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Okay, so I heard that this game was impacted by the localization team and they modified the scripts. I don't know to what extent or how severe it was but anybody who can shed light on this, I'd greatly appreciate it. 


If it is just par for the course like what they did to Fates, then I don't think it is too bad (modify character ages so they can loop around that fact that they are minors so they can justify character relationships) but if it is like FE: Blaze or FE: Three Houses where they warped Eliwood's character to be likeable by western audiences (since back then the logic was that he was too indecisive to be a hero) or Bernadetta's support cause they think western fans can't handle reading about a fictional character's traumatic past then I might have some beef with that. I also heard Henry from Awakening was also somewhat tweaked to be less psychotic since he was too much on the extreme end. 


Anybody who has heard or seen conversations about this if you could link it cause at the moment my only sources are from reddit and 4chan but I want to take what they say with a grain of salt cause they tend to over inflate things and since I know it'll be some time before everyone has every support unlocked I know we can't rely on that.


However if someone gets a good chunk of supports and can understand the Japanese language and tell there is a discrepancy between what is spoken and what provided as the English translation then by all means share your experience. I first experiencened this myself when listening to Annette and Mercedes talk and I could tell they didn't do a very good job translating. Between those two, what I heard differed from what I was reading on screen. 


Thanks in advance fe community. Hope everyone enjoys their new game now that it is out. I myself look forward to the game but gotta wait before I can pick up a copy since I got a backlog of others I gotta clear first. 

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