makes it more perfectly fine to place Saizo or Azama (13 Def + Tonic = 15 for both of them at 15/0; Hayato can reach 15 with a purchased Horse Spirit and Tonic only 23 HP pre-Tonic though) since they can survive 2 or 3 hits in a single turn just fine and be healed the next. You wouldn't necessarily even need a closed box on all sides, as Faceless aren't terribly mobile and they only emerge from poison marshes.

  I don't think it does actually, BR doesn't increase stats often for enemies and the other wiki doesn't show non-HP stat changes in that chapter.

I suppose I'm thinking like I'd do even worse, but then again my last experience playing BR was 12/13 Lunatic and 48 displayed Atk on Xander is a horror show.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Kaze's strength cap is really 15 unpromoted? No wonder I always drop the goober.

Mine always hits the cap, then tends to keep going after that, but 25 in Master Ninja is unfortunate.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I probably over-prepared, as I always feel that this map is over once you secure a beachhead outside the first contained chamber.

That is certainly a point I haven't considered, but it would explain why I've gotten a bit used to that map I suppose.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


At least the enemy split up while they advance on us, and the boss hiding an entrap staff in the back is staying still, although that is a far number heading Odin's way. I let them get a little closer before I act.

Some good use of your buildings, Wind Tribe good.

5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


And Beruka will end up killing the other in her little game of Lunge around the throne before anyone else manages to reach.

Least that worked out, with Lunge not causing an instant game over it was somewhat inevitable.

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14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Kaze's strength cap is really 15 unpromoted? No wonder I always drop the goober.

Ninja has the second lowest Str cap in the game, 17, only Troubadour is lower at 16. Kaze has -2 to his Str cap, whereas Saizo and Kagero are +1 and +3. This said, Kaze's Str growth is 40%, which is entirely average, if 10-25% lower than his natural competitors.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It has a very Revelations feel to that one doesn't it.

Now that you mention it, it does. Weirdness that doesn't exactly gel into a true challenge. It falls into the canyon between Birthright's simplification/lack of design and Conquest's intricate map designs. Looking over the next map, it definitely fall into that flawed Revelation territory.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I kinda regret not doing something similar with Kaze-Felicia now, as it was probably a good way of using late Felicia. Then again I rarely mess around much with reclassing.

Understandable. Unless you use MyCastle visits, your Heart Seal supply is very limited for more than half the game. Friendship Seals are also quite limiting, if less so with Partner Seals. And even with WiFi, each seal costs money, which is limited without the grinding DLC.

Then you run into the second issue- E-rank weapon ranks. Considering 11&12's minimum Ds & Cs were too good, I get why Awakening and Fates moved away from it. Yet without forged Bronze/Brass, it makes reclassing just to grab certain skills more bothersome. -And that skill better not be 20/15 one b/c you'll barely have had it when the game is over.

I acknowledge what I've done is a kind of vanity project/labor of love. Who you spend the finite early reclass seals on is a form of favoritism or experimentation that might not be "efficient".

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


You're much more forward with the placement of your buildings than me. I should've done that, it might've made a difference. 

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Beruka meanwhile shows the Wyverns why lunging onto the throne isn't going to work against me

Ah, Lunge consumes the unit's turn. Thereby preventing use of the Seize command. I hadn't realized this was the case. 'Course you were only able to defend the throne with a single unit against two enemies was b/c of your own Lunge. Clever.

14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


But they decide to try and cross the mountains...to attack statues on a future turn? I don't understand their actions really. I guess that lets me grab a free promoted kill with Odin after pairing with TeeHee to reach one.

Sounds like the destructive nonsense AI of the invaders worked in your favor? 


1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I don't think it does actually, BR doesn't increase stats often for enemies and the other wiki doesn't show non-HP stat changes in that chapter.

So it really is just slightly restricted EXP and increased enemy quantity. The latter might cross a tipping point for me on Lunatic, we'll see if Hard lowers its enough to make it tame and not overwhelming.

1 hour ago, Punished Dayni said:

I suppose I'm thinking like I'd do even worse, but then again my last experience playing BR was 12/13 Lunatic and 48 displayed Atk on Xander is a horror show.

Operatic Xander (I'm sure he can sing a few verses from Siegfried) is a challenge, one that comes charging at you to boot. Nonetheless, I'm fairly certain I always had someone juuuuust strong enough to survive and take him out with careful setup. It's a fun situation.

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

but 25 in Master Ninja is unfortunate

While true, Shurikenfaire is free+5 and many Kazes will get it at the start of the late game.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Then you run into the second issue- E-rank weapon ranks.

Engage Goat'd tbh for removing the weapon rank hell

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Operatic Xander (I'm sure he can sing a few verses from Siegfried) is a challenge, one that comes charging at you to boot. Nonetheless, I'm fairly certain I always had someone juuuuust strong enough to survive and take him out with careful setup. It's a fun situation.

In sleep he slashes me, In nightmare came

That voice threatening me, speaking my name,

And do I dream again? For now, it's time,

The Xaaaaander of the Opera is there, Inside my spine

That did not happen with my Lunatic playthrough. He has +6 Attack from his skills, it's absurd.

Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

While true, Shurikenfaire is free+5 and many Kazes will get it at the start of the late game.

True, Kaze does end up a unit I regularly kept using so it's not like it was that massive a problem apparently, with the 25 being at least alright for the units he'd fight against. Shame he has 0 magic ever.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Engage Goat'd tbh for removing the weapon rank hell

Like Genealogy, but with unit proficiencies to modify levels instead of holy blood.

I suppose the weapon levels actually have more than 3 ranks in Engage so that is an improvement. Though I've ran into few A+ ranked weapons so far.

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26 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Like Genealogy, but with unit proficiencies to modify levels instead of holy blood.


If FE4 remake decides to add reclassing for whatever reason, they will probably follow a similar system to Engage's

27 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Though I've ran into few A+ ranked weapons so far.

You get an S tier weapon of each type except Arts late game iirc, with other S tier weapon as a lvl5 donation bonus....but i don't think any weapon is worth the 90k gold spent there lol

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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

with other S tier weapon as a lvl5 donation bonus....but i don't think any weapon is worth the 90k gold spent there lol


For reference, I have Level 3s across the board. Looking at them, That staff having one use is a shame, should be once per map. As for the weapons, there being no magic fist is saddening, the lance is hilarious and the axe is named after a sword of Celtic myth and they added nothing to make it fun or reference it's ability to force the truth out of people.)

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11 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

We're all at the checkpoints right? Well I think that means we can move forward.....

No wait, 18CQ still. Probably should be fine.

Alright, I am done with Conquest Chapter 18 with no casualties, although I probably wont get the writeup up til tomorrow.

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Alright, I probably shouldn't have done this map while I was as tired as I was, but it all turned out fine, despite a few silly mistakes.



That is a fairly solid little meal for the folks I am bringing. Also I am not spending for tonics on this one


In retrospect I should have cut off Leo at the top while taking images of who got the meal, but its not the biggest deal. That is a solid group, especially for the bonus buff we were given.


Such an unimportant place for being the "Kingdom of the gods". I guess it is kinda pretty in the images here, but unfortunately the map takes place mostly inside (on this route at least), so we can't appreciate that natural beauty while playing.


Silly TeeHee forgets about our secret dimensional castle being the place for people to relax from all their battles, and travels.


I guess they are trying to go for a fantasy Switzerland, without realizing Switzerland maintained its neutrality through imposing defensive terrain, and its entire population being at least slightly prepared for military action.


Ah yes, Izana, one of those descended from the Divine Dragon. Alas the guy is off-putting to everyone


Except Elise, who loves his laid back attitude.


It is odd that they make that "best hair" competition so important to his character that they mention it in his ending...


I like that its Elise that catches him in his lie, before the reveal, as she is the only one willing to interact with him while disguised.


Even if he was not even resembling subtle about being EVIL...


But we do have the strange and silly excuse for this map, that we must protect our enemies.


...How thou?


Its funny to have someone else put people in the "No so different you and I" position.


Lol, Oh Ryoma, claiming the beauty award with his lobster armor


...party poopers. He really is committed to the act, even in the act of betrayal.


*Surprised Pikachu face*


And he probably would, not that any of us would.


It is kinda unsporting, but sometimes you need those easy kills for the experience gains. Also, most of the cutscene characters are linked to the people in that cell, so it is kinda in their best interest to save them.


Xander, why jinx it during an ironman like this...also it reminds me of the Thracia 776 split path, with Xander giving Dorias's arguement


A fairly normal deployment for me, but I should probably think about grabbing a child or two, as Xander's sole use in this run (so far) has been sheltering people, and Shura has basically just been a staff bot.


I did mess up my initial placement in an obvious way though, as I accidentally put all of my staff bots on the right side this time.


And I compound that by immediately making another mistake here, as I forgot to account for the Enfeeble staff reducing luck. I kinda wish I caught an image of the enemy phase attack against her, as Soleil faced a 2% chance of crit death here, and to emphasize the fact that unlikely events happen (without punishing her), she then missed a 97% accuracy attack.


The other side went fine though, Niles enemy phases one, and Mozu manages to draw in a mage on her side as well.


Rusty also easily enemy phases two of these Generals with his brand new Bolt Axe


Although the levelup he gets from it is underwhelming


And Soleil sees the danger she is in to get a point of defense as well.


At least Soleil managed to draw the physical unit that threatens to make a mixed attack on the right side to his death by TeeHee


I then switch her back to the Dragon Shield to draw in some more Heroes next turn.




Unfortunately Rusty isn't fast enough to wipe out the Paladins as well.


Mozu tries to draw another mage, but I think I will forget about her effective +4 res every even turn forever. Also Charlotte gets the enemy phase kill on the Paladin as well.


More squishing of the tin can.


I am repositioning for an attack on the center now, but this rally proved to be a bit of a mistake, as they wont attack me without the enfeeble debuff in place now (which they don't bother to do despite enfeebling me).


on the other side, I reposition a little, and hope the lower effective resistance on Mozu will draw in some mages on this odd turn.


...that works too, and is perfect damage to boot.


Worst case scenario trusty Rusty just debuff the enfeeble mage


Which gives a clean kill to Niles alone


For a down right lovely levelup on him.




I will take that, as I have been using her magic a bit. That is enough to get my healers in position to start help people who were injured on the left side, which results in


A pair of healing levelups.


I did give her a Xander pairup for the +5 dodge, as she is going to have to face another attack like this on enemy phase as well (she didn't need the extra strength for the one shot, as the two she missed the kill by 1 were getting the Natural Cover defense boost)


Nice work Charlotte.


The plan for next turn is


To clear a way to the bosses in the south. Now I do end up regretting my enemy phase move here, as I let Charlotte get the free and easy kill on the two melee Paladins, instead of crippling all three of the cavs that attacked with a handaxe, but


I did manage to get a great little levelup on Odin killing the Bow Knight


Still heading around, and intentionally baiting the freeze with the intentioning of pairing-seperating to move him anyway


I was tempted to just ignore the cavs on the outside, but I decide to take them down anyway.


And Ophelia gets this kinda bland levelup killing one of the Paladins in the south, and after dealing with them





Edited by Eltosian Kadath
Accidently submitted early, more to come in next update
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Once again I fat fingered the submit too early... sorry, I think there might be a new hotkey for submitting that keep accidentally hitting.



I do make a bit of an unconventional move to deal with the Paladins on the outside, so it is time to make my opening move on the lower bosses...which is to have Ophelia wait here, and let this attack happen on enemy phase.


As I just had Beruka bottle up the last Paladin after Odin killed the one she drew in on enemy phase.


That deals with the first half of the southern bosses, and to deal with the other half


I let Charlotte finish it with the Ophelia attack stance


Although I do make an obvious mistake here, I could have easily traded Ophelia to a tome other than the Calamity Gate she used on the Lance one for a 100% chance of kill...but I go for this anyway, there is a minute chance this could go poorly if Ophelia misses, it hits, and crits


And if Charlotte fails to crit. She had slightly over half of a percent chance of death there. Now for another complication, as I entirely forgot about the reinforcements that fighting the boss spawn


I did luck into Odin already being in position to block on of them, and here TeeHee can get the chip needed


For the easy Odin kill


This was an impressive move, just barely able to reach this space, but a little reckless as


If the main one had landed that 2% crit we could have lost trusty Rusty in his prime.


I probably should have just waited for these guy to be close enough that I don't need to use these kind of pairup-seperate/transfer strats to reach them, but


We can still get a relaible kill on them.


Although Odin gets a meh-ish level while doing so.


And after killing the last of the outside enemies as well we are on the midway point of our time limit.


And  two turn latter I try to get the paired mages to attack Mozu, but its an even turn so she is more res-


Or they are just going to ignore her anyway.


Screw it, if they aren't going to move then I will just freeze them


And Lunge the Heroes out into the open where I can shank the lot of them


which gets Ophelia an nice little levelup from the process.


And I have a few troops ready to grab the last chest while I am at it.


...This kinda irritates me, as it shows me that they could have damages Mozu, she got -5 damage from positional skills, +2 resistance a pairup, and -4 damage from only one of the dreadfighter skills activates leave him still able to deal 3 damage (1 if it ignores its own +2 magic damage skill in its analysis).


That takes care of the pairup


And I will gladly take more survivability on the levelup.


That deals with the last currently mobile threat, until I open the door to the last chest, speaking of which


that secures the path to the chest, and leaves Iago alone on the map.


Next turn I should be able to claim the last chest, and finish this.


That chips him down to the point that anyone can get the kill


And Charlotte gets a very Charlotte levelup on the attack stance chip experience.


And that ends things here on turn 15.


Little narc.


And that is a solid little levelup on the map finisher.


Leo has a far higher opinion of Nohr than most people it seems, as this little slime is exactly the kinda people Garon wants in his kingdom.


Leo disguising his murder as assisted suicide is really dark.


Are we having the Nohrian war crimes commission now?


Don't worry TeeHee, Iago isn't on the linked character list, so there are no real consequence for this little kill


Plus he made clear with his death quote that he was a little narc, and snitched get stitches.


Ah yes, TeeHee main trait, their innocence.


Alas Izana is just as grating in real life, as his doppelganger was.


Although Elise is even more enthused by this reveal than anyone.


And Takumi isn't subtle about him being the real villain of this game.


Its like a TeeHee thanksgiving


Like most extended families are.



In retrospect, I regret not capturing one of the Generals, but its not the biggest deal out there. Next up is fox hell, and I am considering putting it off to grab a child character...maybe.

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12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...How thou?

Probably implying something akin to what happens to himself calling upon them in Rev?

12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


...party poopers. He really is committed to the act, even in the act of betrayal.

Izana should've taken up acting.

Bet he could have played a great Garon or King Alear 😛

12 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Rusty also easily enemy phases two of these Generals with his brand new Bolt Axe

What a good job the generic does.

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


Are we having the Nohrian war crimes commission now?

Who's going to chair it? I feel like you can't have the Nohrian royals involved, it won't work.

11 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:




And with that, I suppose Engage will have to wait. It's go time, I'll be going for Celica's side first.

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Ah, so we're set to continue then?

Keep in mind I'm still traveling so I wont have the energy to blast through chapters but I'll get to a few here and there.

13 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I regret not capturing one of the Generals, but its not the biggest deal out there. Next up is fox hell, and I am considering putting it off to grab a child character...maybe.

It's that time we're getting into late game Conquest.

I pray for you.

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14 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

In retrospect, I regret not capturing one of the Generals, but its not the biggest deal out there. Next up is fox hell, and I am considering putting it off to grab a child character...maybe.

Ooh, I pray for you. You're in the sour spot for kid recruiting now... Good luck. Yer gonna need it.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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Last time on "Dayni risks the run", we somehow saved Delthea without losing anyone and prevented Zofia from becoming a swamp.

This time, we get the best world map theme..... and enter the swamp in Act 4.

Yep, it's time to go waist deep.


My plan was to show off the Amiibo trials as part of this, but I will have to hold off before the weekend, so the goal for now is to get as far as beating Jedah, then show off Mila's Ordeals before ascending Duma Tower. I expect this act to be where fans get clogged with excrement if any time is going to be it.

We start off on Alm's side in the sluice gate, hand off bonewalker oil to the guy here, remember I can't use Kliff, Clive or especially Mathilda and get sad, move over to Celica's side, go back into the Mila Temple now that it's no longer flooded, get the Mage Ring, add Attack to Leon, fish out the corpse that was blocking the water and find a dish beside him, give the dish to a sad priestess, then move on to the next map. Swamp time is here, yay.

Because I am down two fliers, another map just got more tedious and I can't just fly Est over to fight the boss earlier. Shame. Least we get Sacrifice and the Saint out of it. I march across, eventually getting Kamui and Saber out after dealing with the first wave of gargoyles. It's at this point I remember to equip the Mage ring on Mae so she can 1-shot one with Seraphim. getting the DF over activates the snipers and the zombie cantor (yay.....), but I clear out the DF with a use of Heavy Draw and a Kamui crit, making things manageable with the next wave of gargoyles incoming with the snipers. The snipers got for Genny (which she survives) and I fight a bunch of monsters. Next turn, I focus on the snipers and the guys in front of me, being terrified of calling all the arcanists at once, with 21+ attack I'd worry for some of my units. Leon crits one (What luck for me), Mae takes out the other in a forest, I clear the current fodder (The gargoyles are jokes to me mercenaries) then start calling over the arcanists who deal 4 damage to Saber. This doesn't work quite as planned when I have 2 still left alive (one on low HP, the other having not moved yet). I get to work on them and the rest of the summons while trying to get the nearby cantor. Kamui gets Str and Spd at the same time on an arcanist, before I get the cantor and move on north to Garcia and the bonewalker cantor, who's now started summoning. Est gets Atk and Def on the way up, then Saber 1-rounds Garcia, killing off Ross's dad with no mercy. Saber gets a good level out of it. Genny misses with Nosferatu twice, but at this stage it's all over and I beat the last cantor regardless. Celica keeps listening to Jedah and I get on the world map to see a Necrodragon reinforcement show up (FFS). Being foolhardy, I say screw it and march up anyways, even if I get ambushed afterwards. Boey's crippled ass screams upon seeing them and we move on.

These 5 necrodragons on paper should be easy, they're slow enough pretty luck everyone doubles them and I have good damage dealing options. Genny continues her support with Sonya and I form a wall waiting for them. Unfortunately I was too timid and only one was in range to start with. I manage to clean them up anyway, but the reinforcements don't charge at me. Oh well, guess they're my problem in Dolth's Keep. Which is a concern.

I decide to start off this map by having Leon and Mae distract the guys who'll harass me from the islands if I just charge ahead into the swamp, no longer an option with the added turn 1 necrodragons. The two are beaten on enemy phase (the sniper got crit while I was able to hurt the mire guy on PP to finish on EP) and I get ready for two waves of necrodragons. Both of them hurt Jesse who can't do much to them but I'm able to wall them off, even when I accidentally expose Genny to one of them. While finally crossing, Atlas reached promotion level (Sonya did earlier), but Dolth is still keeping them coming so I have another wave to deal with. I deal with them, then activate the snipers. This of course will see them combining with more necrodragons and the dread fighter. Ugh. Leon does crit a sniper, but the other one's still alive and I have to pull him back from the dread fighters.Saber crits one of them at least and I manage to crit the other one dead on PP while removing the necrodragons and leaving one sniper to try and chip. I proceed to march on, get the mire guys to try and attack me while Dolth keeps sending necrodragons and I clear them too. Then all that's left is Dolth and his spam. Leon levels Spd off one of them near the end, Mae misses a Seraphim on him, Kamui gets Def when he crits......

Then we get a stupid moment, followed by a masked knight stealing the kill from Kamui. Masked Knight reveals he's actually family and everyone just accepts this and him joining. *sigh, wait, all this was stupid. Least he's a free unit.

Moving on to the Lost Treescape, I try to reach the goal of getting Conrad and Jesse to promotion and promoting Atlas and Sonya. I manage to fight some of the entombed at one point and Conrad gets a level from that, promote Jesse and Sonya, run out and immediately find another entombed I can hit (After missing a few earlier, this was nice), which levels Atlas (Sadly this means Conrad got one of them and little experience from it. After a few more skirmishes, Conrad reaches 10, I promote him and give the Def water to my dread fighters not named Jesse before entering the Sage's Hamlet.

I go in and grab what I can off the ground, give Alm promotion access, listen to the track that plays when they talk for a few minutes because yes, SoV still best soundtrack (Engage has not been assess yet), get some money together for forging that'll be held off on before going to to the bottom of Duma tower for the big money in there and wait up for the moment. The Duma Gate can be another day's problem, because it'll certainly be one.

TLDR: Princess asked what she was doing in swamp, proceeds to walk through it anyway.

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Last time, I survived the swamp. But there are worse things than terrain in this game. Yes, I know that sounds off in a game where 60 Avoid tiles exist.

Teehee, let's talk about Jamil.

He is one of two enemies in this game with Upheaval. This attack deals between 8-18 damage to every unit you have ignoring defence or resistance. This is a problem when you don't have Fortify. Guess what Celica's side lacks. DLC wouldn't even be able to fix it. This is atrocious, especially if you roll badly and mostly see 15+ damage.

Not to mention the map itself, which I will now do. First thing you face is a bunch of witches that are liable to warp around you, some of which are in forests and thus will be harder to hit unless you hit their higher Res. These will be reinforced by gargoyles from the sole Cantor on the map, who is more nuisance than threat unless you have someone exposed on low HP to upheaval. There's also 5 Dread Fighters, one with a Lightning Sword to remind you Res exists. The mages and fiends that also exist are much less of an issue than all of the above in a map where the middle is full of maze-like corridors with extra avoid designed to bother the player.

How was it?


Before this map I forge a Killer bow from the Silver Leon's been using (Useful now and later when transferring stuff to Alm) and make it +2, before going to Jamil. No reinforcements show up and I move to the next map. 9 Witches lie in front of me. Ugh. Shaking my head, I start the map off by charging with my DFs at the witches they can reach along with Conrad. Leon gets Str and Skl from his first level in this map, Mae whiff twice on Thunder, one of them attacks Leon on enemy phase (and also misses, making it worthless and I clean up the rest the next turn while the first bunch of Gargoyles come. Atlas get Atk + Spd (Woot), Jesse follows it up with Skl + Luk (Jesse/10), I call over a DF with Saber and the enemies start moving..... and Upheaval is given the countdown right as we hit player phase. Fuck.

I form a defensive perimeter around the mages so the Gargoyles don't fly around, Leon takes out the first DF (Killer Bow is Winner Bow), I get a lot of damage from Upheaval, Mae learns Silence (I think that won't work for Upheaval, but maybe we'll see), I form a healing circle around Genny and we find out what happens next. Which is the Fortify guys moving before a DF Saber crits. 3 Mt off a 1-shot though. Mae does another miss (ON SERAPHIM), I have Sonya finish the DF with an Excalibur crit, I have most of the forces move in to get some enemies provoked and let the dice fall I suppose. This works out I suppose (Jesse gets HP, Spd and Luk) but Jamil gets to using Upheaval again (UGH). Leon crits another DF (WOO), Sonya misses 2 Thunders in a row (Unfortunate) and I take another Upheaval. Right after that Mae crits the guy Sonya missed and aside from doing another healwall Leon crits one of the Fortify guys. This next turn sees me attempt to kill the DF on PP and fail while trying to prevent another gargoyle wave from getting to my squishier units. This I fumble but only in as much as Leon gets attacked by one and Mae another while the damaged DF runs for healing and the Lightning Sword user goes for Jesse.

The next turn I still fail to get the DF with Conrad or Saber as he runs to get healed and I miss with Leon, but I'm able to hold a line and Upheaval isn't activated this next turn. On the next attack I learn Leon 1-shots the LSDF on a crit but he doesn't (how disappointing), I get Saber to finish the running DF with a Crosswise cut and he gets Def off the level, but I don't make much more progress and Upheaval gets charged up. Obviously worried I pull back, it activates and I lose my chance to take out the LSDF as he runs off without a target. I try to pull him back and he goes for Conrad instead of Jesse (?) and of course the floor tiles ensure Leon doesn't hit the guy on PP. Spying an opportunity, I consider having Mae take out the Fortify guy, but that's very risky if she misses two Thunders (which has happened twice this map) so I have her take a potshot at the DF and he gets healed again on EP, while once again Jamil gets charging Upheaval (ARGH), but after some clearing Leon finally crits the LSDF (Well that's the mobile threats gone) and I'm miffed because I can't go for the Fortify guy because of Upheaval.

After that and another summon wave I'm kinda done with this shit, but Saber and Atlas do not get a kill on the Cantor and I confirm once again I can't throw Mae in to get the Fortify asshole. ARGH this map. Jesse and Est distract the new Gargoyles while the Cantor moves to the heal tile (!) Jamil's sitting on. As you can tell, the bullshit is beginning to catch on the fan blades. Leon hits the Cantor, then Saber misses the second strike and he lives on 1 HP (Oh come on!), so I take a chance on Conrad not being crit by Jamil on EP and chuck javelins to finish the cantor off. Mae heals Est and Conrad survives. I get the Fortify guy at last with Mae (Who will survive the Fiend still left) and start moving everyone. Jamil fucking charges again (COME. ON.), I get the Fiend with Mae and take another boatload of damage from Upheaval. Thankfully his Res isn't so hot so I take shots with magic (Mae gets Spd from a level up), I get Leon to unlock Hunter's Volley with another miss (AHAHAHAHA, probably useless for Jedah sadly) and Sonya crits with Excaliber to level up (She gets Atk and Def) and end this bloody map.

I survived 5 Upheavals and all I got was one Gold Coin. It took nearly an hour. Urgh.

Considering I don't have Alm here, I think we can presume I could play somehow, right?


Well, that was irritating. Now for Jedah! Conrad asks if Celica's not hiding something, she brushes it off and I get to see Jedah has 29 Def and 25 Res. I have no way to break this if we're honest, even if I had access to Celica for combat Ragnarok's unavailable and I don't have a built Bow Knight Valbar or a sufficient combat art on Atlas who could maybe have enough damage stacked to do something here. So I'm ignoring him to take out the Mogall. And first turn the fucker duplicates. I try to take one out, watch as they all come at me and JEDAH MOVES. WHAT THE FUCK. I retreat the east units into the swamp, the fiend with the Javelin will go for Atlas and the rest should be fine, right? I almost lose Leon to him critting one Mogall and the other then going for him, but at least he survived. Mae is one Mag off one-shotting the stronger Mogalls, there's still a fiend and Jedah is moving over Swamp for me, but we're fine, we're fine, right? By Turn 6, there's like ten of them and I have to fall back off the Swamp because it is not helping them outdoing me on damage. I leave Jesse in a precarious spot but thankfully I can heal him above dying to a Mogall on EP. And on this one Jedah announces he's leaving, thankfully. AND THE MOGALLS DISAPPEAR! YES! The one fiend left is easily dispatched and while Celica gets a bit of an earful for trusting Blue Cheddah I can breathe a little.

I then make my plan: have Celica raid the first floor of Duma Tower, then head back to the Sage's Hamlet and do Mila's Ordeals before proceeding to finish this whole thing. The first floor raid goes pretty well in terms of taking money (get an extra 100 or so on top of the items I already got), so I decide to proceed with the trials.

How Mila's Ordeals works is that you have four rooms of enemies you can fight in any order you wish and a fifth when you beat all four. They net you some decent items and some money here. Thing is, the game will warn you if it thinks you're too weak.... based off your rating. Last time I fought these I was well overpowered, we'll see if they consider me too weak for the last one. And for some reason the music playing is the same as in Duma Tower. Uhhhhhh.......

There's a version of With Mila's Divine Protection that's played with just two flutes and a guitar that only plays here. First map is three bonewalkers (One with an Iron Sword) and two zombies and I'd have 1-tunred despite the wall but for Jesse being a bad unit. Next fight has 4 witches (One has a Grimoire Ring), a sniper and a mercenary. Conrad gets Def and Str (Spd would be cool), Saber and Sonya get Def while Genny gets Atk. Third map has 3 Mogalls (One with a Gold Mark), 4 Necrodragons and some zombies that are still jokes because they don't have anything in terms of dangerous weapons. Jesse gets Str, HP Luk in a level, but it's another map trivialised. The fourth I try is a map with a Deathgoyle (With Soma) and two Bonewalkers and Gargoyles each (I definitely should have done that earlier). With this, the door opens to the last trial.

It tells me Duma didn't use Falchion on Mila.

So I'm at least even with this lot.

This map has a dragon referred to as Mila's Servant, two Deathgoyles and Pegasus riders, three Bonewalkers, an arcanist, a priestess and a fiend. That's a bit more like it. Leon takes out the arcanist and Saber sits in front so he can take on the servant and pull a priestess. Unfortunately the Servant is blocked by a deathgoyle and so has one more move around Saber. Uh oh. Leon 1-shots it with 69 damage and levels Str, Skl, Luk and Def and I do my best to form a wall for Genny to hide behind as I take out enemies (Despite Jesse not critting with the Brave Sword 4 times against a bonewalker, he walled fine), but I left a gap and the pegasus rider got to Genny.... and missed twice. I manage to nearly bungle even after that bit of luck, but I beat all the enemies left after that and clear the Ordeals, getting a Mila's Ring (It blocks crits. This'll be great for certain moments, but I don't think enough to pass it instead of the Mage Ring to Alm's side) and Mila's Bow (A bow with the Golden Dagger combat arts. Too low might to be recommending this deep in)

After that, I get to forging a +3 Rapier (Called Marthipan), convert two gold to get it and the Killer Bow to +3 (Now called Bowblem) alongside some other weapons might boosted. I then trade in some stuff to forge the Ladyblade to +2 with the last gold and that traded in money I have. With that done, I pass the rapier, killer bow and Grimoire Ring (I feel like I'll still need the Mage Ring here) to Alm's side and move to the tower.

At this stage it's late to be ascending the tower anyways, so this'll be good night.

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10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

I survived 5 Upheavals and all I got was one Gold Coin. It took nearly an hour. Urgh.

I Survived 5 Upheavals and All I Got Was This Lousy Gold Coin.

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Alright, let's climb Duma tower and end this sordid arc.

Now, the thing about the tower is that you have mandatory fights at the stairs, four of them to be precise. There's also a bunch of fountains you want to hit up for the stat boosters, but in the way of all this are fights I'd rather face as few of as possible.

I sadly have to bring Celica so I choose to leave Leon behind (he'll only add 10 damage to Mogalls and with this party I suspect I'll be playing more directly anyways with so few ranged options to begin with that he'd be kinda on his own and his max 9 Spd with his options (No Killer Bow for one) could be an issue with doubling arcanists higher up anyways.

So how did this go?


My first bit of potbreaking gives me a lot of flour, but I almost get ambushed heading for the Spd Spring, which I give to Atlas and Est, get myself cornered again breaking a pot (man the draw distance sucks in this game, just use the arrows on the map) then sneak out and try to move east but another one sees me. I manage to get back behind and then around him to get the Luk Spring (given to Atlas and Saber), before getting around him and walking up to the stairs, where the first mandatory fight occurs.

This has some Mire assholes, 4 Dread fighters and the fiend I mentioned earlier. Missing the range a little, I try to get the outer DFs to attack me, while Mae attacks one of the mire guys on EP as well. Jesse kills a DF, Kamui harms another and Turn 2 starts. Atlas and Conrad beat the DF Kamui fought, Jesse does a bad job and doesn't kill one of the Mire guys with the Brave Sword, Saber does a better job and deletes the middle one while Mae cleans up after Jesse and Sonya finishes the other one. Jesse crits the DF who comes for him (And levels Skl and Luk again), only to miss the other one on PP (COME ON JESSE, PROVE ME WRONG FOR ONCE), Kamui finishes the injured DF off while Mae takes out the fiend and I surround the last guy with my DF squad (for reference, he has crit on all but Jesse. And doubles most of the team). He hits Kamui who misses on EP. I play to minimise attack risks, only for him to crit Kamui once on EP (Oh no) and then Jesse crits the guy to finish.

Floor 2 next. This one has Gargoyles flying around. I manage to avoid tipping them off much and even keep two circling around beside each other as I break boxes. Only it turns out the other Gargolyes in the second half of the floor are doing the same thing as I turn to leave the fatigue water. I sneak past those and get to the Skl Spring, which Est takes both points of. With the barrels broken in there, I move to the next mandatory fight.

We see four Gargoyles, three Necrodragons and a lone Bow Knight for whatever reason. I leave uints in range of all but the bow knight and the strongest necrodragon, which could have gone worse (Jesse only gets one of the Gargoyles gone, but Kamui also finishes one with a crit and also near 1-rounds the necrodragon that went for him, which I clean up on PP (not helped by Jesse not critting the same Gargoyle again despite doubling it, FFS JESSE. Or Conrad getting just HP and Skl. Least Sonya got Spd and Rewarp while Saber got Atk and Spd leveling) and get the bow knight to come for us with Saber in range. Kamui goes for him on PP, critting the guy and getting Atk and HP out of it. I get the necrodragon to attack Jesse, but it does so in a way I can surround it if need be for this next EP. Not that it matters when Mae easily finishes it.

On Floor 3 we have DF enemies walking around, which is a yikes. Even more so when one sees me and chases after me so I have to run back. I give the HP to Genny, who might need it for Invoke or Expel.  I realise how cornered I am and try to have both next to each other so at least that won't be an issue anymore. Only for that to not work the moment I feel a bit cocky and try to break some pots, only for that to be close enough for one of them to hear. After the third time of this happening I say fuck it to fight them.... and the other one shows up as backup. Fuck you both. These units have two snipers and one DF (Seriously?). The DFs have 22 Spd, which just crushes me. I manage to take out the snipers and attempt to contain the DFs, but they still get an EP, though I don't lose anyone here. Est finishes one off and gets HP, Skl and Def, while Jesse finishes off the other one with a crit Penetrate (The guy was on a pillar, I needed hit) and gets HP, Skl and Luk (Jesse being Jesse). Before I go into another room full of boxes a Gargoyle gives me a jumpscare and I just move on to the next boss.

This fight has three bow knights, two necrodragons and 5 bonewalkers (Including one with a shadow sword). I pull back from the Silver Bow range, calling over everything at the edges of the room. This works surprisingly well and Kamui crits dead the necrodragon I tempt over. I kill only one of the bow knights on the left but the other's damaged and I clear out the other side. Sorely tempted to finish this I try to get the retreating bow knight with Sonya using thunder after trading the mage ring from Mae but I proceed to see a round of combat with no damage and just pull everyone up for the trouble that's sure to come from being in the silver guy's range. He misses Mae but the bonewalkers move, so I try to wipe them out and Atlas gets a Skl level while I also pile up guys in range in case the bow knight moves for Genny. He doesn't move, I beat him on the healtile.

Last floor has cantors and arcanists alongside Str (Given to Saber) and Def (Given to Jesse and Mae) springs. It's somehow more linear than the others, because much of it is designed without walls. And of course the cantor who's prancing in the first part doesn't go back the way you came from, making timing things much more tedious than it needs to be. Then when I do move after he'd gone down there he sees me, which leads to the Gargoyle seeing me, which I have to run from both of in the direction of the Str spring.... only to have another Cantor in front of me I kinda have to hit.... who gets reinforcements behind him anyway, fuck sake this tower. I manage to clear the Cantor group Turn 1 but the other group has two witches. Both warp, both had crit but for supports. One of the two they targeted was Celica. FFS this tower. Beating the second group Sonya gets Skl and Res, I forgot what Conrad got so it must have sucked and I sadly don't get the one on the pillar but he's injured enough that he just runs. Kamui gets Str and Spd off beating the last guy and that's it, I'm just cutting to the mogall boss.

This is the map that tells players to go fuck themselves: two witches beside a DF and Mogall, two Gargoyles, two Bonewalkers and a Gold Knight beside a second Mogall and beside the third is a Fortify Asscanist, two fiends and a sniper. Saber and Jesse head to the west to take out the witches, while I leave Kamui in range of the bonewalkers, gargoyles and gold knight. Kamui nearly dies, because I'm not clever enough to see one bonewalker has a Shadow Sword and the other has a Brave Sword (!) and both hit. Really missing Valbar here. As does Sonya miss with Thunder because it happens again here, what the hell is going on? After some more bad misses I clear out the Gold Knight, heal Kamui and send him to beat the east Mogall. Meanwhile Saber finishes off the Mogall Jesse crit on EP while Jesse runs to get healed. On EP some mogalls start moving from the middle and while I pull Saber back onto a pillar to help with that DF and Kamui stays on his after missing the Mogall he was fighting I get everyone else ready for the next EP. Kamui does crit the Mogall but the DF moves to the healtile and the arcanist heals him enough that I know I'll have to face this guy on the next EP. So I pull back to another defensive wall and see where he goes. Conrad crits the Mogall and the DF attacks Est, leaving him in place to surround. Atlas misses with a Sunder, Saber and Mae hit and Sonya finishes him off. I tempt over the sniper and the fiends follow, who I remove alongside a Mogall or two as I finally march towards the end of this fight. Jesse levels Spd, Def and Luk (Jesse, getting a good level. I'm cracking huh?). Saber 1-shots the arcanist with a crit, then gets to finish the last mogall, ending this map and ending this annoying part of the game. Est and Kamui are fatigued, but it's over.

Climb up and all that's found at the top is Jedah, who lets us know Mila's so determined to keep her brother from being essentially euthanised that she won't let go of the needle currently stuck in her dragon-sized head (So she transformed at some point in the fight with Rudolf. That fight sounds pretty cool imo). So Celica offers her soul, thinking that it'll be able to possibly cure Duma when Falchion can't be applied to his forehead. Because she believes in alternative medicine. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

TL:DR couple of close shaves, but Celica Act 4 is done. Alm's side now has a Rapier with 18 Mt on the right foes and a maxed out Killer Bow. This shall be very helpful.

Edited by Punished Dayni
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On 2/20/2023 at 10:55 AM, Punished Dayni said:

TL:DR couple of close shaves, but Celica Act 4 is done.

You managed to trudge loss-free through Celica's stuff despite your serious linked casualties.😃 I can only imagine how frustrating it must've felt. Valbar and Boey aren't big losses, but minimal Celica, no Palla and Catria... were the Dread Fighters your saving grace?

On 2/20/2023 at 10:55 AM, Punished Dayni said:

Alm's side now has a Rapier with 18 Mt on the right foes

The Rapier in SoV is a weapon that should be pretty nice, yet I feel like it's not as great as it might seem on paper. Shadow Gambit ignores the frustration of enemies on dodgy terrain, Destreza let you bypass inaccuracy altogether on kills, and passive effectiveness on cavalry and armor is good. Yet, the Rapier only useful on Alm's side b/c Celica doesn't fight a conventional professional army with horses and heavy infantry. And to get a Rapier, you have to give up a gold coin to convert a very useful as-is Brave Sword.

Hopefully you'll be able to get some real use out of the pointy sword.


C19-BR Sevenfold Silliness


This chapter consists of small handful of enemies with bizarre stats in every room. IS couldn’t/didn’t program the AI to use stairs, so the extreme baddies can’t take the offensive and can’t unite. The Conquest version of this map tries to make each room a little puzzle you need to be cautious about entering or risk death, not so much with Birthright. What we’re left with is a novel idea whose execution is benignly almost nonexistent.

To list all the quirks:

  • To the left in the starting room and in the two left rooms are 0 Def and capped Res enemies.
  • To the right side of the starting room and in the two right rooms- 0 Res and capped Def.
  • Center reunion room is Master Ninjas with 0 Spd and capped Skl, and Bolt Naginata-less Great Masters with 0 Str and capped Mag.
  • Boss room has two Berserkers with capped Str (40 for 52 Atk total, and 23 AS) and 15 HP, paired to Swordmasters with 0 Skl and capped Spd. Plus two immobile 60 HP, 0 Str & Mag Spear Masters.
    • The General boss is the lone enemy with ordinary stats.

Being illusions, I can’t capture any of these goofballs, unfortunately.

I ditch Rinkah b/c Silas has reached S with her, and bring Shigure this time, he is one of the few spare units who I’d consider training up this late in the game who hasn’t died a linked death. Kaden is another option, but as boringly mid-tier as a class Sky Knight is in Fates, Kitsune are Myrmidons without the double-edged sword of the Weapon Triangle, they’re quite bad. (I bring Kaden by ditching Sakura anyhow to try getting to A with Azama for maybe a very late Rend Heaven.) Shigure has the benefit of being linked to himself and Lucina, not a high risk to go poof!. Kaze as his father provides little class inheritance synergy, yet he is still a warm body capable of maybe equaling or surpassing Reina.

I send Orochi, Corrin, Saizo (his wife isn’t using the Flame Shuriken right now and he has 10 Mag, plus I get a second Flame Shuriken in this battle) and the Felicias right, everyone else goes left. Shigure is included in this group. I finish the map on Turn 13. Could’ve done it in 10, but I was inefficient on the first turn and spent the last two feeding the last two enemies to Shigure. There isn't a lot to say, because, this battle isn't one. It's a glorified debug map.


  • Scarlet- HP/Str/Mag/Skl/Lck
  • Corrin:
    • HP/Str/Def
    • HP/Str/Def (And the laughable Seal Magic.)
  • Orochi- Mag/Lck/Res
  • Azama- HP/Str/Skl/Spd/Def/Res (And Renewal!)
  • Reina- Spd
  • Shigure:
    • HP/Skl/Lck
    • HP/Str/Spd/Lck
    • Str/Res
    • Str/Def/Res
      • His stats still being mediocre at 15/0, l'm 95% certain I'll have Shigure hit the bench permanently now. Reina will suffice as expected, and Shura, Izana, Kana, Sophie, Asugi, and potentially Shiro (turn-1 2xRescue ought to save him, I don't need the festals for anything else) and Kiragi could all fill an empty slot. Atop of whatever lategame generic Nohrians I could have Orochi capture.
  • Saizo- Str/Mag/Skl (And Lethality.)
  • Kaden- Str/Skl/Res
  • Takumi:
    • Skl/Spd (And Certain Blow.)
    • Skl/Spd/Lck/Res


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7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can only imagine how frustrating it must've felt

I feel like I got that across, especially with Duma Gate.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Valbar and Boey aren't big losses, but minimal Celica, no Palla and Catria... were the Dread Fighters your saving grace?

Hard disagree on Valber, his high defence and range (I reclassed him to Archer before he died) would have been useful here.

The fliers always kinda feel a bit underpowered for me, but they certainly have utility.

The DFs were effectively essential here but they were still all getting doubled by other DFs in the tower (Or I could fuck up hard like I did on the fourth floor and nearly lose Kamui), the two mages I have left in Sonya and Mae were still plenty useful and Conrad (slower than the mercs, weaker than all but Jesse of them, solid defensive stats but Apotrope is a good boon for them) and Est (slow enough to be at risk from more foes and not strong enough to 1-shot all terrors) existed I suppose.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Rapier in SoV is a weapon that should be pretty nice, yet I feel like it's not as great as it might seem on paper. Shadow Gambit ignores the frustration of enemies on dodgy terrain, Destreza let you bypass inaccuracy altogether on kills, and passive effectiveness on cavalry and armor is good. Yet, the Rapier only useful on Alm's side b/c Celica doesn't fight a conventional professional army with horses and heavy infantry. And to get a Rapier, you have to give up a gold coin to convert a very useful as-is Brave Sword.

Takes another two gold coins to max it out like I did. That is why I planned it as an item to make on that side and pass over using the peddlers. Even ignoring combat arts it has enough going for it on Alm's side of the divide and 6 might will be fine on stuff like witches or gargoyles.

Sure, Brave Sword is higher crit. As I have expressed throughout this part, that doesn't mean guaranteed crit, Jesse.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

IS couldn’t/didn’t program the AI to use stairs,

Well, they also didn't program them to not block the stairs in skirmishes, so I feel like either or fits.

I have personal experience of that pain.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Conquest version of this map tries to make each room a little puzzle you need to be cautious about entering or risk death, not so much with Birthright.

And Rev's has a few promoted enemies, but is somehow the most straightforward map of the bunch barring making sure you recruit Shura and Nex.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To list all the quirks:

  • To the left in the starting room and in the two left rooms are 0 Def and capped Res enemies.
  • To the right side of the starting room and in the two right rooms- 0 Res and capped Def.
  • Center reunion room is Master Ninjas with 0 Spd and capped Skl, and Bolt Naginata-less Great Masters with 0 Str and capped Mag.
  • Boss room has two Berserkers with capped Str (40 for 52 Atk total, and 23 AS) and 15 HP, paired to Swordmasters with 0 Skl and capped Spd. Plus two immobile 60 HP, 0 Str & Mag Spear Masters.
    • The General boss is the lone enemy with ordinary stats.

This chapter is less a test of the characters and more a test of your observation skills.

7 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I send Orochi, Corrin, Saizo (his wife isn’t using the Flame Shuriken right now and he has 10 Mag, plus I get a second Flame Shuriken in this battle) and the Felicias right, everyone else goes left. Shigure is included in this group. I finish the map on Turn 13. Could’ve done it in 10, but I was inefficient on the first turn and spent the last two feeding the last two enemies to Shigure. There isn't a lot to say, because, this battle isn't one. It's a glorified debug map.

Not even an upset from the 52 Atk Berserkers?

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This chapter consists of small handful of enemies with bizarre stats in every room. IS couldn’t/didn’t program the AI to use stairs, so the extreme baddies can’t take the offensive and can’t unite. The Conquest version of this map tries to make each room a little puzzle you need to be cautious about entering or risk death, not so much with Birthright. What we’re left with is a novel idea whose execution is benignly almost nonexistent.

Ironically, this means Revelation's is the most straightforward of the 3. 

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To list all the quirks:

  • To the left in the starting room and in the two left rooms are 0 Def and capped Res enemies.
  • To the right side of the starting room and in the two right rooms- 0 Res and capped Def.
  • Center reunion room is Master Ninjas with 0 Spd and capped Skl, and Bolt Naginata-less Great Masters with 0 Str and capped Mag.
  • Boss room has two Berserkers with capped Str (40 for 52 Atk total, and 23 AS) and 15 HP, paired to Swordmasters with 0 Skl and capped Spd. Plus two immobile 60 HP, 0 Str & Mag Spear Masters.
    • The General boss is the lone enemy with ordinary stats.


I can't help but laugh my ass off at 0 defense Generals.

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2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I feel like I got that across, especially with Duma Gate.

An hour for an FE battle isn't a good sign in some cases, for SoV at least it isn't.

Admittedly, I forget how C4 Celica feels. Despite running through SoV like four times, I can't exactly recall the tedium.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Hard disagree on Valber, his high defence and range (I reclassed him to Archer before he died) would have been useful here.

It has been so long that I forgot that. That indeed would help salvage him.

3 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Sure, Brave Sword is higher crit. As I have expressed throughout this part, that doesn't mean guaranteed crit, Jesse.

With that I can agree. The Brave Swords never seemed to crit enough for me either, IIRC. 30% sure isn't 100%.

2 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Not even an upset from the 52 Atk Berserkers?

The first can be sniped when pouncing out of the stairs, as I did. The second one is located behind the boss, and I intentionally tried to get it to clobber Azama (39 HP and 25 Def assured he would survive crit-chance free with a Brass Naginata, despite hesitation that I had fudged the numbers). When the D-Stanced unit moved however, it swapped to the Swordmaster (maybe 33 Atk? I think it was enough to damage him) when it attacked. I'm not sure what the AI was thinking, was doubling > huge single-hit nonfatal damage?

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33 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

With that I can agree. The Brave Swords never seemed to crit enough for me either, IIRC. 30% sure isn't 100%.

Jesse was over 50% though, admittedly with Saber support.

34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

When the D-Stanced unit moved however, it swapped to the Swordmaster (maybe 33 Atk? I think it was enough to damage him) when it attacked. I'm not sure what the AI was thinking, was doubling > huge single-hit nonfatal damage?

Maybe Azama doubled the berserker or even 1-shot the guy on counterattack and that got factored in? I'd doubt it, but maybe? Maybe the hit rates were that bad?

1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

I can't help but laugh my ass off at 0 defense Generals.

They're certainly something alright.

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23 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Jesse was over 50% though, admittedly with Saber support.

Even worse.😒 By that point you'd be hoping for FE6 critsanity

23 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Maybe Azama doubled the berserker or even 1-shot the guy on counterattack and that got factored in? I'd doubt it, but maybe? Maybe the hit rates were that bad?

Self-preservation isn't something you usually associate with FE AI, but that could be it. I don't see how it'd be accuracy when the SM was 0 Skl and had WTD.

It has belatedly dawned on me that I should've unequipped Azama, let his personal Divine Retribution OHKO the 'zerkier. Oh wait, DR is only half damage reflected, Azama had too much Defense to take the necessary 30 damage.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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