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Ended up finding ClannexEtie cute

Despite my silly pre-release headcanon, I ended up finding Ivy and Diamant to be good friends after reading their support. And honestly? I kinda like that. Even as someone who enjoys shipping, it`s nice when a male and female character can just be friends.

MerrinxChloe is a pair I didn`t expect to ship, but I enjoyed their supports together a lot.

While I prefer LapisxAlcryst, CitrinnexAlcryst is also very sweet.

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On 2/1/2023 at 6:52 PM, Use the Falchion said:

And I like Ivy's relationship with Alear so far. It adds depth to Ivy's character IMO, going from someone who was an enemy, to an ally, to one who worships you, to a valued ally, to a lover. The idea that Ivy went from being someone who worshipped Alear out of defiance to one who can now worship openly, to one who can be in a relationship with their god...I don't know, I just like it.

After Playthrough 2, I stand by some of this, but I think I like Mauvier/Ivy and Diamant/Ivy just as much if not a little more. And after Pact Ring'ing her, Goldmary, Lapis, and Yunaka again, Yunaka still wins. Lapis now ties with Ivy for second place due to her great design (in general and also while Engage+'d) and surprisingly romantic post-Pact Ring stuff, but I like Lapis/Alcryst just too much. Yunaka also just synergizes with Engage+ better IMO. 

So yeah, M!Alear x Yunaka and F!Alear x Alfred. 

I'm also a fan of Clanne x Citrinne now. And Merrin x Chloe. And Celine x Fogado more than before. I'm not sure about Timerra, but that girl doesn't seem like the relationship type. 

I'm still curious to see how the new characters in Wave 4 will change things. 

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So for reference I chose F!Alear. Haven't finished the game yet, just beat Chapter 17 though I have been spoiled on recruitments. Also have been told there aren't actually paired endings, so no help from the game in that regard. Only A rank I have so far is Alcryst and Citrene and that was on accident.

Alear x Framme

Veyle x Clanne

Let's put the sibs(not sure but seems to be implied, NO SPOILERS!) with the sibs. Plus I love Framme from the moment she showed up and her interactions with Alear.

Diamant x Ivy

Bring peace to the kingdoms and for the Star Crossed Lovers stuff.

Alcryst x Lapis

They are so sweet together.

Chloe x Celine x Louis

Can't happen by mechanics of the game but they gave me trio vibes right from the start.

Everyone else is too vague for me to really put a finger on. Sedall, Alfred, Amber, Merrin, Fogado, Pandreo, and Timerra give big Bi energy though.

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