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Easy way to farm ingots

Silver Sword

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I find the skirmishes too hard and have been stuck wanting to upgrade weapons. I found that I could do a quick 5 minute battle with the trial tower and it would reset the whole somniel including the dogs at the farmyard and the Wyvern riding. I can cash in on selling the winnings from Wyvern riding and the tower winnings and I usually get at least 2 silver ingots from the dogs. It isn't the fastest way to do thing but it is safer than skirmishes and easier. Wanted to share!

Edited by Silver Sword
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Ah, the silver puppy ranch. One day, I'd like to shut you down...

Yeah, did something like that whenever gold corrupted didn't spawn in a good location. Don't do it as often since a few crew members are getting near their caps (Thanks for the stat boosters, Relay Trials), but sometimes gold corrupted refuse to spawn at all.

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Is there ever any reason anyone would want to have anything other than 5 dogs? They made this whole pet system with a lot of animals, but the dogs give the metal, which is by far the most impactful resource anything gives. It kind of dominates the whole thing.

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