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Does Boucheron’s Moved to Tears personal skill add +2 to every attack he makes? If that’s so then he’ll be great with brave weapons.

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So... does anyone know what the new DLC engravings do stat wise? Do they suck as much as the other DLC engravings (that aren't the Rivals engraving)??

4 hours ago, haarhaarhaar said:

Aggroing the second wyrm (furthest west of your starting point) will aggro all remaining bosses on the map, if you're still planning that part out.

Zephia's movement gap also works slightly in your favour, as once you bait her she will reach you well before the other two bosses do, and can be ganged up on more easily. The boss with Leif can very much be Ike-tanked because he only makes use of Leif's kit. Ideally, you've beaten the other bosses on this map before you deal with these last three, though. I learnt from experience how tough this map can be if you get that wrong.

I'm concerned by pretty much everything else charging too; it's likely that by the time Zephia's in range, I've got my hands full fighting off some generics. I've seen some runs on the tube, and that's what happens when that wyrm gets aggroed.

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1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

So... does anyone know what the new DLC engravings do stat wise? Do they suck as much as the other DLC engravings (that aren't the Rivals engraving)??

I'm concerned by pretty much everything else charging too; it's likely that by the time Zephia's in range, I've got my hands full fighting off some generics. I've seen some runs on the tube, and that's what happens when that wyrm gets aggroed.

Chrobin's is good. It's +1 Mt, -1 Wt, +20 Avo/Ddg

Veronica's is funnily strictly a worse Chrobin one with +1 Mt, -1 Wt, +20 Avo/Ddg but -20 Hit and -20 Crt

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I am sure this has been asked before but I am not sure how to search for it because I don't know what it is really called: 


I remember back in Three Houses when a unit got much, much faster than another unit they would attack three times. At least that is how I assumed it worked. I haven't really seen that in this game outside of Emblem Marth's skill. Am I missing something or is tripling not a thing anymore? 

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1 hour ago, Quillmonger said:

I am sure this has been asked before but I am not sure how to search for it because I don't know what it is really called: 


I remember back in Three Houses when a unit got much, much faster than another unit they would attack three times. At least that is how I assumed it worked. I haven't really seen that in this game outside of Emblem Marth's skill. Am I missing something or is tripling not a thing anymore? 

Only Fierce Iron Fist allowed a unit to attack 3 times, and as a combat art, speed didn't matter when using it. Anyways, what you're talking about is follow-up attacks. If you're fast enough relative to your opponent, you get to attack again. The formula for these has varied from game to game (with special mention to Genealogy, because the ability to follow up required the unit to have a specific skill). Also, you could get 4 attacks if you were using a weapon capable of consecutive attacks (mostly brave weapons) and were fast enough. However, Fates changed this; as a nerf to brave weapons (as weapons didn't break in that game), it required the user to initiate to get consecutive strikes. This nerf stuck with the games after Fates.

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7 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

I'm concerned by pretty much everything else charging too; it's likely that by the time Zephia's in range, I've got my hands full fighting off some generics. I've seen some runs on the tube, and that's what happens when that wyrm gets aggroed.

Yeah, there will be almost definitely be generics coming alongside her, and the other bosses. If you aren't using DLC, then I'd suggest making sure to bring and engage Corrin for this, and then have her seal movement on that group if you need to buy time to kill them all. Zephia is obviously the priority kill at that point, so focus your cannons on her - unless you've actively baited her she should have a physical weapon equipped rather than Thoron, making her much safer to attack. You're likely to face off against Zephia's group just past Marni's starting point, and there are emblem recharge points around there so you should hopefully be fine to use Corrin even if you've already used her this map. 

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So... how good are the S rank weapons? I've seen a thread on reddit about them, but it's giving me mixed messages. Only thing I can think of is that they're better than Fates S ranks, but that's a low bar to clear. Well, that, and the ones from donations prolly ain't worth it.

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2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Only Fierce Iron Fist allowed a unit to attack 3 times, and as a combat art, speed didn't matter when using it. Anyways, what you're talking about is follow-up attacks. If you're fast enough relative to your opponent, you get to attack again. The formula for these has varied from game to game (with special mention to Genealogy, because the ability to follow up required the unit to have a specific skill). Also, you could get 4 attacks if you were using a weapon capable of consecutive attacks (mostly brave weapons) and were fast enough. However, Fates changed this; as a nerf to brave weapons (as weapons didn't break in that game), it required the user to initiate to get consecutive strikes. This nerf stuck with the games after Fates.

I did notice this, when I use flashing fist I do like six attacks sometimes? Like 25x2 three times? I was trying to find a way to get Yunaka to attack a third time as a thief. I guess if she did that and had speed taker the game would never stop her. 

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8 hours ago, Quillmonger said:

I did notice this, when I use flashing fist I do like six attacks sometimes? Like 25x2 three times? I was trying to find a way to get Yunaka to attack a third time as a thief. I guess if she did that and had speed taker the game would never stop her. 

It'd really help if you posted the full build (or better yet, a vid) 'cause I could punch Generals and never see this. Closest to that I've seen is punching a mage you out-speed while paired with Marth, but that's four full-power hits and four half-power hits. That'd be six full-power hits effectively, but not quite what you're seeing.

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12 hours ago, Quillmonger said:

I did notice this, when I use flashing fist I do like six attacks sometimes? Like 25x2 three times? I was trying to find a way to get Yunaka to attack a third time as a thief. I guess if she did that and had speed taker the game would never stop her. 

Um, I literally explained how combat generally goes in my post before my last one... you cannot get three attacks in on an opponent in normal circumstances. Normally, you either get one hit in on your opponent, or two if your AS is high enough over the opponent's. 4 is only possible with brave weapons, and you'd still have to have enough of a speed advantage (as of Fates, you also have to initiate combat). Fierce Iron Fist was the only way to attack three times in 3H, and as a combat art, speed didn't matter with it, as most combat arts disallowed follow-up attacks. That said, brave weapons in this game are kinda bad; they're really heavy and weak.

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13 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

So... how good are the S rank weapons? I've seen a thread on reddit about them, but it's giving me mixed messages. Only thing I can think of is that they're better than Fates S ranks, but that's a low bar to clear. Well, that, and the ones from donations prolly ain't worth it.

All of them come rather late to matter a whole lot outside of endgame. The ones from donations take a ton of gold, and imo aren't worth it either outside of postgame Tower of Trials.

Of the ones you get as drops, I would say Brionac, the S rank lance, and Nova, S rank tome, are the most useful ones. 1-2 range for both weapons. Former I think is most effective on a Halberdier with Pincer Attack, particularly if engaged with either Eirika or Roy. Latter is good on a Sage like Citrinne that generally has high magic but struggles doubling.

Outside of those two, I've also used Georgios (S rank smash sword) and Ukonvasara (S rank smash axe) for Engage attacks and Enemy Phasing if using a General or Diamant as Successeur (for e.g.). Using Georgios with Lodestar Rush or Ukonvasara with Great Aether for instance, those attacks hurt a lot with the might of those weapons behind them, specially when refined and engraved. Only a few units can use them well though, which limits them.

Lendabair, S rank bow, is okay and similarly could work with Lyn's Astra Storm. I've only used it with Eirika!Fogado though, mostly on enemies with lowish defense where a Brave Bow powered by Lunar Brace+ doesn't actually add as much damage. The most notable enemy that comes to mind being the ch25 boss with only 28 defense. Niche use case, but niche still. I wouldn't recommend either because I took him out of Cupido for that, before I knew what I was doing.

Have not used any others to comment much, but I think the S rank smash Knife and the S rank Staff seem to be worst. I can't find a good way to really get anything out of them personally, at least not outside of tower of trials.

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3 hours ago, DaveCozy said:

All of them come rather late to matter a whole lot outside of endgame. The ones from donations take a ton of gold, and imo aren't worth it either outside of postgame Tower of Trials.

Of the ones you get as drops, I would say Brionac, the S rank lance, and Nova, S rank tome, are the most useful ones. 1-2 range for both weapons. Former I think is most effective on a Halberdier with Pincer Attack, particularly if engaged with either Eirika or Roy. Latter is good on a Sage like Citrinne that generally has high magic but struggles doubling.

Outside of those two, I've also used Georgios (S rank smash sword) and Ukonvasara (S rank smash axe) for Engage attacks and Enemy Phasing if using a General or Diamant as Successeur (for e.g.). Using Georgios with Lodestar Rush or Ukonvasara with Great Aether for instance, those attacks hurt a lot with the might of those weapons behind them, specially when refined and engraved. Only a few units can use them well though, which limits them.

Lendabair, S rank bow, is okay and similarly could work with Lyn's Astra Storm. I've only used it with Eirika!Fogado though, mostly on enemies with lowish defense where a Brave Bow powered by Lunar Brace+ doesn't actually add as much damage. The most notable enemy that comes to mind being the ch25 boss with only 28 defense. Niche use case, but niche still. I wouldn't recommend either because I took him out of Cupido for that, before I knew what I was doing.

Have not used any others to comment much, but I think the S rank smash Knife and the S rank Staff seem to be worst. I can't find a good way to really get anything out of them personally, at least not outside of tower of trials.

Huh. The only thing I can think of with Nodus is to use it on Hortensia in her personal class and hope that World Tree activates. Which the odds of aren't good.

On chapter 17: Geez, this one looks like it is gonna be a right NIGHTMARE on Maddening. About the only easy way to deal with Zephia, Veyle, or SPOILER is to use Astra Storm on them, which will aggro them without facing almost the whole Elusian army using a zerg rush (Marni and Mauvier don't move until their respective group is aggroed, whereas Griss, fitting for his sadomasochistic tendencies, comes unprovoked, so they aren't the problem).

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13 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Huh. The only thing I can think of with Nodus is to use it on Hortensia in her personal class and hope that World Tree activates. Which the odds of aren't good.

For its worth, you can now get multiple Nodus from the Ancient Well.


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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

For its worth, you can now get multiple Nodus from the Ancient Well.

Huh. The thing is, the economy is tight enough as is, so...

Anyway, who works well as a Royal Knight aside from MEGA SPOILER?

EDIT: Is there any theme naming for the Firenese characters?

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1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

Huh. The thing is, the economy is tight enough as is, so...

I've seen someone commenting that putting one single Iron weapon or equivalent is enough to give a couple items... including several iron weapons. So you can actually make it self-sustainable and build up for a big offering to get the highest tiered stuff.

1 minute ago, Shadow Mir said:

EDIT: Is there any theme naming for the Firenese characters?

French clothes designers, apparently.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I've seen someone commenting that putting one single Iron weapon or equivalent is enough to give a couple items... including several iron weapons. So you can actually make it self-sustainable and build up for a big offering to get the highest tiered stuff.

I might as well try that for myself and see.

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

French clothes designers, apparently.

Never woulda guessed that in a million years. I barely even pay attention to American clothes designers, for crying out loud...

Now then, what's an easy way to get bond fragments quickly?

EDIT: Proficiencies obtained from Emblems only are used for the purpose of class changing, aren't they? So they cannot raise, say, Sleipnir Hortensia to A tomes, right?

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9 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

I might as well try that for myself and see.

Basically, the way the Ancient Well works is that it gives you a set number of items, but the chances for any given item to appear depend on the worth of the items you put, not the quantity. So even just putting the bare minimum for the lowest tier can give you a profit.

9 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

Never woulda guessed that in a million years. I barely even pay attention to American clothes designers, for crying out loud...

Now then, what's an easy way to get bond fragments quickly?

Skirmishes. If you have enough A support levels, you get around 400-500 fragments per skirmish. Then doing Sommie stuff between them is an additional 200, plus whatever sparkles show up in the grotto.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Skirmishes. If you have enough A support levels, you get around 400-500 fragments per skirmish. Then doing Sommie stuff between them is an additional 200, plus whatever sparkles show up in the grotto.

Well, skirmishes are gonna be a non-factor on Maddening... and stupidly overtuned on any other difficulty, as many, many locations start with you either split up, surrounded, or both.

On that note, exactly what determines how many bond fragments you get from talking to units at the end of a map?

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5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

On that note, exactly what determines how many bond fragments you get from talking to units at the end of a map?

Best I know, support levels.

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6 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

Now then, what's an easy way to get bond fragments quickly?

Fishing is a great source of Fragments. If you get Bisot Tuna as the bonus fish in the Afternoon slot that's up to 10k Fragments per fishing session (which usually takes around 15-20 minutes for me, depending on luck).

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Giant Tuna fish can give about 500 bond fragments even if they're not the bonus catch.

Just be ready to button mash a lot! Or a turbo controller alternatively would help too.


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Is Ike really a good Emblem for Timerra? I understand that he's a great Emblem for pretty much every physical unit, but does he synergize with her well? In my first playthrough, I took Ike off Timerra and gave him to Jade. (10/10 would do again.) Timerra had Eirika before I settled on Lucina, and I loved that combo. On Playthrough 2 I did the same thing. For Playthrough 3, I want to mix it up, but also want an Emblem that synergizes well with Timerra. I have the DLC, so maybe the House Leaders? 

Anyways, my potential buids for Playthrough 3 are below, if that helps with the recs:



Merrin - Warrior with Eirika (?) Maybe. I'm undecided. 

Chloe - Warrior with Soren (I'm trying a silly Radiant Bow build here.) 

Veyle - Veronica

Timerra - Ike or House Leaders, but I'm really open to suggestions!

Celine - Chrom (I'm really liking the synergy here. I'll need more than a few endgame levels to really see if I like it better than Marth, but it's growing on me.)

Fogado - Sigurd. (Like Celine & Chrom, I need more than a few late-game levels to try out this build. Maybe Sigurd can go with Timerra?)

Ivy - Camilla (I did it this playthrough 10/10 will do again)

Hortensia - Micaiah (I tried Celica, and it just wasn't working)

Kagetsu - Marth (I think I started this too late on my current playthrough, particularly for Kagetsu as a Wyvern Rider. I'd like to start it off right this time.)

Alcryst - Lyn (I did it this playthrough 10/10 will do again...unless Lyn works well with Timerra. Then Alcryst will have the House Leaders just like Playthrough 1)

Lapis - Martial Master with Lucina (I like how Lapis looks when Engaged with Lucina, and I like how Lapis can be Sakura from Naruto 2.0 here as a Martial Master.)

Alfred - Probably a Great Knight (again) with either Lucina (to match the silly prologue) or Roy (again)

Panette - Warrior with Leif - I'm going for that 776 Damage Combo ...or at least 400...

Jade - Hector (I like the synergy here, and she looks good in the armor.)

Framme - Eirika. (Twin power!)

Clanne - High Priest with Celica (I like the outfit better than Sage, and I like the multi-purpose capabilities.)

Goldmary - Ike (?) (I've considered Chrom as well, so Goldmary could be my Dual Assist Combo girl, but I want to try that build out on someone else. I also really like Chrom on Celine so far. Alternatively, maybe Sigurd, so she can Dual Assist even further?)



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Okay, I got three more questions in Fire Emblem Engage:

  1. I did manage to get all Wave 1 & Wave 2 Emblem Bracelets, how tough are the enemy levels in Normal Mode in the Chrom + Robin & Veronica Paralogues are at when I'm at Chapter 12 as of right now?
  2. Can Veronica summon Ephriam since I did seen videos of Veronica can summon existing Emblems including DLC Emblems as well?
  3. Did the recent patch fixed the bug that Alfred was muted while he was speaking to Soren in the Emblem Bond conversation?
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5 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Is Ike really a good Emblem for Timerra? I understand that he's a great Emblem for pretty much every physical unit, but does he synergize with her well? In my first playthrough, I took Ike off Timerra and gave him to Jade. (10/10 would do again.) Timerra had Eirika before I settled on Lucina, and I loved that combo. On Playthrough 2 I did the same thing. For Playthrough 3, I want to mix it up, but also want an Emblem that synergizes well with Timerra. I have the DLC, so maybe the House Leaders? 

I think Timerra and Ike are fine, but there are better pairings for her. Personally like Sigurd since she gets Bld, Dex, and Def while Sigurd gets someone capable of wielding great lances.

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8 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

For Playthrough 3, I want to mix it up, but also want an Emblem that synergizes well with Timerra. I have the DLC, so maybe the House Leaders? 

If you have the DLC, Hector was talked up as a great choice for her back when Wave 2 came out because of his Heavy Attack skill. Maybe that's something you could look into?

  1. I did manage to get all Wave 1 & Wave 2 Emblem Bracelets, how tough are the enemy levels in Normal Mode in the Chrom + Robin & Veronica Paralogues are at when I'm at Chapter 12 as of right now?
  2. Can Veronica summon Ephriam since I did seen videos of Veronica can summon existing Emblems including DLC Emblems as well?
  3. Did the recent patch fixed the bug that Alfred was muted while he was speaking to Soren in the Emblem Bond conversation?

@King Marth 64:

  1. The DLC Paralogues scale to your level like the skirmishes do.
  2. I don't think so. All the other "backpack" Emblems have combat animations and weapons, but not him (I don't even think Siegmund is in the data).
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