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"Post your FE game idea here" Thread


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I'm sure many of us have come up with our own head canons for a Fire Emblem game. If you're just an ordinary Joe who can't literally program your concept into a romhack (if that's the correct term), but you don't want that to stop you from sharing the basic outline of what you have in mind, then you're in luck.

I've gone through several pages but found no threads like this on the Creative subforum (nothing from the last 3+ years, anyway). So here's the place for that, unless the mods point to some designated other place for this I don't know about. Whether it's an idea you've been thinking about on and off for five years, or something that popped into your head 5 hours ago, go right ahead.

(Mind you: don't share entire fics you've written here, but only a couple paragraphs or a couple of posts at most detailing what you have. And feel free to comment on each other's stuff.)

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There should be an actual, full scale battle inside an colosseum or something.



And also, war chariots because that's how the Eygptians rode out onto the battlefield with style.


Or just use elephants if you're feeling an little bit on the insane side.

7118415cd9bf2f3b3a687c8298a0484e.jpgAt least it's more efficient than dealing with an flying lizard that might bite your hand off if you forget to feed it.


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Two ideas that I won't share fully and a third I may cannibalize the second idea for:


Idea 1 - A French Revolution, American Revolution (blame Hamilton), and Victorian England inspired game. (Also Valkyria Chronicles.) The game would follow a group of youths and some mysterious tagalongs as they're drafted into the army to fight against an oncoming Empire led by a general-queen who committed a coup. They'd also be tasked to free a goddess who may or not be evil. Gameplay would be more akin to what I know of Vestaria Saga and Genealogy - maps would be massive and have multiple objectives and side-quests. Classes would have three tiers, but some of the tiers would be very weird. Flying units would be based off of WWI fighter pilots (and a little off of WWII bombers). For example - Pegasus Knights (who have a country based off of Mongolia as well) would focus more of obstructing enemy advancements and dropping small incendiaries on ground troops. When they promote, they can either go to Falcon Knights and carry more incendiaries or go to Dark Flier and carry different types of packages to drop with increased magical effects. Meanwhile Knights would promote to Generals and then have Marshals, who would be armored dragon riders who could house other flying units on their mounts, like giant, mobile, multi-tile bases. (One of the simplest ways to win a map in the late game is to locate the Marshal on the map if there is one and take them out. That will be FAR from easy though.) Elephant Riders would exist, but they'd be weird. The "Avatar" character would start the game with the world's first gun (called a Gaus), would promote to a tank unit, and then a mech-like unit. (BECAUSE I CAN.) As the game goes on, however, enemies will start to develop this technology and players' strategies may need to change. The Fire Emblem is a necklace. I do want to pitch this idea someday, as I imagine it as a quick "neo-pixel" style game someday. 

Idea 2 - A three-generation game that follows a minor noble helping his lord take back his home in Gen 1, to said Lord allowing the expansion of his land into a Kingdom/Empire in Gen 2. The Children from Gen 1 will either be involved in the politics or the expansion, and will ultimately end up as martyrs or victims. Gen 3 would see the return of the classical FE story, as our heroes must stop the evil empire that their predecessors helped build. (For same-sex couples, the next gen would be the same units but adopted or fostered as a backstory. Stats and skills would pass down the exact same way.)

Idea 3 - Two step-siblings fight each other before joining forces I guess. This idea is based off of fairytales with a wicked stepmother (Cinderella, Snow White, etc) and Hamlet (aka The Lion King). A King/Lord would have been murdered, and his wife takes a new lover quite quickly. The new husband has a daughter who thinks that the stepmother is controlling her father. The Queen/Lady has a son who thinks his father was murdered by the new cousin. If the two cannot work together to figure out the truth, the kingdom may fall to civil war. I'm not sure if I want to frame the game as an in-world story being told ala 1001 Arabian Nights, or if it's something else. 

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My idea would revolve around a Prince born into a Queendom, a coup would leave him the last of his bloodline but he still could not take the throne. The main idea would be heavy weight of decisions, who would the Prince pick? She would be the new Queen. It would however feature branching routes based on the Prince's choices.

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16 minutes ago, ciphertul said:

My idea would revolve around a Prince born into a Queendom, a coup would leave him the last of his bloodline but he still could not take the throne. The main idea would be heavy weight of decisions, who would the Prince pick? She would be the new Queen. It would however feature branching routes based on the Prince's choices.


You mean he'd pick a queen among several love interests and the player's choice would cause a branching route because it also had political implications?

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1 minute ago, Hrothgar777 said:


You mean he'd pick a queen among several love interests and the player's choice would cause a branching route because it also had political implications?

That too, like after the coup 2 neighboring countries would offer safety however the Prince wouldn't know the true reason why. Are they trying for favors? Oh we will aid you... if you marry the princess. Would the other country be insulted and angered?  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Personally I'd really like to see another game set in the Three Houses universe, but focusing on one of the areas outside Fódlan (Albinea, Almyra, Brigid, Dagda, Duscur, Morfis, and Sreng being the options here). I think that a game set in Dagda would be interesting, considering that it got damaged pretty badly during its most recent war with Adrestia and I'd like to see the long-term consequences of such a devastating loss.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like a story where you start off the story that takes place right after a war ended.  One year after that war you become a Lord and have to participate in a new war when one of the kingdoms start the war again.  As you have just become old enough to participate in the war as a leader you have some early victories in a few skirmishes. 

On the 3rd map I would like a masked soldier (I want him to be in a flying class) from the last war to show up and essentially be someone you avoid entirely on the map kind of like Death Knight in FE3H.  However, I want it where he's literally just too stated up to kill.  I want the whole rest of the people on your army to tell you that this masked soldier is strong as hell and should be avoided as much as possible and the map should be a retreat map where you're trying to get to a retreat point.  I want a sense of rivalry to develop against that masked soldier but in a sense where you can't even touch him.  I don't want it like Berkut in Valentia. 

I then want you to later fight a major general of the enemy kingdom's army where for some reason they are stuck in mud.  Unable to escape they are forced to fight you at a disadvantage.  You then take up this chance to gain a major lead over the enemy kingdom.  After this fight you hear the enemy mention another person's name when killed, this person could be the general's to be wife or the masked soldier's name.  

From there you once again have a similar fight against the masked soldier and you still can't hurt him or really fight him.  Instead I would think it would be interesting if he was doing like dive bombs on the map.  You would get warnings before his strike on which tiles he's going to hit.  This all happens while the map objective is seizing the throne of a fort.  Once you take over the fort he retreats.

The next map you find yourself in a neutral territory where you end up meeting bandits.  The masked  soldier is also their but not to attack but on a little break.  You decide to fight with him on the map to defeat the bandits.  This is where you hear his name for the second time or first time.

The next few maps is having a skirmish with a certain cowardly general who keeps retreating.  Then you finally corner him in a fort and kill him.  When he dies he mentions that he was given false information about where he could run.

Afterwards you are confronted by the masked knight in battle once more and this time it's a map in which the objective is defeating the masked soldier.  Ofc since we can't have him killed yet, after defeating him on the map you are interrupted by enemy reinforcements and retreat. 

The next map right after is a protect map where you are taking an attack from the previous enemy reinforcements.  The masked soldier is not there.  After successfully protecting the fort/throne, allied reinforcements arrive and cause the enemy to retreat.

From there your army obtains secret intel of where the last enemy general is hiding.  Then you send the allied reinforcements to attack one area while flanking the now less defended fort where the general is hiding.  Capturing the fort you also take the general prisoner but he is found dead the next day to poison.

The final map should be entering the enemy castle and finding out the enemy king has been murdered by the masked knight.  He then challenges you to a last fight and all that.

Essentially I want a FE game where there's this unbeatable knight that you later found out is backstabbing his own allies and develops a rivalry with you after almost losing once to you on the third fight against him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This next idea is too unorthodox FE-wise, and would have too low a mainstream appeal, to be a Fire Emblem title. Let's say it's another game by Kaga. Call it "Water Insignia." Or whatever.



You are Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Lusitaine. Your father is old and he decides to abdicate so that you can succeed him.

Your coronation takes place in a cathedral in the neighboring Bishopric of Rheims, which is neutral. Coincidentally, another young prince, Lothair of the neighboring Kingdom of Frisia, is also being crowned king there a few days later.

Both you and him arrive in a palace where you stay during your time in Rheims. Due to a strange mixup, you end up wearing the clothes of your manservant and trusted friend, and you're wandering the palace so dressed when you stumble across Lothair, who hasn't met you yet and doesn't know what you look like.

Thinking you're but a humble concierge of the palace, he invites you to go hunting with him since he's lonely. While there, he confides to you that he holds (and his father held) the Lusitainian royal family in contempt and plans to seize their kingdom for himself, taking advantage of the weakness of the new king. You stay silent. Shortly after you get back, you're crowned and then you immediately return home, intent to prepare yourself and your kingdom for the coming invasion...



This game would have an absolutely enormous map and things wouldn't reset between "chapters". It'd be one continuous battle on a piece of real estate that'd make the FE4 maps look small. It'd be a game made on a budget and the graphics wouldn't be much better than the SNES titles (with the exception of combat animations, which still wouldn't be 3D).

Battle mechanics would be very similar to FE. Where this would differ is that the landscape somewhat realistically reflects feudalism instead of you controlling everything like the defense minister of a modern country.

You are the crown. You directly control some fraction of the domain. The rest is nominally aligned to you. The enfeoffed nobles under you have their respective domains on the map, have different identities and belong to different families, and have their own backstories and personalities and motivations. Under the best conditions, such as close proximity, you command them. At the middle, you issue directives which are more or less obeyed by AI. Then, you have a domain which doesn't obey you but isn't opposed to you. Finally, there are domains directly in conflict against you, though you're their king.

As mentioned, control diminishes with distance. You also start with a limited "bandwidth" in terms of issuing orders and receiving up-to-date information about local conditions. Less control, then, also correlates to greater "fog of war".

What I've described so far is the macro-map. All macro-maps are but simplifications of micro-maps, which are zoomed in and enlarged. Unit actions within macro-maps encompass a certain time frame, such as a week, but in micro-maps, the same action is performed over several turns (days), which allows for discretion in terms of how exactly it's done. To see what happens on the micro-map hinges on player control. If, for example, the AI nobles are directed to travel a certain distance in the domain but come across an obstacle midway, and the player can't see it, the macro-action (of traveling to X destination) may fail to complete and the player might not know why.


It is possible to breed units. However, they are limited to a domain's capacity to supply "provisions" to their warrior class. Provisions must be generated; transporting them from one domain to another, such as during military campaigns, can also be challenging. Most nobles have a bias toward staying at home, not only within their own domain but in their home castle. If they don't have a reason to stay out, then they'll tend to head back. Reasons to campaign include a domestic threat, an external threat, a provocation by another party, or (for a minority) a desire to advantage from violence wherever they smell an opportunity.

There is an obvious diplomacy component; they are nominally loyal to you, but you haven't been king for very long as of the start. To build up their loyalty is one mission you'll have to undertake; another is to build up the infrastructure for receiving information, issuing orders, and exerting a large geographical reach of control. There are support conversations, but for obvious reasons two units must be in physical proximity on the map.

When things get larger and more complicated, you'll be able to allocate responsibilities to ministers so that it's automated and you can focus on the details that matter to you. However, an insufficiently loyal or competent minister can prove your undoing.


This is "Part 1" of the game. In a nutshell, the objective is: (1). to consolidate your control over your kingdom; (2). to implement stability and reform on a scale that'll allow for your overall economy to grow enough that you have surplus provisions for a lot of units embarked on campaigns; and (3). to ensure that your units are leveled up, re-classed, well-equipped, and so on. In theory, you could get through Part 1 by just surviving, but...

In Part 2, the enemy king has consolidated control over his kingdom and its armies (and it takes him about as long), and now he's going to attack you. How well you fare is going to hinge on how well you prepared in Part 1. There were plenty of possible battles to fight in Part 1, but this part is mostly fighting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

War of Heroine's March, which I wrote some time ago on the video game fanon wiki.


At first it was just kind of a one-off page entry that I'd edit maybe once or twice, but lately I've been absolutely obsessed with this Game Boy Color emblem idea. What I've got in my head now is that the game would be divided into 2 parts, requiring the player to buy both in order to have the full game, for a total of 1 prologue and 21 chapters. They'd use a game boy link cable to transfer game data from Part 1 to Part 2 so that they could straight pick up on chapter 11 with the party they had at the end of chapter 10 on the other cartridge. The graphics outside of combat animations would look kind of like Gold/Silver.

As of today, what I can't stop thinking about the most is the idea that in the very last stage, wherein Freya faces down the dragon Wormwood in a final assault, a high-energy GBC rendering of "Holding Out for a Hero" would play. That'd be bloody amazing.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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  • 1 year later...

Okay, so related to that "FE Dark Ages" thread from a couple days ago, here's my latest concept.



The Empire was once strong and proud. Many indigenous peoples were made citizens of a cosmopolitan urban society, and they prospered like never before. But then a plant called the Lotus was introduced from the east. It was pleasurable and addictive; at first it was a luxury good for a few, but after wealthy landowners started cultivating it inside the empire, it became affordable to the masses.

But the Lotus came with a price. The common man racked up mounds of debt to finance their habit. Families sold plots which hadn't been parted with in living memory, and the Empire's arable land consolidated into a few hands. Then, the common man sold themselves into slavery. The country devolved into a narco-slave empire, with the landowners using the supply of Lotus as leverage to keep the addicted plebs working for them, as to leave meant being cut off. When one emperor tried to outlaw the Lotus trade, the planters orchestrated a coup and put the more compliant Phosphoro family, which itself made its fortune from the drug, in charge.

Of course, such an Empire was in a state of decline. The Ten Tribes began to migrate into its territory. One of its kings, Theulfric the Great, marched his barbarian army into the heart of the empire, killing the emperor in battle and entering the capital. He sent his men into the countryside, where they lit the Lotus plantations on fire and destroyed more than 90% of the coming year's supply before it could be harvested.

Theulfric invited hundreds of indigenous shamans and priests to his court, where he learned from them about their traditions. He concluded that there was a common moral strain underpinning all cultures, that it was the commandment of the otherwise unknowable God for such to be adhered to, and that all men would eventually be rewarded or punished for their conduct in life.

He issued a royal edict called the Proclamation, a collection of moral teachings and practical wisdom, and then the shamans each went home bound with a copy, having pledged that their peoples would preserve it forever. For delivering mankind from the scourge of Lotus they unanimously declared Theulfric the emissary sent by the gods. It's said that shortly after this, King Theulfric rode off into the sunset and was never seen again. Popular legend has it that he will one day return to bring an end to this corrupt age and usher in a new, perfect one.

Meanwhile, millions of people suddenly entered a state of Lotus withdrawal. Many of them died. Many of them recovered. And a few turned into immortal zombies called Lotophages, who indiscriminately butcher their peers and consume their flesh, desperate to find traces of Lotus to put into their own drug-starved bodies. The Empire crumbled completely, and the cities were depopulated overnight as people fled the Lotophages. The Ten Tribes founded the Ten Kingdoms, each with a decentralized feudal setup, and a new dark age commenced. However, a piece of the old Empire survived across the sea, and it still ruled by the Phosphoros. From here, about 150 years pass until the present.



MC is an orphan raised in a small temple in the countryside, located in the Kingdom of Yuteland. He was taught the basics of magic by an older priest, the closest thing he had to a father figure, because the man recognized MC had an extraordinary aptitude for such. The temple keeps several manuscripts. One is of the Proclamation, which every temple has and is written in the old imperial tongue, the language of literate men across the Ten Kingdoms. Another is the Polemikon, a widely copied primer on the martial arts (fighting with weapons and with one's body). The warrior caste of this era is taught from the Polemikon, and from commentaries thereon written by famed masters which expand upon its more entry-level presentation.

One day, the temple is attacked by a powerful Lotophage. The priests, who've trained to fight, try to hold the fiend off but it's no use. The temple is set on fire. MC's mentor takes the children to a cellar and then uses magic to turn them all to stone, so that the Lotophage won't eat them. Before this he gives MC a bag of coins and instructs him to make for a bigger temple to the north, where he'll pay his entry and learn magic from their extensive library with tomes. One day MC will learn a spell to reverse the stone thing and he'll come back and redeem his adoptive family.

MC goes north, traveling with a band of pilgrims heading to said temple, under guard of a few warriors. After getting there, he finds the temple has been pillaged and its books taken off as spoils of war. These books, in turn, were sold at a market in the port town of Weadhall.

Weadhall is Yuteland's bustling commercial hub, a true wild west where anything can be bought and sold if only one has enough money. To earn enough to purchase a copy of the book with the spell he needs to learn, MC joins a band of mercenaries and fights battles across the kingdom. Over time, the stakes his adventures grow bigger and bigger, until he eventually joins a rebellion to prevent Lotus from being reintroduced to the country by the vestigial Empire.

Edited by Hrothgar777
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