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New Heroes: Rearmed Robin & More

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10 hours ago, Othin said:

We also haven't gotten Trickster Anna. If they do two batches of four, I could see her getting in over Excellus.

You're still going to need at least two GHB battles one way or the other, so if it's not going to be Validar and Excellus, then who? Validar and Severa? Validar and Noire? Maybe. It's not like Excellus is a remotely popular character (somehow got into TMS when Walhart didn't though *shrug*) and any character could theoretically be a GHB, but Excellus and Validar are the obvious choices.

Anna's in a weird case as they kind of have put her in the game. I mean, they obviously haven't, the Awakening Anna they put in is the merchant Annas you see as NPCs and in Apotheosis, but the significant thing, at least how I see it, is that they still used Anna's Awakening end game title for the merchant Anna. The Merchant Anna in Heroes is called Anna: Secret Seller, which by all precedent should be the Trickster Anna's name. This is something they've been consistent with, playable characters always get their title in a default form of them (when such a title exists, of course) even when said title is kind of uninteresting or bad. So I don't think they had any intention of adding Trickster Anna when Merchant Anna was released. They might since have changed their mind with the dwindling cast of (particularly female) characters, but then Trickster Anna would have to be called something else. Which, honestly, yeah, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world, but it'd still be a bit off. Trickster Anna does at least have knives as a fully malluable colour type in her favour, making it easy to throw her on to any banner.


I don't know how likely that is, but with 5 new characters being the standard up to the end of 2021, it seems like it'd be really soon to drop all the way down to 3. The only regular New Heroes banner that did 3 before was the extremely controversial Morgans one back in 2018.

I don't see them resorting to just two more Awakening banners though. They absolutely could, 4+4, and we have two obvious GHB remaining, but once that happens there still going to need to keep producing an Awakening banner every two years or so, they're not going to just ignore Awakening entirely. It'll just have to be an Awakening banner that is nothing but alts of existing characters. I don't think 3 new units will be the standard for Fire Emblem, but for the case of Awakening, I think it will be done to keep things going. Because we only did get three new units this banner. I suppose I should clarify by New Unit I mean non alts and not a new Fire Emblem Heroes individual unit (I think that was clear since you mentioned end of 2021, as Ascended units became regular then).EDIT: Oh wait, we did get four new Awakening units. You  might think I was overlooking Cervantes in my mind because he's a GHB, but no, it was actually Phila my mind was blanking over. I guess she's just that bland XD My apologies to the seven genuine fans that she has. Still better than the random Jugdral pegasus knights they gave us.

Edited by Jotari
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And the usual translation notes:


The banner name, "Special: Rearmed Robin & More", is "新英雄&開花英雄&魔器ルフレ" (shin-eiyū & kaika eiyū & maki rufure), "New Heroes & Blooming Hero & Arcane Robin".

The "Special" in the English banner name comes from the fact that this banner is categorized as "特別召喚" (tokubetsu shōkan), "Special Summon", instead of the usual "New Heroes" (新英雄, shin-eiyū, "New Heroes"), "Special Heroes" (超英雄, chō-eiyū, "Super Heroes"), "Legendary Hero" (伝承英雄, denshō-eiyū, "Legendary Hero"), etc. categorizations. This is possibly because Rearmed Heroes are not being added to the standard summoning pool, though that didn't stop Rearmed Lif's banner from being categorized normally as a "New Heroes" banner.

The video name is also formatted differently in Japanese than usual. Normally, the name of the banner is in parentheses, but this time it isn't. Not sure if that's meaningful in any way.

As usual, "開花" (kaika), "blooming", is the name of the Ascended Hero mechanic.

As usual, "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon", is the name of both the Rearmed Hero mechanic and the Arcane weapon mechanic.

Robin's epithet, "Fell Tactician", is "絶望へ導くもの" (zetsubō e michibiku mono), "The One Leading the Way to Despair".

Arcane Grima is "魔器ギムレー" (maki gimurē), "Arcane Grima". "ギムレー" (gimurē), "Gimurei", is Grima's name in Japanese.

Dragonhide is "邪竜の重鱗" (jaryū no jūrin), "Fell Dragon's Heavy Scales". Compare with Dragonskin, which is "邪竜の鱗" (jaryū no uroko), "Fell Dragon's Scales", and Dragonscale, which is "邪竜の大鱗" (jaryū no tairin), "Fell Dragon's Great Scales".

A/S Near Save is "刃の護り手・近間" (yaiba no mamorite: chikama), "Guardian of the Blade: Near". Compare with A/D Save, which is "鎧の護り手" (yoroi no mamorite), "Guardian of the Armor", A/R Save, which is "兜の護り手" (kabuto no mamorite), "Guardian of the Helmet", and D/R Save, which is "盾の護り手" (tate no mamorite), "Guardian of the Shield".

Gregor's epithet, "Swell Sword", is "不敵なる傭兵" (futeki-naru yōhei), "Fearless Mercenary".

Sword of Favors is "厚情の剛剣" (kōjō no gōken), "Solid Sword of Hospitality". Because nothing says hospitality like -6 Atk/Spd/Def.

Solid Ground is "不壊" (fue), "Indestructible".

Phila's epithet, "Pegasus Master", is "天馬の忠臣" (tenba no chūshin), "Loyal Retainer Pegasus".

Rein Lance is "牽制の槍" (kensei no yari), "Restraint Lance". "牽制" (kensei), "restraint", is the name of the Rein skill series.

Eir's epithet, "Life Ascendant", is "咲き誇る命" (sakihokoru inochi), "Life in Full Bloom". The word "咲き誇る" (sakihokoru), "to be in full bloom" or "to blossom in full glory", translates word for word as "to blossom and be proud of it".

Ymir, Everliving is "永生ユーミル" (eisei yūmiru), "Eternal Life, Ymir".

Mystic Boost is "生命の護符" (seimei no gofu), "Talisman of Life".

Ricken's epithet, "Shephard Novice", is "自警団見習い" (jikeidan minarai), "Trainee Shephard". "自警団" (jikeidan), literally "vigilante group", is the Japanese name for the Shephards.

Gronnrabbit is "グルンラビット" (gurunrabitto), "Gronnrabbit".

Cervantes's epithet, "Invincible General", is "不敗の将" (fuhai no shō), "Undefeated General".

Defier's Lance is "守備逆用の槍" (shubi gyakuyō no yari), "Defense-Abuse Lance".

Veronica's epithet, "Princess Beset", is "憑かれし皇女" (tsukareshi kōjo), "Possessed Imperial Princess". This is the same as her previous epithet.

Enclosing Dark is "絶闇エンブラ" (zetsuan enbura), "Unparalleled Darkness, Embla". This follows the same naming scheme as Nifl's Bite, "絶氷ニフル" (zehhyō nifuru), "Unparalleled Ice, Nifl", and Flame of Muspell, "絶炎ムスペル" (zetsuen musuperu), "Unparalleled Flame, Muspell".

Edited by Ice Dragon
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9 hours ago, GrandeRampel said:

I see many fans getting mad about Phila and Cervantes (just like they did with Mustafa back in the day) but I'm so glad for their inclusion. Let's speak frankly. They could have just picked Vaike and Kellam in their place and completed the gen 1 playable cast. They could have done that. They could just as easily give us Severa, Inigo, Noire and GHB Laurent in 2024.

And then what? Try to sell us a banner with Phila, Cervantes, Validar and Excellus GHB in 2025? IMHO it is better to space the remaining playable characters out a bit more, to sell us the remaining PCs and using NPCs as demotes. The next banner can be Severa, Laurent and Validar with a Pheros GHB. The one after can be Vaike, Kellam and Trickster Anna, with Excellus GHB.

The final one can finally bring out Noire, Inigo and Old Hubba with... Idk freaking GHB Raimi I guess. Or they could even give us the random Maiden that Chrom can marry for the heck of it and I would love it. She would be better as a forever alt-hell character for the Bridal Banner tho.


I love the idea of Chrom's random maidan on a bridal banner. I don't think she'd go down well on a proper banner though, at least not without seeding the idea of her as a character with a bridal banner first. In large part though, I'm in agreement with you. Only I don't think they'll put Validar on a main banner. I'm expecting him, Excellus and Pheros to be the GHB units. Vaike and Kellam might get paired with Old Hubba while Severa, Laurent, Inigo and Noire might be split up with Heroes OCs.  Next CYL will be interesting to see if they start adding random bosses to Awakening's section. Maybe they'll be lucky and the community will meme Awakening Ignatius into the game or something.

Another possibility is that they might give us Grima...again. Because the Grima on CYL is the hooded Heriophant gender non specificed Grima and they still haven't actually given us Grima under Grima's actual name. So while I don't think it's likely as they've just given us Grima again on this banner, it's not impossible we get yet another rendition of Grima, one who isn't labelled Robin. It would certainly turn their insistence on referring to the units as Robin from a weird quirk into a big brained long term strategy.

Edited by Jotari
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22 minutes ago, Jotari said:

You're still going to need at least two GHB battles one way or the other, so if it's not going to be Validar and Excellus, then who? Validar and Severa? Validar and Noire? Maybe. It's not like Excellus is a remotely popular character (somehow got into TMS when Walhart didn't though *shrug*) and any character could theoretically be a GHB, but Excellus and Validar are the obvious choices.

Anna's in a weird case as they kind of have put her in the game. I mean, they obviously haven't, the Awakening Anna they put in is the merchant Annas you see as NPCs and in Apotheosis, but the significant thing, at least how I see it, is that they still used Anna's Awakening end game title for the merchant Anna. The Merchant Anna in Heroes is called Anna: Secret Seller, which by all precedent should be the Trickster Anna's name. This is something they've been consistent with, playable characters always get their title in a default form of them (when such a title exists, of course) even when said title is kind of uninteresting or bad. So I don't think they had any intention of adding Trickster Anna when Merchant Anna was released. They might since have changed their mind with the dwindling cast of (particularly female) characters, but then Trickster Anna would have to be called something else. Which, honestly, yeah, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world, but it'd still be a bit off. Trickster Anna does at least have knives as a fully malluable colour type in her favour, making it easy to throw her on to any banner.

I don't see them resorting to just two more Awakening banners though. They absolutely could, 4+4, and we have two obvious GHB remaining, but once that happens there still going to need to keep producing an Awakening banner every two years or so, they're not going to just ignore Awakening entirely. It'll just have to be an Awakening banner that is nothing but alts of existing characters. I don't think 3 new units will be the standard for Fire Emblem, but for the case of Awakening, I think it will be done to keep things going. Because we only did get three new units this banner. I suppose I should clarify by New Unit I mean non alts and not a new Fire Emblem Heroes individual unit (I think that was clear since you mentioned end of 2021, as Ascended units became regular then).EDIT: Oh wait, we did get four new Awakening units. You  might think I was overlooking Cervantes in my mind because he's a GHB, but no, it was actually Phila my mind was blanking over. I guess she's just that bland XD My apologies to the seven genuine fans that she has. Still better than the random Jugdral pegasus knights they gave us.

Noire or Anna seem like the most likely GHB candidates in that case.

I don't think they'd need to keep doing an Awakening New Heroes banner every two years. Once they add the full lineup, who's going to complain? They'll still be able to make alts on other banner types. Admittedly, it would mean losing a place to put new Awakening Rearmed/Ascended Heroes, but they could find some other way to add those if they really wanted. It's possible that they'll want to space things out more before reaching that point, but if they were concerned about that, I feel like they would have given at least another year and a half break between Awakening banners, rather than jumping back to it ahead of the normal rotation. Feels to me like they want to finish cleaning it out.

Apparently on CYL5 (before the Silesse banner), Phila got more votes than Annand and Dithorba combined.

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9 minutes ago, Othin said:

Noire or Anna seem like the most likely GHB candidates in that case.

I don't think they'd need to keep doing an Awakening New Heroes banner every two years. Once they add the full lineup, who's going to complain? They'll still be able to make alts on other banner types. Admittedly, it would mean losing a place to put new Awakening Rearmed/Ascended Heroes, but they could find some other way to add those if they really wanted. It's possible that they'll want to space things out more before reaching that point, but if they were concerned about that, I feel like they would have given at least another year and a half break between Awakening banners, rather than jumping back to it ahead of the normal rotation. Feels to me like they want to finish cleaning it out.

Who would complain if they start rereleasing the most popular Awakening characters on New Heroes banners? Serenes Forest users? Should IS care about Serenes Forest users? We're probably going to pull anyway. You'd probably please more people than upset more people by having continued Awakening content. Especially if it can lean on the more popular characters that aren't legendary material, like Gaius and Tharja. They've already randomly given us a second Olivia on a completely normal new heroes banner. Awakening's reclassing and branched promotion also means you can get more milage out of more units. Dark Pegasus Sumia, Dark Knight Tharja, Sniper Donnel, the sky's the limit. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a regular alt on the next Awakening banner to fill up the lists. Either that or they could just rebrand alts again with some kind of 100% Completion Special Heroes Banner in something.

9 minutes ago, Othin said:

Apparently on CYL5 (before the Silesse banner), Phila got more votes than Annand and Dithorba combined.

Well that's not surprising at all. In addition to being from a more popular game, Phila is an actual character in her game. Like she doesn't reach massive levels of plot importance, but she's certainly more narrative weight than what are, essentially, random boss enemies.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Sparkling Boost feels like a waste of a skill slot, though, especially since other units have been getting stronger versions of their previous exclusive skills.

She probably needs it to heal her allies back up, since her damage output depends on having healthy allies.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I believe Gregor's weapon is the first skill that activates at the start of the opponent's turn. That's pretty fancy, even if the effect itself doesn't significantly benefit from it. All it really does is make it a bit easier to hit things with the debuff when baiting enemies at you. And lets it get through False Start, I guess.

Oh shit. I did not catch that detail at first. That sounds pretty fun.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

There aren't really many units that actually use an out-of-combat Def comparison, though, unlike Res. And I'm not really convinced that it's worth giving Mila 1 more point of Def in exchange for losing 11 points of Res.

That depends on if you need Mila's Res though, and I do not think keeping it for Sabotage Atk is all that worth it. Might as well make her hit slightly harder too so she can clean up enemies better.

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20 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Who would complain if they start rereleasing the most popular Awakening characters on New Heroes banners? Serenes Forest users? Should IS care about Serenes Forest users? We're probably going to pull anyway. You'd probably please more people than upset more people by having continued Awakening content. Especially if it can lean on the more popular characters that aren't legendary material, like Gaius and Tharja. They've already randomly given us a second Olivia on a completely normal new heroes banner. Awakening's reclassing and branched promotion also means you can get more milage out of more units. Dark Pegasus Sumia, Dark Knight Tharja, Sniper Donnel, the sky's the limit. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a regular alt on the next Awakening banner to fill up the lists. Either that or they could just rebrand alts again with some kind of 100% Completion Special Heroes Banner in something.

Well that's not surprising at all. In addition to being from a more popular game, Phila is an actual character in her game. Like she doesn't reach massive levels of plot importance, but she's certainly more narrative weight than what are, essentially, random boss enemies.

Anyone who's tired of those characters and was hoping for something else would complain. We've seen the dislike ratio that showed up on banners like Hostile Springs, and they appear to have responded to that. Speaking of things that have gotten backlash, Olivia's alt wasn't an Awakening-specific thing, it was a thing almost all New Heroes banners did for about 6 months in 2018, then stopped.

I can see appeal in doing alternate classes, but that sounds like a Special Heroes theme, not a New Heroes banner.

Annand is actually an NPC, one with a role pretty similar to Phila. Dithorba and Pamela are the pegasus bosses from that storyline.

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18 minutes ago, Othin said:

Anyone who's tired of those characters and was hoping for something else would complain. We've seen the dislike ratio that showed up on banners like Hostile Springs, and they appear to have responded to that. Speaking of things that have gotten backlash, Olivia's alt wasn't an Awakening-specific thing, it was a thing almost all New Heroes banners did for about 6 months in 2018, then stopped.

I can see appeal in doing alternate classes, but that sounds like a Special Heroes theme, not a New Heroes banner.

Well then just change the banner titles from "New Heroes" to "Promoted Heroes" or "Unleashed Heroes" or something. In either case, I don't see why they'd be rushing to finish Awakening. If they had no intentions of going beyond the playable roster, then they'd be doing the opposite, massively slowing down Awakening releases. Rushing to release Awakening, to me, would suggest having solid plans with what to do with the title once its finished.

18 minutes ago, Othin said:

Annand is actually an NPC, one with a role pretty similar to Phila. Dithorba and Pamela are the pegasus bosses from that storyline.

Yeah, I knew one of the two was the npc and one was the boss (and not even the one that kills the npc), but fitting names to roles isn't something I care enough to remember. Even taking Annand vs Phila alone though, I feel like Phila has more presence, as she does appear outside of the chapter she dies in (uh, I think) and Holy War just has a much bigger focus as a whole. Phila dies more or less in the climax of the first arc, she's overshadowed by Emmeryn, of course, but she's still there, wrapped up in the climax. While Annand dies pretty much the same way as that random Awakening NPC who betrays them dies (only better executed), as something of an event for that chapter as a stand alone narrative chunk. This isn't really me saying I like Phila better than Annand (or Dithorba), I'm quite neutral towards all of them, as I see nothing to like or dislike about them (though I am miffed Annand and Dithorba got in while Lewyn's uncles, the actual antagonists of that chapter, will never get in despite having the far more interesting class).

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

That depends on if you need Mila's Res though, and I do not think keeping it for Sabotage Atk is all that worth it. Might as well make her hit slightly harder too so she can clean up enemies better.

It's pretty common for the opponent's last unit to be a Triandra, and Mila can just stand there and take hits while my Save ball goes off to break the opponent's Aether structures.

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I like Grima's inclusion in this banner, fits with the apocalyptic atmosphere in the background, not that I wouldn't mind other Awakening villains.

Veronica sitting side saddle on a horse with book floating next to her has me a bit disappointed, the horse makes it more silly that it ought to be.

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Datamine is out.

  • Asc!Eir: 35+/42+/45-/16-/35+
  • ReGrima: 43/41+/44-/35/33-
  • Gregor: 40-/44+/37/43/23+\
  • Phila: 38-/37/42+/26-/40
  • Ricken: 40/43+/39+/24+/30-, Gronnrabbit+, Luna, Spur Atk/Spd 2 at 4*, Atk/Spd Form 3 at 5*
  • Cervantes: 50+/45-/31/44+/25, Defier's Lance+ (Summer Leonie effect), Ignis, Wary Fighter at 4*, Atk/Def Ideal 3 at 5*


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28 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Not gonna lie, I like the art. They actually made Awakening's bad knight armor design look...good? It looks good. That's some good art.

It's the stache. Ties everything together. It's always the the stache.

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I like that they picked Cervantes, an armoured GHB unit, and that's coming from someone who never uses them. I could totally justify throwing all my hitherto unused premium armour fodder on him once he's re-run. Apparently Flame Emperor was the last armoured GHB to be added before him?

Shame he can't inherit Arcane Grima though. I mean, he could probably hide Grima in his moustache.

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5 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

I like that they picked Cervantes, an armoured GHB unit, and that's coming from someone who never uses them. I could totally justify throwing all my hitherto unused premium armour fodder on him once he's re-run. Apparently Flame Emperor was the last armoured GHB to be added before him?

Shame he can't inherit Arcane Grima though. I mean, he could probably hide Grima in his moustache.

Well Flame Emperor being the last armoured unit and using axes  goes some way to explain why they gave him a lance, even though he only ever uses a Tomahawk in Awakening (though just giving him a lance because that's what Awakening generals use and putting no further thought into him as a unit seems more plausible).

Kind of funny there are so few armoured GHB units. I mean, I get that they don't want to give away high stat armoured units hence some stuff like Garon being infantry, but that's a pretty rare case even, there's not a lot of GHB units I even feel should be armours. And I say that's kind of funny because General is certainly the most common enemy type for bosses of middling importance. Hopefully they'll have an armoured renaissance now and we'll be seeing Jiol, Bryce and Murdock (still think Bryce should have gotten over Betram, who should have been saved for Fallen Heroes GHB Fodder).

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6 minutes ago, Some Jerk said:

Cervantes: 50+/45-/31/44+/25

Naga damn. Why would they do that to his Spd and Res? That Res is like Draug level bad. Res might matter a bit less for Save tanks in PvP, but I do not see him making it there without an exclusive or Arcane Weapon. In PvE, dragons are too common to ignore, so he is going to explode if they so much as breathe on him.

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8 minutes ago, XRay said:

In PvE, dragons are too common to ignore, so he is going to explode if they so much as breathe on him.

Candidate for Mystic Boost then XD

EDIT: Oh, wait, no, Mystic Boost wouldn't help him. That only helps 2 Range low defense units against dragons.

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15 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

Apparently Flame Emperor was the last armoured GHB to be added before him?

Yup, and Flame Emperor was added back in March 2020 and was also only the second armored GHB unit (Zephiel being the first.....all the way back in April 2017).

And as far as Grail units go in general, there's been just three TT armors between Flame Emperor and Cervantes (Winter Felix, Winter Ignatz, Valentine's Lissa).

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On 10/16/2022 at 1:39 AM, Xenomata said:
  • Can I be honest, as someone who likes Eir? That music playing during her reveal... I'm not a fan of it. I know Eir isn't exactly the most chipper girl out there, and her entire background stands on a mountain of rotting corpses and despairing souls, but the music just sounds somber without even a shard of hope for what's to come, which by now Eir should have.


That's the Love Theme from FE3/12. Considering the scenes it plays in that game, it's actually a very fitting choice for Ascended Eir.


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20 minutes ago, Jave said:

That's the Love Theme from FE3/12. Considering the scenes it plays in that game, it's actually a very fitting choice for Ascended Eir.

That doesn't change my feelings about it, that just tells me that they reused a piece of music (which honestly shouldn't even surprise me)

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1 hour ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I totally forgot that units that inherited arcane weapons cannot use their prf skills... so Sothis cannot use Sirius+ with it, same with Rhea and True Dragon Wall.

Rhea: Immaculate One is not losing much going from True Dragon Wall to Dragon Wall, as the first part of True Dragon Wall only works once per phase (more like once per round anyways if you are like me and most players who just spam end turn out of laziness), and the second part is basically just regular Dragon Wall.

If you are supporting her with two additional stacks of damage reduction like many do and slap Escutcheon on top, you will have so much damage reduction already that you probably would not be able to tell the difference.

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19 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Gronnrabbit is "グルンラビット" (gurunrabitto), "Gronnrabbit".

Defier's Lance is "守備逆用の槍" (shubi gyakuyō no yari), "Defense-Abuse Lance".

Veronica's epithet, "Princess Beset", is "憑かれし皇女" (tsukareshi kōjo), "Possessed Imperial Princess". This is the same as her previous epithet.

Enclosing Dark is "絶闇エンブラ" (zetsuan enbura), "Unparalleled Darkness, Embla". This follows the same naming scheme as Nifl's Bite, "絶氷ニフル" (zehhyō nifuru), "Unparalleled Ice, Nifl", and Flame of Muspell, "絶炎ムスペル" (zetsuen musuperu), "Unparalleled Flame, Muspell".

Added Ricken's weapon, Cervantes's weapon, Veronica's epithet, and Veronica's weapon to the translation notes.

The new Veronica is pretty much guaranteed to be an Ascended Hero simply based on the naming of her weapon, which matches the format of all three other Ascended Heroes-original characters' weapons. I've also simplified the translation of Eir's weapon to match.


I also found this page on the Japanese Heroes website that conveniently lists how to read a bunch of skill names. Its most recent update appears to be the Three Hopes banner, so it looks like I won't be able to immediately check if my guesses are correct.

And apparently every 剣, "sword", is pronounced "ken" except for Iron Sword (鉄の剣, tetsu no tsurugi), Steel Sword (鋼の剣, hagane no tsurugi), Silver Sword (銀の剣, gin no tsurugi), Royal Sword (王家の剣, ōke no tsurugi), and Binding Blade (封印の剣, fūin no tsurugi), which are all read "tsurugi". The first four are because item names were written purely phonetically in FE1, 2, and 3, and that's how they were written in those games, and Binding Blade because that's how it's officially pronounced in the game's title.

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I don't know where to put Forging Bonds stuff, but I like that Arcane weapons are a thing in-universe. I wonder if it means we'll get them pretty often as a result. Considering


Thrasir's comment that they're cursed weapons

though, I imagine we'll only see them on villains or anti-heroes/ people who are desperate for power, that sort of thing. It'd be funny if next year's Fallen Heroes banner is just all Rearmed Heroes. Or at least it would be if they weren't all banished to whatever realm Duo Ephraim was stuck in for the past few years right afterwards.

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