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What kind of archetypes would you like to see in Engage?


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4 hours ago, kratoscar2008 said:

Oh it WOULD be ankward but worth it! Just do normal where they both warn upt to Alear. Or the daughter falls for him and the mother would step aside but the daughter wouldn't want to suffer more so they settle. Though that can only happen depending how much Engage is willing to go into fanservice.

Hm, that could work I guess.

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Now that I've thought about this a bit more I would like to see an archtype that I think would never show up in this game but still.  I would like a masked character to come back but instead of being some relative of one of the main cast or some edgy broody dude I would like it to be someone with actual intrigue.  Edelgard kinda did it with the whole Flame Emperor but instead of Edelgard doing it for her ideal world or something I'd just like some masked dude who is your rival but also wants to backstab the ppl he works for purely out of self interest/revenge.  Essentially I want a Char clone in Fire Emblem cause that would be baller as hell.

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7 hours ago, Mordred said:

Or maybe a just straight up lunatic?  Not like Tharja/Rhajat but like Micolash/Hyness as a villan or ally I guess.

Clementine from Overlord, an unapologetic murderer who flat out says that killing is her life calling and she loves it.

Edited by ciphertul
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On 10/31/2022 at 3:48 PM, Morgan--Grandmaster said:

- A flirty female character in the line of Gatrie, Laslow, Sylvain, etc.

- A new type of beast unit. ex. bears

- A Cain/Abel pair where the Cain is more laid back while the Abel is more serious

- A female Merric-type character

- The walking fan (someone who obsesses over the Emblem's exploits, knows all about them, and wants to be just like them)

Yes, i would love an Yandere/ Walking Fan type character, the latter being pretty unexplored in Modern FE, while we already got Tharja Camilla Faye. Though as an guy that's obssesed with the trope i would certainly love it to comeback.
Every 3ds game got a Yandere, meybe not 3H but it's up for debate with like 1 or 2 people, 3 Hopes had Monica though. So im actually pretty sad and sulking no Yan got announced yet.
Yandere not being here would be fine aside from my crying lol, though ironically enough i think it makes the most sense for Alear and not someone like Corrin to get one. I never seen a Fan trope, would love to see how IS would work it out!

I miss Beast units too, they've added Wolf Riders! not the same... also Bears are cool so,

The idea with the Masked character seems super cool. Never seen one but your ( Mordred's!) description sounds sick :}

Edited by Eza Sound
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-Troubadour who joins later then the early game cleric. They can either be good like Priscilla, PoR!Mist or Conquest!Elise or bad like L'arachel or Maribelle idc I just want them back. Bonus points if they fall into the "snobby noble who's a good person beneath their haughty exterior" trope

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