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Favorite Final Fantasy character?


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For me, it's a toss up between Rosa, Lenna, and Tifa.

I like that Rosa's a supportive girlfriend to Cecil, and I enjoy DID (even though it's kinda frustrating how idiotic the heroes act when the bad guys use her as leverage for the Wind Crystal; FFIV's plot is sadly full of idiot ball moments). Being a mix of Ranger and White Mage is also quite novel, giving Rosa access to weaponry that White Mages don't typically have and giving her applicability outside of healing and buffing.

Lenna's kind-hearted, has some of the most appealing job designs, and the game's job system means she can step out of the traditional female jobs like White Mage and Dancer if the player prefers. Of course, I think a lot of the more traditional female jobs suit her well, especially White Mage since she's shown to have a nurturing personality (like when she convinces the wounded drake to eat some herbs that are necessary to save it by eating some herself, despite the fact the herbs are poisonous to humans). But it's nice that the player has the option to play against type.

Tifa manages to be a genuine action girl while at the same time subverting the stereotype of the "dress-hating tomboy"; if anything, she actually has a gentler personality than the game's resident White Mage stand-in. She's a rare example of a phlegmatic action girl who still shows vulnerabilities despite her profound strength and skill, a detail that helps her feel much more human and relatable. That scene where she finds Cloud someplace to stay early in the FFVII remake is one of my favorites from that game for reasons that are hard to explain.

What can I say? I have a soft spot for kind, affectionate, and beautiful women. I appreciate kindness in people, and when you mix that with characteristics I find attractive in women, the result is sure to be one of my favorite characters in a story.

Edited by Lord_Brand
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On 6/1/2023 at 1:26 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

Probably my traditional answer to this question would be Yuna. Introverted and socially awkward, it's fun to watch her grow to become the person who delivers the absolutely banger "I will do it without false hope" speech and overthrow a tradition which accepts an awful status quo. She also has what I considered, at least at the time of the game's release, one of the more genuine romantic relationships in JRPGs; you can easily see what she and Tidus see in each other. Their ending is absolutely beautiful too.

You've beaten my answer to it. I'd also say that Yuna's story in FFX-2 - specifically, how she tries to actually start living her own life as Yuna herself and learning to let her hair down - is underrated. I think she's arguably the true hero of the duology.

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