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Top 5 favorite units to use in all of fire emblem?


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Hello! I'm sorry if this has been done before as I'm new to forum and looked around a bit and couldn't see anything. But I'm interested in seeing what peoples fav units to use through all the games are. This can encompass any reasons from gameplay to story to both.

Mine would be:

Marth: He has always been my favorite fire emblem character and a lot of that has to do with growing up with Melee and him being my fav character to play so iv always had a big soft spot for him. He is nice and charming is one of the few FE characters to have canon relationship and does badass things like carry the fire emblem on his person. Which extends into him being fun in gameplay. FE3 is my fav version of him and he's such a fun lord to use, good combat, cool thematic personal wep, fun gimmick in being able to open chest and doors. Just overall a super awesome character that makes me smile everytime I use him.

Tiki: She is my daughter and I will protect her, she is adorable, sweet, cute, tragic, and just overall a joy. Her story of being trapped in a never ending nightmare and having to live with the fear that she can't be close to anyone cause if she does she might kill them. Only for Marth to find her and wake her up and tell her everything is going to be okay and carry's with him the thing that will keep her safe. Telling her that she can stay with him is super sweet and I love it. Gameplay wise in FE3 again she is super unique being able to transform into a dragon for a set amount of time rather then just use it like any other wep is really neat. It also really interesting cause she can't double but is really tanky and does good damage she is like the perfect tank to push forward with if you want other units to get kills. As well as being the only unit that doesn't take full damage from dragons makes her really valuable. Also its just really cool to be able to use a real god damn dragon in FE. 

Shigen: I'm cheating a bit and using a character from tear ring sage cause Shigen is the freaking boy. His interactions with holmes are quite simply my fav interactions between any character in those whole franchise and things related to it. They are fun, heart felt, sweet and just like he is the perfect bro, and his main story is super awesome and I really don't want to spoil it. Gameplay he is a standard good swordmaster type in a game where the role is valuable but adds a extra kicker to it with his personal wep that just makes him revive himself which is super funny and sick to use. If it wasn't for my personal connection to the two 2 above him he would be my fav.

Ced: I haven't played all of tharcia but I have played 4 and he is just a super fun unit to use. I love wind as a element and love when its shown to be strong rather then just something for healers to throw around or just omething that isn't there at all. Forseti Ced is love and Life.

Elincia: My favorite tellius character and a character that I could probably do a whole post with a character analysis on. But I would need to replay the games again to get all the details, so instead all just say seeing her come into her own and start to lead her kindgom with confidence and convection is a character arc I always vibe with. Also who doesn't love a flying unit with a 14 mt unbreakable brave sword 

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I don't know if these are my absolute favourites, but they are at least five characters who I like to use a whole lot.

Elincia. Sword/staff flier is a rare combination in Fire Emblem, and is pretty damn fun to use. Especially with her personal sword, which makes sure she's just as useful inflicting wounds as healing them.

Lucia (Radiant Dawn incarnation). I like her as a character, and it's fun to take characters I like and make them work despite their obvious problems. In Lucia's case, her big problem is her availability, but with bexp, that's an easy fix. And then once you do, she's a Trueblade with an Earth affinity for supports, which means that she can easily become great. And yeah, I could reach much the same result just by using Zihark, but I don't like Zihark as much as I like Lucia.

Donnel. Is Donnel an objectively good unit? No, no he is not. Do I care about that when I am watching all his fantastic growths and giggling at the ridiculous pot he wears on his head? Absolutely not.

Saber. I like him as a character, I like how the Mercenary class line plays in Shadows of Valentia, and he is a mechanically strong unit. But what really pushes him over the top is when he joins. Getting a single strong physical unit when the rest of your group is all mages is such a breath of fresh air, and makes him feel even better than he otherwise would. And then also encourages me to use him more, meaning he gets more xp, so he grows well, and so on.

Ingrid. With Three Houses, I like experimenting with different builds and trying to make weird off-builds work out. Ingrid has no weaknesses in any weapon type, competent growths for both strength and magic, and a decent spell list. This makes her probably the game's most flexible unit. I can try pretty much any build I can imagine with her and be competent that it's going to wind up at least usable.

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Sothe (Radiant Dawn)

The franchise's most unique Jeigan. Having the veteran character be a fast thief unit is a nice change of pace, he still does the job of weakening foes, he's a solid evasion tank, and his support mechanics with Mecaiah are a godsend.


Zelkov (Engage)

Slick animations, dodges everything, crits like a beast, and *emphasizes* his crits.


Nephenee (PoR/RD)

IS stopped bothering to represent lancers because they know they'll never make a better/cooler one than Nephenee. 


Ike (PoR)

Great animations, has a 1-2 range sword for longer than most lords, looks cool, and has an iconic special attack. 


Hector (Blazing Sword)

Hector turns regular Fire Emblem into a Warriors game.

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