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My 1st Fire Emblem Engage Playthrough Discussion Thread (Maddening Difficulty)


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I started streaming my very first blind for a NEW Fire Emblem game and excited to go on this journey with you all!! I will post every video here that I stream, feel free to discuss the story depending on the part we are in the playthrough or your thoughts on the commentary overall, and my playthrough etc.

I will update when I finish the game about my plans for iron mans, challenge runs, and more types of content that we will be doing for the game!! 😁 Look forward to it!!


Here is Part 1 of my Fire Emblem: Engage journey. You can see my blind reaction to the story, characters, new gameplay mechanics and pretty much EVERYTHING here, as I stayed away from mostly any kind of news or trailers until the game came out. I didn't know about so many things!! I am absolutely LOVING the game!! You can see me fanboying a lot in the beginning, I am quite excited haha. Enjoy and I look forward to many discussions with you all in the new generation of Fire Emblem on the Switch!!




Update: Here is my 2nd stream of the game!! This one ended interesting. I got a bit stuck on Chapter 5 and burned through all of my Time Crystals. When I traveled to the left where the chests were at and broke through the wall, (which seem to be implied to be the recommended path to take) Everyone started charging me in that direction and the units are too hard hitting to tank on Maddening. I decided to just pick up the chest items and then make my way back to the front door and take them on. What caused my reset was that the boss is SUPRISINGLY difficult. He has a hand axe so everyone takes counter damage. You may think, wait, use BREAK (which is a neat mechanic I am finally getting used to and taking advantage of) however, he has a horrifying skill that makes him unbreakable, so you really need to strategize who hits him and who can survive a hit near him, while also dealing with his annoying cavalry next to him who hit hard and have a good movement range. He also is a "backup" type unit, which is Engage's version of dual strikes, so if he is in attack range to one of your units and one of the cavalry attacks, he can make sure his cavalry goons do just enough for them to combine with his strength to take multiple of your units down. ON TOP of all that, you may say, Oh, use Warp Ragnaroc since it doesn't allow counter, and to that, he has a response to. He revives and you have to take him out TWICE like some human version of a demonic beast, or enemy boss unit from freakin Tear-Ring Saga of all things!! That was very surprising to see and caused my first restart because of it. I wasn't prepared. My plan in part 3 (which I am currently streaming now if you want to watch) I decided to prioritize taking down his cavalry posse first and then surrounding and trapping him with my tank-ier units so he doesn't kill Clanne or Etie, etc. Overall, I am not complaining, I am so HAPPY so much strategic depth is put into these maps and enemy units. It makes taking them down so satisfying and makes you think every thing you do, from positioning, to when you Engage, etc. I am getting real Fates Conquest vibes from this and I am beyond excited to play more. This is NOT Three Houses 2, it is not designed around the rewind mechanic, at least from everything I seen so far. No over leveled units with nearly identical maps on harder difficulties, constant ambush spawns, etc. The difficulty comes from the well designed and thought out map design and enemy units.


Stream 2:



Edited by TheChoZenOne
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